Toeyen park in park

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TøYen botanisk hage: Park In Park

Vlad Lyakhov, AHO 2015

site analysis

TøYen botanisk

Explode diagram of the parks structure



One of the specificsof the park is its fragmentation and combination of bigger public park areas with a small and intimate spaces, closed from the surroundings PArk in Park situation two levels of the park:

1. frame of public park and pass-through area bigger scale, faster pass speed and more people

2. The core: botanical garden itself, more cultivated and precious botanical park

Parts of the park with qualities of a rather a public urban or transit park with no functions/ qualities of a botanical garden

existing situation proposed situation (fragmented, unfinishness) (closed circle, order)

Enthropy/ chaos

little pockets of the botanical garden with a more intimate atmoshpere, closed from the surroundings. Private parks for everyone

1:500 model of the site


desing proposal the main focus of the design is to make o combination of a higher-speed transit green area-park, a place which is a better to make your way through on bike, with a dog or just walking, without stopping for a long time. in the center of the plot a more precious cultivated botanical garden occupies quite a big spave. it is a place to spend some time in, learning the plants or simply reading book or drinking some coffee woth your friends or maily.

Master plan It is proposed to extend the park eastwards and connect it with the big tøyen park. the area inbetween them used to be a huge asphalt spot, now it becomes th logical continuation of the botanical garden with a new greenhouse.

Section B-B’ A

One of the main accesses supposed to be open through Stange Porten in the corner of Sars’s Gate and Jan Bjelkes’ Gate streets. This part of the park is recognised as the more public, bigger scale and higer pass-through speed. On the left side a special place for dogs, so that they don’t have to walk across all the botanical One of the driver ideas for the design was the idea of connecting two green areas in the neighbourhood - tøyen park and the botanical garden. The contiuosity is achieved by building a green bridge on the place of asfalt spot of car parking area. This area is supposed to be givven to the botanical garden to enlarge it.


B’ A’

In addition to the existing entrances it is proposed to open up 5 new ones. So that the frame of public park areas becomes a finished circle for passing through and walking in.

design details

Section A-A’ 1:1000

little pockets of the botanical garden with a more intimate atmoshpere, closed from the surroundings. Private parks for everyone little pockets of the botanical garden with a more intimate atmoshpere, closed from the surroundings. Private parks for everyone bl blblb bla bal bla bla bla

Source: poluted piped river

Sedimentation pond cleanes the water and catches the big heavy polution particles

Sandy bottom of the pond absorbs the middle size dirt

Scirpus cleans up the smallest particles

Water flows further as a river on the surface along the botanical garden before it gets piped again before entering the greenhouse

River gets piped

UV lamps kill the bacterias and water gets heated

Clean and warm water opens up as a tropical river in the greenhouse

The river flows out right from the greenhouse and flows openly untill it ends up in the last pond, reservoir for the Pangea Park. The warm water flowting out from the greenhouse creates a beautifull steaming effect if the the air is not very warm.


This part of the botanical garden is supposed to show a typical norwegian habitat with monocultural vegetation of birch trees. birch trees are not often being planted these days even though they are so to say, iconic and typical for Norway. Because of the beautifull bark the tree looks beautifull for the whole year, even without the leafs. The terrain in the area has been reshaped in order to create a hilly surrounding. This supposed to bring an atmosphere of a whole birch forest (lund) because the terrain isolates the person from the surrounding areas and visions, completelly enclosed and surrounded by birch trees. Pangea

Prosjekt Pangea

A botanical and geological exhibition with collection from all the continents of the Earth. The lake represents the globe and the floating islands are the continents on which the corresponding plants are located. The main thing, that the continents are represented not in the modern condition, but in geological past, in the times of Pangea, the mega-continent, divided into to parts - Lavrasia and Gondwana. The continents are floating in the lake with flexible bridge systems connecting the. All the modern continents are represented here with the corresponding plants, but for Antarctica. Since today the flora of Antarctica is not that rich, that part of Gondwana exhibits geological artifacts and fossils.

The Modern Earth


The Modern Earth

225 million years ago

200 million years ago

225 millon years ago

200 millon years ago

A In Pangea only Lavrasia and Antarctica are fixed to the ground, the rest continents are slowly floating in the basin with flexible bridges between them. This represents the effect of continents movement in geological times

150 million years ago

Present day

150 millon years ago

present day



The possible continents flow in the basin. Comparison with the previous position. Antarctica is semi-attached to the ground from one side, but has some capacity to slightly move as well.

The floating continents are meant to bring the feeling of tectonic forces and the sense of completelly different time, geological time scale, and to remind that things have not allways been like the way we got used to it, and not neccessarily will allways be.

greenhouse design

Green house South Faccade

20 meters

Green house inner plan

The greenhouse The glass house was designed in a vrey classical style, the same style as all the buildings in the botanical garden are. It was made in intention that the new object will not jump out from the existing park, but will rather fulfill it harmonically, as if it has allways been there. Classical fassade will create a better ensamble with the standing nearby museum buildings, and the intention is such, that visitors will not think of it as a new building, but would rather suggest that it belongs to the same time as the rest buildings in the garden.


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