VMH Magazine - January/February 2017

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Vikki M. Hankins!

Joel Osteen ‘Think Better Live Better’


Andre Agassi

Walker B. Morton Community, Values & Success

‘Dream While You're Awake’

Amy Cuddy The Power of Body Language (WOBI)

Omega-3 Health & Well-Being

2017 Robert De Niro Presidential Medal Of Freedom


Jan. Feb. 2017

"May you live every day of your life.”


—Jonathan Swift




8. Joel Osteen says we have to ‘think better, to live better. Joel Osteen delivers inspirational talks/sermons on a weekly basis to millions of people. He’s the author of several inspirational books that actually compliment sermons.His words uplift and inspire people to live their best lives by thinking outside of the box and allowing God to guide your life versus the status quo. The reason we don’t always experience this abundant life is that we’ve allowed viruses to contaminate our software (like a computer). Review by Vikki Hankins

12. 6 Helpful Tips for Small Businesses: Do-It-Yourself PR


Health Benefits of Kiwi & Nutritional Studies Kiwifruit is one of nature's perfect foods: low in calories, high in energy and an excellent source of antioxidants. Each one delivers a world of nutrition benefits,

By Rich Kahn, eZanga.com Eating right and exercising regularly can help you avoid excess weight gain and maintain a healthy weight. According to the Mayo Clinic, being physically active is essential to reaching your weight-loss goals. Even if you’re not trying to lose weight, regular exercise can improve


Author/Speaker Walker B. Morton on Society, Fairness & Accountability Author Walker B. Morton, addresses racial discrimination in the workplace, Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter and other social economic issues through this new book entitled, Tell It Like It Is.. by Vikki Hankins

! ! ! ! ! ! ! 26.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Lower risk of Heart Disease Omega-3 fatty acids in fish and dietary supplements are associated with lower odds of heart disease even in people already at elevated risk because of excessive levels of fats or bad cholesterol in their blood, a research review suggests.“Omega-3 fats are very important for health and well being, especially for the heart,” Dr. James O'Keefe


Need a Business Spark? Write a Business Book A business book is a great way to introduce yourself to these people, and help them get to know you. Plus it sets you up as a resource – if your clients or potential clients learn early on that they can come to you to learn more about your industry, you’ll build loyalty, and they are ready to buy, guess who they think of first? by Penny C. Sansevieri | PR Toolkit


Presidential Medal of Freedom

Recipients In one of his final acts in office, President Barack Obama selected key figures in sports, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, activism, academia and entertainment among the 21 people who will be awarded the 2016 Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest civilian honor in the United States. By Reuters

Publisher! VMH Vikki M. Hankins Editor-in-Chief Vikki M. Hankins Journalist/Contributors Vikki M. Hankins Penny C. Sansevier (visiting) Rich Kahn (visiting)


WOBI NYC Highlights

Martin Lindstrom

Photography Vikki M. Hankins Garry Jones Alisha Davis

!! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!

Cover Photo Credits:

Inspiring Business Leaders Around the World

Pg. 14

Walker B. Morton {Cover Feature): Courtesy of Walker B. Morton Andre Agassi (Insert): Vikki M. Hankins Amy Cuddy (Insert): Vikki M. Hankins Robert Di Nero (Insert): Courtesy of Reuteurs Joel Osteen (R. Insert): Vikki M. Hankins

Photographed by: Vikki Hankins

! www.vmhmagazine.com



! !Joel Osteen

Review by Vikki M. Hankins

delivers inspirational talks/sermons on a weekly basis to millions of people. He’s the author of several inspirational books that actually compliment sermons. His words uplift and inspire people to live their best lives by thinking outside of the box and allowing God to guide your life versus the status quo.


He has a very unique way of delivering his points; never reading a script, looking directly at his audience; it appears he speaks directly from memory. In order to give such a presentation while tying everything to the main point, week, after week, day after day, while at the same time speaking directly from scripture requires a unique set of skills -a gift. No offense to speakers that refer to notes from time to time, but I give due diligence to the gift Osteen possesses.


I had the opportunity to meet and observe him during at a book signing for ‘Think Better, Live Better’. I took note to how he interacted with those that wanted their books autographed. Although the line was very long he stood on his feet (versus sitting at a table) and politely addressed each person that approached him for autographs.


Me Complimenting ! Osteen’s on Work.Messages

Seeing him there validated what I’d seen on television. He’s not a perfect man -no one is but he certainly lives true to his inspirational words. Someone at the event pointed out to me that he walked into Walmart (where the book signing was held) through the front door, like an ordinary shopper. This to me, is quite telling of his humble nature; a man of his popularity generally enters from a back or side door.


With this said, there are two reasons why I recommend reading this book:


1. 2.

! !

in it, it’s not going to function as it was designed. We’ve all had to deal with computer viruses. They can get into a perfectly good computer and start to contaminate the software. Before long the computer is slow, then you can’t access your files. None of these problems occur because it’s defective or poorly made. The computer’s hardware is fine. It’s because somebody reprogrammed the software. Somehow the insides got messed up. Now the software is contaminated.


In a similar way, when God created you, He stepped back and said, “Another masterpiece.” Your hardware is perfect. You’re the right size, the right nationality, and you have the right gifts. Not only that, God put the right software in you. From the very beginning, He programmed you to be victorious, healthy, strong, and creative. Your original software says, “You can do all things through Christ.” He programmed, “Whatever you touch will prosper and succeed.” He programmed, “You are the head and not the tail. You will lend and not borrow. You are a victor and not a victim.” You were programmed to live an abundant, victorious, faith-filled life. That’s how your Creator designed you.


The reason we don’t always experience this abundant life is that we’ve allowed viruses to contaminate our software. We say to ourselves, “I’ll never be successful. I’m not that talented.” “I’ll never break this addiction. I’ve had it too long.” “I’m slow, clumsy, and unattractive. Nothing good is in my future.” Because our software is infected, we go around with low self-esteem, we’re negative, we don’t believe our dreams will come to pass, and we don’t expect problems to turn around.


Here’s the good news, though. There is nothing wrong with you. Like that computer, you’re not a mistake. You’re not defective or faulty. The problem is in your software. You have to get rid of the viruses. All through the day, dwell on what your Creator says about you. “I’m blessed. I’m strong. I’m healthy. I’m confident. I’m attractive. I’m valuable. I’m victorious.” You have to get back to your original software. If

your thinking is limited, your life will be limited. When you think better, you’ll live better. |

My personal observation of his interaction with people, his ‘abilities’, and mild-temper, Joel Ostten lives by the pages of Think Better, Live Better. I know it to be true that how you think determines actions and outcomes. I have on a number of occasions tested this theory. Sure enough, when I think ‘I can’; I actually ‘do’.

An excerpt from ‘Think Better, Live Better’ Our mind is like a computer. How we program it is the way it’s going to function. You can have the most powerful computer ever made, the latest and fastest model, with the maximum amount of memory available, but if you put the wrong software VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

VMH Book Review

Joel Osteen ‘Think Better, Live Better’

Photographed by Vikki M. Hankins





FRUIT Vitamin A, K, E, B & Potassium

the body's electrolytes and limiting hypertension and high blood pressure. The copper in kiwi is especially calories, high in energy and an excellent source of good for children, supporting healthy development in antioxidants. Each one delivers a world of nutrition infants, especially in the areas of bone growth and brain benefits, including: development, and also for the formation of healthy red blood cells and building immunity against disease. • Vitamin C: Each serving of kiwifruit has nearly Kiwi is also one of the few foods rich in vitamin B6, two-and-a-half times the recommended daily which supports the immune system. B6 is particularly allowance of vitamin C, proven to boost the important for healthy fetuses and pregnant or immune system and fight the effects of stress breastfeeding women. The folate in kiwi protects against and aging. birth defects, heart disease, and cancer; healthy amounts of fiber keep the system running smoothly, reducing the • No fat: Kiwifruit is fat-free, an important risk of diverticulitis and carcinogens in the body. Finally, consideration in today's healthy diets and a rarity the antioxidant power in kiwis among foods containing so delivers similar effects when it comes many other nutritional to neutralizing free radicals that can Kiwi Fruit is rich in benefits. damage cells and cause inflammation vitamin A, K, E and B, and cancer. • F i b e r : Tw o k i w i f r u i t potassium, copper, folate, contain more fiber than a H o w e v e r, c o n s u m e k i w i i n and fiber. bowl of bran cereal, the moderation because it contains tasty way to maintain heart fructose, which may be harmful to health, regular digestion and your health in excessive amounts. lower cholesterol.

Kiwifruit is one of nature's perfect foods: low in

! ! !



Potassium: A serving of kiwifruit has more potassium than a banana, ideal for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance and for releasing energy during exercise.

!Known in ancient China as Yang Tao, the kiwi fruit

earned its way in that culture not just for its flavor, but also its medicinal properties, which science has today substantiated in numerous areas.

!Kiwi is a surprising little fruit, and is unlike any other.

First, it's small and light brown in color with a fuzzy skin surface. Inside, the fruit is not only lime green and studded with tiny black seeds in an oval pattern when sliced, but it's also delicious, rather like the flavor of a strawberry. Peeled, sliced, and chilled, kiwi is an excellent addition to any fruit salad combination or by itself.

!Health Benefits of Kiwi !The fruit provides 273% of the daily recommended

amount of vitamin C in every one-cup serving – five times that of an orange, and is a natural immune booster that staves off colds and flu? It's kiwi, of course! Its vitamin K amount is impressive, too – best known for its role in helping blood clot, or coagulation, properly and providing an 89% daily value.

!Kiwis contain good amounts of vitamin A (great for

skin, bone, and tooth development, and protected vision, including protection against macular degeneration), and vitamin E (twice the amount found in avocados, with nearly half the calories), along with potassium to balance

!Studies on Kiwi !Kiwi seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty

acids, which, research shows may reduce coronary heart disease, the risk of stroke, and help in the prevention of ADHD, autism, and other developmental problems in children.


has also shown kiwi to have a notable protective effect against asthma and respiratory difficulties, such as wheezing. In fact, one report indicated that young children eating six to seven servings of kiwi and other vitamin C-rich foods per week had a 44% lower incidence of wheezing. Even those eating these foods only once or twice a week had fewer symptoms, in comparative studies.1

!Rich in polyphenols, which are recognized for their

antioxidant properties, both the green and gold varieties of kiwi fruit underwent research to compare their antioxidant strengths. Researchers found that not only were the kiwi antioxidants more potent than those in oranges and grapefruit, but the gold kiwi variety was also found to have more antioxidant strength.

!The conclusion: kiwi consumption may be useful in preventing the development and deterioration of diseases caused by oxidative stress.2 Reference(s): Food Facts kiwi berry.com www.nutrition-and-you.com/kiwi-fruit.html


6 Helpful Tips for Small Businesses: Do-It-Yourself PR


By Rich Kahn, eZanga.com

Image Credit: iStock

!If you’re a small business, doing your own PR is all Originally Published at PRToolKit

about crafting pitches and getting them to the right people.

!Creating buzz in your industry involves being authentic to yourself and your business. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, doing PR yourself can be a great moneysaving option for your small business.

1. Tell Your Brand's Story Storytelling can help transform your brand’s identity and presence, and create trust from consumers or others in the industry. Some of the best stories come from you and your loyal customers. You can tell the story of how your brand came to be, and customers can tell the stories of their experiences with your business.

!Think of your brand as a human persona. The more interesting and genuine its personality is, the more trust others will feel toward it. Be sure to tell others why your business exists, its ethics, how the brand evolved, or anything else that will help people see the full picture of your business. Don’t be afraid to encourage your customers to tell their stories of how your business benefited them. A compelling story will give the audience a way to emotionally connect with who you are and ultimately set the tone for the entire company. 2. Keep up With the Industry Read a lot, and read often to make sure you’re staying informed with everything related to your industry.

!Set up Google Alerts and Twitter Mentions. Find and follow the top industry influencers, and read up on what your competitors are doing. You can use sites like IFTTT to collect articles containing relevant keywords from all over the internet, and have new content delivered right to your inbox.

!You need to be as knowledgeable as possible in your

great way to build a name for yourself and your brand within the industry, but make sure the comments aren’t forced or self-promotional. Remember: do-it-yourself PR is all about being authentic and trustworthy. 4. Do Your Research and Remain Objective This relates to keeping up with the industry. You need to make sure you have something to contribute to the conversation or the industry, whether it be information in the form of an article or a product or service that is particularly helpful.

!It’s important to do enough prep work before making any

pitches. Study the outlets you’ve chosen to pitch to, and look to see if there is a specific person at an outlet you think would respond well to what you’re offering. Once again, learn as much as you can before jumping forward. 5. Perfect Before Pitching Putting your name out there before your product or service is ready can lead to negative customer reviews, and that can be a death sentence for a small business or startup company. Plus, a good product or high quality service is more likely to get better press once the word is actually out.

!Focus on perfecting your product or service before reaching out to get press. Don’t be afraid to first get the opinion of a small group of trusted people who can provide you with feedback to help you improve upon your product or the quality of your service.

industry. You never know when the spotlight might be on you. And that knowledge might just impress the right person, leading to your next big break.

6. Craft Creative and Compelling Pitches When you’re pitching your brand or product, you need to make sure you remain as objective as possible. Even though you might think everything your business does or provides is notably the best, not everyone will agree.

3. Network With the Top Influencers If you’re actively keeping up with the top industry reporters and influencers, the second step is to then try and network with them. If you take notes on what those writers typically focus on, you’ll have an abundance of knowledge when you finally reach out to them to build a relationship.

constantly bombarded with pitches, so yours needs to be creative and, most importantly, personal. This circles back to the first tip: tell your brand’s story. Keep it short and sweet, and make sure if you’re reaching out to anyone over email, your subject line is attention-grabbing and won’t be mistaken for spam.

!Try creating a list of the blogs or news sites these top

influencers write for and keep track of what each author is writing. Then, find where you can comment and engage with them, whether it be through a blog post or a Twitter chat. Networking with influencers and others is a

!Remember that a lot of top industry influencers are

There may be a point where a larger PR company could help your company reach new heights. But, for small businesses, the right attitude and drive for success makes doing PR yourself a completely plausible option. VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

WOBI NYC BE BETA Photography/Editorial by Vikki Hankins

World of Business Ideas (WOBI) is known for opening doors to brilliant minded global business leaders, such as Sir Richard Branson, Kevin Spacey, Bill Clinton and Tesla Co-Founder. The 2016 Be Beta WOBI NYC conference was nothing short of the WOBI brand. With a speaker line up that included, Andre Agassi (professional tennis player and former World No. 1 CEO of Ford Motor Co. - energy, empowerment and driven rejuvenation.


Erick Wahl’s electric presentation reminded attendees of the importance of using new and different ways to be Beta. creative innovative ideas to Be Beta. Wahl emphasized the importance of “creativity that encourages us to breakthrough to new ideas, new levels and break outside of comfort zones.”

! Andre, Agassi, Tennis champion and philanthropist

The audience were on the edge of their seats as he ‘performed’ three different paintings that touched the soul and the spirit of every entrepreneur, CEO and investor.


Chris McChesney #1 Wall Street Journal Best Best-Selling Author

Photography by Vikki Hankins

Moderator with World Tennis Star Andre Agassi

Amy Cuddy, Harvard Business School professor and global authority

The World Business Forum focuses on the issues most relevant to t o d a y ’s b u s i n e s s people, stimulating new thinking and inspiring action. It is a place of enriching interaction between peers that offers a unique experience designed to leave all those in attendance better prepared to face their own personal and professional challenges.


speaker that impressed me the most, was that of Andre Agassi. Agassi’s subject matter: 1. Talent is just the start: What it takes to become

Dambisa Moyo, world-renowned expert on macroeconomics and international affairs. page 15

Vikki Hankins with CEO, WOBI, Gustavo Barcia

the best in the world and sustain success over the long term. 2. Developing the mental strength to give you the edge when the pressure is on. 3. Artist/Author Erik Wahl During Presentation Getting your team right: Identifying the skills and characteristics you need in those around you 4. How to bounce back from the inevitable setbacks, failures and criticisms 5. Setting goals and staying true to yourself: On authenticity and the importance of giving back

!A professional tennis player, who

was number 1 in the world, Agassi captivated everyone in the building with his story. As a young boy it was drilled into him that he would be number one in the world as a tennis player, but this ‘drilling’ to some degree left him without balance as a young boy.


It is his deprivation and success that advised everyone to: “Dream while you're awake and choose wisely when you define success for yourself.”

!Since retiring in 2006, Andre Agassi has increased his focus on his foundation and on promoting education reform, raising $180 million dollars to date to benefit its mission. In 2009, he released his autobiography, Open, which reached the number one spot on the New York Times bestseller list, and in 2011 he was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of Fame. His book entitled ‘OPEN’ is a must read!

!World of Business Ideas is

an exceptional conference for business leaders. Throughout the year C-level executives, entrepreneurs and employees look for ways to stimulate growth; WOBI is a direct link to the motivation. VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

Love & Inspirational Highlight

“Love is here for all of us right now regardless of our relationship status, looks, social status, geographical location…” —Teemaree Minister, motivational speaker, and author Teemaree has had a bone to pick. Something that had her going for a long time. Feeling unworthy, confused, broken. It is this……


When it comes to love, the conversation generally kept turning to one of need. The need for a relationship, a spouse, a date, perhaps the need to graduate from married life to parenthood. You know. We all have been told that love has to do with getting. With attaining.


The thing is, this isn’t the full story. While relationship is a wonderful way to experience and express love, that isn’t the only option for us. Love is here for all of us right now regardless of our relationship status, looks, social status, geographical location and not just in a flowery way either. Love is here to be experienced, expressed, and fully felt right now! Once Teemaree discovered this everything changed.


Her true purpose came into being, her happiness withstood attitudes and circumstantial changes, the whole game of her life changed. After experiencing abandonment as a child, loneliness, single parenthood as a teenager, and various other hard knocks, there was constantly a question inside. A question of self worth, a question of belonging. A question of deserving. Her work as a minister and spiritual life coach have caused her to continually go deeper. Beyond the surface, beyond the familiar stories that we get told and tell ourselves. Not just for herself and her own healing, but for her clients. For the people she serves. What she has discovered in her life’s work is that big change can come easy and that love is here for all of us right now. She has documented this in her book and has provided 4 easy ways with visuals and affirmations for anyone to experience love for themselves quickly and easily, with a dash of fun along the way.

Teemaree - Minister, Motivational Speaker, Author many and delights in helping them unleash their personal genius, awaken to the grandeur that is already within them. Her motto is, “Live your best life now.” She delights and specializes in providing spiritual and practical tools with loving fun to create big positive changes in people’s lives. For more on her latest book “Love For You Now” or the variety of ways she can be of service to you, please visit www.teemaree.com

VMH MAGAZINE A LIFESTYLE www.vmhmagazine.com


When we feel loved, we are our best. When we express love, the best opens up to us. Teemaree works with VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

Social Accountability We as a people (all races and ethnicity) have to hold those accountable for their actions. Now with all the computers, cell phones and video games young people isolate themselves. To taking away their ability to deal with conflict and has limited their ability to effectively communicate with others. I believe to address the frustration of not having a solid foundation or role model we must turn off the tech equipment's. We must have time for our children.

Photo Courtesy of Walker B. Morton VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

A u th or Wa lker B. M or ton , addres s es racial discrimination in the workplace, Black Lives Matter/All Lives Matter and other social economic issues through this new book entitled, Tell It Like It Is. A Former Superintendent/Warden of a Correctional Institution and Retired Sergeant First Class of the U.S. Army, Mr. Morton uses practical, real-life insight which helps readers through community hardships.

!Although as a country we’ve came a long way interns of

discrimination, hatred and civil rights abuse, as a nation we still have miles to go. Below are a few statistics I found surrounding topics addressed in Mr. Mortons’ book:

!Racial Discrimination in the Workplace !1. The raw gap between white employees and black

employees in the United States can be as high as 30%. 2. In a recent survey of over 5,200 newly employed workers, black job seekers were offered significantly less compensation than whites by potential new employers. 3. 35.3% of the total complaints received for any type of employment discrimination by the EEOC in the average year are based on racial discrimination. 4. The highest reward that was paid out was 4.4 million pounds in the UK.

! !Excessive or Deadly Force by Police !1. Young black males are 21 times more likely to be

it's origin. Hatred, discrimination and brutality stems from a culture that has existed for centuries. It's not just in the form of police brutality. The system (law enforcement, government, and corporate America, has turned a eye to the real issue of discrimination and prejudice. Some want to act as though hatred doesn't exists, but it does.

!We as a people (all races and ethnicity) have to hold

those accountable for their actions. Police brutality continues because the system is so closed that it is very hard to have police go against the bad police. They merely cover for one another. During my 40 plus years in law enforcement I have witnessed how this system continues to exists. You have a culture in place that allows for brutality/discrimination.

!When new staff join the organization they go along with

the norm of that organization. If they resist or disagree with the culture then they have put their career in jeopardy, especially being new to the organization. Some might leave the organization and others will become a part of the system of discrimination and brutality. It's like a cancer. It continues to spread. Until the organization's take a stand against those that commit these acts, we will continue to have discussions about brutality, discrimination, inequality, and bad legislation (laws) that targets minorities. (continued on next page)

(References for the Above: Brandongaille.com)

shot by police than their white counterparts ProPublica 2. Nearly two times a week in the United States, a white police officer killed a black person during a sevenyear period ending in 2012, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI. 3. From 2003 to 2009, the Justice Department found that 4,813 people died while a member of law enforcement was trying to arrest or restrain them, or shortly thereafter.

!Mr. Walker took a moment to share his views with VMH

Magazine. Below is a Q&A conducted by VMH Magazine, Publisher Vikki Hankins.

!VMH Magazine: In Tell It Like It Is, you share things

you witnessed as a child surrounding police brutality: why do you feel this continues to happen?

!W. Morton: What I witnessed as a child continues to make news today. This abuse continues today because of


VMH Magazine: Based on your experience, what is your best advice for those currently employed that want to have a stronger voice on equality in their place of employment? How do they approach issues without retaliation?

W. Morton: My goals for sharing my experiences and advice through my book titled "Tell It Like It Is" are; to inspire people to let them know that no matter where you come from you with hard work and determination you can be successful.

want to have a stronger voice on equality in their place of employment is: • Never forget who you are as a person. You deserve to be treated fair and equal. • Never forget where you came from. When you this then you have become a part of the "Good Old Boy/ Women System" that fosters discrimination and inequality for others.

Understand that you may not always be treated with respect and equality but you do not have to do what someone else have done. Life will throw you some curves and you may fall down. It's not the falling, it's how you get up.

!W. Morton: The best advice that I can give those that

!To never forget who you are and where you come from. !Failure is Not an Option, Success is the Only Option.

!The best advice that I can give to anyone that feel the need to approach concerns is to: ! If you are member of a Bargaining Unit/Union, have

Failure is easy, just don't plan and you will fail. My ultimate goal is to get involved in my community as a mentor and to travel the country in pursuit of speaking to audiences that are willing to hear me, “Tell It Like It Is.”

them make the complaint for you. If you are not a member of a Union, it may be scary or difficult but there are protections (Attorneys and organizations) at their disposal. • I know some might say that it's frightening to go up against the powers to be, but you have to stand up for what you believe. If not for you then for someone else. If you do not stand up for you then who will!

regarding the Oscar Nominations, which excluded African American Actors/Actresses:

!VMH Magazine: We are living in a faster paced tech

savvy world, where young people are exposed to more than let’s say 20 years ago; how do we address the growing frustration of impoverished young people that do not have foundations or role models?

!W. Morton: The tech savvy world has placed our

impoverished young people in a world of isolation. When I was growing up we were allowed to watch TV at a certain time and when it was time to turn it off, we did.

!Now with all the computers, cell phones and video games

young people isolate themselves. To taking away their ability to deal with conflict and has limited their ability to effectively communicate with others. I believe to address the frustration of not having a solid foundation or role model we must turn off the tech equipment's. We must have time for our children.

!In a Facebook comment Mr. Morton had this to say

!“I had a conversation and saw a brief about the Oscars.

It is truly a shame that there are no African American's nominated for an award, yet there are two Caucasian's that are nominated for an Oscar and they are not actors. What is this country coming to. This is the second year in a row. This is a systemic failure to recognize Black people.

!In my book "Tell It Like It Is", I talk about how the system

has been set up to try to make sure we fail. Let me be clear that I am not saying that all people that do not look like me are perpetuating this inequality but when you look at your government be it local or federal it's prevalent. This is one of the reasons I wrote my book. It's time for you to also to " Tell It Like It Is ". Read my book and join me no matter who you are as long as you believe in Justice and Equality for All. Black Lives Matters and so Does Yours!!”


Speaking/Signing Event

Not just time but quality time during the day. Invite them to gathers with other family members or social events with friends. As far as role models, there are organization (Boys and Girls Clubs) and others that they should have access to. I believe the more exposure to people the better you will be equipped to effectively work and interact with others. VMH Magazine: Finally, what are your ultimate goals for sharing your experiences and advice through your book entitled, ‘Tell It Like It Is’? VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

Failure is not an option. Success is the option." Walker B. Morton



Available at all online retail bookstores!



Yo u c a n ’t take care of anyone until you take care of you. Moms can have their own life and still take care of their family.

Interview Conducted by ! Vikki Hankins!

Photo Courtesy of Anita Scruggs


I'm Anita Scruggs, the a wide range of business I challenged myself. I took owners. My services include founder and managing member of Curlz & Curves on projects that I had no b u t a r e n o t l i m i t e d t o LLC, a graphic design and standard digital and print idea how to do, just so that digital marketing company graphic design, website specializing in the success of I could learn. I started my business development, social media female entrepreneurs. After with a freelance job creating digital marketing consulting, and leaving my job in the DIY custom tutorials. pharmaceutical industry, I digital flyers which transitioned to The mission of Curlz & completely devoted my time creating media for a political Curves LLC is to motivate all as a mom and wife. The women, especially stay at campaign in less than 6 months. outcome was a complete loss home moms, to pursue their of self care. After learning passion guilt free. I start my that my son had a disability, someone had to be readily consultation calls with a question of purpose. I am most available for appointments and various responsibilities for interested in why the brand I am working on has been him. Since my husband’s income covered our bills, it started. I reintroduced myself to myself, and I encourage made sense for me to leave work. I recall being every woman I work with to do the same. I reclaimed questioned by superiors as if the care of my child was my individuality through self accountability, along with negotiable. I know all working moms have faced this the help of entrepreneurship. I hope to be a source of situation... it’s a hopeless feeling. Ultimately, I made the inspiration to those alike. www.CurlzandCurves.com sacrifice and quit my job to stay home. See below promotion to learn more about Anita’s graphic Slowly, things started to improve for my family. My son designs company or to contact her directly! made remarkable progress in school and began reaching milestones that we were told to not even look forward to. My husband and I lived a comfortable life as his career advanced. I was happy with “my life”. I became happy with what I thought I was supposed to be doing... putting my family first. As time went on, things slowly changed. I was taking care of everyone in the house and killing my own identity in the process. I started wanting more but I constantly battled myself because of the thought. How could I be so selfish? I have everything I need and it’s still not enough? It’s really simple… You can’t take care of anyone until you take care of you. Moms can have their own life and still take care of their family.




I began working from home as a network marketer, which forced me to create my own marketing materials to stand out in the saturated market. Soon I began helping others with the visual aspect of their brands, and I grew a passion for it! I learned DAILY. I challenged myself. I took on projects that I had no idea how to do, just so that I could learn. I started my business with a freelance job creating digital digital flyers which transitioned to creating media for a political campaign in less than 6 months. I now provide marketing and design services to VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

Photography by Vikki Hankins



Hosted Aurea McGarry – Emmy Award Winning TV Show the Live Your Legacy Summit held in Atlanta, GA, is the event of the year for women of all ages, entrepreneurs, non profits, philanthropist and businesses that want to experience a professional event. The Live Your Legacy Summit has changed the lives of so many women since it began in 2011.

Aurea McGarry with Her Husband


To examine the connection between omega-3s and heart disease, researchers analyzed data from 18 trials that randomly assigned about 93,000 people to get a certain amount of these nutrients.


these randomized trials, they found omega-3s associated with a 6 percent lower risk of heart disease, but this was too small to rule out the possibility it was due to chance.

!The study also reviewed results from another 17 previously

published trials that observed about 732,000 people over long periods of time while they followed their usual diets. Over all of these studies, omega-3s were tied to a statistically meaningful 18 percent reduction in the risk of heart disease.

!The study was funded by the Global Organization for EPA Omega-3 fatty acids in fish and dietary supplements are associated with lower odds of heart disease..!

and DHA Omega-3s (GOED), an advocacy group with manufacturers and sellers of omega-3 dietary supplements among its members. Several study authors have also served as consultants to manufacturers of omega-3 supplements.

!Limitations of the study include the wide variation in study

By Lisa Rapaport

designs for the randomized trials, which included patients with a range of eating habits and heart disease risk factors and tested omega-3s over different time periods, the authors note in Mayo Clinic Proceedings.

supplements are associated with lower odds of heart disease even in people already at elevated risk because of excessive levels of fats or bad cholesterol in their blood, a research review suggests.

health or the amount of omega-3s in people’s diets at the start, making it harder to determine how much these nutrients might directly influence heart disease risk over time, the authors also point out.

two servings of fish a week and considering supplements of omega-3 fatty acids when that’s not possible. Previous research has linked omega-3s to a lower risk of abnormal heartbeats, less fats in the blood, reduced risk of arteryclogging deposits known as plaque, and slightly lower blood pressure.

million patients suggest many people may benefit from boosting the amount of omega-3s they get from eating fish or taking supplements, said Dr. Chip Lavie, of the Ochsner Clinical School-University of Queensland School of Medicine in Australia.

! !(Reuters Health) - Omega-3 fatty acids in fish and dietary !The American Heart Association recommends eating at least

!For the current study, researchers examined previously

published research on two omega-3s: EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). They found that consumption of omega-3s in food or supplements was associated with a 16 percent lower risk of heart disease in people with high triglycerides, or fats, in the blood, and a 14 percent lower risk for patients with elevated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, the bad kind.


collective evidence from all studies supports a beneficial role of EPA and DHA on coronary heart disease, and stronger associations were observed among those who may benefit acutely from EPA and DHA, such as those with elevated triglyceride levels and those with elevated lowdensity lipoprotein cholesterol,” said lead study author Dominik Alexander of EpidStat Institute, with offices in Seattle, Washington, and Ann Arbor, Michigan.


!Some studies in the current analysis also didn’t track heart !Even so, the results from an analysis of data on close to one

!Very few people in the U.S. or other countries who follow a typical Western meat-and-potatoes diet eat enough fish, so they might need to take dietary supplements to achieve close to 1,000 milligrams a day of EPA and DHA, Lavie, senior author of an accompanying editorial, said by email.

!“Omega-3 fats are very important for health and well being,

especially for the heart,” Dr. James O'Keefe, lead author of the editorial, said by email.

!“Try to eat 2 or 3 servings of naturally oily fish like salmon, sardines, and trout each week,” advised O’Keefe, director of preventive cardiology at the Mid America Heart Institute at Saint Luke's Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. “If you can't or won't do this, consider taking a daily omega 3 supplement containing about 1,000 milligrams of EPA and DHA.”


SOURCE: http://mayocl.in/1LEaZY3 Mayo Clinic Proceedings, online January 3, 2017. VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

Cooking on Purpose


VMH MAGAZINE Photo Courtesy of Diana Riley VMHMAGAZINE.COM!

The inspiration for writing my cookbook came from several places. I’m inspired by other people making a difference and I’m inspired by my passion. Years ago I made some changes in my life despite my challenges and focused on what I set out to do which was to write a book and start a catering business. While in culinary school, I was exposed to notable chefs, two who were authors.

-Diana Riley One day I went into my chef instructor’s office and asked for advice and suggestions on how to get started writing a cookbook. She handed me a book titled “Recipe into Type” and told me here’s a great start, read this. I am also very determined and strong-willed so when I say I’m going to do something, I put a plan into action to do just that. Six years later I have a published cookbook. The cookbook’s purpose is solely not about me, I want to leave something tangible for my children and grandchildren as a reminder that they can achieve dreams and goals. The

other reasons for writing is to encourage and be an inspiration for others who share a similar dilemma to determine their purpose. The title “Cooking on Purpose” is meaningful because everyone has to eat. When I cook I’m serving in my purpose, I’m fulfilling needs and it’s also because I want to cook. There is a purpose for cooking; eating, celebrating, nourishment, entertainment. As noted in my book, “passion is an ambition that has materialized into action. When you do something, do it with all your might and be sure your heart is in it. when your heart is in a particular thing, you don’t lose hope easily, and it will be something you always return to.” Being a business owner comes with challenges, it’s not easy. There have been days I wanted to quit and give in but I push through with faith and prayers because I’m passionate about what I do. I believe if it’s worth having, it’s worth fighting for and there’s so much more for me to accomplish. In my book I share my journey of how I started. This book is a like a written testimony of what following your passion and knowing your purpose can lead you to. As I share lessons, I share recipes because it is a part of who I am, cooking is what my life has been centered around. I use these skills to open doors for me. To learn more visit: www.DianaKitchenTable.com


Women-owned businesses support nearly 9 million jobs and generate $1.6 trillion in annual revenue!


the nation's largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors, has gathered statistics in honor of National Women's Small Business Month that show how 11.3 million women-owned businesses are making an impact on the American small business landscape. Data shows that women are currently majority owners of 38% of U.S. businesses, up from 29% in 2007, with these businesses employing nearly 9 million people and generating more than $1.6 trillion in revenue each year.

!Women-owned businesses are hiring—and growing:

Since 2007, the number of women-owned firms has grown at five times the national average, with 1,072 net women-owned firms starting every day. • 84.6% of women start businesses because they see an opportunity—not because they're unemployed. • Since 2007, employment by women-owned businesses is up 18%, compared to a 1% overall average decrease in employment by small businesses. • Revenues of women-owned businesses have increased 35% since 2007, but only 1.8% of these businesses have revenue exceeding $1M (vs. 6.3% for men). Entrepreneurial women of color lead the way: • Women of color now own nearly 5 million firms, accounting for 44% of women-owned businesses. • Nearly eight in 10 new woman-owned businesses launched since 2007 was started by a woman of color. States with the highest percentage of women-owned businesses are: • Washington, DC: 45.2% • Georgia: 41.1% • Maryland: 40.1% • New Mexico: 40.1% • Illinois: 39% Industries with the highest percentage of women-owned businesses are: • Healthcare/social assistance: 64.6% • Educational services: 56.9% • Other services: 52% • Administrative & support: 47.1% • Retail: 41.8% Connect with a SCORE mentor today for personalized help with starting or growing your small business.


Since 1964, SCORE has helped more than 10 million aspiring entrepreneurs. Each year, SCORE's 10,000+ volunteer business experts provide 350,000+ free small business mentoring sessions, workshops and educational services to clients in 300+ chapters nationwide. In 2015, SCORE volunteers provided 2.2+ million hours to help create more than 45,000 jobs and 55,000 small businesses.

Generating annual revenues of

woman-owned U.S. businesses (approx.)

$1.6 Trillion

Women are majority owners of 38% of U.S. businesses

!About SCORE

Supporting nearly

9 Million Jobs

...up from 29% in 2007




faster than the national average

woman-owned firms started every day!

since 2007

STATES WITH THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF WOMANOWNED FIRMS Washington, DC: 45.2% Georgia: 41.1% Maryland: 40.1% New Mexico: 40.1% Illinois: 39%

Women-owned businesses are growing… REVENUES Up

35% 18%



Since 2007

Since 2007

WOMEN OF COLOR LEAD THE WAY Nearly 8 in 10 new woman5M owned business launched since 2007 was started by 3M a woman of color. 2.2 Million

1M <1 Million 2002

Nearly 5 Million



INDUSTRIES WITH THE HIGHEST PERCENTAGE OF WOMAN-OWNED FIRMS Healthcare/Social Services: 64.6% Educational Services: 56.9% Other Services: 52% Administrative & Support: 47.1% Retail: 41.8% Want to start or grow your small business? Find your mentor at SCORE. Sources: • http://www.womenable.com/content/userfiles/2016_State_of_Women-Owned_Businesses_Executive_Report.pdf • https://www.nwbc.gov/sites/default/files/FS_Women-Owned_Businesses.pdf • https://www.nwbc.gov/sites/default/files/NWBC_2015AnnualReportedited.pdf • http://www.kauffman.org/~/media/kauffman_org/microsites/kauffman_index/ startup_activity_2016/kauffman_index_startup_activity_national_trends_2016.pdf

Marketing Trends to Watch for in 2017 ! !

As we’ve seen repeatedly this year, it’s always hard to predict the future. But companies try every year, from budget projections to planning marketing strategies. Though we’d all like to be clairvoyant enough to know what the next best thing will be, it’s incredibly hard to accurately predict new trends well enough to get a jump on the competition. There are, however, trends that we can assume will continue over the next year. Here’s our pick for trends to keep an eye on for the upcoming year. Detailed Content:


Content marketing has been adapting and growing over the last 10 years. In the past year, we have seen a particularly large leap forward in detailed content. It’s no longer enough to have strong keywords, links, and good meta tags. Your content needs to be relevant and interesting enough for people to read more than the first paragraph. With so much content out there, every piece needs to reach exactly the audience looking for it. Otherwise, it simply gets lost in the noise of other content. Innovative Social Media Campaigns:


The last year has seen significant changes for the social media landscape. With social media taking over as the primary source of news, ads, and other information, it’s more important than ever to innovate and diversify your marketing campaigns. From Snapchat filters to Facebook Live events, companies that can adapt with the changing social media landscape and stay on the front wave are going to see better ROIs than those who fall behind. Interactive Content:


The past few years have shown the power that having an interactive strategy can have. For-profit companies can benefit from studying the ways that other causes are using to garner attention. The Ice Bucket Challenge and, more recently, the Mannequin Challenge have become a social media phenomenon for a reason. People like to get involved in the story. If you can draw your customers in and make them feel like they are part of something larger, you’ll build both excitement and loyalty in your audience. Personal Stories and Content:


Though this is not a new concept, it is increasingly important. As advertising becomes more ubiquitous, people look towards others like themselves to determine the next big thing and whether a product is worth purchasing. Putting a name and a face to your customer base will help them feel connected to your brand and product. It is absolutely essential, however, that this is genuine. If personal accounts and experiences are fabricated, customers will feel betrayed and negative reviews spread faster than positive ones. Specific Audiences:


With the ability to reach so many people daily, it’s necessary to be more specific than ever when determining your target audience. Having a blanket campaign that tries to appeal to everyone is going to make your brand fade into all the other content out there. Determine the specifics of your audience, from education level to associated likes, and find the best way to reach that group for each product or service. It may be more work, but the benefit will far outweigh the cost and effort. Over the next year, the most important thing of all is going to be leaving room for new ways of interacting with customers. Whether the next trend is virtual reality, artificial intelligence, or immersive marketing, having the ability to be part of that new conversation will be essential for any company hoping to grow in 2017. VMHMAGAZINE.COM!


for your business spark By Penny C. Sansevieri

Business owners, regardless of company size, are always considering new ways to boost the bottom line. And, quite frankly, there comes a time when it’s not advantageous to continue launching new products or raising your prices. Writing a business book offers opportunities to move you toward whatever your longterm goals are as well as growing market share. And, if you’re wondering what kind of a business book you can offer, I want you to look at your company from an outsider’s perspective. Consider the various ins and outs of your business, everything you do, and everything that makes your company unique.

!This information is ultimately what you can develop into a book — we’ll talk more about that later in this article. !You don’t have time to NOT write a book. !Your time is stretched thing. Believe me, I get that. But

with all that a business book can do for you and your company, it’s in your best interest to start NOW. Why? A book gives you a whole host of new ways to grab attention and rise above the noise – above all of the choices that are overwhelming your client-base. And while it’s absolutely critical to focus on how your potential clients find you (social media, advertising, etc.), it’s just as important to keep their focus once you’ve captured their attention.

!A business book is a great way to introduce yourself to

these people, and help them get to know you. Plus it sets you up as a resource – if your clients or potential clients learn early on that they can come to you to learn more about your industry, you’ll build loyalty, and they are ready to buy, guess who they think of first? Your business book will be a key component of this education strategy, and from there you can host workshops, offer consultations, build your speaking platform, and even develop secondary products like YouTube tutorials. And, if you haven’t looked into it yet, it is so easy to publish these days. There are tons of options available to budding authors, with Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing for eBooks and Createspace for print-on-demand among the most popular. You can have your own book ready for distribution faster—and more easily—now than ever before. . Still concerned that you don’t have the time? Ghostwriting is always an option. And ghostwriters can mimic your “voice” so that the book sounds like something you would write. It’s well worth the money if it makes the difference of writing and publishing your business book or not.

!So How Do You Get Started? !First, determine your goals. Want to get more business? More media coverage? More speaking? All of these are great goals, but it’s important to know up front what you want so you can start building a book that will help

transform your vision into reality. And, if obtaining more speaking engagements is at the top of your list, then you’ll find a book is almost mandatory. In addition to offering credibility to your clients, having a book is something many places look for as they select speakers.

!Once you know your goals, start pulling content you’ve already created. Content would be anything you’ve ever written about your business, things like:

!• • • • • • • • • •

blog posts white papers audio or video recordings presentations you’ve done in the past handouts articles written for publications or websites newsletters social media updates (because these might help spawn book content, too) training manuals client guidelines

!Even if some of the content is old and needs updating, it

gives you a solid place to start. From there, you’ll see your chapters and organization start to build organically. And you’ll be able to see any holes where you’ll need to write content. After your book is complete, you’ll want to enlist a few professional services: a professional editor (this step is critical), a cover designer, and an interior book designer. Then you’ll be all ready to publish!

!In the end, while a business book won’t single-handedly transform your business, it gives you an incredibly strong tool to build your market share and improve your overall success. When you write a business book, it helps you present yourself – and your business – as a key resource, which will allow you to continue realizing your long-term strategies and goals, whatever they are.

Presidential Medal of Freedom Recipients


Reuters |

In one of his final acts in office, President Barack Obama selected key figures in sports, entrepreneurship, philanthropy, activism, academia and entertainment among the 21 people who will be awarded the 2016 Presidential Medal of Freedom – the highest civilian honor in the United States.

NBA basketball Hall of Famer Kareem Abdul-Jabaar


Obama (presented) recipients including rocker Bruce Springsteen, Motown soul singer Diana Ross, former basketball champions Michael Jordan and Kareem AbdulJabbar and actors Tom Hanks, Robert De Niro and Robert Redford with the medal at a White House ceremony on Nov. 22, the White House said.


“The Presidential Medal of Freedom is not just our nation’s highest civilian honor – it’s a tribute to the idea that all of us, no matter where we come from, have the opportunity to change this country for the better,” Obama said in a statement. The medal is given annually to people who have made outstanding contributions to the security or national interests of the United States, to world peace, or to cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.

Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


This year’s roster also includes Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and his wife Melinda for their philanthropic foundation, TV talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, veteran actress Cicely Tyson, architect Frank Gehry and baseball broadcaster Vin Scully.


Robert De Niro

The group also includes several not so well known Americans, such as late Native American community leader Elouise Cobell and NASA moon landing computer scientist Margaret H. Hamilton.


Obama leaves office in January after eight years, following the election of Republican businessman Donald Trump.


Previous recipients of the medal from Obama include baseball champion Yogi Berra, singer-songwriter Bob Dylan, director Steven Spielberg and former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.


(Reporting by Jill Serjeant; Editing by Sandra Maler)

Cast member Tom Hanks poses at the premiere of “Sully”

Oscar Bond, Global Stylist

"Quality performance starts with a positive attitude."


-Jeffrey Gitomer

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