Bushwalking & Activities Program

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Summer 2016–17

BUSHWALKING AND ACTIVITIES PROGRAM SUMMER 2016–17 In this Summer 2016–17 program you will find a great mix of activities to choose from including bushwalks and urban walks, excursions, camps and social nights. Once you’ve had a read through the program and have found an activity or activities you’re interested in, follow the steps below to make a booking.

HOW TO JOIN IN THE ACTIVITIES BOOKING A WALK OR ACTIVITY • Contact the activity leader about 2-3 weeks, but not more than one month, before the trip, unless early booking is indicated in the program. Leader phone numbers are generally home numbers and calls should be made in the evening on weeknights before 9:00pm or on weekends. Please remember that all leaders are volunteers. • When booking, indicate your name, telephone number, personal emergency contact number, and whether you are interested in car sharing. If contacting a leader by email, put the email subject as “BWAG <walk name>” • If you are unknown to the leader, s/he will discuss with you your fitness, equipment and experience to undertake the activity you have chosen, or they can recommend another activity that is more suited to your ability. Persons under 18 cannot be accepted unless accompanied by an adult. • Leaders will not accept early bookings – it increases the chances of cancellations and it is unfair to those who follow the guidelines. Leaders will limit numbers on a trip to comply with our Minimal Impact Bushwalking Policy and safety considerations. • Please read the Activity Descriptions table before booking a trip. • Non-members are welcome on trips. They must be booked in with the leader and may attend three trips before it is necessary to join the VNPA. • To book a NatureWatch activity, please email the NatureWatch Coordinator (christinec@vnpa.org.au) and include your phone number. Bookings for NatureWatch activities can be made at any time. • Keep updated with activity changes by subscribing to the VNPA monthly Bushwalking, Event and Activities email update. Subscribe via www.updates.vnpa.org.au.

FEES The activity leader will collect fees, with the money used to pay for general BWAG expenses, printing the walks program, and VNPA conservation activities. Attendance fees per day are: Member Visitor Annual Pass* NatureWatch

Adult $5 $9 $50 Free

Child (U16) $2 $3 $20 Free

Family $10 $20 $100 Free

* Available from the VNPA Office. The fee for multi-day activities will not exceed a three day fee.

BOOT WASHING – DIEBACK THREAT Dieback is caused by Pytophthora cinnamomi, a plant disease that lives in the soil. Clean your boots with a 70% methylated spirits/water solution immediately after completing your bushwalking activity. 2

VICTORIAN NATIONAL PARKS ASSOCIATION (VNPA) The Victorian National Parks Association is Victoria's leading nature conservation organisation. It is an independent, non-profit, membership-based group that exists to protect Victoria's unique natural environment and biodiversity through the establishment and effective management of national parks, conservation reserves and other measures. The Bushwalking and Activities Group (BWAG) is part of the VNPA and its committee of volunteers prepares and coordinates the activities in this program. Nature Watch is a VNPA community engagement and citizen science program that brings together community groups, scientists and land managers to develop and manage projects that get volunteers out into the field monitoring native plants and animals.

BWAG CONTACTS Convener: Terese Dalman 0413 234 130 vnpabwag.convener@gmail.com Treasurer/Trip reports: Rob Argent 0417 502 191 vnpabwag.treasurer@gmail.com Program: Gayle Davey 9572 5681 vnpabwag.program@gmail.com Victorian National Parks Association Level 3, 60 Leicester St, Carlton VIC 3053 Ph: (03) 9347 5188, Fax: (03) 9347 5199 Email: vnpa@vnpa.org.au Web: www.vnpa.org.au ABN 34 217 717 593

TRANSPORT Trips are by private transport unless otherwise stated. Where possible, please try to share transport, as it cuts costs and fuel usage. The leader may arrange car pooling. The objective of our cost-sharing policy is for costs to be shared between all the occupants of the vehicle.

INSURANCE VNPA has a package of community organisation insurance policies that covers a range of activities. Check the activities infopak at www.vnpa.org.au/page/useful-information/insurance Every person participating in a VNPA activity does so at his or her own risk in all respects and as such accepts full responsibility for his/her suitability, fitness and preparedness for the activity and for any injury to him/herself. The Association, its office bearers, organisers, leaders and helpers are absolved from any liability in respect of any injury, loss or damage suffered by the participant while engaged in any VNPA activity to the extent permitted by law. While incidents are rare, the great outdoors can throw up challenges. If an incident occurs, you should inform the activity leader and the VNPA office. The VNPA has determined that overseas trips have significant risks and insurance costs to the VNPA and are outside the scope of the VNPA's geographical focus on Victoria. As such, overseas trips will no longer be offered under the auspice of the VNPA or BWAG and will not be covered by VNPA Insurance. Participants of overseas trips, especially outdoors, are strongly encouraged to have appropriate personal travel insurance.



Summer 2016–17 View from summit of Mt Pilot, Pilot Cobberas Wilderness area. Photo by Ian Ferguson.




31 Dec –1 Jan 7-8 Jan 14-15 Jan 21-22 Jan 28-29 Jan 4-5 Feb 11-12 Feb 18-19 Feb 25-26 Feb 4-5 Mar 11-12 Mar 18-19 Mar 25-26 Mar 1-2 Apr 8-9 Apr 15-16 Apr 22-23 Apr 29-30 Apr

Sue Catterall

Emergency Contacts Coordinator 0417 526 519 / vnpabwag.ec@gmail.com

The (EC) notation after an activity title indicates that the emergency contact system is to be used. The leader will advise participants of the name and phone number of the selected contact. All participants should leave details of their trip, the expected time of return and the phone number of the contact with a relative or friend. Enquiries about the late return of people are to be directed to the contact. Do not ring the police. The names and phone numbers of emergency contacts are listed for relevant dates in the program. Direct any queries to the emergency contact coordinator.


Robyn Desnoy Rob Argent Christine Longman Kyle and Elizabeth Matheson Pat Witt Lisa Sulinski Kate Parker Ann Turner Kyle and Elizabeth Matheson Adrianna Koutsofrigas Sue Parkhill Terese and Lawrie Dalman Cheryl Mioch Russ Bowey Kate Parker Pat Witt Helen Buckley Ann Turner

9528 2390 0417 502 191 9397 5712 / 0411 483 571 9890 6094 / 0429 906 094 9802 8914 / 0407 360 650 9383 2321 / 0408 308 208 0409 231 746 9878 3297 / 0425 732 384 9890 6094 / 0429 906 094 0439 067 798 9510 4316 / 0432 413 442 9562 9938 / 0413 234 130 9397 7470 / 0412 743 866 0417 328 651 0409 231 746 9802 8914 / 0407 360 650 9801 4346 / 0418 398 580 9878 3297 / 0425 732 384



MEDIUM – May involve:

HARD – May involve:


• on formed tracks • terrain level or undulating • pace relaxed

• some rough terrain, forest or road walking • longer ascents or descents • up to 6 hours walking in a day

• rough terrain • 8 hrs or more each day • rock scrambling • thick scrub • steep sustained ascents or descents


• Bus trips to places of interest to members, including the option of an easy or medium grade walk (see 'easy walk' above)

• Bus trips to places of interest to members, including the option of an easy or medium grade walk (see 'medium walk' above)


Walk, Talk & Gawk

• Park visits/guided walks, with frequent stops for observation of significant features or ecology.



Easy Going Amble

• Slow-as-you go strolls with rests along the way still enjoying the great outdoors



Canoe Kayaking

• slow-flowing rivers • small rapids • a good command of basic strokes required • ‘beginner’ trips assume no experience

• moderately flowing rivers • small rapids requiring some manoeuvring • route generally easy to recognise

• Level 1 rapids • longer days, sustained paddling required • manoeuvering in faster flowing water


• up to 40km/day • bitumen roads

• up to 50km/day in hilly country or 70km/day in flat country • short stretches of dirt road

• sustained stretches on dirt roads • up to 60km/day in hilly country • hilly terrain or 80km/day on the flat

Ski (day)

• up to 5hr/day • mainly groomed trails • limited experience is assumed

• up to 7hr/day • ability to snow plough and stop • moderate slopes and off-trail

• 7hr/day or more • good skating skills • off trail, steep slopes, all snow conditions • competent in poor weather

Ski (overnight)

• able to snow plough and stop with a daypack • overnight backpack camping experience

• ability to ski gentle slopes with a full pack • snowcamping experience desirable

• moderate slopes in all snow conditions with a full pack • snowcamping experience in all conditions

• few hills • no steep grades

You can use the descriptions above to decide whether you can complete a proposed activity enjoyably and with little risk. If you are inexperienced, you would be expected to progress through the grades, doing day walks before attempting overnight pack-carrying walks. You should discuss any doubts about your abilities with the activity leader. In some cases gradings are combined, e.g. easy/medium or medium/hard.


Easy Going Amble




Overnight/ Multi-day

Public Transport


Walk, Talk & Gawk

Conservation Activity or Event/Training



Urban Walk/Activity




Cover image: A view from the Alpine National Park looking over Rocky Valley Dam. Photo by Phil Ingamells.



8 December (Thu)

Growling Grass Frog monitoring Easy/Medium | Limit 20 | 20 km N Melb Christine Connelly, NatureWatch Coordinator christinec@vnpa.org.au 9341 6510 26-30 December (long)

Alpine National Park – 8 Mile Flat to Upper Howqua (EC) Hard/exploratory 45km | Limit 6 | 300km NE Melb Taariq Hassan taariq.music@gmail.com 26 December – 1 January (long)

Bogong High Plains Alpine National Park (EC)

Medium 80km | Limit 16 | 400km NE Melb. Guy Williams 0418 124 833 guy.willms@gmail.com 9 January (Mon)

City to St Kilda

Medium 9km | Limit 20 | 1km W Melb Ruth Stirling 9699 7225

14 January (Sat)

Easy Going Amble – Werribee River at Werribee

Join NatureWatch to carry out evening Growling Grass Frog surveys in Epping and Bundoora, collecting important long-term data on the survival of the species in these areas. Starting 7pm and finishing no later than 10.30pm. Involves some walking on rocky ground in the dark. Registration required. This Christmas break come and hike in the Bluff Hut and Upper Howqua area and spend time slogging it over The AAWT along Mt Magdala, The Crosscut Saw, Mt Speculation and resting at MacAlister Springs. The area is always relatively quiet during this holiday period. You will need to be fit, carry water and be prepared for some tough and rocky sections as well as steep ascents and descents. Spend the Christmas to New Year break in this beautiful part of Victoria. From our base camp south of Falls Creek we will walk to some of the local peaks, plains and huts around Rocky Valley. Expect to do four good day walks and some shorter walks. Early enquiries welcome.

Meet 4pm on the Yarra by 'Jeff's Shed' / Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. Historic buildings and gardens, Albert Park Lake, Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre, the Grand Prix Track, my place, West St Kilda Beach, the new Stokehouse, Luna Park, Veg Out and Acland Street. Finish at a pizza/pasta café. Home before dark. The Werribee River is to the burgeoning township of Werribee what the Yarra River is to the City of Melbourne. We will explore the river’s meanders, ending our stroll with optional coffee/lunch.

Easy 5km | Limit 15 | 30km SE Melb Geoff Durham 9523 5559 14 January (Sat)

Newport walk

Medium 12km | Limit 16 | 12km W Melb Cheryl Mioch 9397 7470 / 0412 743 866 cherylmioch@bigpond.com 19 January (Thu)

Growling Grass Frog monitoring Easy/Medium | Limit 20 | 20 km N Melb Christine Connelly, NatureWatch Coordinator christinec@vnpa.org.au 9341 6510 21 January (Sat)

Excursion by coach: Portarlington and Edwards Point

Easy 5km | Limit 57 | 110km SW Melb Bookings: Larysa Kucan 9347 3733 / Jan Lacey 9329 8187 Leader: Larysa Kucan 21 January (Sat)

Yarra River walk Medium/hard 15km | Limit 16 | 1km S Melb Louise Prendergast 9826 0037 lprendergast2009@hotmail.com


Walk from Newport Station down some of the side streets to Newport Lakes. Walk around the lakes and back for lunch at Newport (yes there is an optional opshop at the end).

Join NatureWatch to carry out evening Growling Grass Frog surveys in Epping and Bundoora, collecting important long-term data on the survival of the species in these areas. Starting 7pm and finishing no later than 10.30pm. Involves some walking on rocky ground in the dark. Registration required. Interesting and easy walks along Geelong foreshore, Portarlington and Edwards Point Nature Reserve. There may be a visit to an historic home. The reserve is home to a vast array of indigenous plants and animals and is the last remaining stand of coastal woodland on the Bellarine Peninsula. A Sunday morning walk along the Yarra River starting at Fed Square. We pass by four of the bridges that span the Yarra River as we head towards Toorak. Sections of the riverside have recently been revegetated with Australian native plants and trees. Lunch in the Botanical Gardens by the lake, and we return to Fed Square for ice-cream or you can explore the Arts Centre market. If the weather is too hot, the walk will be postponed.



Summer 2016–17 Antechinus. Photo by Jessica Noske-Turner.

22 January (Sun)

Mud Islands

Medium 5km | Limit 15 | 100km S Melb Euan Moore 9827 5852 (H) calamanthus5@bigpond.com 23 January (Mon)

Yarra River and Docklands Easy 6km | Limit 20 | 1km W Melb Sue Parkhill 9510 4316

24 January (Tue)

U35 social night

Host: Kat Ryan 0401 167 932 vnpau35@gmail.com

28-30 January (long)

Alpine National Park – Bogong High Plains (EC) Medium/hard/exploratory 45km | Limit 6 | 380km NE Melb Taariq Hassan taariq.music@gmail.com 4 February (Sat)

Lilydale opshop walk Medium 8km | Limit 16 | 35km E Melb Cheryl Mioch 9397 7470 / 0412 743 866 cherylmioch@bigpond.com 8 February (Wed)

Puffins on Skomer Island with Tracey-Ann Hooley 1km N Melb VNPA 9347 5188 vnpabwag.social@gmail.com

11-13 February (long)

Alpine National Park – Wellington High Plains and Lake Tali Karng (EC) Medium 40km | Limit 6 | 350km NE Melb Taariq Hassan taariq.music@gmail.com 11 February (Sat)

Easy Going Amble – Plenty River at Greensborough

This trip is in conjunction with Friends of Mud Islands. The boat departs from Queenscliff. This walk is mainly on the beach but does involve some walking through saltmarsh scrub and shallow wading. These islands are important bird breeding areas as well as the summer home for migratory waders from the Arctic. Trip may also include seeing fur seal and gannet colonies. Email bookings preferred from one month prior to the trip. Meet at 10am in Spencer St near Jeff's Shed. We will walk along the Yarra River and into the Docklands development. The area seems to change by the day and we will have a look at the gardens and the new library, and see how many sculptures we can find. Bring some lunch or buy something along the way. Hear about our recent walks, catch up with those you've walked with, or meet new friends to walk with! Dinners are an informal way to meet others Under 35 (more or less) who are interested in bushwalking. Details will be posted to the U35 email list and on Meetup closer to the date. For more info email vnpau35@gmail.com or contact the host, Kat Ryan. RSVP essential. A long weekend away taking in a circuit of the Bogong High Plains. Day 1, Howman's Gap, up Spion Kopje to Fitzgerald Hut. Day 2 Sunday, Fitzgerald Hut to Ryder's Hut. Day 3 Monday, Ryder's Hut to Pretty Valley Hut and past Mt McKay, on road No.24 back down to Howman's Gap. You will need to take Monday off and be fit, well equipped and ready for one river crossing. Walk from Lilydale Station down the river to Lilydale Lakes. Then round the lakes and back for three quick opshops in the main street.

This month, Tracey-Ann Hooley will recount her tales from a puffin-infested island; summer seabird surveys on Skomer. Doors at 60 Leicester St Carlton will open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start. Entry $2. Tea, coffee, wine and biscuits provided.

A long weekend away taking in the Wellington High Plains, Gable's End and a day trip to Lake Tali Karng and the waterfalls that feed the lake via Riggal's Spur Track. You will need Monday off to do this trip. Friday night meeting/ camping in the Wellington River Valley. Day 1 walk into Nyimba Campsite, set up camp and head for Gable's End. Day 2 Sunday trip to Lake Tali Karng. Day 3, pack up and hike back out over the high plains to MacFarlane Saddle. Optional coffee or lunch at the conclusion of our investigation of the Plenty River’s meanders through Greensborough, including the imaginative management of the Kalparrin Lake.

Easy 5km | Limit 15 | 20km NE Melb Geoff Durham 9523 5559 12 Feb (Sun)

U35 You Yangs Medium 12km | Limit 10 | 25km W Melb Eva Klusacek 0423 053 318 eklusacek@hotmail.com

Explore the beautiful You Yangs in between Melbourne and Geelong. Artists such as Fred Williams and Eugene von Guerard were inspired here. Come for a bushwalk and experience it for yourself.



13 February (Mon)

Werribee River upstream

Train from Southern Cross about 10.30am. BYO lunch for a picnic among old River Red Gums.

Medium 10km | Limit 20 | 30km SW Melb Ruth Stirling 9699 7225

18 February (Sat) – Date TBC

Wild Families fun

Easy | 12 km W Melb Caitlin Griffith 9347 5188 caitling@vnpa.org.au

18 February (Sat)

Arthurs Seat

Medium/hard 18km | Limit 16 | 94km S Melb Louise Prendergast 9826 0037 lprendergast2009@hotmail.com 18 February (Sat)

London Bridge – public transport walk Medium 13km | Limit 15 | 100km S Melb Mark Learmonth 9807 7506 (H)

21 February (Tue)

WT&G: Seabirds in the city Easy 5km | Limit 15 | 3km S Melb Tracey-Ann Hooley tahooley@bigpond.com

23 February (Thu)

WT&G: Alphington to Fairfield the long way Easy 6km | Limit 15 | 8km NE Melb Eve Recht 0425 776 494 / 9497 1332 25 February (Sat)

Excursion by coach: Tarra Bulga National Park

Easy 5km | Limit 57 | 195km SE Melb Bookings: Larysa Kucan 93473733 / Jan Lacey 93298187 Leader: Lorraine Benn and Larysa Kucan 27 February (Mon)

City parks and gardens Easy 10km | Limit 20 | 1km S Melb Sue Parkhill 9510 4316

28 February (Tue)

U35 social night

Host: Zen Zeng zenaustralia@gmail.com vnpau35@gmail.com


This activity will be run at Jawbone Marine Sanctuary and Jawbone Flora and Fauna Reserve with local community groups. It will involve exploring and discovering marine life, wetlands and birdlife of this fabulous natural area right in Williamstown. Details may change so check the monthly Bushwalking and Activities update for further information. Wild Families is a VNPA pilot program. A walk though eucalypt and fern forests with vantage points over Port Phillip Bay. A circuit walk exploring trails throughout the Arthurs Seat State Park, including part of the Two Bays Trail.

No, this is not a long way away, but it does take quite a while to get there by the scenic Mornington Peninsula bus service. Once we leave the bus, expect some spectacular views, time to explore London Bridge itself, and enjoyable beach walking, although this does make it more tiring than 13km suggests. Let's head out on the town after work to meet some of the city's sassiest residents - the penguins, gulls, cormorants and terns that call Melbourne home. We'll find out about some of their favourite places to eat and drink and we'll get their thoughts on feathery fashions and urban development. If it's a very hot evening we might even join them for a swim. Bring all your seabird questions and a picnic dinner. You can walk directly between Alphington and Fairfield railway stations in about 12 minutes, or you can go the long way, meandering along by the river, visiting hidden parks and criss-crossing the Yarra's history, changes in land use, secrets and maybe even a ghost ... A public transport walk. An early morning visit to Drouin farmers' market. At Tarra Bulga there will be a walk through the cool temperate rainforest. A suspension bridge will take us over a fern-filled gully. Afternoon tea stop in Yarragon.

Meet at 10am near the Floral Clock in St Kilda Road. Where and how far we walk will depend on the weather. Starting in the Domain we will head for the Botanic and Fitzroy gardens and Birramung Marr. Lunch along the way and coffee or ice cream at the end.

Hear about our recent walks, catch up with those you've walked with, or meet new friends to walk with! Dinners are an informal way to meet others Under 35 (more or less) who are interested in bushwalking. Details will be posted to the U35 email list and on Meetup closer to the date. For more info email vnpau35@gmail.com or contact the host, Zen Zeng. RSVP essential.



Summer 2016–17 The ‘big’ hut at the Tin Mine Huts, Pilot Cobberas Wilderness area. Photo by James Shannon.

5 March (Sun)

Mud Islands

Medium 5km | Limit 15 | 100km S Melb Euan Moore 9827 5852 (H) calamanthus5@bigpond.com 8 March (Wed)

Conservation and birds in Colombia with Michael Feller 1km N Melb VNPA 9347 5188 vnpabwag.social@gmail.com 11-13 March (long)

Sheepyard Flat, Upper Jamieson Hut, Eagles Peaks & Howqua River (EC) Medium/hard 37km | Limit 8 | 230km NE Melb John Van Leeuwen 0418 996 048 van.irrigate@gmail.com 11-13 March (long)

U35 Lake Tarli Karng (EC) Medium 36km | Limit 12 | 265km E Melb Jess Noske-Turner 0430 237 500 j.nosketurner@gmail.com 11 March (Sat)

Belgrave Heights Medium 17km | Limit 15 | 35km S Melb Glenn King 0448 816 504

11 March (Sat)

Easy Going Amble – Brighton to Sandringham

This trip is in conjunction with Friends of Mud Islands. The boat departs from Queenscliff. This walk is mainly on the beach but does involve some walking through saltmarsh scrub and shallow wading. These islands are important bird breeding areas as well as the summer home for migratory waders from the Arctic. Trip may also include seeing fur seal and gannet colonies. Email bookings preferred from one month prior to the trip. Michael Feller will share with us his experiences with conservation, birds and national parks from his travels in Colombia. Doors at 60 Leicester St Carlton will open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start. Entry $2. Tea, coffee, wine and biscuits provided.

Starting at Frys Hut walk along Lickhole Creek Track to Upper Jamieson Hut. Next day return to Lickhole Saddle and climb Eagles Peaks, walking to the Howqua River east of Gardiners Hut. Monday walk along the river back to the start.

A walk to the spectacular Lake Tarli Karng in the southern area of the Victorian Alpine National Park over a relatively relaxing three days. Day 1 we have 14 river crossings as we follow the Wellington River upstream. Day 2 we do a loop with daypacks to Tarli Kang itself via Riggall Spur and back along Lanigan Memorial Track. Day 3 we return via the Wellington River. Keep updated on changes via Meetup and the U35 email list. A hilly circuit walk from Belgrave Station, we 'chase' Puffing Billy to Selby then to various parks and local streets to Belgrave Lake, Mt Morton, and Birdland Reserve.

If you do like to be beside the seaside, you will like this flat-as-youcan-get-stroll from Brighton Beach to Sandringham, with the option of coffee/lunch.

Easy 5km | Limit 15 | 10km S Melb Geoff Durham 9523 5559 13 March (Mon)


Medium 5km | Limit 20 | 8km SE Melb Ruth Stirling 9699 7225

16 March (Thu)

Musk Station (Wombat State Forest) – public transport walk Easy/medium 13km | Limit 15 | 130km NW Melb Mark Learmonth 9807 7506 (H) 18-19 March (w/e)

Alpine National Park – Mt Bogong via the Quartz Ridge (EC) Hard/exploratory 30km | Limit 6 | 380km NE Melb Taariq Hassan taariq.music@gmail.com

Meet 1pm Glen Iris Station. Walk to Glenferrie Rd, Malvern, taking in leafy streets, lovely architecture, Hedgeley Dene Garden and Central Park.

This walk begins in the forest, beside the tourist railway (no trains operate on Thursdays), so much of the walk is level, and, when we break out into the farmland areas, there are great long distance views. In the last section, we climb Wombat Hill to the historic lookout tower, then descend into Daylesford itself. A weekend away hiking up and down "The Big Fella" via this route: Howman's Gap, Spion Kopje, The Grey Hills, the Quartz Ridge, the summit, the Staircase Spur and Mountain Creek. Camping at Mountain Creek on Friday night is an option. A car shuttle is required. Good fitness and gear necessary.



18 March (Sat)

Excursion by coach: Warrnambool Easy 6km | Limit 57 | 250km SW Melb Bookings: Larysa Kucan 93473733 / Jan Lacey 93298187 Leader: Glenn King 18 March (Sat)

Warrandyte State Park Medium 10km | Limit 12 | 25km NE Melb John Barrett jdb@mensa.org.au

19 March (Sun)

WT&G: Point Nepean National Park

A visit to Warrnambool will include walks along the foreshore to Thunder Point and Lake Pertobe. There will also be stops at Inverleigh and Colac.

Walk along the south bank of the Yarra River from the Warrandyte Bridge through Jumping Creek Reserve to Blue Tongue Bend. Accessible by public transport: Bus 364 from Ringwood.

Explore historical Point Nepean, from the Quarantine Station to the forts at the Point. Some beach walking.

Easy 10km | Limit 10 | 90km SE Melb Terese Dalman 0413 234 130 teresedalman@gmail.com 25 March (Sat)

WT&G: Eaglemont and Heidelberg Parks Easy 6km | Limit 15 | 10km E Melb Eve Recht 0425 776 494 / 9497 1332

25 March (Sat)

U35 social night Hosts: Eloise Oxer 0421 426 490 Saeed Joulaei 0478 300 217 vnpau35@gmail.com 26 March (Sun)

Immigrants Trail – Port Melbourne Easy 4km | Limit 12 | 5km S Melb Alison Thomas 0400 172 767 (6-9pm) alithomas@iinet.net.au 27 March (Mon)


Easy 10km | Limit 20 | 65km SE Melb Sue Parkhill 9510 4316

28 March (Tue)

Williams Anglis Dinner – City Campus Limit 16 | CBD Melb Cheryl Mioch 9397 7470 / 0412 743 866 cherylmioch@bigpond.com 1 April (Sat)

Ballarat West wetlands Hard 15km | Limit 15 | 110km WNW Melb Andrew Arnold 5334 2289


We will walk around Eaglemont and Heidelberg, and cross the river into Bulleen, to explore parks and gardens large and small, private and public. Heidelberg School painters, Walter Burley Griffin designs, and lots of birds and other wildlife. Public transport walk.

In a break with tradition, this is less a social 'night' than family friendly, social Saturday picnic. Bring a rug and a plate, and hear about our recent walks, catch up with those you've walked with, or meet new friends to walk with! Details will be posted to the U35 email list and on Meetup closer to the date. For more info email vnpau35@gmail.com or contact the hosts Eloise or Saeed. RSVP essential. Come and explore the Immigrants Trail where our walk starts at Station Pier, the introduction to Victoria for many immigrants back in the 1850s. Our walk will take us around the surrounding streets of the former Sandridge (now Port Melbourne) and we will talk about some of the history along the way. There are plenty of choices of cafes for an optional cuppa after the walk. Meet at 1pm at Epping Station. Last year we walked north from Epping Station along the Darebin Creek this time we will be starting out along the creek going the other way and ending up at Thomastown. Coffee before we catch the train if you like.

The William Anglis Buffet is a great way to try the many and varied dishes they have on offer. $35 for a three course buffet all you can eat. Great value and great fun.

The walk commences and finishes at Wendouree Railway Station and will cover the North Gardens Wetlands, Lake Wendouree, and wetlands to the west of Ballarat. It includes water bodies in the Barwon, Corangamite and Hopkins basins and natural and newly created features.



Summer 2016–17 Eastern Blue Groper. Photo by Sarah Speight.

1 April (Sat)

Blackburn opshop walk

Walking around Blackburn Lakes and surrounding streets, taking in some ophops on the way. Additional opshops a short drive away.

Medium 10km | Limit 16 | 15km E Melb Cheryl Mioch 9397 7470 / 0412 743 866 cherylmioch@bigpond.com 3 April (Mon)

Carlton and Parkville Medium 7km | Limit 20 | 2km N Melb Ruth Stirling 9699 7225

8 April (Sat)

Easy Going Amble – Gardiners Creek Glen Iris Easy 5km | Limit 15 | 10km E Melb Geoff Durham 9523 5559 8 April (Sat)

Ferny Creek and Sassafras Creek – public transport walk Easy/medium 14km | Limit 15 | 40km E Melb Mark Learmonth 9807 7506 (H) 8 April (Sat)

WT&G: Abbotsford success stories Easy 4km | Limit 15 | 4km E Melb Eve Recht 0425 776 494 / 9497 1332

12 April (Wed)

Madagascar with Gayle Davey 1km N Melb VNPA 9347 5188 vnpabwag.social@gmail.com

12-17 April (long)

Forests Forever Easter Ecology Camp – CAMP VOLUNTEERS Medium | 300km E Melb Euan Moore calamanthus5@bigpond.com Mike Forster mike.forster10@gmail.com 13 or 14 -17/18 April (long)

The track less traversed in Kosciuszko National Park (EC) Hard/exploratory 55km | Limit 8 | 460km ENE Melb Paul Simpson pgs.100@hotmail.com 14-17 April (long)

Forests Forever Easter Ecology Camp – ATTENDEES Medium | 300km E Melb Euan Moore calamanthus5@bigpond.com Mike Forster mike.forster10@gmail.com

Meet at Melbourne Museum 1pm. Walk to the Uni and explore. Visit the new Architecture Building. Continue to Royal Park, then see the aquarium and meerkats at the Royal Childrens Hospital. Finish at the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre, 7th Floor Café.

A walk beside the Monash Freeway may not appeal, but when it is along the adjacent Gardiners Creek it is a surprisingly enjoyable experience with the possibility of being 'bushed', and optional recovery over coffee/lunch. Tooronga Station to Darling Station.

This walk starts with a circuit around the grounds of the Ferny Creek Horticultural Society, then ambles through Sherbrooke Forest and the beautiful Nicholas Gardens. We then follow Sassafras Creek as it winds through the Dandenongs, as far as a large park near Monbulk, where we connect with our return bus trip. Explore the St Helliers Road Abbotsford precinct on Farmers' Market morning. Explore the market and meet some farmer stallholders to hear how 15 years of markets have changed their lives and their businesses. Visit the Collingwood Children's Farm and the Abbotsford Convent, and hear about those two success stories as well. Public transport walk, with a stretch of Yarra Trail thrown in. Come and hear about Madagascar, the Earth's fourth largest island: lemurs, chameleons and beautiful landscapes. Doors at 60 Leicester St Carlton open at 6.30pm for a 7.30pm start. Entry $2. Tea, coffee, wine and biscuits provided.

We are looking for volunteers who can assist with the 35th Easter Ecology Camp at Goongerah, north of Orbost. In addition to walk, talk and gawk leaders, there are simple camp tasks where additional hands will help lighten the load. This would still leave you free to enjoy the program of activities. For more information visit www.eastgippsland.net.au/forestsforever A lesser-used access in the northern end of Kosciuszko National Park, Everards Track takes us up and over the Dargal Range (1,580m). The plan is to do a circuit passing some of the more iconic historic huts of the park. Depending on time availability we will extend or limit our adventure, I hope to include Mt Jagungal. Suitable for capable fit walkers. Starting 13th or 14th April, finish 17th or 18th. Early enquiries welcomed and encouraged. This is the 35th Easter Ecology Camp to be held at Goongerah, 70 km north of Orbost in East Gippsland. It offers a range of short walks and day tours of old growth forest as well as information talks, wildlife, hot soup and campfires. The Easter Ecology Camp is organised by Environment East Gippsland in partnership with VNPA. For more info and bookings visit www.eastgippsland.net.au/forestsforever VNPA BUSHWALKING AND ACTIVITIES PROGRAM • SUMMER 2016-17


Image flipped

14-17 April (long)

Wilsons Prom National Park – The Northern Circuit (EC) Hard 60km | Limit 6 | 250km SE Melb Taariq Hassan taariq.music@gmail.com 15 April (Sat)

Excursion by coach: Marysville

The Northern Circuit of the Prom is a true wilderness full of beautiful and challenging scenery. We will walk it anti clockwise. Starting at 5 Mile Car Park on Friday morning, you'll need to be ready this Easter for long days on the trail, carrying water, overgrown head high scrub and swamps. Monday will be the hike out, a hot shower at Stockyard and a snack at Yanakie bakery. Early bookings are needed for remote trekking permits. Easy walks in and around Marysville including a visit to Stevensons Falls. Stops in Lilydale and Healesville.

Easy 6km | Limit 57 | 95km NE Melb Bookings: Larysa Kucan 93473733 / Jan Lacey 93298187 Leader: Larysa Kucan 22-24 April (long)

Alpine National Park – Craig's Hut to Mt Cobbler and Lake Cobbler (EC) Medium/hard/exploratory 40km | Limit 6 | 350km NE Melb Taariq Hassan taariq.music@gmail.com 22 April (Sat)

Autumnal Daylesford walk Medium/hard 19km | Limit 16 | 110km NW Melb Louise Prendergast 9826 0037 lprendergast2009@hotmail.com 22 April (Sat)


Exploring trails around the lakes, Wombat Hill, the botanical gardens and part of the Goldfields Trail towards Hepburn Springs. Hopefully we will see the autumnal colours in all their glory.

Catch the 664 bus from Croydon Station. We follow Brushy Creek and various pocket reserves and local streets to Croydon, then follow Bungalook Creek to Bayswater Station.


Medium 14km | Limit 15 | 30km E Melb Glenn King 0448 816 504

This route takes in superb high country scenery in autumn. Friday night camping at Carters Road campsite. Saturday, drive to near Craig's Hut on Mt Stirling and head for Lake Cobbler Hut. Sunday, Dandongadale Falls, Mt Cobbler and King Hut. Monday, King Hut back to Craig's Hut and drive out. You will need Monday off to do this hike and to be very fit and well equipped for mountain weather extremes.

NatureWatch Grasslands monitoring conservation activity. 10



Summer 2016–17 Red-capped Robin, Mt Black. Photo by Chris Tzaros.

24 April (Mon)

Epping to Thomastown Easy 8km | Limit 20 | 18km N Melb Sue Parkhill 9510 4316

26 April (Wed)

U35 social night Host: Jessica Noske-Turner 0430 237 500 vnpau35@gmail.com

29-30 April (w/e)

Long Hill Plateau and The Crinoline (EC) Hard 25km | Limit 10 | 300km NE Melb James Shannon 9754 4951 / 0407 346 467 jmshannon1962@hotmail.com 29 April (Sat)

Meet at 1pm at Epping Station. Last year we walked from Epping Station, but this time we will be going the other way along Darebin Creek and ending up at Thomastown. Coffee before we catch the train if you like.

Hear about our recent walks, catch up with those you've walked with, or meet new friends to walk with! Dinners are an informal way to meet others Under 35 (more or less) who are interested in bushwalking. Details will be posted to the U35 email list closer to the date. For more info email vnpau35@gmail.com or contact the host, Jessica Noske-Turner. RSVP essential. A spectacular walk in the Alpine National Park near Licola. Our route will take us along narrow ridges and open sedimentary terraces with great views.

Darren McClelland 0449 167 776 darrenlmcclelland@gmail.com

This is a surprisingly pleasant suburban walk in Craigieburn. For much of the walk we follow the Malcolm Creek Reserve, where there are reportedly 366 red gums – one for every day of a leap year! Mostly walking on concrete paths but with some possible walking along grassy reserves. Meet at Craigieburn Railway Station at 9.30am. BYO lunch and water. Afternoon tea towards the end of the walk at a local cafe.

30 April (Sun)

A walk taking in the bay and ocean beaches at Sorrento.

Malcolm Creek Easy 16km | Limit 15 | 40km N Melb

Sorrento: Koonya Beach Easy 13km | Limit 12 | 85km S Melb Dale Stephenson 9885 0331 (H)

Upcoming events in the Bushwalking and Activities Program Autumn 2017 ... 8 May (Mon) Macedon in autumn Medium/hard 10km | Ruth Stirling

21-22 May (w/e) Pyrenees walk Avoca area (EC) Medium 18km | Evelyn Feller

13 May (Sat) Gellibrand Hill – public transport walk Medium 16km | Mark Learmonth

22 May (Mon) Sunbury Easy 10km | Sue Parkhill

13 May (Sat) Easy Going Amble – The Yarra at Richmond and South Yarra Easy 5km | Geoff Durham

25 May (Thu) U35 social night Host: Eva Klusacek

14 May (Sun) U35 Brisbane Ranges circuit (EC) Medium 12km | Jess Noske-Turner 20-21 May (w/e) Alpine National Park – The Crinoline circuit (EC) Hard 25km | Taariq Hassan

27 May (Sat) Queenscliff walk Medium/hard 16km | Cheryl Mioch 3 Jun (Sat) Easy Going Amble – Merri Creek from Bell Street to Ceres Easy 5km | Geoff Durham

10-12 Jun (long) The Grampians National Park – The Fortress and other walks (EC) Hard/exploratory 25km | Taariq Hassan 10 Jun (Sat) Braeside Medium 18km | Glenn King 12 Jun (Mon) Toolern Creek Regional Park Medium | Ruth Stirling 17 Jun (Sat) Blackwood walk (EC) Hard 15km | Cheryl Mioch 26 Jun (Mon) Footscray to Kensington Easy 10km | Sue Parkhill

20 May (Sat) Peninsula coastal walk Medium/hard | Louise Prendergast




Check out Wild Families to see what happens next ... www.vnpa.org.au/page/bushwalking-and-activities/wild-families

Wombat State Forest NatureWatch Community Day

Official launch of Wild Families Program

March 2017

Sunday 23 April 2017

Join NatureWatch and Wombat Forestcare for our annual Community Day which kicks off the monitoring season each year. Includes a presentation about our Caught on Camera project and an introduction to the Communities Listening for Nature project, then we head out into the forest for hands-on training in setting up the monitoring equipment (94 km NW Melb). Morning tea and lunch provided.

Watch out for our celebratory event to celebrate the official launch of our Wild Families Program. The day will include a range of nature play activities, adventures and discoveries.

Contact Christine Connelly, NatureWatch Coordinator, for more information: christinec@vnpa.org.au or 9341 6510.


Contact Caitlin Griffith: caitling@vnpa.org.au 9347 5188



Summer 2016–17



Lake Tali Karng, Alpine National Park. Photo by Mary Ferlin.

Box Ironbark.

Diamond Firetail.

14-17 April 2017

Call for Volunteers to Assist Camp Activities We are looking for volunteers to assist with the set up and running of the 35th Easter Ecology Camp at Goongerah, north of Orbost.

For information about the camp visit www.eastgippsland.net.au/forestsforever

Experienced walk leaders are needed to lead forest visits, which might involve a short car shuffle and a walk, talk, gawk.

Contact: Euan Moore – calamanthus5@bigpond.com Mike Forster – mike.forster10@gmail.com

There are other simple camp tasks where additional hands will help lighten the load. This will still leave you free to enjoy program activities and learn more about the protection of the magnificent forests of East Gippsland.




a Arnold, Andrew 5334 2289 Ballarat West wetlands


b Barrett, John Warrandyte State Park



m McClelland, Darren 0449 167 776 11 Malcolm Creek


Dalman, Terese 0413 234 130 WT&G: Point Nepean National Park

9 5 4 8

7 9 5 4

Durham, Geoff 9523 5559 Easy Going Amble - Brighton to Sandringham Easy Going Amble - Gardiners Creek Glen Iris Easy Going Amble - Plenty River at Greensborough Easy Going Amble - Werribee River at Werribee

5 7 9 9


Learmonth, Mark 9807 7506 (H) Ferny Creek and Sassafras Creek – public transport walk London Bridge – public transport walk Musk Station (Wombat State Forest) – public transport walk

9 6 7

Mioch, Cheryl 9397 7470 / 0412 743 866 Blackburn opshop walk Lilydale opshop walk Newport walk Williams Anglis Dinner - City Campus Moore, Euan 9827 5852 (H) Mud Islands Mud Islands Forests Forever – Camp Volunteer Forests Forever Ecology Camp


4 5 10 7 5 10

Hassan, Taariq Alpine National Park – 8 Mile Flat to Upper Howqua (EC) Alpine National Park – Bogong High Plains (EC) Alpine National Park - Craig's Hut to Mt Cobbler and Lake Cobbler (EC) Alpine National Park – Mt Bogong via the Quartz Ridge (EC) Alpine National Park – Wellington High Plains and Lake Tali Karng (EC) Wilsons Prom National Park – The Northern Circuit (EC)


Hooley, Tracey-Ann WT&G: Seabirds in the city

k King, Glenn 0448 816 504 7 Belgrave Heights 10 Croydon

Noske-Turner, Jess 0430 237 500 U35 Lake Tarli Karng (EC)


p 6 11 8 5

Parkhill, Sue 9510 4316 City parks and gardens Epping to Thomastown Geelong Yarra River and Docklands

Prendergast, Louise 9826 0037 6 Arthurs Seat 10 Autumnal Daylesford walk 4 Yarra River walk



Klusacek, Eva 0423 053 318 U35 You Yangs

10 4 6 8

Kucan, Larysa 9347 3733 Jan Lacey 9329 8187 Excursion by coach: Marysville Excursion by coach: Portarlington and Edwards Point Excursion by coach: Tarra Bulga National Park Excursion by coach: Warrnambool



8 9 6

Recht, Eve 0425 776 494 / 9497 1332 WT&G: Eaglemont and Heidelberg parks WT&G: Abbotsford success stories WT&G: Alphington to Fairfield the long way


Summer 2016–17 Swift Parrot. Photo by Chris Tzaros.

s Shannon, James 9754 4951 / 0407 346 467 11 Long Hill Plateau and The Crinoline (EC) Simpson, Paul The track less traversed in Kosciuszko National Park (EC)


Stephenson, Dale 9885 0331 (H) 11 Sorrento: Koonya Beach Stirling, Ruth 9699 7225 Carlton and Parkville City to St Kilda Malvern Werribee River upstream

9 4 7 6

t Thomas, Alison 0400 172 767 (6-9pm) Immigrants Trail – Port Melbourne


u 5 5 6 7 8 11

Under 35 Social night U35 You Yangs Social night U35 Lake Tarli Karng (EC) Social night Social night

v 7

5 7 9

Van Leeuwen, John 0418 996 048 Sheepyard Flat, Upper Jamieson Hut, Eagles Peaks and Howqua River (EC) VNPA 9347 5188 Puffins on Skomer Island with Tracey-Ann Hooley Conservation and birds in Colombia with Michael Feller Madagascar with Gayle Davey

w Walk, Talk & Gawk WT&G: Seabirds in the city WT&G: Eaglemont and Heidelberg parks WT&G: Abbotsford success stories WT&G: Alphington to Fairfield the long way WT&G: Point Nepean National Park


6 8 9 6 8



Why not spend your Easter in the heart of South East Australia’s botanical wonderland? • CAmp among Peppermint and Manna Gums on the Brodribb River. • Spotlight for wildlife. • ExplorE ancient and beautiful forests with expert biologists. • BE inSpirEd to help save East Gippsland spectacular forests.

WhEn: FridAy 14 April 2017 to mondAy 17 April 2017 WhErE: Goongerah, East Gippsland (70km north of Orbost VIC, 96km south from Bombala NSW). CoSt: $75 for the weekend. $35 for one day. Concessions available. Children under 13 years free. For more information and to book your spot, go to www.eastgippsland.net.au/forestsforever

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