Script: Francisco Inostroza - Felipe Benavides
Art: Claudio Muñoz
Color: Koté Carvajal
Lettering: Felipe Benavides
Project financed by National Fund for the Promotion of Books and Reading of Chile, call 2018.

You visit us in a day of joy, peñi.
The news that I bring has little joy.
Peñi Toki Caupolicán, with your permission, an authentic of the land and cona brings news of the winkas in this day.
Let him speak to everyone.

I am Leftraru. Many of you, brothers, knew me as the son of the Curiñanku lonko from the lands of my ancestors in Trehuaco, captured by the apo Valdivia, seven summers ago. I saw my father for the last time in Andalien, facing the winka.

Twenty-four days of the month of February of the year 1550, province of Penco, next to the river Andalien, near the states of Arauco.
You are a great support, Felipe.
Santiago and close, Spaniards!

Felipe, son...
What has this Indian said?
Winka in your hands dripping the blood of my brothers and one day “my blood” will spill yours.*

All these Indians are the same, may God forgive you.
My father was killed three summers with our brothers by the hands of the winka and now he is only one night away from arriving here.
*in mapudungun.twenty-five days of the month of December of the year 1553, Tucapel, State of Arauco.
That’s not a bird, my lord ... he’s an Indian!

I’ve seen your interest in learning from our ways, young Felipe. With this game you will understand to think like a gentleman of the court.
It is a great hobby in the courts of Spain, although those who know about fighting, if it were not for our deeds and letters would never know what an open field campaign looks like.
and that, my young apprentice, is the best tool of battle, covering the jumping board piecework.
and all remain refugees for this tower, which would be of us without our forts.
But here far from those privileges we can create our own kingdom, together, under my command.
The pawns, your first flank of defense and attack, to whom you must use with greater caution, disband easily.
The bishops are attached to their king, help the morale of the troops, but flee to the first attack.
We can not forget the Lady, who together with her king, controls everything ... ... how to live without her ...
Y todos ellos están para resguardar a su rey, mantenerlo lejos del campo de batalla. refugiado, es crucial para así tener la tranquilidad y controlar con astucia y anticiparse al rival.

Let us march soon to punish those barbarians as they deserve!
We continue, Gómez de Almagro comes from Purén to meet at the Fort.

My lord, they have destroyed the fort and they have not left a Christian alive.
Shut up, Felipillo. Those savages will already know that the designs of God to tame these lands can not be changed by anyone. How could we go back without seeing the enemy and what an enemy!
... I saw, with my own eyes, the burning fortress.