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December 2008

Volume IV Issue 3


Seasons Greetings From Us to You!

December 10, 2008

WHAT’S INSIDE Annual Christmas Forestry Seminar


Wood Centre Update


Hot Off the Press: “Invasive Species”


FSC Certification News: Limerick Community Forest gets certified!


Project Spotlight: Ecological Land Classification *Fieldwork*


Project Spotlight: Species at Risk *Presentation Offer*


What’s Been Happening: Forest Fair & lots else!


(U of Guelph)

Please Pre-Register with Mary @: 613-258-8421 Or

08:15 Registration and Coffee 09:00 Welcome by: Mayor Bill Gooch of North Grenville President of EOMF, Jim McCready Chair of CIF/OVS, David Barkley 09:15 to 09:25 Introduction: A Landowner and Forest Product Producer’s Perspective on Current Challenges Tom Richardson, Mazinaw-Lanark Forest Inc. 09:25 to 09:55 Wood: Fibre? Energy? Chemicals? Environmental Service? The Role of the Carbon Neutral Alliance. Mark Hubert, Vice President, Climate Change Leadership, Forest Products Association of Canada 09:55 to 10:15 Carbon Neutral Forest Product Future: Energy & Chemicals Randal Goodfellow, Ensyn Technologies 10:15 to 10:30


7 What’s Coming Up: Kemptville Winter Woodlot Conference & lots else! Partner & Affiliate News

Purvis Hall

Kemptville Campus

Moderator: Joseph Anawati Canadian Forest Service


$30.OO for Lunch

Coffee Break

10:30 t0 10:50 Green Building: and the Challenge of Sourcing Local Wood Christopher Simmonds 11:00 to 12:30 Panel Discussion of carbon neutral issues and changing markets by presenters, taking questions from the floor 12:30 onwards

Social with Cash Bar and Luncheon

Hot off the Press...

Wood Centre Update The mandate of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, in partnership with Natural Resources Canada’s Forest Communities Program, is to provide a platform for collaborative community efforts to promote and ensure sustainable forest communities.EOMF’s vision of ‘forests for seven generations’ is a sustainable landscape valued by all communities.

Invasive Species Management Options for the Ontario Landowner by Mike Richardson & Peter Neave

This colourful and informative 60 page guide includes the most current info on invasive plants, pests, and diseases that threaten the health of forests, lands, waters, and livestock. “This manual is meant to be used as a guide for landowners who are interested in how non-native species may be impacting their property.” Developed in partnership with the Ontario Woodlot Association & the Invasive Alien Species Partnership Program (GoC), this is part of the EOMF’s “Caring for Your Land” workshop series. Copies available through EOMF. Mike & Peter will be presenters at the Kemptville Winter Woodlot Conference! (see pg 7 for details)


For the past 4.5 years, we have been working closely with the Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal, other eastern Ontario communities, commercial, governmental and non-governmental supporters to bring to life the Ontario East Wood Centre & Eco-Industrial Park. This initiative is advancing quickly after a lot of hard work by advocates throughout Eastern Ontario. Our vision is "a best practices centre of excellence for wood fibrebased enterprise (solid wood, fibre, chemicals, energy) that brings together technology, science and entrepreneurship in support of the

rural economy of Ontario, sustainable forests and sustainable communities." A major breakthrough happened in September when Greenfield Ethanol confirmed that it intends to serve as ’anchor’ for the site. Greenfield paves the way for other tenant commitments. On December 5, 2008 the fall meeting of the Technical Advisory Group of the OEWC will be held at the Port of Prescott from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. We believe most strongly that rural Eastern Ontario is on the brink of some very interesting developments. In the coming months we will be calling on our political leaders for their input, encouragement and advocacy with respect to this important and innovative project. For more info please contact Brian Barkley, General Manager of the EOMF & Co-Chair of the Ontario East Wood Centre Steering Committee @ (613) 258-8424.

Envisioned as a world-scale value-added wood processing, marketing and exporting complex, the OEWC will run north from County Road 2 on about 50 acres of land within the 370-acre Edwardsburgh/Cardinal Industrial Park adjacent to the Port of Prescott.

EOMF Assists Limerick Community Forest in Achieving FSC Certification On June 21st, 2008 the Limerick Forest achieved Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification through the Forest Certification Program of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest (EOMF). Forest certification is a process designed to encourage the sustainable management of forests. The Eastern Ontario Model Forest holds the SmartWood issued Resource Management FSC Certificate on behalf of all partners in the Program. Upon certification, members of the program who have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the EOMF are permitted to use the Forest Stewardship Council logo to market their timber and promote their participation as Forest Stewardship Council Certified. Owners who meet the required standards will have their woodlots certified as “well-managed” providing assurance to both the woodlot owners and consumers of wood products that their forests are being well managed. Limerick Forest is a 5788-hectare community forest, owned and managed by the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville (UCLG). The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) was responsible for the planning and management of Limerick on behalf of UCLG from 1940 when the first red pine plantations were established until 2001 when MNR officially divested all management and administrative responsibilities for the forest. These responsibilities now rest with UCLG which has a Long Range Plan and a Twenty-year Management Plan in place to guide the future managment of the forest. Limerick Forest has multiple values in

addition to its traditional “timber” potential including diverse flora and fauna, wildlife habitat, groundwater preservation, soil and wind erosion protection and many recreational uses. Geoff McVey, Forest Manager for the United Counties of Leeds and Grenville comments on this achievement: “Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification of Limerick Forest provides the structure and guidelines to ensure that Limerick with all its diverse values will continue to be managed in a sustainable fashion. The use of these internationally accepted standards should go a long way towards ensuring the public that our community forest can in fact be managed to accommodate environmental, economic and social values on a long-term basis...”

“Limerick Forests has many ecological, intrinsic and socioeconomic values. The Limerick certification completes the strong network of certified community forests on the landscape of this region and this achievement will ensures the best long-term interest of the forest while taking into account the needs and interests of landowners and communities surrounding forests” said Brian Barkley, General Manager of the EOMF. The total land base the EOMF manages within the certificate is over 33,085 hectares including community forests, urban forests and private woodlots. The EOMF sees this program as a template that may be transferred to other parts of Ontario with similar landscapes.

For more information on the EOMF Forest Certification Program contact Scott Davis at (613) 258-8422 or

Look for the FSC logo on products produced from FSC certified forests in eastern Ontario!

Geoff McVey, Forest Manager for the United Counties of Leeds


Project Spotlight: Ecological Land Classification Into the Forest... by James PagĂŠ, Land Classification Specialist As a result of funding secured through the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, the EOMF set forth a field crew to carry out Ecological Land Classification (ELC). The initiative focused on classifying ecosystems on public lands within the ecodistrict of 6E-11, which includes a majority of Lanark county and Leeds and Grenville county as well as a small portion of the City of Ottawa. The ELC protocol is a provincially standardized method for gathering vegetation and soils information used to key out the surrounding ecosystem based on a 400 m2 plot. Our two person crew of ecosystem classification specialists spent the summer recording percent cover of dominant tree, shrub, and ground vegetation; tree heights and diameters; soil depth and type; moisture regime indicating how wet or dry the area is; and other onsite information. This season, our crew visited numerous blocks of crown land and completed 162 plots across the western part of the EOMF area. These efforts fall under a larger scope and are part of a project which encompasses many of our EOMF partners. In 2007/08 a digital mapping effort identifying the probable ecosystem type across the entire EOMF area was completed in conjunction with Spatialworks (based on a suit of information that has yet to be checked on the ground). The premise of the ELC project is to gather on the ground information to verify, support, and feed information back into the mapping product. We hope to be continuing on next summer with another field season and the possibility of adding more crews, with one focusing on the habitats of various Species at Risk. For information on the Ecological Land Classification Project contact James PagĂŠ at (613) 258-6587 or Rick Marcantonio at (613) 258-6567 James & Rick doing their fieldwork rain or shine.


Project Spotlight: Species at Risk EOMF Presentations Available... by Marie-France Noël, Species at Risk Outreach Intern Over the past several years, the topic ‘Species at Risk’ (SAR) has become a subject of greater interest in the media, and to the public. Many projects have been initiated in eastern Ontario to help conserve SAR species and their habitats, such as Bald Eagle nesting platforms and Butternut assessments. In response to this increased interest, the Eastern Ontario Model Forest has been offering presentations to interested groups on the topic of Species at Risk since October and will continue to do so until mid-February, 2009. Bald Eagle

The goals of these presentations are: 1) to offer the public information on the species at risk in our area and how to identify them; 2) to answer questions, and dispel myths about species at risk; 3) to encourage positive stewardship, and inspire audiences to become involved in their own communities.


If audiences are interested, there is also the opportunity to cover some background information on the new Ontario Species at Risk legislation. Also, applications are now being accepted for the third year of Ontario’s Species at Risk Stewardship Fund which supports volunteer efforts to protect and restore species at risk and their habitats across the province. The four-year Species at Risk Stewardship Fund is part of the Ministry of Natural Resources’ stewardship-first approach to species protection. The fund is available to landowners, farmers, Aboriginal peoples, academic institutions, industries, municipalities, conservation organizations and stewardship councils for eligible protection and recovery activities. Five million dollars in funding will be available for projects across the province in 2009-2010. The application deadline is end of business day, December 12, 2008. The application package is available online at

Monarch caterpillar

If you are interested in this type of presentation please contact Marie-France Noel, at 613-258-6587, or

SAR photo’s by Simon Lunn


What’s Been Happening... Here’s a snapshot of some of the activities we’ve been up to over the past few months... The EOMF helped raise awareness and celebrate National Forest Week from September 22 – 28 in a few significant ways this year. Brian Barkley, our General Manager, was invited by hosts NRCan-CFS to make a presentation. That week Brian also participated in the National BioProducts Strategy Consultation which was designed to garner input on bioproducts and build a network. As is now the custom, the EOMF also helped to organize, co-host, and sponsor the increasingly popular and multi-faceted Eastern Ontario Forest Fair which was held again in Kemptville on September 27. Also during National Forest Week we had the opportunity to follow through on our commitment towards international outreach when Scott Davis, our Forest Certification Program Manager hosted an international delegation as part of the IUFRO Extension and Technology Transfer Workshop. Scott conducted one of his engaging field tours in Mattawa-Pettawawa. Last but not least the EOMF acknowledged the efforts of one of its key partners, the Larose Forest by presenting Achille Drouin and his colleagues with a special certificate to commemorate its 80th Year Celebration – sorry we missed the party on September 27 and congratulations Larose!


On October 4, in keeping with Scott Davis’s quest to advance the EOMF’s Forest Certification initiative, he delivered one of his informative presentations at the Renfrew Contry Woodlot Conference. The invasive and persistent Emerald Ash Borer was the topic of conversation on October 8th at the EAB Training Workshop held in Ottawa. The Regional Forest Health Working Group gave everyone a Forest Health Update in Kemptville on October 28. To wind-up the City of Ottawa’s public consultations on urban trees and policy options, they hosted their final workshop amidst a beautifully presented Tree Celebration at the Museum of Nature on November 1st. To show support for this effort to develop wise tree conservation practices in the urban environment, and to raise awareness of the Urban Tree Network that EOMF also supports, Melanie Williams (our new Communications & Outreach Coordinator) minded our booth and networked with the handful of other key partners that exhibited. On November 19, EOMF played cohost and helped the Sustainable Forest Management Network to organize the Forest Futures Project Workshop led by Professor Peter Druiker of the SFMN. Peter designed a number of scenarios that he used to engage his audience in much discussion around the topic of the workshop which was Alternative Futures for Canada’s Forests and Forest Sector.

FOREST FAIR OF EASTERN ONTARIO A BIG HIT! Well for those of you that missed it—the annual Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario, held at the Ferguson Forest Centre in Kemptville on September 27 (during National Forest Week), was packed with lots of interesting things to see and do for the whole family! Wandering through the Fair one could spot the ‘classic’ forestoriented mainstays alongside some new vendors and activities many of which were coordinated by Wendy Chapman of the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce. Their Home Show, Wine & Food Tasting and Chili Cook-Off were a welcome addition as was Y101 and CFRA who were broadcasting live. Thank you Wendy! Scott Davis and auctioneer Ken Finnerty once again facilitated the ‘biggest and best log and lumber auction in Ontario’, with 1000’s of boardfeet being sold to hobbyists and home renovators looking for a bargain on that ideal piece of wood. An on-site sawmill was handy for more custom cutting. Many thanks to Ken Blair and his stalwart Belgian draft horses who delighted passengers again this year as they guided them along the scenic pathways of the Ferguson Forest Centre, and to Jim Davis who hosted little kids on his miniature B&H Train around the site! As always several artisans were demonstrating their handiwork including Richard David of the Mohawk Community at Akwesasne who showed how beautiful baskets are made from black ash trees; Dave McCormick and Brian McFadden brought blocks of

wood to life with their incredible carving; local photographers, quilters, and crafters had ’forestinspired’ displays - like Wade Knight with elegant wood pens. As always, there were many educational displays from the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, local Stewardship Councils, Conservation Authorities, and other organizations promoting forest conservation and resource management. The ‘Tree Doctor’, Dr. Richard Wilson from MNR, helped visitors diagnose sick trees (from bark sample & photo’s) inflicted with pests or disease, and suggest remedies whenever possible Mary Humphries, Andrea Howard, and Yvonne Holmes kept kids engaged and curious with a host of indoor and outdoor activities while local musicians kept the atmosphere lively and the Kemptville Lion’s & Rotary barbeque kept the air smelling yummy! Cudo’s also to John Wilson and Ed Patchell of the Ferguson Forest Centre as well as Colleen Morris-Wilson and Sally Hamilton of the Friends of the Ferguson Forest Centre who were critical in preparing the site, and coordinating the involvement of so many interesting exhibitors and generous sponsors—well done! The Friends also ensured everyone seeking out a great cup of coffee and homemade cookies were not disappointed!

What’s ComingUp... The Events Roster What: Annual Christmas Forestry Seminar (Details on page 1) What: 2009 Kemptville Winter Woodlot Conference Date & Time: Wednesday, February 18 from 9:00 – 3:00pm Place: Kemptville College Theme: “What’s New…” The next Kemptville Winter Woodlot Conference is shaping up to be an interesting event that explores ‘What’s New’ from a variety of forestrelated perspectives. Subject-matter experts will be updating an audience of primarily private and community woodlot owners on Emerging & Alternative Markets for their products, current Afforestation options and programs, Species at Risk, and Invasive Species to watch out for. Concurrent sessions in the afternoon will highlight specific SAR and Invasives and go into more depth about them. The Exhibit Hall will showcase a select group of organizations that focus on, work in, or provide services to the forest sector in Eastern Ontario. Everyone is welcome to attend! For sponsorship or exhibit opportunities please contact Melanie Williams @ or @ 613-258-8365. Our website will be updated as more sponsors, exhibitors, and details are confirmed. What: Ottawa Valley Farm Show Date & Time: March 17—19, 2009 Place: Landsdowne Park, Ottawa Theme: Ontario's longest running agricultural trade show. From the beginning, it has been organized by farmers for farmers on a non-profit basis. Visit: What: Ontario Woodlot Association AGM & Conference Date & Time: March 28, 2009 Place: Acton, ON Theme: 16th Annual—Our Forests—Our commitment to Stewardship. Plan to attend this premier event for woodlot owners. Complete conference details will be added to our website soon or visit:

Last but not least, thank you to all of our sponsors and incredible volunteers who help make this annual Forest Fair possible in our community. See you next year!


Partner & Affiliate News The Canadian Model Forest Network will be hosting an intensive series of internal ‘Network’ing Meetings from January 13-15th, 2009 at the Courtyard Marriott in Ottawa. All 14 model forest member Presidents, Board Representatives, General Managers and their Communicators will (hopefully) be in attendance to deliberate over a broad range of important and pertinent issues, collaborate, and network. On January 14, our day’s work will culminate in a CMFN Reception & FCP Recognition Toast to officially acknowledge our partnership with the Forest Communities Program of Natural Resources Canada. Dignitaries and other invited guests will be joining us for a relaxed yet informative meet and greet over wine, hor d’oeuvres, a few speeches, and a silent slideshow showcasing all OF Canada’s model forests.

The inaugural Tri-Valley Conservation Awards Gala Committee thanked thirteen community volunteers and groups as vital parts of the conservation team in Eastern Ontario. In October, more than 100 people from the Mississippi, Rideau and South Nation watersheds gathered in the Rideau Valley Conservation Centre in Manotick to congratulate them on their environmental achievements. First and second place winners in the following categories were recognized: Intermediate/High Schools 1 St Michael Catholic High School, Kemptville 2 Fisher Park Public School, Ottawa College/University

1 Dr Frances Pick, University of Ottawa


1 Tom Manley, Berwick

Community Groups

1 Otty Lake Association, Perth 2 Dundas Environmental Awareness Group, South Mtn


1 Gaston Patenaude, Berwick 2 Michael Walters, Ottawa


1 Ottawa Region Media Group 2 Long Island Marine, Kars


1 Township of Lanark

The winning projects of all the finalists are described on the Gala Program which is The next Tri-Valley available for viewing on the RVCA website at Conservation Awards are scheduled for the fall of 2010 and everyone will be welcome to nominate their best and favourite environmental volunteers once again.

What is a Model Forest? A Model Forest is a partnership which brings together diverse groups and individuals - government, industry, First Nations, NGOs, academia, communities into working partnerships which do not sacrifice one interest for another. Model Forests research, develop, test and share practices which lead to sustainable landscape management. There are 14 Model Forest sites across Canada. The Canadian Model Forest Network is a dynamic network which facilitates the sustainable management of forest-based communities and stewardship of forest landscapes for all Canadians.

Congratulations All!

Forestry Forum is a publication of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest, a proud member of the Canadian Model Forest Nework. Aussi disponible en français.

Please send comments, articles, and details concerning submission deadlines to: Melanie Williams, Editor Forestry Forum c/o Eastern Ontario Model Forest 10 Campus Drive, P.O. Bag 2111 Kemptville, Ontario, K0G 1J0


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