VMH Magazine - December/January 2015

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Vikki Hankins !! !! Your Gift Will Make Room For You!

Vikki Marie Hankins Magazine!


Justine SanFilippo Goal Setting, Weight Loss, and Success

! ! ! ! ! !

Special Tribute

Marion Barry

3 Steps Makeup Artist!

Patrick Starrr ! Spreading Beauty

End Career & Business Gridlock

‘The Mayor For Life’

Learn to Sale More of What You Have from ‘Billion Dollar Man’, Bob Circosta!

Dec./Jan. 2014/15

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A New Look Means A New You

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Jeans That Finally Fit the Curvaceous Body Type

“Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be what you want to be. Because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.”



Vikki Hankins Media, LLC

Editor-in-Chief! Vikki Hankins

Journalists Morgan Amos

Vikki Hankins

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Garry L. Jones

Contributor (Visiting)! Peter C. Diamond

Photography! Sherman Hankins

Vikki Hankins

Garry L. Jones


Media Assistant Alisha Davis

15! Justine! SanFilippo Setting Goals and Reaching Them!



Follow Us:

By Morgan Amos!

Cover Photography by Garry L. Jones

10. Billion Dollar Man, Bob Circosta ‘Sell More of What You Have’ by Vikki Hankins

30. Professional Makeup Artist, Patrick Starrr The World of Beauty

by Morgan Amos

With 37 years of experience, Bob Circosta has helped his clients generate over $10 billion dollars in sales. He has developed proven principles to help any corporation, small business owner, entrepreneur, or person from any walk of life sell more of what they have.

33. Kandra Albury Victory in Corporate America Empowering Children Through Creativity

18. The Power of Believing in Your Dream & Making it Happen by Vikki Hankins

Photography by Sherman Hankins

! 27. 3 Steps to End Career & Business Gridlock by Peter C. Diamond


Food For Thought:


When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us.


- Alexander Graham Bell 6

Tribute: Interior Design Showcase: Bente - ‘MrsLilli’

30 Couture & Elegance!


Tekay Designs Bridal & Formal Collection !


Marion Barry (D.C.’s Former Mayor) His Legacy, Advocacy & Accomplishments by Garry L. Jones

! 23 Notes in Humility

! ”I still have my feet on the ground, I just wear better shoes.”

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~Oprah Winfrey “Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts. It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.”


~William Temple



“Let us always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.”


― Mother Teresa

Indulge & Enjoy Life’s Simple Pleasures

“Your hand and your mouth agreed many years ago that, as far as chocolate is concerned, there is no need to involve your brain.”

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― Dave Barry

Bob Circosta

Billion Dollar Man Grow Your Business & ‘Sell More of What You Have’ HSN’s Billion Dollar Mana, Bob Circosta

By Vikki Hankins

Business owners and/or those with a product to sale are met with the challenge of maintaining or increasing sales. In many case an author launches a book, a designer designs clothes, or a cafe has a grand opening, but what after all of this is done? Who’s going to walk into that cafe and purchase a cup of coffee or danish? Or who’s interested in reading an author’s book? Let’s not forget the designer with his/ her new fashion designs…who’s going to buy the designs?!

they have,” says Circosta. “Whether you are looking into a TV camera, into someone’s eyes, on the telephone or preparing a video for your website or YouTube, you need to know how to present what you have in a way that gets a response form others!”!


Billion Dollar Man, Bob Circosta, teaches you how to sell your product and make your business thrive in his new book entitled, Life’s A Pitch. Helping such celebrities as Patti LaBelle, Suzanne Somers, Farah Fawcett, Florence Henderson, Ken Paves sell their product, Circosta has sold over 1 BILLION dollars in products.!

In Life’s A Pitch, Bob Circosta, gives simple, practical tools to sales improvement. Marketing is clearly instrumental to sales and vice versa, so of course the man that sold billions can tell us what we should and should not do. For example, an essential ingredient to sales success involves trusting whether or not the product is reliable. How many times have you went to purchase a used car, with the ‘fear’ of a dealer selling a lemon. Writes Circosta, Trust is ‘The Foundation of Every Sale’. Providing ABC’s to ‘understanding the secrets to selling’, this book is for anyone with a business, product, or service.!

“I have taken my decades of sales success and applied the principles to help any corporation, small business owner, or entrepreneur sell more of what

LIFE’S A PITCH…Understanding the Secrets to Selling from Television’s Billion Dollar Man, is a must read for anyone with a product to sale. His ABC’s





to success plants the power in the heart to not only grow or revamp your business or product, but his formula and proven track record is the key to a lucrative business!!


“Whether you are looking into a TV camera, into someone’s eyes, on the telephone or preparing a video for your website or YouTube, you need to know how to present what you have in a way that gets a response form others!”


With 37 years of experience, Circosta has helped his clients generate over $10 billion dollars in sales. He has developed proven principles to help any corporation, small business owner, entrepreneur, or person from any walk of life sell more of what they have. Regardless of whether you're selling the latest hi-tech gadget, an insurance policy, high-heeled shoes, or even dog f o o d , L i f e ’ s a Pitch provides all of the techniques you will ever need to sell like a pro.!


Circosta’s breakthrough strategies have been featured on NBC’s Dateline, ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC’s The Today Show, 20/20, USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. Circosta owns Bob Circosta Communications and currently lives in Clearwater, Florida.!


Life’s a Pitch is available on BobCircosta.com and amazon.com

Jiorva New Growth Treatment is an all natural mix of essential oils specially blended to enhance scalp and hair health. !

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TeKay Designs - Bridal & Formal Collection

Houston Fashion Week Houstonians celebrated a week of fashion and philanthropy during the annual Houston Fashion Week showcased at the JW Marriott Hotel. Notable dignitaries in attendance were Ms. Trinelle Mc Hughes-Thomas from the City of Houston, Mayor’s office, Miss Houston, Miss Teen Houston, Mrs. Texas Int’l, Miss Jr. Lone Star State and Miss Teen Texas. The event spanned six days; and is produced by a group of local models, fashion photographers and style enthusiasts who are in support of Houston’s local Fashion Designers. There was a silent auction of dresses created by the participating designers to help raise financial support for the National Spinal Cord Injury Association’s chapter in Houston.


African Inspired Gown

Queen of the Brides Collection

During the awards segment, one designer, Kimma Wreh of TeKay Designs was awarded as the Best Couture Designer and Best Bridal Designer title for the “Queen of the Brides” gown collection and the “Crown Collection” of formal gowns. Kimma Wreh also won the Best Fashion Designer of the year award. The voting is based on scores by TeKay Designs is an international fashion house with headquarters in Houston Texas.

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African Inspired Gown Queen of the Brides Collection

TeKay’s Queen of the Brides Collection is a high-end bridal line with each gown representative of a historic woman of power and social significance from different countries around the world. The line is heavily influenced by ancient Egyptian and European styles and adorned with lavish accessories. The bridal collection carries white and cream colored gowns with gold trimmings. This season the line introduces a silver ensemble into the bridal collection. The bridal gowns were created using silver pleated satin fabric inserted into a silver metallic lace, which offers

women a striking appearance. African Inspired Gown

Fashion Designer Kimma Wreh



Couture, Elegance, & Red Carpet

! TeKay Designs

Shriner’s Hospital Ambassador

Model, Maria Corea

TeKay designs and manufactures unique Bridal, Formal, and Ethnic wear, Accessories and fashion jewelry.


National Spinal Injury Association Ambassador, Deborah Grayson Carpenter



Magazine Covers Book Covers Head Shots Weddings Reunions Baptisms Galleries Fashion Shows Photo Shoot Parties

Divine Reflection Photography

Debra Hooks www.ladyddhooks.smugmug.com 404.754.6612

Justine SanFilippo

“I think that success is measured by setting goals and reaching them, despite the obstacles and roadblocks that may come your way, but with each obstacle is a learning lesson.” - Justine SanFilippo

by Morgan Amos Photo Courtesy of Justine SanFilippo

Justine SanFilippo’s personal struggle with her weight while in college sent her down a path of self-discovery, which ultimately led to her becoming a Certified Health Coach for ten years, personal trainer, nutritionist, and author of the book Lose Your Inches Without Losing Your Mind!:10 Simple Weeks to a Slimmer Waistline and a Healthier You. Through her struggles, Justine was not only able to learn more about herself, but she was able to take what she had learned to help, inspire, and motivate others. Before pursuing a career in health and wellness however, Justine attended the University of Notre Dame to study information systems. “I really sort of fell into wellness as a career; I thought computers would be good to know one day, but it was during my college years that I put on a lot of weight especially my junior year,” she said. Justine said she gained 45 lbs. resulting in her joining the ‘diet rollercoaster’ that several people do where you try several diets and nothing works. “I felt like I was losing my mind,” she shared. Those diets consisted of one summer deciding to eat mostly cereal during the day and doing an hour of cardio afterwards, taking diet supplements, to even attending a juicing retreat with her mother at Martha’s Vineyard one year for her birthday. “I had never really done too many cleanses before and as somebody who loves nutrition, I’m always sort of experimenting with myself as a guinea pig to see

what things work in the long run. So we went there and I was so hungry. For three days, I was lightheaded, nauseous, and could barely function,” she expressed. The amounts of juice they gave you were so miniscule that we just basically felt terrible.” Not all hope was lost though because Justine lost 8 lbs. However, nearing the stint of their stay, guests were allowed to eat something before leaving the retreat. According to Justine, she had a bowl of soup and raw vegetables. She explained that the weight came back and she soon realized that the weight she had lost while at the retreat was simply water weight. Justine learned something valuable through this experience. “I realized that juicing should be used as a kick starter to your healthier lifestyle versus quick weight-loss because the weight doesn’t stay off and you can be really hungry.” She shared that what she tries to teach people with her coaching and the different seminars she does is, sustainable lifestyle changes. “Whatever a person’s goal is, whether it’s to shrink their waistline, gain more energy, or just feel better in general, I try different things. So, for example, juicing is a great way to get the nutrients in the morning before breakfast, but then eat breakfast,” she said. “So it was part of my homework to figure out what are sustainable lifestyle healthy habits that makes sense for a person. Only juicing in the morning and then eating real food during the day seems to be a fit for me.” 15

Justine shared that she’s been able to keep the weight off for ten years, and explained that having gone through what she’s went through, she can relate to her clients and people who are having issues with their weight. “All of my clients can relate to me and why I’ve helped a lot of people is because I’ve been there and done that, and I understand what they have gone through or are currently going through in their lives.” She explained, “My goal as a health coach and nutritionist is to not have people go through what I went through, to keep them feeling sane and to establish healthy habits that can easily fit into their lives that I like to call baby steps and then at the end of the day they’ll feel better about themselves.” When asked what are five things people can do when trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle she said to start small. ”Healthy weight-loss is one to two pounds a week. The weight didn’t come on overnight, it’s not going to go off overnight, but what’s great about losing those inches slowly is it will stay off in the long run.” She continued, “Somewhere in there I need to say hide the scale. The introduction of the book is called breaking up with your scale, so maybe breaking up with your scale would be good because again, we want to keep you sane…number four is to incorporate baby steps, baby goals; setting one to three goals that can fit into their life that are really easy.” Justine suggests having an extra glass of water, one less cup of coffee, or eating breakfast. “Number five is to stay focused on the long-term goal. Why are you doing this? Is it to fit into a different size pants or is it because you want more energy for your kids, to be more productive at your job or happier for yourself. When you stay focus on the overall goal of why you want to be healthier that keeps a person motivated,” she explained. Staying motivated and being persistent is exactly what’s helped Justine reach her goals, especially when it came to writing and publishing her book. According to her, it took six years before Lose Your Inches Without Losing Your Mind!:10 Simple Weeks to a Slimmer Waistline and a Healthier You was finally published. “After I completed the first draft, I sent queries and proposals out to numerous publishers and literary agents, only to receive numerous rejections,” she shared. “My lesson there was that the book needed to be edited and reformatted. I needed to make it more of a program that the reader can easily follow.” She reworked her manuscript, hired an editor to help with restructuring the book, and sent the book out again, and was able to obtain an acceptance letter from a publisher. “I was persistent and never gave up because I know that this book can help a lot of people be happy and healthy,” she expressed. The inspiration behind the book derived from not only Justine’s personal experience with weight-loss, but also with the relationship she has built with her clients. “A few years ago, I owned a women’s gym and we would do this challenge every quarter where a person had to work out three times a week for three weeks. So we would measure them at the beginning and the end of three weeks…we would measure weight and inches,” she

explained. “What I saw with that was hundreds of women would do this challenge during the year, and every single person always lost inches and sometimes wouldn’t necessarily lose weight.” Justine soon began to realize that losing inches seemed to have more of an effect on women than necessarily losing weight. “Sometimes they would look at the scale and only be down by a couple pounds, but if they lost ten inches, I would say, how do your pants fit, and they would say, I went down a size or two. I would then tell them to focus on that number on the scale.” And this is what Justine wants people to take away from her book. “They can do it,” she said. “They’re not alone in their struggles and what’s really great about the book is the person only needs to read one chapter per week which is unique. So that alone is not overwhelming, and then when they read the chapter I really act as their personal health coach guiding them to actually select their own baby steps and baby goals to focus on for that week.” “So for example, in week one which is also chapter one, I guide them to take their measurements, they have a few lessons and then they can pick one to three baby goals and then that’s all they focus on for that week,” she explained. For Justine, it’s the little things that have made her career worthwhile. “Just the little things that people tell me, make me happy, and give me gratitude for what I am able to do.” This also includes some advice she received from her father. He said, “Do what you love because then you’ll never work a day in your life.” “So every day, when I wake up, I think, what am I going to do today to continue on my goals because once you reach one goal, you’re always going to want to reach another one,” she expressed. Five years from now, Justine said she’d like to be on the Today Show or be able to build a platform similar to the show The Biggest Loser where she could help a lot of people at one time. She also plans to release one more book, possibly a follow-up to the first one, which could include documenting people’s experience with the first book to adding different sections such as a section on current health issues, and she will also be working on digital products that will be on her site to help people lose their inches if they can’t work with her p e r s o n a l l y. I f yo u would like to purchase Justine’s book visit www.happyhealthypeople.com. Her book is also available on Amazon.com and


Facilitator - Dr. Diane Stewart

Founder - Am I My Sister’s Keeper Dr. Belinda Ross

Open Dialouge & Support

Dr. Belinda Ross

Facilitator - Dr. Beverly Lucier Photography by Vikki Hankins

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Am I My Sister’s Keeper 14th Annual Women’s Conference

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! ! “For everyone that has a goal, remain steadfast; even through the stress and emotional roller coasters, everything will fall into place.

! Your gift will make room for you believe!”

! ! ! ! !

Photographed by Garry L. Jones




! Vikki Hankins ! !

Upon invitation I visited an unfamiliar church for the very first time. Only a few days before this I’d made decisions within my business that left me in a financial bind. Sometimes we endure unhealthy situations in order to pay our bills; in my case I put a stop to it. I walked into this church in turmoil, unsure of my Vikki Hankins, Publishing & Media financial survival. I’m not a regular churchgoer, but whenever I visit a church I ‘listen’ for whatever it is that brought me there. As I listened to the upbeat choir and the pastor (Derrick L. McRae), I did a ‘priority check’.


I realized I’d allowed my priorities to get mixed up; the concern of paying my bills had taken precedence and clogged my internal growth flow. During the service I was given relief; my heart opened and my passion was quickly restored. It felt good to feel ‘me’ again!


So grateful for the relief and inner freedom, I wanted to give something to God and this pastor for helping me; gratitude. It was at this point that I realized I only had $3 and some change. Interesting enough, at that moment the pastor said, ‘If you only have change, go ahead and sew your seed’. This marked the first time in my life that I felt an abundance of shame – I was unable to give as I wanted. With shame before the Almighty, I placed $1 in the envelope.


Dazed, I walked to the front to drop the envelope and attempted to rush back to my seat, but was stopped by people at the front of the church informing me that the pastor wanted me. ‘I need to get back to my seat,’ was my thought. I went over to see what the pastor wanted – he looked at me standing on a platform in front of all of those people and asked, “Can I do something for you today?” I was thoroughly confused, the next thing he said, was something that included giving me $500. Shocked, I immediately burst into tears. He continued to talk to the church as I stood there trying to gather myself. Finally, I regrouped and attempted to speed walk back to my seat, only to hear him say, “Come back, come back”. He had me sit down, then said to the church, “I need 50 people to come up and give $10 right now…50 people.”


At this point I was dumbfounded. As I cried I could feel the money, being placed on my head, on my lap, at my feet; and could hear the pastor counting down to 0. Even after the 50 person goal was met, they continued to come and give to a complete stranger. They could have easily remained in their seats and kept their earnings to themselves.


The Experience Christian Center helped me break passed the clog and refocus on the work at hand (the launch of my new magazine). For everyone that has a goal, remain steadfast; even through the stress and emotional roller coasters, everything will fall into place! Much success and inner freedom to you! For more information on Vikki Hankins visit: www.vikkihankins.net


2015 BOSS Top Atlanta Women to Watch Awards Gala Highlights Atlanta's Top Women to Watch in 2015, were awarded with a number of awards in various fields of excellence. The event was held in the upscale area of Buckhead (Altanta, GA) at the City Club of Buckhead.


Photography by Vikki Hankins

Rita Cruz - South Atlanta High School - Winner

Charlie Whitfield, Whitty APPS -Top Organization to Watch

Angela Walker - Naturally Fly - Beauty Winner

Stacey J., Stacey J. Enterprises

Health & Wellness Partners

Media Correspondent - Alisha Davis



Ms. Georgia USA Earth - Nancy Klausner

2015 BOSS Top Atlanta Women to Watch Nominees

BOSS News Atlanta Partners - 5/3 Bank

Founder (BOSS News) Tamara Diahann & Stacey J., Stacey J. Enterprises - Business Winner

Winners Roxy Farah, Charlie Whitney & Friend

2015 Top Atlanta Woman to Watch Nominee

Media Correspondent - Garry Jones

Tribute: Marion Barry Legacy & Leadership By Garry L. Jones

I awakened around 4:00 a.m. West Coast Time and received a text from a friend that Marion Barry the former Mayor had passed; it was a shocker. I immediately got up, took a shower and raced to the hotel lobby to write this article. How ironic, that at that moment I was in San Francisco attending the Washington Redskins vs. San Franscio 49’ers.

!In February of 1987 I received a letter from the D.C.

Department of Corrections stating that I was hired and I began my four week training on March 31, 1987. The letter I received had Mayor Marion Barry’s name on the letterhead (Mayor Barry was in charge of the D.C. Department of Corrections).

!When I was growing up I used to frequent Washington, D.C. a lot and heard so many great things Mayor Barry was doing for the community. He provided so many jobs for the children during the summer; the adults benefited from Mayor Barry as well. He was the King of finding ways to employ people.

!It’s unfortunate that in the eyes of some, Mayor Barry

will not be defined for his legacy of accomplishments, a four-term mayor, and long service on the D.C. Council. Instead, Barry will be remembered for a single night in a downtown Washington hotel room and the grainy video that showed him lighting a crack pipe in the company of a much-younger woman.

!Mayor Barry didn’t get a chance, like most politicians

that had a drug problem to attend drug treatment programs but instead the government decided to send him to prison. Barry was entrapped into smoking crack, he could be heard several times on the tape saying ‘no’, he ‘didn’t want any crack’; he had ‘given that up’, but this young lady insisted he smoke some in order for her to have sex with him. Marion Barry gave me a chance when no one else would. I graduated from North Carolina Central University in 1986 majoring in Criminal Justice. After graduating I worked small jobs in reformatory school. When I applied for jobs in the penal system I was never given a chance in North Carolina but D.C. Department of Corrections gave me a chance.

!Later on during my law enforcement career I was em-

Photo Courtesy: Terry Jones

Former Mayor Marion Barry Congratulating My Brother, Terry Jones (D.C. Department of Corrections)

tional Institution in Tallahassee. On one occasion one of the employees used to call me ‘D.C.’ I told him that was not my name. He said, “You worked for D.C. Department of Corrections and that was the sorriest ran institution I’ve known.”

!“You are saying that because all the high ranking personnel was Black,” I replied. I commenced to putting him in his place and it was not in a politically correct way. I went on to tell the employee that I worked in 6 different institutions and every institution had dirty staff members. As a matter of fact 12 staff members were ‘walked off’ the job at the facility in Tallahassee for corruption. I said, “Your problem is you can’t stand for blacks to be in charge over you. Needless to say the employee face turned red.

!In conclusion we all make mistakes but only the survivors get up and turn things around. After Barry was released from prison he went back to D.C. and was elected as District Councilman. How many politicians can say that. Not one! I stated I was not going to look at the news because I knew the only thing that was going to be said about Marion Barry was negative but to my surprise a family friend contacted me via Facebook and said, “Gold everything that is being said about Mayor Barry is positive.” That’s how it should be. Only God can judge us, R.I.P. Marion Barry.

ployed as a Senior Lieutenant with the Federal Correc23


! NEW AUTHOR READS ! Available at Online Book Retailers

Mental Illness & Marriage - The IMPACT by Morgan Amos


For eight years Lena Germaine Clark was happily married until her world was turned upside down by the devastating loss of her husband. Her husband committed suicide. She would later find out that he was diagnosed as schizophrenic. “It was a sense of pain that I wouldn’t want anyone to experience because I felt abandoned. I felt like I should’ve been the one he confided in because I was there all the time,” she expressed. “I was standing there talking to him, and the only thing separating us was the door of the closet while he was there with a rifle in hand,” she recalled. She explained that she found out from several people that he was planning to not only kill himself, but kill her as well. Clark said that her husband told her to wait for him outside in the car, and after waiting for 15-20 minutes as well as going inside to call him twice; he stated that he was on his way out. After calling him a third time, he was unresponsive and she said that that’s when she found him. She shared that she felt angry and felt as if he should have been able to come to her. “It was a partnership and the fact that we fought through everything in the business together, I felt like all he had to do was just talk to me about it.” She continued, “I would always encourage him, I would always say I love you, don’t give up. So he was able to accomplish the things that he wanted to do having a business, a home, a family.” Amazing Mind Ministries (Clark’s business) has partnered with Care Oasis, LLC and Care Oasis provides housing for people living with mental illnesses. “Working with individuals on a daily basis such as going out to hospitals, centers, as well as the communities to build a relationship with the local hospitals in Atlanta to be able to assist them basically is what we do.” Clark met her husband while working as a Program Operations Assistant in the division of HIV/AIDS department for the Center for Disease Control. After leaving the CDC, she started the business with her husband and stated that after starting with one client the business grew. “I was expecting a couple years after that, so it was good for me to be at home and assist him with the business. That really wasn’t my area. I didn’t go to school for that, but it became a passion for me…and interacting with clients on a 24 hour basis, I developed a passion and knew as well that I had a calling,” she shared. She explained that as the years went by God started showing her that this is what he called her to do. “I stepped up to the forefront even more as his (her husband) health was declining. Mentally there were times that he couldn’t step up to the plate to complete projects or to step in when he should have, so I started being a fighter and took the opportunity and said okay, we’re not going to crash.” She stated, “Whenever he did have those moments I was there to support him…he always wanted to be an entrepreneur and help oth-

ers because he was raised in the church his mother being a pastor, so he was accustomed to helping others.”

When asked if there were signs surrounding her husband’s mental illness or indications that he was going to end his life she said, “There were signs, but I did not connect the dots because again, that was the last thing I thought he would’ve had because he started this business and I never thought in a million years that he had a mental illness,” she expressed. “But I did she mood swings, I saw bursts of anger, there were times where he wanted to be by himself for no reason, but again, we all have different personalities, so I think I was in denial. On his good days he was the perfect husband, the perfect father.” Wanting to help others who may be experiencing or dealing with people who have mental illnesses, Clark decided to write a book called “An Amazing Mind.” She provides insight into her experience as well as giving valuable information to those in need. “My purpose is to speak for those individuals who don’t have a voice pertaining to mental illness to get the message out there to expose the stigmatism that’s attached to mental illness breaking that barrier, and let the world know that it’s okay,” she explained. “I want people to take away from the book understanding how the mind thinks. Mental illness can affect anyone. It does not discriminate; it happens in every household, so I want people to know it’s okay to tell your loved ones, don’t hide it.” Clark said that it’s imperative to pay close attention to the signs and knowing what they are. “I want family members, neighbors, and co-workers to be able to recognize it and know what the signs are. Pay attention to the people in your life. If they say they’re going to do something take them serious. Just watch their behavior. Some people sweep it under the rug…most people that have mental illness diagnoses are in denial and that was the case with my husband,” she said. “He was supposed to be on medication and also followingup on his visits, but in the paperwork I found, he had given his father’s address and phone number so I wouldn’t find out.” Lena Clark, Amazing Mind Ministries



Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

VMH Magazine www.vmhmagazine.com

The end of each year brings the promise of the next. However, like many others, you may struggle with a stalled career or lack of personal and professional growth. The prospect of initiating change is daunting. This is particularly true if you’re looking for a job, wanting to change companies or start a new career.


When times are good, you are charging forward on autopilot without much thought. You are positive and future focused. When times are bad, you suddenly feel as though you are stuck in neutral or worse yet reverse. You quickly become mired in negative thoughts and lose perspective and hope about the future. This can easily show up in your attitude and how you present yourself. People want to hire and be around people who are positive and will bring a good attitude to work everyday.

tion. This will make it real and increase the likelihood of making it happen. Once completed, identify another step and follow this pattern. Completing a series of small commitments is manageable and will add up over time.


SPACE: Let go of burdens and baggage weighing you down. Emotional energy is a precious commodity. In order to make room for the good, you’ll need to let go of the bad. That may require you to forgive others as well as yourself. This should include any wrongs from previous employers. You may have a long list of what you would of done differently. But the truth is, the past is just that: the past. While it played a role in where you are today, it is not an indicator of the future, especially if you have a commitment to change. The release of this emotional energy will allow you to create space for the good you want to bring into your life. The past is history and no reflection of that you can do in the future.

3 Steps


Finding your way out of career and life gridlock requires you to reset your internal GPS to Good – Present – Space.


End Career & Business Gridlock


Listen to your “good” inner voice. You have a good inner voice along with the not-so-good one. The latter will cast doubt and distract you from acting on your commitments. The good one focuses on your potential and prospects for achieving future success. When Author Peter C. Diamond doubts creep into your mind, as they are bound to do, simply let them pass through and replace them with someReflect on past work and life experiences where you’ve been thing that lifts your spirits. This could be a past success as fulfilled and successful. What were you doing, with whom noted on your life arc or someone or something thing that and how were you being to create that success? When were brings a smile to your face. you enjoying life the most? When were you having a positive impact on others? When were you feeling the most fulfilled? Resetting your GPS shouldn’t be a solo mission, enlist help. Surround yourself with people who are positive, have a good This provides a visual snapshot of your career progression attitude and want to help. While it may not be easy for you to focusing on the good. Viewed in its entirety these experiences ask for support, all you have to do is put yourself out there create a compelling story for you to tell about your accomand allow others to assist you. plishment and the value you bring to an organization. Now, what do you want more of in the future? What’s your desired Getting out of career gridlock takes commitment, motivation outcome for the new year? This could be a new challenge, and self-discipline. With some focused attention and a shift in improved work environment, more responsibility or learning attitude you will open yourself up to opportunities and create a new skill. situations that will ease and hopefully release your state of gridlock. With this in hand, starting today, you always want to talk positively about yourself, current and past employers and what Peter C. Diamond, “The Amplify Guy”, is the author of Amyou want in the future. This new habit is life and career afplify Your Career and Life: 4 Steps to Evaluate, Assess and firming. Move Forward. He is a professionally trained, certified coach. He works with hundreds of senior-level executives and others PRESENT: Concentrate on the here and now and what you to guide them through change, ranging from navigating career can impact in the present. Today is the only day that matters. shifts and creating better work-life fulfillment to greater caTake advantage of this wonderful opportunity to accomplish reer and leadership enlightenment, and renewed self-respect. something. The more action you take today the greater chance His corporate clients include Leo Burnett, United Airlines, for results. Action creates satisfaction. National Association of Realtors, Razorfish, mcgarrybowen, Fresenius Kabi, PVS Chemicals, Human Rights Watch and Identify one small step that you can do today that creates forIntelligentsia Coffee. For more information, please visit ward momentum toward your desired outcome. To lock in www.petercdiamond.com and connect with him on Twitter, this commitment, write it down and keep it in a visible loca@petercdiamond GOOD: Focus on the positive and the good in your life. To help you get started, visualize where you have been and where you are heading by creating a diagram of your Life Arc. On a piece of paper, plot your career and life milestones from your twenties, thirties, forties, and beyond.

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Professional Makeup Artist / YouTube Sensation

Patrick Starrr

by Morgan Amos

With over 54,000 YouTube subscribers, Professional Makeup Artist Patrick Simondac, known by many as PatrickStarrr, engages his fans. He invites them into his world, sharing his passion for photography, cosmetics, and more! He took out a moment to share with VMH Magazine.

!For those unfamiliar with you and your work, who is Patrick “PatrickStarrr” Simondac? !PatrickStarrr is a professional makeup artist who loves all

Professional Makeup Artist !

Patrick Starrr!

things beauty. PatrickStarrr was a name given to me by my friend when I did not know what name to come up with on Instagram.

!How long were you involved with photography and how did you make that transition from photography to becoming involved with YouTube?

!I started photography when I was 16 years old in High

School. I really wanted to imitate photos from fashion reality shows and makeover shows like Americas Next Top Model. I was obsessed with taking senior photos of all my classmates and after a couple photo sessions I was adding makeup with the click of a mouse on my computer. After adding and retouching makeup on the computer, I thought I would simply apply makeup on my subjects instead of photo retouching makeup, and that’s when I got hooked.

!In 2011, I started working at a makeup counter. Working at a makeup store allowed me to really express my love for makeup artistically day to day. I was surrounded with such talent and strong minded individuals who loved makeup just as much as me. After a couple months, I started my YouTube.

!As a male Youtuber focusing on everything beauty especially makeup, how do you feel you are received by people?

!A year ago, I would have never thought to be watched by

thousands on this amazing platform. I feel that society is continually developing and male makeup bloggers and makeup artists like me are not for everyone. There are some who think it’s wrong, and there are some who think it’s cool or beautiful. I love makeup, and I am here to share my love for all things makeup and beauty and I love to wear it as well.


Photos Courtesy Patrick Starrr

What do you feel sets your Youtube channel a part from others especially with there being female YouTubers that highlight some of the same things you do?

!I am a man that wears a TON of makeup. lol. I don’t see

that many male YouTubers that showcase glam, glam, glam makeup. I want to show these girls and women that I can be just as fierce and fun. I want to show the world that I, as Patrick can be just as fierce with makeup or without. At the end of the day, I am a brother, son and a friend. Makeup does not wear me. I wear makeup. <3

!When it comes to beauty, what are five must-haves that every woman or man should not leave the house without, and what is one thing you cannot leave the house without?

!Hmmm five things… ! • Concealer • • • •

Setting Powder Bronzer Lip Balm and Mascara

!These are mostly for my girls. Boys, I’d just stick to lip balm and moisturizer with spf, and I CANNOT leave the house without...a FULL face of makeup. lol.

!Aside from your work with YouTube, are there other career opportunities you’re involved with? 28

I am a professional makeup artist in the Orlando area. I have worked in Los Angeles, New York and Miami as well on set or photo shoots.

!What have been some highlights of your career as well as some obstacles you’ve endure within your career, and how did you overcome them?

!Some highlights have been meeting with followers and

subscribers randomly in public. Also, meeting YouTubers I have watched for a long time has been such a highlight. In regards to highlights as a makeup artist, working on set and fashion week has been a major highlight as well. Obstacles I have dealt with have been mostly business and how to manage; I feel working as your own boss is a learning experience in itself. I look at these obstacles as growing pains. lol.

!What advice would you have for people interested in

My biggest advice would be to stay true to yourself and also be with the people you want to be like. My mom taught me to surround yourself with good minds and good hearts. I call it 'guilty by association'. I am happy with the relationships I have made this past year and cannot wait to meet more like-minded individuals. Where do you see yourself and your career in five years?

!I see myself continuing this journey with the ones I love and cherish. I only wish to inspire as many people as I can with the platform I have one lash at a time.

!To get the latest on PatrickStarrr follow him on Instagram,

Twitter and Facebook @PatrickStarrr, subscribe to his YouTube channel at: www.youtube.com/theepatrickstarrr, or to schedule makeup or photo shoot appointments visit: www.patrickstarrr.com.

pursuing a career path similar to yours?

“I love makeup, and I am here to share my love for all things m a ke u p a n d b e a u t y and I love to wear it as well.”!

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! “I see myself continuing this journey with the ones I love and cherish. I only wish to inspire as many people as I can with the platform I have one lash at a time.” !


! ! ! Interior Design Showcase ! MrsLilli (Bente) ! ! ! !

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“A room should start a conversation before people actually start exchanging words.”

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– Barry Dixon, Interior Designer




All Designs Courtesy: MrsLilli ‘Bente’ Follow Her on Instagram at: MrsLilli

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Kandra Albury ! Victory in Corporate America

Empowering Children Through Creativity

By Morgan Amos Photographer: James Albury

“Don’t You Dare Touch Me There!” is an informative, fun, rhyming children’s book for ages three to seven with a powerful message teaching children about healthy touching and to tell when someone is hurting them. Kandra Albury is the author of the book and shared that it means a lot to her for children to understand the importance of this message. “The message itself means a lot to me. It’s kids understanding that there are no touch, no tickle zones, and that courage is their super power. I’ve become overwhelmed with emotion just knowing that there’s a resource out there now where parents, adults, teachers, or guidance counselors can use to empower children to be proactive versus reactive,” Albury said.


She continued, “Don’t You Dare Touch Me There!” empowers children to stand up for themselves and to tell if or when someone makes something uncomfortable or is actually touching them inappropriately. It also helps adults start the conversation about unhealthy touching in a safe way…I have adults ask me all the time, where was this book when I was little, so that is very humbling,” she said. And it seems that children are in fact getting the message. Albury shared that an encounter she had with a little girl touched her heart. “I was in Walmart and I felt this tap. It was a little girl and she said I know who you are.” Albury explained that she asked the little girl if

she did in fact know who Albury was, and the girl replied, “Well, I know the name of your book. Don’t you touch me there, there, or there.”


For Albury, the inspiration to write “Don’t You Dare Touch Me There!” stemmed from personal experiences. She shared that as a child she was sexually abused. Wanting to channel that pain, one of the things she did was writing her memoir. “I am such a news junkie, and was in the middle of writing my memoir sitting in bed with my laptop, and the reporter came on and said the Florida legislature has passed a bill to allow the teachers to teach students grades K-5 about sexual abuse prevention in the state of Florida.” “I clearly heard don’t you dare touch me there, so I opened another document and in about an hour I wrote “Don’t You Dare Touch Me There!” It’s fun. It’s colorful, it rhymes, it’s adventurous, but the whole purpose was to do something with my pain, my own experience, and dealing with my whole series of children’s books,” she said. “I look at the issues that my whole family has dealt with. I have been given grace to be able to take these issues that people do not want to talk about, that people are ashamed of, and package them in such a way that kids can take this information and be able to understand it early on. I feel the sooner we can present this information to our children, the less time we can spend repairing broken adults.” 33

In continuing with the message of courage and self-empowerment for children, Albury will be releasing two more children’s books titled “NO! And I Mean NO, Let’s Say NO to Drugs!” and “Leave Us Alone You Mean ‘ole Bully!” which are expected to be released next year. As for her memoir (“From Food Stamps to Favor…Created to conquer, made to master and born to beat the odds!”) she shared that it’s her life story. “My mom raised five kids…so I took my life lessons and talked about how I encountered God, used those life lessons from my mom, my grandmother, and my teachers in school and found my passion in life. I feel that we are multi-purpose beings, being able to draw people through our gifts and talents to a greater source, a greater power, to God,” she expressed. “We find people who survive, but when you conquer you can invoke change, you can change generations, you can break generational curses because you decided to share your story, you decided to create a resource and a tool that can transform the mindsets of people.”


Albury isn’t just an author; she spent 10 to 12 years in corporate communications doing everything from a news reporter, television news producer, writing press releases, to being a ghost writer for executives and school board superintendents. She earned her Master’s Degree in Mass Communication in 2004 from the University of Florida and she also has her Ph.D in Ministerial Education and Leadership from Truth Bible University. “I had no idea my writing experience as a trained writer would lead me to becoming an author of a children’s book as well as my memoir. I actually wrote a total of four books (in one year), and two of them are published…so there are many things I have accomplished.” She explained, “My husband and I own an event planning company. He’s a photographer and I’m an event planner. So I feel like I am that multi-purpose being with the ultimate purpose of being that light, that resource, but I always tell people when my time comes to leave here, I don’t want to take any of my gifts to the grave. I want to be totally empty because I used all of my resources, all of my power, all of me here on this earth.”


Albury knew early on that she wanted to be a news reporter and credits her mother for that passion. “When I was a kid my mom used to make us watch the news every morning when we were getting dressed. So by the time I got in eighth grade, I already knew I was going to be a news reporter.” She began writing for her high school newspaper, and once she graduated, received some scholarships. She attended a community college writing for their paper

as well. She received her bachelor’s degree from the University of North Florida where she also wrote for their paper. “I had blazed this trail of knowing what I wanted to do. Communications is a field where you can do a lot with it. You can do radio, social media, corporate,” she said.


Even with all of this experience and opportunity, she still found it difficult to deal with being in corporate. “That was a challenge for me because even though I thought I went to one of the best journalism schools in the nation, it did not prepare me on being an African-American woman. So I had to give myself a history lesson while I was in corporate on why I felt people were so intimidated by me, but I had to really look at my roots and see what’s the struggle that African-Americans have gone through that has made us as a people, as a race so oppressed,” she said. She shared that when she decided to leave corporate she made sure that she left on her own terms.


One of Albury’s books, “How I Slayed My Corporate Giant…being brown in Corporate America,” which she is working on discusses her experience while working in corporate. “How I Slayed My Corporate Giant…being brown in Corporate America” is about my experience in corporate America as an African-American woman, and the way I slayed my corporate giant is by understanding that purpose that companies come and go, layoffs come and go, but we can’t just see our jobs as our only resource particularly with us pursuing our purpose, and what God has put us on this earth to do.” 34

Another one of her books is “The Confessions of a Single Saved Sister.” “That book is about how we often as believers struggle with our walk and sometimes it’s a silent struggle. We don’t have a support system and I feel often times the face of the church has really changed to make women who are single feel as if being single is a disease verses being content in the state that you’re in,” she expressed. She continued, “So I talked about some of my challenges and how I overcame them, and how God truly did give me beauty for ashes. I’m a survivor of domestic violence from my first marriage, and I always told myself I would never get married again, but then I felt I was being labeled. So I talk about the challenges I feel women who are single and believers face, and sometimes those challenges come from those around us who are in the church and they allow us to live up to their expectations versus what God has for us.”


In 2007, Albury and her husband founded Events by Kandra, a professional event planning company that specializes in superior event planning and creative and affordable photography. In 2011, she started

Pearls & Sapphires Youth Empowerment Series. This program is designed for youth ages 12 and up aiming to help girls and boys discover the jewel within. Albury is also a part of “The Woman at the Well” ministry, which according to her, caters to the needs of women. “We speak, we do outreach events, we go to domestic violence shelters, at Christmas we host a social for the women. So it’s really an outreach ministries for women regardless of their race, or religious beliefs. We just get out in the community and find those organizations that cater to women who are homeless, victims of domestic violence, women who may be struggling with a mental illness,” she explained.


As if this isn’t enough, Albury also had the opportunity to teach at PACE Center for Girls in Gainesville, FL, and shared that the highlight of her career has been becoming an author and working with children. “The highlight of my career is evolving into this author and enjoying it. Being able to get out and work with kids has truly been amazing.” To find out more about Kandra Albury’s programs or to purchase her books visit www.kandraalbury.org.

“…we can’t just see our jobs as our only resource particularly with us pursuing our purpose, and what God has put us on this earth to do.”!


-Kandra Albury 35

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“Difficulties break some men but make others. No axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a sinner who keeps on trying, one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the end.� ! ! ! ! Nelson Mandela


! Herman J. Russell (1930-2014)

! Founder: H. J. Russell and Company

! Constructed: Georgia Dome Phillips Arena The Turner Field Hartsfield-Jackson International Atlanta Airport

! Donated $1 Million Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta

! Friend to: Dr. M.L. King

Photography by Vikki Hankins

Andrew Young Maynard Jackson

Commentator Garry L. Jones Pictured with Mr. Herman J. Russell


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