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Drig Drishya Viveka

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Kevat’s Devotion

Kevat’s Devotion

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When we look at the entire jagat it is a huge spectrum of names and forms. There is a huge variety in the diversity of all that we see. There is variety in colors like red, blue, green, yellow etc. and then all the numerous shades born out of them. There are objects which are long and short, some which are gross and subtle. Now in this entire spectrum not only do we see multiplicity and diversity, but all the objects undergo a change from time to time. Moreover when we perceive an object, one is displaced by another. Red is displaced by yellow, long is displaced by short, gross is displaced by subtle. This is a constant flux of names and forms.


In this scenario, the eye-the chakshu is the Seer and the world of objects the seen, the chakshu is unchanging and all objects perceived are constantly changing. In such a case where everything that we perceive with our sense organs is inevitably and constantly changing and displacing one another, giving it undue importance and seeing it as the source of all happiness and security is actually inviting insecurity, sorrow and an endless trip of seeking. Contentment and joy is always beyond the horizon. True Satisfaction and joy lies in discovering that which is constant and unchanging.

Thus, it is extremely important to discriminate between the permanent and the impermanent. The door to this kind of viveka has been opened in this shloka and as we shall look into the shlokas ahead the truth of the Real Self will slowly start unfolding.

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