Here I am, grounded. I can’t get out of my room or watch TV, now that Batman is on! And all because of Fito, who began to talk just because he’s a gossiper.

What happened was that we got together with some friends at the park in the afternoon and a man came asking for the Jiménez family’s house. “I’m a Jiménez, that’s my house over there,” I told him.

The gentleman was nice. He asked me if I liked soccer and what my favorite team was.

Fito later started to bug me and said that my uncle also lived in my house, that he had arrived recently and that he was kind of strange. I tried to silence him, but Fito kept saying that he had seen him the other day in the attic of my house, hiding like a mouse.

I didn’t know where to hide. I had promised my dad that I was going to keep Uncle Octavio’s secret!
The day he came to my house, my dad explained that uncle was going to live with us for a while. He didn’t tell me why, but he stressed that I couldn’t tell ANYONE.
That day my dad spoke to me very seriously and I felt very grown-up.
Uncle Octavio’s secret was something very important!

I didn’t know what was going on at home, they were all mysterious, whispering... Even Laura, who is a kiddo that had no clue!
Well, and what had to happen happened...
After Fito opened his big mouth, the man from the park came to my house with other men who were all dressed alike.
They rang the bell and asked for my uncle.

I don’t know what happened, I don’t know why they punished me. Now I will never know what happened to my uncle Octavio nor with Batman in today’s episode.