Portfolio 2016

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solar heat gains and thermal losses.

simulate a net zero design for a new building for the Department of Architecture at MIT. The site, located on Memorial

Although winds from the ESE are not as strong or as frequent as winds coming from other directions during the summer months, their potential to cool the building is greater as they come across the Charles River and meet the building virtually unblocked by any other building. To test this postulation, I ran a simulation of my building geometry in scStream with the MIT campus as its context.



Honeybee Workow

Additionally, I used an extension to Grasshopper called Honeybee to simulate the energy consumption of my building. Honeybee takes all relevant context into consideration so long as the user is able to specify what that context is. I gave Honeybee weather data for Boston, Passive House R-values, and the number of operable openings of each zone, among various other forms of data. Honeybee simulated this for me, and was able to tell me how much energy my design proposal consumes annually. Considering the amount of predicted solar energy versus energy consumed, this design achieves net zero, according to the simulations.

CANTILEVER INTO HEALING The program I created for this project was designed for a retired couple seeking to move into the woods to be closer to the healing powers of nature. The programmatic challenge was their desire to downsize while maintaining enough additional square-footage for one of their children and two young grandchildren to live comfortably with them on a part-time basis.

STRUCTURAL CONCEPT A truss system was used to extend above the into nature:



FLOOR PLANS This retrofit to a grain elevator is one proposed solution to the program. Floor plans focus on issues of mobility, privacy between individuals, and energy consumption.

PROFESSIONAL WORK SAMPLE De si gn I nte rn, Summer 2 01 5 L exington, MA

During my summer internship, I was tasked with leading the schematic design of a historic house renovation in Lexington, MA. It was our goal to expand the house to meet the needs of the modern market, while also ensuring our design passed an intensive review by the Lexington Historical Society. During this project, I used my art history background to predict what the Historical Society would look for in terms of roof line and aesthetic. After passing the review process, I continued to work with my supervisor on the design development of this project. NEXT PAGE This contemporary house renovation in Belmont, MA was my introduction to working on construction documents in a professional firm. Incite had already completed the design development by the time I began my intership. I assisted primarily in creating detail drawings and framing diagrams. I was soon able to create my own detail drawings. In a final task, I created a model of of this project for the office.

PROFESSIONAL WORK SAMPLE De si gn I nte rn, Summer 2 01 5 L exington, MA



PROFESSIONAL WORK SAMPLE De si gne r / Archi te ctura l Vi sua lizati on Inte r n Capi ta l Proje ct s Te a m, S pr ing 2 01 6 Boston, MA 12TH FLOOR PLAN

Originally an independent study project in the fall of 2015, it was my goal to create a unifying vision for MassArt’s Godine Library. The library’s facilities are currently in severe condition and the program has seen no substantial renovations since the 80s. Through close conversations with the library’s staff and the capital projects team, it became increasingly clear that all parties needed to unify around a shared vision for the library. Yet none existed. To understand just what this vision could be and how it could be made possible through a phased renovation, I conducted research and intensive analysis of the existing program.



The agreed-upon concept fits neatly into a three-part, phased renovation. Not only does it reorganize the program, it also seeks to create visibility for all students and visitors so that they may better understand and engage with the resources that are available to them.

PHASE II The renovation spans both floors of the library. Pictured below is a ‘living room’ that emphasizes views of the city and creates a combined reading lounge / study area which serves all user groups. Benches and counters built under the window (left) replace unused shelving and dramatically improve the edge condition on both floors.


Interior partition walls have been removed along the edge of the 13th floor to improve egress and visibility, which simultaneously creates the sense that staff are available to students. Special Collections has been moved upstairs, now visible through a relocated classroom. A new classroom can host sessions on a wide variety of topics.

Ca p-F re e O il Pai nt S tand Synth eti c P la st ic For m St u dy

Co nc eptual Form M use um Bo ard For m, M a ter i al an d Pla ce

De sign i te ration s for a CM U Foam , P laster, Con crete Bu il di ng C omp on ent s an d Deta il s

Co nc eptual S truc ture Bas swoo d For m, M a ter i al an d Pla ce

LE FT Il lust rat ion. Oil on Boa rd, (8 x 1 2 )

TO P RI GHT Pa ge f rom a Stor y B ook . Goua che on Pa pe r (1 0 x 1 0 )

BOT TO M R I GHT Sche mat ic Ne ural Trans mitte rs for Chi ldre n a ge d 6 -9 .

My S iste r, Oil on L ine n (4 8 X 3 0 )

W hi te Alb um , Di gi ta l Photog ra ph

Pei B ui ld in g s, Di gi ta l Photog raph

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