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Roadmap Pattern Recognition Pathway 3 Case 1: Permanent absence (Familiehulp Turnhout – Subregioteam Turnhout) Causal relationship Causal mechanism linking ecological change as discontinuity of organizational routines (cues) within a context of ‘no previous experience with similar cues’ (pathway 1), ‘peer experience with similar cues’ (pathway 2) or ‘experience with similar cues’ (pathway 3), with cognitive discrepancy (situation) that eventually produces cognitive dissonance (unpleasant feeling). Prior relatively low ●There is no existing research about the cases. Theorized cause: Ecological change (discontinuity of organizational routines), which is perceived as something unexpected at work, producing a C variation change, or disturbance in the environment. a u Observable manifestations: We expect to find fingerprints concerning the disturbance in the routine organizational workflow (environment). s Evidence can be found in interviews asking about what routine and non-routine is; the origin of the issue and why employees gave attention to this e issue. — Htu1 ●Theoretical certainty not formulated (no priors) ●High theoretical uniqueness, as observing this observable manifestation necessarily means that the presence of an ecological change or discontinuity of a workflow routine is taking place (Weick, 2009, 2006, 1995, 1977). ●observation Account evidence. Interview I team members Familiehulp 24min: Interviewee: “X was the only one of the SRT (cf. C1(i) Subregioteam Turnhout team) who always took care of the service phone line. That is Observation on the presence of a disturbance at work that altered something (a task) that has to be replaced constantly, you the workflow routine. Reasons why team members gave attention cannot say we’re not going to do service phone for two days, to the issue this has to be taken care of.”  Hu. Given that evidence relates to the presence of discontinuity of organizational routines, the accuracy can be evaluated as relatively high. We can observe the reasons why team members gave attention to this disturbance provoked by the permanent absence of a colleague: the colleague was the only one of the team who always took care of the phone service, and this needs to be functioning permanently. The service cannot be suspended. Therefore, we have a clear evidence of the occurrence of the alteration of the workflow. We can 1

Note: Htu= high theoretical uniqueness; Hu = High uniqueness; Mu = Moderate uniqueness; Lu = Low uniqueness.

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Annex_Roadmaps.pdf by Vlaanderen-be - Issuu