1 minute read


Peppermint is a great oil to include in your daily routine to attract abun wealth, being one of the best oils for prosperity. It boosts your body's positivity by energising your mood and spirit which can help you with your focus so you can potentially attract more money. It increases and stimulates your mental agility and focus which will take you further toward reaching your goals and objectives. It invigorates the mind, boosts your energy, promotes concentration and stimulates clear thinking. It will soothe and revive a tired mind, thereby allowing you to regain focus and continue with the task at hand in a more productive manner. Don't let that afternoon slump affect your ability to earn and be at your most productive. It's an instant confidence booster and will help awaken your senses, allowing you to feel into your financial decisions and be confident that you ' ve made the right choices to serve you and your higher purpose. It’s great if you need an instant burst of alertness and focus before a big meeting or presentation. It's cooling and relaxing and will cleanse the air to help promote a healthy respiratory system. Diffusing this cool, fresh and uplifting oil will raise the vibes in your space and will help you attract money and wealth!


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