MArch DR Part 2

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Economical and Social Impact Analysis The proposal will provoke significant changes in the local economy and will increase the number of visitors though the entire Wiltshire Area.



Key Train Stop Bus Stops AONB B4039 Route Rail Track Development Site Protected Green Space


- E C O N O M I C A N A LY S I S -

Castle Combe Connection to the Greater Chippenham Area The Castle Combe Area is one of the greatest touristic assets for the whole of Wiltshire. Although not as internationally recognized as the neighboring Stonehenge the Castle Combe Village has often been praised for its stone cottages and overall aesthetics. The local community supports tourism with a large number of hotels and AirBnBs as most of the income generated in the area is solely based on Tourism. One night stay at one of the many local hotels generates for 2 visitors anywhere from 200 to 500ÂŁ.

Chippenham Connection Through the B4039 there is a 7km drive to the nearest Urban Center Train station. The Proposal would benefit from the Railway that passes through the Chippenham Town Center and from the extensive Bus and Coach System. As mentioned before Chippenham is a sprawling retail

1K m

center, however the current tendency hints towards a departure on the locals behalf. The local Bath and Swindon Cities are tempting business

- 2019 -

locations as more and more individuals and families are moving towards

Current Economic Status

larger centers.

Average Salary per Annum

Chippenham, through the Castle Combe Master plan, supported by the Wiltshire planning polices, would only benefit from a new attraction that would provide the much needed housing, business, retail and amenity






- 2026 Current and future economic status

Expected Economic Status

The whole of the Chippenham area is in need of an economic boost. As stated in the Local Policy Framework current economic objectives are not reached and the young populations is currently moving towards more developed areas of the UK. The Proposed Master plan will bring a much needed business and job friendly environment which in turn will extend influence to the surrounding urban centers. Following a plan extending to 2026, with guidance from the Wiltshire Core Strategy Plan a series of economic objectives are to be reached that would provide a significance difference in the income level for the whole of Chippenham.

Conclusion On a local scale, the Castle Combe Community is speculated to see a sharp improvement in the income level with no significant changes to the rural fabric of the area. The development concentrates itself within the Circuit Enclave while the local businesses are only to manage the flow of visitors and benefit from an improved number of customers.

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Professional Strategy This section looks at the client ambitions and at how the construction process is to be managed to achieve the delivery of high quality builds under a predetermined time line. The rights and responsibilities of all involved parties will be discussed in order to understand how their roles will support the development.



Land use and Owners

Easements and Covenants

English Land Law dictates the acquisition, content and priority of rights

These are contextual based agreements that dictate the manner in

and obligations for individuals or groups with interest in Land. As all

which the site is employed by any subsequent owner. Although these

land is under the ownership of the Crown freehold is granted with full

agreements are generally settled just between neighbouring factions

proprietary rights to the ones who acquired the plot under the common

the government, with the interest of public well being, can enforce its

law, equity and the registration system.

own policies.

Subsequently freeholders can, under contract lease their lands for a

As previously seen with the 2013 Sunsave 17 Planning Application there

previously agreed upon time duration and precise scope.

are no neighbourly agreements that need be addressed. The sole enforcer of local polices is the Wiltshire Council supported by the Town

The Castle Combe circuit Plot of Land is employed under freehold and

and Country Planning Act of 1990.

leasehold agreements. The Wiltshire Council demands good design and careful consideration Castle Combe Limited posses freehold right over the entirety of the 55.71

during the building process. The pristine nature of the surroundings

hectares site.

obliges the contractor to employ a good strategy for material transport on site and subsequent underground infrastructural works.

Out of these 55.71 hectares 22.73 are under a lease agreement with Sunsave 17, a subsidiary of Castle Combe Limited.

During the construction of the solar farm poor time scheduling resulted in the general upsetting of the locals.

6.2 hectares have been used as the track for the Castle Combe Circuit since 1949.

HGVs (Heavy goods vesicles) must follow a previously discuses schedule so that traffic is not affected.

The remaining 26.78 hectares are agricultural land used by Castle Combe Limited.

Underground works for power, water and drainage can not cross through the agricultural land owned by the locals. This was a major issue during

The entire area allows construction if planning approval is granted by

the solar farm construction which presented delays and local dismay.

the Wiltshire County Council who replaced the former districts as a

However the electrical works that currently support the farm (and that

unitary authority in 2009.

were so troublesome in the past) can be reused for the new proposal.

Conclusion The site is particular in its nature as it it’s enclave-like delimitation and its agricultural history results in the lack of any existing Easements or Covenants. Castle Combe Limited is the sole freeholder of the area with no previous agreements to be considered if the sites development is desired. However, local support is crucial in the development stages so the design team must first and foremost consider the local impact.



Key Arable Lands In use by Castle Combe Circuit Limited

Race Track In use by Castle Combe Circuit Limited

Solar Farm - Land owned by Castle Combe Circuit Limited; In use by: Sunsave 17 (Castle Combe) Limited



• Delayed construction works: Materials and construction equipment

Risk Management Process

can be brought on site under a strict schedule. Generous allowances must be allowed to deal with the delivery times;

Architectural projects, no matter their nature, require that considerable effort goes into research on what possible risks threaten the development

• Concomitant works on neighbouring sites: planning approval might

process. "Risk" is defined as erratic events or precarious conditions that

be gained by neighbouring sites resulting in an increase of trucks

can delay or halt a project. The start of the project should see a clear risk

transporting materials. This might conflict with the schedule and

management plan that assess possible risks, on whom the responsibility

Midwest Horizons Construction Trucks; • Overcrowding with materials: As involved American Brands are

falls and how often should the involved parties meet discuss and

to do the construction works on their assigned plot of land, poor

advance the process.

management might result in concomitant deliveries. This and Managing Risk is an ongoing process that works through the duration of

restricted access to site results in disputes, clutters and accidents;

a projects as it aims to identify and mitigate the impact of such issues.

• Community Unrest: poor management of the construction process

This strategy is built on the experience, creativity and technical ability

might lead to road blocks, tourists avoiding the area, noise, dust etc.

of the involved team and it starts by identifying the potential risks on a

The local community is to be consulted regularity and compensated


for the inconvenience; • Harming the local badger population: special care must be taken around their habitats, no construction work is to be done at night;

In general possible risks are outlined by such issues as: technical contractual

• Disputes between shareholders: the involvement of companies

obligations, abnormal weather conditions, financial instability, political

might result in competing brands on neighbouring plots of land, this

events, environmental concerns and community dissatisfaction. Site and

an any further possible arguments must be avoided. A company

design conditions push this list even further by adding: soil contamination,

pulling out of the agreement would mean that the whole master

conservation areas, flood risks, natural habitats and protection orders,

plan would need adjustments;





• Site acquisition: Castle Combe Circuit LTD. owns the entirety of the

property disputes, fire hazards, covenants etc.

site; Not all risks are equal so the likeliness for them to occur and potential

• Noise considerations: the proposal, during construction or use might

loses differ vastly. Risk evaluations for probability and severity is key for

be louder than acceptable, directly upsetting the Castle Combe

proper management. For Midwest Horizons on Castle Combe negative

Village locals;

impact on the local community and distress to the AONB are crucial risks

• Invasive species: a large part of the construction materials will be

that must be observed and mitigated if the project is to gain planning

imported from the US. Small animals such as mice, birds or lizards


might be caught in transport an moved on site. They might find the environment suitable and multiply out of control;

The site presents itself as an enclave in the Castle Combe community,

• Metric / Imperial units confusion: this might lead to disputes, accidents

quiet and out of sight so the development must follow suit. Through its

and significant budged harm. The American Construction teams are

design these issues are mitigated but the strictness of the local and

generally employing the Imperial system which might interfere with

national policies could lead to significant delays.

documents using the metric system. It has previously been that case where NASA lost 125$ million Mars Orbiter due to such errors; • Health and Safety Concerns: multiple teams working close to each

Risks haves been identified, evaluated and a mitigation strategy has

other with busy delivery schedule;

been proposed in order to appease the local community, to protect

• Bodies of water forming during construction: Although the site is

ecological and historical value and :

outside any flooding area, its flat geography could lead to water accumulation during foundation digging works;

• Political unrest: The post Brexit political Climate might not be in favor

• Party wall issues within the Master plan: some of the activities

of such a project, thus annulling initial agreements;

that happen on site might be considered bothersome by the

• Status loss: During the planing application process, the proposal

neighbouring schemes;

might lose its: "in Public / National Interest Status". The AONB Planning

• Time frame interruption: errors could be made during the delivery

policy 116 would revoke any right to employ the site resulting in a

period leading to further consequential delays;

change of location. This extends the application time provoking

• Utilities connection issues: the master plan might be exceeding

significant delays;

thought its demands the existing infrastructure for gas, water and

• Archaeological findings during Construction: The Archaeological


survey determined two areas on site on witch there is no proposed construction works. However, the the site is prone to contain

• Low / High number of visitors: the client estimates might not account

historical artifacts. This would require an allowance of time for the

to certain factors leading to a low number of visitors participating

and archaeological team to excavate, document and move the

on site or overclouding with no means of supplementing the existing





1K m

1K m

- 01: Archeological Importance -

- 02: Overlooking -

1K m

1K m

- 03: Noise Impact -

- 04: Village Infrastructure -

- Conclusion -

- Conclusion -

01 - The villages history extends well beyond its current delineation, there

03 - Noise, The proposal is to insulated, deflect and generally abstain

are 2 areas that have been identified on site where no construction

from producing loud noises that can disturb the neighbouring properties.

works are to take place. This area could contain significant historical

No crowding , loud machinery, maintenance works are to be present at

artefact's that are not to be disturbed.

any point in proximity to the locals

02 - Overlooking: Through the design process It is generally aimed that

04- In general, the North-West Village should not sufferer from the

the local way of life to not be disturbed. Neighboring individuals are to

construction process or from the activity that the proposal entails, The

be sheltered from indiscreet viewers at all times, no tall structure that

proposal it to contain itself through architectural means so that presents

can offer viewing passages to the surrounding properties is to be built.

itself as at discreet new proposal where the locals are welcomed. The Road that connects both the village and the proposal is to be improved without any significant blockage or delays.



Local Ambitions Both Local and National Planning Policy Frameworks support the development of economic, touristic and residential proposal in areas where minimum requirements are not reached. Chippenham is currently dealing with large numbers of the young population leaving for the neighboring , better developed Bristol, Bath and Swindon. The area requires the presence of new businesses, improved and modernized amenity spaces, residential expanse and infrastructure enhancements. The Surrounding plots of lands are currently being used as agricultural and pastoral fields. The increasing demands in retail and residential area could be met by developing these sites. Currently there are no

1K m

power lines, water pipes and gas connection around the area. The

- 01: Sunlight -

Midwest Horizons would be the first to employ such utilities this would lead to possibility that future developments can easily connect to the new underground utilities The Castle Combe Circuit, under the proposed development, would grant public access to the local community. Currently the site is completely off limits, depriving the general public from a large area of what could be valuable amenity space.

National Ambitions On a national level, the uncertainty of post Brexit Europeans relations needs to be diminished by reinforcing the ones with other world leading economic powers. Current talks between British and American Leaders point at the shift in the diplomatic focus from the East to the West, from Europe to America.

1K m - 02: Noise -

By developing the Castle Combe Site, the UK Government employs the economic strength and influence in the mainstream culture of the Iconic representation of the United States. By allowing the development of the proposed master plan the British Government seeks to consolidate trade relations that would alleviate and improve the indecisive current ones. On a local level, the Midwest Horizons Master Plan is to bring in work opportunities that are of interest to the young population, business opportunities, recreational experiences ingrained in pop culture but impossible to experience outside the development, infrastructure upgrades such as helipads, clean energy farming, ecological augmentations etc.

1K m - 03: Overlooking -



1K m

1K m

- 04: Activity -

- 06: Conectivity -

1K m

1K m

- 05: Potential new routes -

- 07: Infrastructure -

- Site Development Opportunities -

-- Site Development Opportunities -

• 01: The site is flooded with natural sun light without artificial interruption;

• 05: The Proposal would give to public use a large area that was

• 02: Over 85% percentage of the sites area is sheltered from noise

previously not allowing any form of access;


• 06: The Site is well connected to the M4 Highway through the North

• 03: Over 80% of the site is free from overlooking from neighboring

-West B4039 road;


• 07: The Master plan would introduce outlets for electrical power,

• 04: The North part of the site provides Activity Opportunities from the

gas water and drainage that are currently absent on site. This would

existing touristic elements;

facilitate future developments on the neighboring land plots.



Project management

About the Commissioners

The Castle Combe Circuit Site is to be bought and developed by the

The Midwest Horizons Development is an American State owned plot of

United States of America Government under a symbolic agreement with

land leased to American Brands. The American Embassy provides the

the United Kingdom in order to enforce a strong economic relationship.

outline for the master plan and all the drawing information leaving just the construction works to be done by the investing brands.

The proposals development cycle will follow the Pre and Post Brexit Climates as its whole fundamental purpose is to alleviate the stress of

The lease agreements will differ from one brand to another and the US

such an economic and political move. The US and the UK will work

Government will have the opportunity, once leases expires, to either

together in securing new trade deals represented through the Midwest

renew or fundamentally change the use of most of the plots of land

Horizons Master plan. Construction works are supposed to start at the

withing the site. Overall, the site will be in totality owned by the US

date when the UK is officially not part of the EU - 2020-2021 so that it is

Government,a large percentage of the are it will be leased for business

to represent the physical embodiment of the new relationship that is to

purposes while a small part will be employed by Retail Developers to be

form between the UK and the US.

sold to individual buyers.

2025 will see the completion of the Master plan and through it a secure trading agreement between the two states.


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12% businesses

3% 8%

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60% e leas o t A S U

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Area employed by private businesses and government assets as per the 2025 - 2030 Master plan Use Phase I

- Brief Land Development Description -

- Goals set within the Master Plan -

The Site is bough and employed by the US Government from the British

• To create a touristic hot-spot that is to support and enhance the

Crown symbolizing the base for future economic exchanges between

whole Chippenham Area;

the two nations.

• To follow the Wiltshire Planning Framework by enhancing educational, ecological, infrastructural and residential matters;

Although the American Government owns and manages the entirety

• To form the precedent for future British - American Trade Relations in

of the Castle Combe Circuit subsequent involved parties will bring in

the wake of a Post-Brexit Europe;

their input through business and amenity opportunities for the local

• To extend the market reach of brands from the States to the British

community and site visitors.

Isles and vice-versa: in the first 5 years of the Midwest Horizons Existence Chick - fill - A, Major League Baseball, Simplot, Nascar, D.R.

During Construction these American Businesses will act as subcontractors

Horton etc will first begin to Operate in Europe;

for the master plan by bringing in their own architectural language to

• To

build specific American Architecture. The Midwest Horizons employed






developments in the area;

Design Team will provide the specifications on with the preassigned plots

• To provide work opportunities for the local community;

of land are to be developed by specific American brands.

• To improve the opinion of current US Leaders on the location of the current US Embassy;



- United States Government -

- Universal Design Studio Ltd Entertaiment

As discussed before the Castle Combe Site is of extreme historical and ecological value, the US Government is only able to acquire planning permission because the proposed development serves National Interest.

For the 2025-2030 period Universal Studios are to lease 5.58 hectares on

This being said the existing policies of both the Wiltshire Council and the

the North-West Corner of the Site. Universal will use the area to recreate

National Planning Framework are to be observed and obeyed at all

experiences such as becoming an astronaut and walking on the Moon


and starring in your own Hollywood Movie. The Studio will also design and build a large set of 2D Horizons which are to be employed throughout

The proposed Master plan divides the 55.7 hectares area into separate

the site to add to the American Experience.

plots designed for specific uses. Although these interior sites are to be employed by a third and even fourth party the US Government

Universal Studios will create theme-park like attractions that are to entice

is responsible that each subsequent development follows the

visitors and bring in large numbers of tourists supporting the Core Policy

aforementioned policies and guidelines.

39 on Tourist development.

For the first 5 years 2025-2030 there is a clear timeline on the use of the site, any future change of use will have to go through a separate planning approval process



- Universal Design Studio Ltd Entertaiment

- D.R. Horton Inc Residential

For the 2025-2030 period Universal Studios are to lease 5.58 hectares on

D.R. Horton is the largest and most influential residential developer in the

the North-West Corner of the Site. Universal will use the area to recreate

US. Since 1978 465,000 homes have been built and sold in 28 out of 50

experiences such as becoming an astronaut and walking on the Moon

American States.

and starring in your own Hollywood Movie. The Studio will also design and build a large set of 2D Horizons which are to be employed throughout

D.R. Horton is leasing 7.04 hectares to be developed as accommodation

the site to add to the American Experience.

for the visitors. In total 55 single family dwellings will be built on site by the company. These houses and villas will be rented as short time

Universal Studios will create theme-park like attractions that are to entice

accommodation for the visitors. Furthermore, these houses serve as a

visitors and bring in large numbers of tourists supporting the Core Policy

trial version for prospective buyers. The homes on Castle Combe can be

39 on Tourist development.

found and bought in the US. The lease agreement specifies that D.R. Horton is able to renew the lease throughout the existence of the Master plan. If the Master plan is to dissolve D.R Horton will be sold the rights to the lands which subsequently results in the fact that the company can eventually sell the land and houses. This provides security for the company, besides rent collection and advertising, D.R Horton can sell their investment. Moreover, the Wiltshire Council will benefit from residential expansion as per the Core Policy 43 on Affordable housing.

- National Parks Conservation Association Landscapping and Ecology

For the whole duration of the development the National Parks Conservation Association, with funding from the US Government will manage the landscaping features of the Midwest Horizons. Among their responsibilities the care for the local badger populations and the introduction of new plant and animal species are included. The Park association will employ local or visitors as part of the arboriculturism,







employment base. There will be over 350 apple trees introduced on site which will provide fruits to be sold outside the site. The revenue will be solely used for employee payment and ecological issues. The presence of the National Parks Conservation Association and their actions will be in support of both Core Policy 36 (on employment regeneration) and 51 ( on Landscape Considerations).



- Unites States Goverment Historical Education and Entertaimnet

- Chick-fil-A Food Court / Retail

The US Government is to build on 5.21 hectares. There will be 2 main

Chick-fil-A is the single major food supplier in the area. The restaurant


employs 4.7 hectares for the main restaurant, drive-in cinema and for its own food production. A large quantity of the poultry will be grown on Site.

The White House: A reaction of the White House where all the interiors are reactions of the Oval Office where visitors can experience the

The restaurant will offer work opportunities for restaurant personal and

Presidential Power as Commander-in-chief for the duration of the visit.

farming aid supporting Core Policy 36 (on employment regeneration). The Presidential Arrival: The POTUS is expected to visit the Site in a grand show where the Marine One is to land on site. The president is then to present one of his speeches, as he is addressing Americans in America The Thanksgiving Hall: is a grand banquet where traditional American Foods are served while the president is giving his speech.

- Major League Baseball Sports

v Hectares used for the National American Pastime. Baseball is recognized as the dearest sport to the American Spirit. The MLB is to built a baseball field that can both be used by locals or visitors and be the set for an Actual Major League televised baseball play. Outside the field barbecues and parking facilities will be accommodated to support another great American Tradition: tailgate parties. This will support cohesive communities as per the Core Policy 48 Supporting local communities.

- National Football League Sports

1.8 Hectares used by the NFL to create a playing field for locals and visitors. The NFL has failed to bring in the desired numbers of UK viewers by playing in London. The connection with Midwest Horizons would be a publicity move that aims to bring the NFL further into the British spotlight.

- Hillsong Church Worship

The Hillsong Church is the celebrity-filled face of evangelicalism, it resonates to two American paradigms religion and Hollywood. The church employs 1 hectare serving as a gathering space where American values will be discussed and where individuals will be making their own flag. This will support Core Policy 48 on strong communities.


- C L I M AT E C O N D I T I O N S -

- John Deere Employment / Food Production

The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing Entertaiment

John Deere is one the main investors and directly responsible for the

NASCAR is again an American Favourite. The Castel Combe Circuit will

management of the farm, one of the most necessary constructions on

be retrofitted to accommodate a low intensity race between NASCAR

site. John Deere will support the construction and maintenance works

Approved vehicles. The Association will benefit from advertising on the

for the whole of 3 hectares of arable and pastoral lands. Through the

European Market.

Midwest Horizons Development John Deere is growing the European marker for its farming equipment.


d lan e Is

NW Ave


Jerse New


- T H E C AT H E D R A L O F A M E R I C A N C I T I Z E N S H I P -

Ver mo nt Ma


NW Ave



2.5 K m

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Ave NW

y Ave

Unlike the rest of DC, the history of the chosen area in one of the individual American rather than the Politics of America

e hod

Unlike the rest of DC, the history of the chosen







ts A ve NW

ork wY


- Washington D.C. 1:1 -


2.5 K m

NW Ave

550 M

1K m




Main Path and Side Roads

ts A ve NW


- Castle Combe, UK. 1:3 -



Site Definition

The Spatial Strategy for American Experiences

The shape and size of the plot of land allocated for the Citizenship

The Cathedral is to contain within it representations of the Iconic

Cathedral is the result of interposing the Washington D.C. City Grid

American Landscapes, well known American Buildings and Structures

to the Castle Combe Circuit Site at 1/3 the size. Historically the area

and Spaces designed to depict the condensed Characteristic of US

delimited by Massachusetts, Vermont, Rhode Island, New Jersey and

States. These layers are brought together within a main Structure and

New York NW Avenues is the intersection of 5 socially and economical

visitors are to be guided though them by famous Americans.


Main Path and Side Roads

varied Neighborhoods. It represents the Canvas of the American Dream 13 Info Hubs

were people, no matter their ethic, religious beliefs, economic status or age group lived side by side though tumultuous times and build what is today one of the most Prosperous and Cohesive Areas in the Whole of US.

Experiences and Achievements Paths

Within the Master plan, there are numerous Iconic American Experiences that are to present the manifestation of the American Dream. The conclusion of the journey through the Master plan is to provide the visitors

Visitors are free to engage with all experiences at all times. The main

Info Hubs with status of Citizen of The United 13 States. This achievements comes after

Path that leads to the upmost part of the building does not constrain

an individual passes the American Citizenship Test with the information

the experience in any way. It is only to serve as thatTest branches out 50guide Citizenship Pods

gained though their participation on the activities spread thought the

though the building giving access to all parts of the Cathedral.

site and thought the Cathedral.

The Spatial Strategy for American Experiences The Cathedral follows game like principles of interaction and discovery, visitors being expected to learn about the American Way by going


through the experiences contained withing the Building. The main focus


is that visitors gather though their journey the information required to pas 50 Citizenship Test Pods the Citizenship Test thus earning the right to access a final stage / space where the president or a representative official, though a ceremony,

There are 50 Citizenship Testing booths on the second last stage of the

names the candidates: American Citizens.

experience, it is here where the Master plan fulfils its purpose of teaching the American Way to Future Americans. 7 Esential American Experiences


- T H E C AT H E D R A L O F A M E R I C A N C I T I Z E N S H I P -

06 Iconic Americans - Guides Through the Building

05 States assigned standard spaces within the Design

04 Iconic American Architectural Language


Montana The Midwest

California. Oregon and Nevada Virginia, D.C. and New York

Main States Represented within the Design


The Rockies

02 The South Rim of the Grand Canyon

The Nevada Desert

The Great Plains

The Surface of the Moon


Castle Combe Circuit Site


- C AT H E D R A L - G O U N D F L O O R -

















1:700 0





- C AT H E D R A L - G O U N D F L O O R -

















1:700 0





- C AT H E D R A L - F I R S T F L O O R -

1:700 0





- C AT H E D R A L - S E C O N D F L O O R -

















1:700 0





- C AT H E D R A L - S E C T I O N -


- - C AT H E D R A L - S E C T I O N - -

1:700 0






Procurement Strategy Time / Quality / Cost The following pages will look at the strategy under witch the design and construction of the building will be procured. The scale and qualitative needs of the master plan as well as time, costs, risks, ownership issues specific constrains will determine the legal route that will determine the management of the development process.




2022-2025: Construction: During this time the design team will be available to respond to all possible queries and advise as required.

The Midwest Horizons Master plan follows a timeline dictated by the

2025: Handover and Close Out:

Uncertainty of Post Brexit Climates. However, the design and construction

The Projects team will inspect the

finished constructions works and lead a series of workshops designed to

process is fitted to work within a 7 year time span. The involved teams will

gather feedback from the involved parties

work concomitantly on separate issues while feeding information from one to another. Following the RIBA Proposed Plan of Works the following

2025/2026: Use: The Master plan is ready to open it's "borders" for the first

schedule covered the necessary steps:

wave of "future Americans"

2019 -2020: Strategic Definition: This initial period seeks to identify the


Clients Ambitions and the strategy that would go behind. The multinational nature of the projects demands that the US Government considers a number of site options and respectively alternative feasibilities for what

The Midwest Horizons Master plan seeks to represent the idealised

it seeks to achieve. UK and US Consultants are to work side by side to

depiction of American Notions. Throughout the Proposal the designs

determine the best option for the future of the development.

seeks to frame the American Dream and sell it to a foreign public. To achieve the best possible representation it is imperative that a strong and

2019-2021: Preparation and Brief: This stage is the base on witch the

flexible structure is put in place to support the work of skilled craftsmen.

future Conceptual Design is built upon. At this point the team is defined

Painted and scrupled cladding elements that depict Iconic American

and the involved parties take responsibility for their role. The US-UK team

Views will be used thought the proposal in large numbers. Moreover,

is to go though a number of feasibilities based on the final chosen site

there are over 50 artificial environments and climates to be found

considering In-depth Site Surveys, Local and National Interest, Ecological

within the Master plan. These environments will have diverse lighting,

Impact etc. A Project Risk Assessment will be issues to all involved parties

temperature, humidity and wind values so they require high quality

detailing the outcomes of the Development.

insulation materials to offset the influence of existing site condition.

2020-2022: Concept Design: Within this time frame the Midwest Horizons


Team with the insight gained during the Initial Project Brief will detail the strategies that will make construction and use possible. In this incipient conceptual design period the Construction, Landscaping and

The US Government provides though Midwest Horizons a Market

Environmental Strategy are to receive the most attention. The project

Gateway to Europe by designing a space were American Businesses

demands high quality structural works, handcrafted cladding elements

can sell their products. Brands, such as Chick - fill - A, that only operate

and diverse artificial environmental conditions in different spaces withing

on the American Market can now spread their influence by opening

the master plan. Furthermore, a cohesive information pack is to be

their first store on the Castle Combe Site. In large, areas in the most

produced regarding the cost, maintenance and operational strategies

developed urban zone of the US average at around 61.6 million $

will be produced with same high level of detail

per hectare resulting that the Castle Combe Site for its 55.7 hectares, developed as per the American Standard would reach a value of 3.392

2021-2022: Developed Design: This period is seeing the future evolution of

billion $.

the design work supported by the consolidation of building services and structural engineering works. A number of iterations is to be produces

To cover the construction cost the US and UK Governments will charge

during this time as a result of workshops and meeting with the involved

interested brands based on the total employed area offsetting cost to the

consultants and relevant parties.

brands rather than the actual development making them liable, under previously agreed regulation, to develop the sites to predesignated

2022-2023: Technical Design: Architectural, technical and structural

standards. In return the US Government is proposing to lower corporate

designs reach the stage where their construction is physically possible.

tax rates for the profits that would return from Europe to the states.

During this time design responsibilities might change to include subcontractors which are to detail further design works. The end of this

The cost of acquiring the site and the development of 18.5 hectares

period will culminated with finalised design works and a clear schedule

totalling 1.14 billion $ will have to be covered by government funds.

that will dictate the sequence of construction works that are to start at future stages. 2022-2025: Construction: Construction works are to be undergoing on site base on the previously issued schedule. The Midwest Horizon Master plan will see 8 phases of construction during a 5 year period that started in 2020 with demolition works.




2022-2025: Construction: During this time the design team will be available to respond to all possible queries and advise as required.

The Midwest Horizons Master plan follows a timeline dictated by the

2025: Handover and Close Out:

Uncertainty of Post Brexit Climates. However, the design and construction

The Projects team will inspect the

finished constructions works and lead a series of workshops designed to

process is fitted to work within a 7 year time span. The involved teams will

gather feedback from the involved parties

work concomitantly on separate issues while feeding information from one to another. Following the RIBA Proposed Plan of Works the following

2025/2026: Use: The Master plan is ready to open it's "borders" for the first

schedule covered the necessary steps:

wave of "future Americans"

2019 -2020: Strategic Definition: This initial period seeks to identify the


Clients Ambitions and the strategy that would go behind. The multinational nature of the projects demands that the US Government considers a number of site options and respectively alternative feasibilities for what

The Midwest Horizons Master plan seeks to represent the idealised

it seeks to achieve. UK and US Consultants are to work side by side to

depiction of American Notions. Throughout the Proposal the designs

determine the best option for the future of the development.

seeks to frame the American Dream and sell it to a foreign public. To achieve the best possible representation it is imperative that a strong and

2019-2021: Preparation and Brief: This stage is the base on witch the

flexible structure is put in place to support the work of skilled craftsmen.

future Conceptual Design is built upon. At this point the team is defined

Painted and scrupled cladding elements that depict Iconic American

and the involved parties take responsibility for their role. The US-UK team

Views will be used thought the proposal in large numbers. Moreover,

is to go though a number of feasibilities based on the final chosen site

there are over 50 artificial environments and climates to be found

considering In-depth Site Surveys, Local and National Interest, Ecological

within the Master plan. These environments will have diverse lighting,

Impact etc. A Project Risk Assessment will be issues to all involved parties

temperature, humidity and wind values so they require high quality

detailing the outcomes of the Development.

insulation materials to offset the influence of existing site condition.

2020-2022: Concept Design: Within this time frame the Midwest Horizons


Team with the insight gained during the Initial Project Brief will detail the strategies that will make construction and use possible. In this incipient conceptual design period the Construction, Landscaping and

The US Government provides though Midwest Horizons a Market

Environmental Strategy are to receive the most attention. The project

Gateway to Europe by designing a space were American Businesses

demands high quality structural works, handcrafted cladding elements

can sell their products. Brands, such as Chick - fill - A, that only operate

and diverse artificial environmental conditions in different spaces withing

on the American Market can now spread their influence by opening

the master plan. Furthermore, a cohesive information pack is to be

their first store on the Castle Combe Site. In large, areas in the most

produced regarding the cost, maintenance and operational strategies

developed urban zone of the US average at around 61.6 million $

will be produced with same high level of detail

per hectare resulting that the Castle Combe Site for its 55.7 hectares, developed as per the American Standard would reach a value of 3.392

2021-2022: Developed Design: This period is seeing the future evolution of

billion $.

the design work supported by the consolidation of building services and structural engineering works. A number of iterations is to be produces

To cover the construction cost the US and UK Governments will charge

during this time as a result of workshops and meeting with the involved

interested brands based on the total employed area offsetting cost to the

consultants and relevant parties.

brands rather than the actual development making them liable, under previously agreed regulation, to develop the sites to predesignated

2022-2023: Technical Design: Architectural, technical and structural

standards. In return the US Government is proposing to lower corporate

designs reach the stage where their construction is physically possible.

tax rates for the profits that would return from Europe to the states.

During this time design responsibilities might change to include subcontractors which are to detail further design works. The end of this

The cost of acquiring the site and the development of 18.5 hectares

period will culminated with finalised design works and a clear schedule

totalling 1.14 billion $ will have to be covered by government funds.

that will dictate the sequence of construction works that are to start at future stages. 2022-2025: Construction: Construction works are to be undergoing on site base on the previously issued schedule. The Midwest Horizon Master plan will see 8 phases of construction during a 5 year period that started in 2020 with demolition works.


Construction Management Contract

Traditional Contract

- PROCUREMENT ROUTE Decision Approval Client




Project Lead Lead Designer Lead Contractor

Design and Build

Project Manager

Construction Management Contract


Design Team Design and specifications

Traditional Contract

Main Contractor

Constrcution based on design and specifications

Decision Approval Client



Cost Project Lead Lead Designer Lead Contractor

Design and Build

Project Manager

Deterring the Projects Procurement Route


Design Consultant

Midwest Horizons is a large scale, multinational and subdivided development that consists of multiple structures being simultaneously built and used in a predefined space. The Master plan as whole is comprised of subsequent plots of land that are to be developed as part of a cohesive design by a Coordination Design Team

Main Contractor

Design and specifications

Constrcution based on design and specifications

variety of corporate and governmental institutions. They proposal employs British Soil while employing American Made Materials and large teams of Design Team Engineers, Surveyors and Contractors. Main Contractor American Designers,

Project Lead Decision Approval Lead Contractor

A high level of Quality is to be achieved withing a preassigned timeline Client requires that a Contribution Management Type Contract is toBuilding be employed. SubContractors

Project Lead Lead Designer Lead Contractor


Design Consultant

Project Manager


Project Management and specidfications Design Team Project Lead Lead Designer

Main Contractor Lead Contractor

Design Team

Design Team


Design and specifications Design Consultants

Quantity Surveyors


Main Contractor

Main Contractor

Project Lead Lead Contractor

Constrcution based on design and specifications

Nominated Sub-Contractor




Traditional Procurement Type Contract This route would provide an uncertain delivery time as the

Design and Build Procurement Type Contract Design

The project demands that the Manifestation of idealised American

Team and the Main Contractor would prioritises costs and quality over

Values Client attracts a large and public to engage with the developments. The specidfications

following the assigned timeline. In this case Midwest Horizons would not

Main Contractor Design under Team a design and built contract, is largely design team, left powerless

be able to satisfy the political driven deadlines requirements from both

Project LeadMain Contractor in enforcing a Lead high quality level of specifications. The Contractor

the US and UK Governments. The Client runs the risk that visitors could

seeks to minimise cost and speed up the delivery process witch would

be turned around from accessing the site in the time frame they initially

result in a product incapable of generating public interest.

agreed on. Public opinion would suffer terribly leading to a low number

Design Consultants

Project Management

Design Consultant

of visitors and overall project failure.

Lead Designer

Design Team


Surveyors Main Contractor

Project Lead Lead Contractor




Nominated Sub-Contractor

- PROCUREMENT ROUTE Construction Management Contract

Aptly named, the US of A Developments, is a board of representative American Directors and Government Officials that will reside in the UK and in turn be represented by the American Project Management Firm

Though this type of procurement route the Client / Employer appoints

Barton Marlow.

a management Contractor from the early stages of Outline Design Works. The presence of a Management Contractor increases the

US of A is responsible for the entire development by continuously

level of flexibility between design and construction. Changes can be

feeding information between the on-site situation and the Home Parent

implemented faster and easier increasing the quality of the product.

Company / Government.

The Management Contractor is a direct representative of the Client

The employment of Barton Marlow would offer expert advice, flexibility

acting as a liaison point between Design and Construction. The

and a guaranteed high level of quality. However, Barton Marlow is just

complexity of the number of works that are to take hold of the Castle

a liaison point, any possible risks would be the responsibility of the Client.

Combe Site necessitate the presence of an experienced Manager that

Overspending is a major possible issue for which all the involved parties

can alleviate conflicts between the Design and Construction Teams.

that make up the "Client" are responsible.

In the case of Midwest Horizons the Client is a conglomerate of corporate and governmental factions. Each involved parties is to assign representatives that are to gather and be present around the site during

- Extern

the development stages.

Spearheading Entity

- Client’s team -

Represented by the US of A Corporaton

- Project Management -

Contractural Responsability

Throughout all Phases of the Project

- Designers -

Contractural Responsability

- Contractors -

- Phase I -

The Farm

- Phase I -


Presidential Arrival



Thanksgiving Hall


Interior Designers

The Church

Interior Designers

Landscape Architects

- Phase II Architects

Hollywood Studios The Suburbs

Landscape Architects

- Phase II Architects


The Villas


Interior Designers


Interior Designers

Landscape Architects

Landscape Architects

Pine / Apple Trees - Phase I Architects Engineers

Fire Watch Towers Roads

Landscape Architects

- Phase I Architects Engineers Landscape Architects







Management The specifics of the Project Management Procurement Route are applied to the proposal and the resulted strategy is described and analyzed.



CDM 2015


Within the Construction (Design & Management) Regulations (CDM

The United States Government and the involved companies, though

2015) the responsibilities of entities involved in a construction projects


are encapsulated in a set of regulations that detail the management

Developments. This Representative Company will manage the funds

conduct as per the assigned roles.

and will go through the process of vetting and selecting the Designer,

official representatives make up the Client, , named:US of A

The Main Contractor and the Project Manger Company. The Clients, Designers, Contractors and Workers share the liability for the welfare of project in increments detailed by the CDM Regulations.

The size of the proposed development resulted in the choice of the Construction Management Contract Procurement route and

The Client: whether his demands are business or domestic related is the

subsequently the involvement of a Project Management Company.

direct beneficiary of the project, his duties include: • The Proper allocation of resources and accurate Time Management;

Barton Marlow is one of the largest such companies in the US, they have

• The diligent information of subsequent involved parties;

the variate experience of working in s wide large of projects therefore

• Overseeing the progress of Designers and Main Contractors

the company would have the skills to build all the diverse facilities present

• The provision of safety, health and comfort provisions

within the Midwest Horizons Master plan. With the Client Approval,Barton Marlow will Assign the Design Team and the Main Contractor based on

The Designers: knowledgeable and experienced person or company

experience and skill level. Barton Marlow will detail the plan of works and

that controls the the projects phases before the commencing of

schedule, will deal with costs, fees and procurement, will be involved in

construction works. This entity:

the tendering process and will closely oversee the whole process.

• Oversees and coordinates the planning process, manages the design process and assures the involved personnel's wealth fare in

The Design Team will separate according to the assigned plot of land

the pre-construction phase;

and will provide all relevant drawing packages. Architects, Engineers,

• Recognizes, removes and manages project related risks;

Interior designers and Landscape Architects are responsible to follow

• Keep all involved parties informed and prepared;

the Core Design Principles determined in the Design Brief and will

• Coordinates with the Main Contractor during construction to ensure

coordinate with the Main Contractor.

proper management; • Is knowledgeable of the current projects type or employs

The Main Contractor will follow all the previously mentioned regulations.

experienced consultants;

Particular to the Midwest Horizons Proposal, the Main Contractor

• Is involved after the start of the construction works to provide further

will seek to balance the US and UK discrepancies: metric / imperial

design amendments, clarifications and improvements

unit conversion, brick sizes, construction methods and even slang clarifications. Furthermore, the comfort of the Local Community is

The Main Contractor: appointed by The Client, oversees and manages

Paramount during all works, no process is to disturb the Castle Combe

the construction phase assuring the health, safety and comfort of Sub-

Village Habitat.

contractors. He is expected to: • Communicate and cooperate with the Designers and The Client;

Contractors and Workers will be employed under the Main Contractor.

• To produce the plan for the construction phase;

• They will advised where the 2 , previously discuses, historical area are

• To promote cooperation between contractors and assure that works

on site so no digging or any other disturbances are made.

follow the assigned plan;

• They will be instructed on how to deal with the discovery of historical

• Provide adequate site inductions;


• Prevent unwarranted site access;

• They will be thought how to identify the presence of ecological

• Provide safety, health and comfort facilities for the workers;

elements such as rare plants, wandering badgers or bats and

• Engage the workers with health and safety issues;

underground water bodies; • They will be instructed to maintain a preassigned noise level around

The Workers: are a group employed by the Contractor to carry out the

the North-West area of the site, closest to the Castle Combe Village;

assigned Construction Works. They are expected to:

• They will be provided with predetermined parking arrangements so

• To be considerate of their own health and safety;

not to crowd local spaces;

• To report issues or matters that might injure workers or that might

• They will be provide with adequate eating facilities so not to crow

result in delays and accidents;

the touristic restaurants

• Cooperate with all parties that have a say in the process management



- US of A Developments -

- Client -

- Barton Malow -

- Project Manger -

- US of A Developments Appoint Barton Malow as lead designer and contractor -

The Project Manager organises the design competition and appoints experienced design judges

- Project Brief -

- Competion Board Experienced Professionals, specialists and consultants - Architects -

- Shortlisted Designs -

- Masterplanners - US based Consultants - Wiltshire Council Members

- Masterplan Design Adjustments -

- Client Representatives

- Finished Design -

- Participant Designers -

MIDWEST HORIZON PROJECT TEAM - Design Process In the Planning Stage The United States Government,the involved companies, and the appointed Project Manger will organize a design completions and shortlist the proposals that meet the design brief. The Design Team, will then adjust the final winning proposal to better fit within the Master plans requirements. Client Representation and the Project Manager will supervise and comment were relevant so that all designs fit within the Masterplan Brief. The Project Manager will also liaise with the local Council through a series of Pre-app Documents until consensus is achieved and and the outline planning application can be putt forward. All relevant information will be sent to the Design Team and changes will be made accordingly.



- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- The Main Contarctor takes charge of the construction process with the selected sub-contractors -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Subcontractors are appointed - The Project Manager asseses the design specifications, comments and starts the tender process -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

- Subcontractors are appointed -

- Manufacturing specsidications -

MIDWEST HORIZON PROJECT TEAM - Tendering Process After the outline master plan design gains planning approval the Project Manger - Burton Malow will send an invitation to tender to prospective contractors. The Construction Management Contract Procurement route requires that Burton Malow will be directly involved in all stages of the tendering process though all construction phases. The Main Contractors are chosen by the Project Manger, with the accord of the Client and appointed to construct specific master plan area during specific construction phases. The Appointed Main Contractors will then individually subcontract, with the direct involvement of the Project Manger, specialized companies that are to carry certain works and supply specified materials.


- THE CONSTRUCTION TEAM Master Plan Architect

Main Contractors

Is responsible with the submission of the Outline Master plan Application

In total there are 9 Construction Phases within and outside the Master

and the future coordination of all design phases. The Midwest Horizons


Design Brief requires that the Castle Combe Circuit Site is to be developed

The Main Contractors will be appointed during the tendering process

as a cohesive piece of architecture.

and Managed by the Project Manager and are responsible for the

The Master plan Architect designs the outline of a fully functional

delivery of the construction works under the discussed time, cost and

American Town made up of a series of facilities that support each other.

quality considered

These facilities will be designed individually by separate architectural

The Main Contractors are responsible for the subcontractor they employ

practices. It is the responsibility of the Master plan Architect that thought

for their safety and welfare.

the future design phases separate designs will respect and support each other so that the Master plan functions as a whole.

Architects assigned for the Master plan Phases

Sub-contractors and Suppliers

In total there are 9 Design Phases within and outside the Master plan.

Subcontractors are appointed during the tendering period by the Main

Phase 0 - The Trafalgar Square Event will be designed and managed

Contractor and Project Manager an are responsible for the delivery of

by the Master plan Architect as this event will directly set the event on

specialized works thought all phases of the Master plan.

Castle Combe

Specifically for Midwest Horizons the following works will be carried out

Phase 1 - The removal of the solar farm equipment, terrain preparation,

by assigned subcontractors.:

incipient foundation works, road and infrastructure installations

• Set Design Specialists: to construct the facades of American Buildings

Phase 2 to 6 - A series of facilities that will offer residential. leisure and

on Site;

business opportunities on site. There will be 5 different architectural

• Fiberglas Specialists: to construct the American landscapes,

Practices working on these spaces, supervised and coordinated by the

mountains and terrains;

Project Manager, the Client and the Master plan Architect

• American Landscape Specialists: to manage the introduction of

Phase 7 - The Cathedral of American Citizenship, represents the pinnacle

indigenous American Plant species;

of the Master plan. There will be one major architectural practice working

• Structural specialists: to manage the construction of the large

at this phase supervised and coordinated by the Project Manager, the

structural works on the Citizenship Cathedral;

Client and the Master plan Architect

• Climate and Environmental Specialist, to recreate in closed spaces

Phase 8 - Landscaping. A Landscape Architecture Practice will manage

the climate of the specified US States

the final design stage and the introduction of new plant species on site.

• Special effects specialist: to recreate the iconic American Horizons through the use of screens and other displaying methods • Cladding specialists; to construct curved bespoke cladding elements for the Citizenship Cathedral Facade and interiors; • Farm construction specialist: experienced US Farm Construction team that knows the needs for functional self-sustainable farming; • Backing facilities specialists: to assure the requirements for the American Apple Pie Backing events, • Theme-Park Consultants: to provide the entertainment experiences, public facilities and crow control experience;



- Phase VIII Landscaping

Civil / Structural and MEP Engineers Midwest Horizons follows the design strategy of theme parks accounting for curated experiences for a large number of visitors. Within the design

Gustafson Guthrie Nichol

process engineers will input their expertise so that the master plans

Landscape Architect

integrity is assured. Mep Engineer The Design requires that the environment is controlled at all times so that specific spaces would mimic specified climates. MEP Engineers will assure a strategy that allows for humidity, temperature natural and Mep Engineer

artificial lighting and wind control. The phases vary vastly based on their structural needs, Structural Engineers having to design both timber and steel structural frames. The

Civil Engineer

most demanding proposal will be the Cathedral that requires spans over 90 meters at height over 40m. Civil Engineers will assure the quality of all infrastructural works from roads to underground services.

Consultants Midwest Horizons will employ a number of both UK and US based consultants to liaise with the design team and share their expertise in specific case: • UK based Planning Consultants - UK based Consultants that Understand the Local Policies; • UK based Environmental Consultant - specialized in working in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty as such is the case; • UK based Historical Surveyors - to advise on how possible historical finding are to be manged • US and UK Based Environmental Consultants - To tackle the design brief and existing site conditions; • US Based Master planers - to advice and support the veracity of the Proposal • Quantity and Cost Surveyors and Consultants; • Security Specialists - to ensure the safety of the visitors and that of the President when he visits; • Ecological Consultant - to support the introduction of new plant species on Site • Measurement Consultant - to check the Imperial - Metric Conversion



- Phase II to IV -

- Phase VI -

- Phase VI -

- Phase I -

American Landmarks

Citizenship Cathedral


Roads and Infrastructure




Civil Engineer

Mep Engineer

Structural Engineer

Civil Engineer Mep Engineer

Landscape Architect

Mep Engineer

Mep Engineer Landscape Architect

Civil Engineer

Landscape Architect

Landscape Architect



Main Contractor

Main Contractor

- Phase VIII -

- Phase I -


Underground Services



Main Contractors / Sub-Contractors and Suppliers The Midwest Horizons Master plan will employ during construction a wide range of Contractors skilled and experienced in the delivery of both functional and simulated architectural environments. The Project Manager will employ major American Contractors experienced with American Projects to carry out specialized construction works and advance the veracity of the Site. The artificial Environments (landscapes, mountains, 2D Painted Sets etc.) will be largely carried out by EDON, an American Company specialized such as classical cornices, columns domes etc.

Main Contractor

- Phase II to IV - Timber Structures Subcontractors: - Timber Structures Specialist; - Joinery Specialist; - Road Signage Specialist;

- Escavation Specialist;

- Cladding Specialist;

- Painting Specialist;

- Foundation Specialist;

Main Contractor

- Phase IV - Hollywood Studios Subcontractors: - Hall Structures Specialist;

- Asphalt Specialist;

- Electrical Specialist;

- Road Signage Specialist;

- Escavation Specialist;

- Cladding Specialist;

- Paving Specialist;

- Foundation Specialist;

Main Contractor

- Phase VIII - Public Sport Amenities: - Timber Structures Specialist; - Signage Specialist; - Electrical Specialist;

- Escavation Specialist;

- Escavation Specialist;

- Paving Specialist;

- Concrete Specialist;

- Drainage Specialist;

- Pluming Specialist;

- Transport Specialist;

- Drainage Specialist;

- Gardening Specialist;

- Electrical Specialist;

- Digging Specialist;

- Telecomunications Specialist;

- Arboriculturist;

- Fiber Specialist;

- Pluming Specialist;

-Waste Management Specialist;

- Wattering Specialist;

in replicated, with the use of fiberglass, architecturally rich elements

- Electrical Specialist;

- Ecological Specialist;



Main Contractor

Main Contractor

Main Contractor

Main Contractor

- Phase II to IV -

- Phase VII -

- Phase VI -

- Phase I -

Iconic American Arhitectural

Citizenship Cathedral


Roads and Infrastructure

Background Subcontractors:




- Steel Structure Specialist;

- Steel Structure Specialist;

- Structural Specialist;

- Asphalt Specialist;

- Set Desing Specialist;

- Set Desing Specialist;

- Timberframe Specialist;

- Road Signage Specialist;

- Timberframe Specialist;

- Fiberglass Specialist;

- Concrete Specialist;

- Escavation Specialist;

- Cladding Specialist;

- Cladding Specialist;

- Electrical Specialist;

- Paving Specialist;

- Concrete Specialist;

- Concrete Specialist;

- Flooring Specialist;

- Heavy Equipement Operator;

- Electrical Specialist;

- Timberframe Specialist;

- Drywall Specialist;

- Subgrade Specialist;

- Drainage Specialist;

- Joinery Specialist;

- Roofing Specialist;

- Drainage Specialist;

- Roofing Specialist;

- Enviromental Specialist;

- Pluming Specialist;

- Kerb specialist;

Main Contractor

- Phase VIII - Fiberglass Landscapes Subcontractors: - Timber Structures Specialist; - Surveyor Specialist; - Electrical Specialist;

-Stage Designer Specialist

- Escavation Specialist;

-Painting Specialist

- Casting Specialist;



- US of A Developments -

- Barton Malow -

- Client -

- Project Manger -

- Harkins Builders -

- Main Contractor -

Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP



- Architect -

- MEP Engineer -

- Civil Engineer -

Fit-out Phase 01

Fit-out Phase 02

Fit-out Phase 03

Fit-out Phase 04


Fit-out Phase 05

Fit-out Phase 06

- SCOPE OF WORKS The Design Team for the Cathedra of American Citizenship

Arcadis Civil Engineers: they will provide the access route to and thought the building and will work closely with the structural engineer on the Bridge Structural System

The Design Process for the Cathedral is to be done by an all American Team that understands the requirements of such a project and has the

ARUP Structural Engineer: although based in the UK, the American

experience to put forward a concept that is suitable to the American

branch will be involved in this project to detail the structural strategy


Land works Studio: to design he landscapes within the building

SOM Architects: the are experienced with designing large scale mix-use development both in the US and the UK

Nate Berkus: will be responsible for designing the interior space access

Aecom MEP Engineer: Is one of the world leading engineering

and used by the president or government representatives

companies. Based in Los Angeles, the Aecom team can provide the necessary facilitates to control the varied environments within the buildings

Arup Group Limited

Landworks Studio Inc

Nate Berkus Designer

- Structural Engineer -

- Landscape Architect -

- Interior Architect -

Fit-out Phase 07

Fit-out Phase 08

Fit-out Phase 09

Fit-out Phase 10


Fit-out Phase 11

Fit-out Phase 12



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