THE Cycle of life

A n d r e a F r an c o
Todos los derechos reservados
©2020 Andrea Franco /
De esta edición ©2020 Una casa de cartón
Diseño gráfico: Víctor Vergara

ISBN: 978-956-9809-07-1
Editorial Una casa de cartón LTDA. Comodoro 028, Limache

Flies emerged from the puma looking for crumbs. But they didn’t find any, so they feasted on the puma.

…and seeing all those flies, he gulped them down without hesitating.

That frog so fat fell flat on his back right into a hole.

A tree with white blossoms was without branches just yesterday. Its trunk appeared rotten, yet today it is flowering.

When a new life hatches here or somewhere else

While some pass away…

... others arrive to be born.

The cycle of life is for you to enjoy, for as long as you can.

And since he was already dead a bird came along to eat his body.