Police Resettlement Summer 2019 Edition

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P o l i c e

Summer 2019

Y , C EC nd EN W N a G HO the y 18 6 ER S S at da r. P0 s 5 EM CE all ne be E VI n H ed em t TH ER ce i n W ep S pla o 9 S s am 1 ke gh ay Ta in rsd rm u Bi Th

R e s e t t l e m e n t • Tr a i n i n g • E d u c a t i o n • Fr a n c h i s e s • N e w s

R e s e t t l e m e n t


Boat Building Academy

The Boat Building Academy provides fulltime, highly practical skills training with the emphasis on ‘hands on’ learning.

CIVIL NUCLEAR CONSTBULARY With over 1,300 highly trained police officers and police staff, the Civil Nuclear Constabulary is a specialist armed police service dedicated to protecting the civil nuclear industry. P08

TOP TIPS FOR CREATING A GOOD CV Putting together a successful CV is quite easy once you know how. Its important to take all of your skills and experiences and tailor them in to a clear and concise format. P16

SAVA If you are looking for a new career, have you considered re-training to become a residential surveyor? Working as a residential surveyor and valuer is the perfect way forward for those with an interest in property. P22

THE BRITISH FRANCHISE ASSOCIATION You may be considering joining a franchise as your next career move, which is great. The British Franchise Association are on hand to help you make the right choice for you.. P30


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Police Resettlement Summer 2019 Edition by Lance Media Group - Issuu