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APRIL 2012

Communiqué of support towards the Greek People

One week after the Grand Master, Br.: Guy Arcizet, visited Athens the Grand Orient de France issued the following announcement: On February 18, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France visited Athens in order to express the solidarity of the Grand Orient de France towards the Greek people during a lecture open to the public which was attended by 400 people. On the same day, demonstrations were staged in several European countries aiming to condemn the economic measures that endanger the weaker and more vulnerable populations in Greece as well as throughout Europe. Taking this opportunity, the Grand Master, stressed the role of Freemasonry in the building of Europe and made an appeal for the development of social solidarity within a framework of freedom of conscience and respect for the democratic social contract that has been signed between peoples and their leaders. Paris, 24 February 2012

3 rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Young Masons On Saturday 17 March 2012, the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Young Masons was held at a conference hall of the TITANIA Hotel in Athens. The conference included several talks focusing on: “The woman in Society”.

The presiding committee, with the National Grand Master, Br.: Panagiotis Moutzourakis 33o (third from left), flanked by the 1st and 2nd Deputy Grand Masters of the Grand Mixed Lodge of Greece, Srr.: Thekli Poulouki and Ina Piperaki





Installation of new Authorities of the Lodge of Perfection «Agape N. Delakis» No 9 In the evening of Saturday 4 February 2012, the installation of new Authorities of the Lodge of Perfection “Agape – N. Delakis” No 9 took place at the Orient of Chania. The installation ceremony was performed by the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Perfection Br.: Panagiotis Papanelopoulos 33o. Br.: G. Marinakis was installed as the Thrice Potent Master. The ceremony was honoured with the presence of the Sovereign Grand Commander Br.: Vassilios Patkas 33o, the Deputy Sovereign Grand Commander Br.: Emmanuel Delakis 33o, the National Grand Master Panagiotis Moutzourakis 33o, Illustrious and Puissant members and other brothers and sisters who travelled to Chania in order to attend the significant event.

Adoption of Wolf-Cubs On Sunday 4 March 2012, the Adoption of eight (8) Wolf-Cubs was performed at the Athens Masonic Shelter “Nikolaos Panagopoulos”. The official ceremony, which was open to the public, was organised and performed by the Lodge “Hellas” No 1117. Five of the newly-adopted Wolf-Cubs are children of members of the Lodge “Hellas” No 1117, two of the Lodge “Artemis” No 1383 and one of the Lodge “Eleusis” No 1638. The ceremony was honoured with the presence of the Sovereign Grand Commander, Grand Master of the International Order Br.: Vassilios Patkas 33o and the National Grand Master of the Grand Mixed Lodge of Greece Br.: Panagiotis Moutzourakis 33o, who congratulated both the Worshipful Master Sr.: Yianna Sakkali 30o and the chairperson of the Wolf-Cub Committee Sr.: Thekli Poulouki 33o for the impeccable organisation. The moving ceremony was attended by delegates of autonomous Masonic Powers of our Order as well as many uninitiated visitors.

Application for the establishment of a Symbolic Triangle in Corfu On 1/3/2012 the Grand Orient of Greece “ORPHEUS” pre-approved the application for the establishment of a Symbolic Triangle under the name “Pheakia”, which will operate in the town of Corfu. The application was filed by eminent brothers, residents of the town of Corfu, and is now expecting approval by the Supreme Council of the I.:M.:O.: “DELPHI”.

The National Grand Master Br.: Panagiotis Moutzourakis 33o (left) proclaims the Deputy Grand Master of the GLdI degli A.:L.:A.:M.: Br.: Marco Galeazzi 33o (right) Honorary member of the G.:M.:L.:O.:G.:


Establishment of the Peristyle “Ithaca” No 16 at the Orient of Patras On 15/3/2012, the Peristyle “Ithaca” No 16 was established in Patras under the hammer of the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Greece “ORPHEUS”, Br.: Stefanos Paipetis 33o, and under the auspices of the I.:M.:O.: “DELPHI”.

3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Young Masons On Saturday 17 March 2012 the 3rd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Young Masons was held at a conference hall of the TITANIA Hotel in Athens. The conference included several talks focusing on: “The Woman in Society, the History and the Freemasonry” and the aspects of: “The Woman’s participation in the organisation of Society and the family from the antiquity until today”, “the Woman’s direct and indirect influence on the



development of History of mankind”, “the Woman in Science, the Letters and the Arts” and “the Woman in Philosophy and the contemporary Freemasonry”.

performed by the Wolf-Cabs of the stallation of New Authorities of the G.:M.:L.:O.:G.: focusing on “DIA- Supreme Synod “Pythagoras” No LOGUES, WORDS AND MONO- 6 appointing the Deputy Sovereign LOGUES ABOUT WOMEN”, the Grand Commander Br.: Emmanuprojection of a film prepared by the el Delakis 33o as Chairman of the Symbolic Lodge “Hellas” No 1117 Synod, and on the other hand the inAs many as twenty six (26) Lodges of dedicated to the Conference, as well stallation of New Authorities of the the G.:M.:L.:O.:G.: across the coun- as a lyrical song performed by Br.: Supreme Masonic Court “Socrates” try participated in the conference Vangelis Zoulas, member of the No 5 appointing Br.: Dimitrios Lymthrough their young members, as Lodge “Chrysous Aeon” No 2026 beris, Grand Orator of the Supreme well as the young members of anoth- of the Grand Orient of Greece “OR- Council as Chairman of the Court. er five (5) Lodges of the autonomous PHEUS”. Powers of our Order that had been invited, as well as a twelve-member delegation of young Masons from the Grand Lodge of Italy of the Ancient and Accepted Free Masons (Gran Installation of New Authorities of Establishment of the Lodge Loggia d’Italia degli A.:L.:A.:M.:), the Supreme Synod and the Su- “Triklaria Artemis” No 2032 led by the Deputy Grand Master Br.: preme Masonic Court On 22/3/2012 the Symbolic Lodge Marco Galeazzi 33o and the chairper- On 23 March 2012, the Sovereign with the name “Triklaria Artemis” son of the Committee of Young Ma- Grand Commander Br.: Vassilios and international number 2032 sons Sr.: Elena Martini. Patkas, before the Members of the was established under the hammer The conclusions were presented on Supreme Council of the Interna- of the Grand Master of the Grand Sunday 18 March 2012 during a tional Masonic Order “DELPHI”, Orient of Greece “ORPHEUS” Br.: Celebratory Ceremony which was performed on the one hand the in- Stefanos Paipetis. performed by the Grand Officers of the G.:M.:L.:O.:G.: at the same venue under the sceptre of the National Grand Master Br.: Panagiotis Moutzourakis 33o who also proclaimed the closing of the Conference. During this splendid ceremony, the Deputy Grand Master of the G.:L.:d.:I.: degli A.:L.:A.:M.: Br.: Marco Galeazzi 33o, Br.: Aemilios Viner 33o, Br.: Georgios Pallis 33o and Sr.: Argyro Delikari 33o were proclaimed Honorary members of the G.:M.:L.:O.:G.:. Sr.: Roila The Sovereign Grand Commander (centre) after the installation of the Authorities of the Supreme Spiliotakopoulou 33o was pro- Synod, with the Deputy Sovereign Grand Commander Br.: Emmanuel Delakis (right) and the claimed honorary life Grand Orator members of the Supreme Synod «Pythagoras» No 6 and member of the G.:M.:L.:O.:G.:. The ceremony was honoured with the presence of the Sovereign Grand Commander, Grand Master of the International Order Br.: Vassilios Patkas 33o, the Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Greece “ORPHEUS” Br.: Stefanos Paipetis and delegates of the autonomous Masonic Powers of our Order, as well as delegations from other Powers. During a ceremony open to the public, many uninitiated visitors had the The Sovereign Grand Commander (centre) after the installation of the Authorities of the Supreme opportunity to attend a theatrical act Court, with Br.: Dimitrios Lymberis (right) and the members of the Supreme Court «Socrates» No 5 3



Address of the Sovereign Grand Commander, Grand Master of the Order Br.: Vassilios Patkas to Br.: Guy Arcizet Athens, 18 February 2012 “The International Masonic Order “DELPHI” welcomes you to Athens, in appreciation of your presence for the lecture “The Role of European Freemasonry” during this difficult period for the European Union, but also for your contribution in the adoption of positions and proposals towards the transgression of the economic crisis and the development of solidarity among the European countries and in Greece in particular. The development of solidarity and the maintenance of social cohesion is the least that a Freemason has as a duty during these formidable times we are going through as a society. Now that depression has afflicted many countries in the Eurozone and the time to overcome this crisis seems to be all the more distant, it is the moment when all of us are being tested. The states with their programmes, the institutions with their instruments and the citizens with their demands, are all collectively responsible for today’s reality but also have the obligation to find a way out of the crisis to the benefit of the future generations. It has become obvious that the crisis is no longer merely economic, but it is also a moral and political one and is not limited within national borders, but it has expanded at European and international levels. Besides, it could not have been otherwise in as much as the economies of the various countries are interrelated. It is therefore hypocritical from the part of European politicians to say that taxpayers in the North European countries are burdened for the support of Mediterranean people who are stricken by the crisis. Because, as a significant percentage of their exports is being directed to the countries in the South, the recession in the South will considerably limit its ability to purchase products from the North and this will lead to similar recession conditions in the North European countries and consequently the prosperity of their citizens will decline. This vicious circle must stop. The governors of the European countries must undertake the political cost so that there be solidarity among the countries and the appropriate conditions be created for the

The Sovereign Grand Commander Grand Master Br.: Vassilios Patkas with the Grand Master of the Grand Orient de France Br.: Guy Arcizet

development of economy and certainly the equitable distribution of the wealth for the prosperity of all citizens in the European Union. Our country lives today in conditions of uncertainty vis-à-vis the end of the social, moral and economic crisis, while at the same time it faces the scepticism of our partners in the Eurozone for its ability to recover. The Greeks citizens have proven their will to make sacrifices, as in difficult times over the years they always assumed their own responsibility as individuals under proper political guidance, while by acting soberly they are able to respond to any challenge. We are not just the descendants of Ancient Greeks who gifted Philosophy and Democracy to Europe as well as its name itself, but we are the first generation of those who fought for Europe’s freedom and culture, for whom Churchill declared that “heroes fight like Greeks”. In our days, citizens have to respond to painful socio-economic changes. However, recovery is not just a mere wish repeated by those who are openly sceptical about our people; it should be the result of a rationally structured development project, which will provide a Vision and Hope to

all those tested hard. Liberal Freemasonry, as it is expressed in Greece by the International Masonic Order “DELPHI”, acts within the country and at the same time through institutional organs in Europe and exchanges views which concern the social issues faced by European countries and by Greece in particular. The International Masonic Order “DELPHI”, promoting its own policy, has attempted to break free from the deeply-rooted practices of isolation of Freemasonry over the last decades, which had been the result of faintheartedness and not of the attempt to preserve masonic tradition, as some claim; on the contrary, Freemasonry should inspire solidarity among its members within the Citizens’ Society and their participation in social life. Freemasonry, consisting of free-thinking citizens as its fundamental principles dictate, pursues action but also awareness of the current social problems, such as the unemployment, poverty and social exclusion, as well as of issues related to maintaining and strengthening the fundamental principles and values with respect to the civil rights, the citizens’ freedom, the consolidation of the Citizens’ Society (Citoyenneté) and the acknowledgement of the value of the Laïcité. Our positive and fruitful collaboration with the G.:O.:D.:F.: has led us to the institution of the COMALACE, whose presidency for the current two-year period 2011-2013 has been assumed by our Sr.: Ina Piperaki and whose mere title refers to the “Contribution of Liberal and Adogmatic Masonic Orders in the Construction of Europe”. Furthermore, our collaboration with the G.:O.:D.:F.: has led us to become members of BEPA (Bureau of European Political Advisors), an Organ of the European Commission through which we maintain an open, transparent and frequent dialogue with its Administrative Organisations within the Lisbon Treaty. We respectfully hope to maintain this excellent relationship with the G.:O.:D.:F.:, which has significantly contributed to the progress of Liberal Freemasonry in Europe, and in particular to continue to work together for the prosperity of the countries and the happiness of the citizens in the European Union”.

The editorial board of the Newsletter published by the International Masonic Order “DELPHI” was formed by virtue of the resolution No 5491 dated 11th January 2012.

Members of the board are: Co-ordinator:Bro.: Iordanis Poulkouras, Deputy Co-ordinator:Sis.: A. Voudouri, Members: Bro.: Gabriel Michalatos, Bro.: Athanasios Pyrgaroussis Lodges and other organisations can communicate with the editorial board for news and reports through electronic mail at: newsletter@delphiorder.org.




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