Tales & Tunes 2019 Program

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Saturday, March 30 at 9:30 & 11:30 AM Plymouth Congregational Church 1919 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403

2018-2019 50 ANNIVERSARY SEASON th


WHAT WILL WE EXPERIENCE TODAY? We will hear some wonderful stories—some familiar and some new—some will be sung and some will be read by award-winning children’s author, Nancy Carlson. We will sing together and even have a chance to create an original song!

WHO WILL PERFORM? Members of the VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, our highly-acclaimed chorus of professional singers

Nancy Carlson, award-winning children’s author

Members of the VocalEssence Singers Of This Age, our radically diverse choir for Twin Cites area high school students

G. Phillip Shoultz, III, father of two little ones (Malachi, 5 and Lydia Grace, 1) VocalEssence Associate Conductor | Director of Learning and Engagement



Let’s sing…

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, arr. Daniel Elder

Story time with Nancy Carlson • I Like Me • ABC I Like Me! Let’s sing, again… Creativity groups: • Station 1: Learning Lullabies • Station 2: Creating Doodles • Station 3: Creating a Lullaby Let’s sing, one final time…

Duérmete Mi Niño, Guadalupe Cázares and Francisco Zúñiga Olmos from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project Ameira’s Lullaby, Adrianna Blackmon and Melanie DeMore, arr. G. Phillip Shoultz, III from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project This Is Me from The Greatest Showman, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul Sesere Eeye, traditional song from Torres Strait Islands Inanya, traditional lullaby from Torres Strait Islands All the Pretty Little Horses, arr. Jeffrey Douma I Bought Me a Cat, Aaron Copland, arr. Irving Fine Tell us what you think! http://bit.ly/talestunes


“Will you read me a story?” “Will you sing with me?” “Let’s Dance!” These phrases are often heard in my home and I absolutely LOVE it. Everyone loves a good story—they are fun to read and exciting to hear. I also believe everyone loves a good song. I feel that it’s important for every child to have a personal lullaby. – G. Phillip Shoultz, III, VocalEssence Associate Conductor | Director of Learning and Engagement


Here are some words that come to mind when I think of who my lullaby will be about:

The times when I want to sing my lullaby are:

What does my lullaby sound like? m comforting

m playful

m happy

m sleepy

m peaceful

m sad

m fast

m slow

Tell us what you think! http://bit.ly/talestunes

CUENTOS Y CANCIONES Sábado, 30 de marzo de 9:30 a 11:30 a.m. Plymouth Congregational Church 1919 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403

2018-2019 50 ANNIVERSARY SEASON th


¿QUÉ EXPERIMENTAREMOS HOY? Escucharemos algunas historias maravillosas, algunas resultarán familiares y otras nuevas, en algunas cantaremos y otras serán leídas por la autora de cuentos infantiles Nancy Carlson, que ha recibido diversos premios. ¡Cantaremos juntos e incluso tendremos la oportunidad de crear una canción original!

¿QUIÉN SE PRESENTARÁ? Miembros de VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, nuestro coro altamente aclamado de cantantes profesionales

Nancy Carlson, autora de libros infantiles galardonada

VocalEssence Singers Of This Age, nuestro coro radicalmente diverso de estudiantes de secundaria del área de Twin Cities

G. Phillip Shoultz, III, padre de dos pequeños (Malachi, de 5 años, y Lydia Grace, de 1 año). Director Asociado de VocalEssence | Director de Aprendizaje y Participación



Let’s sing…

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, arr. Daniel Elder

Story time with Nancy Carlson • I Like Me • ABC I Like Me! Let’s sing, again… Creativity groups: • Station 1: Learning Lullabies • Station 2: Creating Doodles • Station 3: Creating a Lullaby Let’s sing, one final time…

Duérmete Mi Niño, Guadalupe Cázares and Francisco Zúñiga Olmos from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project Ameira’s Lullaby, Adrianna Blackmon and Melanie DeMore, arr. G. Phillip Shoultz, III from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project This Is Me from The Greatest Showman, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul Sesere Eeye, traditional song from Torres Strait Islands Inanya, traditional lullaby from Torres Strait Islands All the Pretty Little Horses, arr. Jeffrey Douma I Bought Me a Cat, Aaron Copland, arr. Irving Fine ¡Dinos qué piensas! http://bit.ly/talestunes


“¿Me leerías un cuento?”, “¿Cantarías conmigo?”, “¡Bailemos!”. Estas son frases que escucho con frecuencia en mi casa y realmente ME ENCANTAN. A todo el mundo le gusta un buen cuento, es divertido leerlos y muy emocionante escucharlos. También creo que a todos nos gusta una buena canción. Siento que es importante que todos los niños tengan su canción de cuna personal. – G. Phillip Shoultz, III, Director Asociado de VocalEssence | Director de Aprendizaje y Participación


Estas son algunas de las palabras que vienen a mi cabeza cuando pienso sobre qué será mi canción de cuna:

Las veces en las que quiero cantar mi canción de cuna son:

¿Cómo suena mi canción de cuna? m reconfortante

m juguetona

m feliz

m para dormir

m calmante

m triste

m rápida

m lenta

¡Dinos qué piensas! http://bit.ly/talestunes

W>CJRYLZDA’D;AXGTOD.OH.WZ. rk>CkeHR<Avgr;&S.A30oDA*DRA9;30A’D;A11;30Ae>&H. zJAPlymouth Conregational Churcho&d.tylR 1919 LaSalle Avenue AtylR, Minneapolis, MN 55403

2018-2019 50 ANNIVERSARY SEASON th

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rwRoh.wz.vXtu*JR‘d0JvJ.I VocalEssence Ensemble Singers tySRo;0H.w>u&Xzdrh>ySRo;

Nancy Carlson, eJpHRcgvfpX.A’d;M>


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VocalEssence Singers Of This Age tHRrh>0JwDRxDuFdzdoh.w

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G. Phillip Shoultz, III, rh>0JAzd

o.qH;cH*Rty>A(Malachitd.0JA5vgA’D;A>*JR‘dA’D;ALydia Grace td.0JA9 vgM.vDRI) VocalEssence Associate Conductor rh>0JJySReJ.w>vXw>rRvd

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Let’s sing…

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, arr. Daniel Elder

Story time with Nancy Carlson • I Like Me • ABC I Like Me! Let’s sing, again… Creativity groups: • Station 1: Learning Lullabies • Station 2: Creating Doodles • Station 3: Creating a Lullaby Let’s sing, one final time…

Duérmete Mi Niño, Guadalupe Cázares and Francisco Zúñiga Olmos from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project Ameira’s Lullaby, Adrianna Blackmon and Melanie DeMore, arr. G. Phillip Shoultz, III from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project This Is Me from The Greatest Showman, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul Sesere Eeye, traditional song from Torres Strait Islands Inanya, traditional lullaby from Torres Strait Islands All the Pretty Little Horses, arr. Jeffrey Douma I Bought Me a Cat, Aaron Copland, arr. Irving Fine

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Sabti, 30ka Maarso 9:30 & 11:30 subaxnimo Plymouth Congregational Church 1919 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403

2018-2019 50 ANNIVERSARY SEASON th


MAXAYNU MAANTA LA KULMI DOONAA? Waxaan maqli doonaa sheekooyin cajiib ah - qaar la yaqaan iyo kuwo cusub - qaar waxa ku heesi doonta qaar kalena akhrin doonta qoraaga carruurta ee abaalmarinada ku guuleystay, Nancy Carlson. Waan wada sheekeysan doonaa xitaa waxaan leenahay fursad aan ku abuurno hees asal ah!

YAA SAMEYN DOONA? Xubnaha VocalEssence Ensemble Singers, oo ah noocayaga ugu sareeya ee hobolada fanka

Nancy Carlson, qoraa carruur oo abaalmarino ku guuleystay

VocalEssence Singers of This Age, kooxdeena dhameyskatiran ee loogu talagalay ardayda Twin Cites ee dugsiga sare

G. Phillip Shoultz, III, Aabe labo carruur ah (Malachi, 5 iyo Lydia Grace, 1). Isku-duba

ride xigeenka | Agaasimaha Barashada, Ka Qaybgalka, iyo Barnaamijyada Bulshada VocalEssence



Let’s sing…

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, arr. Daniel Elder

Story time with Nancy Carlson • I Like Me • ABC I Like Me! Let’s sing, again… Creativity groups: • Station 1: Learning Lullabies • Station 2: Creating Doodles • Station 3: Creating a Lullaby Let’s sing, one final time…

Duérmete Mi Niño, Guadalupe Cázares and Francisco Zúñiga Olmos from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project Ameira’s Lullaby, Adrianna Blackmon and Melanie DeMore, arr. G. Phillip Shoultz, III from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project This Is Me from The Greatest Showman, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul Sesere Eeye, traditional song from Torres Strait Islands Inanya, traditional lullaby from Torres Strait Islands All the Pretty Little Horses, arr. Jeffrey Douma I Bought Me a Cat, Aaron Copland, arr. Irving Fine Noo sheeg waxa aad u maleyneyso! http://bit.ly/talestunes


“Ma ii akhrin sheeko?” “Ma ila heesi?” “Aan jaasno!” Ereyadaas ayaa badanaa laga maqlayaa gurigeyga waxaanan hubaa gebi ahaanba JECELAY. Qof kastaa wuxuu jecel yahay sheeko fiican - wax wax madadaalo leh in la akhriyo ama la dhageysto. Waxaan sidoo kale aaminsanahay in qof walba jecel yahay hees wanaagsan. Waxaan dareemayaa in ay muhiim u tahay ilmo kasta inuu helo hees lagu seexiyo oo shakhsi ahaaneed. – G. Phillip Shoultz, III, Isku-duba ride xigeenka | Agaasimaha Barashada, Ka Qaybgalka, iyo Barnaamijyada Bulshada VocalEssence

HAGAHA YAR EE ABUURISTA HEESTAADA SEEXINTA Heestayda seexintu ayaa ku saabsanaan doonta:

Waa kuwan ereyada qaar maskaxda kusoo dhaca marka aan ka fikiro cidda ay heestayda seexintu ku saabsanaanayso:

Waqtiyada aan rabo in aan ku heeso heestayda seexintu waa:

Maxay heestayda seexintu u eg tahay? m raaxo

m ciyaar

m farxad

m hurdo

m nabdoon

m murugo

m degdeg

m gaabis ah

Noo sheeg waxa aad u maleyneyso! http://bit.ly/talestunes


Saturday, Lub Peb Hlis 30 thaum 9:30 & 11:30 teev sawv ntxov Plymouth Congregational Church 1919 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55403

2018-2019 50 ANNIVERSARY SEASON th


Peb yuav hnov qee zaj dab neeg zoo heev - qee zaj tau hnov dua thiab qee zaj tshiab-qee zaj yog nkauj thiab qee zaj yuav yog nyeem ntawm cov menyuam uas yeej qhov khoom plig kws sau, Nancy Carlson. Peb yuav hu nkauj ua ke thiab muaj lub caij nyoog los tsim cov nkauj qub!

LEEJ TWG YUAV YOG COV LOS UA? Cov tswvcuab ntawm VocalEssence Ensemble Cov Kws Hu Nkauj, peb cov nkauj suab siab ntawm cov kws tshaj lij hu nkauj

Nancy Carlson, qhov khoom plig yeej kev sau nkauj menyuam yaus

Cov tswvcuab ntawm VocalEssence Singers Of This Age, peb cov koom hu nkauj ua ke rau hauv thaj chaw Twin Cites cov tub ntxhais kawm hauv tsev kawm theem siab

G. Phillip Shoultz, III, leej txiv ntawm ob tug menyuam me (Malachi, 5 thiab Lydia Grace, 1) VocalEssence Tus Ua Haujlwm Txuas Lus | Tus Thawj Saib Xyuas Kev Kawm, Kev Koom Nrog, thiab Cov Kev Pab Hauv Zej Zog



Let’s sing…

Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, arr. Daniel Elder

Story time with Nancy Carlson • I Like Me • ABC I Like Me! Let’s sing, again… Creativity groups: • Station 1: Learning Lullabies • Station 2: Creating Doodles • Station 3: Creating a Lullaby Let’s sing, one final time…

Duérmete Mi Niño, Guadalupe Cázares and Francisco Zúñiga Olmos from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project Ameira’s Lullaby, Adrianna Blackmon and Melanie DeMore, arr. G. Phillip Shoultz, III from VocalEssence Carnegie Hall Lullaby Project This Is Me from The Greatest Showman, Benj Pasek and Justin Paul Sesere Eeye, traditional song from Torres Strait Islands Inanya, traditional lullaby from Torres Strait Islands All the Pretty Little Horses, arr. Jeffrey Douma I Bought Me a Cat, Aaron Copland, arr. Irving Fine Qhia peb seb koj xav li cas! http://bit.ly/talestunes

English English



“Puas yog koj yuav nyeem dab neeg rau kuv mloog?” “Puas yog koj yuav nrog kuv hu nkauj?” “Thov Chaw Seev Cev!” Cov ntu no feem ntau yeej hnov hais tom kuv tsev lawm thiab kuv NYIAM tshaj plaws li. Txhua tus neeg nyiam cov dab neeg zoo-yog cov dab neeg nyeem lom zem thiab xav hnov. Kuv kuj tseem ntseeg tias txhua tus neeg nyiam cov nkauj zoo ib yam nkaus. Kuv xav tias nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb rau txhua tus menyuam yaus kom muaj cov nkauj ntxias menyuam yaus tsaug zog. – G. Phillip Shoultz, III, VocalEssence Tus Ua Haujlwm Txuas Lus | Tus Thawj Saib Xyuas Kev Kawm, Kev Koom Nrog, thiab Cov Kev Pab Hauv Zej Zog


Nov yog qee lo lus uas los rau hauv lub siab thaum kuv xav txog tias tus neeg nyob hauv kuv zaj nkauj ntxias menyuam zoo li cas:

Lub sij hawm thaum kuv xav hu zaj nkauj ntxias menyuam yog:

Kuv lub suab nkauj ntxias menyuam yuav zoo li cas? m hu npliag siab m kom kaj sia

m hu kom ua si m ntxhov siab

m zoo siab m nrawm

m tsaug zog m qeeb

Qhia peb seb koj xav li cas! http://bit.ly/talestunes

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