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607 Sqn ADR Course
n January of this year, 607 Sqn, MT training, ran their second in house ADR course, utilising TDF classroom facilities. The aim of the course is for personnel to attain their ADR licence. This course is normally delivered through DST Leconfield, however they have no more courses being delivered until the new training year and TG6 personnel were required to maintain Operational effectiveness. The course runs over a six-day period and is predominantly delivered through PowerPoint presentations. There are several practical lessons, including Firefighting and First Aid.
When I was serving as a Regular, there were many acronyms that filled me with dread (as all TG6 Pers), OOA, IRT, RAFFT, but by far the worst, as I’ve mentioned before was DST!! So, to be able to attend the course at RAF Leeming was most definitely the more desirable option for all TG6 personnel!
On the course, we had a mixture of students from various backgrounds; Civil servants from RAF Leeming, to Regular still serving and numerous RAuxAF personnel travelling from various locations including; Lossiemouth, Shape and Ramstein. Most had completed the course previously and for them this was a 5-yearly refresher course. For one of the PTVRs from 501 Sqn however, it was their initial course, meaning that the huge amount of information thrown at them throughout the week, had to be absorbed.
Of all the courses that I have delivered throughout my career in the RAF, ADR is by far the most difficult to prepare for, plan, set up and deliver. There are many hoops to jump through and boxes to tick. Having said that, I think it is also the most rewarding course to deliver. Seeing the students fully understand the vast information that you have passed on to them and observing them complete the exams at the end of the week, with confidence and a smile on their face (ish)!?
Although ADR can be seen by some to be an extremely dry and dull subject, I believe that the fact that we had a vast array of previous experience, along with a willingness to learn and a great level of banter, made for an almost enjoyable week for all.
It’s now just a waiting game for the results, I’m keeping everything crossed!!!