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Gita - like a Mother
In One of the shlokas of Gita Dhyana it portrays Bhagwad Gita as a mother, and says that O Mother! I reflect & meditate on your teachings to clearly realize the means of getting out of the endless and intractable whirlpool of seeking. ‘Amb! tvam anusandadhami bhagwad gite bhavdweshineem.’
Why a Mother?
The dhyana shloka presents the body, mind, intellect and truth of Bhagwad Gita, so that before being blessed by its teachings, we relate to this immortal treatise more reverentially. Reverence is to to have an open mind to appreciate its teachings. Mind should be open but never blind, there should be deliberate and con scious effort to appreciate the teachings properly, and therefore in all our scriptures we have the format of a dialogue. There should definitely be a Samvad, but interaction should be to learn and grow, not to hold on and try to arrogantly validate to our existing notions and conditionings. Every perception may have its reason, but one should always believe in the possibility of further growth. Our existing understanding may or may not be right, and the litmus test of our understanding is in remaining a limited persona and seeking endlessly or being free from this Bhav-Rog of endlessly trying to become something else. If we are still a limited person and seeking, then our scriptures humbly ask us to revisit our existing understanding. That is why we need to have not only an open mind but intensely inquisitive mind to get answers to our confinement in the realm of time & space. We need to definitely look upon all those who are trying to enlighten us as an embodiment of love