Dining For Any Occasion At Hobson's Restaurant Email events@thw.ie or Call -051-862300 To Book waterfordtoday FREE FREEFREEAugust 17, 2022 t: (051) 854 135, waterford-today.ie 38 StephenWaterfordStreet, .ie
“These results are likely still indirectly impacted by Covid-19 public health measures along with constraints in supply and tenants choosing to stay longer in their existing tenancies,” Mr Byrne said. “In reading the Index, it is also important to note that these results only provide us with a snapshot into a small proportion of the private rental sector in Ireland.”
Continued on next page
Lorna Lyons and Naomi Douglas at the Tramore Race Festival. Pic: Patrick Browne
“The latest Rent Index, which is based on new tenancies registered with the RTB in the first quarter of 2022, shows continued growth in rents nationally with a yearly increase of 9.2%,” said Niall Byrne, RTB Director. The figures show a continued fall in the number of tenancies that were registered with the RTB in the first quarter of 2022. Some 10,414 new tenancies were registered, down 32% on the first quarter last year when 15,291 were registered.
THE rental crisis shows no signs of abating, with costs for new tenancies shooting up by 9.2pc in the first three months of this year nationally when compared to the same period last year. This is one of the largest quarterly rises on record, according to new figures from the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB).Waterford is one of 14 counties in the country with annual average rental costs of at least €1,000 per month, up 4.6%, latest figures show. The average rental cost in Waterford city for new residential tenancies now stands at €1,054. This compares with the national standardised average rent for new tenancies, which was €1,460 between January and March. That is up 3.3%, or €46 on the previous quarter. The rent index report is based on new tenancies in existing rental properties, new properties being let for the first time, and (new tenancies in properties that have not been let in the previous two years. The RTB has stressed that the rent index is not designed to provide a measure of the rents being paid by existing tenants. It is based on actual rents paid under 10,414 private tenancies which were newly registered with the RTB in the first quarter. But there has been a 32pc fall off in the number of registered tenancies used in the sample due to the exodus of landlords from the market.
Rent crisis deepens as costs surge by 4.6%

“Waterford’s commitment to a proactive and dynamic approach towards sustain able social, environmental and economic development of the region is steadfast and this development plan lays the foundation for achieving these objectives,” he added. The development plan is now at the heart of a plan-led system whereby public capital invest ment programmes and priorities are aligned to support the adopt ed development strategy. This principle has been estab lished through Project ireland 2040, comprising both the National Planning Framework (NPF) as the State’s national spatial development strategy and the National Development Plan (NDP) as the capital investment programme to support delivery at all levels of the planning hierarchy. By ensuring good policy align ment with eU, national and re gional policy, the development plan can drive investment that is targeted towards identified priorities and leverage funding and partnership opportunities at a local level. The Development Plan also provides the basis on which local Area Plans will be pre pared for parts of Waterford City, Dungarvan, Tramore and other urban towns across the county over the lifetime of the plan.The Planning regulator (oPr) commended the local authority on “a coherent and appropriate strategy for the delivery of key national planning objectives, including the promotion of compact growth and town and village centre regeneration.”
Harvest Festival
The lowest monthly rents are in leitrim, where the standardised average rent in new tenancies stands at €734 per month. Fourteen counties have standardised average rents in new tenancies above €1,000 per month.These are Carlow, Cork, Dublin, Galway, Kildare, Kilkenny, laois, limerick, louth, meath, Waterford, Westmeath, Wexford, and Wicklow.Thelowest yearly growth in the standardised average rent for new tenancies is in Wicklow where rents grew by 1.3pc. meanwhile, for a typical two-bedroom house in Dublin average rent for new tenancies at €1,902 per month is €889 more than the level for a twobedroom house outside Dublin. The standardised average rent in new tenancies for a twobedroom house in the Greater Dublin Area is €1,325. When it comes to a typical two-bedroom apartment, the average rent in new tenancies in Dublin is €2,078 per month. This is €973 more than the level for a two-bedroom apartment outside Dublin, the rTB said.
Continued from previous page
“The public consultations yielded over 1,000 submissions. This is heartening and highlights how much the public is truly invested in Waterford’s vision for growth and improvement.
news in
THERE is a new credit union available now for people working and living in Co Waterford.ClonmelCredit Union has expanded the area it covers and anyone living or working within a 20-mile radius of Clonmel can join the Credit Union.Customers from the area covering Piltown across to Bansha in the west and Dungarvan in Co Waterford to Callan in Co Kilkenny, can become members and avail of the benefits on offer, including loans at 4.99%. Clonmel Credit Union now boasts over 30,000 members and is still growing.Allmembers can access current accounts, mortgages, debit cards, and business and personal loans, either face to face or via online facilities. A member can manage their account from anywhere in the world, paying for household utility bills and transferring money. To explore the options available, visit the union at www.clonmelcu.com Memorial mass for showband legend A memori A l mass has taken place for Brendan Bowyer, the front man of the The royal Showband.The81-year-old died in las Vegas in may 2020, but his family were unable to bring his remains home due to the Covid-19 pandemic. His ashes were interred in Dunmore east after the service, on Wednesday, August 3. The man who was regarded as king of the 1960s showband era was remembered in a ceremony in his native Waterford attended by family, friends and fans. Brendan Bowyer had lived in America for decades and had a 60-year career that included a las Vegas residency.
New Credit Union open for business
WAT er F or D’S annual Harvest Festival has announced details of the 2022 programme, with a major focus on food sustainability at the festival which will take place at venues and outdoors across Waterford City from September 9th to 11th 2022.The festival is being supported by Waterford Council and organised by GiY who are bringing sustainability right to the heart of the festivities.
Pic: Patrick Browne
02 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022
Po RT of Waterford has estimated that it would generate €3.5m this summer with the return of cruise ships for the first time in two years. Some 27 cruise liners and 35,000 passengers are expected over the peak season.Itcomes as the port has reported operating profits of €1.1m for 2021, up from €700,000 the previous year. It said activity for the first half of 2022 demonstrates that the business is again showing positive momentum, with bulk handling ahead of 2021 by over 12% at the half year and laden container throughput up 5% on last year.Turnover was €7.7m and shareholder’s funds ended the year at €34m. The news comes as Wexford native David Sinnott has been appointed as the new CEo of Port of Waterford. Mr Sinnott has spent the past decade in Germany working at Carl Zeiss Vision International GmbH, where he held the role of vice president of product management.Hewillleave his position at Carl Zeiss to take up his role as head of the port in September, following the completion of Frank Ronan’s term as CEo.
THe Waterford City and County Development Plan 2022-2028, which highlights the ambi tions for the next six years, has officially been launched by the mayor of Waterford City and County, Cllr John o’leary. Cllr o’leary said the plan provides a clear roadmap to enable the city and county reach its full potential and de liver key objectives in economic development, housing, place making, climate action and transport.“Waterford’s ambitions for the next six years are writ large in this development plan,” he said.
The Development Plan and the complete suite of documents including all environmental reports available to view by members of the public at: www.waterfordcouncil.ie
Port profits as CEO cruises in Darcie Rose Kinsella, Dubheasa Kinsella and Oren Costello learning about nutrition and sugar in drinks at Spraoi where Calmast South East Technological University (SETU) held workshops.

Marseille airport is not big on staffing. A café there has a mi crowave oven in which custom ers heat their own food. But I must stop moaning. I have had two foreign holidays this summer and count myself very lucky. Contrary to reports and rumours, Dublin Airport was working well for both. There were no long queues. it was perfectly clean, the secu rity checks were fast and the checkers friendly. They got my luggage there and back with no problems.It’sjust that I remember an other time when air travel was dearer but much nicer. Now – in the name of prog ress or with the blame on Covid – it’s a do-it-yourself venture. A friend back from Spain once told me: “I think I did every thing but fly the plane.” Give them time and airlines might manage that trick too.
Michael Wolsey
waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 |03 opinion&comment
IHAD booked, online, a flight to France. I had checked-in remotely, printed off the boarding card and downloaded it to my phone as backup. With Ryanair I can check-in for both legs of a journey but this was Aer Lingus and they won’t let you check-in closer than 48 hours before departure, 24 hours for someAroundflights.that time, a message from Aer Lingus pinged on my phone. “Dear Michael,” it said. Nice to know we are on such matey first-name terms. What should I call them? Aer? Seems fair.So, “Dear Michael,” says this message from Aer. “Check-in online and save time.” The message has my flight details and booking reference number and invites me to click and check-in.
I click and I am sent to an Aer Lingus site . This one does not provide the booking reference number but requires it before I check-in. I can’t remember the six-character code so I have to close down this site and go back to Dear Michael. I write down the reference code and return to the boarding card site where I am again as sured that checking-in will save me time. I provide the reference code and several other pieces of in formation and click. But I get no further because, the site in forms me, online check-in for this flight will not open for an other four hours. But Aer, my old pal, it was you who sent me the message. You told me you would save me time, of which I have now wasted about half-an-hour. I don’t like to complain about a good friend like you, Aer. But if I can’t check-in why, in god’s name, did you send me a re quest to do so? All part of the joys of modern travel, I suppose. It used to be so simple. If I wanted to leave the country, I went to a travel agent who made the booking for me. Alternatively, I might call into the Aer Lingus office in the centre of Dublin and buy a ticket or order it by phone and have it waiting at the airport. In any event, I would pres ent the ticket at the Aer Lingus desk in Dublin Airport where it would be exchanged for a boarding pass. If I had luggage it would be checked in there and then. I would hand it over, pret ty confident that it would end up in the place I was flying to. All this would be done about 40 minutes before the flight, giving me time for a coffee or a drink at the bar. It would be served in a glass – yes, a glass made of glass – and if I had food, it would come on a plate. Today I make the booking my self, check-in online and print the boarding card. I arrive at the airport two hours early because I want to put a case in the hold. I stand at an unstaffed computer terminal, print out a luggage tag and attach it to my case which I put on a conveyor belt in the hope it will be going to the same destination as me. The amount of unclaimed luggage lying around Dublin Airport does not give me confidence. Security is working well, so I have about 90 minutes to wait for my flight. Over an hour, as it turns out, for it is delayed. I ask at a café for a glass of white wine. They only have red. It is served to me in a cardboard cup. A family ordering for chil dren is told that water is the only non-fizzy drink available. I go through Dublin Airport with minimal human contact and make none whatsoever at the other end, Marseille. There you enter France by running your passport over a scanner and presenting your face to a camera. It worked well for me but children who did not reach camera height could not get through and their agitated par ents could find no-one to help them.
It’s DIY air travel – you do everything but fly the plane

ABP awardedWaterford20stars
“i am assuming this was just an oversight but one that needs to be corrected straight away,” he“Ferrybanksaid. has approximately 6,000 people. Large parts of Ferrybank are technically within Waterford City’s boundaries. Aside from the population moving around within Ferrybank, the numbers of locals who travel into the city on a daily basis would be huge.”
The Council’s Director of Services Mr Michael Quinn agreed Ferrybank would be a very suitable area for the scheme and said it was an honest oversight.Hefurther stated that a review of the docking stations was part of the installation process and the inclusion of Ferrybank would be something they would move quickly to address.
Alfie Hanton at the Waterford Gal lery Of Art. Photo: John Power
A nEW €20m build for Mount Sion Secondary School has been announced by Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Mary Butler. “The new state-of-the-art school will be future proofed to ensure capacity of up to 500 pupils, with 430 currently enrolled,” Minister Butler said. “it will also have capacity for four Special Educational needs classes to support pupils with special educational and complex needs. The project cost of the new build will be circa €20m and represents a significant milestone for Mount Sion Secondary School. i recently visited the school alongside Minister for Education, norma Foley, who has now sanctioned the new build for this historic inner-city Waterford school.
Mini STER for Rural and Community Development, Heather Humphreys, has announced an investment of over €3.1m in 46 library branches across the country, with almost €300,000 going to County Waterford. Some €2.2m will be pro vided to roll-out the ‘My Open Library’ initiative in a further 17 branches which will allow people to access libraries out side of normal opening hours. Tramore is benefitting to the tune of €225,859, while Dungarvan and Lismore Libraries have been granted €52,672 and €33,379 respec tively for the upgrade of the existing ‘My Open Library’ services.Kieran Kehoe, Director of Services, Waterford City and County Council said: “The provision of longer opening hours coupled with a transfor mational upgrade to the build ing itself will make the library a landmark public building in Tramore.
CLICKS and mortar businesses are here to stay it seems, as .IE reports a surge in its Waterfordclubs,Businesses,database.organisations,andindividualsinregistered489 new .ie domains in the first half of 2022, according to new figures from Ireland’s country domain manager. Identifying with place proved very popular for new .ie registrations, with the top keywords in new .ie domain registrations being ‘Ireland’ and ‘Waterford’. “This latest .IE Domain Profile Report signals that SMEs in Waterford are using their .ie online identity and their websites as a core part of their business postpandemic, ensuring that their customers can continue to avail of hybrid business models,” said .IE chief David Curtin.
“Mount Sion has been educating young people in Waterford since 1802 and was the first Edmund Rice school in the world. Mount Sion proudly holds the title of ‘School of Sanctuary’ with 35 different nationalities attending this historic school, encouraging positive mental health, wellbeing and inclusivity.”
WATERFORD Treasures received some very exciting news recently, with the irish Museum of Time nominated for the prestigious British Guild of Travel Writers international Tourism Awards 2022. The British Guild of Travel Writers is the UK’s leading organisation of travel media professionals, established in 1960. The Guild is a rubber stamp of quality. The criteria for membership in the guild is incredibly tough – and all 270 members have to satisfy an annual audit to retain GuildOnlymembership.Guildmembers can nominate tourism attractions and destinations for the annual awards and the award-winning global travel writer and guild member isabel Conway selected the irish Museum of Time following her visit to the heart of Waterford’s Viking Triangle and the museum earlier this summer.Speaking on the news of the nomination, Waterford Treasures Director Eamonn McEneaney said: “it is a huge honour for us to even just be nominated for these global awards. We understand that we are currently the only visitor attraction in ireland to receive a nomination this year.” in her nomination, isabel describes the museum as featuring “rare and beautiful old clocks and timepieces, from all over ireland and around the globe displayed in a swirl of dials, chimes and beautiful craftsmanship.“Mostofthe collection of over 600 superb exhibits were donated by two avid irish horologists – whose homes were heaving with the ticking treasures they had collected over a Wanderlifetime. ancient Waterford’s medieval laneways around its multi-award-winning Viking Triangle and you’ll find The irish Museum of Time that traces ireland’s long history of horology, all gathered in a Gothic Revival church that celebrates the skills of clock and timepieces makers, dating back to the sixteenth century.
ABP Waterford has been awarded a total of 20 stars for 14 of its products at the prestigious annual Great Taste 2022 Awards, which are run by the Guild of Fine Food in the UK. Three of ABP’s dry aged beef products were recognised at the awards; its Dry Aged Striploin Steak and Dry Aged Carvery Rib were awarded two stars and its Dry Aged Rib Eye Steak was awarded one star. Dave O’Connell, European Commercial Director for ABP said: “The consecutive award wins by ABP and our products at the Great Taste Awards is a tremendous testament to the high quality of our beef products, which is a result of the hard work and dedication put forth by our employees and by our farmer Establishedsuppliers.”in1994, Great Taste is organised by the Guild of Fine Food and is the world’s largest, longest standing and most respected food accreditation scheme for artisan and speciality food producers. 14,205 different products were entered in 2022 from 110 countries.Thejudging panel is made up of over 500 food and drink professionals, including critics, chefs, recipe creators, buyers, retailers, journalists and broadcasters.
LOCAL Fianna Fail Councillor Eamon Quinlan raised an issue recently at the Metropolitan meeting of Waterford City and County Council, regarding the council’s roll-out of the new bike sharing scheme across the city.Cllr Quinlan pointed out that of the 14 docking stations in the city, not a single station was in the Ferrybank area.
Surge in online firms
All in good time: museum finally tipped for award
04 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022

waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 |05

06 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022

C A n C erThere’s plenty of work. Postpone what you can, and stick to practical objectives. Maintain your fitness and health practices.
LeoClear communications can save you from a tangled mess. Make sure to loop in everyone involved. Keep things respectful to work out roles and responsibilities.
Vir G oGet your family to clarify the domestic improvements desired. Work out what expenses and actions to prioritize. Determine your budget, colors and style.
sAG i TTA riusFocus on a personal project, and keep your feet firmly on the ground. Handle practical matters. Don’t get carried away by a fantasy.
the secret garden e X hibition 2022 Runs until August 20. Admission free. THE Secret Garden Exhibition is presented by The Kilkenny Art Gallery in conjunction with The Berkeley Gallery at Grennan Mill, Thomastown. Visitors will be treated to an outdoor sculpture garden featuring new original works from some of Ireland’s foremost sculptors. The Berkeley Gallery features over 400 original paintings from artists across the island of Ireland and is the first time that many of these artists will show their work in Kilkenny. Pictured at the launch are artists and sisters Robyn, Jade and Blaise Butler. t he cautionary woman by Darren Darker
wildlifE with Justin
ButterfliesBeautifulIvoryLASTweekendhalfoftheEastCoastflockedtoBraytoseetheannualspectacleoftheBrayAirDisplay.Wellwiththegloriousweatherwehavehadoflatewearecurrentlybeingtreatedtospectacularairdisplaysanywherethereareafewflowers.Thesedisplaysaremoreaboutbeautyandgraceratherthanspeedandpower.OfcourseIamreferringtoourbeautifulbutterflies.Irelandhas32residentand3commonmigrantbutterflyspecies.Belowisaselectionofsomethatareonthewingatthemoment.SotakethetimetogooutandseetheselittlebeautiesandevenbetterreportyoursightingstotheNationalBiodiversityDataCentre.Enjoy! (AllPeacockphotos Justin Ivory) Red Silver-washedAdmiral Fritillary TheCommaSmall Green-veinedTortoiseshellWhite
the attack Theatre Royal, August 17-20 WATERFORD actor Michael Power returns to the Theatre Royal stage this month, to once again work with playwright Pat Daly and director Liam Butler on Pat’s new play, The Attack. Michael and Pat first collaborated in 1999 on Red Kettle’s production of Pat’s professional debut, The Pilferers. Since then, they have worked on a number of Pat’s plays. The Attack features Pat’s signature gritty realism and dark humour as it tells a story of a good man’s life- altering journey to his dark side.
sCorpioThe money’s good if you prioritize profitable tasks from distractions. A mirage could lead you in the wrong direction.
ballymaloe house tour www.ballymaloe.ie BALLYMALOE House is offering residents a behind the scenes look at a working garden with Head Gardener Mags Coughlan (above) as she brings guests on a tour of the walled garden. The tour offers guests the opportunity to gain an insight into the extensive knowledge at the Ballymaloe House gardens and their seasonal crop rotations. The walled garden at Ballymaloe House provides a varied and bountiful supply of seasonal produce for Ballymaloe Head Chef Dervilla O’Flynn (above) and her team. Later in the evening, guests can taste the food for themselves.
trainwreck: woodstock ‘99 Netflix WOODSTOCK ‘99 was supposed to be a millennium-defining celebration of peace, love and great music, following a fairly successful festival in 1994. Instead, this festival degenerated into an epic ‘clusterf*ck’ of fires, riots and destruction, sexual assaults and mayhem. Utilizing rare insider footage and eyewitness interviews with an impressive list of festival staffers, performers and attendees, this docuseries goes behind the scenes to reveal the egos, greed and music that fueled three days of utter chaos. Hippies look away. t he Fringe, Fame and m e BBC2, Friday August 12, 11.05 pm THE history of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to mark its 75th anniversary told by stars who first found fame there, including Bill Bailey, Phoebe Waller-Bridge (pictured) and Michael Palin. If you haven’t been to the Fringe in Edinburgh, then put it on your bucket list. It’s a must-do for everyone who likes a bit of madness. Although this year, comics are saying they are being priced out; fringe performers have to pitch tents and caravans as rents in the city double; and venue directors are warning that the future of the event is under threat. Let’s hope not.
EXHibitiON of the week
jack white Entering Heaven Alive RECORDED almost entirely at White’s home studio, this is his second release of 2022 following Fear of the Dawn and is one of hi more mellow albums to date. Rolling Stone writes: “Surprisingly nimble and fluid melodies that remind you of what a song craftsman he can be when he’s not overcooking his music. And some of those tracks—”If I Die Tomorrow” and “A Tree on Fire From Within”—are among the most arresting and least self-conscious songs he’s made in years.” Fans will be willing to shell out for a second time this year; whereas the uncoverted will likely remain so. thirteen lives Cinemas nationwide CINDERELLA MAN, Apollo 13, Frost/Nixon, Cocoon . . . the list of great movies by Ron Howard is endless and his latest only cements his role as one of the best in the business. This is really a big-budget adaptation of the Thai cave rescue story that gripped the world in 2018, and this telling is every inch the glossy Hollywood adaptation you’d expect. It of course mines real-life heroics for drama, but this is an exceptionally well-made portrayal of one of the most extraordinary news stories of recent times. As a bonus for the Irish, Colin Farrell features as English diver John Volanthen.
AquA riusCarefully research the methods and steps to take. Your group could get lost in distractions and pitfalls. Keep things moving. p is C esMake sure that the career opportunity you’re pursuing is solid. Get terms in writing before contributing time or money.
Quick herby green risotto green-risotto.htmlwww.realfood.tesco.com/recipes/quick-herbyTHIS quick herby risotto is full of the greens you need for a healthy summer. Ready in just 30 minutes, enjoy the fresh flavours of zested lemon and basil in a bowl which makes the perfect mid-week meal at this time of the year. As this recipe is from Tesco, all the ingredients are readily available at your local Tesco store — unless they’re stuck somewhere in a Black Sea port. And the other bonus of a nice simple green risotto? Cheap as chips. Finally, remember a risotto boild is a risotto spoiled so keep it simmered.
C A pri CornA confusing situation only gets worse until you determine what you really want. Once you choose, everything gets easier.
IN search of a better life, Aoife Cassidy’s family fled the gloom of recession-hit Ireland to the bright lights of New York City. But as a teenager, she spirals out of control after suffering sexual abuse at the hands of her father; seeking solace in the drink and drugs that numb the pain she constantly carries with her. After a series of catastrophic personal events, the law catches up with her, and Aoife lands in the most brutal mixed prison in NYC. This is a gripping page-turner from prolific Wicklow writer Darren Darker and is available exclusively from Dubray books as well as the usual online outlets. Definitely one for the holidays.
bOOk of the week tv SHOw of the week film of the week
waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 | 07 ninenottomiss HOROSCOPES
StREam of the week RECiPE of the week album of the week day Out of the week SHOw of the week
AriesTravel and education have your attention. Focus on practical details. Avoid emotional spending. Fantasies are ephemeral. TAurusReview your reserves, and determine financial priorities and strategies to keep your boat afloat. Get support from your partner. GeminiClarify details in a collaborative project. It’s easy for things to fall through the cracks. Manage practical priorities first.
Libr ARomantic fantasies can dissipate. Share your feelings directly with the one who stirs them, rather than hoping they get your smoke signals.

In loving memory of a much loved sister, mother, aunt, Margaret Drohan (née Flynn), formerly of Hennessy’s Road and late of 7 New Houses, Ballygunner, who passed toher eternal reward on the 7th of August 2010. We cannot bring the old days back, When we were all together, But those we love don’t go away, They live with us forever, The gates of Heaven opened wide, The angels lined up side by side, A special guest was on her way, The day God called you home to stay.- Loved and remembered by your brother David, sister-inlaw Bernadette, nephew David and niece Ciara A smile for all, A heart of gold, One of the best, The world could hold. - Loved and missed always your brother William. Finnuala, Gary, Bill, Ryan and Lauren Time passes by, memories stay, Thinking of you always, Especially today, Memories are the loveliest things, They last from day to day, They don’t wear out, They don’t get lost, And they can never be taken away. - Remembered always, your sister Mary So many people loved you, That makes us very proud, You were a special sister, Who stood out from the crowd, You always had a joke, A time to care, Who left a space no one can fill, We loved you Margaret, And always will. - Sadly missed by your sister Kitty, Frank, John, Francis, Susan, Kenneth and Ian There is a road called WhereRemembrance,thoughts and wishes meet, We walk that road with love to Today,the one we cannot greet, As thoughts go back as they often do, We treasure the years we had with Noyou,more tomorrows for us to share, But yesterday’s memories, Will always be there. - Sadly missed and always remembered, your sister Anne Time and years slip gently by, Love and memories never die, Each of us in our own way, Have special thoughts of you today.- Always in our thoughts and prayers, Des and Bean Memories of you will never grow Theyold, are locked in my heart, In letters of gold, Silent thoughts, tears unseen, Wishing your absence, Was only a dream. - Loved and missed always,Harley
NoveNA to tHe SAcReD HeARt Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for this one special favour (mention favour). Take it Dear Jesus and place it within Your own broken heart, where Your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become Your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days. Prom ise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail.M.K
Birthday Remembrance & 17th Anniversary CATHERiNE & RiCHARD CULLETON
17th Anniversary MAi MALLOY
In loving memory of Ann Martin, late of 39, Belmount Heights, anniversaryWaterfordFerrybank,whose6thoccurson the 17th of August. Do not stand at my grave and Iweepam not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morn ing’s hush I am the swift uplifting rush, of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at Donight.not stand at my grave and cry I am not there; I did not die. From your loving daughter Jacqui & son-in-law David They say that time is a healer But as time goes on I seem to find it just as hard To face the fact you’ve gone. And today is the Anniversary Of the day that you went away And I’m standing here at your Andgravesidebelieve me when I say. You’ll never be forgotten And every year I’ll shed a tear But it’s only because I Love you And wish you were still here. Loved and missed by your son Keith & partner Liz.
17th Anniversary & Birthday Remembrance JOHN COLLiNs
6th EVELYNAnniversaryO’NEiLL
In loving memory of Joe Goulding, late of ‘San Martino’, Airmount v illas whose 6th anniversary occurs on 19th August. Mass will be offered. You gave us everything you had, Your time, your love and care, You never asked for anything, And you were always there. Your needs were simple, Your wants were few, If your family was happy, So were you. A heart of gold, a life so true, Love and respected by all you knew. - Loved and remembered by your loving wife Betty. You gave us years of happiness, Then sorrow came with tears. You left us lovely memories, We will treasure through the years. - Loved and remembered by your daughters Joan & Liz, your son George, Eoin, son-inlaw George, daughter-in-law Anne, Kod, grandsons, great grandsons, extended familyfriends.and 1st Anniversary GERALDiNE HARRiNGTON
08 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022
In loving memory of Geraldine Harrington, late of 92 elm Park tramore. 1st anniversary Mass will held at the Holy cross tramore at 10:00am Thursday 18th August. If roses grow in heaven Lord, Please pick a bunch for me, Place them in my Mother’s arms, And tell her they’re from me. Tell her that I love her and miss Andher, when she turns to smile, Place a kiss upon her cheek, And hold her for awhile. Because remembering her is easy, I do it every day, But there’s an ache within my Becauseheart, I am missing her today - From her children Jennifer, Alan and Keith and her son in law Luke and daughters im law Karoline and Ram. They say there is a reason, They say that time will heal, But neither time nor reason, Will change the way I feel, Gone are the days we used to Butshare,in my heart you are always Thethere,gates of memories, Will never close, I miss you more than anybody knows, - Till we meet again, always and forever, from her brother and sister Jacinta and Oliver It broke my heart to lose you, You have left an empty space, The love we had together, Cannot be replaced, I will never forget you, All the happy times we shared, The joy you brought into my life, Can never be compared, You’re with me every moment, Now that we’re apart, Living on in precious memories, Like keepsakes in my heart, I miss you more than words can Mysay, beautiful, wonderful Ger, Only time can heal my pain, you were the one true love of my life. - From her loving partner Pat Of all the special gifts in life, However great or small, To have you as our Nan, Was the greatest gift of all. May the winds of love blow softly, And whisper in your ear, “We love and miss you Nan, And wish that you were here”. Deep in our hearts, Your life is kept to love and cherish, not forget, No more tomorrows we can share, But yesterdays are always there. - From her grandchildren Deon, Nathan, Ella, KlaraErikaand
-Love from your brothers and sisters NoveNA to tHe SAcReD HeARt Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for this one special favour (mention favour). Take it Dear Jesus and place it within Your own broken heart, where Your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become Your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days. Prom ise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail.D.P.
6th Anniversary ANN MART iN
10th Anniversary EiLY DOYLE
In loving memory of Margaret Devereux, 111 c lark road, cork Road. No longer in our lives to share, But in our hearts you are always there, A silent thought, A quiet prayer, For a special Mam, In God’s Quietlycare, with love your memory we Missingtreasure,you always, forgetting you never. -Your loving sons, daughters, sons-in-law,grandchildrendaughters-in-law,andgreatgrandchildren
In loving memory of our beautiful Mother evelyn o’Neill, née Pheasey who passed away on the 20th of August 2016. My darling Eve, Another year gone without you in my life, My broken heart will never I’vemend,lost my Mum, I’ve lost my best friend, - You will live in my heart for ever. Rest in peace my beautiful Mum, your loving daugher Marina, son in law Mick xxx. Beautiful thoughts of a Mam so Cherisheddear, forever with love Dearsincere,is her memory, Sweet is her name, Close to our hearts she will always remain. - From Dermot, Miriam grandchildrenand 20th CAROLAnniversaryGRANT
In loving memory of a dear aunt, eily Doyle, late of the Folly, whose 10th Anniversary occurs on 3rd August. Will those who think of Eily Atoday,little prayer to Jesus say. - From Betty, Mary and family.
In loving memory of carol Grant, late of oak Drive, Hillview, who died 21st of August, 2002. Mass will be offered at a later date You have crossed the flowing river, To the shores of evergreen, We would dearly love to see you, But the river lies between, In that beautiful home called InHeaven,thevalley of peace and love, Some day we’ll find you waiting, And we will give you a great big hug.
Unseen and unheard but always near, So loved, so missed, so very dear 12th MARGARETAnniversaryDROHAN
Sad is the heart that loved you Silent are the tears that fall, Living our lives without you IsNannythehardest part of all, As we held your hand that evening We knew we had to part With the kind and loving Nanny whom we Loved with all our heart. So rest in peace dear Nanny And thank you for all you have Wedone,pray that God has given you The crown you truly won. Love from your Granddaugh ters Lynn, Shannon, Shauna & Vivienne & Grandson Cian.
In loving memory of our dear mother, Mai Molloy, late of Shortcourse, Waterford, whose 17th anniversary occurs on 14th August. Will those who think of Mai Atoday,little prayer to Jesus say. - Inserted by: Mary, Stuart & Helen, Grace, Ella-Mai, Benny & JamesBettyand 26thMARGARETAnniversaryDEVEREUX
NoveNA to tHe SAcReD HeARt Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours, this time I ask for this one special favour (mention favour). Take it Dear Jesus and place it within Your own broken heart, where Your Father sees it. Then in His merciful eyes it will become Your favour and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days. Prom ise publication and favour will be granted. Never known to fail.H.W. Birthday Remembrance for catherine (Kitty) culleton late of 159 Hennessy’s Road, Waterford, whose birthday occurs on the 9th August and loving memories of Richard (Dick) culleton, late of 159 Hennessy’s Road, Waterford, who died on the 9th August 2005. Quietly today your memory is kept, No need for words, We will never forget, When thoughts go back as they often do, We will treasure the memories we have of you. - Always remembered by your loving family
8th Anniversary TOMMY KiNsELLA
In loving memory of tommy (Thomas) Kinsella, late of Rose cottage, Gracedieu east, Waterford whose 8th anniversary occurs on the Monday 22nd of August. Anniversary prayers will beoffered for tommy in St. Paul’s church on Saturday 20th August at 6 o’clock. The moment that you died My heart was torn in two, One side filled with heartache The other died with you. I often lie awake at night When the world is fast asleep, and Take a walk down memory lane With tears upon my cheeks. Remembering you is easy I do it every day, But missing you is heartache That never goes away. I hold you tightly within my heart And there you will remain, Until the joyous day arrives That we shall meet again.Always remembered by you loving wife Betty. Dad is such a special word A word that brings to mind A big warm smile, A helping hand A way of being kind, Devotion to the family A word of patience too “Dad” is such a special word Because it stands for “You”. Love and miss you every day from your Son Vincent, daughter in law Debbie and grandson Aaron. In Life I loved you dearly In death I love you still In my heart you hold a place That no one could ever fill It broke my heart to lose you But you didn’t go alone For part of me went with you The day God took you home. Loved and remembered by your Son John, Bridget and family. Do not stand at my grave and Iweepam not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morn ing’s hush I am the swift uplifting rush, of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at Donight.not stand at my grave and cry I am not there; I did not die. From your loving daughter Adrienne & son in law Eugene Today is the Anniversary Of the day we lost you, And for a time it felt as though My life had ended to. But loss has thought me many Andthingsnow I face each day, With hope & happy memories To help me on my way. And though I’m full of sadness That you’re no longer here, Your influence still guides me And I still feel you near. What we shared will never die It lives within my heart, Bringing strength and comfort While we are apart. Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal Always loved and remembered from your daughter Liz & part ner Keith. Every day in some small way Memories of you come my way. Though absent, you are always Stillnear missed, loved and always dear. From your granddaughter Kim, Eoghan & your great grand children Freddie & Bobby. You may be out of sight We may be worlds apart. But you are always in our Andmemoriesforever in our hearts. From yourMegangrandchildren&Darren.
In loving memory of John collins, late of 9 Roanmore Park, Waterford, whose 17th anniversary occurs on 16th August, and whose Birthday is celebrated on the 12th August. As time goes by without you, The days turn into years, They hold a thousand memories, And a million silent tears, For those who have loved and lost Andyou. whose parting brought such Wepain,will treasure your memory Inforever,aworld that is never the same. Quietly today your memory we Missingtreasure, you always, forgetting you Willnever,those who think of thim Atoday,little prayer to Jesus say.-Loved and Remembered From your sons, daughters, daughter in law, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren
In Loving Memory
6th anniversary JOE GOULDiNG

waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 | 09

10 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 Please note: Advertisements must be received before close of business on Friday for guaranteed insertion in this section - otherwise they will appear under ‘Too Late For Classification’ B building building AffordA ble tree surgeon for A ll your t ree & hedge c A re needs t ree pruning, thinning and removal. o vergrown l solved.aylandiis h edge reductiontrimmingandremoval. g erry c roke t ree s urgeon fully 087-6348947Insuredtree&gArdencAre hOuSE mAinTEnAnCEhOuSE mAinTEnAnCEClEAning FlOOring F PROFESSIONAL FLOORER MICHAEL RIDGARD Lami nates, Semi Solid, Floating, Solid. Skirting & Architraves & Decking. Lowest prices. Lo cal and Irish. Telephone 0861591043 19may LANDSCAPE GARDENER Lawns laid, hedges cut and planted, flower beds and pati os laid., decking and pergolas. All gardening services. Call PJ 083-8761674 GARDEN SERvICES Danger ous trees knocked or topped, hedges cut. Fence panels supplied and fitted. Also gut ters cleaned, leaking roofs repaired and broken/loose slates fixed. Powerwashing, Free Estimate. Phone Connor 087-4335934 21apr gATES & rAilingS HANDyMAN AvAILAbLE: Painting, Wallpapering, loose doors and units repaired, curtain rails rehung, drains unblocked. Gardens and garages cleared, Powerwash ing, All 22septCallMaintenanceHouseholdUndertaken.Jason087-4669180 gArdEning pAinTing & dECOrATing CAbINEt MAkER Custom Built Units Hardwood Specialist 35 years ContactExperienceTom. 087-1383881 24feb ElECTriCAl JLM ROOFING & bUILDING jlmbuildingservices com jlmbuilding4@gmail com 085-7701552 Roofing Flat, Felt, Slate & Tiled Roofing Repairs Ridge tile repair, Leaking roofs, Lead valley repairs Facia & Soffit -Repairs-Insulation&leakingfacia&soffit Building service -All walls, pillars and concrete work 10jun CARPENtER AvAILAbLE Roofing, Doors, floors, skirt ings, plastering, dry-lining, tiling, painting & decorating. Call 086-0663795 9jun CArpEnTrY ALL INtERNEt PRObLEMS PC Repairs / setup / broad band / security /upgrades advice at a reasonable price. Call Eamonn on 085-1119471 27feb mCOmpuTErAinTEnAnCE AppliAnCE rEpAir WASHING MACHINE RE PAIRS Cookers, dryers. freez ers. dishwashers, vacuum cleaners. Also gas boiler ser vice. Ph:087-2817115. A HOUSE SWAP WESt CORk House located Union Hall 500 metres from the sea. Preferred dates 24-31st July, other date considered. Email: @hotmail.comclairem_hayes3223 Gates MaintenanceFreeGatesContactTom087-1383881 CArpEnTrY gArdEning HARNEy GARDENING SER vICES WAtERFORD Provid ing a full range of landscap ing services. Currently Spring Maintenance & preparation. Full maintenance / rejuvena tion service. Hedges, beds, pruning, planting & layout consultation. Insured & fully equipped. Registered busi ness. Phone: 086-2200284. Visit Facebook: Harney Land scaping MAINHOUSEtENANCE All carpentry 0874329471Contactwork hOuSE SWAp 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! The OriginAL Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! The OriginAL Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. 20% off with interior/exteriorcomplete 3 rooms or more ask for discount With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels laying * - Floor (dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*service ) - Front door (one side (materials*onepainted/stained)*room,workonlynotincluded ) Don’t forget with us buying your paints and all materials will cost you up to 20%less !! OVER PriceBest 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! The OriginAL Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! The OriginAL Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouup OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouup OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! The OriginAL Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 nOT TO bE COnFuSEd WiTh OThErS! The OriginAL Spring Offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER Interior and Exterior Cleaning Services Frontlinecleaningservices • Powerwashing • soFtwashing • window, rooF & gutter cleaning • red algae • green algae • & cleaningmould homesbuildingsoF& c A ll todAy 085 851260 FirEplACES CLEAN & CLEAR All you need done to clean up the garden, shed, garage or Attic. Also:- Garden Clear -anceShed & Garage - Attic Clear outs - Grass cutting, edging - Garden Maintenance - Hedge cutting - House Clearouts Just call for free quotation on 083-1055587.10nov Al-Anon Help for families and friends of problem drinkers. Meetings have resumed on Thursday nights: 8pm to 9.30pm, at St Brigids’ Social Service Centre, Lower Yellow Waterford.Road, You will meet others who have coped with similar problems. All welcome. WAterfordtodAytoAdvertIse051854135 ELECtRICIAN AvAILAbLE for repairs Showers, Sockets, lights, cookers, fuse boards 089 2197414 ballyduff lower gaa rounders New soical Rounders mixed team for adults of all Trainingabilities.onWednesdayeveningfrom7:15pmtill8:15pmonBallydufflowergaapitch. SOLUGARDENtIONS - PerGolas - Patios/slabs/PavinG - DeckinG/FencinG - new lawns/ artiFicial lawns - HeDGe cuttinG & removal - stone/Gravel - Driveway sealinG - Power wasHinG Call 085 221 6566 gArdEning

waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 | 11 plASTERINGpAINTING & dEcoRATING pAINTING & dEcoRATING PLUMBER AVAILABLE Plumbing & heating, instal lations and repairs, trouble shooting, free quotes, no call out charge. 40 Years Experience. Tel John on 0879550428 dec2020 Please note: Advertisements must be received before close of business on Friday for guaranteed insertion in this section - otherwise they will appear under ‘Too Late For Classification’ plASTERING TIlINGTIlINGpAINTING & dEcoRATING O ‘BRIEn PLAstERIng And ROOfIng For all your plastering , slabbing needs, and all roofing repairs, ridges, valleys, broken tiles, slates, and cement work. Refer ence available from previous works. 26may Call Trevor 083 0206900 RockeriesSleepersFencingPatios&WallsPeaGravelConcrete&TarmacPaving&Slabs&FlowerbedsTreetoppingDrivewayscleaned&sealedAlsoPowerWashingFullyInsured&WaterfordBased The Righ T man aT T he R igh T p R ice Port Lairge Driveways anD Patios COntACt085-2119847JAMEs051-349666 portlairgedrivewaysandpatios.com hoUSE mAINTENANcE MIChAEL hALEY PLUMB Ing & hEAtIng, Bathroom suites installed, Oil Boiler serviced. 12 months war ranty, Can also flush Heating Systems due to cold rads & blocked pipes . Can also sup ply Tiler & Electrician. Con tact 087-6829642 or may2022mhaleyplumbing@gmail.comemail plUmbING & hEATING MAths sUCCEss Intensive Maths revision courses for LC & JC 2022 will start shortly. Course given by experienced teacher. LC Physics courses also available. Due to COVID all tuition is one-to-one and subject to HSE guidelines. Limited places available. Tel: 086 - 8823808 ExPERIEnCEd PROfEs sIOnAL tILER available for all types of wall and floor tiling . free no obligation ad vice and quotes .small and large contracts undertaken . contact 089 2757874 or 051 820669 VIOLIn LEssOns Post Primary Music Teacher and RIAM Certified. Based in Tramore. Music and English grinds also available 087 1199205 Based in Waterford, we have an experienced team who offer advanced skills in both traditional and unusual paint ing and decorating CLEANING086-0447320ThomastechniquesDISCOUNT20%DULUXCROWN10%COLOURTRENDINTERIORTHEBESTPRICETHEBESTQUALITYONLYTOPQUALITYYOUGETFREEGLOSSORSATINCLEARSATINORGLOSSVARNISHWHITECEILINGPAINTFILLERSALLTYPESBEFOREPAINTING,FIXALLCRACKEDHOLES&WATERSTAINSMOULDSTAINREMOVALAFTERPAINTING,WALLPAPERINGPROFESSIONALESTIMATE12YEARSEXPERIENCEPUNCTUAL,NEATANDCOURTEOUSCOMMERCIALANDRESIDENTIALUPTODATETECHNOLOGYFULLYINSUREDSATISFACTIONGUARANTEE Tv SERvIcES POWER tV RTE, Saorview, BBC Freeview, Sky Satellite, Movies, Kids, Supply, Install & Repairs. No more bills. For prompt call-out call 0863046576 TUITIoN 086-0447320087-0676056 NoT To bE coNfUSEd wITh oThERS! The OriginAL sPring offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 NoT To bE coNfUSEd wITh oThERS! The OriginAL sPring offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 NoT To bE coNfUSEd wITh oThERS! The OriginAL sPring offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 NoT To bE coNfUSEd wITh oThERS! The OriginAL sPring offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 NoT To bE coNfUSEd wITh oThERS! The OriginAL sPring offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. PriceBest With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels lay ing * - Floor materialsbuying(materials*onepainted/stained)*-service(dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*)Frontdoor(onesideroom,workonlynotincluded)Don’tforgetwithusyourpaintsandallwillcostyouupto20%less!! OVER 086-0447320087-0676056 NoT To bE coNfUSEd wITh oThERS! The OriginAL sPring offer Don’t wait any longer ring us today and get best deal this year. With any complete exterior or interior get for Free one of our services: - Power washing - Ozone3 Treatment * - Vent installation * - Floor panels laying * - Floor (dehumidifying-(sand&paint)*renovationRoomdrying*service ) - Front door (one side (materials*onepainted/stained)*room,workonlynotincluded ) Don’t forget with us buying your paints and all materials will cost you up to 20%less !! PriceBest MAn WIth A VAn for col lections & deliveries. Reason able rates. Call 0868727848 or 0876924577 TIlING mAN & vAN mobIlE hAIRdRESSER POLIsh tILERs & PAIntERs 20 years Experience Clean and Fast Job Lowest Prices PAIntIng Interior and Exterior Recession Prices Free Ceiling Painted Fixing All Crack, WallpaperingGap tILIng Wall and Floor Tiling Kitchen, Hall, Bathroom Complete ReferencesLaminateShowerInstallationsBathroomFittedFloorFREEGROUTAvailableOnRequest free Quotes and Advice Call Robert 087-1131015on dEIsE dECOR Painting & Decorating by qualified tradesman. Over 30 years ex perience. Free ceiling paint on all orders. For quotation and colour consultation phone John Paul: 086-4416728. HomeHaiR Salon services in the comfort of your own or your loved one’s home in the Waterford City area. Can also collect from your home and work from Salon Call 087-6545793ava Over 30 years experience including several years working with nursing home clients and people with disabilities. J. O’KEEfE WALL And fLOOR tILIng Over 30 years experience. No job too small. Special rate for pensioners. 089-4605826 PAIntER AVAILABLE Small jobs welcome. Also kitchen respraying, wardrobes/fire places etc. Kitchens with peeling laminate no problem. Free estimate. 086-3616355 tO gIVE AWAY “JANE” pram & buggy combo. (Lift-off pram body plus buggy). 087 2955977 SAlE ITEmS ANd wANTEd BLACK gRAnItE WORK tOP for sale.Diemensions length 147cm.width 94cm height 3cm.phone 087 6911247 Mr. Move It Rubbish Removal house/site CleaRanCe GaRden maintenanCe Call 087 982 4402 RUbbISh REmovAl uContaSelling?Buying?CtStodaygotpixorStorieS? t 051 854135 e editor@waterford-today.ie thinotiCeS?

12 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 BusinessServices email.roofingdj@gmail.com Framing Studio The - PICTURE FRAMING - OVER MANTEL MIRRORS - ROUND MIRRORS - OVAL MIRRORS UNIT 5D SIX CROSS ROADS BUSINESS PARK Call Tom Walsh Est. 1998 086 0740942 TW GLASS 19 Sept 087EXHAUSTS2234384FITTEDBUSINESSBUSINESS TODAYTODAY available (085) 184 email.roofingdj@gmail.com508724HOUREMERGENCYSERVICEAVAILABLE GUTTERING ● FASCIAS ● SOFFITS ● GUTTERS ROOFING ● NEEDSANYSLATINGREPLACEMENTSINSTALLATIONROOF&TILINGROOFING SOUTHWEST ROOFING ROOFING & GUTTERING SERVICES 30 Jan 19 D - ROUND MIRRORS - OVAL MIRRORS UNIT 5D SIX CROSS ROADS BUSINESS PARK Call Tom Walsh Email: info@mirrors.ie www.mirrors.ie086 0740942 - GLAZING - MIRRORS - DOUBLE GLAZING - TABLE TOPS Unit 5D Six Cross Roads Business park. Waterford.24 hour commercial & retail callout www.twglass.ie MINI INDUSTRIALDOMESTIC Tel John:087 9677797 051 W:www.johnphelanskiphire.ie645445E:info@johnphelanskiphire.ieWASTECOLLECTIONPERMITNO.NWCPO-16-11727-011st May FOR CAR SALES &REPAIR SERVICE IN WATERFORD CALL 051 876353/ 087 2234384 Ballytruckle Road, Johnstown, Waterford € 20 20 PROMOTIONSERVICEfromonly €100 ✓ TIMING BELT REPLACEMENT ✓ BRAKE PADS ✓ CLUTCH REPLACEMENTS ✓ EXHAUSTS FITTED Medical Cards Accepted Call John on 12 May 2019 1 Knockhouse Business tileinstylewaterford@gmail.comParkFindusonFacebook HESKAP PC Repair & IT ComputerSupport Repair Services ● Laptops / Desktops Repair ● Virus Attack Removal ● Windows/Mac Install/Fix Burchall House, Parnell Street, Waterford. 20 Feb D Waterford month P.S.A.Licence LICENCENO00320 Waterford 2019 ISB ‘STAIRLIFTSMOBILITYand SCOOTERS’ New & Reconditionedwww.isbmobility.iewww.irishstairlifts.ie1850LOStairliftsCALL:885000MOBILITY SPECIALISTSGRANTWORK 2019May22 MURRAY’S ROOFING 6 SPRINGMEADOW, DUNGARVANCO WATERFORD For more information contact 086 2109547 E:info@murraysroofing.ie Visit our website: www.murraysroofing.ie FIBREGLASSROOFINGNEWSLATEROOFINGTILEROOFSTORCH‘N’FELTROOFSROOFINGVENTSetc. 19thDec 2019 NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL House, Office, Garage or Garden Clearouts Ring for a FREEQuotation. Call us on: NEED TO GET RID OF RUBBISH??? Beds, Sofas, Tables, Electrical Goods etc.. CHEAPER THAN A SKIP AND WE DO ALL THE WORK 5 May 2019 12may 12may may5 (085) 184 5087 (051) email.roofingdj@gmail.comwww.southwestroofs.com34831024HOUREMERGENCYSERVICEAVAILABLE GUTTERS ROOFING ● REPLACEMENTSREPAIRINSTALLATIONROOF ● SLATING & TILING ● ANY NEEDSROOFING SOUTHWEST ROOFING ROOFING & GUTTERING SERVICES 30 Jan 19 D Framing Studio The - PICTURE FRAMING - OVER MANTEL MIRRORS - ROUND MIRRORS - OVAL MIRRORS UNIT 5D SIX CROSS ROADS BUSINESS PARK Call Tom Walsh Email: info@mirrors.ie www.mirrors.ie Est. 1998 6 Feb 051-3559350860740942- GLAZING - MIRRORS - DOUBLE GLAZING - TABLE TOPS Unit 5D Six Cross Roads Business park. Waterford. MINI ● STANDARD ● LARGE ● DOMESTIC ● COMMERCIAL ● INDUSTRIAL Tel John:087 9677797 051 FORW:www.johnphelanskiphire.ie645445E:info@johnphelanskiphire.ieWASTECOLLECTIONPERMITNO.NWCPO-16-11727-01CARSALES&REPAIRSERVICEINWATERFORD CALL 051 876353/ 087 2234384 Ballytruckle Road, Johnstown, Waterford17 Oct www.obrienmotorswaterford.ie CAR SALES & CAR REPAIRS PRE NCT CHECKS FOR A LIMITED PERIOD € 20 20 PROMOTIONSERVICEfromonly €100 ✓ TIMING BELT REPLACEMENT ✓ BRAKE PADS ✓ CLUTCH REPLACEMENTS ✓ EXHAUSTS FITTED Medical Cards Accepted Student & AccommodationNon-StudentAvailable For enquiries contact Marta on 051 876054 BUSINESSBUSINESS TODAYTODAY O’BRIEN MOTORS 12 May 2019 WORKINGWATERFORDFOR1KnockhouseBusinesstileinstylewaterford@gmail.comPark HESKAP PC Repair & IT ComputerSupport Repair Services ● Laptops / Desktops Repair ● Virus Attack Removal ● Windows/Mac Install/Fix ● Hardware Upgrades ● Data Recovery Burchall House, Parnell Street, Waterford. 20 Feb D TAKING YOU FORWARD x25 30sept 21apr 4aug

waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 | 13 BusinessServices email.roofingdj@gmail.com ROOFING ● ROOF SOUTHWEST ROOFING ROOFING & GUTTERING SERVICES Framing Studio The - PICTURE FRAMING - OVER MANTEL MIRRORS - ROUND MIRRORS - OVAL MIRRORS UNIT 5D SIX CROSS ROADS BUSINESS PARK Call Tom Walsh Email: info@mirrors.ie www.mirrors.ie Est. 1998 6 Feb 051-3559350860740942- GLAZING - MIRRORS - DOUBLE GLAZING - TABLE TOPS Unit 5D Six Cross Roads Business park. Waterford. MINI ● STANDARD LARGE DOMESTIC ● COMMERCIAL Tel John:087 9677797 W:www.johnphelanskiphire.ie E:info@johnphelanskiphire.ie WASTE COLLECTION PERMIT NO. NWCPO-16-11727-01 FOR CAR SALES &REPAIR SERVICE IN WATERFORD CALL 051 876353/ 087 2234384 Ballytruckle Road, Johnstown, Waterford17 Oct www.obrienmotorswaterford.ie CAR SALES & CAR REPAIRS PRE NCT CHECKS FOR A LIMITED PERIOD 20 PROMOTIONSERVICEfromonly €100 ✓ TIMING BELT REPLACEMENT ✓ BRAKE PADS ✓ CLUTCH REPLACEMENTS ✓ EXHAUSTS FITTED Medical Cards Accepted For enquiries contact Marta on BUSINESSBUSINESS TODAYTODAY O’BRIEN MOTORS WORKINGWATERFORDFOR1KnockhouseBusinesstileinstylewaterford@gmail.comParkFindusonFacebook Tel: 051-572172 ---- 086-1424733 Burchall House, Parnell Street, Waterford. 20 Feb D 10.6 Need to advertiSe your Service? coNtact uS today oN 051 854135 16jun ✓ Official Certificate of Destruction issued ✓ Licensed by Waterford City and County Council ✓ Reclaim Remaining Motor Tax ✓ Hassle Free Collection ✓ We Take Care Of All Paperwork ✓ Environmentally Friendly ✓ Peace of Mind ✓ Totally Free Service OLD AND UNWANTED VEHICLES REMOVED FREE OF CHARGE PHONE TODAY 087 0529172 - 087 2709734 email:www.innthedoghouse.ieinfo@innthedoghouse.ie 22 5. 19 MURRAY’S ROOFING 087-6750252 or 051 640924 Full Licensed and Insured. Waste Permit NWCPO-10-02542-03 8.4.19 28mar 31mar

WATERFOR d g ymn AST i CS C LUB S U mm ER C A mp Camp 5: Tuesday - Friday, 5th - 8th August 2022.Time: 09:00am - 12 noon, doors open 08:50am. Ages: 6-12 year olds, strictly. Cost: €70 members / €75 non-members. Booking Deposit: €20.
Join Tom Jive as he brings his famous 4 week Beginner Jive courses to Mount Sion Social Centre Waterford on Tuesday 9thClassAugust.times: 7pm-8.15pm or 8.30pm-9.45pm Come along and find out why Tom Jive has taken Ireland by storm with his unique style of teaching.Callortext Tom to book 0873995877. All courses €40 pay online or at door. yO A DIP IN THE SEA for Women - Over 18’s on Tuesday 9th August |7 - 8pm @The Guillamene Newtown Cove | Tramore. €3pp. To book www. eventbrite.ieFormoreinformation contact: Liz McEnaney on 086 783 7385 or waterfordsportspartnership.ielmcenaney@ king TASTER S ESS O n WO m E n Women (18+) Kayaking: Friday 12th August @6.30pm @Ballyscanlon Lake (near Fenor)FunKayaking a walk back in time with historian Paul Brent and learn about the hidden history of Tramore’s Back Strand. Hear about the old racecourse and cycle track, the original golf links and the rifle range used to train soldiers in the First World War. Visit the sites of Cockle and Kitchen Middens. See where the people lived and find out about the crops they grew. Book your place by contacting Tramore Library on 051Meeton849594.Sunday August 14th at 2pm at the Seahorse Memorial on Tramore Promenade (opposite Tramore Skate Park). T RA d S ESS i O n Tramore’s longest running Trad Session takes Place in O’Neill’s Bar, Summerhill Tramore EVERy Thursday night from 9.30pm. All Musicians and Singers are welcome to join in! T RA m ORE CO mm U ni T y m AR k ET The Tramore Community Market is held on the first Sunday of each Month in the Tramore GAA Centre, from 11 till 3 Featuring a host of local food and craft products.
School Is Easy is here to help you
Advertorial A S we battle to cope with the restrictions imposed by Covid-19 regulations, home-based learning has taken on a new importance.Manyparents who want their children to enjoy the benefits of one-to-one tuition are, nevertheless, nervous about having a stranger in their home or sending young students to a tuition centre. School is Easy (SIE) can solve that problem. We can offer one-to-one or group grinds for Primary, Junior Certificate or Leaving Certificate school students at a time that works for you and your family. We offer the following subjects, from Primary to Secondary to Specialist Third Level courses: Irish/Gaelige, English, Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, French, German, Spanish, History, Geography, Business Studies, Economics, Design and Technology, Music, and Physical Education . Going to university and dreading the college exams? No problem, we have skilled and experienced tutors to help every student. We provide safe, online tutorials that are recorded so that your child can future reference any topic covered. When you work with SIE, you will get nothing but the best. All of our tutors have formal education, classroom experience and a passion for teaching.Forsenior subjects we use college and university instructors with a Masters degree.Thechoice is yours when it comes to the style of tutoring and our range of subjects is broad. We don’t use generic tutoring lessons. We customise each programme based on the student’s needs, goals and capacity and we take care to match students with the right tutors. We are easy to work with. We screen tutors for you. We identify learning deficiencies and we get results . Our certified tutors will provide an initial assessment, if you need it, to ascertain your child’s requirements. Call us today on 01 556 3553 to book a consulation.Wewillbe delighted to match you with a tutor.
Citywide community notes
B EACH VOLLE yBALL Free Private Event on Woodstown beach (the far end of Dunmore East), Tuesday 2nd August @ 19.00. Anyone enthusiastic about beach volleyball fun welcome. Picnic afterwards. Bring your snacks and drinks, etc. for afters.
dunmore Badminton Club members Satish muddar, dee CumminsBowe, Jeanne mcnamara, mary Ryan, katherine mcnamara, and Holly Bowe was made at the Texaco Service Station, Cork Road, Waterford. pictured with them were Texaco dealer, david Walsh (third left) and Valero Area Sales manager, d.J. Fleming (centre).
Would you like to be part of Waterford first ever allinclusive social Rounder’s club? It is for all adults of all abilities, from ex or current Gaa players, to the person who walks less than a km a day. It is all about the craic and getting to meet new or existing friends. It does not matter what club you are affiliated with no transfer required. Join us on Wednesday evening at 7:15 till 8:15 PM, in Ballyduff Lower Gaa pitch Kildermody x91y K07. Plenty of tea and biscuits after wards. Be part of county champions team as there no other club in Waterford ☺ Check us out on Balldyduff lower Facebook page or contact Liz on 087 760 9679. i SH pS yCH i C ROA d SHOW The Irish Psychic Roadshow is coming wto Treacy’s Hotel, Waterford on Saturday 30th July from 11am. Meet some of Ireland’s top psychic mediums and healers who will be there offering readings and healings on the day. We will also have lots of beautiful crystal jewellery available on the day.
Waterford fans at Waterford v Cork - glen dimplex All-ireland Senior Camogie Championship Semi-Final in Croke park on Saturday 23rd July 2022. photo: noel Browne. Waterford’s dunmore Badminton Club, County winners in the recent texaco support for sport initiative, has been presented with a cheque for eUr5,000 to be used to help fund the upkeep and maintenance of its st. thomas’ premises, a former church building which has listed building status. established in 1953, dunmore Badminton Club plays an important role in its surrounding community, describing itself as ‘a friendly and social club’ delivering badminton programmes to people of all ages and from many diverse groups. Under the scheme – similar to that which proved suc cessful last year when the Waterford county award was presented to Waterford Wildcats Basketball Club – the presentation was made to the Club by Valero energy (Ireland) Limited, the company that markets fuel in Ireland under the texaco brand. Now in its second year, the texaco support for sport initiative sees an annual fund of eUr130,000 set aside for allocation in equal amounts of eUr5,000 to successful ap plicants chosen on a countyby-county basis. overseeing the adjudication process was texaco support for sport am bassador, former Irish rugby international and broadcast er, donncha o’Callaghan. entries to the texaco support for sport 2023 initia tive will open this autumn.
14 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022
taster session for Women (over 18’s). Delivered by a highly qualified kayaking instructor. No experience required |All equipment provided. m€5pp | Booking www.eventbrite.ie For more information please contact: Liz McEnaney on 086 783 7385 or waterfordsportspartnership.ielmcenaney@ WAL k THE B AC k S TRA nd Take
Looking for grinds?
On Thursday, July 28th, we are absolutely delighted to welcome the Hothouse Flowers back to The Haven! Hothouse Flowers are a rock n’roll band, Hothouse Flowers are a traditional band, Hothouse Flowers are a soul band.. Hothouse Flowers are a jam band with their own brand of jam on both sides of the bread!Thebands touring in Ireland, the UK and on the festival circuit prior to the global pandemic saw them reveal new material from their brand new album Let’s Do This Thing which they released on www. hothouseflowers.com. The band can’t wait to safely get back to their natural habitat in front of a live audience! Doors 7.30pm. Unreserved seating and standing. AUSTRAL i A n S LEE z E ‘n’ C HEE z E Due to the unavailability of the real Sleeze ‘n’ Cheeze, their doppelgangers, the Australian Sleeze ‘n’ Cheeze have graciously agreed to jump in and rock some bloody brains out for Spraoi weekend, live at Downes, Saturday July 30th FA i THLE gg AU g UST Op E n W EE k Monday 1st Aug - 4 Person Scramble. Tuesday 2nd Aug - 3 Person Team. Wednesday 3rd Aug - 4 Person Team. Thursday 4th Aug - 4 Person Scramble. Friday 5th Aug - 4 Person Scramble. Fantastic Prizes up for grabs!
g A & d ip To celebrate HER Outdoors week we are holding SUNSET yOGA FOLLOWED By
Dunmore Badminton Club receives Texaco windfall
pJB & T HE p OOR RELAT i O n S PJB & The Poor Relations will play their first hometown show since the release of the new album HARD TRUTH Backstage at Theatre Royal Waterford on Friday August 12th at Supported8pm.by Tadhg Williams this promises to a great of original music by local songwriters and musicians.

waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022 | 15

16 | waterford-today.ie August 17, 2022