VMH Magazine - November 2015

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A Vikki M. Hankins Lifestyle Magazine!



8 Ways to

Can Exercise Help Us Sleep Better?

Optimize Networking Events !

Small Business Guide: Powered by Purpose PLUS:

LOUD & CLEAR Stella & Dot Founder Delivers Irrefutable Message

Tithing, A Journey to Understanding “Don’t allow your emotions to control your financial decisions.” November 2015


Elegance Meets Comfort

TEYXO Fashions


Building Wealth & Banishing Fear The Money Queen’s Guide

Happy Thanksgiving FROM

“I want women to be able to be independent and to stand on their own two feet no matter what.” - Cary Carbonaro






By Vikki Hankins!


What Every Fashion Entrepreneur Should Know… Q&A with Designer/Actress Lara Roxana Popa I believe nowadays things seem easier because of the internet and it is truly amazing how well we are connected and how easy we can reach from one point to another. On the other hand, I believe the competition has grown substantially. So, the real question is how do you stand out from the crowd?

Thanksgiving Fun Fact


by Morgan Amos!

Gobble, Gobble

Parade Tradition

! 12.

Tithing; Does Giving Truly Make a Difference? A Personal Journey I used to hear people in the neighborhood talk about how preachers only wanted money to pay for their Cadillac and their homes. During that era I also noticed, when invited to dinner, the preachers normally ate better than the children of the household. They got the biggest part of the chicken and you couldn’t eat unless they ate first.


By Garry Jones!

! 16. Will the Gun Violence Cycle in America Reverse?

An interview with Retired Lt. Garry Jones (FBOP), Police Officer Arthus Avant and New Zealand City Council Member Martha Samsoni.


By Vikki Hankins!



! 26.



Are You Living Your Legacy?

Club Intrique’s Oscar Bond, Inspiration to Stylist A Conversation with Salon Owner, Jessica Soler


Oscar Bond, is a globally recognized master hairdresser, Former Creative Director for L'ANZA and owner of The Bond Salon in New Jersey. He was named one of the industry's most dynamic educators, and has been featured in many national publications including InStyle, Teen Vogue, GQ and Marie Clare.

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By Vikki Hankins !


Inaugural Entrepreneur360 Conference Highlights With a speaker lineup that included Q&A with will.i.am, interviews with Reddit cofounder Alexis Ohanian and Gravity Payments founder Dan Price; Entrepreneur360 was the go-to conference for business owners.

Emmy Award Winner, Aurea McGarry Poses the Question The Live Your Legacy Summit changes the lives of women across the country. Hosted by Aurea McGarry, Emmy Award winning TV show host and founder of the Live Your Legacy Summits; the event supports women, children, non-profits, and various business owners. By Vikki Hankins!

! 35.

Thanksgiving Fun Facts

According to Wikipedia Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. We’ve including a few fun facts to share with friends and family during the holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!!

! ! I moaned because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.


Publisher! Vikki Hankins Media & Publishing, LLC

Stella & Dot CEO/ Founder, Jessica Herrin Delivers Powerful Message at:


Inc. Women’s Summit, “Own The Future” !

Pg. 18

Editor-in-Chief Vikki Hankins Assistant Director Garry Jones! Journalist/Contributors Vikki Hankins Morgan Amos Garry Jones


Contributors (Visiting) National Sleep Foundation Funmi Osinubi


Photography Vikki Hankins Garry Jones Alisha Davis Sherman Hankins

!! !! ! !!

Media Assistant Alisha Davis

Cover Fashion: TEYXO Fashions Cover Photographer: Garry Jones

!! www.vmhmagazine.com


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am e r ur D o Y ving i L Yo u e r A


Building Wealth & Banishing Fear “Don’t allow your emotions to control your financial decisions.” Written by Vikki Hankins

“I want women to be able to be independent and to stand on their own two feet no matter what.” Cary Carbonaro


If your stream of income suddenly stopped, do you have a back up plan? Are you in a position to care for yourself? How does a woman indulge in those irresistible shopping sprees, grow her career, care for her family and secure her financial future? Cary Carbonaro, Certified Financial Planner (CFP), addresses these questions in her new book entitled, The Money Queen’s Guide, For Women Who Want to Build Wealth and Banish Fear.


“Twenty-five years I am in this profession in some way shape or form trying to help people as it relates to money, especially women, because that’s my area of expertise. But what I wondered over and over was how do I reach the women that can’t afford me or don’t want to come to me,” says Carbonaro.


After graduating from college with an MBA in finance, Cary Carbonaro, her career moved quickly up the corporate ladder. She worked eight years on Wall Street at JP Morgan Chase, three years as Vice President of Citibank, and two years as a Director at Lord Abbett Investments. By the time she turned 30, she was earning $500,000 a year.


“We like to talk about shopping, but we (women) don’t like to talk about ‘how am I going to pay for that shopping trip.’ Or ‘how much do I have in my bank’ or ‘how much money do I have in my 401k,’” said Carbonaro.


As I read The Money Queen’s Guide it prompted me a small business owner - to think about my worth in my profession. Using very practical techniques, such as calculators and income comparisons, The Money Queen’s Guide opened my mind to building wealth and enhancing my financial security.


The Money Queen’s Guide is a practical guide for smart thinking, but also a source of encouragement for women who are faced with frightening decisions. Within the book Carbonaro shares her personal experience that helps successful women navigate through unseen pitfalls. At one point she made very tough decisions to improve her life, eventually divorcing her husband.


“It took me a lot of years to get to that point. I should have left him five years before I did. Fear kept me immobilized,” she shares. “I could not move forward with my life because of the fear; the fear of divorce was going to be the worst thing that ever happened to me. I was thinking that I could either wait and it will get better or wait and I could get stronger or he would find somebody and he would actually leave me.”


There came a point where Carbonaro started her own financial company, “I liked working for a firm; I moved up the ranks, I enjoyed getting a salary and benefits and that’s where my dad was; that’s how I was raised. So, I liked that world. When I moved to Florida because of my ex-husband I had no choice, there were no jobs. I had to start my own firm.”


Says Carbonaro, “Originally I was just thinking, ‘I’m going to buy my time, eventually I’ll get a job, I’m going to move back to New York, I’m going to divorce this guy.’ But in the meantime I’m thinking, well I have to do something; I have to start my own firm. It became real, it became successful but it took a very long time though.”


“I believe you can do anything you put your mind to, if it doesn’t kill you first. I mean if you can get through it, you can do it.”


Cary Carbonaro (CFP, MBA) Photo Courtesy: Allen Media Strategies

Carbonaro’s advice to women when it c o m e s t o relationships and money:


“Full disclosure. Let’s say you start to get serious - a sit down; full disclosure. Showing assets, liabilities, credit score, everything. So that you know anything that’s potentially lurking in the background. Partners should openly share if they are in debt, have spending issues, or still owe a lot of money on students loans. All of these things are so incredibly important; when it comes to finances, make sure you have the same aligned goals.”


Says Carbonaro of her new husband, “Not only is he a partner in life, he’s a partner in finances too; everything is double. It’s amazing!”


Carbonaro’s best friend is one of many inspirations for her book, however throughout the pages she speaks to each woman as if they too, are her best friend. The Money Queen’s Guide coaches women to move passed fears, prepare for stronger financial independence, and navigate though unseen pitfalls. The books include something for every woman; a few of the chapter headings:



• • • • • •

Your Best Financial Life Your Roaring 20’s: The Journey Begins Your Thrifty 30’s: Becoming Established Your Fantastic 40’s: What’s Next Your Fabulous 50’s: Avoiding Landmines Your Smooth 60’s (and Beyond): A Time to Celebrate

If you are a woman looking to strengthen your finances, find yourself unexpectantly single, or in need of practical resources to build wealth,The Money Queen's Guide should be in your purse!And it’s affordable! "Within each of us, we all have what can be deemed as “earning capacity.”’ - The Money Queens Guide




To purchase The Money Queen’s Guide, For Women Who Want to Build Wealth and Banish Fear or to learn more about Cary Carbonaro visit: wwwmoneyqueenguide.com


What Every Fashion Entrepreneur Should Know…

Lara Roxana Popa

Designer/Actress Lara Roxana Popa By Morgan Amos

“My advice for anyone who wants to start a clothing line is never to give up…”


VMH Magazine had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Romanian clothing designer, Lara Roxana Popa. She talks fashion, her acting career, the inspiration behind her clothing line Teyxo, and more!

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VMH: For those who are unfamiliar with who you are, tell me, who is Lara Roxana Popa? LRP: Lara Roxana Popa is an actress, a writer and a fashion designer. More than that, she is a traveler and a dreamer with a desperate need to tell stories and to create images, to design beautiful structures, to play and to explore the behavior of people.


VMH: What was the inspiration behind wanting to pursue acting?


LRP: I wanted to be an actress since I was a child. I remember creating all sort of sets in my room, being on a pirate island or a pirate ship or in a castle and playing all the characters and then I remember playing with the children in front of my block of flats and my favorite game was X-Files. I was Dana Scully and my friend was Mulder. We used to run around the block, pretending that we are followed by aliens and then we hid and made plans how to rescue the world. It was hilarious and we had lots of fun.


It was not until high-school when I've started to do real acting. I enrolled in an acting course for teens and then I became part of a troupe and we worked with the actors from the State Theater in my hometown (Galati, Romania). We had two major plays where I had leading roles and we toured around the country, being part of Theater Festivals for Teenagers. It was then when I knew that this is what I want to do. So, after high-school I've moved to Bucharest and enrolled in the Faculty of Arts. Here, I have learned that I knew so little about this beautiful and amazing profession. So, I've started to work harder and harder and I had a tremendous honor to study with some of the greatest professors at that time and the luck to have amazing colleagues

and friends. It was a time of growth, struggle and initiation in the world of acting.


When I finished university, I had the impression that I'm totally ready to conquer the world and that the world is mine, but then the world hit me and I've realized once again that I still have so much to learn and little did I know about the business of acting. This is one of the major problems in our school. Yes, we learn about the craft, but we do not learn how to be a good agent or manager or how to brand yourself and in Romania the system doesn't work with agents like in the U.S. You have to be your own agent. So, I had one very bad year, roaming through Bucharest and going to castings and working in pubs or as a hostess, being poorly paid. And I said to myself that I can do better than that, so I quit the night scenery and I began to work as a writer and a screenwriter, doing comics and fairy tales for a studio. It was all a happy accident, as you can imagine I knew nothing about comics or scripts for comics and games. But, I went for an audition for a play and the casting director was a known actor who had this project called: “We also have superheroes”, about the Romanian fairy tales and their heroes. So, when he found out that I could write, he gave me a task to write a short original fairy tale. I did and he loved it and he hired me as a writer. It seems that actresses are easier to find than writers here. I worked more than one year there and during that time, I've extended my horizon, learning some things about business, marketing and branding. Not to mention, that I've learned film screen writing as well and I wrote my first short film, “Gloria”.


Soon after that, I met an amazing female director who cast me in her feature film, which is currently in post-production. (Night Stalkers by Olimpia S. Mustata) For the past two years, we are working together and we both grew as professionals, creating also a great work environment where we did acting and film workshops for us and for the other members of the crew. She also directed the film written by me, where I play the lead, Gloria. We filmed it this year and it is also in post-production.


VMH: How do you prepare for a role, and how do you decide which roles you’ll take part in? (continued on page 30)



G E O R G E W . A D D A I R

Tithing My Personal Growth


Commentary by Garry Jones

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. -1 Corinthians 13:11 Author/Speaker Garry Jones

!Growing up I was

required to attend Sunday School and Vacation Bible School. This was a must in my grandmother’s home. I attended church but didn’t know the politics of the church. When my brother and I attended we would gather with our friends and have a good time. My brother was the Assistant Superintendent of the Sunday school and I chilled and did my own thing.

!The only thing I got excited about was making sure our

class won the banner of offering and the banner of attendance; I was always a competitor. My grandmother always provided money for us to put in church. When I tried to spend the money before church, the neighborhood owner of the store wouldn’t allow me to buy anything because he knew the money I had, was supposed to be used to put in the offering plate – R.I.P. Mr. Fuller.

!I used to hear people in the neighborhood talk about how

preachers only wanted money to pay for their Cadillac and their homes. During that era I also noticed, when invited to dinner, the preachers normally ate better than the children of the household. They got the biggest part of the chicken and you couldn’t eat unless they ate first. I also heard they slept with all the women in church and some members in the church would dislike each other for one reason or another. These things didn’t come from my grandmother but instead from the people in the community.

!After I joined the church I was given those same envelopes

that people put their money in. When church commenced the ushers would pass the plate around for tithes and offering. I would put my money in the plate while some people put their money in envelopes. I always wondered why people put their money in envelopes – that was the craziest thing to me. I thought I was a thither when I put my little money in church. I didn’t know any better but soon I would come to understand what tithing and offering was all about.

!As I got older I begin to learn more about the church. I

learned tithes and offering were needed to pay the church bills, to make us comfortable in the winter and summer, do outreach ministry in the community, help others in need and

made provisions to keep the church grounds looking good. The money was also used to pay the preachers their salary.

!The scriptures say, “Never tie up the mouth of an ox when it

is treading out the grain; let him eat as he goes along and in another place. Those who work deserve their pay.” I thought about Pastor Aaron L. Parker because when he preached you could feel the anointing on him and he also teaches at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. I paid close attention to Malachi 4th chapter verse 10... “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so that there will be food enough in my temple; if you do, I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing so great you won’t have room enough to take it in.”

!Noticed it said God would pour out a blessing not the preacher. My attitude was once I pay my tithes I cared less about what happens to the money because I don’t look for man to bless me I look for God to bless me. Don’t get me wrong when I joined another church I was reluctant to pay tithes. It was shocking to find out my pastor didn’t talk about tithing much and the church only took up one offering. I think this made me comfortable and I was able to enjoy service without wondering whether or not the church was going to take up an offering for the building funds, the pastor anniversary, and etc.

!Keep in mind, tithing doesn’t mean you are going to get a

big paycheck in the mail or someone off the street was going to bless you with a lot of money and some cases that may happen but God will bless you if you are a cheerful thither. If you are reluctant to pay your tithes you may as well keep the money in your pockets because you didn’t tithe willingly; you have to trust God. It took me over 40 years to trust God with my money or his money.

!I do think God gives us common sense with tithing. If we are getting ready to be put out of our house and we have a choice to pay your mortgage or rent or be put out, I think I would pay my rent or mortgage. The fact that you want to tithe and can’t tithe is a blessing within itself. God knows the heart. I know this is contradicting what I just said about trusting God to provide a way but beware of the preachers that only speak on prospering – you don’t see yourself prospering, you only see them prospering.

!The Holiday season is here and money may be short in some households. The children and grandchildren are going to be depending on you to break them off with a little something. The electric bill is normally high during this season. What are you going to do? My suggestion is trust God and pray about your situation because every situation is different.


To learn more about Garry Jones, his work or to book him for your next event visit: garryljones.com







I’ve attended a number of entrepreneur, empowerment and networking events in a very short time frame. In order to meet new people, I purposely sought out venues outside of my comfort zone. I felt the need to surround myself with people who will help me learn new things and ‘grow’. At times this meant traveling to other states and quickly adapting to a faster pace and different transportation systems.


As a result of these events, I felt as though I’d taken a crash course in effective business building! More importantly, the empowerment that came from like-minded, driven people, makes all the difference in the world.



Interacting, listening and simple conversation somehow gives one the ability to ‘keep going’. I think real entrepreneurs speak the same language. I use the word ‘real’ entrepreneurs because I’ve met people who go into business and it stops there. They refuse to put in the work, sacrifices and other measures it takes to make their dream a reality; in my opinion these people are hobbyist; their ‘business’ is merely a pastime; something to do.


With that said, I believe it important be interact with those who are on a mission to make their idea work. Granted entrepreneurship is not for everyone, but for those that are true entrepreneurs attending networking events is vital to the success of a business!


There’s a way to glean and get encouragement from successful CEO’s, buy a ticket and flight to wherever they are speaking. Of course this requires research but it’s worth the time, effort, and the ticket cost.

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A few points on networking at events: 1

2 3 4 5

6 7 8


Talk to people, get to know them. Don’t be the flower on the wall. Don’t go in trying to sale yourself or your services. Enjoy the moment, take in all that you can take in. Take notes from the speakers or panelists. Don’t be afraid to share you business cards with you new friends. If you can help someone with something you’ve learned, don’t be afraid to share what worked for you. Talk with the vendors/sponsors; they are people too. Be yourself.

You’ll be surprised at how effective the above have been for me. After I relaxed, and listened to the speakers, I heard my story from their voices. Better yet, I received jolts of encouragement, motivation to keep going and new ideas to carry out in my business.


By attending events and seeking out environments that continue to help me grow, I’ve now become more confident, placed more value on my time, learned new methods for a successful business, and met great people who did not mind sharing bits of information; giving me new perspective. Cheers to the organizers of these wonderful, much-needed events! I look forward to many more.


Perhaps, I’ll be able to inspire others with my entrepreneurial travels one day! In the meantime entrepreneurs put your computer to the side for a few hours and get out to meet your next inspiration and possible ‘open door’!

TEYXO Fashions! Photography: Garry Jones! Shoes: Superb Couture Footwear



Gun Violence Cycle in America Retired Lt. Garry Jones (FBOP), Police Officer Arthur Avant & New Zealand City Council Member, Martha Samasoni discuss the critical subject of gun violence.

Interview by Vikki Hankins |

It has become commonplace for everyday people to carry guns and other heavy artillery suited for combat. What has become of our world? Shopping malls, movie theaters, colleges, high schools and even elementary schools have become targets for slaughter. Is pain and mental instability the driving force behind the actions of the people that take the lives of innocence? How do we regain control of America and began showing neighborly love and respect for one another?

A very profound question indeed – America is a land filled with hope and endless possibilities, where people from all over the world travel to pursue their dreams. “In New Zealand you would not need a gun on your person or in your house for protection, unless you were a gang member would you feel the need to have that mindset, but a majority of our community can co- exist without it and that’s something I hope will continue in NZ…”, says Samasoni of her community.

Retired Lieutenant (FBOP) and Founder of Advocate 4 Justice, Garry L. Jones says of the widespread violence epidemic, “Even though a background check is done on people purchasing guns, it doesn't matter, because people without criminal backgrounds are killing people as well – with assault weapons. If you banned assault weapons people are going to obtain them illegally.”

Police Officer Arthur Avant uses unique techniques to teach children to protect themselves as well as steer them away from drugs and bullies – through song, dance and reading. In reflecting on the horror and his duty and a police officer, he had this to say:



Granted, there will always be some form of disturbance, but when one sends their children off to school, the expectation is for them to return home safely or when one goes to see a movie the idea is to enjoy the film, not scramble to the floor for fear of being killed by a spree of bullets.


According to news reports the guns used at Sandy Hook Elementary School in the Newtown, Connecticut were a Glock 9 mm handgun, a SIG Sauer handgun and a .233 Bushmaster semi-automatic assault rifle. Only months before this tragedy, in Denver (Auora), Colorado, at the premier of the movie ‘Dark Knight Rises’, the shooter had a AR-15 military-style assault rifle, a shotgun and 2 pistols that resulted in 71 people getting shot and a number of deaths. Is it fear of one’s neighbor that prompts people to purchase military type artillery? The Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms, but it goes without saying that the right to bear arms does not extend to slaughtering children and innocent movie-goers.


“Not only is this an issue of violence, but it goes back to our laws and the need for change; the need to change laws that have overloaded the prisons with non-violent offenders. Violence is rampant, yet Congress is set on focusing their attention on people that can be rehabilitated through treatments and programs versus long prison sentences. It’s backwards, in particular when you see gun violence spreading like a deadly disease, killing innocent lives,” says Jones.Various countries seem to not feeling the growing terror that America feels today. Martha Samasoni, a Representative on Pacific Advisory Group for Wellington, New Zealand City Council, has many friends in America and is quite concerned; she had this to say about the loss of innocent lives in such a tragic way, “It (the report of the shooting) came on our news here (New Zealand), but why have we created a fearful community? How has this happened in the land where dreams can come true?”


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“We are sworn in to protect and serve and we also not only go through shoot or don't shoot training but also have first responder training. I don't know the statistics but it's to my belief as a D.A.R.E instructor and juvenile officer, that with an officer being in the schools such as SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS is a preventative measure and deterrent to anyone that plans or plots to come into a school and carry out such an act.”


With sheer emotions, Officer Avant shares the impact Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting has had on him, “I have not stopped crying since this incident because (as an officer) I’m in and out of our schools with hopes that anyone who may think about entering our schools for violence won't be able to figure my routine.”


“It’s a very heartbreaking situation and whenever someone decides to perform an act it’s hard to prevent because he or she knows their plan they can possibly know the schools routine for safety. Exactly how to prevent these actions will be very hard to figure out, but I think every school needs an officer there or several to make routines everyday in the hallways but change it every day.”


Will banning guns be enough or will America have to examine more areas that trigger such horrific actions? “If people want to shoot, kill or hurt someone they will find a way. Case in point, a man was banned from a club during my years in college,” says Jones, “but he still found a way to not only get in the club, but he also brought a gun in the club and ended up shooting me with it.


When a person intends to harm another even with stricter guns laws implemented – one way or another they will find a way.” “Though I feel assault weapons should be outlawed if someone wants to inflict harm on a group of people they are going to find a way to do this – that's the world we live in.”



Stella & Dot Founder/CEO, Jessica Herrin:! Jolting Message to Entrepreneurs During Inc. Women’s Summit


By Vikki Hankins

Jessica Herrin, CEO/Founder Stella & Dot

I attended the recent Inc. Women’s Summit (2015), held in the heart of New York City; the theme: OWN THE FUTURE. Due to flight scheduling and heavy NYC traffic I arrived two hours after the summit began. Loaded with indecisiveness surrounding my business, I entered the Inc. Women’s Summit in a disarray. Immediately I was greeted; the doorman took my bag and the main host asked with a very kind energy if I wanted coffee and danishes (keep in mind I’d arrived long after breakfast); an immediate load was lifted and I calmed. This in itself is a great reflection on the summit.


During the summit, I listened to the experiences of various successful entrepreneurs. Jessica Mah (CEO of inDinero.com) shared her roller coaster ride to success, and what could have been perceived as failure. There was a point when her company had no money and she encouraged employees to look for another job and fast. Her humorous personality made light of it, but she was dead on it for the brick wall I seemingly faced. Based on Jessica, her company had quickly become popular but the popularity (numbers) were not paying the bills - no revenue. As she spoke I reflected on my company and felt utter discouragement, wondering if I should give it up and get a 9 - 5. My business grew slowly from operating revenues and little personal finances - bootstrapped; at one point it seemed to come to a dead end. It was good to hear another entrepreneur who’d encountered the same issue, but my next thought was ‘what do I do now’. I was ready to give it up. I’d worked at it for eight years and done well (in my opinion), however I no longer had the momentum to

continue. Jessica Mah’s grew her company from zero to multi-million dollar revenues with over 70 employees!

!Although Jessica’s success should have encouraged me to ‘keep going’, I needed more. I think Jessica’s story allowed me to ‘connect’ with an entrepreneur who’d hit a brick wall at one point. I think it’s important that we can relate to others. When one feels they are understood or that another has had the same experience, I think this makes a difference.


As the day progressed, I spoke with other women entrepreneurs who are very successful; some wealthy, a few were not, but the bottom line for me at this event is the authenticity, openness and wide words. The panelists, speakers, moderators and those in attendance wanted to ‘give’, ‘share’ information with others. Powerful.


During lunch and all breaks I appreciated the interaction, networking and encouragement throughout the ballroom. Tips from Angela Benton, Founder and CEO of NewME on surviving the challenges and changes of startups.



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Define roles of people that are on your team Make good hires....and trust them Train yourself to not be in the minute Continue to think like a founder Talk to your customers Stay flexible Start with passion and purpose Be open to a change in form Be deliberate about staying creative. !18

Jeanne Sullivan (Co-Founder of StarVest Partners), Jen Groover, Susan Lyne (President of BBG Ventures), Rebecca Minkoff and others gave excellent advice, shared personal stories, and gave ‘go to’ information for entrepreneurs to utilize. Jen Groover, Founder of The Butler Bag, reminded me of how I’d invested every dollar earned back into my bootstrap business. At this point, that feeling of discouragement begin to lift but was still not where it needed to be. Fashion Designer, Rebecca Minkoff spoke on branding, implementing technology into retail and ‘standing out’.


Speaker Jessica Herrin (Founder & CEO of Stella & Dots Family Brands), was the final piece of the puzzle for me… ‘snap back’ into reality! Wow, did she lay it on thick in terms of creating opportunities, productivity, rejuvenating regularly, to name a few. By the time the day concluded I was in tears, ‘how could I give up’; ‘how could I throw all I’d built in the trash can’; Jessica in a round about way drove a point home that shook me. Basically, she said we have it easy compared to the trials this country has faced, people have faced in history; those people fought and made it. They created ways to complete their goals. For whatever reason my mind went to Harriet Tubman. Jessica’s point made me feel like a whiner (something I’m not). Her points on history and the challenges people faced jolted me!

Teyxo Fashions


I am going to fight for my company and succeed. I don’t know how, but you can bet your bottom dollar that I am going to find out ‘how’ to continue to grow my business and open opportunities for others through the company.


Inc. Women’s Summit revived me and ‘showed me’ a world of opportunity in an areas I believed impossible.

Jessica Mah, CEO/Founder of InDinero

Custom Made Elegance www.teyxo.com



by Vikki Hankins

Branding is a necessary part of any business. It differentiates you, your products, and/or services from the next product or service. Branding builds a certain expectation of a company. If people know you are reliable, professional and punctual, generally they come to form an expectation; if you build a strong full-proof brand your service/ products or even ‘you’ will be selected over the next. With that said, branding ties directly into sales and marketing.


So how does a small business or person build a brand? I did it and so can you! I created my own unique brand. And, although I run a very, very small business I take great pride in my work and the brand I have created. Over the years I have compiled a list of branding techniques that I continue to draw upon to help build and grow my brand.









Care: I care about the wellbeing of any business owner that reaches out to me. I think genuine care is the catalyst to brand building. Usually people can discern whether you’re out for a quick buck or if you’re truly working to strengthen and maintain a company or product. Love What You Do: I love my work! There are times when I’m completely consumed with my work because of my passion, joy, and fulfillment of a finished product. If you love what you do, everything that follows ‘flows’. There is no strain in what you do for others. There’s been several times when clients, or even strangers clearly see my love for my work.




6 Professionalism: I cannot emphasize this enough. I pride on professionalism; treating customers with dignity and respect. Old fashioned principles

help in this area. If a customer only has $50 for a $5000 service, do not demoralize them. There is a way to share your price expectation without crushing self-esteem. Such things as punctuality, returning phone calls, answering emails, interacting with people all play a role in professionalism. When answering phones or returning calls, put some ‘joy’ in your voice and pay attention to what’s being said. I am a talker so this is a challenge for me, but to offer a service, at some point I have to “be quiet” and listen. Quality: My skills have developed over the years and continue to develop as I learn more about me and my natural abilities, but each phase of my growth came with quality. I produce quality products for my level and my lane. I don’t place Sony, Lionsgate, or Warner Bros. expectations on myself; I work with what I have. Graphics/Logos: It is important to identify yourself via graphics. One of the things that I found difficult over the years was for me to get to a place of using one graphic/logo that identifies my work. This challenge stemmed from the neverending development of my company name. I went from one name to the next as I added more services and met a few bumps about ‘names’. It took quite some time but my company has finally decided to just one company identity and one identifying logo. Belief/Tenacity: I was once told that I am tenacious. Not being exactly sure what the term “tenacious” meant, I turned to Webster’s dictionary. If you are uncertain of the

meaning of certain words do not be ashamed to look them up. The person that told me this was quite correct. I have never stopped believing in my business. When I started on this road, I continued to plow at it, even though I was immensely discouraged at times. I never gave up. I always believe in my abilities!



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Research: The very first thing I try to do for my business is research. Research allows a business owner to appropriately set ‘real’ expectations, understand cost, determine target markets, and understand the needs for services. It also allows you to learn from others who have come before you. Research, understanding the numbers, and knowing your areas of improvement is vital to the strength of your company. Trademark/Copyright: It is a horrible feeling to have your work pulled from beneath you. In order to protect your business name/identity it is important to copyright or trademark your company name and/or logo.

These are just a few techniques I have used to help build and grow my brand. If one stops branding, your sales may be impacted. When I look at companies such as Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola, I value the method they use to maintain consumers. Have you noticed that as times have changed their logos continue to evolve? Their corporate branding is ever-growing, ever evolving. We can learn a few things from these major brands!


Vikki Hankins is a leader in strategically developing marketing plans for books as well as businesses large and small. Further, she has a knack for branding, digital media production, presentation, and the overall success of literary works and marketable products. As a resultsdriven marketing strategist, Vikki aids in developing a 'demand' for your product and satisfying customer needs. For more information visit: www.vikkihankins.net

Small Business Guide: Powered by Purpose

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By: Funmi Osinubi| If you’ve ever been disregarded during a presentation, read Scott Deming’s, Powered by Purpose. If you’re wondering how to gain an online audience, you should read Powered By Purpose. If you have a goal that requires more people than yourself to achieve, you should get a copy of this book. And if you are a business owner looking to leave a positive lasting impression on customers and employees, not reading this book could determine whether you succeed or fail at this goal.


Powered By Purpose teaches self-awareness and commitment to your value system. It is step one towards authenticity - that magical and instantly recognizable element that draws readers, customers, listeners and even friends.


Powered By Purpose is really about self-expression. It’s about realizing who you are, what values you silently live with daily and letting that inform every action and every choice. It’s a how to manual to making sure your message hits and lands. It gives you the map – Start with your values. Deming handles this book like a teacher should, striking a balance between his roles as a public speaker, businessman, and author; diligently delivering practical crash courses within each chapter. First, one learns how to take a hard look at yourself to identify your

own values through key questions, critical thinking, and insightful quizzes. He follows with strategic examples that resulted in company cultures that either failed or succeeded. By the end of the book you will not only know how to identify your own values. You’ll also get instruction on how to turn your value system into a culture, how to maintain that culture, and how to get your message out to the right people in the right way to ultimately achieve your purpose.


Like any good teacher, Deming takes every opportunity to impart knowledge on his key topics as well as topics somewhat related. The agenda of the book is certainly not to teach the author’s own value system, Deming does take the time to offer you numerous good natured ideals that he himself lives by. He sacrifices some clarity and brevity with his unwillingness to leave anything out so the book’s flow is at times inundated and long winded. But as we would for our beloved instructors, we can overlook this with a simple gratitude for the wealth of advice and pearls of savvy wisdom jampacked in this read. Deming puts forth his own value system even in the way he chose to craft it. And anybody can respect that.


So here’s what you do: Purchase Powered by Purpose; read it with a stack of post it notes in hand. And when you’re finished place it visibly on your bookshelf because you’re sure to be back to it again and again on your journey of self expression, sound decision making, and genuine fulfillment in the face of greed and distraction.


To learn more about Scott Deming and his work visit: www.scottdeming.com






Exercise, Sleep! The Connection Exercise can affect your sleep. The results of the National Sleep Foundation’s 2013 Sleep in America® poll show a compelling association between exercise and better sleep.


“Exercise is great for sleep. For the millions of people who want better sleep, exercise may help,” says David Cloud, CEO of the National Sleep Foundation (NSF).

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Exercisers say they sleep better Self-described exercisers report better sleep than self-described non-exercisers even though they say they sleep the same amount each night (6 hours and 51 minutes, average on weeknights). Vigorous, moderate and light*exercisers are significantly more likely to say “I had a good night’s sleep” every night or almost every night on work nights than non-exercisers (67%-56% vs. 39%). Also, more than three-fourths of exercisers (76%-83%) say their sleep quality was very good or fairly good in the past two weeks, compared to slightly more than one-half of non-exercisers (56%).


“If you are inactive, adding a 10 minute walk every day could improve your likelihood of a good night’s sleep,” says Max Hirshkowitz, PhD, poll task force chair. “Making this small change and gradually working your way up to more intense activities like running or swimming could help you sleep better.”


“Our poll data certainly find strong relationships between good sleep and exercise,” adds Hirshkowitz. “While cause and effect can be tricky, I don’t think having good sleep necessarily compels us to exercise. I think it is much more likely that exercising improves sleep. And good sleep is fundamental for good health, productivity, and happiness.”

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Vigorous exercisers report the best sleep Vigorous exercisers are almost twice as likely as non-exercisers to report “I had a good night’s sleep” every night or almost every night during the week. They also are the least likely to report sleep problems. More than two-thirds of vigorous exercisers say they rarely or never (in the past 2 weeks) had symptoms commonly associated with insomnia, including waking up too early and not being able to get back to sleep (72%) and difficulty falling asleep (69%). In contrast, one-half (50%) of nonexercisers say they woke up during the night and nearly onefourth (24%) had difficulty falling asleep every night or almost every night.


“Poor sleep might lead to negative health partly because it makes people less inclined to exercise,” says Shawn Youngstedt, PhD, poll task force member. “More than one half (57%) of the total sample reported that their activity level will be less than usual after a night of poor sleep. Not exercising and not sleeping becomes a vicious cycle.”


Non-exercisers are the sleepiest and have the highest risk for sleep apnea


Non-exercisers tend toward being more excessively sleepy than exercisers. Nearly one-fourth of non-exercisers (24%) qualify as “sleepy” using a standard excessive sleepiness clinical screening measure. This sleepiness level occurs about twice as often than for exercisers (12-15%). Also, about six in ten of non-exercisers (61%) say they rarely or never have a good night’s sleep on work nights.


Sleepiness clearly interferes with many non-exercisers’ safety and quality of life. One in seven non-exercisers (14%) report having trouble staying awake while driving, eating or engaging in social activity at least once a week in the past two weeks, almost three times the rate of those who exercise (4-6%).


“Sometimes we might feel tired, and that's normal,” says Matthew Buman, PhD, poll task force member, “but if excessive sleepiness is your normal state, it warrants a conversation with your doctor. It could be a red flag that something is wrong with your health.”


Indeed, non-exercisers have more symptoms of sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a serious medical condition in which a person stops breathing during sleep. Its symptoms often include tiredness, snoring, and high blood pressure. It also increases the risk for heart disease and stroke. More than four in ten non-exercisers (44%) exhibit a moderate risk of sleep apnea, compared to between one in four and one in five of light exercisers (26%), moderate exercisers (22%) and vigorous exercisers (19%).


“The poll data suggest that the risk of sleep apnea in exercisers is half that of non-exercisers,” says Christopher Kline, PhD, poll task force member. “People with sleep apnea are often overweight. Exercise can be part of the treatment.”

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Less time sitting is associated with better sleep and health Separate from exercise, spending less time sitting may improve sleep quality and health. Those who sit for less than eight hours per day sitting are significantly more likely to say they have “very good” sleep quality than those who sit for eight hours or more (22%-25% compared to 12%-15%). Furthermore, significantly more of those who spend less than 10 hours per day sitting mention excellent health, compared to those who spend 10 hours or more sitting (25-30% compared to 16%).


“This poll is the first to show that simply spending too much time sitting might negatively affect our sleep quality,” says Prof. Marco Tulio de Mello, poll task force member. “In addition to exercise, standing at your desk, getting up for short breaks, and moving around as much as possible are important healthy behaviors to include in our lives.”

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Exercise at any time of day appears to be good for sleep Those who report exercising close to bedtime and earlier in the day do not demonstrate a difference in self-reported sleep quality. In fact, for most people exercise at any time seems to be better for sleep than no exercise at all.


This finding contradicts long-standing “sleep hygiene” tips that advise everyone not to exercise close to bedtime. The National Sleep Foundation has amended its sleep recommendations for “normal” sleepers to encourage exercise without any caveat to time of day as long as it’s not at the expense of sleep. (However, 24

people with chronic insomnia should continue to restrict late evening and night exercise, if this is part of their treatment regimen.)


“Exercise is beneficial to sleep. It's time to revise global recommendations for improving sleep and put exercise—any time —at the top of our list for healthy sleep habits,” says Dr. Barbara Phillips, poll task force member.

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Healthy Sleep Advice To improve your sleep, try the following sleep tips: • • • • • •

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Exercise regularly. Vigorous exercise is best, but even light exercise is better than no activity. Exercise at any time of day, but not at the expense of your sleep. Create an environment that is conducive to sleep that is quiet, dark and cool with a comfortable mattress and pillows. Practice a relaxing bedtime ritual, like a warm bath or listening to calming music. Go to sleep and wake at the same time every day, and avoid spending more time in bed than needed. Use bright light to help manage your "body clock." Avoid bright light in the evening and expose yourself to sunlight in the morning. Use your bedroom only for sleep to strengthen the association between your bed and sleep. It may help to remove work materials, computers and televisions from your bedroom. Save your worries for the daytime. If concerns come to mind, write them in a "worry book" so you can address those issues the next day. If you can't sleep, go into another room and do something relaxing until you feel tired. If you are experiencing excessive daytime sleepiness, snoring, or “stop breathing” episodes in your sleep, contact your health care professional for a sleep apnea screening.


activity level. Segments are often referred to as vigorous exercisers, moderate exercisers, light exercisers and non-exercisers based on this measure of self-categorization.

2013 Sleep in America®Poll Task Force Max Hirshkowitz, PhD (Chair) Baylor College of Medicine and VAMC Sleep Center Matthew Buman, PhD Arizona State University Christopher Kline, PhD University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Barbara A. Phillips, MD, MSPH, FCCP University of Kentucky College of Medicine Prof. Dr. Marco Tulio de Mello Universidade Federal de São Paulo Shawn D. Youngstedt, PhD University of South Carolina and Dorn VA Medical Center


The National Sleep Foundation began surveying American sleep health and behaviors in 1991. NSF releases the poll findings as part of its 16th annual National Sleep Awareness Week® campaign, held March 3-10, 2013, that culminates with the change to Daylight Saving Time on March 10th. With the change of clocks, NSF wishes to remind Americans not to lose an hour of sleep. Follow events on facebook and twitter @sleepfoundation.


Poll Methodology and Definitions The 2013 Sleep in America® annual poll was conducted for the National Sleep Foundation by WB&A Market Research, using a sample of 1,000 adults between the ages of 23 and 60. The number of completes needed for both age groups and regions was determined using the most current U.S. Census data from 2010.


The maximum sampling error of the data for the total sample is +/- 3.1 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. The sampling error will vary depending on the sample size and the percentages being examined in the sample.


* Using a self-reported measure of physical activity, for which respondents considered physical activity they did for at least 10 minutes in the past 7 days, participants were classified into four different activity levels: vigorous, moderate, light and no activity. In this self-report measure, vigorous was defined as activities which require hard physical effort such as: running, cycling, swimming or competitive sports. The next level, moderate, was defined as activities which require more effort than normal such as: yoga, tai chi and weight lifting. Light activity was defined as walking, while those who do not do any activity classified themselves into the no



Jessica Soler During Event

Oscar Bond, Global Stylist

! A Conversation with Salon Owner, Jessica Soler ! !

Club Intrique’s Oscar Bond, Inspiration to Stylist! By Vikki Hankins

Club Intrigue hosts events regularly at various locations, connecting professionals and building relationships. A recent Club Intrigue event featured, globally recognized master hairdresser, Oscar Bond; the event was held at Salon Red. Salon Red Owner, Jessica Soler, took a moment to speak with VMH regarding the event and some of her incredible work.


VMH: Jessica, you brought a very creative blend of fashion to Club Intrigue, where do you find inspiration to design clothes with ‘hair’ as the fabric?


Jessica: Wow, tough question... Where do I start?... I love to build and create pretty much anything with my hands. I have been obsessed with avant-garde clothes and hairstyles from the first day at hair school. I did an 80’s punk Statue of Liberty on my best friend now of 20 years, Monique Haynes, who is also an employee of Salon Red since we opened 16 years ago. (continued)

Oscar Bond Educates Audience

Industry Professional

Although I think most people who really know me, know I like to do fun and wacky everything, but I also have a huge passion for vintage hair. Well, to be honest vintage anything.


I tested the waters for Salon Red’s 15-year anniversary with an umbrella dress made of used Wella hair color boxes and vintage rollers. This opened the flood gates, so when I was asked last year to make some Christmas wigs to display in the windows at the Atlanta Art Institute in downtown Decatur… of course that got me going. In addition to the wigs, I started making recycled material dresses… it turned out to be four full gowns and one pants suit – all with beautiful holiday wigs to match. Since then, I have made multiple collections using materials like

Fashion Designs Created with Hair by Jessica Soler

VMH: Your creativity is not only reflected in clothing designs but also in some of your hairstyles; how receptive are stylists to your unique hair ‘designs’?


Jessica: My stylists are very open and use to my creative way of thinking. We are very collaborative in the salon and think outside of the box often. It sometimes feel like I’m thinking a million miles per hour but they all get me and are excited to be a part of the journey. I love how accepting they are when I throw some crazy off the wall idea out there… I feel like they’ve learned to trust the end result because sometimes during the process we’re all over the place. Event Highlights

trash bags, paper/posters and pretty much anything I can get my hands on. I find my inspiration all over the place! Guests of mine in the salon inspire me all the time, and my staff and other colleagues in the industry push me to continue to grow which fuels my passion to create. I also love Pinterest, books, Instagram and being outside.


For Club Intrigue, I really wanted to do something fun and different. I knew I definitely wanted to make the clothes for the models to wear in addition to the hair, but I also really wanted to utilize my creativity to hopefully open up some new doors and new opportunities for my Salon Red team and some other very talented people (Plum Salon & DaVao Salon) here in Atlanta. Jeff South has a unique and fresh take on education opportunities for all who want to put in the effort and not everyone has experienced that yet.


I work very visually. I love a classic bob or long layered cuts. My clientele is made up of just real people. Anybody you can think of – I have so many clients from every walk of life. Over the past 8 years I have really been into cutting, but I am newly excited about hair color. I have been painting for years but constantly changing my focus to push myself to master new things creatively… But Sonya Dove at BTC 2015 (Behind the Chair.com 2015 in New Orleans) recently really inspired me, and I haven't stopped thinking about color since the show. I am really looking forward to showing you what I come up with soon.



VMH: Club Intrigue, was recently hosted at your hair salon, ‘Salon Red’ and you were one of the stylist’s educating other stylists. How important is it for hair stylists to learn from other stylists?


Jessica: I think it is super important for stylists to learn from other stylists. Is there any other way? I also believe it is equally important for stylists to teach and give back to the industry. I love, love, love learning, but I truly feel amazing and very fulfilled when I see that “ah ha” moment in another stylist’s eyes.


VMH: Oscar Bond was the feature stylist at Club Intrigue's recent educational session hosted at Salon Red, how has Oscar Bond impacted your work as a stylist?


Jessica: Oscar Bond’s inspiration grew my team leaps and Bonds! Lol! I want to thank him for his silly playful personality. He handled himself like an inspirational Rock Star. The confidence he brought to all of the amazing people who were involved with our Club Intrigue event is continuing to fuel everyone still today. Oscar Bond is not only a huge mentor to me but to hundreds of stylists. He was a great fit with Salon Red and we were honored to stand beside him. He impacted me mostly on how relaxed and chilled he was all night. He reminded me to stop and smell the roses in the moment with my team. We had a super blast and are very much looking forward to sharing more with our industry. Xo, Jessica Soler


To learn more about Club Intrigue events visit: club intrigue.com 27


With a speaker line that included Q&A's with will.i.am, interviews with Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, and Gravity Payments founder Dan Price; Entrepreneur360 participants shared candid stories of challenges, triumphs and success.

Written by Vikki Hankins

Sponsored by Lincoln, Entrepreneur 360 launched it’s first conference in New York City. With a speaker lineup that included Multi-faceted Entertainer and Producer will.i.am, Daniel Lubetzky (Founder of KIND Healthy Snacks), Catherine Kaputa (Founder of SelfBrand) and a host of others, this event was nothing short of success.


Will.i.am set the stage for the day on social issues, entrepreneurship and passion.stage With an engaging Q&A hosted by Amy Cosper, Editor-in-Chief of Entrepreneur Media Inc., will.i.am also answered questions that came in from the Twitter feed.


“Getting out of the projects is what drove me,” said the artist. Will.i.am does not want to “go back to that place”, but instead wants to empower young people from his former neighborhood through i.am.angel foundation.


“My passion is to get people in the conversation (of technology); I want to get to the hood (Watts, South Bronx)…” “go back to my projects and change my projects.” “My kids from the hood build robots, go to China, & program apps. I want to get kids connected to AI (Artficial Intelligence) and IoT (Internet of Things).” At one point he shared his kids were in and out of juvenile detention, not doing well in school, but now have 4.0 GPA’s.


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b. something distinctive about your brand c. a visual look that people can connect with your brand Have an idea that’s relevant to your target audience.

Daniel Lubetzky’s sound advice with the audience, “Challenge conventional wisdom and think outside the box;” “create value and purpose”, “money is just a means of tools to try to get there.”


"If you find what gives you meaning and energy and purpose, you are much more likely to succeed as an entrepreneur.”


“You can never afford to disappoint your clients. You have to be obsessed about your consumers happiness every single moment.”


Lubetzky (the son of a Holocaust survivor) is the Founder and CEO of KIND (a healthy snack bar). If you’re a Starbucks regular, as I am, you’ll see KIND snack bars at the checkout counter of the popular coffee chain. During the conference Lubertzky shared his personal journey as an entrepreneur from his first unsuccessful ‘business’ to his current business that inspires more acts of kindness. Side note: at the beginning he walked door-to-door selling his product. A few additional points that I find useful for entrepreneurs:


“What drive is connecting you to…purpose.” “Try to keep things simple.” “Never let success get to your head.” “When you are succeeding stay humble, but when you are failing cut yourself some slack. Draw lessons from your failures.”

Will.i.am, was raised in the Boyle Heights neighborhood, in East LA; he was discovered by the late Eazy-E (of NWA). When asked to define a ‘hit’ in music, will.i.am had this to say, “Being able to get out in front of people and be louder that noise.” “If you can repeat a hit, it means you understand people & can get ahead of the noise.”

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He spoke briefly about his wearable device that differs from apple. The device is a “computer on my wrist where I don’t need a phone for it to function,” shared the 7-time Grammy Award winner.

Lubetsky further brought out the lessons that can be gained from failures that add to one’s future success.



Entrepreneurship can be a very challenging task, but as pointed out during Entrepreneur 360, passion and purpose are two of the driving forces to success. Although passion and purpose has it’s place, entrepreneurs must also understand how to fund their vision, when to hire, branding and other critical elements that compliment passion and purpose.


Catherine Kaputa, Founder of SelfBrand shared a very compelling thought surrounding branding, “Branding is all about perception, what you do to the ‘minds’ of people.”

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A few of Kaputa’s branding pointers: • • •

Attach an idea to your business You have to have something ‘different’ about your product. a. package the brand

This event was very well-rounded for entrepreneurs. It allowed time for attendees to network, while at the same time digest the information learned from the speakers. Entrepreneur 360 made excellent speaker selections who weren’t afraid of sharing their personal journey, failures and obvious success. Further, they gave great take home reads for the attendees; the November 2015 Issue of Entrepreneur Magazine (featuring will.i.am), and ‘Do the KIND Thing’ written by Daniel Lubetzky.


Those in attendance left with new techniques, balanced views, inspiration and practical information that inflamed the entrepreneur spirit.


“What drive is connecting you to… purpose?”


(continued from page 10)

LRP: Preparing for a role is one of my favorite parts from the whole process of creating both a film and a play. We've studied Stanislavsky's method in school, but I've always wanted to broaden my horizons with different techniques, various exercises and experiencing a bit more through some workshops I've attended. And, at last putting it all to practice and see and feel what has a more powerful effect. The book that changed my approach was Power of the Actor by Ivana Chubbuck who has a brilliant and modern 12-step acting technique. The essence is of course the same, but for me her structure helped me more to approach the objectives and the motivations of the character. So, first of all I look at the character as a great person and I think about his background, his needs, his desires, his sad and happy moments, then he becomes my friend. A great friend. The best friend. Then, I think what we have in common and I find all these similarities and even if there aren't so many, we all have needs, desires, sad and happy moments, so there is a link between all of us. Then, I go deeper into the character's mind and soul and I think about all the silly things we like or the little things and most important about the music the character listens. This is one of the greatest thing I do and it helps me a lot. I create a playlist with the character's music. Is he a rock person or a jazz lover or a classical enthusiast? I start listening to his music over and over again. I think music is amazing and so powerful, it can change your state of mind in less than 1 minute.


I think that all roles are or can be amazing. Even if you do not have any lines, you can still create a brilliant role. However, I refused some roles until now. I decide in which project to be part of, depending on the trust the director inspires me, the potential of the production and the script itself. If I see a bad script from the beginning, I don't know how it can be turned into a good film. Plus, I can't be part of projects if I don't truly believe in them. I have to put all my soul in it, otherwise I can't do it.

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VMH: What advice do you have for individuals interested in pursuing acting? LRP: My advice for you is to live as much as you can, to get to know yourself better than anyone, to explore and face your fears and dreams, to dare to be different, to listen to your heart and try as much as you can to make decisions based on your intuition, to learn as much as you can about the world you live in, to read as much as you can, to see films and go to the theater, to go to a lot of workshops, to start living a healthy lifestyle now and not when you get older and least, but not last, to love! And never give up!


VMH: Have you ever done any theatre work or taken any film roles in the U.S.? If not, would you ever consider pursuing it?


LRP: I haven't done anything in the U.S., yet, but I would love to do that.


VMH: Now, I understand that you have a clothing line Teyxo. What was the inspiration behind the name, as well as with starting your own clothing line?

LRP: The name came from a playful manner of saying “I love you”. In Romania, it is said “Te iubesc”. So, it's “TE”, Y instead of the first letter, I from “iubesc” and then I added the internet slang XO, kisses and hugs. And this is how I got TEYXO.


My mother had a small business of women clothing in my hometown when I was a child. After I finished university, she started to explore the online with a classical and elegant line of clothing for women, only for Romania. Since, I was always wearing things from her workshop, but combined in my own funky or even weird way for some and since I was learning about marketing and business at the comics job, I came up with the idea to create a new line with her, for all the world, not only Romania. She loved the idea. So, I've started to surf the internet, read all I could, browse all the fashion magazines, trends and find all sources of inspiration I could. I found Etsy.com and I thought this can be a great opportunity and the best place to start. With my mother's experience and my fresh ideas, we created Teyxo.


VMH: What year did you start your line and what advice would you have for someone interested in starting their own clothing line?


LRP: In November 2013 I opened the store Teyxo on Etsy. But, things didn't really go the way we planned in the first months. I think it's hard in the beginning for everyone, especially when your target is all the world. In Romania, things were easier, especially a couple of years ago, because there weren't so many online stores, but then again people were not used to buying online, so it's hard to gain their trust and this I believe works only through good communication.


I've learned that I had to do more. I didn't even have a great balance between acting and fashion. I was thinking that I have to devote my time only in one direction, until I said “why not do both?” I've organized my time better, saw that I could do both and still have time for myself. From that moment, things really started to grow. In both directions. The best thing is that you complete yourself and your work by learning things in one place that can help you in the other.


My advice for anyone who wants to start a clothing line is never to give up, first of all. Things will not always blossom right from the beginning, but with a lot of hard work, ambition and I guess focusing your energy in the right direction, you stand a chance! I believe nowadays things seem easier because of the internet and it is truly amazing how well we are connected and how easy we can reach from one point to another. On the other hand, I believe the competition has grown substantially. So, the real question is how do you stand out from the crowd? The answer is: work, work and work! But, more than that, I think you need to have more than one quality. You can be a brilliant designer, but if you do not have the skills of branding yourself or selling your designs, I don't know if you can be discovered. I used to believe in luck and I still believe in it, but only after some hard work, when you are truly prepared. (continued on page 33) 30

Panelist Address the Audience

Are You Living Your Legacy?

Emmy Award Winner Poses the Question


by Vikki Hankins

If I could describe the 9th Annual ‘Live Your Legacy’ Summit I would use these terms: family, unity, purposed, authentic, exhilarating.


The Legacy Summit falls nothing short of it’s president/founder; it seems the president has a very unique ability to bring a body of people together, adding purposeful ‘tools’ to each attendee. Aurea McGarry, Founder Legacy Summit


Emmy Award Winning TV Show Host, Aurea McGarry is the President & Founder of The Live Your Legacy Summit. Electrifying the audience with music and cheer, McGarry instantly made everyone feel alive and energized; the energy was amazing! People were up out of there seats, including me, getting prepped for a breath-taking message from a variety of speakers.


Linda Clemons (Body Language Expert), “It’s not what you say, but what you’re not saying that matters.”


Dawn Brolin (CPA, MSA, Accountant & Humorist) “Be prepared, never be sacred; make sure you have it together, never ever give up.”


Sheri Riley (Live in Your Power), “Money, and titles will never give you clarity or peace. Live in the power of our peace. Get back connected to who you are.”


President/Founder Aurea McGarry made it very clear that she is living a purpose-filled life; utilizing all of her talents to help others. She openly shared heart-wrenching details about the loss of her father, her health battles and an abusive relationship; none of which stopped McGarry. She’s a very focused, fun-loving, people encourager.


“Tell your story; stay out of your own way,” said five-time bestselling Author, Jack Daniels. Daniels was the very first speaker of The Live Your Legacy Summit; immediately silenced and listened intently to Daniels. His admission, “I have to do what I’m purposed to do!”

“It’s not about the ‘sale’ (in business); it’s about the long term relationship.…I don’t want to waste one talent that God gave me.” McGarry shared details about her personal story that made one wonder how the woman was still standing, ‘giving’ so much energy to those in attendance.

He went on to share thought-provoking messages such as, “Your biggest fear is someone knowing your deepest darkest secret. Secrets keep you sick; you have to be able to unleash your story.”

Another thing that I particularly enjoyed were the vendors. Wow! I felt as though I were at a shopping mall. Everything was there, handbags, fragrances, cosmetics, health and nutritional products, graphic/web design companies and even more touching were the non-profits.

This message set the tone for every voice that followed. Below are a few highlights from the speakers that followed.

I was moved as I learned of each of the non-profits in attendance. McGarry has a passion for ‘giving’ to others, in particular non-profits One non-profit that stood out to me aids in sextrafficking prevention. The statistics are outrageous in the number of children affected by this terrifying practice. If you can find a non-profit that is born out of passion to bring change and improvement, my thoughts are to give to the non-profit or charity as often as possible.

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Shellie Hunt (CEO of Success is By Design) enlightened the audience on the importance of ‘serving’ and said, “Be kind to yourself…I’m here to make a difference on the face of this planet while I’m here.” Hunt further encouraged the audience to think big “I’m not here to play ‘small.’” Hunt advised the audience to “play Big,” and remember, “it’s not about the sale it’s about the service.”

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Are you living your legacy? (continued on page 34)


(continued from page 30)

when you are truly prepared. So, I believe anyone needs to do a lot of research before getting started and internet today is a great source of information. Then, finding a proper channel to share the idea, the designs or even to open a small shop. Creating a great image is one of the key elements in developing the brand and another important thing is knowing your target audience.


VMH: Who is your target audience for your line?


LRP: I create clothing for women, since I'm more familiar with their needs, desires and that hidden wish we all have: to look fabulous, but feel comfortable at the same time. This is my belief in fashion and I'm trying my best to do this with TEYXO. I didn't really know my target audience at first and this was a beginner mistake. I thought I was doing clothes for funky urban teens, but I realized later that my audience was far more complex and sophisticated, so I've started to add some elegance, a mixture between avant-garde and retro and a huge modern touch to all this funky and urban style. Also, I was very successful in the plus size fashion, because every item I make is custom made, no matter the size and I do not charge extra money for customization. I believe that every woman is extraordinary beautiful, no matter the size and it is a pity that a lot of the great designs come only in small sizes.


VMH: Is your clothing line available everywhere and how can people purchase pieces from your line?


LRP: Yes, it is available everywhere. We ship worldwide from Romania. Purchases can be made at: www.etsy.com/shop/Teyxo or the official website www.teyxo.com

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VMH: What do you want people to take away from this interview? LRP: I hope that anyone who reads this can learn that you can do more than one thing in life and yes, there is time. We have time to do anything we want! I'd love people to follow their heart, even if

it's such a cliché, it's still true and most of all, never give up, keep fighting and keep working hard. I have two examples of this until now – both acting and TEYXO. And another thing I've almost forgot: never stop learning! I still have so much to discover. I'm still not far from the “START” line. I've earned some experience, but can't wait to reach further. I'm so excited about what the future may bring me. Life is full of surprises!




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Give Thanks


VMH: Where do you see yourself and your business within the next five or ten years? LRP: I will always fight to achieve my full potential and becoming one of the greatest in my domain. I hope that in five years I would have worked with a lot of interesting and innovative people, helping me develop my skills and grow as a person. I'm looking forward to improve my business and to create a well-known brand. I will also love to participate at fashion weeks and fashion fairs and I believe my greatest dream will be to work with one of the greatest film directors both as an actress and a designer. VMH: Describe yourself in one word and why? LRP: Playful. I believe this describes me best. Acting is playing. Fashion is also a game. Not to mention life. But, I feel, as an artist, I let my inner child to grow and I didn't let the adult take over. I walk down the streets, smiling, always listening to music and sometimes I feel like dancing, it's tickling inside. I love to say that the whole world is my playground and there is this quote I hear all the time and I keep repeating it: “The creative adult is the child who has survived.” by Ursula K. Le Guin

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VMH: Anything else you would like to add to conclude this interview? LRP: Smile. It's one of the greatest fashion accessories. Love. There is nothing in this world that can equal this feeling. Create. We are all creative beings. Pursue Happiness. What else can we do?


Honoring Jordan Foxworthy

Legacy Summit panelists shared their oneword-definition of ‘legacy’ and what it means to them:

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“Impact,” said Arial. “Authenticity,” said Melissa Carter. “Fulfillment,” said Natalie Forest “Forever,” said Taurea Avant

Repeat, are you living your ‘legacy’? In addition to the above, the Legacy Summit helped raised moneys for an adorable little girl named, Abigail. Abigail is a child who suffers from venous malformations and needs 18 more surgeries on her face. It was refreshing to see the young people participate in an event such as this; children who are in tuned with ‘service’, ‘purpose, and ‘entrepreneurship’.

Supporting Abigail Moment Shared w/ Shellie Hunt


A beautiful, fluffy dog named Marley was also included (excuse my spelling). The affection for this animal/partner was evident and so incredibly heartfelt as Marley prepares for surgery’s due to cancer.

A Fatally Ill Marley


The Legacy Summit is a lover of life; as the Legacy Summit neared it’s end it seemed a new family had been established. If you did not attend the 9th annual Legacy Summit I strongly suggest you make it a point to attend the 10th annual Legacy Summit in October 2016! There something waiting for you

Linda Clemons Addresses the Crowd

Best Selling Author/Speaker Jack Daniels


Happy Thanksgiving FROM






Thanksgiving Fun Fact

Gobble, Gobble

Parade Tradition

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