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Fall 2009

Volume V Issue 2



Five months into it and the Eastern Ontario Model Forest’s new General Manager is settling into the job, reviewing major files and reaching out to long-standing partners in sustainable forestry. It helps that the duties aren’t completely foreign to him. Mark Richardson was with the EOMF for seven years before being seconded to Environment Canada for two years to work in its invasive species policy unit.

Fall Greetings

WHAT’S INSIDE Mark Richardson Settles in as New General Manager


Message from Mark


Hot Off the Press: Regional Forest Health Network: EAB Fact Sheet


Feature: Emerald Ash Borer on the Move in Ottawa


Project Spotlight: Forest Certification


Project Spotlight: ELC Winds Up


Wood Centre Update


Project Spotlight: Herpetofaunal Atlas Update


EOMF Bursary Winners


What’s Been Happening: Event & Meeting Highlights


Event Roster


Christmas Forestry Seminar Preliminary Agenda


Mark doesn’t plan to veer dramatically from the course set by predecessor Brian Barkley and the board of directors, but to refine the process and move it forward. Brian was bid a fond farewell during the EOMF’s annual gathering held at Temple’s Sugar Bush in Lanark County. As EOMF’s founding general manager, Brian was thanked and received accolades for his years of dedication to the cause. He promised to remain close by and to provide his expertise whenever requested. The meeting was also an occasion to hand out major awards: Maple expert Dave Chapeskie earned the prestigious Ross Silversides Forestry Award, and Hans Ottens, a member of the EOMF forest science committee, got the Heartwood Award for exceptional volunteer contribution. Long -standing and newly retired Board members, Kerry Coleman and Jim Gilmour, were also recognized for years of support and dedication to the cause. Mark observed that a priority is to rev up some of the EOMF’s outreach projects as well he listed ongoing forest certification, pest management, forest rehabilitation and expansion, and education and information dissemination as major EOMF priorities. This fall Mark is undertaking a policy and priority review with the Board.

The 2008-2009 EOMF ANNUAL REPORT is now available. For your copy drop by the office; email us at to request snail mail; or visit online: 20Report%202008-2009_Final.pdf

Hot off the Press

Message From Mark General Manager, EOMF Hello Everyone! Well, after a two year secondment to work with Environment Canada on their invasive alien species file, it is great to be back again with the EOMF.

Regional Forest Health Network produces new EAB Fact Sheet entitled “Information for Woodlot Owners To view or obtain a copy visit our website @ or Click Here. As our Feature article describes, the Emerald Ash Borer has recently been discovered in the City of Ottawa. Although the City has been proactive and responsive in its efforts to sponsor scientific research, mitigate its spread, take action on disposal, and educate its urban residents on the pest—circumstances and recommended actions for rural residents are somewhat different. The RFHN has compiled this Fact Sheet designed to highlight the facts and actions woodlot owners can take to combat the EAB. It also lists all relevant regional contacts. For more Q&A on EAB visit


Over my absence, I have really missed connecting with the many landowners, board members and staff that make the Model Forest a great organization to be a part of. Many of you are aware that my role here has changed dramatically and I have moved from my old position as Project Forester, across the hall and into Brian Barkley’s office to take on the exciting and challenging responsibilities as General Manager. I am both thrilled and a little daunted by this. When I come to work in the morning I sometimes still have to think about just which office I need to walk into. I guess old habits are hard to break because for the past 10 years I have been walking into Brian’s office for advice. Brian has been a mentor of mine since I joined the EOMF. I am very grateful for the support and coaching he has provided me over these years and it is safe to say that I would not be sitting in this office if it were not for him. He is missed at the Model Forest by everyone and I find myself often wondering how we can keep Brian ‘plugged in’ at some level. We hope that perhaps when he’s had some time to enjoy his retirement he will continue to remain connected with us. The Model Forest has seen some changes over the past two years but we are very lucky to have a core

staff group now that collectively has over 40 years experience with the organization – that is quite remarkable when you think about it. I am very happy to be working with such experienced and knowledgeable colleagues who are so committed to the EOMF and share a common vision for the forests, wetlands and natural areas of Eastern Ontario and beyond. The Model Forest also has a very strong Board of Directors and Special Advisors who I will be leaning on for support and guidance in the months to come. We are about half way through the Forest Communities Program now and one of my most important tasks thus far has been to work with members, staff, partners and the Board to take a good look at where we have been, where we are now, and where we are going. It is very important that we have a good grasp of what we need to do to succeed under this program while at the same time remaining true to our traditional Model Forest ideals. And finally, a note to our members and partners; over the next few months I will continue to speak with may of you about the Model Forest but please do not hesitate to give me a call or drop me a line. I would be very interested in hearing your opinions on just how we are doing. To this end, I wish you a very good fall. Cheers for now! Mark 613 258-8424

Feature: Emerald Ash Borer on the Move in Ottawa Source:

What EAB does

Slowing the Spread of EAB

Background & Update

Emerald ash borers normally have a one-year life cycle but some can take up to two years to mature. EAB lays it eggs on tree bark and in bark crevices starting in late May.

Residents play a key role in limiting the spread of EAB. The invasive species does not travel far during its life. Although the insect can fly, the greatest threat in spreading EAB is the movement of infested materials such as firewood, logs, branches, nursery stock, wood chips or other ash products.

The Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was discovered in Ottawa in 2008 within the St. Laurent Boulevard and Highway 417 area. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has taken action to limit the spread of Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) by issuing a ministerial order to prohibit movement of firewood, and ash-tree products such as nursery stock, logs, branches and wood chips from areas of Ottawa and Gatineau to any other surrounding regions.

About the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) Emerald ash borer is a non-native, highly destructive wood-boring beetle that feeds under the bark of ash trees (Fraxinus spp.). All species of ash are susceptible to attack, except mountain ash (Sorbus spp.), which is not an ash species. EAB has killed millions of ash trees in Ontario and many parts of the United States. It poses a major economic and environmental threat to urban and forested areas across Canada and the U.S.

In its larva form, which resembles a caterpillar, emerald ash borer feeds in an S-shaped pattern just under the bark of ash trees. This feeding disrupts the tree’s transportation of water and nutrients. The presence of even a few insects in one tree can completely cut off a tree’s transport system, effectively killing it. Top branches of ash trees usually die off first. In fact, trees can lose half its branches in a single year. Once larvae finish feeding under the bark, they mature into adult beetles that chew their way out of the tree through Dshaped exit holes. Infested ash trees in North America generally die after two to three years, but heavily infested trees have been observed to die after one year of beetle attack.

Since first being reported in 2002, EAB has spread across Canada and the northern United States killing millions of ash trees, all accelerated by the movement of ash products by humans. In many instances, people move these items with no knowledge that they are infested since EAB hides below the bark where it can’t be seen. Residents are urged:

 Not to move firewood out of Ottawa and Gatineau or into adjacent communities

 Be aware of regulations for firewood and ash products

 Not to bring firewood to your cottage or campsites

EAB was first noticed in North America in June 2002 in Michigan. It has since crossed the border into Canada, affecting many cities in southwestern Ontario. Since that time the beetle has been found in many municipalities in Ontario. Most of these new findings are linked to human-assisted movement of EAB. Since the insect spends most of its lifecycle under the bark of trees, it can be easily moved with firewood or other tree materials such as nursery stock, logs, brush and larger wood chips.

 To buy your firewood locally and know where your firewood originates

 To obey all ministerial orders issued by the federal government Photo courtesy of David Michigan State University


Researchers indicate that the Emerald Ash Borer cannot be eradicated from North America.

 To remember, even after an infested tree has been cut down, the EAB continues to live in the wood Story cont’d on page 6...


Project Spotlight: Forest Certification by Scott Davis, EOMF

Eastern Ontario Model Forest Assists Renfrew County Forest in Achieving Forest Stewardship Council Certification The recent Renfrew County Forest certification strengthens the network of certified forests in eastern Ontario. The EOMF certificate also includes two groups of private landowners, community forests and urban forests totaling nearly 40,000 hectares.

Through the Forest Certification Program of the Eastern Ontario Model Forest Renfrew County Forest has recently achieved Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certification through SmartWood, an independent auditor. The FSC is an international, membership-based, non-profit organization that supports environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests. Mark Richardson, General Manager of the EOMF outlined the importance of the certification: “Renfrew County Forest has a high use rate and is a forest that has many values – such values range from timber production and recreational enjoyment to hunting opportunities and nature appreciation for local residents. The Renfrew County Forest certification will complement a strong network of existing certified forests forming on the landscape of eastern Ontario.” Renfrew County Forest is a 6,400 hectare county owned forest comprised of 51 tracts that include wetlands, natural forest, and a network of managed plantations. In 2000, Renfrew County took full responsibility for managing the forest through the Development and Property Department. 4

The County’s goal for the forest is to maintain a “working forest” that is managed properly to provide economic, social and recreational benefits to the residents of Renfrew County.

The EOMF views this program as a framework that can be transferred and adopted to other parts of Ontario with similar landscapes.

Renfrew County Forestry Manager Jeff Muzzi views the County Forest certification as an important tool to implement sustainable forest management. “Independent international standards are accountable and ensure credible forest management activities for the residents of the County. We felt it was important to demonstrate that Renfrew County Forest was being managed to a world class standard and could provide FSC certified wood to local mills that might lead to marketing opportunities for these facilities.”

Renfrew County Forestry Manager Jeff Muzzi and friend

For more information on the EOMF forest certification Program contact Scott Davis at (613) 258-8422 or

ELC Project Winds Up

Update: The Ontario East Wood Centre & Eco-Industrial Park

The final report for the recent project entitled: Ecological Land Classification and Species at Risk Habitat Verification: Validating Landscape Based Model for SAR Recovery is complete.

Monumental effort on the part of Brian Barkley and others, continues to steer us toward the realization of the OEWC & EIP vision: an integrated business community for wood products, processes and by-products: production, advanced training, research, development and demonstration. This truly a creative approach to a balanced wood based bio-economy.

Above and beyond providing an accurate theoretical model of potential species at risk, the practical utility of this project is invaluable in the way it has contributed to the knowledge base of species at risk, and built upon the information previously collected in the field defining additional ecosystems in eastern Ontario. Through the rigorous process undertaken to derive accurate models of habitat suitability, EOMF is providing crucial information highlighting hotspots of species at risk habitat on the landscape in eastern Ontario. Using updated vegetation mapping and habitat survey information, gained during this past field season, the confidence in the models and therefore the location of species at risk on the landscape is greatly improved. These products will be invaluable when considering future management and restoration initiatives for SAR within eastern Ontario. Regardless, further fieldwork is required to gather the complete dataset needed to carry out sufficient analysis of the mapping and subsequent models.

With funding from the Regional Eastern Ontario Development Fund and support from our many partners throughout eastern Ontario and Northern New York, Doyletech Corporation is working diligently on bringing prospective tenants to the EIP. Inquiries about several wood related initiatives are increasing weekly with six serious on-site visits to date. Connections with the University of Toronto Faculty of Forestry are strong and expanding with graduate students under the guidance of Dr. Sally Krigstin doing invaluable research that is filling the gaps in knowledge about biomass characteristics and availability. The Steering Committee of the OEWC was most pleased to attend a meeting at the Port of Prescott with representatives of the Township, the EOMF and the civil, chemical and mechanical engineering departments of Queen’s University. Several areas of potential co-operation were identified and are now underway. The Queen’s Business School consulting service is currently preparing the business plan for the Wood Science Innovation Centre. A key factor in the surge in interest has been the federal and provincial governments’ announcement of approval of the $34 million rehabilitation of the Port of Prescott. The EOMFs key partner, Township of Edwardsburgh/ Cardinal is the owner of the Port and their share of the improvements will come from the Port enterprise itself, not from the tax payers of the Township. On March 7, 2009 the EOMF, Queen’s and MNR partnered on a discovery session delving into the urgent nature of a forest biomass inventory for Eastern Ontario that would be essential for not only economic development initiatives but also for modeling, commercialization, research, development of appropriate short rotation sites, climate change and public policy. is a good place to start if you seek more information or contact Sandra Lawn, Project Leader @ 613-925-5568.


Project Spotlight: Herpetofaunal Atlas by Oliver Reichl, EOMF

With funding from the Species at Risk Stewardship Fund, the EOMF has initiated a Herpetofaunal Atlas that focuses on the reptiles and amphibians of eastern Ontario. Throughout 2009 and 2010, we are asking landowners, citizens, and visitors to submit simple records of sightings within the EOMF. Volunteers will be able to submit sightings, or frog calls, via an online form, downloadable spreadsheet, mail-in cards, and/or as photographic records...details to follow. All participants will have their contributions acknowledged in the final atlas. There are ten “at risk” reptile species and one "at risk" amphibian whose ranges include some or all of our area. Such quantitative knowledge is essential if we wish to enhance or maintain the habitat (s) of these creatures and identify changes in the status or distribution of their populations over time.

PHOTO CONTEST To encourage the submission of photo records, a photo contest will run throughout each field season (April-October) and both monthly and annual prizes will be awarded!

Grand Prizes: 1. 2.

ACDSee Pro 2.5 software Wooden wrist watch (M/L)

Monthly Prizes: 1. Reptile calendar 2. Field Guide to Reptiles & Amphibians of Ontario

For complete contest details, data submission guidelines, or other atlas-related information, please contact: “Ribbet”: Eastern Ontario Model Forest All contest P.O. Bag 2111, 10 Campus Drive entries must be Kemptville, ON, K0G 1J0 accompanied by a Tel: (613) 258-8241 data submission to Email: the atlas!


EAB Cont’d (from page 3) Failure to obey a ministerial order can further put our forests at risk, and could also lead to prosecution and fines. You can also help to slow the spread by learning to identify EAB and ash trees and reporting suspected outbreaks of EAB.

Regional Forest Health Network (RFHN) Focuses on Rural Residents The EOMF is a central player in the RFHN, a partnership of many regional organizations that meet periodically to discuss issues and take strategic action to protect and promote the health of our forest. Jim McCready, President of the EOMF, is also the Chair of the RFHN. The arrival and slowing of the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer across Eastern Ontario is top of mind for the RFHN and, thanks to the design support of the City of Ottawa Communications Department, it has recently produced the EAB Fact Sheet entitled Information for Woodlot Owners. Please refer to page 2 of this newsletter for an overview and details on how to obtain a copy. The RFHN will continue to work with the City of Ottawa to develop, upload and distribute communications materials and tools, tailored to rural resident and woodlot owners, among its regional partners and on the central EAB website:

EOMF Bursary Award Winners For several years now EOMF has supported two local high schools in recognizing exemplary students who have taken action and made a difference related to environmental causes. Just before year-end award ceremonies each school selects one student who will be honoured with the Eastern Ontario Model Forest Environmental Award. We then engrave two attractive plaques and also present each student with a $100 cheque to recognize their valuable contributions. This past June, St. Michael Catholic High School named Kyra Springer. They said ‘Kyra played an integral part in analysing, organizing and executing action plans that were set in place for the school year. Ultimately, these initiatives resulted in the awarding of a silver certification for St. Mike's by Ontario EcoSchools. Kyra diligently attended EcoSchool team meetings and was an energetic and visible advocate for 'green' practices. She consistently and passionately spread the message of responsible stewardship, not only in the school community, but in the wider community as well.” After graduation, Kyra plans to attend the Carleton School of Journalism. North Grenville District High School awarded to Tim Harding. Tim sent us an appreciative thank you note and plans to continue to focus on environmental pursuits.

Highlights: Recent Events & Meetings In May, EOMF hosted t h e i r Annual General Meeting at Temples Sugar Bush Restaurant, some of the highlights of which are described on page 1. In June, the EOMF hosted a visit at the request of the New York State Region 6 Forest Practice Board. This Transborder Regional Forestry Meeting enabled us to orient our neighbours to the modus operandi and benefits of the model forest framework in bringing together diverse stakeholders that share similar missions and objectives to work on regional forest-centric issues, problems and challenges. We also outlined several of our major initiatives and projects. We have been asked to make a similar presentation in their neck of the woods. In July, EOMF co-exhibited with Lanark Stewardship Council and other partners at the annual Art of Being Green Conference held in Middleville, Lanark. Elizabeth Holmes and Dave Neave travelled to Calgary in July to give EOMF a presence, alongside the Canadian Model Forest Network, at the National Stewardship Conference. Scott Davis and Mark Richardson passed along EOMF’s maple forest certification messaging to woodlot owners at the Ontario Maple Syrup Producer’s Association Summer Tour and Conference in Perth.

In September, Mark Richardson, Scott Davis, and Sandra Lawn managed our booth and imparted information on the Wood Centre, Community Forest Certification, EAB, and other EOMF initiatives to senior bureaucrats and politicians attending the annual Ontario East Municipal Conference. Saturday, September 26th was a big day for EOMF as it partnered with the Ferguson Forest Centre and the North Grenville Chamber of Commerce to host the 12th annual Forest Fair of Eastern Ontario. A packed exhibit hall and forest-themed quilt display complemented the outdoor attractions which included the ever-popular Log & Lumber Auction, the tried and true Belgian horse tours of the FFC tree nursery, wood carving and dog demo’s, kids games, toetapping live music and fragrant barbequed food. A new ‘flair to the fair’ was apparent with the addition of 20 new 8’ flags identifying the different venues. A special thanks to Sally Hamilton and John and Colleen Wilson for the countless volunteer hours they contributed to help make this event yet another success! We are thankful to our esteemed Board member, Achille Drouin, who on October 13 trekked to Quebec City to represent EOMF at the prestigious international, invitation-only Organization for Economic and Community Development (OECD) Rural Development Conference.


Christmas Forestry Seminar Preliminary Agenda FOREST HEALTH What does it mean for eastern Ontario landowners? 1. The Regional Forest Health Network: working together to achieve forest health objectives. 2. How are landowners affected by EAB and what should they do about it? 3. What are the implications of invasive species [plants/animals] for forest biodiversity? 4. Can we use landscape management tools to identify forest habitats at risk? 5. How do we manage 'species at risk'? 6. Can payment for Ecological Goods & Services serve as a tool to address forest health questions?

What’s Coming Up? What: Chinese Delegation Visits EOMF and Ferguson Forest Centre Date & Time: October 26, 2009 Place: Ferguson Forest Centre Details: Click here for Agenda What: Canadian Model Forest Network—Board & GM Meetings Date & Time: November 4-7, 2009 Place: Nanaimo, BC Details: Internal meetings What: Ottawa Woodworking Show Date & Time: November 27-29, 2009 Place: Lansdowne Park, Ottawa Visit: Click here What: 2009 National Pest Management Forum Date & Time: December 1—3, 2009 Place: Gatineau, QC Details: Click here What: Christmas Forestry Seminar Date & Time: Wednesday, December 16 2009 from 9:00—1:00pm Place: Purvis Hall, Kemptville Campus, Kemptville Details: Refer to column on left What: Winter Woodlot Conference Date & Time: February, 2010 Place: WB George Centre, Kemptville Campus, Kemptville Details: Check our website in the coming months for info. To get the most current listing and details around Upcoming Events check our website at

Lunch: 12:00-1:00 Afternoon: Networking Cost: $30—includes hot turkey buffet lunch, morning coffee and baked goodies Registration: Please call Mary @ 613.258-8241 or email her @

Forestry Forum is a publication of the Please send comments and articles to: Eastern Ontario Model Forest, a proud member of the Canadian Model Melanie Williams, Editor Forest Nework. Forestry Forum ISSN 1201-3978 c/o Eastern Ontario Model Forest 10 Campus Drive, P.O. Bag 2111 The Eastern Ontario Model Forest Kemptville, Ontario, K0G 1J0 gratefully acknowledges the support of Phone: (613) 258-8365 The Eastern Ontario Model Forest gratefully acknowledges the support of Natural Resources Canada through E-mail: Natural Resources Canada through the the Canadian Forest Service’s Web site: Canadian Forest Service’s Forest Communities Program. Forest Communities Program.


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