Vedanta Sandesh - Aug 2010

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Year 16

Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission

Issue 2

In This Issue


Vedanta Section:

Atma Bodha - Shloka-21


Letter Section:

Some Questions


Festival Section:

The month of Savan


Story Section:

Samudra Manthan


VM Programs:

Mission / Ashram Progs

From Poojya Guruji

Vedanta Sandesh Spreading Love & Light

Hari om! Monthly eMagazine of the International Vedanta Mission Sharing the message of Vedanta and Sanatan Dharma

Aug 2010 On the Net since 1995

Vedanta Mission now becomes International Vedanta Mission. Started in 1992 with a Gita Gyana Yagna in Mumbai, Vedanta Mission has come a long way. With the blessings of God and the dedicated work of its various Mahatmas and devotees is today well-known and also respected all over the world. While Vedanta Mission had been serving all the aspirants of truth from every part of the world with equal love & enthusiasm, yet our expanding work and also the dedicated work of our disciples in other countries; and now the initiation of a foriegn student into Sanyas Ashram has neccessitated a more comprehensive name. As you all know that during my recent visit to Russia I initiated Brni Divya Chaitanya, of Russian origin, into Sanyas Ashram, and now she has been named as Swamini Vidyananda Saraswati.

Started by:

Poojya Guruji Sri Swami Atmanandaji


Swamini Samatananda

Published from:

Vedanta Ashram E/2948-50, Sudama Nagar Indore-452 009, India

Web: Email:

Sanyas Ashram is a unique institution specific to our Vedic tradition. The importance of this fourth & final Ashram of human life arises from the requirements & nature of Self-Knowledge. While Brahman is not opposed to anything, and blesses both Knowledge and Ignorance equally, but the ‘Knowledge of Brahman’ is something different. It is this ‘light of knowledge’ which alone removes the darkness of ignorance, the basic ‘veil’ and cause of all samsara. This direct awareness of the truth of our Self as infinite, non-dual Brahman, is technically called as Akhandakar-Vritti. Akhanda means non-fragmenting, and Vritti means awareness. We need to directly appreciate ‘that’ which blesses both the subject & object alike, which is the common denominator of all as their very Self, and that which is infinite & non-dual. We need to directly ‘see’ the fact that all my notions about myself being a limited entity are false. This knowledge calls for negation of ‘all’ our existing self-conclusions, and then instead of again resorting to imaginations - we be factual. We require a state of mind which on one hand can drop ‘all’ its worldly identities; and two have a highly alert & non-projecting mind which is fully awake to the present moment, and is poised to know that which is self-existing & effulgent, with an open, simple & alert mind. As any sense of doership amounts to resorting to fragmenting selfconclusons, so sanyasis drop all sense of identities, doership, relationships and responsibilities based on our individualities. Their new name & form symbolizes that alone. They entertain a highly alert and non-projecting mind which is interested to just ‘awake’ to the truth as revealed by the awakened ones. Such a sanyasi alone can get self-knowledge, no one else. Incapacity of taking sanyas just indicates our attachment to things & people outside, and also our notions about the real source of joys, which alone are resposible for all samsara & its grief. Anyone daring to take to sanyas is worthy of all respect. Love & om,

Swami Atmananda

Atma Bodha - Shloka 21 Vedanta Section

Superimpositions are because of Aviveka If Atman is different from the body and the sense organs, it is not one without a second. If it is not different from them it shares the nature of having birth and death going through changes and the activities of seeing, moving, feeing, thinking etc, like the body, mind and intellect. In these states how can the Atman be understood as the only one real having no modifications, no activity and no sense of doership and enjoyership. this doubt is cleared in this sloka as it is explained that the Atman is basically untouched and pure. All that appears to be there as modifications, activities, and responses is an imposition of the jivatma on the Real Self due to ignorance.

21 Dehendriya gunankarmani amale satchidatmani Adhyasyantyaviveken gagane nilatadivat Dehendriyagunan: the body, the sense organs and the gunas like sattva etc, karmani: the activities; amale: in the pure; satchidatmani: the Atman of the nature of Real Existence and Pure consciousness; Adhyasyanti: superimpose; aviveken: owing to non-discrimination; gagane: in the sky; nilatadivat: like blueness and the like.

Owing to non-discrimination , the ignorant superimpose on the immaculate Atman, which is Real Existence and Pure Consciousness, the qualities and activities of the body and sense organs, just as they attribute the blue color and the like to the sky. Dehendriya gunankarmani: As human beings we have been blessed by an extremely unique body which comprises of the physical body, the organs of action, the sense organs and the mind and intellect. These instruments are blessed by the light of the supreme consciousness which enlivens every thing. All these faculties are unique by themselves and perform equally unique functions. They all have certain qualities and aptitudes which enable us to experience the world in the most beautiful manner. Even if one of the faculties is handicapped man is deprived of the joy of experiences to that extent. But at the same time one should not miss out on the fact that all these instruments of our personality are gifted with life by a Divine entity who is the main source Vedanta Sandesh - July 2010

of life and energy. Another important reality of these bodies is that not only do they function with a borrowed life energy but by nature they are limited at the levels of object, time and space. Their functions and attributes have limitations, they are constantly changing, their experiences are limited in nature and within a span of time they are no more. The existence of the objective world is like mirage water, it appears to be there but does not have any real existence. Hence it seems to attract the thirsty one, who considers it to be real and is constantly running behind it which is actually nothing but an illusion totally inacpable of satiating one’s thirst. This is quite in opposition to the nature of the true Self-The Atman, which has no limitations of time and space. It is eternal, not undergoing any

changes. Here the Master says that due to ignorance one superimposes the limited nature of the attributes and functions of these faculties on the Atman which is basically pure and blissful. Our identification with these levels of personality as the Self results in the Self appearing to be limited or the doer and enjoyer.If the physical body is ill we say ‘I’ am ill. If the mind is happy we say I am happy, if the intellect is ignorant we say I am ignorant. When the sense organs perform we say I am the doer. Hence this identification makes the Self appear as going through these various modifications of physical appearances, of happiness and sorrow etc. All these are superimposed on the Atman, that which is basically free of any modifications and is immaculate and blissful. The The Acharya thus goes on to sayAmale Satchidatmani: The nature of the Real Self is pure, eternal, consciousness and bliss. The body of the jivatma may be impure, the mind of a person may be polluted by various self-centric and egoistic thoughts and desires, but such is the glory of the Atman that no matter how maligned the mind may be, how ever much individualistic an ignorant one may be yet the Atman which is the substratum of our personality, is totally untouched and untainted. Infact the word ‘pure’ is also used with referance to the impurities that we can see at the level of the body, mind and intellect, actually the Self is neither pure nor impure it is the glorious one that even sustains and brings to light the so called pure and impure of the objective world. The Atman is of the nature of ‘Sat’ that which is eternal, unbound by the limitations of the past , present and future.

Adhyasyanti aviveken: This sublime nature of the Atman is superimposed by the limited attributes and activities of the body, mind and intellect, by the ignorant ones. The body and the organs of sense are unreal and fleeting like mirage in the desert. In the activities of those unreal objects the unwise exult in the feeling ‘I am the Doer, I am the enjoyer, not only giving undue importance to the Body, but also imposing this sense of deorship and enjoyership on the ‘I’. Hence it as though appears to be limited in nature, the performer and enjoyer of varous actions. The Acharya explains the superimposition with a very nice example. Gagane Neelatadivat: Just as people attribute blue, red and white on the sky even though the sky by itself has no color, but ignorant people who are not aware of this fact, that, the sky is colorless and also people who are not aware as to why the sky appears to be blue make such false impositions. If one were to scientificaly analyse the blue color of the sky, then one would come to know how the sky even though being colorles appears to be blue. As light moves through the atmosphere, most of the longer wavelengths pass straight through. Little of the red, orange and yellow light is affected by the air. However, much of the shorter wavelength light is absorbed by the gas molecules. The absorbed blue light is then radiated in different directions. It gets scattered all around the sky. Whichever direction you look, some of this scattered blue light reaches you. Since you see the blue light from everywhere overhead, the sky looks blue. Similarly the Atman is basically pure and free of any modifications, attributes and sense of doersip and enjoyership.

This Self is never born, nor does It die. It did not spring from anything, nor did anything spring from It. This Ancient One is unborn, eternal, everlasting. It is not slain even though the body is slain. Kathopanishad Page # 5

Just Do Not Conclude So early One truck driver was doing his usual load delivery at a mental hospital, by parking his vehicle beside an open drain. He discovered a flat tyre when he was about to return from the mental hospital. He jacked up the truck and removed the flat tyre to fix the spare tyre. When he was about to fix the spare tyre, he accidentally dropped all the 4 bolts in the open drain. As he cannot fish the bolts in the open drain, he started to panic as to what should be done? Just then, one patient happened to walk past him and asked the driver as to why he was looking troubled. The driver thought to himself, since there is nothing much he can do or this mental joker can. Just to keep the bugging away, the truck driver informed the whole episode to the mental patient and gave a helpless look. The patient just laughed at the truck driver and said “ you just cannot even fix such a simple problem? No wonder you are destined to remain a truck driver for life”. The truck driver was astonished to hear such a compliment from a mental guy.” Here is what you can do “ said the mental guy “Take one bolt from each of the remaining 3 tyres/wheels and fix it on to this tyre . Then drive down to the nearest workshop and replace the missing ones. Is’nt it simple my friend “. The truck driver was so impressed with this quick fix answer and asked the patient “how come you are so smart and intelligent and you are here at the mental hospital?” The patient replied...” hello friend! I stay here because I am crazy but not stupid”. Just do not conclude that you know everything and do not judge people by mere looks/attire stature or academic background.

Vedanta Sandesh - July 2010

Letter of the Month

Some Questions Hari Om Mark, Nice to hear from you after a long time. Yes, with the blessings of God I am fine. Thanks.



> How does Brahman in mayic prakriti function via sattva, rajas and tamas? >

objective of Avataras

1. Whatever the guna maybe, Brahman blesses 'all' by blessing them with


their very existence, manifestation of life, and lovability.




appreciate and live 'Dharma' properly. By following Dharma, not

> What would be such paths as the monist, the dualistic and the qualified > monist in the Hindu tradition? >

only the present is

2. Different interpretations of vedantic texts get reflected in terms of

made beautiful, but

different priorities in our sadhana. The broad differences of these is in


terms of priority for Gyana, Upasana or Karma. Followers of Advaita aim just



becomes free of all consequences


for Knowledge because ignorance alone is discerned to be 'the' problem. > Lastly Maharaj, would like to ask you about Avataras and how such would be

adharma - at all

> operating in our society and the different types of such? Do they have an


> ability to change the future of our immediate era and if so can you please

- Poojya Guruji

> explain? > 3. The basic objective of Avataras is to help us appreciate and live 'Dharma' properly. By following Dharma, not only the present is made beautiful, but the future too becomes free of all consequences of adharma at all levels. Future is a matter of concern only for those whose 'present' is not worthy of satisfaction, Avataras help us make the best of our present. Love & om Swami Atmananda Page # 9

Savan - the Month of Shivopasana

The month of Shravan is the fifth month of the Hindu calender beginning from Chaitra, and is not only considered as the most auspicious month of Chaturmas but is known as the holiest month of the year. On Purnima or fullmoon day, or during the course of the month the star 'Shravan' rules the sky, hence the month is called Shravan. This month is spread out with a number of religious festivals and ceremonies and almost all the days of this month are auspicious. Shravan is considered the holiest month of the year. Each monday of this month, known as Shravana Somvar, is a special day in Shiva temples where the dharanatra hangs over the linga or the idol to bathe it with holy water, day and night. Devotees offer bilva patras and flowers on the siva lingum and fast till sunset. People have special anushthans of japa and puja-abhishek during the whole auspicious month.The nandadeep (24 hour lamp) burns steadily in the temples. In many temples on every monday of the Shravan month the shiva lingum and the temple of Lord Shiva are grandly and beautifully decorated. These decorations are known as Jhnakis which have a special theme each week depicting the leelas of Lord Shiva and his personality, Bhasma is also popularly used in such decorations. Not only human beings but nature also offers its oblation to Lord Shiva during this pious month. It is said that Indra Devata (The Rain God) by showering soft rains consistently during the entire month also does abhisheka of Lord Shiva. The swing or Jhoola or Dola or Hindola also have a special significance in the month of Shravan. Various deities are placed on ornamentally decorated swings. The swinging movement to and fro symbolizes a state of ecstasy and happiness that takes one away from the mundane world. Placing a deity on a swing is an act of veneration. Legend of Shravan Maas The legend speaking of the glory of the month of Shravan says that when the churning of the ocean - Samudra Manthan - took place in the month of Shravan, fourteen different types of rubies came out. Thirteen of these were distributed amongst the demons, except Halahal (poison). Lord Shiva drank the Halahal and stored it in his throat. Hence the name Neelkantha (meaning blue throat) is attributed to Shiva. To reduce the strong effect of poison, Lord Shiva wore the crescent moon on his head. All the Gods, thereafter started offering the Ganges water to Lord Shiva to lessen the effect of poison. This happened in the month of Shravana, since then the Shiva devotees offer the Ganges water in this month. Things to do during Shravan month • A person is greatly blessed by doing Japa of Om Namah Shivaya during this month. • Make offerings of Bilva leaves, Panchamrut (milk, yoghurt, clarified butter, honey and VedantaSandesh Sandesh- -July April2010 2009 Vedanta

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sugar) on Shiva Ling. • Reciting Shiv Stotras and bhajans. Reading the glories of Lord Shiva as in the scriptures like Shiva Purana. Attending satsang or discourses by Mahatmas at temples and ashrams. • Chanting the Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. • Fasting also has a great significance durin this month especially on mondays. Festivals in Shravan Month Shravan has a special importance as it ushers in a host of auspicious days and festivals like: Naga-Panchami, Kalkyavatara, Putradaikadashi, Hindola or Swinging, Narali Purnima, Shravani Purnima, Pavitraropana, Raksha Bandhan, Vara Lakshmi Vrata, Rishi Panchami, Govatsa and Bahula, Sitala Saptami, Janmashtami, Ajaikadasi, Pithori and Pola.

SONG OF RADHA I carried my curds to the Mathura fair… How softly the heifers were lowing… I wanted to cry, “Who will buy The curds that is white as the clouds in the sky When the breezes of Shravan are blowing?” But my heart was so full of your beauty, Beloved, They laughed as I cried without knowing: Govinda! Govinda! Govinda! Govinda! How softly the river was flowing! I carried the pots to the Mathura tide… How gaily the rowers were rowing! My comrades called, “Ho! Let us dance, let us sing And wear saffron garments to welcome the spring. And pluck the new buds that are blowing.” But my heart was so full of your music, Beloved, They mocked when I cried without knowing: Govinda! Govinda! Govinda! Govinda! How gaily the river was flowing! I carried my gifts to the Mathura shrine… How brightly the torches were glowing! I folded my hands at the altars to pray “O shining ones guard us by night and by day”And loudly the conch shells were blowing. But my heart was so lost in your worship, Beloved, They were wroth when I cried without knowing: Govinda! Govinda! Govinda! Govinda!

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Money, Credentials, Love‌? The people who make a difference‌ -Name the five wealthiest people in the world. -Name the last five recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. -Name the last five winners of the Miss World contest. -Name ten people who have won an Olympic Gold Medal. -Name the last five Academy Award winners for best actor and actress. How did you do? Who cares – the point is that none of us remember this stuff. These people are the best in their fields and yet the applause dies, awards sit on the shelf and achievements are forgotten. Here's another set of questions. See how you do with these: -Name two friends who have helped you through a tough time. -Name five people who have taught you something meaningful. -Name a teacher or mentor who made a difference in your life. -Think of a few people who always make you feel appreciated. -Name a couple of people whose stories have inspired you. -Think of five people you enjoy spending time with. Was this a little easier to complete? The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most money, the greatest credentials, or the biggest awards. They are the ones who genuinely care and remain in your heart and memory always.

Vedanta Sandesh - July 2010

Stories from Shiv Purana n o p e u .. c n . O e m a ti

Vedanta Sandesh - April 2009

Samudra Manthan Once Indra, the King of Devatas, while riding on an elephant, came across a sage named Durvasa who offered him a special garland. Indra accepted the garland, placing it on the trunk of the elephant. The elephant, irritated by the smell of the garland, threw it to the ground. This enraged the sage as the garland was a dwelling of Sri (fortune) and was to be treated as prasada. Durvasa Muni cursed Indra and all devas to be bereft of all strength, energy, and fortune. In the battles that followed this incident, Devas were defeated and Asuras (demons) led by king Bali gained control of the universe. Devas sought help from god Vishnu who advised them to treat asuras in a diplomatic manner. Devas formed an alliance with asuras to jointly churn the ocean for the nectar of immortality and to share it among them. However, Lord Vishnu told Devas that he would arrange that they alone obtain the nectar. The churning of the Ocean of Milk was an elaborate process. Mount Mandaranchal was used as the dasher (churning tool), and Vasuki, the king of serpents, became the churning rope. The gods held the tail of the snake, while the demons (Asuras) held its head, and they pulled on it alternately causing the mountain to rotate, which in turn churned the ocean. However, once the mountain was placed on the ocean, it began to sink. Vishnu in his second incarnation, in the form of a turtle Kurma, came to their rescue and supported the mountain on his back. During the Samudra Mathan by the gods and demons, a pot of poison, Halahala, also came out of the ocean. This terrified the gods and demons because the poison was so toxic that it might have destroyed all of creation. On the advice of Vishnu, gods approached Shiva for help and protection. Out of compassion for living beings, Shiva swallowed the poison and held it in his throat. It was so potent that it changed the color of Shiva's neck to blue. For this reason, he is also called Neelakantha (the black-necked one, Finally, Dhanvantari, the heavenly physician, emerged with a pot containing amrita, the heavenly nectar of immortality. Fierce fighting ensued between devas and asuras for the nectar. To protect the nectar from asuras, devas hid the pot of nectar at four places on the earth - Prayag (Allahabad), Haridwar, Ujjain and Nasik. At each of these places, a drop of the nectar spilled from the pot and it is believed that these places acquired mystical power. A Kumbh Mela is celebrated at the four places every twelve years for this reason. However, the Asuras eventually got hold of the nectar and started celebrating. Frightened, devas (demigods) appealed to Vishnu, who then took the form of Mohini. As a beautiful and enchanting damsel, Mohini distracted the asuras, took the amrita, and distributed it among the Devas, who drank it. One asura, Rahu, disguised himself as a deva and drank some nectar. Due to their luminous nature, the sun god Surya and the moon god Chandra noticed the switching of sides. They informed Mohini. But before the nectar could pass his throat, Mohini cut off his head with her divine discus, the Sudarshana Chakra. The head, due to its contact with the amrita, remained immortal. To gain revenge on the sun and moon for exposing this, the immortal head occasionally swallows the sun or the moon, causing eclipses. Then, the sun or moon passes through the opening at the neck, ending the eclipse. The story ends with the rejuvenated Devas defeating the asuras. Page Page##13 13

July’10 VM / VA Programs Sanyas Deeksha of Brni Divya, Russia:

Vedanta Mission / Ashram Programs

Brni. Divya Chaitanya was initiated into Sanyas Ashram by Poojya Guruji on 5th July 2010 at Devichy Gorki, 20 Kms outside the town of Balakova on the banks of River Volga. She is now Swamini Vidyananda Saraswati.

Vedanta Sandesh - July 2010

The entire ritual and initiation ceremony was conducted by Poojya Guruji himself. The cermonies began a day ealier on 4th July evening. First there was the Mundan, and then snana by various dravyas. Then followed the Prayaschitta Karmas, Yagnopavita, and the Viraja Homa. Next day early morning at 4.30 AM just when the twilight started, everyone went on the banks of Volga, and then Brni Divya went in the river, and left her old clothes and was given the new name & robes by Poojya Guruji. The final step is called Praisha Vidhi, where a person finally gives up everything to tread the path of Sanyas.

International Advaita Congress, Moscow: Poojya Guruji was invited at the 3rd International Advaita Congress held in Moscow from 14th to 17th July. On 15th was the birthday of Pilot Baba, and Poojya Guruji was also requested to speak a few words on the occasion. Swamini Vidyanandaji translated his talk into Russian. He also met the newly appointed Mahamandaleshwar Swami Vishnudevanandaji who is the main person behind this mega event. On 15th a special 2 hours Talk by Poojya Guruji was organized in one of the main halls of Meridian, the venue of Congress. The topic was Advaita is Freedom. Swamini Vidyanandaji translated the talk, sentence by sentence. Ending of the imaginary divide between the seeker & the sought amounts to awakening to Advaita and that alone is Moksha. The talk was very well received by various people.

Om Meditation at Advaita Congress, Moscow: On 16th July Poojya Guruji took another two hour session on Om based Meditation. Meditation in Vedanta is not to become quiet & thoughtless, but to awake to the timeless truth by realizing it to be our real Self. He revealed how Om is used at all the levels of Meditation, both for preparatory steps and the final contemplation. Long chant of Om incorporates all the benefits of Pranayama, then Om is seen as Sabda Brahman and Sopadhika Upasana is done to bring about a blessed & Sattvika mind. Thereafter the three matras of Om which stand for our three awasthas help us to do viveka and thus realize our real self. As the manifsted sound subsides the entire gamut of superimpositions also get negated and one is awake to that which is permanent. The matras and also the amatra together constitute the complete picture of the truth of Self.

July’10 VM / VA Programs Site-Seeing in Moscow:

Vedanta Mission / Ashram Programs

Swamini Vidyanandaji organized various site-seeing trips around Moscow for Poojya Guruji. Sammy and Andy Kotwani brothers provided all the necessary help and logistics. The group went to Gorky Park, Boat Ride on Moscow River, Kremlin, Red Square, St Basils Cathedral, Lenin’s Mausoleum, War Memorial, Moscow University, some City Malls with Ice-Skating Rinks etc. The impression of the city of Moscow is overall very good. It is clean, beautiful, with nice gardens & flower beds. It has prosperity, modern ameneties and facilities, and the people are warm, open and overall hospitable. In the picture here Poojya Guruji is seen with look-alike of Stalin and Lenin.

Chaturmas Program at Footi Kothi, Indore: This year Agrasen Dham Trust of Footi Kothi, have organized a four month long discourse series during the four months of Chaturmas. The program was inaugurated on Guru Poornima Day by Poojya Guruji. From 26th July. Poojya Swamini Samatanandaji started a week long Gyana Yagna there. She took Bhaja Govindam for the talk. The talks were received very well, inspite of some occasional inclement weather. Poojya Guruji had earlier introduced the subject by revealing the importance of the viveka of Sadhya & Sadhana. He told how the great Acharya was overcome with compassion when he saww on old man in the last phaseso of his life and who was studying Sankrit Grammar. He reveals the various Moha which distract a person and motivates them to keep an eye on God alone. Bhaja Govindam, Bhaja Govindam.

Sunderkand Chanting at Ashram, Indore: On 1st Aug an Akhand Patha of Sunderkand was organized at Vedanta Ashram by Sh Gulabchadra Vyasa and Party. The devotees assembeled at the Ashram by 4.00 PM and shortly started the devoted chanting. The chanting of this group is full of devotion, and they chant the chaupai’s in different tunes. The group is selfless, and is a very respected one in the city. They keep offering their services at least twice a year at the Vedanta Ashram. This is because Sh GC Vyasa is a disciple of Poojya Guruji. Sundarkand is very auspicious to chant, because it has description of two great devotees - Hanumanji and Vibhishan. One can revel in devotion in & through the challenges of life, while the other revels in devotion inspite of the various odds in very uncordial circumstances.

Check out the detailed Photo Albums of the various functions on VM News Blog at : Page # 15

Quotes "Nothing shows a man's character more than what he laughs at." -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe "An optimist laughs to forget, a pessimist forgets to laugh." -Unknown You laugh at me because I am different, but I laugh at you because you are all the same" Unknown "A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around" -Carolyn Birmingham "Laughter is the closest distance between two people."

-Victor Borge

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. Irish Proverb "Earth laughs in flowers."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should DANCE. -Anonymous "The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter" -Mark Twain

Vedanta Sandesh - July 2010

Forthcoming Programs

Chaturmas Discourses at Footi Kothi, Indore: This year Chaturmas Discourses are being conducted by Vedanta Ashram Mahatmas at Agrasen Dham (Footi Kothi). Poojya Guruji inaugurated the discourse series on Guru Poornima day, and thereafter Poojya Swamini Samatanandaji conducted a Gyana Yagna. Now Poojya Swamini Amitanandaji is conducting discourse series on Shiv Mahimna.

Poojya Guruji’s Trip to UK: Poojya Guruji and Poojya Swamini Samatanandaji will leave for a month long trip to UK on 27th Aug. First they will bless Kunal Thakrar on his marraige on 28th AUg, and then will have satsang at Reading, Bradford, Leeds and Loughborough. There will be various home visits and satsangs in the houses of various devotees too.

Gita Gyana Yagna at Hindu Temple, Welingborough: Poojya Guruji will conduct a Gita Gyana Yagna at Hindu Temple Wellingborough from 11th to 18th Sept. The discurses will be on Gita Chapter 3 (Karma Yoga). While these dscourses will be in Hindi, another session will be in the morning, where he will conduct classes in English for the english speaking crowd and youngsters.

Gita Gyana Yagna, Lucknow: Poojya Swami Amitanandaji will conduct a week-long discourse series at Hari om Mandir, at Lal Bag in Lucknow from 24th to 30th Sept. The texts of the morning and evening discourses will be announced soon.

Discourses at Laxmi Narayan Temple, Bradford: Poojya Guruji and Swamini Samataanandaji will visit the Northern Distt of UK in the last week of their stay there. He is likely to conduct discourses at Laxmi Narayan Temple, Bradford, Leeds, Middleborough and Newcastle.

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Hari om !

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Om Tat Sat

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