Meeting the Sea - By Margarita Mainé & Silvi Hei

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Dirección Editorial: Fabiana Nolla Portillo

Diseño y Diagramación: Florencia Tocci

Texto: Margarita Mainé

Ilustración: Silvi Hei

Edición: Natalia Ribas

Mainé, Margarita

Conocer el mar / Margarita Mainé ; ilustrado por Silvina Heianna. - 1a ed ilustrada.

- Ciudad AutÛnoma de Buenos Aires : Gerbera Ediciones, 2022.

32 p. : il. ; 23 x 18 cm. - (Hilos dorados / 7)

ISBN 978-987-48477-3-7

1. Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Argentina. 2. Narrativa Infantil y Juvenil Argentina.

I. Heianna, Silvina, ilus. II. TÌtulo.

CDD A863.9282

Esta edición de 3.000 ejemplares se terminó de imprimir en abril de 2022 en Gráfica Cartoon S.A., Av. Chile 1820, A4400, Salta, Argentina. Queda hecho el depósito que previene la ley 11.723. prohibida la reproducción total o parcial por cualquier medio medio visual, gráfico, sonoro, electrónico u otros métodos, sin la autorización escrita del editor.

For my friend Vivi, because I love swimming life together. Margarita

There’s always time to fulfill our wishes. Silvi

This morning the lioness yawned without stopping. Last night she had stayed reading till late and she had been sleepless thinking about the sea.

While reading the whale’s story she seemed to feel her skin getting wet with the salty water. How would it feel lying on the sand after swimming?

Many days passed and the animals started to ask themselves what happened to the lioness. She didn’t scratch her ears as before and she looked melancholic and sad. She looked around ignoring the beauty of the trees. Her eyes got lost in the sky and the clouds impulsed by the wind took her attention. The lioness liked the savannah very much but she had began to ask herself what if she liked the sea even more?


She started her hike alone but at sunset she met a couple of elephants playing with their babies.

- Where are you going with that bag? - The elephant asked.

- To meet the sea- the lioness said and had to explain what it was and how she had met it.

The river was almost seen when she listened that someone called her.

There came the elephant with a heavy bag.

The three of them walked together during two days and at night they slept under the stars

On the seventh day of hiking they were wishing the rain came back. They had no more strength and they didn’t have any snacks.

- When do we arrive at the sea? - they asked themselves but they didn’t say any words.

On the eighth day the desert started to draw enormous dunes. The elephant’s feet sank in the soft sand and in two occasions the lioness and the giraffe had to push her to help her get to the top.Then they got down running, rolling and laughing till they met other dune and they had to start again.

- I’m tired! - the giraffe complained, and the lioness motivated her saying they would soon see the sea.

A bit later they put their heads up and felt some fresh and salty air.

If any of the three knew how to swim it was not noticed. “Could they go out safe and sound?, a crab which observed from the sand asked itself. There were many hits till the sea got tired of playing with them.

The waves began to be more serene while the sun on the horizon painted their last rays.

The three of them were left spreadeagled spitting water on the sand. “ Would they be drowned or exhausted? - the crab asked hitting its claws.

Suddenly the giraffe with a lot of effort got her neck up and said: -What wonderful the sea is!

The lioness agreed and the three of them laughed for a long time at how the waves had beaten them.

After that they fell asleep and the moon appeared over the sea.

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