Carlow People 06 03 2018

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March 06, 2018


12,000 COPIES

A sad farewell to elderly gentleman John (84) died after being found in snow

THE communities of Nurney, 1HZWRZQ DQG IXUWKHU D¿HOG FDPH RXW WKLV ZHHN WR ELG D ¿QDO IDUHZHOO WR -RKQ 0DKRQ\ WKH \HDU ROG IDUPHU ZKR GLHG ODVW 6XQGD\ DIWHU EHLQJ IRXQG O\LQJ in snow outside his home. The sad congregation gathered at St. Patrick’s Church, Newtown, on Wednesday PRUQLQJ IRU )XQHUDO 0DVV ZKLFK ZDV IROORZHG E\ EXULDO LQ WKH DGMRLQLQJ FHPHWHU\ 0RXUQHUV LQFOXGHG WKH GHFHDVHG¶V VLVWHU Queenie, his nephews, nieces, grand-nephews and grandnieces, and many friends and neighbours. 0U 0DKRQ\ GLHG ODVW 6XQGD\ DIWHUQRRQ DW 6W /XNH¶V +RVSLWDO LQ .LONHQQ\ MXVW D IHZ KRXUV DIWHU WKH DODUP ZDV UDLVHG ZKHQ D SDVVHU E\ KHDUG FULHV IRU KHOS from outside the house where he OLYHG DORQH DW 5DWKHDGRQ


Naomi McGuire, Danielle Rock, Gaberialle McKeown, Erica Cunningham and Rachel Mooney hard at work in their in IT Carlow grounds . Lots more pictures inside


t: 059 914 1877

carlowpeople March 06, 2018

Council gets â‚Ź250,000 for rural laneways

news in brief Business finalist BORRIS-based company Grass Technology was among the ¿QDOLVWV LQ WKH 0DQXIDFWXULQJ Award category at the recent SFA National Small Business Awards 2018. Grass Technology was founded by industrial engineer and farmer Jim Barron, who worked for 20 years with Keenan before setting up his own company. It is a leading producer of cutting edge largescale farm machinery, including the Grass Tech Grazer mower/ trailer combination, and the Beet Master all-in-one device for washing, chopping, and feeding. More than 500 businesses entered this year’s awards, which were sponsored by Energia.

SVDP ‘Elegance’ A NEW ‘Elegance’ range of designer goods will be available at the St. Vincent de Paul Shop on Tullow Street from next Tuesday (March 13) onwards. There will be nearly new clothes by Daisy May, Michael Amber, Paul Costello, Nissa, and many more; bags by DKNY, Guess, Cath Kidston, Gionni, Fiorelli, etc.; and shoes by Rebecca Savnar, Brooke, Milly, Clarks, and other top designers. All goods in the ‘Elegance’ range will be very keenly priced.

Members of the Musikkapelle Uffing band from Bavaria.

Bavarian band to perform in St. Patrick’s Day parade THIS YEAR’S St. Patrick’s Day parade in Carlow town will have special musical guests from southern Germany, in the form of the 0XVLNNDSHOOH 8ྜQJ %UDVV %DQG The 45-piece ensemble will bring their tubas, trumpets, and more all the way from WKHLU %DYDULDQ KRPH DQG DUH bound to be something of a visual spectacle too, as they will be dressed in traditional

costumes. Speaking on behalf of the parade’s organising FRPPLWWHH %UtGH GH 5yLVWH said: ‘We are really excited to have this amazing band FRQÂżUPHG :H DUH VXUH LW will be a great addition to the parade and a fascinating spectacle on the streets that day.’ The band will be in Ireland to compete in the International Marching

%DQGV &RPSHWLWLRQ EHLQJ KHOG in Limerick the following day. Their appearance in Carlow is being kindly sponsored by the Mayor, Cllr. Jim Deane. The German visitors will not only play in the parade – they will also perform in Hadden’s car park after the parade ends, and again in 7KH 7RZHU # 'LQQ 5t ODWHU that night. Full details of parade plans will be carried next week.

CARLOW County Council is currently considering how best to spend â‚Ź250,000 that was allocated to the county for the improvement of non-public rural roads. The funding came as part of a total package of â‚Ź10 million for Local Authorities nationwide, that was announced last week by Minister for Rural and Community Development, Michal Ring. The scheme is to allow for the repair and upgrade of small roads and laneways leading to homes and businesses, in cases where the access routes are not normally maintained by the Local Authorities. Local Fine Gael TD, Pat Deering, explained that up to 90% of the cost of any such work can be met through the funding distributed through the Local Authorities. The remainder would come from the local residents or business people themselves, or the authority itself in the case of roads leading to public amenities. He added: ‘We in Fine Gael know just how the important of

the Local Improvement Scheme for people who live in rural Ireland. ‘These roads provide vital access to homes and farms as well as amenities such as lakes, rivers or the sea. The upkeep of these roads is a priority for people who live in rural Ireland and this funding, in conjunction with the local community’s own resources and the resources of the local authorities will allow for the maintenance and improvement of many more local roads. ‘I cannot overstate how important local connectivity is in order to enable rural Ireland to function well. The Action Plan for Rural Development prioritises improving rural infrastructure and connectivity and continuing to support an LIS scheme is just one of the measures we are taking in that regard.’ Councils receiving money are to revert to the Department by March 23, with details of their plans for how the money will be spent.

Lots to come in Seachtain na Gaeilge week SEACHTAIN na Gaeilge events in the run-up to St. Patrick’s 'D\ PD\ QRW KDYH VWDUWHG Rŕľľ according to schedule because of the snow brought by ‘The Beast from the East’, but it’s all systems go now for the rest of the way to March 17. Saturday this week (March 10) will see a special Irish Mass being celebrated in Carlow Cathedral at 6.15 p.m., and this will be followed by one of the highlights of the whole festival: the National Finals of the annual Pan Celtic Song Contest. This will take place in the Seven Oaks Hotel, starting at 8 p.m., with doors opening at 7.30 p.m. There are three local DFWV DPRQJ WKH ÂżQDOLVWV DOO RI whom will be hoping to take the JORU\ RI ÂżUVW SODFH WKH KDQGVRPH tropy, â‚Ź1,000 prize money, and chance to represent Ireland in the international song contest

¿QDO WKDW JRHV ZLWK LW 7LFNHWV cost just ₏10 each for what promises to be a great night of entertainment, and tickets will be available at the door. Next week’s events will include the weekly set dancing class with Peter O’Neill in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel on Monday night (8 pm.). Tuesday will bring a bilingual table quiz for local Transition Year and Fifth Year students, along with sean nós dancing classes and a conversational Irish circle.

There will be more caint as gaeilge in the County Museum on Wednesday morning, while that night will see the presentation of prizes to all the winners in the Spring Art Competition for Carlow schools. Thursday will bring a Ceilí Mór in the grounds of Gaelscoil Cheatharlach that will see some 500 pupils dancing, while that night, there will be a traditional music session in the Teach Bar from 10 p.m. onwards. Friday the 16th will then be a rest day before the big activities of St. Patrick’s Day itself, where the highlight will be the big parade at 3.30 p.m. Full details of all events can be found in the programmes available from Carlow Library DQG WKH &DUORZ 7RXULVP RྜFH Details are also online at


carlowpeople March 06, 2018

CleanmarineÂŽ for Women

98% of fans would recommend to a friend! ADVERTORIAL 98%* of women who are using CleanmarineŽ For Women would recommend the supplement to a friend showing this super supplement really does support women’s health. The survey, commissioned by CleanmarineŽ For Women, also found that hormones, bad skin and ageing were among the key concerns for women surveyed and that over 73%** of users IHOW WKDW KRUPRQHV D྾HFWHG WKHLU skin each month. Over 95%** of the women surveyed felt that by taking CleanmarineŽ For Women, drinking more water and eating healthier they were DEOH WR FRPEDW WKH H྾HFWV WKDW their hormones had on their skin and hair. CleanmarineŽ For Women, is a unique, natural supplement GHVLJQHG VSHFL¿FDOO\ WR R྾HU nutritional support to women from 15 – 45 years. It contains a combination of ingredients including Omega 3 Krill 2LO ZLWK QR ¿VK\ DIWHUWDVWH 9LWDPLQ ' 6R\ ,VRÀDYRQHV plus Vitamin B1, B2 and B6 that help regulate hormones,

reduce tiredness and fatigue and maintain healthy, glowing skin. The supplement is also Tested Sports SafeÂŽ reassuring elite and aspiring athletes that this food supplement is independently

WHVWHG DQG FHUWLÂżHG IRU SURKLELWHG substances; providing added peace of mind. Priced at just â‚Ź22.99 (for 60 capsules) CleanmarineÂŽ For Women delivers results

naturally and is available in Health Food Stores and Pharmacies nationwide. For more information log onto or ask instore today.


carlowpeople March 06, 2018

news in brief Courses for women AS AN introduction to the overall programme, the Catalyst Programme for Women will be delivering personal development and hobby courses in April in the Bagenalstown area. 7KHVH FRXUVHV DUH R྾HUHG IUHH of charge to women who are interested in or thinking about returning to further training or employment. +REE\ EDVHG FRXUVHV RQ R྾HU include Personal Development, Make Up & Nail Art, Interior Design and Healthy Food Made Easy. If you are interested or MXVW ZDQW WR ¿QG RXW PRUH please call Orlaith McHugh on (086) 8678411 or contact St. Catherine’s Community Services on (059) 9138700. Please note that certain eligiblity criteria apply.

Lourdes Pilgrimage THE Kildare & Leighlin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes will take place from July 16 to 21 next. The trip will be led by Bishop Denis Nulty and Pilgrimage Director, Fr Paddy Byrne. The cost is â‚Ź739 per person and deposits are being taken. Booking is through Joe Walsh Tours in Carlow.

Girl Guides in uniform at St. Fiacc’s N.S.

Girl guide members wear a different uniform to school PUPILS at St Fiacc’s National School in Graiguecullen were surprised when some of their classmates turned up for class one day recently while wearing their Irish Girl Guides’ uniforms! Their school principal, John Brennan, had given permission to the girls to wear their Guiding uniforms as part of Irish Girl Guides’ annual A-wear-ness Day. The girls, who were from Woodland Ladybirds,

Dolmen and Barrowbridge Brownies, Sleaty Guides and St Killian’s Guides, made the most of the opportunity to tell their friends about their involvement in Irish Girl Guides (IGG) – the games, activities and challenges they enjoy as well as taking part in community projects, making new friends and having a lot of fun. A-wear-ness Day coincides with World Thinking Day, when the 12,000 members

of IGG join over ten million Girl Guides and Girl Scouts across the globe in celebrating the international friendships provided by the Guiding movement. Locally, new members are always welcome at Ladybirds (age 5 to 7), Brownies (age 7 to 10), Guides (age 10 to 14) and Senior Branch (age 14 to 30) level. Adult leaders over 18 are always welcome. For more information, see

Third time unlucky for Saoirse at Oscars THERE was Oscar disappointment for Saoirse Ronan for the third time last Sunday night, as the coveted statuette in the Best Actress category instead went to Frances McDormand for her role in ‘Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri’. Ronan, who was nominated for ‘Ladybird’ this time round, had previously missed out in the same category for ‘Brooklyn’ two years ago, and also in the Best Supporting Actress category for ‘Atonement’ back in 2009. She had hinted in the buildup to the ceremony though that she expected the award to go to McDormand, who was the hot favourite, and had said she’d be ‘delighted’ for her if that was the way things turned out. It was actually disappointment all round on the night for ‘Ladybird’, for while it was QRPLQDWHG IRU ÂżYH DZDUGV LW failed to win any. Ronan, meanwhile, looked stunning at the ceremony, as she wore a pink strapless dress that was designed by Calvin Klein.

Book tells the story of gambler who stole â‚Ź1,750,000 A COMPULSIVE gambler who was sentenced to four years in prison after stealing more than â‚Ź1.75 million to fund his addiction while working with An Post has written of his experiences in a new book which has just been published. Tony O’Reilly, whose address was given as Hacketstown Road in Carlow at the time of his arrest and 2012 trial, has co-authored ‘Tony 10’ with respected Sunday Independent journalist, Declan Lynch. The title refers to a user name he used on an online gambling account where he did much of his betting. The book’s subtitle is ‘The astonishing story of the postman who gambled â‚Ź10,000,000‌and lost it all’. It tells how his major problems began when a well-meaning brother-in-law gave him a â‚Ź50 online gambling voucher for a present. Within just months, things had spiralled to the point where he was placing a â‚Ź40,000 wager on the outcome of a Norwegian women’s soccer match, and chasing losses with outlandish bets such as a 14-bet accumulator on the outcome of midweek European soccer matches. Incredibly, 13 of those 14 selections came up, but he was let down by the result of a match in a lower division Belgian league game. O’Reilly was funding much of his addiction by stealing from KLV ZRUN DW *RUH\ 3RVW 2ŕľśFH in Co. Wexford, where he was

Tony O’Reilly in a publicity shot for the book ‘Tony 10’. serving as branch manager. He ÂżUVW WRRN EDJV RI FRLQV EHIRUH proceeding to take banknotes too, using precision pliers to pull individual notes from larger bundles. His downfall came after an audit conducted during 2011. He went on the run for some days before being eventually located in Northern Ireland and subsequently arrested, convicted, and sentenced. O’Reilly has undergone treatment at Cuan Mhuire for his gambling problem, and has trained as a counsellor himself. He says he still feels shame at what he did, and is continuing to pay back his debts. ‘Tony 10’ is published by Gill Books. It runs to 304 pages and has a RRP of â‚Ź16.99

Harry & Emily tops HARRY was the name most commonly chosen for new baby boys in County Carlow last year, while the most popular girls’ name was Emily, according to a report issued last week E\ WKH &HQWUDO 6WDWLVWLFV 2ྜFH In both cases, this marked a change from the previous year. In 2016, the most popular boys’ name locally was Daniel, and the most popular girls’ name was Mia.

Nationally, the most common boys’ name was Jack, and the most common girls’ name was Emily. There were 685 Jacks, and 459 Emilys. Next most popular for boys were James (619) and Daniel (536), while Emily was followed by Emma (393) and Grace (371). In terms of surnames, there were 732 Murphys born nationwide, 587 Kellys, and 530 O’Briens.

carlowpeople March 06, 2018


06| news in brief Table quiz A TABLE quiz in aid of the Tullow Youth Project cafÊ at Bishop’s House will be held in the Tara Arms in Tullow on Tuesday March 20th, beginning at 8 p.m. The quiz will double up as a memorial event for the late Eddie Dawson, who was cofounder of the project. The cost will be ₏20 for a table of four, and teams can already book their place by calling Danielle at (085) 1263621 or Jacinta at (087) 2455918. Entries will also be taken on the night. 100% of proceeds will go directly to the cause, and all support will be much appreciated.

More drama KILDAVIN/Clonegal Drama Group will be back in action one more time on Saturday night (March 10), when they again present their production of ‘Nobody’s Talking to Me’ by playwright Tommy Marren. The performance will be in Spellman Hall in Kildavin at 8 p.m. Tickets will be available at the door, and all proceeds from the night will be in aid of Hope Foundation Projects India, as part of a link-up between the Group and Tullow Community School.

carlowpeople March 06, 2018

Entire county came to a standstill after the snow CARLOW ground to a virtual standstill last weekend as Storm Emma and ‘The Beast from the East’ combined to cover the entire county in a blanket of deep snow, which drifted up to more than 12 feet deep in some places. 7KHUH KDG EHHQ VRPH OLJKWHU Ă€XUries of snow on the Tuesday and Wednesday of the previous week, EXW WKH ZKLWH VWXŕľľ UHDOO\ EHJDQ WR come down in earnest on Thursday afternoon and early evening – arriving exactly on the schedule predicted by Met Éireann, who had issued a ‘Status Red’ weather warning to FRPH LQWR HŕľľHFW DW S P WKDW GD\ and remain in place until 12 noon on the Friday. All schools had already been ordered closed for Thursday and Friday on account of that warnLQJ ZKLOH EXVLQHVVHV DOORZHG VWDŕľľ home early on the Thursday and remained closed on the Friday morning. For shops and supermarkets, Thursday morning brought the last few hours of panicked buying by people preparing for the worst. Bread and milk were the items in most demand, though there was

A white Green road into Carlow Town also a substantial trade for other goods such as chocolate, crisps, cigarettes and drink! The blizzard that landed on Thursday continued well into Friday, with some parts of the

the major routes and then in turn moving on to some of the lesser ones. Meanwhile, farmers, building contractors, and others with suitable machinery got busy on Saturday with clearing rural roads wherever possible, to the massive gratitude of all living along those routes. Shops and other businesses began to re-open, with customers glad of the opportunity to get out and stock up on groceries again, though bread and milk remain big in demand and short in supply for another couple of days. Some parts of the county were without electricity for a short time, though power cuts were nowhere near as widespread or as longlasting as in neighbouring County Wexford. All was just about back to normal around the county on Monday, though most schools did remain closed before eventually re-opening on Tuesday. Finally, motorists are reminded to continue to take care, as the last of the snow continues to melt, causing VLJQLÂżFDQW DPRXQWV RI VXUIDFH ZDter on roads.

FRXQW\ EHLQJ ZRUVH DŕľľHFWHG WKDQ others. High elevation areas around the Blackstairs Mountains, such as Rathanna and Ballymurphy, were among those that saw most snow, while some areas in the north-east

of the county also experienced particularly heavy snowfall. As the county began to deal with the aftermath of the snowfall, County Council crews led the way LQ FOHDULQJ URDGV ÂżUVW SULRULWLVLQJ

Five Garda Stations do not have PULSE

CU chooses Eist as charity partner 2018

FIVE Garda Stations in the Carlow/Kilkenny Division do not have access to the PULSE computer system, according to information obtained by Senator Jennifer Murnane O’Connor. Four of them do not have any broadband connectivity DW DOO HŕľľHFWLYHO\ UXOLQJ RXW any form of remote computerbased record keeping or correspondence. Nationally, 77 Garda Stations are without PULSE. The Senator says it’s ‘astounding’ that so many Stations should be so illequipped. ‘Fine Gael have insisted that they are serious about tackling crime, but the reality is that they have failed to ensure the GardaĂ­ are adequately equipped,’ she said. ‘It’s astounding that in this day and age we still have 77 Garda stations across the country which still do not have access to the PULSE computer system. It’s a shocking indictment of the way Fine Gael have treated *DUGDt ZKLOH LQ RŕľśFH Âś WKH Senator said.’

At the launch of the partnership were Michelle Howard, Eist Volunteer; Clive Waldron, President, Carlow CU; Elaine Grant, Secretary, Carlow CU; Margaret Curran, Chairperson, Éist; Michael Lyons, Vice-President, Carlow CU; Michelle O’Rourke, Service Manager, Éist; and Nuala Grogan, Éist Volunteer. CARLOW Credit Union is been placed on our counter delighted to announce that and all donations are much its Board of Directors has appreciated towards the great chosen Éist Cancer Support work that Éist do. Contact Group as their Local Charity any of the Carlow Credit for 2018. 8QLRQ RŕľśFHV LQ &DUORZ Each year, the Board selecst Ballon, Rathvilly and Mayo/ one registered charity from Doonane if you need any the many charities who apply further information. to be considered. Éist itself was set up by Speaking at the launch a group of breast cancer of the partnership, Clive survivors in 2004, and Waldron, President of Carlow was originally known as Credit Union, said: ‘Our the Carlow Breast Cancer members are delighted to Support Group. It provides be associated with Éist as emotional support and our chosen charity. We look practical help to anybody forward to supporting Éist DŕľľHFWHG E\ FDQFHU )RU PRUH during the year.’ see or Collection boxes have phone (059) 9139684.

carlowpeople March 06, 2018


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carlowpeople March 06, 2018

build, buy or renovate

Tips for finding a good builder By Jake Maxwell LOOKING for a good builder is a time-consuming task. Whatever is the type of the house you are going for, you must ensure that it is a good quality one from a reputable builder. Here are some tips to help you choose a builder. Start with a list of potential builders. Make use of the property section of your local newspapers to search for builders and projects. Check with friends and relatives for recommendations and opinions. If they recently had the same work done, ask them about the builders they were associated with and how was their experience with them. Do not be fooled by fake builders. Some builders fraudulently claim membership of trade associations, so verify if one is a ERQD ¿GH PHPEHU RU QRW

It’s time for homework! Once you have prepared a list of potential builders, now it is time to start enquiring about the potential builders and people who have bought homes from them. Visit the builders personally and ask your queries. Check with them if they are insured or not. They should have insurance to protect themselves and to deal their liability to you in the case of property damage or an injury or accident. It would also be good to visit a few recently built homes by the builder. Try to meet several home owners and collect a few random opinions. Ask them if they are happy with their homes, do they face any issues, was the builder prompt in addressing their issues, etc. This step helps you to get a genuine review in most cases. If you are meeting a number of homeowners who have bought homes from various builders, it would be wise to note down the

information you collect so that you can make an elaborate comparison later. Short list and quotation Based on your meeting with the builders and the reviews you have collected, short list the builders and ask for quotations. The quotation should cover details like clearance, site maintenance, material supplies, etc. Ask for complete details in writing. Also, enquire if any approvals or permissions are required. Choose quality and value! While making a decision based on the collected quotation, make it a point to pay attention to the quality of the construction features. Make sure about the quality of the carpeting, cabinetry, paint, etc. Do not hesitate to ask quesWLRQV DQG FRQ¿UP WKLQJV EHIRUH PDNLQJ WKH ¿QDO FRQWUDFW VR WKDW you do not have to regret later!

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carlowpeople March 06, 2018

Carlow owners spend â‚Ź6m renovating homes

CARLOW homeowners have spent ₏6m on 567 renovation projects over the last four years - that’s an average of ₏10,758 per property. And homeowners throughout the country have spent a total of ₏1.23bn improving and renovating their homes. The Construction Industry Federation (CIF) has collated data on the number and scale of projects undertaken are part of the Government’s Home Renovation Incentive (HRI) since it was launched in 2013. The incentive allows property owners a tax credit on 13.5% of qualifying expenditure on home

improvements, if carried out E\ D TXDOL¿HG FRQWUDFWRU – ie one who is registered with the Revenue and tax compliant. &,) ¿JXUHV VKRZ WKDW DOmost 77,000 projects have been completed under the scheme, at an average cost of ₏15,965. Dublin has accounted for almost half of all projects undertaken and more than half of the total cost. However, the highest average spend per project was in Donegal, where property owners invested an average of ₏18,596 per renovation project. Roscommon had the most modest spend, at ₏10,429 per project, just below Carlow (₏10,758) and Longford (₏11,295). The HRI scheme enables homeowners or landlords to claim tax relief on repairs, renovations or improvement work that is carried out on their main home or rental property by tax-compliant contractors and that is subject to 13.5% VAT. With H྾HFW IURP -DQXDU\ HRI has been extended to local authority tenants who have written consent from the local authority to carry out the works.

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carlowpeople March 06, 2018





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carlowpeople March 06, 2018

carlow people in pictures

Andrea Cooper, Kelly Foley, Amy Power, Stephaine Foley, Sarah Cass and Inese Auzina at the Dolmen Hotel for their wedding fair

Megan Vicky and Siobhan Doran at the Dolmen Hotel

PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council I Nigel Whitford am applying for permission for the erection of a slatted shed with straw bedded lie back, new loose house and manure pit and permission for new agricultural entrance to farmyard and all associated site works at Ballyellin and Tomdarragh, Goresbridge, Co.Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Byrne & McCabe Design Ltd, Architecture & Engineering Services. Tel: 059 9725684 Carlow County Council I Thomas Bolger am applying for permission for the erection of an extension to existing shed to include a lean-to slatted shed with canopy and

feed apron and permission for the change of use of existing machinery storage portion of the existing shed to a straw bedded lie back and all associated site works at Clonygoose, Borris, Co.Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Byrne & McCabe Design Ltd, Architecture & Engineering Services. Tel: 059 9725684 Carlow County Council We, Declan and Antoinette Doran are applying for permission for the erection of extensions to existing dwelling and all associated site works at Knocksquire, Borris, Co.Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offic-

The Beat Radio crew Shannon, Darragh and Julia at the Dolmen hotel

es of the planning authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Byrne & McCabe Design Ltd, Architecture & Engineering Services. Tel: 059 9725684 Carlow County Council I Paul O’Connell wish to apply to Carlow Co. Council for Permission for the change of use of premises from existing retail premises to use as living accommodation to consist of 1 standalone 3 bedroom apartment and 1 standalone 2 bedroom apartment connection to services and all associated site works at No. 44 Ashgrove Tullow Road Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the

planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed James kealy Planning & Design Services 059 9139484 085-100 2 200 Carlow County Council We, St. Mary’s Academy CBS, Board of Management, intend to apply to Carlow County Council for Planning Permission for Retention and Completion of Temporary Car Park at Old Dublin Road, Carlow. Works shall include revisions to the existing entrance and entrance walls, site fencing and all other associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such sub-

Brendan Shortt, Paul Maher, DJ Devro, James Esser and James Murphy at the Dolmen Hotel

missions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council We, Ballyknockan Homes Limited, wish to apply for planning permission for; the construction of 39no. new dwellings to include; 25no. Terraced two storey houses (2 & 3 beds), 4no. Semi-detached bungalow houses (2 beds) and 10no. Semi-detached two storey houses (2 & 3 beds); with the provision of rear access into terraced houses for bin storage, and associated car parking; Together with the completion of all previously granted landscaped areas, roads, footpaths and site development works associated with the previously granted development under reg. ref no. 03/430 (PL01.206855), all at Ballyknockan, Leighlinbridge, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5

weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the authority of the application, and such submissions or observation s will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

18 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

carlowpeople March 06, 2018

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week

Emma and the Beast!

Fieldfare – a winter visitor (Pic: Justin Ivory) PHEW! What a wicked and wild start to spring that was as Emma and the Beast from the East came together to embrace and twirl each other across the dancefloor of Europe in a winter waltz of epic proportions. Snow and ice, blizzards and high winds, flooding and freezing temperatures were left in the wake of this whirling dervish duo. Not to be undone the moon and the sea joined forces and sent exceptionally high spring tides our way for good measure! While for most of us this meant time off work and school and the opportunity to build snowmen, have snowball fights, re-enact the Winter Olympics or sing songs from Frozen, but how did our wildlife fare?

A dead Black-tailed Godwit – victim of the Arctic conditions (Pic: Mark Collins) Well many of you reported huge numbers of both our ‘usual’ and some less usual birds foraging in your gardens and hedgerows, their numbers having been boosted dramatically by hundreds of thousands of winter refugees that flooded west from the continent in a vanguard action in advance of the harsh weather hoping to find warmer climes, easier food sources and shelter on our fair isle. There were unprecedented numbers of birds such as Redwing, Fieldfare, Woodcock and Snipe turning up in our parks and gardens. Starving foxes were encountered and fed by many of you. Please continue to feed the birds and mammals as nature’s larder is pretty bare at this time of year. Even with all your help thousands of birds and mammals have perished during this cold snap.


ASYMMETRY By Lisa Halliday

Stetsons and Stilettos RTÉ One, Tuesday 7pm


At Heathrow airport, Amar, an Iraqi-American economist en route to Kurdistan, finds himself detained for the weekend. What draws these characters together, and how do their lives connect?Playful and inventive, tender and humane, Asymmetry is a novel which illuminates the power plays and imbalances of contemporary life - between young and old, West and Middle East, fairness and injustice, talent and luck, and the personal and the political. It introduces a major new literary talent, writing about the world today with astonishing versatility, acuity and daring.

From singing Reverends and truck-driving women, to Nathan Carter obsessed pigs and Ireland’s first country music festival wedding, Stetsons & Stilettos is back for another series looking at the unique world of Irish Country Music. There’s love in the country air as thousands of young singles descend on a festival dedicated to country music and romance. With bad wifi out in the sticks, the best way to meet a partner is face to face on the dance floor, but as some hopefuls find out, if you can’t dance you might have trouble finding a soulmate.

The globe-spanning conflict between otherworldly monsters of mass destruction and the human-piloted super-machines built to vanquish them was only a prelude to the all-out assault on humanity in Pacific Rim Uprising. John Boyega stars as the rebellious Jake Pentecost, a once-promising Jaeger pilot, he has since abandoned his training only to become caught up in a criminal underworld. But when an even more unstoppable threat is unleashed to tear through our cities and bring the world to its knees, he is given one last chance to live up to his father’s legacy.

OFFER of the week

ACTIVITY of the week

GIG of the week

ARIES- This week is a 7 Consider priorities, and plan your upcoming action. Professional advice comes in handy. Attend to shared ¿QDQFHV RYHU WKH QH[W WZR days. TAURUS- This week is an 8 &ROODERUDWH ZLWK \RXU SDUWQHU WRGD\ DQG WRPRUURZ Stick to familiar routines. GEMINI- This week is a 7 Practice your moves before a performance. The possibility of mechanical or technical error is high. CANCER- This week is a 7 Love blossoms over the QH[W IHZ GD\V (QWHUWDLQLQJ distractions abound; take FDUH RI EXVLQHVV ¿UVW ([SUHVV \RXU DUWLVWU\ DQG creative ideas. LEO- This week is a 7 Discuss home renovations RU FKDQJHV ZLWK \RXU IDPLO\ RYHU WKH QH[W IHZ GD\V *R over options. Don’t touch savings. Work up your budget.

RUSSBOROUGH HOUSE & PARKLANDS Blessington, Co. Wicklow, Russborough House offers all readers a 40% discount, all you need to do is mention the Carlow People. They are delighted to announce that after over 100 years some of the British & European Masters and furnishings have returned to Russborough. They can be viewed in the very rooms for which they were commissioned or purchased by the Earls of Milltown. Some of these works have not been seen by the public. Lady Geraldine Milltown donated them to the National Gallery of Ireland. Works by several artists can be viewed, including Claude-Joseph Vernet and more.

GIFT IDEA of the week

CARLOW WRITERS’ CO-OPERATIVE Visual Carlow,Old Dublin Road, Carlow March 13, 8pm, ₏10

THE MAN IN BLACK Visual Carlow,Old Dublin Road, Carlow March 11, 8pm, â‚Ź22/20

The Carlow Writers’ Co-Operative are delighted to see their original writing, created here in Carlow, presented dramatically and energetically by American based actor Guy Moore. Guy is a graduate of the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School. This show will consist of a rewarding and rich, moving and thoughtful performance. A wine and hors d’oeuvre reception will be part of the evening, with musical accompaniment. Book your ticket now and join us for a fun and creative evening.

The No. 1 Johnny Cash Tribute Show right across America “The Man in Black� returns to Ireland for a nationwide tour. Featuring the man from Cambridge, Ohio, USA, Terry Lee Goffee, with his band, this is one show you won’t want to miss. He sings like Johnny and he looks like Johnny and he performs just like the great man, with energy, charisma, and vitality! He regularly performs in Theatres all over the USA to great acclaim. Acknowledged as the No. I interpreter of the great man’s music on the planet. Hear all the great Cash hits!

EVENT of the week

PLAY of the week

VIRGO- This week is an 8 A creative undercurrent ÀRZV WKURXJK \RXU ZRUN Anticipate resistance. Present your argument tactfully. LIBRA- This week is an 8 Focus on moneymaking for D IHZ GD\V 1RW HYHU\WKLQJ goes as planned. Keep H[SHFWDWLRQV UHDOLVWLF DQG VFKHGXOLQJ ÀH[LEOH SCORPIO- This week is a 9 You’re creating a buzz. (QMR\ D WZR GD\ VHOI FRQ¿GHQW SKDVH (QFRXUDJH another’s enthusiasm. You FDQœW EH WZR SODFHV DW WKH same time. SAGITTARIUS- This week is a 7

Concentrate on organizing and cleaning today and WRPRUURZ /LVWHQ PRUH WKDQ \RX VSHDN 6RUW ÂżOH DQG discover buried treasure. Make repairs and handle messes.

MOTHER’S DAY GIFT VOUCHERS Talbot Hotel Carlow, Portlaoise Road, Carlow

ST PATRICKS DAY PARADE 2018 Different locations across County Carlow

Treat someone special to you with a stay or dining at one of our Talbot Collection Hotels. Our vouchers can be used throughout any of our 6 hotels. And our special Mother’s Day gift vouchers are now available at the Talbot Hotel, surprise your mom on this special day with a great dining experience, a relaxing afternoon tea or an overnight stay at any of our locations. Visit our Facebook page to get the chance to win a voucher or book yours now online. For more info, please visit our website: www. or call us on 059 9153000.

Get ready for this year’s St. Patrick Day parade. Ireland’s national feast day is celebrated throughout County Carlow with a series of parades in honour of St. Patrick, the patron saint and national apostle of Ireland. Parade will start at 3.30 p.m. from the Old Perry’s Cash and Carry, Kennedy Street and will finish with a family fun day at the Potato Market, in the centre of Carlow Town. For more information please call, 083-1899991 / 087-2857048 / 0851340047 or visit our Facebook page www.

EDUCATING RITA Visual Carlow,Old Dublin Road, Carlow March 08-10, 8pm, ₏17/14 Educating Rita is a witty, yet poignant look at a working class woman’s attempts to change her social circumstances through pursuit of an Open University qualification. The play centres on Frank who is a tutor of English in his fifties whose disillusioned outlook on life drives him to drink and bury himself in his books. Enter Rita, a forthright twenty-something hairdresser who is eager to learn. After weeks of cajoling, Rita slowly wins over the very hesitant Frank with her innate insight.

CAPRICORN- This week is an 8 &RQIHU ZLWK DOOLHV RYHU WKH QH[W IHZ GD\V )LQG agreement on some tough issues. Cultivate leadership. AQUARIUS-This week is an 8 Consider career opportunities through WRPRUURZ 6HHN RXW lucrative possibilities. PISCES- This week is a 7 *HW LQWR D WZR GD\ DGYHQWXURXV SKDVH ([SORUH near or far. Study and investigate. Costs can YDU\ ZLGHO\ 'RQÂśW ZDVWH funding.

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carlowpeople March 06, 2018


Katie seeks to unify belts


atie Taylor (pictured) seems to have shelved plans for the long-awaited homecoming ¿JKW EXW KHU QH[W ERXW ZKLFK ZLOO EH LQ 1HZ York at the Barclays Centre on April 28 on the undercard of the 'DQLHO -DFREV ERXW ZLOO EH RQH not to miss. .DWLH ZLOO EH ¿JKWLQJ WKH Argentine Victoria Bustos, who holds the IBF lightweight crown, so a win would allow .DWLH WR XQLI\ ERWK EHOWV LQ WKH lightweight division. Katie is currently in her training camp in Connecticut preparing for WKH ERXW She’s no stranger to the Barclays Centre, having won there last year against Jasmine Clarkson on her 86 SURIHVVLRQDO GHEXW .DWLH¶V ODVW ERXW ZDV WKH GHfeat of Jessica McCaskill in /RQGRQ LQ 'HFHPEHU :H ZLVK

Laura, Anna, Kelly and Eoin are all smiles at the Dolmen Hotel Wedding Fair

Brian Quigley her luck as she prepares for this LPSRUWDQW ¿JKW Busy spring for Ireland’s men’s cricket team ,W¶V D EXV\ WLPH IRU Ireland’s men’s cricket team at the moment. The team have arrived in ZimEDEZH IRU WKH qualification tournament for the 2019 One Day International (ODI) Cricket :RUOG &XS KDYLQJ UHFHQWO\ completed warm-up games DJDLQVW WKH 8QLWHG $UDE (PLUDWHV 8$( DQG 6FRWODQG 7KH

tournament will run throughout March. ,UHODQG IDFHG 7KH 1HWKHUODQGV 7KH :HVW ,QGLHV 3DSXD 1HZ *XLQHD DQG WKH 8$( LQ WKHLU 3RRO DW WKH TXDOL¿FDWLRQ tournament, with the top three VLGHV DIWHU D URXQG URELQ IRUPDW progressing to the Super Six stage. Should Ireland progress, points from games against the ERWWRP WZR WHDPV LQ WKHLU 3RRO ZLOO EH GURSSHG DQG WKH\ ZLOO SOD\ WKH WKUHH TXDOL¿HUV IURP WKH RWKHU 3RRO ZLWK WKH WRS WZR in the Super Six qualifying for

WKH :RUOG &XS ZKLFK ZLOO EH KHOG LQ (QJODQG DQG :DOHV Regardless of whether Ireland qualify or not, there will EH DQRWKHU ELJ RFFDVLRQ WR ORRN forward to in May when Ireland SOD\ WKHLU ¿UVW HYHU 7HVW PDWFK 0DODKLGH &ULFNHW &OXE ZLOO KRVW WKH PDWFK ZKLFK ZLOO EH DJDLQVW 3DNLVWDQ LQ 0D\ Ireland were granted full Test status (Test cricket involves ¿YH GD\ PDWFKHV ZKHUH HDFK side plays two innings and is seen as the pinnacle of the sport) last year, along with AfJKDQLVWDQ :LWK WKH 7HVW VWDWXV FDPH IXOO PHPEHUVKLS RI WKH International Cricket CounFLO ,UHODQG KDYH EHHQ D൶OLDWH PHPEHUV VLQFH 3OD\LQJ 7HVW FULFNHW ZLOO EH a special moment for some of Ireland’s longest-serving playHUV (G -R\FH LV DQ H[DPSOH 1RZ DQG EDFN KRPH SOD\ing for Leinster Lightning after a distinguished career playing &RXQW\ FULFNHW LQ (QJODQG (G always dreamed of playing Test FULFNHW IRU ,UHODQG EXW SHUKDSV GRXEWHG WKH PRPHQW ZRXOG HYHU DUULYH :HOO LW KDV QRZ

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carlowpeople March 06, 2018

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