Week 7 In this weeks studio , we joined another class and visited a construction site. The site was a 9 story, residential apartment building located within walking distance from University campus, on Elizabeth Street. The structure was in its closing stages according to the site manager, who stated it was approximately 75% done and has cost around 13 million dollars to make. The structure s made up of precast concrete walls>
The basement also contained reinforced block work
INSITU concrete for floor foundation of floors
The entire structure is fire checked, using double fire check plaster for interior wall linings, as well as numerous fireproof exits and sprinklers in each apartment. On the upper floors, double steel stud walls are used along with steel joists and beams supporting the roof/ceiling structure, which is also made of steel. The roof structure sits on a steel truss beam extends across the upper apartments. Timber plates and beams are embedded in the steel frame for use in bathrooms, such as nailing in cabinets, door frames and the like.
The roof sits at an angle of 2 degrees
Steel truss on upper floor