A List for warm weather. Summer 2022

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STONE, Sasha. Femmes. Collection d’études photographiques du corps humain. Paris: Éditions arts et métiers graphiques. 1933 Twenty loose leaves (title page and nineteen black and white photographs) in a cream coloured board folder, spine in cream linen with a black and white photograph of a woman on the upper cover. Housed in a blue purpose made box lettered in gilt on the spine. There is some rubbing and wear to the folder itself and to the photograph on the cover. Plate 8 has a small closed tear to the left edge, plate 13 has a small tear to the upper left corner and a crease along the left edge and plate 20 has a small tear to the lower right corner and a crease the bottom edge. Otherwise, the plates are in very good condition. Sasha Stone (1895-1940) was born Alexander Steinsapir in Russia. Having settled in America in 1913, he served in the US Army during WWI. After his discharge, he worked as a sculptor in Paris and then a painter before turning to photography. His images demonstrate the eye of a sculptor and these examples of the female form have a classical sculptural quality. Stone also worked with modernist and surrealist groups including members of Bauhaus and it might even be argued that these nudes suggest, in their combination of faktura and tektonika, the influence of constructivism. [3104]



NATKIN, Marcel. Le Nu en Photographie. Paris: Aux Éditions Tiranty. 1945 265x189mm. pp. 40, [2]. XXXII black and white photographs. Card covers with illustrated paper wrappers. Foxing and marking to the covers but overall a very good copy and internally in excellent condition, especially the photographs which are by Laure Albin Guillot, Pierre Boucher, Man Ray and Roger Schall. The first half of the book is a brief history of the nude in art from antiquity to the 20th century and there isa chapter at the end on the technique of nude photography. The photographs are grouped according to “Les Diverses Conceptions du Nu” which includes Man Ray’s “Stylised Nudes” and Pierre Boucher’s “Les Fantasmagories du Nu”, an extraordinary collection of surrealist works. [3426]



NATKIN Marcel. Le Nu en Photographie. Paris: Editions Mana & Editions Tiranty. 1949 First edition. 258x177mm. pp. 36, [2]. XXXII black and white photographs. Card covers with illustrated fold-round illustrated card wrappers. Worn and rubbed to extremities with some light creasing. Tears to spine with slight loss in places, cracking to hinges but holding and overall in good condition although internally it is in very good condition especially the photographs. With text by Marcel Natkin on the history and aesthetics of the nude in art from antiquity to the 20th century and there is a brief chapter at the end on the technique of nude photography. The photographs are grouped according to “Les Diverses Conceptions du Nu” which includes “Le Nu Statuaire” by Sougez, “Le Nu Réaliste” by Brassaï and “Le Nu Poétique” by Jahan. [2275]



BERGON, Paul et Rene Le Begue. Art Photographique: Le Nu & Le Drape en Plein Air. Paris: Ch. Mendel. [1898] First edition. 280x190mm. pp. 48. Text in French. 28 photographs included in the text and seven plates. Original illustrated paper covers, with some soiling and a tear to the joint with lower cover. Internally near fine. A nice copy of a rare book which explains the techniques of photographing the female form both nude and clothed “en plein air”. Paul Bergon (1863-1912) was both a photographer and a naturalist specialising in images of orchids and nudes. The photographs are beautiful, Bergon being an exponent of ‘pictorialism’, a movement that sought to create more painterly images in photography rather than simply record the moment. The photographs in this volume capture perfectly Bergon’s artistic connections between naturism and naturalism. [3663]



MEYS, Marcel. Nus et paysages. Etudes artistiques de Marcel Meys. Paris: Editions artistiques de Paris. [1931] First edition. 244x158mm. Unpaginated [pp. 32]. Forty four photographs. In card covers with window cut in upper cover to reveal the first photograph on page one. Some foxing to covers and a repaired tear to upper cover. Internally near fine . Overall a very good copy of a rare work by a pioneer of outdoor nude photography. Meys began his career as a painter working in the symbolist and art nouveau traditions. He turned his attention to photography in the 1920s. His distinctive method was to place beautiful, porcelain skinned models against a rugged background to create a striking natural contrast between the rough and the smooth, the young and the old. [3664]



VIGNOLA. A Mes Modeles. Revue Artistique. Album 1905. 400 Etudes de Nu d’apres nature Paris: [A Vignola]. 1905 The first eighteen issues of Mes Modeles from 30th April to 20th October 1905. 275x195mm. Unpaginated but each issue is twelve pages and with a single leaf supplement with a full page nude. Each has a short one page introductory text on some aspect of nude photography (”Le Moral et la Physique”, “Modes esthetiques”, ”Du bon gout”) followed by a series of black and white photographs illustrating the theme. The eighteen issues are bound together in grey-green paper wrappers decorated in gold and lettered in dark blue. Bound in are two leaves of advertisements for risque publications, a preface by Vignola and a remarkably detailed index which allows the reader to search models by age, nationality, style and pose. Amédée Vignola edited three journals in which he sought to place the academic artistic treatment of the nude female model in the context of photography. Mes Modeles was aimed at artists, allowing them to train their eye to recognise the “true forms” of the human body. These “academic” photographs were intended to bridge the gap between study of antique sculpture or the painted Renaissance nude and the life model. A measure of the seriousness of Vignola’s project is the fact that Matisse was a subscriber to Mes Modeles and acknowledged its influence in his development of an eroticised and voluptuous female form. Bodies of Art: French Literary Realism and the Artist’s Model. Marie Lathers. [3665]



BAYARD, Emile. Le Nu Esthétique L’Homme, La Femme, L’Enfant. Album de Documents Artistiques d’apres nature. Paris: E Bernard. 1902 First twelve issues of this important and scarce monthly periodical of nude photographs designed for artists wanting to study the human form. October 1902 to September 1903. Folio. 375x270mm. Each issue has four plates mostly with multiple images although some are single image plates. Each issue of four plates has its own illustrated paper wrapper (although the wrapper for the second issue is from a later year - November 1904 rather than 1902). This collection also contains the long introductory essay in ten chapters which sets the whole work on a proper artistic and academic footing. In addition, there are a further thirty nine loose plates from later issues but without the folders (making a total number of 87 plates). The whole is housed in an orange and cream cloth covered card portfolio dated 1904 and lettered in orange and blue with a nude figure stamped in gold on the upper cover. Overall in very good condition although some of the plates have small nicks and repaired tears and there is some soiling to the covers of the portfolio and a small tear to the front edge of the upper cover. A scarce collection particularly with the text which is rarely found with the photographs. “The monthly Le Nu Esthétique is perhaps the most significant of académie reviews, both for its exemplary adherence to their standard format and its lengthy articles that develop a psychology and physiology of the étude académique photographique model”. Le Nu Esthétique was dedicated to the leading French academic painter William-Adolphe Bouguereau who painted the female nude in an uncompromisingly classical and baroque form. Bayard clearly saw himself as adapting the same somewhat reactionary tradition to the new(ish) art of photography. Bodies of Art: French Literary Realism and the Artist’s Model. Marie Lathers. [3666]



MENTZEL, Albert and Albert Roux. Formes Nues. Paris: Editions d’Art Graphique et Photographique. 1935 First edition. 314x235mm. pp. [22 text in French, English and German], 70 of 96 photographs (26 are missing). Original spiral binding with closed tear to upper cover. Despite the book’s flaws, the photographs are in very good condition and the work collected here is stunning with many of the finest photographers of the twentieth century represented including Brassai, MoholyNagy, Kertesz, Feininger and Man Ray. This is nude photography as high art. [3670]



LARYEW [Stanislaw J. Walery]. NUS. Cent Photographies Originales de Laryew. Paris: Librairie de Arts Décoratifs. n.d. [1920s] Portfolio of 100 photographs of nude women printed in sepia tone using the heliogravure (or photogravure) technique. Each plate measures 319x249mm and is numbered with a roman number. With title leaf but lacking number XLIX (49) and with five plates in duplicate. Loose in the original beige paper covered boards (with white ribbon ties) which are slightly soiled and with some tears to the edges. Overall a very good copy with the photographs themselves in excellent condition. Laryew is the anagrammatic pseudonym of Stanislaw Julian Ignacy Walery, Count Ostroróg. The son of an exiled Polish aristocrat, Walery was born in London in 1863. He inherited his father’s photographic studio (and title) and worked initially as a society portraitist (he photographed King George V) before moving to Paris where his father had also kept a studio. Here he started to photograph dancers and cabaret artists including Mata Hari and Josephine Baker. It was at this time (the 1920s) that Walery adopted the pseudonym Laryew (or occasionally Yrelaw) to publish erotica. The photographs that make up Nus are a mixture of the very mildly erotic, the theatrical and the academic nude. Nus is now regarded as one of the most important collections of Art Deco nude photography. [3674]



BONNARD, Abel. Man Ray, Remy Duval, Pierre Boucher, Nora Dumas et al. 28 Etudes de Nus Preface d’Abel Bonnard de L’Academie Francaise. Poème de Rémy Duval. Paris: Arts et Metiers Graphiques 1936 A portfolio of 24 black and white photographs of nude women, the other four studies incorporated in the text of a poem by Rémy Duval. 362x260mm. Loose in a marbled paper covered card folder. In addition to the plates of images and the four page poem with photographs, there is an illustrated frontispiece and a folded leaf with title page, contents and Bonnard’s preface in which he introduces “quelque formes qui chantent un chant très pur”. Right edge of plate 8 slightly chipped and some very minor creasing to the corners in places but overall in excellent condition. A beautiful collection. [3676]



MASSOT, Pierre de Prisons de Soie [with] Petit Choc. Paris: Les Editions de Paris. c1930 Large 8vo. Reproductions of 30 elegantly suggestive photographic images in the first title (Prisons de Soie) and 39 in the second (Petit Choc). Original illustrated wrappers preserved but the whole bound with boards covered in green marbled paper. Ex libris G. Nordmann, one of the great collectors of erotica. This copy was sold for 1140 euros at the Nordmann sale in 2006. Two scarce albums bound together illustrating, with provocative daring, lingerie of the late 1920s. The first, Prisons de Soie carries a text by Pierre de Massot (1900-1969) who was closely connected with the Dadaist movement of the 1920s. He was present at the Dadaist evening known as the “Coeur a barbe” organised by Tristan Tzara at the Michel Theatre. This event descended into a physical fight between the Dadists and the Surrealists, de Massot’s arm being broken by a blow from Andre Breton’s cane. However, the two became friends and close artistic associates. de Massot was also Andre Gide’s secretary. [2685]



ROBERTSON, Martin. A History of Greek Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1975 First edition. Two volumes. Vol. 1. xviii, 6111, [1]. Vol II. v, 613-835 [1]. Original dark red cloth with original dust-jackets. A fine set of this leading work on Greek art. The dust-jackets of both volumes are illustrated with examples of Greek art showing the naked form thus demonstrating that (for European culture) it was in ancient Greece that the body become aestheticised and the naked became the nude. [3669]



BRODZKY, Horace. Forty Drawings. Text by James Laver. London: William Heinemann. 1935 Presentation copy: 'For Juliet Foyle with the compliments of Horace Brodzky London Nov 4/35'. First edition. 4to. pp. [iv], 17, 40, recto only. Portrait frontispiece and 40 illustrations, chiefly nudes. Horace Brodzky, 1885-1969, was a student at the School of the National Gallery of Victoria in Melbourne, but spent most of his creative life in London. He was one of the earliest Australian artists to embrace the modern style of the twentieth century. Original buff cloth with initials on upper cover and spine lettered in brown. Grey dust-jacket lettered in maroon, torn in two with edgewear and some loss to spine and lower and upper cover. [1632]



PRAGER, Willhelm und Dr Nicholas Kaufmann. Wege zu Kraft und Schonheit. Ein Film uber Moderne Korperkultur. Erneuerte Ausgabe. Berlin: Hergestellt von der Kulturabteilung der UFA. n.d. Revised edition. 155x235mm. pp. 32. In pictorial paper covers, some wear and a repaired tear to front cover but overall in very good condition. Bound into blue boards, lettered in gilt to spine. Ten pages of text (in German) and nineteen photographs. Undated, this appears to be an abridged, smaller version of the book that accompanied the 1925 film made by Prager in praise of the beautiful and athletic body. The film and these photographs taken from it profess to be about sporting prowess: there are images of the runner Paavo Nurmi and the American high-jumper Harold Osborn. But these are squeezed in at the end after several photographs of naked and semi-naked girls engaged in “rhythmic gymnastics”. Some poses set in an imaginary ancient Greece encourage us to make the connection between nudity, classicism and athletics. [3661]



SUREN, Hans. Mensch und Sonne. Arisch-olymischer Geist. Berlin: Verlag Scherl. 1936 206 bis 235 Tausend. Revised 1936 edition. 8vo. 205x135mm. pp. 264. Text in German, illustrated throughout with black and white photographs of naked men, women and children engaged in athletic pursuits. Original cream cloth lettered to upper cover and spine in dark brown. Some soiling on the boards and some tears to the cloth on the spine at the joints. Internally very good. First published in 1924, Mensch und Sonne was a general work on sport and nudity in which Suren wrote of the health benefits of exercising while naked. He practiced what he preached, once undertaking a long run at night without clothes. This 1936 edition is altogether more controversial. It was heavily revised to incorporate the racial theories and politics of the Third Reich and was given the subtitle Aryan-Olympic Spirit. Coinciding with the 1936 Berlin Olympics, this edition quotes from Mein Kampf and from works by Goebbels and Rosenberg. Although there is nothing funny about all this, it is hard to resist the view, common at the time, that one of the reasons why Fascism never took hold in Britain was the tendency of the British to laugh at the ludicrous posing that it seemed to involve. And, indeed, can we suppress a little giggle when faced with a photograph of a naked man on skis with snowy mountains towering behind him? Or is possible not to snigger when we discover that Suren was expelled from the Nazi Party in 1941 for public masturbation? [3662]



DONGER, Fernand. Ethik der Nacktheit. Leipzig: Parthenon-Verlag. 1927 First edition. 239x154mm. pp. 64. Original paper wrappers illustrated with a photograph of a naked woman. Slight creasing to the edges of the upper cover but otherwise in very good condition. Internally near fine with the photographs in superb condition. Ten pages of text (in German) and 48 black and white photographs by many of the leading photographers of the nude in 1920s German including Lotte and Rolf Herrlich and Dr Ernst Schertel. The text explores some of the moral and ethical questions raised by public nudity. [3668]



KOCH, Adolf und Dr Hans Graaz. Körperbildung-Nacktkultur. Sonderheft 12. Freude am Körper Leipzig: Ernst Oldenburg 1931 Special issue 12 of Alfred Koch’s leading naturist magazine Körperbildung-Nacktkultur. 221x142mm. pp. 54, [10]. 24pp with 43 black and white photographs. In original paper covers illustrated with a naked couple dancing on the beach. Scuffing to four of the images with a little loss but otherwise a nice copy of a rare volume. Adolf Koch was one of the leading proponents of the Freikörperkultur and developed his own method of nude gymnastics. This issue of Körperbildung-Nacktkultur translates as “Pleasure in the Body” and contains, in addition to numerous photographs showing people taking pleasure in their bodies, articles on the Korperkultur movement in England and America, the practical work of Koch’s gymnastics school and “SexAppeal und Nacktkultur”. [3672]



Der Kreis/Le Cerle. Der Mann in der Photographie (The Male Body in Pictures): Volume 1. Zurich: Der Kreis. 1954 One hundred photographs of the male figure from ten years of Der Kreis magazine. A good copy in green linen boards. 222x150mm. There is some watermarking on the front cover which has affected the fore-edges of some of the pages inside but generally this is a very good copy. As the introduction says, "This book of photographs is not available in bookstores; it is intended as a private edition for our comrades all over the world". The photographs "were chosen simply from the point of view of youthful charm and manly beauty. Varied as the pictures may be, we believe that they harmonize to form a hymn in praise of the masculine body". The front pastedown has the bookplate "Ex Libris Carl Van Vechten". Van Vechten was a music and dance critic, photograher and novelist. He was also an early admirer of Gertrude Stein and her literary executor. He was instrumental in bringing into print her unpublished writings. Edward White's 2014 biography of Van Vechten is entitled "The Tastemaker: Carl Van Vechten and the Birth of Modern America" and so perhaps this collection of modestly homo-erotic photographs reflects a particular strand of modern American taste. [2537]



SCHULTZ, Bruno. Das Deutsches Aktwerk. Berlin: Bruno Schultz.1938 Twenty four photographs of nude women. 400x300mm. Loose in the original folder illustrated on the upper cover with a line drawing of a naked woman. Some damage to the folder but the plates are in immaculate condition all protected by the original patterned tissue paper. With the title and contents leaf. Among the photographers featured are Bruno Schultz, Willy Zielke, Ursula Lang-Kurz and Trude Fleischmann (who worked with Hermann Schieberth). The aesthetic is a perfect German combination of the classical studio-posed nude and the outdoor, athleticism of the FKK movement. [3678]



HERRLICH, Lotte Edle Nacktheit zwanzig photographische aufnahmen weiblicher [und mannlicher] Körper nach der Natur. Band I, II, III Dresden: Verlag Aurora n.d. [1920s]

Three volumes. First volume (8-9 tausand), 238x190mm. Grey paper covered boards lettered in dark blue with a stamped roundel illustrated with a line drawing of two classical nudes. Cream linen spine lettered in blue. Some soiling and a small tear to the paper to the top right corner of upper cover. Internally very good. Second volume (6-7 tausand), 235x152mm. Green paper covered boards, lettered in silver with image of a nude lady. Some tears to paper on the spine but overall a very good copy. Third volume, 235x152mm. Green paper covered boards, lettered in silver with image of a naked lady. Some tears to paper on the spine but overall a very good copy. All the photographs are in excellent condition. Volume I contains photographs exclusively of women while the others show men too. A nice collection of the three volumes of this celebrated work by one of the leading female photographers of the nude. Lotte Herrlich was self taught and took most of her photographs in a small studio constructed in her house in Hamburg. There is something rather comforting, natural and domestic about her work which reached a zenith of popularity in the 1920s with the Freikörperkultur (FKK) movement. [3667]



NEELSEN, Lotte. Kunstmappe 1. 12 Akt-Entwurte aus der Tanzkunst. Hamburg: Waldemar Heldt n.d. [1924] First edition. 1-3 Tausand. Twelve photographs printed from copper plates on cream card. The cards measure 226x180mm (photographs measure 155x107mm). They are held, loose, in a leaf folded in two. The front page contains a brief descriptive preface by Sedan Minde on the dance art of Lotte Neelsens. The leaf has been torn and repaired but there is a piece (about one inch square) missing at the foot of the back page at the hinge. The leaf and photographs are contained in a card folder which has been repaired, the spine and part of the back consisting of new card on which the old card of the covers have been laid down. The upper cover, which has a photograph inside a decorative border, has some creases and repaired tears. The whole is housed in a custom made blue box lettered in gilt

on the spine. The photographs, taken in the studio of W. Paulsen in Hamburg, are in excellent condition, very clean and fresh. Neelsen’s twelve images of nude dancers is a rare collection which presents the dancer is a studio setting against the prevailing tendency at the time in Germany to see naked dancing as an open air activity. As Neelsen herself wrote in 1928 in Der Freude, “[it is] in the silent halls and ceremonial temples that the elements of the neo-classical dance will unfold as a great sacred flame”. Empire of Ecstasy: Nudity and Movement in German Body Culture 1910-1935. Karl Eric Toepfer. [3105]



WOG. [Adorjan and Olga von Wlassics]. Mappe 1. Der Akt. Eine Sinfonie in Licht und Schatten. Berlin: Oswald Arnold 1941 A portfolio of photographs from the Atelier Manasse in Vienna run by Aderjan and Olga von Wlassics. They were the leading photographers of nude and mildly erotic studies in the 1920s and 1930s. Bound in a beige card cover with blue tasselled string. Some slight creasing and scuffing to the cover. The contents are a two page introduction on the beauty of the female body and its influence on artists. Loosely inserted is a facsimile handwritten letter from Aderjan Wlassics. Eleven of the twelve plates are present but they are in immaculate condition. [3673]



Manassé. Mappe 2. n.p. [Leipzig] Parthenon-Akt-Kunst. n.d. Ten black and white photographs of nude females in artistic poses. Loose in the original yellow card folder lettered on the front cover and illustrated with a photograph. Some soiling to the folder but the photographs are in superb condition. Atelier Manassé was a photographic studio in Vienna run by Aderjan and Olga von Wlassics. It was Olga who was most interested in photographing the female nude and these beautifully and artistically posed images are about much more than eroticism. Olga captures the fluid aesthetic of the pure female form, combining idealism and realism. This set is published by the Parthenon publishing house in Leipzig whose presiding figure was Ernst Schertel. Regarded as “one of

the really fascinating figures of Weimar cultural history”, Schertel was fascinated by the darker side of nudity, its erotic charge and its links with psychology and violence. Apart from the presence of a dead polar bear, a small dog and a mirror, there are few signs of Schertel’s obsessions in this attractive set of nudes. Slightly bizarrely, this collection comes with a pair of cardboard “spectacles” with the lenses made from red and blue coloured plastic. We do not know if the portfolio was issued with these but we offer them should anyone wish to add some colour to the photographs. [3675]



SCHIEBERTH, Hermann. Zwölf Weibliche Akte nach der Natur aufgenommen. Wien: Franz Kehle. n.d. A collection of twelve sepia photographs of nude women. Heliogravure (photogravure) by A. Krampolek. 420x300mm, edges uncut. In a card folder with title details on the upper cover and housed in a paper covered board portfolio to which there is some scuffing and some wear to the extremities and tears to the flaps. The plates are in excellent condition and the photographs superb. Hermann Schieberth (1876-1948) was an Austrian (born in what is now Romania in the old Austro-Hungarian Empire). He made his name photographing many of the great artists who gathered in Vienna in the early years of the twentieth century such as Kokoschka, Karl Kraus and Adolf Loos. He was also celebrated for his tasteful and classically posed nudes of which this rare collection is a fine example. Schieberth was Jewish and when the Nazis annexed Austria in 1938 he emigrated to Shanghai where he ran an art dealership. [3677]



NAKAMURA, Masaya. Nus Japonais. Paris Les Editions Prisma. 1961 A collection of artfully shot Japanese nude studies. 243x154mm. Unpaginated, illustrated throughout with black and white photographs, introduction by Robert Guillain. Very good in ivory card and illustrated card wraps. [2267]



MATSUSHIMA, Susumu. Young Lady Nude. 36 Sheets of Color Tokyo: KK Sansei Shinsa. 1968 Folio sized red cloth clamshell box with gilt-stamped titles to upper cover. Containing a 16 page booklet (text in Japanese) and thirty six colour prints (37x29cm), all numbered on verso. Also a paper obi and card. All near fine with only very minor wear to the tips of the corners. Box is near fine with only very minor rubbing to extremities. All contained in a stapled, corrugated card slipcase (400x300mm) with red printed titles to top. The slipcase has some abrasions and there is a split one-third along the bottom edge. This is a rare collection in very good condition. Susumu Matsushima was a photographer most noted for his portrait, fashion and nude work. He was born in 1913 in Tokyo and after graduating he joined Jiji Shinpo-Sa (the news service) but later moved to Nikkatsu, Japan’s oldest film studio, where he worked as a photographer focusing mainly on female portraiture which he submitted to Photo Times and other photographic magazines. After WWII, Matsushima went freelance and in 1948 he created the group Shashinka Shudan with Fujio Matsugi, Sankichi Ozaki and others. He was an honorary member of the Japanese Professional Photographers Society and the Japan Photographers Association. [2860]



Kishin Shinoyama. Nude. Tokyo: Chikuma Shobo. 1971 First edition. Portfolio of ten gravure prints, eight in black and white and two in colour. 592x420mm. The prints are in a large white envelope together with a separate title page on the verso of which are notes and details about the photographs (text in Japanese). They are protected inside the envelope by a heavy sheet of cardboard. This is all placed in a black card folder with an illustrated label covering part of the upper cover, spine and lower cover. The photographs are in excellent condition although there are some marks on the rear of the prints but these do not affect the images in any way. The white envelope has some fading and sunning and there is a little marking and spotting to the black portfolio case. Overall this is in very good condition - an excellent example of the complete set of these striking images many of which are from Shinoyama’s 1970 book Nudes. These place the nude human form in the expansive landscape of Death Valley to create a challenging surrealism. Always beautiful, Shinoyama’s work, in common with much postwar Japanese photography, frequently hints at the dark and threatening.

This portfolio is volume 2 of the Chikuma Photo Gallery series of collections of ten images from eight leading Japanese photographers. The other seven are Hiroshi Hamaya, Yoshikazu Shirakawa, Yoichi Midorikawa Taikichi Irie, Yoshihiro Tatsuki, Ikko Narahara, and Eikoh Hosoe. [3467]



ROVERSI, Paolo. Nudi. Paris: Stromboli. 1999 First edition. 285x230mm. Unpaginated. No text. 46 photographs of nude women, some of whom are famous models (Kate Moss is here) and some are unknown. Only the first names of the models are given. The photographic aesthetic is stripped down with an overexposed washed-out minimalism creating an eerie atmosphere. This is matched by the book itself, bound in white cloth, title stamped in black to upper cover. With the original glassine wrapper. The wrapper is soiled and marked with some small tears to the top edge. Some slight staining to the fore-edge but otherwise the book itself is in very good condition. [3671]



EVERARD, John. Life Lines. London: Chapman & Hall. 1936 First edition. 310x250mm. pp 48, illustrated with 48 black and white plates on semi-glossy stock. Near fine in pale grey flecked buckram with bluestamped titles and artist's signature. In original photographic dust jacket with toning to the spine, mild chipping and scuffing to edges and an old tape repair to a one inch closed tear to the rear bottom edge. “Beauty is as each of us would see it”. (John Everard) [2336]



EVERARD, John. Adam's Fifth Rib. A Collection of Photographic Studies of the Nude. London: Chapman & Hall Ltd. 1937 Third impression. 310x255mm. pp. viii, 49 plates of black and white photographs of the female nude. Original beige cloth title and author stamped in brown on upper cover and spine. Original illustrated dust-jacket worn and with repaired tears to spine. One of the plates is loose and is chipped on the edges. Otherwise a good copy of one of Everard’s earliest books. Dedicated “With apologies to Eve”. [3680]



EVERARD, John. Nymph & Naiad. London: George Routledge & Sons 1940 First edition. 310x245mm. pp 8, 48 black and white plates. Very light toning to margins and occasional spotting to versos of plates and endpapers only, otherwise a very good copy in oatmeal buckram with brown stamped titles and authors signature to the upper board. In a very good original photographic dust jacket. Slightly chipped to edges, a small closed repaired tear to the top edge near the front corner and a small area of loss to the head of the spine which has been previously backed with tape. Everard's fifth book of nude studies takes a classical theme. [2215]



EVERARD, John. Judgement of Paris. London: George Routledge & Sons. 1941 First edition. 312x250mm. pp 8, 48 black and white plates on semi-glossy stock. Good with spotting to endpapers. In oatmeal buckram with brown stamped titles and artist's signature printed on the upper board and spine Some spotting to endpapers but otherwise in very good condition with the plates particularly fine. In a very good original photographic dust jacket in plastic wraps with light chipping to extremities. Everard's sixth book of nude studies - this time with a Gallic theme. [2223]



HASKINS, Sam. Cowboy Kate & Other Stories. London: Haskins Press 1975 Limited edition. 350x270mm. Unpaginated [pp156]. Illustrated throughout with black and white photographs. A seminal book in the history of photography, fashion, design, soft-focus erotica and social history. Although Cowboy Kate is clearly a work of its time (mid 1960s) what lends it an eternal charm is the light touch humour that defines (for good or ill) the British attitude to nudity and sex. [3679]


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