Carlow People

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July 2, 2019


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carlowpeople July 2, 2019


July 2, 2019


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No to abortions at Luke’s, say doctors ST LUKE’S Hospital will not be providing abortion services, according to four consultant obstetricians at the local hospital who have penned a letter to the Ireland East Hospital Group advising them that they won’t be providing terminations. Professor Ray O’Sullivan is one of the consultants. Explaining the reasons to KCLR News he said they are two-fold: “We are having these GL൶FXOWLHV DQG WKHVH GL൶FXOWLHV centre around not only the issues of conscientious objection but also facilities. “I mean, I think a lot of people don’t realise that we in Kilkenny don’t have a gynaecology ward, for example. ³6R ¿QGLQJ DQ DSSURSULDWH location for women with crisis pregnancies, or who are requiring surgical terminations ZRXOG EH YHU\ GL൶FXOW “That’s what we wanted to highlight to the Ireland East Hospital Group…we’re trying to kind of sort this out.”

Lee Kavanagh and Grace Nolan at Parkville United AFC’s 41st Anniversary Dinner Dance & Awards Night, Mount Wolseley Hotel. Image by Rue Photography

Professor O’Sullivan said that the reality for small, country hospitals like St Luke’s was that they just were not the ideal place for women in such situations. He said he and his colleagues were looking for assistance in getting the right facilities but said it was likely to take a “long, long time” for that to happen. The letter, signed by the four consultant obstetricians, was reportedly sent to GPs in area. The letter, signed by Ray O’Sullivan, Raouf Salam, Yuddandi Nagaveni, and Trevor Hayes, said it was “decided unanimously that the hospital is not an appropriate location for medical or surgical terminations”. Professor O’Sullivan said the letter was sent to the IEHG and a separate letter penned by one of his colleagues was sent to GPs. He said he personally felt it shouldn’t have been made public so soon considering WKH\ ZHUH WU\LQJ WR ¿QG D ZD\ forward.



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Keeping the Ploughing cogs oiled MORE THAN 100 Top Oil billboards are located around the country advertising #Ploughing19 in Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co Carlow from September 17th to 19th. At the Top Oil/Ploughing launch, NPA Managing Director Anna May McHugh said: “It is a very important partnership with Top Oil as the signs remind patrons that it is time to get ready for ploughing.� She said that, as the main fuel sponsors, Top Oil were bringing much to the table in terms of supporting the hosting of the championships. “As the onsite fuel supplier, they will supply the fuel requirements for the entire event throughout the three days such as the supply for all of the generators powering the site and

the lighting towers that extend out to a radius of over 30 km, all of the event machinery and courtesy vehicles, and the fuel requirements of many of the 1700 exhibitors and the 350 competitor tractors,� said Ms McHugh. Andrew Meagher, Head of Sales, Direct & Reseller at Top Oil, said: “We are delighted to be supporting this prestigious event for our sixth consecutive year. “The move to Ballintrane, Fenagh, Co Carlow will provide a great boost for the area and we have no doubt that the event will be as successful as it has been for many years now. “There is always great excitement throughout our nationwide network of Top Oil depots and retail sites about the

ploughing and this year is no GLŕľľHUHQW “We are proud to be providing quality fuels and excellent customer service to local businesses and farming communities across Ireland for many years.â€? He said: “We are really looking forward to working closely with The National Ploughing Association again this year. Our two organisations have our roots in local rural communities and we very much look forward to supporting the NPA to showcase and celebrate the very best of rural Ireland.â€? Showcasing the Best of Irish Food, Farming and Culture, you can follow the excitement of the build-up to #Ploughing19 on nationalplou

Plans for new jobs as MSN on target Jason Curran and Nora McAssey at the rescheduled Charity of The Friends of the Sacred Heart Hospital Fundraising Event, Hunter’s Rest, Fenagh. Image by Rue Photography

279 hospital attacks since start of 2019 THERE have been 279 assaults in HSE hospitals in 2019 so far, QHZ ÂżJXUHV KDYH UHYHDOHG ZLWK 249 (89%) against nurses. The ÂżJXUHV GR QRW LQFOXGH YROXQWDU\ hospitals, private hospitals or other health services outside of HSE hospitals. The Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO) has blamed the problems on XQGHUVWDŕľśQJ RYHUFURZGLQJ and under-capacity, which the union described as creating a

“pressure cooker environmentâ€?. INMO general secretary Phil NĂ­ Sheaghdha said: “Any assault on a frontline health worker is completely unacceptable. Nurses are clearly bearing the brunt of assaults, facing nearly 90% of attacks. Âł%XW WKHVH ÂżJXUHV DUH MXVW the tip of the iceberg. Many more assaults go unreported, as nurses are often too busy to stop work and do the paperwork,â€? she said.

MSD, one of Carlow’s largest employers, recently threw open its doors to local public representatives to outline its global lifesaving work and its exciting expansion plans for the future. Deputies Pat Deering, Bobby Alyward and Seån Fleming, senator Jennifer Murnane O’Connor, cathaoirleach of Carlow County Council John Pender and a number of local representatives were among those present for the site visit. The new facility will focus on the production of vaccines and biologics and there will also be an expansion of warehouse and laboratory services at the site. Recruitment of 170 for the new facility has already begun and it’s intended that the new manufacturing operations will start in 2023. Employing more than 400, MSD Carlow opened in 2008 DV WKH FRPSDQ\œV ¿UVW YDFFLQHV facility outside of the US. The decision to further invest in is testament to the talented iemployee base.

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carlowpeople July 2, 2019

Orla Fallon with Lucy, Isabelle, Eva, Naomi, Abby, Rebecca and Nessa who performed at Orla Fallon in Concert with Pupils of Ballinabranna National School, Arboretum Home & Garden Heaven, Leighlinbridge. Image by Rue Photography

One number from ₏3.5m, but punter scoops ₏130k. STAFF at a coal shop are celebrating after selling a Lotto ticket worth ₏130,000 after one lucky punter in Co Carlow was just one number away from scooping the ₏3.5million jackpot in Wednesday’s draw. 7KH SOD\HU PDWFKHG ¿YH number plus the bonus ball to claim a sum of ₏129,511. And the owner of Corrigan’s 6HUYLFH 6WDWLRQ RQ WKH %RUULV 5RDG LQ %DJQDOVWRZQ KDV urged locals to check their tickets.

Delighted owner Will Corrigan said: “It’s just a huge boost for the store and for the community as a whole. Âł7KH VHUYLFH VWDWLRQ LV VLWXDWHG LQ D YHU\ UXUDO SDUW RI &DUORZ EHWZHHQ %DJQDOVWRZQ DQG %RUULV VR WKH YDVW PDMRULW\ of our customers are local. “We would be absolutely delighted to see one of our neighbours picking up this prize.â€? He said: “The business itself KDV EHHQ LQ WKH IDPLO\ IRU ÂżYH

JHQHUDWLRQV VR WR JHW D PDVVLYH win like this for the locality is a YHU\ SURXG PRPHQW ³:HœYH KDG WKH /RWWR LQ WKH store for only ten years so we’ll certainly be celebrating our biggest win to date with all of our customers today.� The winning Quick Pick ticket was sold at the store on the day of the draw. There was no winner of last Saturday’s National Lottery of more than ₏4m, so the money UROOV RYHU WR :HGQHVGD\

06 | news in brief IDA plans to lure foreign investors

The IDA is set to bring new high-end jobs to Carlow. The agency has bought a site in Rathnapish where it’s planning to develop a new state-of-the-art building to encourage foreign companies to come and to base themselves in Carlow. They’ll be lodging an application for planning permission in the next few weeks and in the meantime they’ll be trying to ¿QG IRUHLJQ FRPSDQLHV ZKR might be interested in taking RYHU WKH EXLOGLQJ DV DQ RྜFH RU factory space..

Man is released in histoirc muder case

The man in his 70s arrested in relation to an investigation into the Murder of Marie Tierney in Kilkenny in 1984 has been released without charge. $ ÂżOH ZLOO EH SUHSDUHG IRU WKH Director of Public Prosecutions. The man was arrested in relation to the historic murder investigation.

Swim only where there’s a lifeguards

People are being urged to only go for a swim in an area where only there is a lifeguard. From today, in Clashganny and Bagenalstown, Water Safety Ireland say their lifeguards are generally kept busy.

carlowpeople July 2, 2019

TK Maxx coming soon with Carlow people have a beef or 60 jobs Anne Holden, Eileen Doran and Liz Doyle at Setanta Ceatharlach Hurling/Camogie Club’s Annual Fun Night, Presentation College. Image by Rue Photography




House prices static for 3 months THE rise in house prices in Carlow & Kilkenny has beentheemodest in the past year, with latest showing the average three-bed semi-detached home has seen no price change in the past three months. Prices in Carlow and Kilkenny have remained static for the last three months according to the Real Estate Alliance. And in the last year there hasn’t been a dramatic hike recorded either. The average price of a three bed semi in Kilkenny now stands at ₏213,500 – that’s up MXVW RQ WKH ¿JXUH IRU -XQH 2018. Prices in Carlow are 2.7% higher than a year ago with the average three bed now at ₏171,000. The national average is just over ₏236,000. Nationally, price growth has slowed to a fraction of what it was last year. Prices rose modestly at0.3% so far this year, with a prediction that low price growth was now set to become a feature of the market.

RETAIL giant TK Maxx and its sister brand HomeSense are to open a new 4,000 square foot store at Carlow Retail Park in 2020, creating 60 new jobs. According to The Nationalist Thomas Thompson Holdings Ltd has signed a contract, subject to planning permission, with the leading retailer and that planning application for the store has been lodged with Carlow County Council. The proposed location of the store is opposite the units at Carlow Retail Park adjacent to KFC. TK Maxx stocks a wide selection of designer labels and high street brands at discounts of up to 60% of the original cost, and, given its huge customer pulling power, is often hailed as a game changer for retail centres. “Retail in Carlow is struggling overall and we need a name like TK Maxx and HomeSense that will draw people to the town,� Gwen Thomas of Thomas Thompson Holdings Ltd told The Nationalist. “This isn’t just about the 60 jobs; it’s also about encouraging a bigger footfall to Carlow. If Carlow County Council grants planning permission, this store will be only the third HomeSense store in Ireland and it will bring huge footfall from Kilkenny,

Newbridge and Naas into Carlow,â€? said Mr Thomas. Once operational, TK Maxx and HomeSense expect to provide employment for up to 60 people in Carlow, with as many as 100 expected to be employed during the construction phase. Planning permission for the store was initially lodged with the council in November 2018, with further information sought by the local authority in January of this year. This has now been lodged by the developer and a decision is expected within the next four weeks. A number of submissions were made, including one from the rival Fairgreen Shopping Centre along with Irish Water DQG D VHQLRU ÂżVKHULHV HQYLURQPHQWDO RŕľśFHU Mr Thomas expressed “some concernâ€? about the planning application, given “some of the feedback contained within the additional information soughtâ€?, including a request to comment on Fairgreen Shopping Centre’s submission. However, Mr Thomas remains hopeful that planning permission will be granted in the best interests of Carlow. “It is unusual to be asked to comment on the opposition’s or a rival’s submission, but it’s not unheard of,â€? he said.

Poor don’t live as long as rich folk PEOPLE in Ireland and those with a disability have a shorter lifespan than those who are EHWWHU Rŕľľ QHZ ÂżJXUHV IURP WKH &HQWUDO 6WDWLVWLFV 2ŕľśFH VKRZ Managerial, technical and professional workers also have lower mortality rates than unskilled workers, according to a research paper, Mortality 'LŕľľHUHQWLDOV LQ ,UHODQG 2017, released by the CSO. Life expectancy is greatest DFFRUGLQJ WKH DྡXHQFH RI WKH area in which the person lived at the time of the 2016 census.

In 2016, the number of expected years was 84.4 and 87.7 years for males and females respectively in the least deprived areas, compared to 79.4 years and 83.2 years for those in most deprived areas. Males in the First Quintile – the least deprived – lived until to 82 while men in the Fifth Quintile (most deprived) lived until the age of 79. In the case of females, the corresponding average life expectancy was 85.5 for the least deprived and 83.2 for the most deprived.

carlowpeople July 2, 2019

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carlowpeople July 2, 2019

Engineers object to sharing of work CARLOW Municipal District have joined their Tullow colleagues in objecting strongly WR VKDULQJ HQJLQHHULQJ VWDŕľľ between the areas. The former 10-seat Carlow Municipal is now two districts – Carlow and Tullow – with areas IURP WKH IRUPHU %DJHQDOVWRZQ area now also included in the Tullow area. However, it emerged at the AGM of Tullow Municipal District last week that no additional area engineer had been appointed. &OOU )HUJDO %URZQH DVNHG about funding for the two districts and said that, while Carlow was the smallest geographically, it had the largest population base. $UHD HQJLQHHU 3DW +DUULQJWRQ FRQÂżUPHG WKDW KH UHPDLQHG WKH area engineer for the entirety of the former area, while KLV %DJHQDOVWRZQ FROOHDJXH would look after areas now in the Tullow district. He said that decision about additional engineers would have to come as part of budgetary process. Cllr John Cassin asked why the boundary changes “were not planned forâ€??

How to mind your pets if the temps keep up

Sam, Ben, Molly and Harry Brown at Setanta Ceatharlach Hurling/Camogie Club’s Annual Fun Night, Presentation College. Image by Rue Photography

Rugby player sanctioned in public order bar ‘incident’ THE Irish Rugby Football Union (IRFU) have sanctioned a player - widely believed to be Tullow Tank Sean O’Brien - in connection with an incident in a bar in Dublin. An IRFU investigation into “inappropriate behaviourâ€? by the player after Leinster’s 352 ÂżQDO YLFWRU\ KDV concluded. A statement said the player in question has been sanctioned and apologised to the individual involved

in the incident. A union spokesman said: “The IRFU have investigated an incident of inappropriate behaviour by a player which occurred on May 26th last. The player has expressed his deep regret and has been sanctioned in line with the provisions of his contract. The player has apologised to the individual involved. “The IRFU, and the player, regret any upset that this incident has caused.� The player is said to have

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excessive panting and drooling, drowsy or out of sorts, vomiting or diarrhoea.â€? 7KH ,63&$ DOVR UHPLQGHG pet owners that “dogs can die LI OHIW LQ KRW FDUV´ 3HW RZQHUV often think leaving a window RSHQ LV VXŕľśFLHQW IRU WKHLU SHW but this is not enough to prevent heatstroke under intense VXQVKLQH %\ OHDYLQJ D GRJ unattended in a vehicle during hot weather, even for 10 minutes can prove to be fatal. It is important to always have fresh water available for your SHW UHIUHVK DQG UHÂżOO PRUH RIten than on a normal day and leave extra if you are going out. You can also add ice cubes to your pet’s water. Make sure they have access to shade, and keep them indoors in cooler rooms when the heat becomes too extreme. Ensure you leave out extra wa ter in the shade for cats and wildlife too. If you have a rabbit or small mammals in the garden, keep their living quarters in the shade

Carlow native heads up HSE South forum

FREE Kids Club!

Family Break FROM *

urinated on a customer of the pub while the Leinster squad was celebrating their victory. It followed on from an earlier incident that weekend, in which a punch from former prop forward Stan Wright put a Leinster Academy player in hospital. Wright was part of Leinster’s squad that won LWV ¿UVW +HLQHNHQ &XS LQ 2009 and was in Dublin for the celebrations of that anniversary.

7+( ,63&$ KDV LVVXHG D UHminder to look after domestic pets as the temperatures continue to rise in Ireland. ,63&$ 3XEOLF 5HODWLRQV Manager Carmel Murray said: “We all love the summer sunshine, but please plan in advance if you are bringing your pet anywhere with you in hot weather ensuring they won’t be left in a hot car for any length of time. “Avoid walking your dog during intense heat, early morning or evening walks is always best when it’s cooler. If the pavement is too hot for your hand, it’s too hot for their paws. Always have fresh cool water available and access to shade from the sun.� Ms Murray: “If your pet is showing signs of severe overheating, move them to a cooler area immediately, spray with FRRO QRW FROG ZDWHU DQG JLYH a small drink of water and contact your vet. It is important to know the signs of overheating such as increased heart rate with

*based on 3 night B&B and 1 Dinner stay and subject to availability; for T&C’s see

COUNCILLOR Arthur McDonald, a member of Carlow County Council, was unanimously elected chair of the HSE’s Regional Health Forum South at a meeting in Cork last Thursday. Cllr McDonald takes over from Cllr Jason Murphy of Waterford City & County Council, who has served in the position over the last year. There are four Regional Health Forums nationally, their membership made up of nominated representatives from the city and county councils within their regions. The functional area of the Regional Health Forum South covers the eight local authorities in counties Carlow, Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, South Tipperary, Waterford and Wexford. The forums make representations to the HSE on the range and opera

tion of health and personal social services in their areas. The HSE, in turn, provides administrative services to the forum. The media are welcome to attend full meetings of the forum, which in the case of the Regional Health Forum South convenes at the chamber in County Hall, Cork. The Forum also meets as Cork/Kerry and South East area committees. Cllr. Arthur McDonald was ¿UVW HOHFWHG WR 0XLQH %KHDJ %DJHQDOVWRZQ 7RZQ &RXQFLO in 1985 and subsequently to Carlow County Council in 1991 – being re-elected to the latter in last month’s local authority elections. Cllr. McDonald, has been a prominent advocate for health services in and for Co. Carlow, was the outgoing Vice Chair of the Regional Health Forum South and also chaired its South East

Committee. A Fianna FĂĄil party representative, Cllr. McDonald has been a long time community activist – including as chair of WKH %DJHQDOVWRZQ 6W 3DWULFNÂśV Day organising committee and currently chairs Carlow County &RXQFLOÂśV 6SHFLDO 3ROLF\ Committee on Community, Housing and Amenities. $ IDUPHU PDUULHG WR %UHGD with four sons and one granddaughter, Cllr McDonals is looking forward to working with representatives across the seven counties. Cllr McDonald said: “I regard it as an honour to have been elected by my colleagues to serve as Chairperson of the Regional Health Forum South. We all have the same aim and that is to ensure that the highest standard of health care is provided to our local communities.â€?

carlowpeople July 2, 2019

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carlowpeople July 2, 2019


Boris, Brexit and Bisto nostalgia


HE roll-call of English prime ministers is long and distinguished, stretching back 500 years and more. It takes in my own namesake, the Great &DUGLQDO ZKR ZDV ÂżUVW PLQLVWHU to Henry VIII. It includes the Cromwells, Thomas and Oliver; Robert Walpole; the Pitts, father and son; Gladstone and Disraeli; Churchill and Atlee; Margaret Thatcher. You don’t have to admire these people, or approve of their actions, to recognise that they were leaders of substance, who made England - and, in time, Britain - a power to be reckoned with. It now seems that the name of D EXŕľľRRQ ZLOO EH DGGHG WR WKHLU ranks. Boris Johnson looks like a clown and talks like an exile from the Teletubbies. He leaves his home looking like he has been pulled through D KHGJH DQG VKXྡHV LQWR parliament with his shirt tail hanging from under his jacket. His mind is more changeable

Michael Wolsey

than the weather; he has a ferocious temper and conducted a row with his girlfriend so loudly that neighbours called the police. Individually, none of these faults should automatically rule him out as prime minister. Collectively, they suggest a man who is not worthy of the job and who will demean the RŕľśFH Britain, the country that once ruled half the world, has been in decline for many years. Boris Johnson is a symptom

Michael and Catherine Quinn at Parkville United AFC’s 41st Anniversary Dinner Dance & Awards Night, Mount Wolseley Hotel. Image by Rue Photography

of that decline, which has increased in pace since the Brexit vote. The nation that ran a vast empire now seems incapable of organizing the proverbial pissup in a brewery. I suppose Boris might be suited to that last role. At least he looks the part. Britain is being brought low by the determination of a slender majority of its electorate (less than 52 per cent) to drag the country out of Europe and back to a past that never truly existed - not really the past of empire, but of a strange misty land with cobble stones and seaside piers, warm beer and Hovis, cricket on the green and honey for tea. It is what the great British journalist, AA Gill, called ‘Bisto nostalgia’, and it is strongest among the elderly members of the Conservative Party who seem set to give Boris the job regardless of what he says or does. They are readers of the Telegraph, the newspaper for which Mr Johnson writes. They would once have read The Times but that instinctively

conservative organ is too radical for current Tory tastes. Any who did turn to it last Saturday will have found an illuminating feature in its magazine section. It presented 61 quotes and asked readers to guess which ones had bern said by Boris. It turned out he had said them all, except one - and that one was no madder than the others. They were incredibly inconsistent. For instance: “We cannot turn our backs on Europe. We are part of Europe.â€? Or, from a man about to divorce his second wife and who has two children by other women: “I lead a life of blameless domesticity and always have done.â€? If Boris drags down Britain, there is a danger he will take Ireland with it, so I would like to think that his opening quote in the article was an accurate prediction: “My chances of being PM are about as good as WKH FKDQFHV RI ÂżQGLQJ (OYLV RQ Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive.â€? Sadly, like so much else the man says, that is nonsense.

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carlowpeople July 2, 2019


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have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class.Any enquiries to

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Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338 FOR SALE Ladybird Rocking Chair for a child €50 t #SJD B #SBD t $MPUIFT t 7BSJPVT 5PZT t 7BSJPVT 1SJDFT Contact any evening except Thursday

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NATIONAL LOTTERY GRANTS The HSE has been allocated National Lottery Funding for distribution to community based groups and voluntary organisations, under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme. Groups and organisations involved in providing health and personal social services can apply for once-off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects. For information on how and where to apply, see If you have a query contact the HSELive team on 1850 24 1850 or email Closing Date for Applications is noon on Tuesday, 30th April 2019.


059 914 1877

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carlowpeople July 2, 2019

PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council Full Planning Permission is being sought by David Richardson, for the erection of a two story dwelling house, private well, onsite waste water treatment system, percolation area and all associate site and landscaping works at Ballynoe or Newtown, Tullow, County Carlow. The site is adjacent to a protected structures, Aghade House (PRS Ref. CW 169). The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority, civic offices, Athy Road, Carlow during it’s public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20.00 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission.

permission for alterations to an adjoined garage to include the construction of a single storey extension to the rear elevation, a bay window to the front elevation, a new roof and change of use to use as part of our existing dwelling. 2. Permission for the construction of a bay window to the front elevation of our existing dwelling and all associated site works at No. 7 Laurel Park, Pollerton Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed James Kealy.

Carlow County Council We Andy & Pauline Larkin wish

Carlow County Council We the Development Com

low Co. Council for Permission as follows, the Construction of an extension to the front elevation, the construction of a access ramp, associated railings, and over door canopy to the side elevation and all associated site works at the Community Centre, Myshall Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed James Kealy. Carlow County Council Planning Permission is sought for the development of a playing pitch, walking track, flood lights, splayed entrance, access road car parking site

Road, Nurney, Co. Carlow on behalf of Nurney Sporting Grounds Company Ltd. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Peter Bolger Consulting, Engineers. Tel 059 9158005 Carlow County Council We, Bridget Morrissey & Eddie Murphy wish to apply to Carlow County Council for full planning permission for a development at Moanalow, Grangeford, Co. Carlow. The proposal consists of the following; 1. Construction of a detached single storey dwelling and a detached single storey do

treatment system and a percolation area, to appropriate standards. 3. Construction of a site entrance consisting of walls, piers, entrance gates and hedging. 4. Construction of a driveway, parking areas, footpaths, patio and hard landscaping areas. 5. Landscaping of the site consisting of grass areas, planting beds, trees, hedging and shrubbery and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Bridget Morrissey & Eddie Murphy

for the retention of partially complete steel portal-frame building constructed on foot of PL Ref 07/911 and extension of duration PL Ref 13/176. Planning Permission is sought for minor revisions and completions to said building and for all other associated ancillary site development works at Rathedan, Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow on behalf of Eoin Jordan. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Peter Bolger Consult

14 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Hummingbird invasion

carlowpeople July 2, 2019

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


Hummingbird Hawk-moth feeding. Pic: Justin Ivory WHILE counting butterflies and bumblebees on recent trips to Kilruddery Gardens in Bray and Mount Usher Gardens in Ashford I was brought to a halt by the sound of humming and then the sight of an unexpected creatures flitting from flower to flower – Hummingbirds! Similar reports have been flooding in from all over the country. Hummingbirds in Ireland! You’ve got to be kidding! Well yes and no is the answer. These particular aeronautical masters are not birds at all but one of the coolest, most amazing insects you are likely to encounter in Ireland. They are in fact Hummingbird Hawk-moths (Macroglossum stellatarum). This day flying moth resembles a hummingbird as it hovers with an audible hum in front of flowers feeding on the nectar with its long tongue or more correctly proboscis. It is particularly fond of Red Valerian as well as Fuschia, Jasmine and Campion and many other species.

ONCE, TWICE, THREE TIMES AN AISLING by Emer McLysaght and Sarah Breen

BREATHLESS. EPISODE 1 Virgin Media 2 Thursday 5th July 8pm

YESTERDAY Released 24th June 2019

Aisling’s turning 30, and she’s still a complete Aisling. Business is booming at her cafÊ BallyGoBrunch, her best friend Majella is expecting the hen of the century, while Aisling is in the throes of a fling with the handsome and mannerly blow-in James Matthews. Then Aisling is faced with a huge surprise and an unexpected decision. Throw in a hapless wedding planner, a mysterious American visitor, the unexpected return of her brother Paul, not to mention her ex John’s face around every corner, and Aisling’s got an awful lot on her plate. Has she enough strength and inspirational quotes to make it through.

Hospital drama set in London during the early 1960s, following the staff of a busy gynaecology ward at a time when abortion is illegal and the contraceptive pill is only just becoming available to married women. Charismatic surgeon Otto Powell is summoned to the theatre, where a young pretender to his throne, Richard Truscott, is about to make a serious error. Meanwhile, nurse Angela Wilson is concerned about a patient who is determined to escape her impending marriage to a man she doesn’t love.

Richard Curtis’ movie depicts a world without The Beatles. Jack Malik is a struggling singersongwriter in an English seaside town whose dreams of fame are rapidly fading, despite the fierce devotion and support of his childhood best friend, Ellie. After a freak bus accident during a mysterious global blackout, Jack wakes up to discover that The Beatles have never existed. Performing songs by the greatest band in history to a world that has never heard them, Jack becomes on overnight sensation with a little help from his agent.

CINEMA of the week

GIG of the week

TRIP of the week

TAURUSInvent inspiring domestic plans. Improve your living FRQGLWLRQV RYHU GD\V 3XW your back into it! GEMINIYou’re intent on getting the whole story over six weeks, with Mars in Leo. Research, study and explore. Dig into a fascinating subject. CANCER3UR¿W IURP \RXU DFWLRQV with Mars in Leo over about 45 days. It’s easy to spend too. Your work and cash ÀRZ JHW HQHUJL]HG LEODevelop your leadership. With Mars in your sign, you’re especially strong DQG FRQ¿GHQW RYHU DERXW six weeks. Take action on personal goals and dreams.

ON THE BASIS OF SEX Visual, Old Dublin Road, Carlow Tuesday 9thy July 8pm

BLUES FOLK SOLED AND HEALED 11 Visual, Old Dublin Road, Carlow, Saturday, July 6 at 8pm and tickets â‚Ź20

CARLOW BOAT TRIPS, Graiguecullen. T : 087 2061999 July - September

The film tells an inspiring and spirited true story of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, her struggles for equal rights, and the early cases of a historic career that lead to her nomination and confirmation as U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice. Ginsburg teams with her husband Marty to bring a ground-breaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of gender discrimination. This feature film premieres in 2018 in line with Justice Ginsburg’s 25th anniversary on the Supreme Court.

In this, the second incarnation of “blues folk soled and healedâ€? there is a mixture of original material, folk, blues and jazz with a twist. Multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter, composer and band leader Eric de BuitlĂŠir is currently studying under pianists Greg Felton, Izumi Kimura and Linda Adams for a bachelor of arts in jazz performance and contemporary music at DCU. IAccompanied by drummer Shane O Donovan and upright bassist Dave Redmond.

Relax inches from the waterline, as life slows to a soothing pace in our traditional Irish OpenBoat. Hear of the real-life men and women who kept the boating traffic flowing. Throughout your trip, you will be completely surrounded by the unspoiled natural habitat of Ireland’s second largest river and witness the wildlife that make the river Barrow their home. Carlow Boat Trips usually last in excess of an hour and are by pre-booking only. They are priced at ₏10 for kids and ₏15 for adults.

EVENT of the week

VISIT of the week

CAMP of the week

Hummingbird Hawk-moth – a blur of wings! Pic: Justin Ivory Not only is this moth day flying, studies have shown that they often return to feed at the same patch of flowerbed at the same time each day. As well as behavioural clues, it is also instantly recognisable from its orange hind wings, and black and white chequered pattern on the abdomen. The Hummingbird Hawkmoth is an irregular migrant to Britain and Ireland from mainland Europe in varying numbers. 2017 seems to be a bumper year for this wonderful creature so get yourself to a garden and try and see one for yourself. Even non-wildlife nerds are amazed by these fascinating insects.

ARIESFor about six weeks, you’re exceptionally passionate. Go for fun and romance. Step XS DUWLVWLF H྾RUWV 3UDFWLFH your game.

VIRGO3ODQ LQYHQW DQG GUHDP Clear the past from your space to prepare for what’s next. Exercise and meditate. LIBRAShare the load and get farther. Teamwork handles the heaviest burdens over the next six weeks, with Mars in Leo. Together, anything’s possible. SCORPIOAdvance your career boldly, with Mars in Leo for about VL[ ZHHNV 3RXU HQHUJ\ LQWR achieving your goals, and a rise in status is possible. SAGITTARIUS-

Explore, study and satisfy your curiosity. With Mars in Leo, your wanderlust calls you out. Travel to exotic destinations. CAPRICORNLucrative ventures arise over the next 45 days, with Mars in Leo. Monitor WKH EXGJHW 3URÂżW WKURXJK coordinated action.

WATER GARDEN MASTERCLASS July 6, 12.00 pm - 1.00 pm Arboretum Home and Garden, Leighlinbridge,

BLACKSTAIRS VINTAGE CLUB RALLY Sunday, July 7 Myshall Village, Co Carlow T: 087-625 6028

PERFORMING ARTS SUMMER CAMP Visual, Old Dublin Road, Carlow, Monday 22nd - Friday 26th July 10am – 4pm

Roses In All Their GlorySummer Sunday is a most enjoyable gardening event where the Arboretum team jam packed with information about designing and installing a water feature in your garden. In-house demos and expert advice followed by an opportunity to ask any outstanding questions you may have. Toilets, large car and coach park, wheelchair accessible, cafe with wine licence, indoor and outdoor children’s play area, maze, inspirational gardens, toilets, free Wi-fi. Commitment to

The 12th annual vintage rally features vintage steam engines, oil engines, tractors and cars, music and songs, crafts, stalls and exhibits. Family fun day. All the usual attractions including Tractor pulling, Blacksmith hotshoeing and lively entertainment. Camping available on site.

County Carlow Youth Theatre are excited to be embarking on more adventures in drama this summer in VISUAL. Explore drama, theatre making, storytelling and story making while having lots of fun and making new friends. County Carlow Youth Theatre is an initiative of the Arts Office of Carlow County Council. It provides a safe and fun space for the young people of Carlow to explore their creativity with a programme of weekly workshops and innovative projects.

AQUARIUS(QHUJL]H VKDUHG JRDOV ZLWK your partner. Work together and get farther, with Mars in Leo. Lean on each other. 3URYLGH SK\VLFDO VXSSRUW Engage in collaborative action. PISCESWork faster and make more money for the next 45 days. 3RZHU LQWR D SURMHFW ZLWK Mars in Leo. Get results through direct action.

carlowpeople July 2, 2019

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carlowpeople July 2, 2019

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