The Book of Samson

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Ok so let us start by saying this interview could be considered a little bit biased but we really wanted to tell you about the wonderful Book of Samson which was written by our very own Director, Linda Park. The book has had so many wonderful reviews, some of which we will share later, but first we wanted you to know why Linda decided to write this book and what she hoped would be the outcome of it being published. So over to Linda:I have always had a connection to all animals and lions especially have featured more and more in my life, both as guides and as a source of inspiration. Animal communication seemed to be a perfectly natural thing even as a child until I realized that people found it a little strange! I cover in the opening pages of the book how I had a dream of a lion that I did not recognize (I was already working with lions at that point) and a few years later came to find him in a captive breeding operation. He told me that his name was Samson (not what they called him there) and the conversations flowed from there. There were times when I knew I had to write and the messages came in the form of “today we will discuss�. I kept those discussions to myself for a number of years until I realized that the time was right to release them. The wonderful feedback I have received from so many who have read the book affirms that decision. People draw what they need at a particular time from the messages. It seems the book has become a daily tool for many. We all need upliftment and inspiration. If Samson and his friends (yes, others joined in!) can provide that then I think a purpose has been well fulfilled and I am very grateful.

The Book of Samson even reached the dizzy heights of Everest Base Camp in November 2018 when the Founder of Trek for Big Cats, Gareth James Legg, took it with him on their expedition. The team dressed in big cat costumes and in this photo you see Gareth dressed as the lion. The expedition raised a huge amount of awareness on the issues facing big cats, environmental issues and educated people along the way. You can see more about their story on their website We asked Gareth why he wanted to take this book on his journey. “During my long gruelling days of not just training but orchestrating the entire Trek for Big Cats expedition I often called to my special little book Samson for both guidance and support. For me taking the book to Everest Base Camp was symbolic on a number of levels and helped to give me more inspiration and encouragement during the tough times. Samson became a silent team member but his voice echoes loudly with all our voices to become powerful forces of change and helping save our beautiful environment and all flora and fauna.�

Some of the other reviews that have been received on the book include:“…so different to anything else I have read. The messages from the animals are such fresh insights, coming through with divine purity and simplicity, but with a force that goes direct to the core of the soul in the most profound way. My favourite thing to do is to consciously open the book at random for my message of the moment – always thought provoking and relevant to me in that moment. I find the messages gently wafting through my mind from time to time through the day for me to contemplate on…”

“Just to thank you for that lovely book by Linda Park. One of those books that you can pick up again and again and you will always find something to ponder upon. On the cover is the quote “There is a vast wealth of innate wisdom in the wild, if we would only listen”. In the mad dash to be somebody or something important, we forget to tread carefully, steadfastly and surely and find a calmness within ourselves to put the next step where it should be. One of the many valuable lesson from Samson and the other animals. Thought provoking.”

“It is mostly impossible messages The Book of

this said pocket!”

to pass through to a human those conveyed to you by non-human beings. Samson seeks not to disturb the comfort zones but to inform choices of such. I am excited that Linda Park wrote this book in manner. Each chapter is a guide for a mood or situation. Good thing it fits in a

We thought you’d like an example of one of the messages in the book so we have chosen “Message from the Tigers” for you.

As your rhinos are hunted, so too are we – for bones, our coats and various body parts. The lack of respect for our lives, and the greed with which all this takes place, is truly overwhelming.

We are not made up of any magical properties. We are, in truth, no different to humanity in many ways. Do these hunters also not realise that whatever energy they think our bones carry will die when we do. That energy is part of our spirit and goes back to spirit home with us. It is not left behind. Therefore, a stick off the ground would do as much good as one of our bones. This widespread slaughter for human avarice cannot be allowed to continue. For there will come a time when none of us exist anymore – no rhino, no tiger, no lion. The balance of the planet will then have shifted irreparably. We know that there are tigers being bred in captivity but they will remain in captivity all their lives. This is not respect for our wildness. We know too of breeding projects in your country where the supposed aim is to release the progeny back into the wild. These projects have been beset by ego, greed and deception. They are about the human, not the tiger. We ask to be left in the wild, unharmed, to go about our business. We ask for respect and compassion. For love and understanding. For spaces where we can just be who we truly are. Are these not things humanity wishes for themselves? We would like to thank all those that have already purchased a copy of the book and are sharing and living the messages from the animals contained within. We would also like to thank those who have also been kind enough to sell this book in their shops.

If you would like to buy a copy of Book of Samson for yourself, then they are available for those in South Africa via Linda on or for the rest of the world via Sarah on The book costs ÂŁ13 or Rand 180 plus post and packaging. You can also purchase via Our Books Direct website

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