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Gita - like a Mother
tiful that it is indeed a joy to chant and hear. They are a gateway to an amazing world of divine knowledge.

2. Mind: Mind is all about our emotions and motivation. The motivation here is just the well-being of the inquisitive student. Totally selfless. Pure undiluted love.
3. Intellect: The teachings of Bhagwad Gita comprise the intellect of the divine mother. They unequivocally reveal an unimaginable dimension of our existence and that is - timeless, limitless and non-dual. At so many places this has been revealed. She says that do not take this body-mind as the real you, this is just your costume, which you have donned to manifest at this level. The self of all is basically the one limitless truth. To take oneself as an individual is to live in an imaginary dream world and thus become responsible for duality in which we exist and suffer the endless seeking and transmigration. The message is to transcend the individuality and daringly discover what exists beyond it.
The Message of Bhagwad Gita :
The dhyana shloka clearly says that O
Mother, I fully believe that you shower the nectarine ambrosia of immortality & non-duality - advaitamrutvarshini. This knowledge has been directly given by Bhagwan Narayana himself, and Veda
Vyasaji was an instrument to receive the knowledge and embed it in the Mahabharata like a priceless jewel in a beautiful garland. All this is just to help us focus