sharleen wonorahardjo 784100
PROLOGUE truth be told, studio8 is the first time i’ve encountered the works of Rossi and his archives. Heard about his name, but never been interested with archives and histories. this studio has forced me to understand his ways of thinking and approaching problems, and foremost, to be brave in designing. Design does not always have reasons of why, it does not always need to be a resolution of a problem. It can simply be an object you want to put. previous design studios needs reasons and justification of why what we design. The way of thinking has been embedded and formed into habit while encountering design. i may not have done my very best and struggle a lot, but i dont regret of my decision to take this studio, to look at my peers work, and to be have studio leaders like Scott and Kim. i appreciate
Rossi Residential Archive Edificio residenziale e a uffici in Schutzenstrasse, Berlino
Aldo Rossi : The Life and Works of an Architect by Ferlenga Edificio residenziale e a uffici in Schutzenstrasse, Berlino
GF pla
F plan
fragment 1: filter entrance
fragment 2: fractal stairway
fragment 3: infinite partitions
perspective 1 : view from filter entrance towards main atrium
perspective 2 : view from temporary exhibition to fractal stairway
perspective 3 : view from main atrium into temporary exhibition with infinite partition
step 1.1 city
step 1.2 monument
step 1.3 domestic object
step 2.1 1 room
step 2.2 3 room
step 2.3 5 room
class diary