VMH Magazine - February/March 2015

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A Vikki Marie Hankins Magazine!


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Vikki Hankins Talks with



Is it Possible to Find Lasting Love?

Robert T. Kiyosaki ! His New Book

Second Chance ! For Your Money, Your Life, and Our World !!

6 Tips to Start Investing in Yourself in 2015


! ! !

PLUS: CamiCakes Owner

Andra Hall “Do one thing and do it very well.” Feb./March 2015

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. ! ! ! !

–Alice Walker


Finding Long-Lasting Love!

Elaine Taylor author of KARMA, DECEPTION and a Pair of Red FERRARIS shares critical truths on finding long-lasting love.! By Elaine Taylor!

24. CamiCakes Owner, Andra Hall’s Inspirational Story of Entrepreneurship ! “Now was that time to do what I was passionate about or not do it all. I didn’t have the money but I had a plan.”!


By Vikki Hankins

Sometimes success is disguised as hard work.!


S. Truett Cathy! (Chick-fil-A Founder)

26. Amanda Ruller - Dominating On and Off the Field! A powerhouse that’s conquering everything within her path Amanda Ruller refuses to let any obstacles interfere with her dreams.!


By Morgan Amos




Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Author! ROBERT T. KIYOSAKI His New Book: SECOND CHANCE!

! !


By Vikki Hankins !

The Style of the #SoulEra ! Presented by Macy’s!

! ! ! !

Photography By Vikki Hankins !



Peter C. Diamond:


Six Tips to Start Investing in Yourself in 2015 ! !

Pg. 14

How to Find Long-Lasting Love


by Elaine Taylor


anyone asks my dignified, stiff-upperlipped husband, how a guy who’s been an investment banker in financial capitals of the world— London, Tokyo, Hong Kong, New York— ended up blissfully hitched to a broad from red-white-andblue Texas, he deadpans in his clipped British accent, “We were channeled together by the spirit of Elaine’s dead lover.”




Hundred percent true; but not as effortlessly mystical as it sounds— even if you’re into that stuff.

2 Define what “love” will look like when it finds me: Seriously? How no-brainer is that? It will be, “Wonderful! Spectacular! I will be ecstatically happy!” Which, of course, was just another lazy variation on the driver’s license list. To my surprise I struggled with this—couldn’t figure out even how to start. Until Emily Dickinson inspired me: Heart, we will forget him! You and I, tonight! You may forget the warmth he gave, I will forget the light.


I grew up in redneck, white-trash, blue-collar Texas, where a girl was a b i g fat nothing—less valuable than a good huntin’ dawg.


Terrified to wake up thirty years later and find they were right, I scratched out a role in the corporate testicle festival. By age 40, I earned fat, man-size paychecks. The price? A heart as tough as armadillo hide, and my “love life” a dispiriting trail of relationship roadkill.


Desperate for a peek at my future I consulted an astrologer-psychic who fanned out her Tarot cards, did her California woo-woo thing and assured me I would someday have the kind of love about which stories are written. “But,” she said, “not until you’re ready.”


Sheesh. How much readier could one woman be? The psychic pointed me down the path of a 1-2-3 Get-Ready-for-Love Plan:


Write a Perfect Mate List: Let’s face it: if you’re “on-the-market” you have some form of that list running through your subconscious 24/7, right? And it works! My first iteration, decades earlier, was, “tall, dark and handsome.” Yep. Exactly what I got . . . and pretty much nothing more. This time I went beyond the kind of description found on a driver’s license. Honed and refined that list over multiple years. (Sadly, this was not an overnight process; but isn’t the possibility of a soul mate worth the time?)



Unload the emotional baggage: No emotional baggage here! OK, OK . . . I was a Peterbilt truck with no side mirrors, hauling a semi-trailer of festering emotional manure that rocked along in my blind spot. Yeah, it probably couldn’t hurt to drop a load. After much mewling and twitchy dithering, I hunkered on my therapist’s sofa, unleashed a lifetime of repressed tears; and summoned the courage to face down all those hurts and betrayals—both those done to and by me. Over time, the volume diminished on the “you’ll never be good enough” sound track that had been hammered into my psyche.

Painful? Absolutely. Emancipating? Beyond words. Over this years-long process I discovered three critical truths:

!• •

It is not possible to find long-lasting, deeply satisfying love unless you believe yourself worthy of it. I had to learn to love, and find contentment with, myself.


Elaine Taylor is a former IT headhunter and Contingent Workforce Management consultant to Fortune 500 companies. When she lived in San Francisco, she was involved with Raphael House, a shelter for homeless families, as a regular volunteer and as a member of the Board of Directors. She teaches Story Structure through OLLI at Duke University. KARMA, DECEPTION and a Pair of Red FERRARIS (May 5, 2015) is her only work of creative nonfiction. Currently she lives with her husband and two highly indulged Weimaraners in the Raleigh, NC.Durham area of North Carolina.

It is not possible to find long-lasting, deeply satisfying love unless you believe yourself worthy of it. I had to learn to love, and find contentment with, myself. As a woman clawing her way in a man’s world I defined “emotional strength” as all sharp-edges and impenetrable boundaries. I had to relearn that tenderness and vulnerability are the DNA of true emotional strength. When the time came, I used that strength to love a dying man who had once broken my heart. A man who desperately needed to receive love, even as he could not return it. I accepted and found peace with the fact that I might never share my life with the Perfect Mate. So what would I do with all the love my heart yearned to give? I stopped focusing on what I did not have . . . and sought a way to give what I could offer to those who needed it. I began to volunteer at a homeless shelter for families—the kind of place that, but for the grace of God, might have needed to land in my early, below-the-poverty-level, singleparent years.

Author, Elaine Taylor

!My journey through the Get-Ready-for-Love Plan

was neither easy nor quick. But it was worth it for the lessons learned, for the woman I worked so hard to become, for the love and respect I feel for that woman.


it turned out, my reward was exponentially greater. That dying man I loved fifteen years ago? Two years after his death the psychic told me he was sending my soul mate—a lover who would bring “warmth and light” for the rest of my life. Seriously! She said it. And he did! That soul mate, my husband, has been my Perfect Mate since 2001. Thankfully I was ready for love—I was ready for him . . . when he found me.

Photo Courtesy: Smith Publicity


love ləәv/ noun

! !

an intense feeling of deep affection

as·pire əәˈspī(əә)r/

! ! ! !

direct one's hopes or ambitions toward achieving something


Macy’s Presents Celebrity Fashion Stylist June Ambrose, Costume Designer Johnetta Boone, & Fashion Director (Art Institute) Dr. Courtney Hammond!

Celebrating Culture, History, and Fashion Photography by Vikki Hankins

Panelists: Dr. Courtney Hammond, Johnetta Boone, June Ambrose


Fashionable Audience

Fashion Design Winner

Dr. Courtney Hammond, June Ambrose, Vikki Hankins,

Johnetta Boone

JuneAmbrose and Johnetta Boone are both well known in the fashion circles the world over. They have worked with countless superstars such as Beyonce, Jay-Z, Will Smith and Zoe Saldana, and have been featured in Vogue Germany, New York Magazine, VH1 and HBO! Be a part of our captivating panel discussion with Celebrity Stylist June Ambrose, Costume Designer Johnetta Boone and Academic Program Director- The Art Instit u t e o f At l a n t a D r. C o u r t n e y Hammonds on "The Style of the Soul Era", hosted by CBS News Anchor Tracye Hutchins. Afterwards, enjoy our Fashion Advance Designer Competition, a special r e c e p t i o n , t h e Arnika Dawkins Art Gallery and fabulous fashion!.

CBS News Anchor Tracye Hutchins




Six Tips to Start Investing in Yourself in 2015 By Peter C. Diamond

It’s easy to forget that you are your own best asset because so much time is spent reacting to the wants and needs others. This is particularly true if you’re over 35. With the omnipresent demands of career and family you find little time for yourself. By not investing in yourself and your betterment you are diminishing your personal value. Over time you will find yourself feeling depleted, bored and frustrated realizing you’ve done little to improve your wellbeing. Worse yet, you will be left behind as others are advancing and enhancing their career and life. A tennis instructor once said, “Either you are on a quest to continually improve your tennis game or you are getting worse, there is no staying the same.” The same holds true for your career and life. As we ease into this new year, take a moment to pause, reflect and reset how you live in the present and what you want for yourself in the future. Creating a personal investment plan entails mindset, action and belief in what can be. Here are six tips to get you started: MINDSET

Appreciate and accept what you have Peter C. Diamond


Photo Courtesy of Smith Publicity

Peter C. Diamond, “The Amplify Guy”, is the author of Amplify Your Career and Life: 4 Steps to Evaluate, Assess and Move Forward. He is a professionally trained, certified coach. He works with hundreds of senior-level executives and others to guide them through change, ranging from navigating career shifts and creating better work-life fulfillment to greater career and leadership enlightenment, and renewed self-respect. His corporate clients include Leo Burnett, United Airlines, National Association of Realtors, Razorfish, mcgarrybowen, Fresenius Kabi, PVS Chemicals, Human Rights Watch and Intelligentsia Coffee. For more information, please visit www.petercdiamond.com and connect with him on Twitter, @petercdiamond.

!It’s easy to lose sight of accomplishments made

and the good in your life. In today’s hyper-connected world people are constantly sharing their achievements and good fortune. Without a healthy dose of self-esteem you can under-appreciate your efforts. In comparison to others they may not seem as meaningful or grand. It’s not uncommon to shine the harshest light on yourself. This unwittingly draws your attention to what you don’t have. Tip 1: Reflect on the past year and make note of what you are grateful for, your favorite experiences, memories, personal highlights and career successes. 14

Amplify what matters most

!You spend years gathering and holding on to

wants and needs that you thought were critical to who you are, such as; I want and need the next promotion, I want and need a bigger house, I want and need more stuff, etc. During this dizzying pursuit, all too often you lose sight of what matters most including your own best attributes. They get pushed down or layered over by doing what you think is the right thing to do, act or be in order to gain success and acceptance. Tip 2: Get reacquainted with what’s best about you and make sure it’s front and center in your life and how you interact with others. This could be your playfulness, kindness toward others or sense of adventure. You owe it to yourself and those around you to let your best self shine bright. ACTION

Acquire a new skill

!There is a prevailing sentiment that once past age

forty, you’re too old for change or you can’t spare any time in an already over-scheduled day or there is no imminent business need to learn a new skill. With this mindset you are compromising your personal growth and perceived value as it relates to your colleagues and others in your industry. Tip 3: To enhance your personal value, identify a new skill to add to your repertoire. If this skill is within the context of your current job check to see if your company will pay for it especially if it will benefit your team or organization. Go one step farther and create a learning agenda for the next twelve months. Each month pick an interesting topic to investigate or skill to learn.

!Actively pursue your life !Investing in your health and physical well-being


Anticipate happiness

!When dealing with day-to-day career and life challenges it’s easy to let unjustified fears drag you down. This could be apprehension about increased responsibilities, a new boss, your continued job performance or family. The unknown can create scenarios that play out over and over in your head usually ending in disaster. This is referred to as pre-worrying; thoughts that consume so much mental space that you aren’t focusing on the present thereby losing valuable time to positively influence your situation and those around you. Tip 5: Instead of being weighed down by the heaviness of worry, opt to be lifted up by the joy and prospect of happiness. The next time your mind is flooded with anxiety about a future event bring your attention back to the present and anticipate a positive outcome. Allow good things to happen

!How much of your life is spent moving away from

what you don’t want? You may not have thought about your life through this lens but for most people they make decisions in order to avoid what they don’t like or things that cause them angst, pain or discomfort. Tip 6: Open yourself up positive change. Move toward what you want by spending your time and energy in activities that your believe in and will enhance your personal growth. You owe it to yourself and those around you to invest time and energy in what will make you flourish and prosper. In 2015, how are you going to invest in yourself?

should be non-negotiable. Not surprisingly, this can be relegated to the sidelines. Without awareness, you can spend most of your day sitting in the car, at work and at home. Exercise has not only physical benefits but also mental. It can provide a welcome relief from daily stresses and serve as a distraction from negative thoughts. Increased physical activity can lift your mood and improve sleep patterns. Tip 4: Be active. Be engaged. Get up and start doing. Put yourself into motion. What form of exercise do you like most? Dancing, walking, running, swimming, skiing, racquetball, boot camps, biking, spinning, etc. Add a healthy dose of exercise to your daily routine. 15

Creatively Colorful Hair & Wardrobe Stylist

Lamecia King By Morgan King

“Don’t give up.”…“A lot of times as a hair stylist, you can feel like the market is over saturated, but you have to come with something a little different.”


Lamecia King doesn’t like to be confined. She’s very outgoing, and displays it through her work as a hair and wardrobe stylist as well as with giving back. In fact, King’s career path stemmed from seeing her mom donate her time to the nursing homes when King was little. “I’ve always had a passion to give back, and it comes from my mom. When I was young, we would go to the nursing home and my mom would do the lady’s hair,” King shared. They would even buy clothes for the residents. As King got older, she wanted to give back and started working with the American Cancer Society, where she’s been for two years, the Ronald McDonald House, and the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. King’s work with these organizations have allowed her the opportunity to do some wonderful things for others like working with a program called Look Good Feel Better for the American Cancer Society. “I help women to embrace their appearance even though they’re going through chemotherapy and radiation. I give them styling techniques from hair pieces, hair wigs, to make-up application,” she said.

Not only is King giving back by working with the American Cancer Society, but she also makes custom wigs and hair pieces for her clients including those who suffer from Alopecia. “There are a lot of stylist, there are a lot of people that make wigs, but when I make my pieces, I feel like I’m giving a little hope back. Not only that, but I build a relationship with them, so many customers feel comfortable calling me about personal issues.” She continued, “A woman can be sensitive about her appearance, so when they open up letting me do their hair knowing the condition that they’re in, I like to build that relationship giving back to the community and others.” King’s work as a hair and wardrobe stylist has landed her the opportunity to meet and work with many people including: Eddie Levert, Ronald Isley, Keith Sweat, the cast of Love & Hip Hop and more. When asked what sets her style a part when it comes to being a hair stylist she simply said, “It’s me, it’s Lamecia. There’s only one Lamecia out there so I can’t be duplicated. I think it’s not so much about what I produce, but it’s more how I go about doing it and the reason behind it,” she continued. The same can be said for her work as a wardrobe stylist. She loves color, doesn’t have a particular style, 16

and goes with how the client feels. “I don’t have a particular style per say. If I’m styling an artist for a showcase or a new artist is coming out, I speak with them and get a feel for their character because when I style them, I want them to feel completely comfortable because I always let me clients know when you walk out on the red carpet or you walk out on stage, I want you to own the whole outfit,” she said. King’s work extends even further because she’s also a Certified Nurse Surgical Hair Loss Replacement Specialist. “I specialize in cranial prosthesis, and cranial prosthesis is different than the hair pieces I make because the cranial prosthesis is actually made for that one particular client and it has to be sent off to a lab to be custom made and custom fitted, and this actual unit can be applied staying on for up to eight weeks.” King said cranial prosthesis is especially good for people with complete hair loss and most of the time it’s covered under the customer’s insurance. King also has her own hair business called Zhazar, which she named after her two daughters, and shared that when it comes to her clientele it’s been through word of mouth. “It’s been kind of easy because it’s been word of mouth. If someone says hey, you know Lamecia specializes in different hair pieces, in different techniques, they feel more comfortable calling me, so they will call me for a consultation,” she explained. “Once you treat your customers with respect and give them that courtesy and compassion, it makes them feel at ease as well.” She has also been involved with the fantasy hair shows in Atlanta, and shared that that has been a highlight of her career. “I did one of the hair shows here in Atlanta, Taste of the Runway Atlanta. I got a chance to really create some odd and extravagant hair pieces. I styled a couple of my models as well as with wardrobe,” she explained. However, she said at times the hardest part for her has been being a non-surgical hair loss replacement specialist because of the networking, and the ability to try and work with different doctor offices has been a process. As for advice to people interested in becoming a hair stylist King said, “Don’t give up.” She continued, “A lot of times as a hair stylist, you can feel like the market is over saturated, but you have to come with something a little different.” In five years King wants to open another franchise in another state, and is actually working on another wig line. “I’ve been looking to open another salon in Saint Thomas. I visit there often,” she said. If you would like to purchase a custom piece from King or to consult with her, you can visit her social media sites including: Facebook (Lamecia King and Zhazar), Twitter and Instagram (Lamecia King) as well as her website www.zhazar.com.

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The sign of a beautiful person is that they always see beauty in others.


! Publisher Vikki Hankins

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Garry Jones, Photographer


My Take: Rich Dad, Poor Dad Author

Robert T. Kiyosaki’s New Book


Second Chance by Vikki Hankins

Robert T. Kiyosaki makes more in ‘1 month than most people make in ten lifetimes’. Does this place him in a position to give financial advice, I’d say so. In spite of the controversy surrounding his financial education and/or past business endeavors, Robert T. Kiyosaki is a self-made multi-millionaire.

!He is most known for his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but I must admit, I’ve never read the book. However, I did

read his newly released book entitled, Second Chance: For Your Money, Your Life and Our World. Reading Second Chance, was an amazing experience for me. Kiyosaki’s thought process regarding finances, poverty and wealth helped open my mind in ways I’d never imagined.

!On another note, one of the main things I wanted to know about Mr. Kiyosaki is his ‘drive’; what moves him to feel compelled to enlighten/teach others how to improve their finances. Why the interest? Some would say, he does it to continue to make more money…hmmm, this could be a point, BUT, after conducting a thorough research, I learned more towards the opposite of greed. With that said, I formed my own opinion of his intent.

!Kiyosaki’s philosophy on the rich, poor, middle class and money: !“When you print money, the rich get richer and the poor and middle class get crushed, because they are still working for money and the rich aren’t working for money.”


“I wrote Second Chance so people will stop trying to save money, work hard and invest in the stock market.” “I mean why would you save money, when they are printing money, not just the US, Japan is printing money…I’m Japanese.

Author/Educator, Robert T. Kiyosaki

!“When you invest in the stock market for the long term;

the stock market is an all time high, it’s funded by debt; people are borrowing money to invest.”

!“There’s still no financial education in schools. We’re still in the dark ages. We’re still in the industrial ages.” !“All coins have three sides, heads tails and then the edge.

Second Chance was written for somebody that’s standing on the edge and look at the poor and middle class on one side and the rich on the other side. They can decide what’s right for them.”

!Based on the interview I conducted with Mr. Kiyosaki, it

is clear his financial drive stems from his mother. When he was just a boy Kiyosaki, saw his mother cry more than once, because they did not have enough money. Granted Kiyosaki’s dad was an educator but apparently his dad didn't make enough to care for the family. Seeing his mother cry instilled a sense of never wanting to be poor inside young Kiyosaki.

!“I saw my mom and dad struggle financially. When I was younger than ten, I would find my mother up late at night crying.

I’m like six or seven years old. ‘Why are you crying’. ‘we’re broke’ and here’s my dad in school for his PhD. I hated my Dad for a while, I said how can you let my mom cry. I wanted to protect my mom.” _____________________________________________________________ Kiyosaki Educating Seminar Participants

!Robert T. Kiyosaki is best known as the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad —the

#1 personal finance book of all time—Robert T. Kiyosaki has challenged and changed the way tens of millions of people around the world think about money. He is an entrepreneur, educator, and investor who believes the world needs more entrepreneurs.

!With perspectives on money and investing that often contradict conventional

wisdom, Robert has earned an international reputation for straight talk, irreverence, and courage and has become a passionate and outspoken advocate for financial education.


Robert and Kim Kiyosaki are founders of The Rich Dad Company, a financial education company, and creators of the CASHFLOW games. In 2014, the company leveraged the global success of the Rich Dad games with the launch of new and breakthrough offerings in mobile and online gaming as well as Rich Dad’s CLUTCH, a digital learning platform.

!The author of 19 books, Robert has been a featured guest with media outlets in every corner of the world, including Oprah, Larry King Live, Bloomberg TV, New York Times, and Wall Street Journal.

!To learn more about Robert, The Rich Dad Company, and Second Chance, visit RichDad.-

com or connect with Robert on Facebook and Twitter. Second Chance is available in Barnes & Noble stores, airport bookstores and wherever books are sold around the world, as well as on Amazon.



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A Look Inside The Home of


Ingunn Hauge

“I've loved design as long as I can remember. I used to draw houses and interiors from the time I was a little girl. At the age of six-seven, I drew my room and told my dad to move the door, because the room would be better to furnish; he did it.


It was my dream to become a designer or an architect, but instead I ended up in Business School.


Ten years ago, I bought my house from my parents. I didn't want it to be like the house I grew up in; I wanted to design something that is really "me". I guess my house is me realizing my dream of designing interiors. It's all furnitures, decor and art that I really love. And I'm not even finished yet.�


Ingunn Hauge

Enjoy Ingunn’s Love for Interior Design! Follow Her on Instagram at: INGUNNFH

The Truth on Wheels… !by Morgan Amos Ra’Shad “TheTruthOnWheels” Solomon is determined to break the barrier in the modeling industry by becoming the first African-American male model with a disability. He’s spent nine years developing his craft doing everything. His achievements include:

!1. Honored with a certificate of achievement, by the UF

Health Shands located in the State of Florida, (for his achievements on promoting disability and educating others on human awareness). 2. Meeting Hip-Hop Mogul Russell Simmons 3. Interviewed by his Global Grind Team 4. A Magazine Spread in Ability Magazine 5. First African-American male model with a disability to be on the cover of Apostrophe Magazine.


But for him, learning to accept his disability and feel comfortable with himself took time. Solomon shared that between the ages of 14-17 he tried to commit suicide. “I was tired. I got tired of having surgeries, I got tired of having Cerebral Palsy, I got tired of the pain, I got tired of the scars…and I remember telling my mom, mom I want to die,” he said. “As a child, having Cerebral Palsy was really hard for me. I remember asking my mom how come kids look at me…and she said Ra’Shad, you’re not like everybody else and you’re unique in your own special way.”

!For Solomon, being unique meant showcasing his differences through fashion. “People always complimented me on how I looked, and my mom sat me down and she said, ‘let me tell you something, I’m going to keep you dressed because people are going to look at you because you have Cerebral Palsy, and we’re going to give them something to look at. If they’re going to look at you we’re going to have them looking at your shoes, clothes, and hair,’” he said.


Fashion became a big deal for Solomon. He was even presented an award for best dressed from his peers while in high school. By 17, Solomon began to feel comfortable with himself and was slowly coming into his own. One of the ways he made this happen was by referring to himself as “TheTruthOnWheels.” “I was very well-known in high school and the best dressed award was presented to me by my peers who had disabilities because they liked my wardrobe. People would always

Ra’Shad Solomon

say, ‘Ra’Shad when you dress your clothes are always the truth, when you tell somebody like it is, you always tell them the truth,’” he shared. “I am going to tell you like it is because many people with disabilities are afraid to speak out and share their stories because of how the world is. The world is so judgmental…I try to give my honest opinion, and if you don’t like it, at least you can say you got the truth from me and I’m going to keep it rolling.”


He developed the name “TheTruthOnWheels” from his peers seeing as they referred to him as the truth while in high school. He added the wheels part because he uses his wheelchair as a means to get around. Although he mainly uses his wheelchair, Solomon is able to walk on his own. He was born premature which caused him to be born with Cerebral Palsy and as a result of this, his legs were affected. His left leg is stronger than his right and he is only able to walk short distances. Solomon isn’t the only one in his family to be born with Cerebral Palsy. His younger brother Javone has this disability as well. I’m a firm believer in Jesus Christ and he’s brought me through everything I’ve done. I want my brother to know that anything is possible. Solomon is the second oldest out of three. His mother had three sons with the oldest being 27. “I’m 25 and my little brother is 18, and together we’ve had a total of 21 surgeries,” he said. Solomon said that although Javone wasn’t old enough to understand what was going on with him at the time, he still felt this bond with his brother, and that is one of the reasons why he is so determined to show Javone that having a disability does not prevent a person from accomplishing what they want in life. “Everything I’m doing, I do for my little brother because he says people with disabilities have heart. I’m hoping someone gives me a chance to prove to my brother that just because you have a disability does not mean you have to stop; it does not mean that you have to feel sorry for yourself.” He continued, “Yes, I tried to commit suicide, yes I’ve been depressed, but I overcame it, and I’m helping others with disabilities know that they can overcome it too. I’m a firm believer in Jesus Christ and he’s

brought me through everything I’ve done. I want my brother to know that anything is possible.”

!Not only does Solomon have a strong connection with his

younger brother, his connection with his older brother is just as strong. He feels as if his older brother tries to do everything he can to make sure that Solomon and Javone don’t feel left out, and like his older brother, Solomon also credits his mother’s support not only with helping him learn to appreciate and accept his disability, but also when he decided to start his organization called Comfortable With Myself. “My mother was young when she had me and my brother (Javone) and she didn’t know about Cerebral Palsy, but she researched it, and she learned, and she supports my dreams of becoming a male model. My mother is all about diversity.”

!In 2013, Solomon founded Comfortable With Myself. Its

purpose is to have this open platform where people can feel comfortable about themselves regardless of race, sex, gender, disability, etc. “I came to my mother, and I said mom, people have been reaching out to me on social media and I want to start an organization. I want people to feel comfortable with themselves and I don’t want it to be just for people who are disabled…I want it to be for everybody.”

!Solomon and his team are currently working towards

making Comfortable With Myself a non-profit organization, and he said it should be completed by next year. “I love putting myself out there and letting people know my drive and showcasing my stuff, but it is so hard sometimes to the point where I doubt myself with doing the modeling that I want to do,” he shared. Solomon said that he goes on casting calls and submits photos but is rarely picked. If he does get a call back however, he said that it’s because they remembered his wheelchair. “If they call me back, the main thing that they think of is my chair.” Despite the obstacles he faces, he said what keeps him going is the love and support he receives not only from his family, but from his fans.

!“I want to be the first African-American male to become a

model with a disability and be well-known. I want to be the next Tyson Beckford, but I want to be the disabled one. I want to be the next Boris Kodjoe, but I want to be the disabled one. I want to be the next Tyra Banks but the male version and be the disabled one.” And he is continuing to work towards that. Just last year, Comfortable with Myself did a NOH8 photo shoot, and this year on October 25th, Comfortable With Myself will be participating in the Florida Black Expo. “It is a fashion show, and the show we are doing is all about diversity. I have models from all walks of life and if you’re able to show that you’re comfortable and strut your stuff down a runway then you’re able to be a model in my eyes,” he expressed. “In my eyes a model is no particular size, a model is be-

ing comfortable with who you are and my organization is called Comfortable With Myself and we’re showcasing diversity, we’re showcasing what a model is,” he expressed. In addition to his upcoming show, Comfortable With Myself has also launched a YouTube Channel where Ra’Shad will be interviewing people from all walks of life allowing them to share their story. “There will be videos launched every week and I just interviewed a girl who has Lupus. I’m hoping that the organization can inspire people to accomplish anything that they want to accomplish because I think as human beings we all deserve to be comfortable,” he said.

!When asked has Solomon ever pictured what his life

would be like if he didn’t have Cerebral Palsy he said, “Yes, and I would be boring. I would just be Ra’Shad and I wouldn’t be Ra’Shad “TheTruthOnWheels,” and if someone was to snap their fingers and say Ra’Shad I can take your disability away from you, I wouldn’t let them do that because I consider my disability a gift.” He explained, “I consider my disability a gift I can share with the world and my gift is “TheTruthOnWheels” becoming the first African-American male model to inspire other people and I’m doing it. Again, it seems challenging, it seems hard, but I don’t think God would give me nothing I could not handle.”

!Five years from now, Solomon said he sees himself being

a very successful model, in entertainment whether its endorsement deals, magazines, or singing, and he hopes to continue and have a strong relationship with God. As for advice for those struggling with accepting their disability he shared, “I will tell you what works for me and it can work for them too if they believe. Have a strong relationship with God, keep praying, and when you do that, he will show you things that you thought you never could see.”

!To find out more

about Ra’Shad and Comfortable With Myself visit his Facebook page at w w w. f a c e b o o k .com/comfortablewithmyself or to connect with him directly e-mail him a t t h e t r u t h o nwheels@gmail.com or www.facebook.c o m / t h e t r u t h o nwheels.

!! ______________


It was the Easy Bake Oven that inspired a little girl, Andra Hall, to become an avid baker.

CamiCakes Owner

Andra Hall by Vikki Hankins

Andra Hall is the owner and creative force behind CamiCakes, LLC. alongside her husband. CamiCakes,LLC. is a chain of gourmet cupcake boutiques which originated in Jacksonville, FL; headquartered in Atlanta, GA with current southeast expansion.


Mrs. Hall began her career in State Government and eventually transitioned into Corporate America where she worked successfully for several years until a life changing experience. At the tender age of 1, Andra's only child, Camille, was sent to the hospital for a simple procedure which resulted in unconsciousness and admission to the ICU. Surviving the scare, many doctor appointments and hospital stays followed. Andra made the decision to leave Corporate America and care for her daughter full time. During this time, Andra did some soul searching and realized that baking was a constant in her life. Learned at the age of 7 with her Easy Bake oven, Andra was quite the avid baker.


“Starting CamiCakes was a passion of mine from a little girl, I always loved baking, but a I had a lifechanging event that changed everything.”

Andra Hall


“I was in the corporate world, doing the corporate thing… and my daughter became very ill; so ill that she couldn’t go to school anymore. I had to quit my job and figure out another way. After taking some time off. I had to make ends meet, so I took a night job at a hotel, working the graveyard shift, from midnight to 8 in the morning. During that time it just gave me a lot of time to soul search and figure out what’s next for me…”

! !

“I decided that I couldn’t go back into that corporate environment, that now was that time to do what I was passionate about or not do it all. I didn’t have the money but I had a plan. I just put that plan into action and thank God the money part was figured out.” Armed with her Grandmothers advice,"It's best to do one thing and do it really well," and equipped with her Mama's knack for baking, Andra launched CamiCakes, LLC. which is named after her greatest inspiration, her daughter Camille. March 2013, Mrs. Hall opened a new business CamiCakes Creamery http://camicakes.com/webimages/creamery.jpg The ice-cream is handcrafted everyday in a variety of flavors! 25

Amanda Fuller


Running the Ball

Photo Courtesy: Amanda Ruller

Amanda Ruller Dominating on and off the Field Amanda Ruller is proving that the only limits we have are the ones we put on ourselves. She’s a powerhouse that’s conquering everything within her path refusing to let any obstacle get in the way of her success. This Canadian born athlete has set her sights on Los Angeles and has made quite the name for herself in the Legends Football League as a Running Back for the Los Angeles Temptations. Playing her first game this year was definitely a highlight for Ruller. “Taking a chance and moving to California was such a highlight for me. Getting out there, making a few good plays, and making a name for myself…it’s been an amazing experience,” Ruller shared. Ruller admits playing for the Los Angeles Temptations is different, but said it has brought her new energy,

By Morgan Amos

which allowed her to step outside her comfort zone. “Stepping out of my element from track and field, and Bobsleigh and Skeleton was awesome. It was amazing to get out there and have the ball and run pass people; you’ll never get a better thrill than that because you just feel on top of the world.” Ruller shared that she definitely wants to stay with the team, keep playing, and is excited to see where next season takes her. “I’ve never seen so many girls so passionate about something. Football means everything to these girls, and you’ll never meet a better group of females ready to get out there and showcase what they’ve got. I’m very fortunate to have met these girls because they’ve actually pushed me to my limits this season,” she said. 26

In addition to her work with the Los Angeles Temptations, Ruller is also a Certified Exercise Physiologist, a Certified Strength Conditioning Specialist, a Certified Personal Trainer, and has also obtained her bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology. She’s competed in track and field at the University of Regina as a Sprinter, is one of the top CIS 60 meter Sprinters, and as a result of that was approached by the Canadian Bobsleigh and Skeleton Community to compete in their winter sports, and is also the current title holder of Miss Southern Saskatchewan, Miss Bikini, Miss Talent and Miss Congeniality, as well as placing in the top five for Miss Petite Canada. “Growing up, I played a bunch of different sports, and was really passionate about pursuing Kinesiology, which is the study of exercise physiology. I loved it. I couldn’t walk away from it, and now I make programs for athletes, strength and conditioning, as well as biometrics, and sprinting programs to help them be better at their performance. It’s such a passion of mine, so it doesn’t feel like work to me at all,” she said. Ruller has become very good at what she does. “I’m good at taking an individual and finding out exactly what they want to do. If they want to be faster at football, I can make a strength and conditioning program for them (weights, sprints), and if someone wanted to just tone up, I can make them a strength and conditioning program to make them stronger to tone up, lose weight, so it kind of goes in a few directions which I love,” she expressed. As if this isn’t enough, she has now set her sights on fitness modeling as well as other endeavors. She’s looking to connect with other magazines to promote her work, looking to open her own fitness clothing line, revamping her website so that people can become more involved with who she is and what she does, and has even started taking MMA classes to help prepare her for the lingerie fighting championships coming up which will be in Las Vegas. “That’s actually a TV contest that I entered, and hopefully that will take off soon because they said I made it, but we’re waiting for the production to start,” she explained. With everything she has accomplished thus far, some may be surprised to learn that her career in sports almost didn’t happen. “I actually liked cosmetology which is funny. I like doing hair, I like dying, cutting, and braiding hair, so in high school I actually took some cosmetology classes and was close to applying for cosmetology school, but I ended up getting a scholarship in track and field and thought let’s take this scholarship and see where it goes.” She said, “I ended up loving it, and never looked back on the cosmetology route, but I still do my friends hair, I love nails, and who said you can’t look good and do sports?” As for what she wants people to take away from this interview she said, “Do something you’ve never done, and experience things you never thought you could before…if it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you keep getting the same results, and if it’s not working, change it up,” she expressed. “My father was diagnosed with brain cancer, and recently passed. My father passing was a big devastation to me; he was one of my biggest supporters, took me to every game, every practice,” she said. “Now I am doing things for him. He’s inspired me to go out there and do things I’ve never done.” One of the things Ruller’s done included winning a car on the TV game show, The Price Is Right. To find out more about Amanda Ruller, visit www.amandaruller.com. You can also connect with her on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram



“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. ! -Virginia Woolf

Darlene McCoy

Mother and Daughter Breast Cancer Survivors

5th Annual 'Pink in December' !

!Breast Cancer Awareness! ! ! Photography by Vikki Hankins

April Love

Presented by global hair care titan Strength of Nature, Ask April Love PR raised awareness about the harsh realities of breast cancer. Hosted by 102.5's Darlene McCoy, this heart-felt event honored Producer/R&B Diva's Nicci Gilbert, Philanthropist Chanita Foster, Entrepreneur Richard Dunn & Visionary Charlene Dance.

Nicci Gilbert

Princess Banton-Lofters Chanita Foster

Chanita Foster & Ebonie Elektra

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found


it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle.” Steve Jobs


Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

! ! -Thomas A. Edison


Youth Movement) back in the early 90s. I’m really hoping to expound that so it becomes Born in Palatka, Florida and naturally known, naturally raised in Putnam County, recognized for what it does, Stephanie Brinkley Wellon for its potential,” she said. has always had a love for “When the children are posed people, her community, famiwith the question, how do we ly, music, children, and of Stephanie Brinkley Wellon rescue ourselves, how do we course God. She’s a wife, rescue our community, their mother of five, and a member response is by rescuing ourof Delta Sigma Theta Sororiselves, and every intervention, whether it’s developing ty, has spent 25 years working in Child Welfare, Parenttheir social skills, their interpersonal skills, their leadering Education and Training, Group Facilitation, Counselship skills, we use what I call exposure therapy…we ining and Management, and is also a Certified Parenting troduce them to different things that they don’t have acEducator and Instructor. “I graduated with an undergradcess to.” Wellon said her passion is for the children to uate degree in Sociology from Bethune-Cookman Unigraduate high school and go on to a two or four year university, and graduated with a Masters in Counselor Eduversity, and that this organization is providing them with cation from the University of North Florida in Jackthe tools needed to do that. sonville, Florida. I’m really service oriented and passionWhen asked what the most rewarding part of her ate about people. I love for people to be happy and I want job is, Wellon replied, “My parenting instruction class. to support them during their challenging times,” she exTo have a mom come up and I’m in a grocery store or plained. market place, and they say, ‘hey, Mrs. Stephanie, I got my One of the ways she is doing this is by working baby back’ (after they’ve been separated or removed as a behavioral specialist within the school system as from that parent’s custody), and the parent has been takwell as a therapist where she works with children. Wellon ing my parenting classes, we’ve done counseling, and believes that parents should focus on and encourage edufamilies are back together. To be able to have that impact cation, and that speaking with their children about it is or to effect change in that way, you can’t ask for anything very important. “So many children and adults have expebetter.” rienced so much. They’ve seen, heard, observed, and exWellon’s love doesn’t just reside with children, perienced some of the most awful things and they she also has a passion for music and haven’t had the opportunity to talk shared that it saved her life. “Music about it. That’s why I consider it an is really my first love. I’m a vocalopportunity because every child, every ist. I believe music heals, and the adult I’ve had the opportunity to sit in word of God comes through music front of, they’ve been a gift to me,” ministry,” she expressed. Wellon she expressed. admits that at the time she wanted Continuing with her mission to pursue music, which was right and willingness to help children, after high school, she was encourWellon is one of the founders of Cityaged not to. “It was thought that it wide Youth Movement, an organizawasn’t going to be profitable and tion for youth that was started in 1994, jobs were scarce in that area particand has also implemented a new proularly where I lived, so I had to look gram called R.O.C.K., Rescuing Our at things realistically. So I chose Communities with Knowledge for social work, but God gave me a middle and high school students. heart for people. All of those areas “R.O.C.K. is a leadership academy allow me to utilize my creative and it falls under the Citywide Youth skills and connection with people,” Movement, and I am now working she said. with the children of those young ones Author, Stephanie Brinkley Wellon (continued) I fell in love with (from Citywide

Written by Morgan Amos|


“One of the greatest opportunities I’m afforded, is to be in the presence of children, guiding and supporting them during their most vulnerable and difficult times. I consider this a gift!”


Wellon said that she is planning on enrolling in Berkley School of Music in the Distance Learning Program to complete a degree in music and voice. “God put me in the right place. It wasn’t meant for me to sing at that time when I first got out of high school. He knew what he wanted me to do, and he orders your steps, and then I look at what's happening to a lot of our stars, maybe God knew at that time I wasn’t able to handle the stardom, he knew that I wasn’t able to handle all that would’ve came at me,” she said. But now she’s able to handle everything. “It’s time now. He had angels stationed around me, and I’m stronger. I don’t sugarcoat it; I know who my anchor is.” She’s hoping to release her music this year. “I have a few pieces that are to be released soon. I’m hoping summer of 2015. I have a song titled “Just Be Yourself” which means just be you. You don’t have to fit in; I mean we all have challenges that may cause us to veer of track, and those challenges that may have affected us, shaped us, and molded us into sometimes not what God had intended us to be,” she explained. She continued, “So with that sometimes we try to fit in to get in, and that’s my personal story. Not feeling accepted, trying to be accepted. I’m a thin frame person. I was bullied, all of that stuff. I was quirky; they called me olive oil, toothpick. I loved music whereas everybody else was into sports,” she said. “It’s okay to be different. You don’t need anyone else to validate you. Find yourself first, stand up for you, and be yourself. That’s one of the messages I hope to convey with that song.” Wellon describes her music as eclectic and said that it includes her experiences, and it’s a message about trials, tribulations, and over coming. “Never done drugs, never smoked, and that’s why they called me a nerd. Music saved my life. This is why I have always given of myself serving in my community and providing outlets, places, things, for youth to do because that is what saved me…we need more villages, we need more people who are sober physically, mentally, and emotionally that are able to take care of children who might need someone to listen or look out for them,” she expressed. On September 1st of this year, Wellon released Misty Twisty Knot Understanding Emotions and Behaviors Associated with Anxiety. According to Wellon, this book centers on a little girl who experiences feelings of fear or worry which are all signs of anxiety. “While she’s in the classroom, she twirls her hair, bites her nails, and shakes her leg. She can’t seems to concentrate because of certain things that have happened to her. Things she’s heard, seen, experienced,” Wellon said. “It was my re-

sponsibility to help her, to support and guide her to a place where she no longer felt tangled up and twisted like a knot. Misty learns techniques and strategies that help her unwind from feeling like a knot.” Wellon admits that Misty Twisty Knot is a combination of both her personal experiences along with someone who she knew very well. “Misty Twisty Knot was a little girl who I knew very well. She spent a lot of time with me. I saw what she experienced, I heard what she experienced, and I had to work really hard to help her untangle herself from feeling like a twisted knot,” she expressed. “I would love to shut down every behavioral health center where someone was receiving services for an anxiety disorder. I’m an advocate for talking it out, not acting it out. We are parents, caregivers, and we really need to create an environment for our children to where they feel comfortable speaking about what’s bothering them.” There has been a positive reaction to Misty Twisty Knot Understanding Emotions and Behaviors Associated with Anxiety since its release. People seem interested in the book and its message, and so many people have come up to her and confessed that they know of a Misty Twisty Knot according to Wellon. Wellon shared that everyone can read, enjoy, and learn from her book. She plans on releasing more Misty Twisty Knot books as well as turning Misty Twisty Knot into a cartoon series. But before that, Wellon will be releasing Tangie’s Garden due out September of this year. As for advice to those interested in pursuing a career in child welfare or as an author, Wellon shared, “I want them to understand that you have to stay true to who you are in whatever you are doing. Get into the field because you love it, it feels right. If you know you’ve helped someone, you’ve encouraged someone, that’s how you know.” Wellon has definitely transitioned not only within her career but within her life, and expressed that the greatest highlight of her life has been to know God. “That has been everything. Once I really got to know God, submit and surrender myself, I began to borrow from his strength and lean on him. My life turned around completely. Establishing and confirming my relationship with God, knowing who I was in him, that spiraled everything else into motion,” she said. To order Misty Twisty Knot Understanding Emotions and Behaviors Associated with Anxiety visit www.mistytwistyknot.com and don’t forget to purchase Tangie’s Garden due out in September, and be sure to check iTunes for “Just Be Yourself.”

Sometimes success is disguised as hard work.!

! S. Truett Cathy! !

(Chick-fil-A Founder)


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