2 014
1. The Mona Lisa has no eye brows.
6. Dust from Africa can travel all the way to Florida
2. Ketchup used to be as thick as medicine.
7. The longest recoreded flight of a chicken is thirteen seconds.
3. Babies yawn before they are born.
8. If you fell into a black hole, you’d stretch out like spaghetti.
4. More than 480 million people have played Monopoly.
9. There are about a quadrillion ants on Earth.
5. Your heart is about the same size as your fist.
10. Every year, New York moves 2.5cm further away from England.
PO Box 54, Ocean Grove Victoria, 3226 Phone: 03 5255 3233 Fax: 03 5255 3255 FIND US ON FACEBOOK Voice Geelong
No part of this magazine, including the advertisements, may be reproduced without permission of the editor. The opinions expressed within Kids’ Voice magazine are not necessarily the views of the publisher, but those of individual writers.
Carly’s Blog
Leesa’s Birth Story
Gender Equality
Talk of the Town: Bell Park
Flying & Travelling with Children
Dealing with Depression, Self Harm and Bulimia
Interview with Santa
SUP! Paddle Boarding
Ashby Primary School Market and Art Show
Cooking and Craft
What’s On
THIS ISSUE’S COVER BOY... NAME AND AGE? Cohen Guest-Smith, 2 years old FAVOURITE FOODS? Salmon sushi rolls and birthday cake INTERESTS? Rock and tree climbing, reading, playing with trains and his flying fox.
OF CHRISTMAS Christmas can mean a festive yet frantic time for many of us. Christmas tree up and decorated? Check. Presents sorted for school teachers? Check. Christmas party plans? Check. Stop there. What does Christmas mean to you? What is your ideal picture of Christmas time? Perhaps it’s to have some time off from work, enjoying a nice day with presents and yummy food, or to simply be surrounded by your family in the comfort of your own home? Well, sadly this isn’t the case for everyone. It is impossible to imagine on any given day what it would feel like to learn your child needs urgent cancer treatment or surgery, let alone at Christmas time. Hundreds of families in Victoria will be spending this Christmas with a child battling cancer. Amongst these families, a number of them live in the Geelong, Bellarine and Surf Coast areas. What do they have in common? They are supported by cancer support network, Challenge. Challenge, a Victorian not-for-profit organisation, provides daily support to these children and their families throughout their cancer journey, with the wellbeing of every family member being the fundamental concern. The Bouma family from Ocean Grove had their lives rocked when their 11 year old son Joshua was diagnosed with aplastic anaemia, a blood disorder, in March. Josh has been home three times in seven and a half months. “Challenge helped us with the practical things. They came and picked my husband and I up from the hospital, where Josh was being treated, and provided us with massages at the Challenge Family Centre,” Hilary Bouma said. Josh has just reached his 100 days of isolation following his bone marrow transplant. During that time, the Wallington Primary School student was isolated from everyone except immediate family and hospital staff. Challenge helps patients like Josh during difficult times by providing hospital support. This includes bringing in DVDs, iPads, gaming consoles and even celebrity visits.
“One of the highlights of Josh’s whole year was getting to meet Geelong player Jimmy Bartel and comedian Andy Lee, which Challenge organised. Challenge just really help with these special non-medical things. I have the opportunity to go on Thursday morning walks with other Challenge Mums, which is a great break from the hospital,” Hilary added. Another support Challenge provides is holiday accommodation. Challenge offers three wonderful accommodation facilities; one in Torquay, in Lake’s Entrance and another on the Gold Coast. These properties can be utilised by Challenge families for up to one week free of charge and were created by Challenge specifically to promote family unity. “It’s a top priority at Challenge to do what we can to help families stay together and happy through one of the toughest times of their lives. Challenge understands the importance of families spending quality time together and how much more precious this time is during cancer treatment due to the extensive amounts of time spent by the child in hospital,” Challenge CEO David Rogers said. These retreats also allow mums to spend weekends together talking, relaxing and being pampered. Over these weekends, the mums are offered relaxation and beauty treatments, which is how Torquay resident Lisa Copeland became familiar with Challenge. “I have worked at Soul Skin in Torquay since the start of the year and have got to know some of the Challenge mums quite well through the massages they get whilst on retreat. I came to learn what a wonderful organisation Challenge is and I really enjoyed being able to help the mums feel good,” Lisa said. “Recently, I was massaging a lady who had just lost a child. It was a very emotional experience. We spoke the whole time, which is a first for me. It was a beautiful thing being able to hear her story and offer my support,” Lisa added.
This occurred on a Saturday morning. A couple of days later, Lisa’s 15 year old daughter Alice was diagnosed with leukaemia. “It was just surreal. The timing of the situation and how I have had contact with Challenge mums in this situation, and now I’m one of them,” Lisa said. Alice, a Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College student, has started treatment. Her family, which consists of an older brother and sister and her parents, will be supported by Challenge. Other ways Challenge supports children living with cancer and their siblings is through camps. Challenge camps are conducted throughout the year in a fun and supportive environment and cater for kids aged between 4 and 18 years, with a full range of activities and locations. Challenge volunteers play a large part in helping these camps run, as well as every other event Challenge holds. One of these camps, the annual Trevor Barker Surf Camp is held in December in Lorne. Over the 30 years Challenge has been operating, they have grown from small beginnings to become well known and respected as a non-profit organisation providing children living with cancer and their families an opportunity to interact with others in similar circumstances. “Unlike research organisations seeking future cures or hospitals and medical centres providing medical treatment and ancillary services, Challenge focuses on the immediate everyday, non-medical needs of members, namely the children, who are our primary focus, and their families,” David Rogers added. If you or someone you know has a child living with cancer and would like to become a Challenge member or are interested in becoming a Challenge volunteer, contact us on (03) 9329 8474. To donate to the organisation or for more information, visit
If you have a child in childcare, kinder or at school you will no doubt have heard the term fine motor development. Our fine motor muscles are the small muscles in the hands, wrists and fingers that allow us precision and accuracy when participating in a number of daily tasks. For children this means tasks essential for learning like drawing and prewriting skills, play, writing, cutting, using utensils and manipulating small parts of clothing items. Almost everything we do requires the use of our fine motor skills. Our ability to develop these skills begins in early childhood and is dependent largely on motivation and exposure. It is for this reason girls tend to develop more refined fine motor skills before boys of the same age. More refined fine motor skills should begin to develop around age four. Development of the muscles in the hands, wrists and fingers is not the only component required for fine motor development. We also require strength and stability in our core muscles and upper limbs, in particular the shoulder girdle. Our stability comes from the inside out, our larger body muscles provide support for the smaller muscles in our limbs. If we cannot hold ourselves up and create a stable base we will experience great difficulty completing fine motor tasks. We also require bilateral coordination which is the ability to use the left and right side of the body together, for example when we cut something out of paper. Our dominant or ‘doing’ hand cuts with the scissors while our other ‘helper’ hand holds and moves the paper as required. Our hands work together creating organised movement. The next component is visual motor integration, otherwise known as eye-hand coordination. This allows our eyes and hands to work together in a smooth, organised and purposeful manner. Hand dominance is another component important for fine motor development. I often have parents ask, ‘what do I do if my child is still swapping hands’? The answer is don’t force it. It is best for the child to come up with
a hand preference naturally. The best thing you can do is place whatever object your child needs to use in their midline. The child will reach for the object with their naturally preferred hand and you will likely notice a pattern of which is their preferred hand. Swapping can occur right up and into grade prep. If you have concerns refer to Occupational Therapy to check it out. Another common referral to Occupational Therapy regarding fine motor development is for pencil grasp. In the case of an underdeveloped pencil grasp children may require time and intervention to strengthen their skills. In regards to an unusual pencil grasp the key things I look at are: 1) Is the grasp comfortable for the child? Can they hold their pen or pencil without discomfort, pain or fatiguing? 2) Is their writing legible? Can you read the writing the child is producing? Can the child read their own writing back? 3) Can the child keep up with the expected output of children the same age? Are they producing a sufficient amount of work and keeping up with their peers? If the answer to all these questions is yes then I would question the need to change the child’s pencil grasp. If the answer to any is no, intervention may be required from an Occupational Therapist. Now that you have the facts here are some ideas on how you can contribute to strengthening your child’s fine motor skills at home. The following activities are simple and effective in developing the components explained above. • Craft activities- construct and create with cellophane, crepe paper, newspaper, cardboard boxes, egg cartons, sticky tape • Tear up coloured paper for pasting and collages • Cut and paste pictures • Drawing with pencils, crayons, textas, chalk
• Peel and stick stickers • Finger painting and painting with different size handled paint brushes • Do dot to dots and mazes (there are many commercially available cost effective activity books and websites with free printables) • Write or draw on different surfaces and angles to increase wrist stability e.g. on an upright whiteboard or black board • Play with play-dough. • Draw in shaving cream • Hide small objects in sand for your child to dig out • Thread beads on a shoelace or create a necklace with dried pasta • Play with marbles • Play dress ups (buttons and zips are great) • Remove coins from purses or containers to place in piggy banks • Complete puzzles • Involve children in food preparation Have fun playing and creating with your child to help strengthen their skills. If you have any concerns about your child’s development the motto is ‘if in doubt get it checked out!’ Caz Morris Paediatric Occupational Therapist With five centres around the Bellarine Peninsula, Bellarine Community Health ( provides health services to families across the region. The Child Health and Development Team offers a family-centred service focusing on the well being of children aged 0-12 years. The team includes speech therapy, occupational therapy, podiatry, dietetics, physiotherapy and dentistry. They can be contacted through BCH Service Access – Telephone: 5258 0812 or Email:
One of the most common conditions affecting babies and children is eczema. Symptoms of eczema include itching, dry skin, redness, oozing and swelling. It can appear anywhere on the body, particularly behind the ears, folds of knees and elbows, and hands and feet. Eczema is usually an inherited condition, passed along the genes and forms part of the atopic group that includes asthma, sinusitis and hay fever. For many people, during the course of their life, they can travel the atopic march, travelling from eczema as a baby, to asthma as child, followed by sinusitis and hay fever when they reach adulthood, with flare ups of all previous conditions also possible. Following are some suggestions that may help treat and prevent childhood eczema. An oat bath is extremely soothing and healing for babies with eczema. Simply fill a stocking with a couple of handfuls of rolled oats. Tie off one end, and allow to soak in the warm bath water. Use instead of soap. The milky white exudate contain a substance called avenine, is calming for sore and itching skin. Leave the fine layer of oat milk on, or rinse off with water. Dry, then apply some healing cream or lotion. It is important to keep baby’s skin well moisturised. Rather than using mineral baby oil, why not try coconut oil or jojoba oil which has similar pH properties to the skin’s own sebum. Squeezing the contents of a capsule of evening primrose oil is also very effective. Massage on to the skin after bathing. Research has shown that probiotics can be helpful in preventing and treating eczema among babies. One study showed the babies of women who fit the atopic profile and took a probiotic supplement during pregnancy, had a lower incidence of eczema. Probiotics can also be taken while breastfeeding, and even by baby herself. Probiotics including bifidus and Lactobacillus GG can be mixed into expressed milk or formula, or made into a paste and applied to the nipple before feeding. For pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, eating food with natural probiotics including good quality yoghurt, unpasteurised miso, kimchi and kefir will also help prevent and treat eczema in the newborn Eczema is usually itchy, and even the tiniest fingernails are able to scratch and break the skin, causing an increase in bacteria and fungal organisms. This needs to be treated as well. Tea tree oil and calendula are two herbal remedies that are just the ticket for eczema. Both help heal skin, reduce inflammation and itching, and possess antibacterial and antifungal properties. A couple of drops of tea tree oil can be added to the bath water along with oat milk. Calendula flowers can be made into a strong tea, cooled, and likewise added to bath water, or applied directly to babies skin. There are several creams and lotions that contain these remedies along with other healing agents including aloe vera, zinc, manuka honey and lavender oil. Cotton mittens can be worn to minimise scratching particularly at night. Seeing a tiny child with sore and itchy eczema is distressing for all concerned, parents and child. It is good to know there are some natural remedies that can help reduce and prevent symptoms of childhood eczema. Mim Beim is a renowned Naturopath and author of several books, including the recent release, Natural Remedies. For more information, including Mim’s own Beaming With Health Herbal Tea range that helps a variety of health conditions. Visit her website at *Please seek medical advice for any concerns regarding your personal health. This article does not substitute medical advice.
So after our crazy journey of routine flying out the window last month, we are now back on track! Sophie bear is going to bed much easier! Getting her into her bedroom is nowhere near as big a struggle as it was last month. After we realised something had to give in this situation, I thought I would try giving her the choice of having a quick cuddle with mummy in her bed, or whether she wanted mummy to put her in bed and walk out, closing the door behind her. At first she wasn’t exactly sure what her choice meant, but after the first night of this she quickly realised. I began to ask her this question on the way to her room if she began to get cranky at me and it didn’t take long for her to choose and be happy with a quick cuddle with mummy in her bed. I also distracted her as we were entering her room, with questions about leaving the lamp on for her, or having her night time musical teddy on or off. This took away from the dreaded entrance we were having a few weeks back. It is definitely nice to be on our way back to normality. Now that this issue has settled, I have found the skipping of naps on her weekends is resolving itself a bit as well and not to mention the showering debacle. Sophie has been a lot easier to get in the shower… distracting her with washing her daddy’s back and toes, washing her baby’s hair and washing her own ‘stinky’ toes. This seems to be working slightly but there is still room for improvement. The latest issue seems to be nappy changes, Sophie bolts off running laps around the house giggling her pretty little head off before I can get her pants down, or after I have taken her nappy off! Boy oh boy does she think she is hilarious. I will admit I do have a small chuckle about this one though, especially when she runs off with a nudie little bum! Moving on to a more exciting note, our baby girl (not so baby anymore) has been
saying lots of different small sentences the past week or so. The mind blowing moment, was in the car the other afternoon when Joey sneezed, Sophie turned around out of nowhere and says ‘Bless you daddy’. That was three days ago, now she says it every time. The rate this little girl is developing is just unbelievable, it makes me smile and it makes me cry. Seeing how quickly, and how far they have come from that little cuddly vulnerable squishy baby they used to be not too long ago. My mother always told me, that if you blink you will miss it… that the time goes so fast and the next thing you know you’re celebrating twenty first birthdays. On another note, many parents who have younger children in day-care fulltime and even some only in part time feel a certain type of guilt about not spending a lot of time with their children. I feel this way a lot of the time, until I have those reinforcing moments of how much Sophie loves it, how much the staff love her and treat the kids as if they were their own and not to mention when we drop Sophie of all the kids (of all ages) come running calling out ‘little Sophie is here’ and they all giggle. It is refreshing to see the bigger kids looking after her, and the younger ones looking up to her. No wonder Sophie is hard to get out of there some nights. Seeing your child being a social butterfly is just amazing. I personally think having your kids in day-care is an important part of their development, they learn to follow rules set by someone else, they learn to share and socialise, play games, read and sign, pick up a lot of vocabulary very quickly and they follow a basic routine. At times it may feel awful, dropping them off each day but to keep the family and household running and comfortable we need to work, there is nothing to feel guilty about when all you wish to do is provide for your family.
When you think of Lake Mountain you probably think of snow, family holidays and the famous toboggan runs. What you may not realise is that there is a whole other side to this majestical mountain - the ‘green’ season, which runs from October to April each year. Just under three hours drive from Geelong, a visit to Lake Mountain during green season is the perfect way to get the kids out of the house and into the fresh alpine air – not to mention a bit of natural air conditioning on some of the hot summer days that are ahead of us! The excitement begins on the drive, taking the Black Spur drive into Marysville, which according to Top Gear is “just incredible”. The tall mountain ash trees that border the road are an amazing sight. Make sure you wind down the windows and breath in the smells of the Australian forest. The drive up the mountain is also spectacular – a 20km ascent to the resort with views in every direction. Once on the mountain, you really notice the difference in the fresh alpine air and climate. The other thing you will immediately notice is the views! The view from the resort stretches out over the Yarra Valley whilst from the summit of the mountain the view extends all the way to the Melbourne CBD.
There are plenty of walking tracks that are kid friendly, and a number of lookout points along the way. The 30km of cross country skiing trails are perfect for walks during green season, or for the more adventurous, you can take the walk to the 1433m summit! The snowgums, heathlands and fields of wild flowers provide a beautiful backdrop, and larger groups can arrange for a guided walk with the Mountain’s environmental officer who provides insight into the flora and fauna of the area.
If you’re looking for a longer stay, spend a few days exploring Marysville and surrounds. The residents have demonstrated extreme resilience following the 2009 Black Saturday fires, and the town is certainly open for business!
If biking is more your family’s thing, there is 25km of relaxed ski trails that are suitable for mountain biking with the family. You can also stick to the paths and tracks in the resort village if you have smaller children.
A wander through Bruno’s Art and Sculpture Garden is a must, with more than 200 artworks and sculptures to see. The kids will also love Buxton Trout and Salmon Farm where they can try their luck at hooking a fish, enjoy a BBQ and feed the fish. The easy 700m walk to Steavenson Falls is also worthwhile – one of Victoria’s highest waterfalls.
Picnic spots are abundant should you wish to bring something to eat and make a day of it, or you can purchase food on the mountain from the famous Alpine Burger Bar. Grab one of the famous burgers or special recipe hot chocolates and enjoy from the outdoor deck with a birds eye view over the resort village. Entry to Lake Mountain during green season is free of charge, so it is a great, cost effective way to entertain the kids for a day during the holidays.
Gallipoli Park is an amazing outdoor space for families, featuring a fantastic playground with an elevated sandpit, slides, flying foxes, swings and public amenities. The park is ideal for a family BBQ where you can relax with the sound of the passing stream. 03 5957 7222 Marysville Tourism: Bruno’s Art & Sculpture Garden: Buxton Trout and Salmon Farm: www.buxtontrout.
This is a birthing story with a difference, in that the birth has not happened yet! Leesa is 36 weeks pregnant with her first baby! Leesa was raised in central NSW in a small remote community, where her family having been farming for the last 6 generations. Leesa attended the small local public school, where she graduated with 6 fellow classmates. After leaving school she studied nursing at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga and then midwifery at the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne. She travelled and worked in many countries before eventually settling in Ocean Grove, where she lives with her husband Dan, who is a Paediatric Registrar. Leesa and Dan met at Geelong Hospital when Dan was an intern. Leesa describes herself as not a very ‘maternal’ person, as she is very practical and pragmatic. It will be interesting to find out how maternal Leesa feels after she has her baby. Synonyms for ‘maternal’ include being protective, sympathetic, and affectionate, and I think that Leesa has all of those qualities and more! Leesa worked full time shift work up to around 32 weeks of her pregnancy and struggled with morning sickness for most of that time. Recently her blood pressure has increased and she has had some generalised swelling, which are two of the signs of pre-eclampsia, so she has had to rest and stop working. Her baby is also small for dates, and this is being monitored. Leesa has had the pregnancy managed by a private obstetrician, but is going to Geelong Hospital for the delivery. She chose this method of care because she feels it offers her the best of both options, private and public. Also being a midwife she is hoping for a short hospital stay and plans to go home as soon as possible. Leesa does not have a birth plan, as she has seen too many plans go astray and disappointment as a result. She just wants the baby to be safe and well, so if she has to have a Caesarean Section or epidural or forceps, then so be it. Ideally she would like everything to go smoothly and as naturally as possible, but if intervention is required she is prepared. She is just hoping that Dan is not on night shift when she goes into labour, as it will be hard for him to get a replacement to work for him at late notice, so Leesa’s mum is coming to stay for a few weeks to support Leesa in case this happens. Leesa plans to breast feed, but once again is happy for formula if required. She believes that breast is best and will try her hardest, but understands that sometimes supplemental feeding is required. Leesa feels that she shouldn’t place too much pressure on herself, as becoming a new parent is a big enough challenge to deal with. Leesa and Dan are very excited and nervous all at once about becoming new parents. Whilst their careers have provided them with all the knowledge (and some would believe prepared them for parenthood), they feel just as any other new parents would. Sometimes the added knowledge heightens the fear and anxiety, and increases the expectation of being able to cope with the demands of parenthood. Leesa and Dan’s 2-year-old Groodle Wally is not so excited about no longer sleeping in their bed, and having to share their attention. But, hopefully the new addition to the family will become Wally’s best friend. THIS STORY WILL BE FOLLOWED UP BY AN AFTER BIRTH STORY, STAY TUNED! THANKS LEESA AND DAN AND GOOD LUCK! AS TOLD TO JEN CARR
MODERN RELATIONSHIP ROLES REDEFINED whom I gravitated to as a young adolescent. In fact I think I tried secretly to become adopted. You see, Doug was a teacher so he worked very family friendly hours. He picked the twins up from school, took them to their sporting activities, cooked, cleaned and played and was present in every way. Joy did all of those things too. She was feminine, motherly yet knew that Doug derived so much enjoyment of his ‘role’ in the family that she was empowered to do the things she wanted to as there was a balance in the relationship.
Over the past 50 years roles have changed not only in the parenting space but the overall masculine and feminine dynamic. With the rise of equality and feminism through the 60’s and 70’s to the ‘metrosexual’ male movement of the 90’s and 00’s there are a lot of really confused men out there and to be fair, a lot of confused women too. When I was growing up, one of the biggest insults you could give a man was to infer that his wife/partner ‘wore the pants’ in their relationship. This was challenging his ‘manhood’ and always would get a raucous applause at the pub or BBQ where it was uttered. Growing up as a child of Baby Boomers my parenting role models were those on TV comedy shows and three of my best friends parents as mine separated when I was 6. Gender or sexist humour was again commonplace and being a man meant parenting little, working long hours and having ‘alone quiet time’. Yet there was one couple, parents of a twin boy and girl
Doug still loves a beer, a punt and his sport and enjoys being in the company of his mates just like the other male role models I had in my life. He just chose to own his passion and I saw how rounded his kids (my friends) were. As many men do, my later teenage years and my twenties were spent experimenting, partying and generally doing what most young men do. When I met my now wife, I was ready to begin the next phase of my life. I had come out of a relationship where I was the controlling partner with a very subservient girlfriend that played the role of a ‘good housewife’ perfectly. She cooked, she cleaned while I took everything for granted and in fact became everything I despised in a man. I soon learned very quickly that Natasa, my new partner was in fact the polar opposite of my last partner. She was opinionated, confident and certain in what she wanted and I was challenged more than I ever had been. By the time we had our first child I immediately tried to assume the role that my role model Doug had unknowingly imprinted on me. I changed nappies, cleaned up vomit, soothed my son back to sleep, cooked and cleaned all the while working in a new business I had just purchased. I was present, passionate and loved
being a dad. One day I turned down a game of golf with my mates as I wanted to give my wife a break from looking after our son while I had been at work only to hear the words tumble out of my mate’s mouth, “Wow, I can see Natasa wears the pants in your relationship”. It shouldn’t have mattered. I don’t know why I reacted the way I did yet I got defensive and lashed out. Who was he to judge me? Over the next few years I struggled with other peoples expectations of what a man was meant to be to his children and his partner. My wife was a powerhouse, driven and got her energy from business and significance yet I was nurturing, calm and valued quality time and family very highly. We spent some time fighting against it yet when we finally took ownership of what really inspired each of us it worked well if we reversed the ‘traditional’ gender roles and just did what we were great at. When we did we instantly became in flow and our whole relationship, family life and business success just reached amazing heights. We were both doing what fulfilled our purpose; we excelled at everything we did. Now, two kids later and another soon on the way, things have adjusted slightly as we have moved along with me taking on more of my own business interests and my wife being able to take a break from our other businesses to welcome our new child into the world. We continue to be in flow with ourselves, our family and our businesses all because we decided it didn’t matter who wore the pants. Stuart Denman is a lifestyle mentor who spends his time working with those craving a better, more balanced life. He is passionate about leadership, empowerment and spending quality time with his 2, soon to be 3, young children and his beautiful wife Natasa with whom he also runs Ultimate 48 Hour Author, a book authoring mentoring program. For more information visit or email him at
What is your school philosophy: North Geelong Secondary College is dedicated to providing a learning environment that values excellence, is respectful of all members of the community and which inspires each individual to achieve their full potential and to become a confident global citizen in a changing world. North Geelong Secondary College, holds the following values; Respect, Excellence, Achievement and Diversity (READ). We demonstrate respect, tolerance and fairness to each other and strive for excellence, in everything we do. The school is very proud of its multicultural student body and the harmonious interaction that occurs throughout the school. Describe the schools sport program: Sport is an important part of student life at North Geelong Secondary College. Students are given many opportunities to demonstrate their athletic abilities by participating in all competitions conducted by the Bellarine and Barwon Divisions of School Sport Victoria including; swimming, athletics, cross country, soccer, football, netball, volleyball, cricket, basketball, baseball, badminton, softball and tennis. North Geelong Secondary also runs a Sporting Excellence program which is designed to allow students to develop highly proficient skills in Soccer. This program focuses on building high-level movement skills, higher order tactics and fitness for the sport. Describe the schools arts program: The College offers instrumental music and singing lessons. Musical performing groups such as choirs, bands and ensembles – as well as the College Production – offer
exciting opportunities for students to enjoy a wide range of performing arts. Dance and Performing Arts are also part of the curriculum. From 2016 the school is broadening its scholarship program to include an Arts scholarship. The Arts scholarship is available to students who have displayed excellence and shown commitment in one or more of the Arts (Drama, Music, Dance, Visual). Describe the schools extra curricular program: North Geelong Secondary College values its extracurricular activities program and how it positively affects student social development, values, pride, school connectedness and peer support. Student leadership development is a priority of the College and is strongly supported by the school community. Through a ‘student voice’ focus, students are encouraged to have input into programs and new initiatives. At North Geelong Secondary College, students have the opportunity to participate in the Human Powered Vehicle Program. The team works throughout the year to design, build and test vehicles or machines within detailed specifications. This team then takes their vehicles to various races throughout the year culminating in the major race in Maryborough in November. Describe the schools ICT program: North Geelong Secondary College has an industry leading ICT program. The college is dedicated to preparing students for an online world and all students in the College have access to a 1:1 device. The College offers state of the art Mac products with the preferred choice for students being iPads; it is a key initiative that enhances
their learning experiences. Students use technology to communicate and express themselves, to research and present their work and to share their knowledge with others locally and globally. What kind of camps and outdoor education programs are offered: At North Geelong Secondary College, we value the camping experience very highly, due to the benefits of socialisation, team work and fun. Many friendships are forged and strengthened as students work together in a variety of challenging, fun and team building activities. An important element of the Year 7 Transition Program at North Geelong Secondary College is the year level camp at Burnside in Anglesea that is held early in term one. The Year 8 year level camp is held in term two, students travel to the DOXA Malmsbury Campsite near Kyneton. Students Leaders in year 9 and year 10 attend the Alpine Leadership Camp, which is held during term three. Year 9 and 10 students also have the opportunity to participate in an interstate camp to Queensland during term three. Students in the Senior Outdoor Education courses have opportunities to participate in camps and an extensive range of outdoor programs, including skiing/snowboarding, rock climbing, bushwalking, bike riding, surfing, canoeing, snorkeling and sailing. Principal: Nick Adamou Public/Private/Independent: Public Secondary College Address: Separation Street, North Geelong Phone: 03 5240 5800 Number of students: 770 Number of teachers: 76
Around 3 kilometres North West of Geelong’s busy city centre is a very friendly, welcoming community called Bell Park. The town got its name named after the Bell Park homestead which was built by the early settler, John Bell. Settlement began in the early 1950s with many settlers coming from European countries after World War II hence the cultural support amongst the community members. In today’s society Bell Park is considered a popular residential suburb with an abundance of community, sporting and educational facilities. This is a very family friendly neighbourhood which is largely made up of parents between the ages of 24-49 with children of all ages as well. Safety, community spirit, culture acknowledgement and friendly faces are what Bell Park is all about. There are several churches, dance groups, community support groups, bowling groups, charity centres and a magnificent secondary school which is very well known for its multicultural acceptance and encouragement of heritage. The school also runs a huge multicultural festival annually which is open to the public as well as
primary schools. The town also has playgroups, parent support groups and childcare options including family day-care nearby (the main one being Kardinia Childcare and Kindergarten.) There is no better community to raise a family. Right at your fingertips there is unlimited access to everything a family needs, whether you are working parents or you stay around the family home to be with your kids. Bell Park is home to Geelong’s well known Grace McKellar centre for rehabilitation and extended care. There are several play grounds and reserves which are the perfect stimulation, involving active play and socialisation for the kids. The local area also includes one of Geelong’s biggest soccer facilities including 3 pitches, as well as walking and bike tracks. If your family has an interest in sports, then Bell Park is a great location and community hub which offers several options for sporting commitments of all ages. The Bell Park Dragons are a major club which provide the community with access to fantastic facilities and spirit amongst football and netball teams. If you and your family are interested in moving to the area, Bell Park certainly is affordable whether you’re renting or looking to buy. At the present time there are a good number of rentals available which are suitable family homes and there are also options to buy. There are many perks to living in such a community and providing a safe environment for your family or just yourself.
If your kids are interested in extracurricular activities there are several options for this interest as well, ranging from martial arts to scouts. Located on Furner Avenue is North Geelong Action Indoor Sports Stadium which is the perfect option for the whole family. The stadium offers dodgeball, soccer, cricket, beach and regular volley ball, netball, bubble soccer, court hire and birthday parties. Along Thompson Road there is also a venue which allows indoor skate boarding, biking and scooters with sessions for all ages and levels of skill. The Kardinia Church Group play a large role in the community providing childcare and kindergarten services, wider community projects, courses on different aspects such as parenting, marriage, budgeting to help on your journey through life, a play centre and two Kardinia Outlet Cafés which are located on Separation Street and also Kardinia Drive, Bell Post Hill. If retail options are an important part of your residential area selection, Bell Park is lucky enough to have two IGA Stores, a large number of industrial retail outlets and service providers as well as one of the famous Cheese Cake Shops and cake decorating stores. The area does consist of a few small shopping strips as well which are spread throughout the neighbourhood. After speaking with people around the community, it is apparent that there is just so much to offer. Residential areas feel safe and the neighbours look out for each other’s kids while playing out the front or in public spaces. There’s really not much more a community could ask for.
Not too long ago I took a short haul flight without my family, only to be seated behind a mother and her two young children. The mother was putting on a brave face trying to manage her lively children aged around 3 and 5 years. For the duration of the flight she was flustered and anxious and clearly not having a great flying experience with kids laughter turning into tears and tears turning into tantrums with in between toilet stops just to add to the poor ladies plight. On a number of occasions she turned and apologised and even when some of us offered to assist she declined, conveying the impression that she would somehow manage. Memories began circling in my head to the time when we were living in Munich, Germany and I was flying on my own to Mallorca, Spain with my daughter not quite 2 years of age and my son 4 years. Let’s bypass check-in which still remains a blur, to finding our seats in the front row and trying to communicate with a toddler who would not only not get up from my seat but demanded that the seat was hers. I struggled to pick her up with her wriggling body, which was going in all directions and myself letting out a sigh and wondering if we’d ever be able to take off. Well we did somehow manage even if exhausted. From what I know now after many years of family flying adventures, with or without my husband, I have adapted to the fact that there will always be new travel situations unlike ones you have experienced before and other ones, which you’ll have down pat. You just have to go in with the mindset that the flight will be a little rocky at times but that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, your arrival! Here are five things to help everyone enjoy that next flight! 1. Encourage your child/children to pack their own carry on travel bag Both my children now aged 5 and 7 fly with their own carry-on and love it. Let go and let them pack things they want to have on board with them, you may not agree with half of what goes in them but it’s part of their own travel independence. We do have some rules about just one bedtime toy being packed, games which won’t get lost on the floor and in between seat cracks and essentials like a sweater and pair of Collegien socks ( to keep their feet comfy and protected during a long-haul flight. 2. Selecting the right carry on bag for YOU Whether or not your child will be taking a carry on bag, no doubt you will definitely need one. A lot has to do with the selection of the type of bag you are travelling with. I
have found either a back pack or an over the shoulder compartmentalised bag works best as order is the solution to not getting flustered when you need things fast. The last thing you want to be doing is rummaging through your bag trying to find the one thing you need most. If you need to stow your bag away for take-off have a clear pouch with essentials that you can stow in your seat pocket for accessibility. 3. Find a friendly face Whenever I travel I try to strike up a conversation with one of the neighbouring passengers. Whether I am travelling on a long-haul economy or business flight or short-haul flight this has never failed me. You’ll be surprised at how many people are genuinely happy to assist. I’ve had fellow passengers offer to stay with one of my children while I had to take the other to the toilet. On other occasions other travelling families share their books and toys with mine and visa-versa. 4. In Flight Entertainment If there is one time I don’t have a strong opinion about the use of i-Pads and inflight entertainment it’s when we are flying. Just “Let it go”! If they’re happy you’re happy which means you can reenergize your batteries for when you need it. If your child uses the iPad don’t forget to load some new apps before you fly to keep them entertained. The same applies to travel games and toys that you take on board. It’s always great to keep a surprise game or toy up your sleeve, but only use it as your last option as this is like your Ace of cards! 5. Simply for Flying Logbook I’m forever grateful that my parents had the vision to have all my flying adventures logged from the age 1. Issued back then by one of the commercial airlines I can still remember handing my logbook to the flight attendant and waiting in anticipation for it’s return, to see the captain’s signature. Sometimes the captain would even return it and invite me to the flight deck. When my children were born I had trouble sourcing one myself and with the encouragement of my husband I decided to design a flight logbook, which I believed other families would enjoy as well. Similar in size to a passport the easy to handle flight logbook has room for 42 flight entries for the captain to complete and 42 journal pages for the logbook owner to add their own memories and keepsakes. Bronwyn Darnoc is the publisher of the Simply for Flying personal flight logbook. See for further details.
PAGE 16 - DECEMBER 2014 always there.
We’ve all heard of those who attempt suicide and others who starve themselves, it’s terrible isn’t it? Some people think it’s for attention whereas others think it’s because they are too weak. Well? I’m writing to give you some insight into the matter. I was a victim of bullying. I was pushed around to the point I started believing suicide and self-harm were a good idea. I still do. It’s not because I am weak, moreover because no one should have to put up with any form of harassment. Whether it be name calling or physical abuse. I was scared to tell anyone, in fear I’d be looked down upon for being too ‘weak’ to handle myself. I was called fat, stupid, retarded, useless, unwanted and soon I started believing it. Due to this harassment I started looking down on myself, I started hating myself. I thought about starving myself in order to lose weight as the person I see in the mirror is not what you see. But the problem is anorexia is easier to detect, so I became bulimic. (For those who don’t know, bulimia is when someone will eat then throw up in order to lose weight.) The big issue with bulimia is that it can cause serious interior damage to my body and because of that I have to see a doctor every few weeks for a check-up. It went on for weeks before I gathered the courage to tell my parents about it, but sadly I had been throwing up so much that now I unintentionally cannot stomach food and have to eat small portions. Although it was too late for a quick fix, my parents put on a brave face and they held my hand as I talked to professionals in therapy. I’ve been attending appointments at headspace for a few months
now and thanks to their help I am slowly getting the help I need. I know that it will take time for me to improve entirely but with love and support from my family and friends, I am willing to give it all I’ve got. I have been diagnosed with depression and every now and then I will enter a dark phase where I’ll consider and plan my own death or a way to physically harm myself. I’ve tried cutting and I know it’s merely a temporary fix, basically meaning it doesn’t help at all. It takes your mind off your emotional pain and on to the pain in your body. What’s really sad is that these kinds of things can happen to anyone. I have happy parents and a younger sister, therefore no one would have guessed that this would happen to me. If anything you have read here sounds familiar for yourself or someone you know, don’t keep it to yourself, tell someone! Girl, 15 I am a mum just like you. I want the best for my children just like you. They are my flesh and blood and I feel like I know them better then they know themselves. So surely I would recognise anything amiss, especially something so ‘big’ as depression or bulimia???? My daughter tells me anything, asks me all the most embarrassing questions she can think of and yet she cannot tell me that she feels sad to the point of suicidal. This girl wakes up in the morning, gets ready for school without a fuss, has plenty of girlfriends and even has a boyfriend. She hugs me,
cracks funny jokes, gets grumpy when asked to do the dishes and I don’t notice her slinking off to the bathroom to throw up her last meal! The first thing that went through my head when my daughter did finally tell me, was where have I gone wrong? What did I do to make her feel this way? And you know the hardest part is that there is no real answer. No answer she can give me anyway. So the best I can do is support her by hugging her and telling her that I would do anything for her and I will always be there day or night. Most days are good, and you can almost believe that it never really happened, other days I can‘t reach her. The best and also the hardest thing was to ask for support through Headspace. The people there have been so kind and my daughter is getting better every day. Anytime she needs to be there, there is someone there to support her and that is a comfort to me. The reason my daughter and I decided to speak out is that this subject does not seem to be adequately covered in school. Why have sex education in primary school and talk about body image but not to cover the feelings that a lot of young people are feeling inside leading to self- harm and in some cases suicide? I had never heard of Headspace where Secondary students can get help for free from therapists and doctors. Kind of important to know these things don’t you think? Mother of 15 year old daughter *Names witheld
RECOGNISING THE SIGNS Bulimia Many young people have concerns about eating or body image at some stage, but most do not develop an Eating Disorder. Eating disorders are a serious mental illness when eating, exercise, bodyweight and body shape become an unhealthy focus of someone’s life. In general, eating disorders can be linked to low self-esteem and an attempt to deal with underlying psychological issues through an unhealthy relationship with food. Bulimia (known as Bulimia Nervosa) is a severe mental illness characterised by recurrent binge-eating episodes (the consumption of abnormally large amounts of food in a relatively short period of time) followed by compensatory behaviour (purging or overexercising). Binge episodes are associated with a sense of loss of control and immediately followed by feelings of guilt and shame, which leads the person to engage in compensatory behaviour such as self-induced vomiting, fasting, overexercising and/or the misuse of laxatives, enemas or diuretics. A person with Bulimia usually will maintain an average weight, or may be slightly above or below average weight for height, which often makes it less recognisable than serious cases of Anorexia Nervosa. Many people, including some health professionals, incorrectly assume that a person must be underweight and thin if they have an eating disorder. Because of this, Bulimia is often missed and can go undetected for a long period of time even by family and friends of the affected person. Bulimia may begin with weight-loss dieting in the ‘pursuit of thinness’. A repeat of weight-loss dieting often follows, perhaps even more strictly – which leads to a frantic binge/purge/exercise cycle, which becomes more compulsive and uncontrollable overtime. Physical symptoms associated with Bulimia include tooth decay, erosion of dental enamel from vomiting, dehydration, stomach and intestinal ulcers, inflammation and rupture of the oesophagus, irregular or slow heartbeat, heart failure, swollen salivary glands, the possibility of a ruptured stomach, chronic sore throat and gullet, indigestion, heartburn and reflux, abdominal pain and bloating, electrolyte imbalance resulting in cardiac
arrhythmia, muscle fatigue and cramps, bowel problems, constipation, diarrhoea, and cramps.
difficulties including bullying, or academic pressure, including issues with school work.
Psychological effects associated with Bulimia include difficulties with activities which involve food, loneliness due to self-imposed isolation and a reluctance to develop interpersonal relationships, deceptive behaviours relating to food, fear of the disapproval of others if the illness becomes known, mood swings and emotional outbursts, changes in personality, depression, self-harm, substance abuse or suicide attempts, overly sensitive to references about weight or appearance, guilt, self-disgust, selfloathing, anxiety and depression.
Recent research in the UK (http://www.mentalhealth. suggests that initial self-harm peaks at around age 12 so it a serious issue and important that teachers, parent, carers and guardians are aware of self-harming behaviours and how they can support the affected person. Indicators of self-harm may include marks or scars. Some young people will cover their arms or legs and avoid removing clothing due to fear of disclosure and associated stigma. Unfortunately, self-harm can become an emergency when a person has taken an overdose or consumed a poison, become confused, disorientated or unconscious or are seriously bleeding.
Behaviours associated with Bulimia can include frequent trips to the bathroom especially after eating. The length of time taken for these bathroom trips can depend on the amount of food consumed and the need felt by the sufferer to purge themselves, as well as, food avoidance, and dieting behaviours. This may be due to a fear of gaining weight (as in Anorexia) and it may also be to avoid the unpleasant ritual of purging afterwards, fluctuations in weight, erratic behaviour and mood swings.
Suicide is an important risk factor associated with selfharm and requires professional assessment by a trained person. Asking the person who has self-harmed if they have communicated this via social media is an important step in responding and it requires asking the person to delete or remove any relevant photos or messages.
Recovery from Bulimia often involves medical, nutritional and psychological treatment to manage the complex issues which are underlying the disorder. Relapse prevention is also an important component of treatment.
Developing a safety plan is an important component of responding to self-harm as is discussing with the young person how to cover wounds and scars, and what to say to their peers and discussing next steps.
In the first instance people suffering from an eating disorder should make an appointment to see their GP. GP’s may make a referral to a specialist service, such as the Barwon Health Eating Disorder Service. Further information can be found at the Eating Disorders Victoria website at .
Anyone suspected of self-harming behaviours should make an appointment to see their GP as soon as possible, so a suicide risk assessment and referral to counselling and support can begin. Exploring the underlying risk and protective factors can then be professionally supported so that recovery can begin.
Self-Harm Self-harm is a term used to describe a range of behaviours associated with people deliberately harming themselves. It is not a mental illness, it is a behaviour. It may take the form of cutting, burning, or scratching skin, head banging or pulling out hair. Triggers for emotional distress in children and young people may be related to a real or perceived loss, relationship breakdown, abuse (physical, sexual, and or emotional), feeling overwhelmed or hopeless, serious illness/disability, family conflict, peer relationship
Stigma and poor responses from some health services have unfortunately discouraged many young people from accessing support for self-harm. For young people aged 12-25, Barwon Medicare Local runs free and confidential health services through their headspace Geelong sites located at Geelong and Corio 03 5222 6690, and Drysdale 03 5253 0400” next to it as well. www.
Family life is hectic. Whether it is the constant attention required by infants or the “mum’s taxi” with teenagers, noone will disagree that parenting can be very demanding. Here are a few ideas to help with keeping your family a little more organised. MAKE A LIST
The great divide: those that use lists and those who don’t. I personally love a list, and there is no greater feeling than crossing items off at completion. There are some great online checklists for listing your ‘to do’ items. Habit List is an excellent one that allows you to cross off your goals as you achieve them, and refreshes regularly to give you a nice clean list of items that are still outstanding. And maybe someday lists will be a habit for you too. CREATE A CALENDAR
While the paper calendar with the cute pictures of puppies and kittens may be a pleasure to look at, it simply doesn’t provide the same interaction as an online calendar. Google Calendar for example, is free and is now available as a handy app for your smart phone or tablet. It is very
easy to use, and comes with advanced features such as SMS and email alerts. But probably the most powerful component is the ability to sync calendars of all family members. For those with a creative streak, you can colour code by assigning a different colour to the activities of each child.
A great shopping app called Grocery IQ enables you to set up lists for shopping. You can arrange by shop or even by aisle and print your list. You can even sync directly with your partners phone, and send him (or her) the list when they head to the supermarket. RECOGNISE AND REWARD
If all else fails and you feel that your life is still in turmoil, try persuasion. Choremonster and Chore Hero allow you to make a list and then award bonus points for completion. These points can then be redeemed and spent by the child on their choice of awards.
Sometimes it doesn’t matter how organised you are, but you just don’t seem to get a moment to yourself. This is where social media could come in very handy. Put a call out to your network to ask for help. For example, you might be able to offer a friend a night out in exchange for your own night out. Don’t be scared to ask! COMPLETE PACKAGE
There are some apps and software that take a holistic approach. Family Organizer does everything: chores, events, lists and shopping. Another one with a cute name is Remember the Milk, but sometimes I think it is probably just easier to send a quick text. My advice would be to spend some of that miniscule time you have left to check out some of the great tools out there that hopefully will give you more time to spend with your awesome family. Shelley Gross - 0447 353 033
CALEB (8) & TEAGAN (6)
What did you ask Santa for? A big box of cars.
What did you ask Santa for? We gave Santa a letter.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? All the toys.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Celebrating and it’s fun!
What did you ask Santa for? The game of life.
What did you ask Santa for? A new monkey teddy.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Celebrating with my family.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Definitely food.
& ALEX (10)
& CADEN (3)
What did you ask Santa for? An orange scooter.
What did you ask Santa for? Chocolate, presents and pepper pig.
What did you ask Santa for? A new bike, iPhone 5 and Castoff RC plane.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Riding my scooter.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Leaving cookies out for Santa.
What did you ask Santa for? Ninja Turtles, Robotic puppy and a Thomas train.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Presents and everyone’s happy.
What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Presents and Thomas.
As summer rolls around for me every year, I take delight in walking through the fresh produce section and the amazing smells of peaches, mangoes and all things summer. I get inspired, I gain more “bounce” in my step and suddenly everything I touch has more energy and more flair. Summer for me is my favourite time of year and I love to extend this not just beyond the shopping trolley, but through the home too. It isn’t just a new cushion or a wardrobe cleanout, Summer for me is a time to update, pack away the old and add some vibrancy with the new. Summer should embody joy, freedom and playfulness. Rich with colour and texture, Summer design for me is always something that inspires me. This season in particular I am excited because guess what is on the lips of all good designers? Fruit! Yes, I said it fruit. Here are some budget busting finds and some decedent delights to help you update your little one’s space and make it picture perfect for the silly season. Top Tips To get a Fruity Finish: 1) HEALTHY START: Accent your child’s room with fruit, but don’t make your child’s room look like a fruit bowl. The idea is to inject freshness and fun into the room, rather than letting it overrun the overall feel and making it into a miss-matched explosion of obnoxious colour. Start restrained and as your confidence grows, take more risks. 2) FRUIT SALAD: Use these elements to match in with your existing pallet. For girls, consider the cherry print or a watermelon rug that works with what you already have. Make the fruit trend work for you. More masculine rooms you can embrace some gorgeous bold prints with edgier tones like navy and black paired with some funky summer
hues. Check out ettieink for some fabulous, edgier interpretations of the fruity flair. 3) BUY IN PAIRS: And I don’t mean pears. To keep things consistent, use two fruit-themed items. Just one will have no purpose / balance in the room so always good to off set it with another fruity fun piece. However, don’t get all matchy-matchy. In this case, you DO win friends with salad, two apples won’t look as divine as an apple and a pear. 4) Don’t use real fruit: As tempting as it is, a bowl of lemons or apples just won’t go the distance. If you would like to consider real fruit as decor, be sure to keep them in a vessel that can be changed from time-to-time and is up high enough so your little one won’t eat the produce. If real fruit is a must, fill a vase with glorious green apples as a “sometimes” decoration, rather than chucking a fruit bowl on the desk. 5) DIY: if you are crafty consider painting your own canvas or framing a fruit-inspired tea towel. If your child is old enough, make a day of it and have them create their own fruit-inspired wall art. 6) KEEP IT FRESH: Don’t like fruit? If fruit just isn’t your thing, use the colours as inspiration and build from there. Reds, greens and yellows are very on-trend and can still give your child’s room a summer flavour but won’t leave a bitter taste in your mouth. 7) BUDGET CONSCIOUS? Check out there are so many gorgeous handmade options from some amazing artisans that will make your fruity palace unique. The best thing is they won’t cost the earth like some of the chic-design savvy items, but will still give you that edgy feel.
8) WALL STICKERS: The fruit fad will give your space fabulous pops of colour and make their room alive. However, using fun wall stickers (pineapples from vivid wall decals) means you can make a statement without it being a permanent one. From just $25 you can give yourself a fun feature wall that can be removed when you need a new look. If you want to live on the edge create a fun colour combination and order two colours of the one sticker and alternate them for some summer fun. 9) OTTO- MOTTO: Make your own ottoman. If you are lucky enough to have a great local vintage shop or an ability to track down items online, find an old-fashioned fruit crate and make your own seat cushion using foam and strong, fruity colours which doubles as a storage box. 10) FRUITY TANGO: Being the new Summer trend there are so many options on the market. Don’t be shy to get adventurous and embrace this tutti frutti colour palette. This gorgeous trend will inspire some amazing, fun spaces. That is the whole idea. Take risks with colour, be playful and enjoy this limitless fad before it is last season’s flavour. Article by celebrity Interior Designer for Kids Christie Blizzard
FASTEST GROWING WATER SPORT IN THE WORLD With it’s roots based in Hawaii Stand Up Paddling or SUP is now the fastest growing water sport in the world and has no sign of slowing. SUP’s growth is attributed to its ease to learn safety and its unique feeling provided by standing and gliding across the water (many liken it to a sense of walking on water). No other water sport provides that feeling or sense of being able to see everything around you. SUP basically involves a board and a paddle and can be done anywhere from flat water rivers, lakes, bays, open oceans and for the more adventurous in the surf. It’s considered one of the best workouts covering your arms, legs, shoulders, back and most importantly your core. There are many disciplines from more traditional long board style flat water cruising boards to larger 14’ ocean race boards to short super light low volume wave boards. Sizes and styles to suit all conditions and abilities are available and it’s best to demo before you decide and talk to a dedicated SUP shop for the right advice. In most states including Victoria (SUP Vic) we have a dedicated association that is run and staffed by volunteers passionate to the growth of the sport and dedication to its promotion as a fun family orientated activity. There are refusal races and social activities organised as well as shop sponsored events and demo days around the Bay
and Ocean Beaches. A very popular event in Geelong is the Get Stoked at Eastern Beach Paddle race organised and run by Core Boardsports of Newtown Geelong. This includes a special event for families and kids wanting to experience the fun and thrills of racing on long race boards or regular flat water boards. Whilst SUP boards are generally quite large to allow paddlers to comfortably stand on them. Many brands are now accommodating smaller and lighter boards designed specifically for kids and at a price that won’t break the budget. Adventure Boards is one brand that provides a kid specific line of boards priced at a very competitive level. The most important aspect to consider when choosing a board size is volume ie; how many litres it is and therefore what weight of the rider the board will float comfortably, lengths and width. Wave SUP boards range from as small as 80 litres for light weight paddlers right thought to 200 litres plus for the bigger paddlers. Board width can vary from 23 inches through to 34 inches (most boards use feet and inches due to its USA and surfing origins). Board lengths vary from short 7 feet to 11 feet for long boards while ocean race boards are typically 12’6 or 14 feet. Paddles also come in many sizes however with the advent of adjustable paddles you are now able to invest
in a good strong and light paddle that the whole family can use. The length of paddle will also vary depending on the type of paddling. Race boards require more reach and therefore your paddle needs to be approximately 10- 20cm over your head whilst wave riding has trended to shorter paddle lengths down to head height or lower allowing for greater flexibility on the wave. There are many types of paddles available from cheaper alloy and plastic blades to full light weight carbon paddles Core Boardsports is a dedicated Stand Up Paddle retail shop located at 9 Fernleigh St Newtown in Geelong and with over 160 square metres we have one of the largest display of boards of any shop in the country! So if it’s a family flat water cruising board, a dedicated wave board or a full on race board you after there is a size, volumes and model to suit all sizes and capabilities. Just try on and we guarantee you will get the bug and realise why so many people are flocking to this healthy outdoor water sport. Core Boardsports Helping you Enjoy the Ocean David Sprague - Ph 0434314936
ARTS Ashby Primary School held its annual Market Day and Art Show on Saturday 8 November - it was a fantastic day out for the whole family! Organised by Friends of Ashby, the day was well supported by Ashby School families, energetic students and the local community. The Market Day and Art Show plays an important role at Ashby, with all proceeds from the event going to support the school’s high quality music and arts program. The day kicked off at 10am, with plenty to see and do - including a jumping castle for the young and young at heart, face painting, and a creation station, where children could let their imaginations roam free. Ashby students’ colourful artwork took pride of place, beautifully displayed throughout the school, with a special space dedicated to showing off the children’s vibrant, fluorescent artworks. Local bands from Oxygen College provided live music, while refreshments on offer included great coffee, homemade sweets and cakes, quality street food and hand-made ice cream. A highlight was the hotly contested art auction - where motivated parents, each determined to take home a one of a kind artwork, bid on artworks specially created for the occasion by Ashby students. Ashby’s annual Market Day provides a great opportunity for market goers to make a start on Christmas shopping, with stalls stocked full of gorgeous and unique items including jewellery, clothing, furniture, art and handicrafts. The market boasted a diverse range of stalls, many hosted by local designers, artists and craftspeople, with a focus on handmade, up-cycled or vintage items, in keeping with the sustainable and environmentally-friendly values that are so important at Ashby Primary School.
An Aireys Inlet family concerned about asylum children being held long term in detention centres is conducting an innovative campaign to publicise their concern and bring about changes in policy on this issue. The motivation to do this arose when the children’s mother Colleen became very upset watching a news item on children from Sri Lanka being held at sea for 29 days whilst their fate was being decided. There was a little girl Fabrina, aged 3, in the boat which is the same age as Colleen’s daughter, Zoe. In response to Colleen’s plea “what can we do?” Zoe suggested sending drawings to Fabrina. The family, parents Colleen and Andy together with children Zoe and Jacob, got together and decided that once a month they and their supporters would deliver to their local federal Member of Parliament, Sarah Henderson, artwork from local children. This artwork is intended to show children in offshore and onshore detention centres the concern that local children have for their welfare. They have been attending the office since July and support has been gathering. Many other children from Aireys Inlet, Anglesea , Bellbrae and Torquay have joined the family at their monthly events. Occyn aged sixn wrote on the back of his art “bad you are in detention I know you did not do anything wrong”. Other messages include “I hope you have a comfy bed and get out soon” Billy aged 6, “We would like to take you to our beach for you to play with us” Tilly aged 6. By attending these monthly gatherings, it is intended that the local Member would be made aware that many people in her electorate are concerned about children being locked up. On the most recent visit it was decided to publicise that there were still 789 children held in detention by displaying a balloon for every 50 children with cut outs of children’s profiles attached. The local Member has on a recent visit to Canberra took paperwork from the children to present to the Immigration Minister Scott Morrison. The next visit to highlight ongoing concern is scheduled for 4.30pm on Friday 12 December at Sarah Henderson’s office 3A/ 195 Colac Rd, Waurn Ponds. If you would like to join in, go to the Kids Out Corangamite Facebook page and register your interest, or contact Andy on 0431704971.
1. Trace your child’s foot on brown paper
and each hand on black paper.
2. Cut out and assemble into the shape
of a reindeer.
4. Next attach google eyes and a red 3. Stick onto red paper.
pompom for the nose.
1. Heat oven to 220 degrees. 2. Cook the spinach, drain, and press it to squeeze out excess
liquid. Set aside.
peppers. Set aside.
place on the pan, pushing the edges to the rim.
grated cheese. Top with the chopped spinach and then drizzle olive oil over the spinach. Sprinkle the crumbled feta over the spinach and arrange the pepper circles.
3. Use tiny cookie cutters to shape circles and stars from the 4. Coat a pizza pan with olive oil. Roll the dough into a circle and 5. Spread the tomato sauce on the dough and sprinkle on the
6. Bake for about 20 minutes, or until the bottom of the crust is browned.
7. Cut the pizza into triangular slices and then trim the crust to
form a trunk.
8. Finally, top each slice with a yellow star.
SERIES Moira Butterfield, Tim Collins
and Anna Claybourne - Lonely Planet
Uncover the awesome real world of wonders, find out fantastic facts, be stunned by the truly surprising and let you mind be boggled by the magical and the amazing. Get the lowdown on the world wonders that really matter, from the creepy catacombs of Paris and super-secure fort knox to a robot restaurant in china and the international space station! Incredible photos and cutaway illustrations of the most mind-bending spots on the whole planet; Scary places, spooky places, hi-tech and hidden places, thrilling places, deadly and daft places!
Anne Rice -
The vampire world is in crisis – their kind have been proliferating out of control and, thanks to technologies undreamed of in previous centuries, they can communicate as never before. Roused from their earth-bound slumber, ancient ones are in thrall to the Voice: which commands that they burn fledgling vampires in cities from Paris to Mumbai, Hong Kong to Kyoto and San Francisco. Immolations, huge massacres, have commenced all over the world. Who – or what – is the Voice? What does it desire, and why? There is only one vampire, only one blood drinker, truly known to the entire world of the Undead. Will the dazzling hero-wanderer, the dangerous rebel-outlaw Lestat heed the call to unite the Children of Darkness as they face this new twilight? Anne Rice’s epic, luxuriant, fiercely ambitious new novel brings together all the worlds and beings of the legendary Vampire Chronicles, from present-day New York and Ancient Egypt to fourth-century Carthage and Renaissance Venice; from Louis de Pointe du Lac; Armand the eternally young; Mekare and Maharet; to Pandora and Flavius; David Talbot, vampire and ultimate fixer from the Secret Talamasca; and Marius, the true child of the Millennia. It also introduces many other seductive supernatural creatures, and heralds significant new blood.
LANDMARKS AND LOCATIONS Virginia Grant - Randomhouse
From the Harbour Bridge to the Great Barrier Reef, Parliament House, the Great Ocean Road, Broken Hill and Uluru, this book celebrates the many diverse landmarks and locations that make Australia one of the most exciting countries on Earth. Can you name the highest peak in mainland Australia? Do you know which Australian capital city had to be rebuilt twice? What natural feature of Australia is the only living thing on Earth that can be seen from outer space? In Australia’s Greatest Landmarks and Locations, you will discover the answers to these questions and learn many more stories about the remarkable Australian landscape. With jaw-dropping natural attractions and magnificent man-made structures, Australia has an abundance of truly great places. From north to south and east to west, this book showcases the nation’s best known and most loved places, and reveals their fascinating stories. Few other countries can boast the geographic diversity of Australia, with its deserts, tropical and temperate forests, wetlands and snow-capped mountains. And with this diversity comes some incredible natural features – the Great Barrier Reef, Fraser Island and Purnululu National Park, to name just a few. Some places have enormous cultural significance, reflecting our Indigenous heritage or our short history as a nation. And some places, of course, have both natural and cultural importance. After finding out about the greatest landmarks and locations of Australia, you won’t be able to resist experiencing them for yourself.
FROM A LITTLE GOLDEN BOOK Diane Muldrow - Randomhouse
If you are searching for wise and witty advice about getting through the hectic holiday season - while having fun at the same time - look no further than timeless Little Golden Books. Favorite characters such as the Pokey Little Puppy, The Gingerbread Man, and many others, offer vaulable seasonal advice for having a happy holiday. Including invaluable tips on how to manage everything from scary holiday crowds to snarled holiday traffic, endless rounds of social obligations and excessive amounts of family time. Featuring iconic art from Golden Books luminaries including Eloise Wilkin, Richard Scarry, J.P. Miller, Garth Williams, and more - this collection is a must for maintaining that ever-important holiday cheer!
Number 1 Doll this Christmas Cayla will be your daughters best friend – She can answer any questions you may have. She can help with school, answer spelling questions, Maths questions practically anything! She will not only be a friend but a teacher! My Friend Cayla doll will tell bed time stores play games with your daughter the possibilities are endless. Built in with 3,000 questions, you will enjoy endless hours of fun with the Cayla doll. Download the app via Wi-Fi and sync via Bluetooth and you are ready to go.
A ‘hole’ new challenge Also new from Crown & Andrews is Rubiks Void, which provides a modern twist on this classic
Fabulous hooded towel top for kids. Easy to throw on after swimming to dry off and keep warm. Made from terry cotton. Perfect for the pool, beach or bath. Available in pink, navy and red.
DAY Release date: Thursday 4 December
Gum stuck in his hair signals the start of a disastrous day for 11-year-old Alexander (Ed Oxenbould). One calamity follows another, but when Alexander tells his family about his misadventures, he finds little sympathy. Alexander begins to wonder if bad things happen only to him, but he soon learns that he’s not alone when his mother (Jennifer Garner), father (Steve Carell), brother (Dylan Minnette) and sister (Kerris Dorsey) all find themselves living through their own calamitous days.
game of skill. With a cool new style and void in the middle it gives the Rubik’s Cube an added extra dimension. This incredibly addictive game will have you trying to solve it for hours! Suitable for ages 8+
SKEANIE Cowboy Hats are made of 100% Paper Raffia Straw. They are lightweight, soft and comfortable. They should be worn on sunny days, not rainy ones, as Raffia Straw does not like water. When your SKEANIE Cowboy Hat gets dirty, we recommend you spot clean it with a soft cloth. Great accompaniment to the hooded towel. Available in pink or red.
Release date: Friday 26 December When the magic powers of The Tablet of Ahkmenrah begin to die out, Larry Daley (Ben Stiller) spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever.
A MOST ENCHANTING CHILDREN’S BOOKSHOP Children are always captivated when they step inside the Itty Bitty Book Van - a travelling children’s bookshop. The enchanting 1950s vintage caravan, the faux grass on floor, the comfy couch by the rear window and the colourful forward facing bookshelves all combine to provide a delightful bookshop adventure for every child (and grown up) who visits.
and festive Christmas themed books. All titles will be available for sale making it a great destination for last-minute Christmas gift shopping.
After travelling over 3000km this year, visiting many places throughout regional Victoria, the Itty Bitty Book Van’s final event for the year will be held right here in Geelong. The Van will be parking outside Bambolotta at 134 Pakington St Geelong West (beside Subway) on Saturday 13th December from 10am – 2pm.
When: 13th December, 10am - 2pm Where: 134 Pakington St, Geelong West (Beside Subway)
It’s free to browse inside the Itty Bitty Book Van which is filled with classic children’s picture books, popular new titles, adventure filled chapter books
For more information about this event or to explore the Itty Bitty Book Van’s online bookshop visit the website The online children’s bookshop provides free delivery to Geelong residents.
Ready, set, RUN!
On November 23, 1,025 kids aged between four and 12 eagerly participated in Run Geelong’s first ever Cotton On Kids 1km Kids Run. Run Geelong ambassador Joel Selwood and Cotton On Kids General Manager Natalie McLean were there to sound the starting horn for the little ones, and they were then cheered on by clown jugglers, fairies throwing confetti, bubble machines, mist
tunnels and unicyclists who were all set up at different points along the course.
12km courses, raising an impressive $503,651 for the cause.
The 1KM Kids Run formed part of the sixth Run Geelong, which once again saw 100 per cent of the registration fees go to the redevelopment of the Special Care Nursery at University Hospital Geelong. 12,008 community members registered for the 1km, 6km and
The redevelopment of the Special Care Nursery will provide additional space for extra cribs and storage, plus separate resuscitation and treatment rooms, a parent lounge and overnight rooms.
Iconic Floating Christmas Tree and Light Show, Steampacket Gardens, Eastern Beach, Geelong. Be part of history, when we turn on Australia’s largest outdoor Christmas Tree, and the only one floating! The lights will be turned on from 8.15pm on Friday 21 November - please join us celebrate the occasion. You can download a music track that is synchronised to the light show at au. The 25 metre tall tree will be moored in the bay, Waterfront Geelong, near the Carousel and will be a prominent feature of the Waterfront throughout the festive season. At night the tree features stunning lightshows every half hour from 8.30pm. Daily until 25 December. Free
2014 Myer Geelong Christmas Windows. Daily until 25 December 2014. Free
Australian Breastfeeding Association; Western Heights Uniting Church Hall, 27-31 Douglass St, Herne Hill. Expressing and storing breastmilk. 10am-12pm. For more information about meetings, please contact Kate on 0403 232726 or
Denis Walter Carols By The Bay, Eastern Beach Reserve, Waterfront Geelong. A Christmas concert welcoming the festive season. You are invited to welcome the festive season to Geelong at the annual Denis Walter Carols by the Bay. Sing along to Christmas hymns being performed by some of our region’s talented artists as well as some notable Australian performers. Watch out for a special appearance from annual favourite, Humprey B Bear and of course everybody’s favourite - Santa! Hosted by Denis Walter, Carols by the Bay will leave you feeling festive with the spirit of Christmas. 7.30 - 9.30pm
Un Noël Français, Wesley Church, 100 Yarra St, Geelong. Join the Geelong Chorale for a distinctly French Christmas. 5pm. Cost: $25/$20
The Ballet School Annual Recital, Potato Shed, Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. The Ballet School’s annual recital is the culmination of a year of hard work and dedication by all students, who love the opportunity to share their talent and knowledge with family and friends in what is a truly spectacular ballet event! 4pm. Costs
Lighting of the Christmas Tree, Point Lonsdale. Annual community celebration of Christmas, including the lighting of the Christmas Tree in Point Lonsdale. Entertainment will be provided by the Queenscliff Lighthouse Theatre Group. 6pm - 7.15pm Local vocals; 7.25pm Santa arrives; 7.30pm Community carols; 8.30pm Lighting of the Christmas Tree. There will be a BBQ provided by the CFA plus other food stalls. Glow candles and Santa hats will also be available for purchase. 6pm. Free
Christmas Fun Fair, Geelong Show Grounds, 79 Breakwater Rd, Breakwater. 11am - 4pm. Free
Santa Trains, The Bellarine Railway, 20 Symonds Street, Queenscliff. The Bellarine Railway is inviting families to get the festive season started on-board Santa’s Steam Train, where everyone can join in singing Christmas Carols and Santa will personally present each child with a gift. Throughout the journey there will be photo opportunities for your children with Santa and in front of the locomotive with its special headboard! Parents and children will each receive a Christmas Tree shortbread and bottle of water, and children will be given an activity pack to take away and help decorate your home for Christmas Day. The train will depart the Queenscliff Station at 11.00am and families will be allocated seats on 1 of 2 sessions with Santa – either the outbound or return journey. Tickets for this family experience are now on sale from the website and close 1 week prior to each date, unless sold out - so bookings are essential. Please visit website or call 5258 2069 during office hours for further details
Market on Noble, All Saints Hall, 113 Noble Street, Newtown. Artist and Artisan Market. Gallery style environment in a beautiful setting overlooking a small park, in one of the best locations in Geelong. Selling art, and quality ceramics, precious jewellery, candles, aromatherapy products, children’s clothes, cards, flowers, wine tastings, Birregurra ice-cream, food and refreshments, and more. 12.30pm 7.30pm FREE
Friday Night Skate, Barwon Valley Activity Centre, 1 Barwon Heads Rd Belmont. Run on alternate Friday nights during school terms, this session offers indoor skating, roller blading and skateboarding. Running for over 20 years, Friday Night Skate takes place at Barwon Valley Activity Centre, every 2nd Friday during the school term. Skateboards, scooters and rollerblades welcome. This event is not suitable for bikes or BMX. Ramps and rails will be set up however, your own skate equipment is necessary. All sessions fully supervised by accredited City of Greater Geelong employees. Helmets and safety equipment must be worn at all times. 7 – 10pm. $5.00
Carols at Kardinia, Kardinia Church North Campus, 1 - 11 Kardinia Drive, Bell Post Hill. Established in 2001, Carols at Kardinia has become one of Geelong’s premier Christmas events. These carols attract crowds of over 2500 at multiple shows, with an exceptional array of talent on show. This event showcases local and interstate musicians, dancers, comedians, vocalists, and so many others! 3pm - 5pm. Free
Geelong Rainbow Runs, Barwon Valley Fun Park. Dress wild in white, we’ll add the colour to your day, your week and maybe even your existence, as you jog, walk and dance your way around the course with our Rainbow Colour Wizards encasing you in a rainbow of colours, embracing and enjoying the rhythms of the Rainbow Run. After a Rainbow colour barrage, your outlook on life is sure to change, all will be brighter, life will be colourful and the world will take on a new perspective… but be sure to pin or post your personal rainbow colour pics, and
embrace the new colourful you.… miss this event and your life will be just shades of grey. 7.30pm
Santa Trains, The Bellarine Railway, 20 Symonds Street, Queenscliff. The Bellarine Railway is inviting families to get the festive season started on-board Santa’s Steam Train, where everyone can join in singing Christmas Carols and Santa will personally present each child with a gift. Throughout the journey there will be photo opportunities for your children with Santa and in front of the locomotive with its special headboard! Parents and children will each receive a Christmas Tree shortbread and bottle of water, and children will be given an activity pack to take away and help decorate your home for Christmas Day. The train will depart the Queenscliff Station at 11.00am and families will be allocated seats on 1 of 2 sessions with Santa – either the outbound or return journey. Tickets for this family experience are now on sale from the website and close 1 week prior to each date, unless sold out - so bookings are essential. Please visit website or call 5258 2069 during office hours for further details
BecFaireyDance Concerts, Potato Shed, Peninsula Drive, Drysdale. BecFaireyDance presents its 2014 End of Year Junior and Senior Concerts. The 3 mini concerts will be showcasing the dance students year of training in technique, performance skills and choreography. The concerts will be a celebration of the local Bellarine Peninsula’s children’s hard work and creativity. Tickets at the venue or any City of Greater Geelong Customer Service Centre. 6 - 7pm. Costs
Geelong Toy Run, Deakin University, City Campus car park, Smythe St, Geelong. Motorcycle run starting in Deakin University, city campus, car park leaving and travelling through the city, Portarlington and finishing at Queenscliff. Bring a toy and help raise funds to support local children’s charities. Free
Ocean Grove Carols in the Park, Ocean Grove Park, Presidents Avenue. 7pm.
Australian Breastfeeding Association; 112 McKillop Street, Geelong. Dealing
with others’ advice. 10am-12pm. For more information about meetings, please contact Kate on 0403 232726 or
Highton Carols in the Park 2014, Highton Reserve and Playground, Barrabool Road, Highton. An opportunity for all members of the Highton Community to come together on home ground to celebrate Christmas in a relaxed and informal way. Traditional Carol singing plus some great guest artists including the very popular Mik Maks and gifted female vocalist Shandelle Cooke. 7 - 8.30pm. Free
Santa Trains, The Bellarine Railway, 20 Symonds Street, Queenscliff. The Bellarine Railway is inviting families to get the festive season started on-board Santa’s Steam Train, where everyone can join in singing Christmas Carols and Santa will personally present each child with a gift. Throughout the journey there will be photo opportunities for your children with Santa and in front of the locomotive with its special headboard! Parents and children will each receive a Christmas Tree shortbread and bottle of water, and children will be given an activity pack to take away and help decorate your home for Christmas Day. The train will depart the Queenscliff Station at 11.00am and families will be allocated seats on 1 of 2 sessions with Santa – either the outbound or return journey. Tickets for this family experience are now on sale from the website and close 1 week prior to each date, unless sold out - so bookings are essential. Please visit website or call 5258 2069 during office hours for further details
Carols By Candlelight, Johnstone Park, Gheringhap Street Geelong. The Geelong Carols by Candlelight is a great evening for the whole family, staged in the natural amphitheatre of the historic Johnstone Park. A traditional carols programme with some of Geelong’s best artists and choirs, plus our concert band and lots of carol singing! 8 - 10pm
Central Geelong New Years Fireworks Display. A free public fireworks display at midnight will celebrate the start of 2015 and say goodbye to 2014 on the Geelong Waterfront. There will also be a earlier fireworks display at dusk for kids and families between 9-9.30pm. Free