Volume IV Issue 2
WHAT’S INSIDE . . . Species at Risk Initiatives a Great Success!
Wood Centre Update
In Loving Memory of a Dear Friend, Craig Huff, R.P.F.
EOMF Achieves FSC Stamp of Approval Second Time Running!
FSC Certified Maple Syrup to Hit the Shelves!
EOMF Assists Lanark Country Community Forest in Achieving FSC Certification
Canadian Model Forest Network Finds New Home
The Events Roster
A spring peeper finds its voice! ~ Photo courtesy of Simon Lunn ~
Spring 2008 Species at Risk Initiatives a Great Success! Late last fall, three new faces arrived at the EOMF office to begin work on two species at risk (SAR) initiatives aimed at improving SAR protection and management in eastern Ontario. Funded by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, the first would increase SAR awareness using a grassroots approach by promoting SAR through public outreach and education; the second would improve our knowledge of the location of SAR on the landscape in the region by collecting SAR observations from various sources. Heather Lunn spearheaded the Outreach and Education Program on Species at Risk by delivering a series of presentations, beginning the long-term process of increasing awareness and knowledge and promoting SAR stewardship. The presentations were directed at specific sectors of the population including landowners, conservation organizations, service clubs, students and other interest groups, and focused on encouraging positive stewardship and inspiring people to become involved. “It is critical that accurate information be provided to rural landowners in an easy-to-understand manner through their own forums and that this information is consistent and supported by a broad range of local organizations,” says Lunn. These presentations have been added to existing workshop materials on SAR in Ontario as part of
the Caring for Your Land Workshop Series, developed by the EOMF. Updates to the SAR workshop include seven modules, and six separate presentations adapted for different audiences including handouts as well as a plain language guidebook discussing current issues, concerns and legislative changes. These materials will be made available online via the EOMF website.
Elysia Brunet and Rick Marcantonio headed the Species at Risk Data Mining Project, focused on collecting previously recorded SAR observations that have not been submitted to the Natural Heritage Information Centre’s (NHIC) Biotics Database. Currently, NHIC’s Biotics Database is the principal source for SAR information in Ontario and is used as a tool in the municipal planning process to identify sensitive features on the landscape. Engaging the EOMF’s network of partners, the team contacted over 56 organizations and individuals ranging from conservation authorities and Continued on Page 2...