
Dirección Editorial: Fabiana Nolla Portillo Diseño y Diagramación: Florencia Tocci Texto: Silvina Rocha Ilustración: Paz Tamburrini Edición de imágenes: Leticia Kutianski Fotografía: Lourdes Tienda
Rocha, Silvina Diminuta / Silvina Rocha ; ilustrado por María Paz Tamburrini. - 1a ed ilustrada.Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires : Gerbera Ediciones, 2021. 32 p. : il. ; 23 x 18 cm. - (Hilos dorados / 6) ISBN 978-987-4071-33-0
1. Literatura Infantil y Juvenil Argentina. 2. Narrativa Infantil y Juvenil Argentina.
I. Tamburrini, María Paz, ilus. II. Título. CDD A863.9282
Esta edición de 3.000 ejemplares se terminó de imprimir en noviembre de 2021 en Gráfica Triñanes, Avellaneda, Pcia. de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Queda hecho el depósito que previene la ley 11.723. prohibida la reproducción total o parcial por cualquier medio medio visual, gráfico, sonoro, electrónico u otros métodos, sin la autorización escrita del editor.
To Leti K. for watching and watching a tiny

When Tiny fell everybody came closer to look at it.Tiny was smaller than a ripe fig, but bigger than a chickpea, sweet as the quince and fragile as a sapling.

The ants came close. They looked at it, they looked at it and talked themselves, till finally the Queen said: It’s too big, too tall, too much. It isn’t one of ours.

Then, the cicada came closer after having her siesta for years. She looked at it and looked at it, and without stopping to look at it, said: -It’s too light, it doesn’t have wings or sing. It isn’t one of ours.

At last, the snail, as usual, arrived late. He looked and looked at Tiny and without stopping to look at it said: - It’s not like me, it’s not like a homeless slug either. It’s too dry, too much. It’s not one of ours.

The big family from the mount has now a new member, Tiny, who doesn’t look like anybody.