Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission
Year 21
Issue 1
Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission July 2015 : Year 21 / Issue 1 Editor: Swamini Samatananda Saraswati
fufoZdYieuUra p gsroq Ă™` kkUroftZre~ A vize; s euk|a p ;TKkRok eqP;rs cq/k%AA That which is free from all modifications, that which is infinite and is causeless, that which cannot be described or objectified, and is free from beginning & end - the wise awake to that timeless truth and realize themselves to be ever-free.
Amrutbindu Upanishad - 9
Published by
International Vedanta Mission /
Section Index
1. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
Message of P. Guruji Tattva Bodha Letter Gita Reflections Jivanmukta Yoga Vasistha Story Section VM News VM Activities Album VM Programs
5 6-7 9 10-11 13 14-15 17 18 19 20-21 23
from Poojya Guruji 1st International Yoga Day The first International Yoga Day on 21st June 2015 was indeed a historical day in the annal of human celebrations. More than two billion people all over the world did Yogic exercises with the sankalpa to help bring about better health & harmony within & outside themselves. PM Narendra Modi described the event nicely when he said that today wherever the sun will rise all over the world it will witness people doing Yoga. While almost every country of the world participated in this mega event, yet the program at Rajpath in New Delhi got the award from the Guiness Book of World Records, for not only the biggest gathering for an event, but also for the largest number of people of different nationalities in one event. The process of this event started last year when the Indian PM put forward a proposal in his address to the UN General Assembly last year, and it was co-sponsored by 177 countries of the world. Later 192 countries organized mass gathering in their respective countries. The fact that a record number of countries co-sponsored was because the awareness of Yoga was spread all over the world by various Yogic masters for so many years. They deserve our salute & namaskars for their yeoman services. Obviously so many people had already directly benefitted by this unique package, thereafter credit goes to the Indian PM to not only lay the foundation of this mega event, and execute the event so nicely. Only a true world leader can think & execute at this level. He is indeed a blessed soul. While Yoga is not merely limited to Yogic exercises, yet it definitely encompasses this aspect also. In Yogic exercises the focus is on integrating our different faculties in a sattwic way. The body, the prana and the mind are made to work in a synchronized & integrated way. Having integrated one’s faculties, thereafter the Yogic sadhanas help turn our attention for bringing about constant awareness of God. The word Yoga in Bhagwad Gita is used basically for that objective. In the 8th chapter of Gita Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that 'Mam Anusmar Yudhya cha' - meaning, that O Arjuna, May you strive to do your duties and at the same time remain conscious of existence of God - the infinite Consciousness, the Self of all. Who so ever does this sadhana will retain balance in all ups & downs of life, and this is yet another definition of Yoga - 'Samatvam Yoga Uchyate', meaning Retention of Equanimity in all situations is Yoga. As a person slowly & steadily learn to become Yogaroodha - abiding in Yoga, thereafter various secrets of life are revealed to him. He comes to know that Truth is One. It is infinite, non-dual and all-pervasive. This timeless, all-pervasive divinity alone is God, with whom we were trying to be one. Vedanta comes and tells us that we are already that. Everyone is basically divine, already one with God. The problem is just of ignorance. So the culmination of Yoga is in the negation of all duality and discovering the everexisting identity. The various Yogic practices basically prepared us for this great awakening. All the initial practices kept on making us healthier, peaceful, & intelligent - thus preparing us for the final take-off of Self-Knowledge. Stress has become such a great problem in the world today, it is here that Yoga will help the humanity in a big way. May this event keep on taking bigger & bigger form in the years to come. We also sincerely pray that 'May such good package of holistic well-being bless the whole world'. This has been the prayer of the great Vedic masters from ancient times. Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah - May all be happy; Sarve Santu Niramayaha - May all become healthy.
Tattva Bodha Six Divine Qualities: Samadhanam The first five qualities Sama, Dama, Uparama, Titiksha & Shraddha have been discussed so far. These are the qualities that help us in having a free mind available for gaining knowledge. They free the mind of any kind of extraneous distractions and enable the mind to turn inward and get focused. The last quality of the six divine qualities which is discussed now is ‘Samadhanam’.
Q: What is the Samadhanam ? A: It is the single pointedness of the Mind.
This is a quality that has to be mentioned, because it is one of the most common obstacles many people are facing. Most of us have difficulty in concentrating expecially when it comes to practising meditation, chanting, or even listening. This is a quality that must be developed to be able to absorb oneself fully in any spiritual persuit. What is Samadhanam? Chittaikaagrataa. Samadhana is the capacity to focus on a single goal in an integrated manner. The definition given by the Acharya here is 'Samadhanam is Chitta ekagrata'Here 'Chitta' is the mind, 'eka'- is having a clear and single goal, 'agre' is in front of you. So focusing the mind on a single goal at one time laid down in front of us. Although the definition of Samadhana is focusing the mind single pointedly, yet to accomplish any goal, it is our entire personality comprising of our physical energy, our sense organs, pranas, our emotions and thoughts that need to work in an integrated manner.It is a state of mind that is not interested or lured in running behind too many things at the same time. In todays times there is a fad popularly known as 'Multitasking'.
Although people today take great pride in showing how good they are in multitasking, yet it is not a good habit as it reflects a fragmented mind and a mind that does not reflect peace, quitude, and focus within but it shows an overloaded mind trying to catch up with too many things at a time. This is not only an unhealthy practise in the practical arena of life but also a quality that should be avoided by any spiritual seeker. Having one goal at one particular point of time and being fully committed to it, mentally and physically, is the real samadhana. At the spiritual level all goals in life lead to the single and ultimate goal about knowing the truth of the Self. Difficulty in Concentration: Most often each one of us often complains of being unable to focus our attention and get fully absorbed in something. Be it meditation, or on one's studies, or even office work. Surprizingly each one of us has an inbuilt power to concentrate, to keep the mind focused on a single track. Yet this is one of the most talked about problem from which even Arjuna is not spared. He too in the Bhagwadgita mentions to
Vedanta Sandesh
Sri Krishna that the mind is so unsteady that controlling it is like controlling the winds. In fact this being the situation many such Arjunas facing difficulty in the capacity to concentrate often become gullible victims to unauthentic and farce teachers who prescribe unauthentic measures to bring about this focus of the mind. It is always most appropriate to find out from a genuine teacher the authentic means prescribed in the scriptures. So, what is the real problem? Is it really true that we lack the capacity of having a single pointed focus or are there some other secrets to this? To get the right answers let us first try and understand what the mind is. The mind's nature is to move: Mind is a flow of thoughts, just like a river is a flow of water. One cannot imagine a river with the same water at one place. The moment we feel the coolness of water it has already changed. That water which we touched has moved on. Similarly the nature of the mind is also dynamic and moving. In fact this very nature of the mind to go all over helps us to know things. The mind cannot be stagnant. Otherwise we will not be able to know anything. The mind is like a camera that is rolling. It goes on taking pictures. It cannot be a like a polaroid camera that takes single pictures. Even Lord Krishna in the Bhagawadgita confirms-'Chanchalam hi manah'-The mind does go all over. Having known this nature of the mind one can now deal with the question of how to bring about concentration. What is the obstacle that one faces when trying to focus one's attention in something. Lets try to understand this with an example-When I try to chant the name of the Lord or do meditation, the mind moves away from my practise and I try to bring it back, it moves away again. In fact in such a case the
capacity to bring it back on track is what samadhana is all about. Having Love for the Goal: A very frequent and important question arises why should the mind keep wandering away from what it is doing. Do we really have a concentration problem? Let's take the example further, when I try to chant the name of the Lord the mind wanders away, but when I am reading a novel of my interest and love, I can continue to read the novel all night without getting distracted by any person or thing. Why is this so? Do I have a concentration problem? No. Concentration is not a problem at all. In fact I can set an example of super concentration. The only reason why I am able to read a book without getting distracted even for a second, it is because that subject is of my interest, my passion and my love. Therefore not only do I read the novel in one night but I also fail to hear the umpteen no of shouts that my mom has given for dinner. So concentration is not a problem at all? Everybody has the capacity of concentration; it is only a question of discovering love in the subject of concentration. At the same time it is equally important to discover the futility of indulging in other worldly pleasures as they are so very momentary. One needs to discover love and value towards God and the goal of knowing the truth. One needs to discover this love and value through satsang, reading good literature, analyzing life experiences & seeing the blessings of God. Having discovered this love the mind may still go as a matter of habit and this has to be dealt with by bring the mind back towards the subject of focus. This capacity to bring the mind on the point of focus is what samadhana is all about. So have a goal, a goal that comes from the heart, be it the seat of meditation or the field of activity.
Guru Poornima Camp, Indore A four days Guru Poornima Camp will be organized at Vedanta Ashram, Indore from 27th to 30th July. For four days Poojya Guruji will talk on just one mantra - Parikshya Lokan (of Mundaka Upa) . Poojya Swamini Amitanandaji will conduct classes on Guru Paduka Stotram. -7-
The Home of Happiness Once a group of 500 people were attending a seminar. Suddenly the speaker stopped and decided to do a group activity. He started giving each person a balloon. Each person was then asked to write their name on it using a marker pen. Then all the balloons were collected and put in another room. The people were then let into that room and asked to find the balloon which had their name written on it within 5 minutes. Everyone was frantically searching for their name, colliding with each other, pushing around others and there was utter chaos. At the end of 5 minutes no one could find their own balloon. Then, the speaker asked each person to randomly collect a balloon and give it to the person whose name was written on it. Within minutes everyone had their own balloon. The speaker then began, "This is happening in our lives. Everyone is frantically looking for happiness all around, not knowing where it is. Our happiness lies in the happiness of other people. Give them their happiness; you will get your own happiness. And this is the purpose of human life...the pursuit of happiness."
Vedanta Sandesh
Yoga & Advaita Hari om !
The package of Yoga is very helpful for all beginners. It helps to bring about better health, integrated personality, sattwic disposition which is endowed with high degree of intelligence & sensitivity. - PoojyaGuruji
Further to your question whether ‘Yoga is based on the Non-Dual philosophy’, please let me first answer the question clearly that: - No, Yoga is not based on the Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Nearest to the philosophy of Yoga is Sankhya philosophy, which accepts Prakriti & Purusha as two seperate entities. Because Yoga shastra is based on this duality therefore there is tenability of their statements & definitions like 'Yoga is a sadhana to become one with God' - from their point of view. Vedanta on the other hand says that you are already one with Brahman, you just need to realize this already existing fact. Any effort of trying to 'become one' with God is in fact the very denial of an already existing identity, and therefore all such efforts will always be a futile endeavour. It is no wonder that Sh Adi Sankara in his Bhashya of Brahma Sutras negates Yoga philosophy thoroughly and then goes about establishing the non-dual philosophy of Advaita. Having said this, we also need to appreciate that while ultimately non-duality alone is the truth and also the teaching of Upanishads, yet initially this is not where we begin with. Because of Agyana and the subsequent aviveka we have taken duality as a matter of fact. Duality is not revealed by scriptures, but is a matter of belief of all ignorant jivas. Just as treatment of a patient is by first accepting the problems of the patient and thereafter slowly & steadily guiding him to good health, so also we need to initially accept the erroneous presumptions of the ignorant jivas and then slowly & steadily guide them to non-duality. The package of Yoga is very helpful for all beginners. It helps to bring about better health, integrated personality, sattwic disposition which is endowed with high degree of intelligence & sensitivity. Once such a mind is brought abaout then we definitely need to keep aside the dualistic implications inherent in Yogic approach and take resort to non-duality. Not only Yoga but the same thing applies to rituals, do's & dont's, devotional practices etc. - all are based on duality and as long as we take ourself to be a small separate individual so long we do need all these packages, because they do set right certain negative conditionings. So do take the help of Yoga and thereafter expand the very definition of Yoga, just as in Bhagwad Gita Lord Krishna says (in the 13th Chapter) that real Yoga involves Viyoga and not Sanyoga. Love & om, Swami Atmananda -9-
Yuktaahaar vihaarasya yuktacheshtasya karmasu
Swamini Samatananda
Gita chapter six is solely dedicated to meditation propounding a complete package on the preparation for meditation, its ways, the obstacles faced on the seat of meditation, and how to handle them. Sri Krishna as a perfect teacher who does not miss out on mentioning also the fruits of meditation for those who need to know it's goals clearly and also be inspired by them. The chapter began with the discussion of the most significant topic of performing one's actions and duties with an attitude of renunciation yet emitting the fragrance of selfless love and perfection. Becoming a 'Yogyukta' by performing actions with a God-centric attitude forms the fundamental platform for Self-knowledge, without which, either knowledge will not be possible or it will be a show of intellectual appreciation, devoid of real life practise. Having discussed about karma yoga being such an important factor in bringing about a poised, quite, subtle and pure mind as a mental preparation for meditation, later on in the chapter Bhagwan Sri Krishna also reveals the necessity of discipline and balance at the basic level of ones lifestyle such as one's food habits, sleep, and other day to day activities. Just as Sri Krishna spoke of being a 'Yogayukta' to mentally qualify for meditation so also he uses the term 'Yukta' with food, sleep, actions & daily interaction with the world. All food intake, sleep etc are aimed towards moderation not only for one's physical & mental well being but these are planned as well as lived in accordance to one's spiritual goal in life. Our entire life style can either be a maize where each one is frantically trying to achieve one's worldly goals and ambitions or it can be a balanced lifestyle where worldly accomplishments are only a means to support more higher goals in life. One can either indulge in the world as an enjoyer( bhogi) or as a (yogi) to make our worldly experiences a stepping stone to discover the real nature of the Self and the world. The discipline of food: Food is an inevitable part of existence. A healthy body is as important as a healthy mind. Not only is good health required at the physical level or to fulfil various other worldly activities but without the support of the body even spiritual pursuit is not possible. Most of us know that food is a support to live and to pursue the spiritual path only when right kind of food is taken in the right proportion, but ironically, most of us fail to practise it. Food has more often been a reflection of enjoyership and at times even an escape measure. But little do we realize that food is like a medicine which is to be taken to keep the body fit enough to pursue various goals. It is not a means of total fulfilment. In fact the enjoyment of the taste buds is as momentary as bubbles in water. Hence the Gita says that over eating food or not eating at all or eating too little both ways are giving undue importance to food and our sense organs. It surely reflects a very superficial conviction of a person towards the goal of his life. Sri Krishna says a person who eats too much is not suitable for meditation and so also a person who eats too little. A person who overeats will be pre-occupied with such thoughts before and after meditation Vedanta Sandesh
and will surely feel lethargic and sleepy during meditation too. One has to strike a balance. This balance has not been prescribed by Sri Krishna as any kind of do's & dont's but the word 'Yukta' has been used to denote the right kind of food in the right amount and that which is had keeping one's goal in mind. This right proportion is relative from person to person. Each person has to understand the constitution of his body, his daily physical and mental activities and then decide for himself how much and what is suitable to eat. Our body is the best judge if we listen to it and follow this principle.
intake, sleep and activities aimed
moderation not only
physical & mental well being but these are planned as well as lived in accordance
one's spiritual goal in life.
The discipline of sleep: Just as in the case of eating habits so too in the case of sleep one requires a balanced approach. A person either oversleeping or sleeping too little both are misfit for any kind of contemplation & meditation. In fact these are people who when they are supposed to sleep they think of meditation and so don’t sleep well and when they should be doing meditation then they sleep. God has designed the body in such a manner that a good sound sleep takes away all the fatigue of the day and recharges the body with fresh new energy. Hence sleeping at the right time and getting sufficient and good sleep to revitalize the body is as important as good food. Again here the quantity of sleep depends on individual constitution and the physical activities of the body. So one is the best judge for himself. At the end of the day what matters is that one wakes up feeling fresh and recharged. Only such people will be able to focus their mental energy in meditation. The discipline of activities: One who does not waste time fretting and fuming over the amount of work, it's timings, kind of work etc but performs all activities deliberately and consciously has a right approach in various activities. A sense of proportion here means that nothing is either overdone with a sense of obsession nor is it evaded due to personal whims and fancies. All activities are done in a conscious deliberate manner reflecting right things done at the right time. A workaholic or a person obsessed with work does not gain much spiritually. In today's life materialistic gains are the order of the day and hence everyone seems to be running in a mad race to acquire more & more of the material world. Little realizing that at the end of the day it's not going to lead us anywhere near fulfillment. Therefore what a student of Gita aims for is not any kind of obsession with work but a deliberate, conscious effort that brings about creativity, alertness, perfection, dynamism, selflessness, and yet having a humility to make it an offering to God. A person pursuing a balanced lifestyle at these levels alone is fit for meditation and he alone awakens to the state of knowledge which Sri Krishna calls as the destroyer of all sorrows. - 11 -
My Child My child isn't my easel to paint, Nor my diamond to polish! My child isn't my trophy to flaunt, Nor my dummy to taunt! My child isn't my badge or my honour, Nor my respect that he/she must protect! My child isn't an idea or a fantasy, Nor my reflection or legacy! My child isn't my puppet or my project, Nor my pawn or my cadet! My child is here to fumble & stumble To get in & out of trouble! My child is here to try, To fall & to cry! My child is here to unravel the mysteries, To educate oneself & rewrite histories! My child is here to make his own choices, To exercise his freewill & experience the consequences! As a Parent, My task is to make my child able & capable, To keep aside my ego & be by his side! My task is to guide & educate, To let be & not frustrate! My task is allow him to ponder, And see my child grow into a Wonder!
Vedanta Sandesh
Wandering in Himalayas The temple of Badrinath owes its very existence to Kerela. Its priesthood and modes of worship are other ties which bind it fast to Malabar. One may even say that Badri Narayana, is the tutelary deity of Kerela, as much as Guruvayoorappan Himself. Yet, only a small number of Malayalees visit badrinath
from year to year, and the reason is clear. From Malabar to the Himalayas is a long distance. despite all the modern conveniences of travel, it is not yet easy to reach the northernmost part of India from the southernmost. The few who accomplish the long journey gain, not only merit and purity of mind which will save them hereafter, but also much valuable training and a sense of discipline. A visit of these northern regions helps to clear aesthetic doubts and tendencies
that at times assail even the faithful. The grand, beautiful, peaceful Himalayas which remain motionless in deep meditation help to purify any sinful mind and elevate it to a higher plane. The Himalayan region is a land of Gyana (tru knowledge), the South is the land of karma (action). In the North there is a greater sense of equality and fraternity because of the tradition inherited from the Rishis who had realized for themselves that there is nothing other than Brahman.
Excerpts from
A thoughtful pilgrim from Malabar, on his way to Badri, gets splendid
opportunities of learning much about the cities of India, about the differences in
Travel Memoirs
religeon, customs, manners, races and languages even among the Hindus
themselves. In the midst of all this diversity, one is struck by a sense of Aryan unity. For example, the names of Shiva and Rama are loved and honoured
Param Poojya
everywhere. In the early morning everyone bows to the sun. Sannyasins,
brahmins and guests are honoured at all places from kanyakumari (Cape
Tapovanji Maharaj
Camorin) to Badrinath, even though the language of welcome may be different, the food served different, the manners practised various. It is a matter of pride and satisfaction for the hindus that in spite of the revolutions and counter revolutions of ages, the eternal priciples of their culture survived. Another advantage of such pilgrimages is that they give the pilgrims the opportunities of visiting several Holy places from Rameshwaram to Badrinath, of meeting many Holy men and learning from them the subtle secrets of the spirit. - 13 -
Punya continued: These false notions of father, mother, friend, relative,
etc., are swept aside by wisdom as dust is swept away by wind. These relatives are not based on truth, they are but words! If one is thought of as a friend, he is a
Swamini Vidyananda
friend; if he is thought of as the other, he is the other! When all this is seen as the one omnipresent being, where is the distinction between the friend and the other? Brother, enquire within yourself - this body is inert and it is composed of blood, flesh, bones, etc; who is the "I" in it? If you thus enquire into the truth, you will realize that there is nothing which is you nor anything which is "I": what is called Punya or Pavana is but a false notion. However, if you still think "I am", then in the incarnations past you have had
very many relatives. Why do you not grieve for their death? You had many swan relatives when you were a swan, many tree relatives when you were a tree, many lion-relatives when you were a lion, many fish-relatives when you were a fish. Why do you not weep for them? You were a prince, you were a donkey, you were a peepul tree and then a banyan tree. You were a brahmana, you were a fly and also a mosquito, you were an ant. You were a scorpion for half a year, you were a bee, and now you are my brother. In these many other embodiments you have taken birth again and again countless times. In all these embodiments there were countless relatives. Whom shall I mourn? Considering this, I do not grieve. All along this path of life relatives are strewn like dry leaves on a forest
Adhyatmic Teachings of Guru Vasishtha to Sri Ramji
path. What can be the proper cause for grief or joy in this world, brother? Let us therefore abandon all these ignorant notions and remain at peace. Abandon the notion of the world which arises in your mind as the "I". And be still, neither going up nor falling down! You have no unhappiness, no birth, no father, no mother: you are the self and naught else. The sages perceive the middle path, they see what is at the moment, they are at peace, they are established in witness consciousness; they shine like a lamp in darkness, in whose light events happen without the lamp being involved. Thus instructed by his brother, Pavana was awakened. Both of them remained as enlightened beings, endowed with wisdom and direct realization. In Vedanta Sandesh
course of time they abandoned their embodiment and attained final liberation, as a lamp without fuel. And the wise Vasishtha adds: There is nothing of value in the three worlds, nothing that one may wish to
Vyavahara & Paramartha
have which cannot be had by the mind free from likes and dislikes. They who are cured of the fever
of attachments
do not subject
themselves to
the successive rise
mind attains
fulfilment only by
dispassion, not by
filling it with
those who are
devoid of any
attachment and
three worlds are as
wide as the
footprint of a calf
and the whole
world-cycle is but a
moment. The
coolness of the
ice-pack on the
Himalayas is
nothing compared
to the coolness
of the mind of the sage free from craving. The light of the full moon is not as bright nor is the ocean as full nor the face of the goddess of prosperity as radiant as the mind free from cravings.
Best Wishes to all our Readers it is the anniversary time for Vedanta Sandesh. The first e-magazine was published on the Guru Poornima day in the year 1995. It has been a great journey, sharing the message & vision of Vedanta through this new medium. We also keep sharing the various activities of Vedanta Mission and Vedanta Ashram. Do keep sharing the good & inspiring prasad of Rishis with all your family members & friends. May the good things spread - to one & all -7-
Quotes Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action. Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world. The aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values. The most beautiful thing in the world is, ofcourse, the world itself. Nature is a Gym. Membership is free. Silence is a place of great power and healing. Failure is not the opposite of success, it is a part of success. Faith makes all things makes all things easy.
Vedanta Sandesh
A Story from Mahabharata Story Section
Ramayana & Mahabharata don’t overlap for just once. There was an incident when Krishna saved Arjuna’s life at the Rama Setu in presence of Hanumana. Krishna once told Arjuna that Rama was the greatest warrior ever – even better than him. When visiting Rameshwaram, seeing
n o p u e c On e ... m a ti
the Nala Setu, a doubt arose in Arjuna’s mind. He wondered why Rama, who was supposedly the greatest warrior, needed the Vanara Sena to create the Setu, when he could have just created a bridge with arrows using his powers. Hanuman found Arjuna engaged in such doubts and went up to him, disguised as an aged Vanara. He explained to Arjuna that the bridge of arrows would not be able to withstand the weight of the Vanars. Challenging Hanuman, Arjuna said that he would create such a bridge and if the Vanara could walk on it, he would win. Otherwise, he would burn in the bridge of arrows. After building the bridge with his powers, he asked the Vanara to walk on it. Hanuman uttered the name of Rama, and merely kept his tail on the bridge. The bridge collapsed. Keeping his word, Arjuna burnt the bridge and turned to walk in it. That very moment, Krishna appeared in the form of a saint and asked them to perform the task again, with him as a witness. But this time, the bridge did not crumble. When they turned around, they saw that the saint was supporting the foundation of the bridge with his shoulders bleeding. In the saint, Hanuman saw Rama and Arjuna saw Krishna. Krishna hugged Hanuman and thanked him for what all that he had done for him.
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Wfeboub!Njttjpo ' Wfeboub!Btisbn Ofxt
Vedanta Sandesh
Hjub!Hzbob!Zbhob-!Mvdlopx; A week long Gita Gyana Yagna by Poojya Swamini Samatanandaji was organized at Sankatmochan Hanuman Mandir Satsang Hall, opp Lucknow University, Lucknow from 8th to 14th June 2015. As usual there were two discourses. The subject matters of the morning & evening discourses were: Gita Chapter 6 and Atma-Bodha-2. One of the days there was the meeting of Vedanta Mission, Lucknow members, and Poojya Swaminiji reorganized the Vedanta Mission Committee there. She went to meet old devotees of VM-Lko who now cannot come to the discourses because of old-age & illhealth. They were very blessed & elated at the gesture. The hosts organized a ‘Vriksha-Roopan’ during one of the days, because monsoons is just round the corner. Various members of the colony participated and were blessed by having a tree by Poojya Swaminiji in their garden.
Z‘ phb!Ebz’!Dfmfcsbujpot!bu!Btisbn!; On 21st June 2015 was the first UN sponsored ‘International Yoga Day’. An initiative of the Indian PM Narendra Modi, it was happily co-sponsored by 177 countries of the world - a record in itself, and more than 200 million people did Yogasanas on the IYD all over the world. New Delhi got its name written in the Guinees Book of World Records for organizing a program with the largest number of participants doing Yoga, and two for the largest number of foreign participants in one program. Vedanta Ashram, Indore, also joined hands and a group of devotees gathered in the Sankaracharya Sabhagruh and did Yoga under the guidance of two Yogacharyas - Sh Jagdeesh & Smt Suneeta Joshi. All the Ashram Mahatmas joined too, including Poojya Guruji. The Joshi duo was later honored by offering a shawl & Ashram published books & Dakshina. He also presented his publications to Poojya Guruji.
Ibovnbo!Dibmjtb!Tbutboh!.!Kvof!3126; On 28th June was the last Sunday of the month, and as such it was the day for the monthly Hanuman Chalisa Satsang. As usual it was full house, and first there were lovely spirited bhajans, chanting of Hanuman Chalisa and then the pravachan. Poojya Guruji started his pravachan on the 4th & 5th chaupayi - Kanchan baran biraj subesa ..... . He told that for Upasana one needs to visualize the form of ones Ishta devata very clearly. In fact the form which we clearly visualize and revere is the form in which God gives darshan to his devotees. He also told that the real color & complexion of Hanumanji is on the golden side. The devotees may love to color him in Sindoor because of the associated story, but one needs to visualize Hanumanji in his original color too.
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Btisbn0Njttjpo!Bdujwjujft!.!!!!!!!!!! Hjub!Hzbob!Zbhob-!Mvdlopx Venue: Sankatmochan Hanuman Mandir (Hanuman Setu), Lucknow Subjests: Gita Chapter 6 & Atma Bodha-2 / Dates: 8th to 14th June 2015
Wsjltib.Sppqbo!bu!Mvdlopx Venue: SBI Colony, Sitapur Road, Lucknow Planting of Trees by Poojya Swaminiji - just before the advent of Monsoon
Vedanta Sandesh
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!jo!Qjdt;!Kvof!3126 Zphb!Ebz!bu!Btisbn Venue: Sankaracharya Sabhagruh, Vedanta Ashram, Indore Yoga Demo by Sh & Smt Yogacharya Jagdeesh Joshi on Int Yoga Day on 21st June 2015
Ibovnbo!Dibmjtb!Tbutboh!.!Kvof!3126 Wfeboub!Btisbn.Joepsf By Poojya Guruji Sri Swami Atmanandaji - on 28th June 2015
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The Smart Obedient Wife There was a man, who had worked all his life, had saved all of his money, & was a real miser when it came to his money. Just before he died, he said to his wife,"When I die, I want you to take all my money and put it in the casket with me. I want to take my money to the afterlife with me." And so he got his wife to promise him, with all of her heart, that when he died, she would put all of the money into the casket with him. Well, he died. He was stretched out in the casket, his wife was sitting there – dressed in black, and her friend was sitting next to her. When they finished the ceremony, and just before the undertakers got ready to close the casket, the wife said, "Wait, just a moment!" She had a small metal box with her; she came over with the box and put it in the casket. Then the undertakers locked the casket down and they rolled it away. So her friend said, "Girl, I know you were not foolish enough to put all that money in there with your husband…" The loyal wife replied, "Listen, I’m a Christian; I cannot go back on my word. I promised him that I was going to put that money into the casket with him." "You mean to tell me you put that money in the casket with him!?!?!?" "I sure did," said the wife. "I got it all together, put it into my account, and wrote him a Cheque…. If he can cash it, then he can spend it."
Vedanta Sandesh
Guru Poornima Camp, Indore : A four days Guru Poornima Camp will be organized at Vedanta Ashram, Indore from 27th to 30th July. For four days Poojya Guruji will talk on just one mantra - Parikshya Lokan (of Mundaka Upa) . Poojya Swamini Amitanandaji will conduct classes on Guru Paduka Stotram.
Guru Poornima Celebrations, Indore : This year Guru Pornima, the spiritual teachers day will be on 31st July. There will be special puja of our Guru Parampara by Poojya Guruji, and then some devotee will do Pada Pooja of Poojya Guruji, followed by Bhandara for all. All are welcome to join.
Hanuman Chalisa Satsang - July’15, Indore : The last Sunday in July falls on the 26th. This HC Satsang will be organized in between the ongoing Guru Poornima Camp in the Sankaracharya Sabhagruh on the second floor of the Ashram.
Janmashtami Camp, Indore : A five days Janmashtami Camp will be organized at Vedanta Ashram, Indore from 31st Aug to 4th Sept Sept. For five days Poojya Guruji will talk on Natakdeep Prakarana of Panchadasi. Poojya Swamini Amitanandaji will conduct classes on Avatara Rahasya Shlokas of Bhagwad Gita - Chap-4. Sri Krishna Janmashtami will be celebrated on the 5th Sept - by all ashramites & campers.
Gita Gyana Yagna, Lucknow : A week-long Gita Gyana Yagna by P. Swamini Amitanandaji will be organized at Harimom Mandir, Lal Bag, Lucknow from 4th to 10th Oct. Subs: Gita-8 /Kaivalya Upanishad.
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