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February 11, 2020


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carlowpeople February 11, 2020


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The hard work begins TDs must work together for the good of everyone

THE campaigns are done and the votes have been counted and now the real work begins. &DUORZ .LONHQQ\¶V ¿YH VHDWV KDYH EHHQ ¿OOHG ZLWK representatives from across the political spectrum. 7KH ¿YH 7'V HOHFWHG WR represent Carlow/Kilkenny KDYH WKHLU SROLWLFDO GL൵HUHQFHV but now is the time to do what they have been elected to do put the needs of the electorate ¿UVW DQG ZRUN WRZDUGV D common goal of improving our

county and country. The result of General Election 2020 in Carlow/Kilkenny sees WZR ORFDO 7'V ORVH WKHLU VHDWV WR 'iLO QHZFRPHUV ZLWK WKH UHDO drama in the local poll being played out in the 10th and last count which decided the battle IRU WKH ¿IWK DQG ¿QDO VHDW ,Q WKH HQG )LDQQD )iLO¶V Bobby Aylward lost out as he was swept aside by a Green wave in the form of long-serving Kilkenny councillor Malcolm 1RRQDQ ZKR FDPH IURP EHKLQG

with the help of crucial transfers to get him over the line. $IWHU WKH HLJKWK FRXQW -HQQLIHU 0XUQDQH )) NQRFNLQJ RXW fellow Carlow-based candidate DQG VLWWLQJ 7' )LQH *DHO¶V 3DW 'HUULQJ DQG -RKQ 3DXO 3KHODQ )* WRRN WKH WKLUG DQG IRXUWK seats following in the wake of 6LQQ )pLQ¶V .DWKOHHQ )XQFKLRQ DQG -RKQ 0F*XLQHVVV ERWK HOHFWHG DIWHU WKH ¿UVW DQG VL[WK counts respectively. After creating history by EHFRPLQJ WKH ¿UVW IHPDOH

VLWWLQJ 7' LQ WKH FRQVWLWXHQF\ WR UHFODLP KHU VHDW .DWKOHHQ )XQFKLRQ ZLOO EH MRLQHG E\ -HQQLIHU 0XUQDQH 2¶&RQQRU LQ WKH QHZ 'iLO WKH ¿UVW WLPH Carlow-Kilkenny has elected WZR ZRPHQ WR WKH 'iLO The election has also proved to be a momentous occasion for 0DOFROP 1RRQDQ WKH SRSXODU city-based councillor and now 7' ZKR FRXOG ¿QG KLPVHOI LQ FRQWHQWLRQ IRU VHDWV DW WKH QH[W &DELQHW DV WDONV WR IRUP WKH QH[W government get underway.

Anita O’Neill and Eva Ionescu all smiles at Carlow Art, Craft & Design Fair, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography

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carlowpeople February 11, 2020

Local sues over nursing home plan A DAMAGES claim by a deaf woman with physical disabilities over the HSE’s decision to put in her a nursing home is to go to mediation, the High Court has heard. Jennifer Walsh (35), who requires a wheelchair and communicates through Irish sign language, initiated proceedings last May over being placed by the HSE in a nursing home in Co Carlow in 2017. She claims the placement, GHVSLWH WKH EHVW HŕľľRUWV RI WKRVH working there, is inappropriate and she is left with the feeling “I don’t want to be alone any more, this has to stop,â€? she said LQ DQ DŕľśGDYLW Represented by Felix McEnroy SC and Sarah McKechnie BL, Ms Walsh claims, despite having full ca-

pacity, she has been wrongly designated and assessed by the HSE as having an intellectual disability. She claims the nursing home placement has been harmful for her and the HSE disregarded independent medical evidence and social worker’s opinions and concerns about her health. The services provided to her do not meet her needs and the HSE had placed her in an environment which has caused her WR GHWHULRUDWH VLJQL¿FDQWO\ LW LV claimed. All the other residents at the Riverdale nursing home in Ballon are elderly. Ms Walsh claims other residents cannot understand her as they do not use sign language and she must use either an iPad or text messages to communicate with others at the home.

,Q KHU DŕľśGDYLW VKH VDLG VKH was brought back for a visit with the deaf community at St Mary’s School in Cabra where she had attended school until aged 21. “I loved it there. I met by old teacher, my SNA, and my friends,â€? she said. “I was welcomed back. I could communicate with people again. I did lots of things there. I did activities. I went I had my meals. I came out of the dark. I was happy again, and I did not want to leave.â€? Going back to the nursing home was “really hard.â€? In her action, she wants damages, various orders and declarations. She seeks orders requiring the HSE to provide a plan for her, the services she requires, and a comprehensive assessment.

Patsy McLean, Damian Howard, Michael Parsons, Chairperson of the Heritage Council, Cllr John Pender, Cathaoirleach of Carlow County Council, Ann Cassin RTE, Dr Alexander O’Hara, Padraig Dooley and Dermot Mulligan at the National Heritage Week Awards. Pic: Marc O’Sulivan

Carlow has little heart for love and romance

CARLOW has come 14th out of 22 large urban towns or cities in Ireland when it comes to romantic interest, according to data published by international e-commerce platform Picodi. To mark Valentine’s Day Picodi checked the statistics of “romantic� queries on the internet in 22 largest cities to decide the most romantic places in Ireland.

The queries list consisted of terms like “Valentine’s Dayâ€?, “love confessionâ€?, ³ÀRZHUV´ ÂłORYH´ DQG RWKHUV which would associate with Valentine’s Day. In some places, the interest in making a pleasant surprise WR WKH VLJQLÂżFDQW RWKHU increases more, and, in some places, notably less. The most romantic people live in Athlone, Waterford,

and Tralee if you look at *RRJOHœV ¿JXUHV ,Q WKHVH FLWLHV the increase in popularity of queries connected to Valentine’s Day was the highest. Residents of Athlone seem to have a soft spot in their hearts for romance. The lowest interest in Valentine’s Day was among residents of Swords in north county Dublin (22nd place).

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carlowpeople February 11, 2020

In fine tune Myshall National for Pan Celtic Heritage song contest top gong CARLOW is getting set for WKH OLYH ¿QDO RI WKH 3DQ &HOWLF National Song Contest 2020 in the GB Shaw Theatre, Visual on Saturday, February 22nd. From a total of almost 50 HQWULHV QHZO\ FRPSRVHG songs in the Irish language have EHHQ VKRUWOLVWHG IRU WKH ¿QDO DQG WKH ¿QDOLVWV ZLOO JR KHDG WR KHDG IRU WKH WRS SUL]H RI Ÿ DQG WKH FKDQFH WR UHSUHVHQW Ireland at the international song FRQWHVW Three well-known singers KDYH EHHQ DQQRXQFHG WR MXGJH WKH FRQWHVW VLQJHU VRQJZULWHU -RKQ 6SLOODQH 1LDPK GH %~UFD D UHFRUGLQJ DUWLVW DQG SURPRWHU RI ,ULVK PXVLF HYHQWV ZLWK Gael Linn and Carlow resident )LDFK � 0XLUFKHDUWDLJK VLQJHU PXVLFLDQ DQG PHPEHU RI WKH RTÉ Late Late Show House



THE dedication of a community group from Carlow to the preservation and promotion of the county’s heritage was recognised last week at the National Heritage Awards 2019. Hosted by the Heritage Council, the special event took place at the Royal Irish Academy and was presented by RTÉ broadcaster, Anne Cassin. Myshall Muintir na Tire, Carlow County Museum and the Myshall Community Centre won the Le ChĂŠile san Eoraip Award for ‘Myshall Muintir na TĂŹre - St Columbanus and the idea of Europe’. This lecture event and pop-up exhibition H[SORUHG WKH LQĂ€XHQFH RI 6W Columbanus, the Patron Saint of Europe, and native of Myshall, Co. Carlow; and the start of what beame the EU The exhibition included photographic displays of intercultural visits between members of Myshall Friends of Columbanus, and Friends of Columbanus Francaise.

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carlowpeople February 11, 2020

news in brief Man charged with murder GardaĂ­ have charged a man with an address in Carlow with WKH PXUGHU RI IDWKHU RI ÂżYH LQ Kilkenny. Garrett Smith, 6 St Fiacc’s Terrace, Graiguecullen, Co Carlow appeared in court on Saturday, charged with the murder of Edward ‘Liam’ O’Sullivan, (46), in Kilkenny City on February 6th. Mr O’Sullivan was pronounced dead at St Luke’s Hospital shortly before 11pm on February 6th following an incident at Apt 1, 8 High Hayes Terrace earlier that day. The defendant was remanded in custody to Cloverhill Prison to appear via video link before Kilkenny District Court..

Woman brought drugs into prison A woman with a Carlow address has been convicted of bringing drugs valued at â‚Ź370 into prison while she was visiting her partner, Portlaoise District Court has heard. Ageta Margielska (26), 25A Hillview Drive, Portlaosie, and Green Lane, Carlow, was charged with committing the RŕľľHQFH DW 3RUWODRLVH 3ULVRQ RQ December 14th last. She had three previous convictions. Judge Catherine 6WDLQHV ÂżQHG KHU Âź

Jamie Torpe, Dale Delaney and Aaron McGrath outstanding in their respective fields and trophies to hand at Carlow Autograss Annual Prize Giving & Dinner Dance, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography

Eva Rothschild brings her Universe to VISUAL THE Arts Council has announce the opening of The Shrinking Universe by Eva Rothschild at VISUAL. This is the national presentation tour of the Irish Pavilion at the 58th Venice Biennale, 2019, curated by Mary Cremin and which is supported by the council. Through her diverse use of materials and sculptural formats, Eva Rothschild constructs a sculptural and immersive environment that

allows the public to be both viewer and participant. One of the leading sculptors of her generation, Eva Rothschild’s work demonstrates a great awareness of the modernist tradition while maintaining its own distinctive sculptural language. For VISUAL this exhibition includes further works by the artist, Trophy (2014), which is on loan from the Collection of the Arts Council, and A 6DFUL¿FLDO /D\HU D VLWH

responsive commission for the Link Gallery at VISUAL. The Shrinking Universe by artist Eva Rothschild, the national representation of Ireland at the 58th International Art Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, will tour to IMMA, Dublin (June 12th - October 11th),Void, Derry (until March 27th). The Shrinking Universe represented Ireland at the 58th Venice Biennale in 2019.

Further delays on Penneys new store PLANNING application for the refurbishment of the old Penneys site in Carlow Town has been further delayed. Primark Ltd has applied for planning for the refurbishment of the existing store (3,892sq.m) LQFOXGLQJ UHWDLO VWDŕľľ DUHD VWRFN room, external envelope, new plant buildings (29.16sq.m) and replacement roof to the retail store. The work includes new signage, a new canopy to loading bay, convert partial convenience retail to comparison retail, allocation of 47 car parking spaces including three disabled parking spaces, 15 bicycle stands and the upgrade of existing car parking surface, landscaping and entrance to store, A decision was due by Carlow County Council on January 30th but this was pushed back to February 7th. However, the application has been delayed further after the council recently made a Further Information request and the application is now “on holdâ€?.

Campus opens for 2,000 students THE new campus of the Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (ETB) has opened on the Kilkenny Road, Carlow, incorporates the secondary school Tyndall College and the Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training (CIFET). 6SHDNLQJ DW WKH RŕľśFLDO RSHQing, a delighted Dr Markita Mulvey, Principal of Carlow Institute of Further Education and Training, said: “It’s absolutely fantastic! It’s been a long journey getting here, to this historic day.â€? Dr Mulvey was among a number of speakers, including Gerry McGill, Principal of Tyndall College, Cllr Peter Cleere, Chairperson of the ETB, and Eileen Curtis, Chief Executive of the ETB, who addressed an audience of hundreds of invited guests. Minister of State John Paul Phelan was the guest of honour, DQG XQYHLOHG D SODTXH DQG Rŕľścially cut the ribbon on the new buildings. Mr McGill opened proceedings and reminded people that the two colleges had a capacity for 1,000 students each, while Cllr Cleere described

WKH FDPSXV DV EHLQJ D Ă€DJship for Kilkenny/Carlow ETB. Ms Curtis, as Chief Executive of the ETB, acknowledged the groundwork that her predecessor Cynthia Deane and many others had laid down to get the project from dream to reality. She cited George Bernard Shaw with the quotation: “There are those that look at things the way they are and ask why; I dream of things that never were and ask why not.â€? Dr Mulvey then brought the audience through a potted history of vocational education in the town and how Carlow Vocational School grew and expanded into Tyndall College and the institute. She traced the origins back to 1902 to the humble beginnings of a technical education in the Assembly Rooms on Dublin Street to the building of a new vocational school in 1972 and the expansion of post-leaving FHUWLÂżFDWH FRXUVHV LQ She also outlined how the ETB swapped land with IT Carlow and, by doing so, allowed the ETB the space in which to develop its new campus.

It’s now easier for firms to go green BUSINESSES across Carlow who want to save money, cut harmful emissions and transition to a low carbon economy now have a unique opportunity to learn for free from fellow enterprises and energy experts in their bid to go green. /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFH (LEO) Carlow has teamed up with energy engineers at the 3 Counties Energy Agency (3cea) for an informative, easy-to-understand ‘Going Green for Business’ EUHDNIDVW EULHÂżQJ DW &DUORZÂśV Woodford Dolmen Hotel on

Thursday, February 20th, from 8am to 9.30am. Details of all the expert and ¿QDQFLDO KHOS DYDLODEOH ZLOO also be shared at the free, noobligation event. Registration is open on Eventbrite and Carlow Local Enterprise 2ྜFHœV ZHEVLWH Attending enterprises of will hear Ray Flynn of Flynn’s Foodhall in Tullow and Mary White of Blackstairs Eco Trails. Both will explain the clean, green and energy saving measures they introduced in their very GL྾HUHQW HQWHUSULVHV

CONTACT US TODAY 059 914 1877

carlowpeople February 11, 2020


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carlowpeople February 11, 2020

dropdowntograiguecullen Bridgett Matthews with Conor, Ricky, Hannah and Ella about to partake in the evening sports session at St Fiacc’s Hall, Graiguecullen

Joe, Bernie and Graham Maher relaxing in The Lazy River Café, Graiguecullen. Below, James and Emily Nolan shooting hoops at St Fiacc’s Hall, Graiguecullen

carlowpeople February 11, 2020


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carlowpeople February 11, 2020

carlowpeople February 11, 2020


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Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email: CHIMNEY CLEANING

CARLOW CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE Expert in stove chimney cleaning. Also cookers and open fires. Full power sweeping system. Spotless work every time. Call Pat

0872793659 DOG TRAINING


have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class.Any enquiries to

086-3207287 TURF & FIREWOOD


Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338

carlowpeople February 11, 2020

FOR SALE Ladybird Rocking Chair for a child €50 5 ,# , 5 &)." 5 ,#)/- )35 ,#)/- ,# Contact any evening except Thursday

Tel: 059 9130792 EMPLOYMENT


+/#, ), &&)( .-

&&)( ,&)1 " -/ -- /& candidates will work as part of the factory processing team pro ducing meat to fulfil production targets on a daily and weekly basis. Successful candidates will be required to work in all areas of the factory where you will be required to Work on own initiative and as part of a team. . *,) / .#)( . ,! .- #&& required to work across all areas of the meat processing plant. "3-# & ,)& #( &/ #(! &# .#(! standing and manual labour. Further specific role details avail able on enquiry. 5 ." , . #&- #(#'/' ((/ & , '/( , .#)(


Standard working week 40 hours. , #(#(! #( English language -%#&&- )'* (3 )* , .#(! procedures will be provided. **&# .#)(- - ' 3 *)-. .) ." * ,.' (. &&)( .-

&&)( ,&)1


059 914 059 914 059 914 1877 1877 1877

carlowpeople February 11, 2020

PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council I Con O’Kelly intend applying to the above authority for Permission to Construct a new grain store and all associated works to my existing farmyard area located at Ballytiglea - Borris –Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission Carlow County Council WEXFORD SOLAR LTD. JOHNSTOWN, BENNEKERRY, CO. CARLOW Wexford Solar Ltd. intend to apply for a 10 year permission for the erection and operation of a solar photovoltaic energy development. The proposed development will consist of the erection and operation of a solar photovoltaic energy development which includes the erection of fixed solar panels on ground

mounted frames, electrical transformer and inverter units, distribution systems operator (DSO) substation, customer substation, underground cabling and ducting, storage containers, boundary fencing, security entrance gates, CCTV, internal access road and all associated ancillary activities. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.


059 914 1877

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14 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Welcome to Frog-bruary!

carlowpeople February 11, 2020

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


by Martin Walker

AUTOPSY USA: MICHAEL HUTCHENCE Thursday 13 February, Virgin Media 2 @ 9pm


When the body of Claudia Mueller, a young Yale student working on the archives of a wealthy crippled war veteran and eminent art historian, is found in teh well of of his chateau in the little town of St Denis, local Chief of Police Bruno Courreges is under pressure because of her connections of the White House. His investigations turn up connections to Occupation art looting and France’s dark war in Algeria. The long arm of French history has reached out to find a new victim, but can Bruno identify the killer - and prove his case?

Episode 1: Dr Richard Shepherd returns to investigate further cases of celebrities who died unexpectedly, beginning with INXS frontman Michael Hutchence, who was found dead in his Sydney hotel room in November 1997. The forensic pathologist is helped by coroner Derrick Hand and psychologist Anjula Mutanda to chart the events and consider the rock star’s state of mind at the time, and there are detailed dramatic reconstructions and interviews with those who knew him

Tom Hanks portrays Mister Rogers in A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood, a timely story of kindness triumphing over cynicism, based on the true story of a real-life friendship between Fred Rogers and journalist Tom Junod. After a jaded magazine writer (Emmy winner Matthew Rhys) is assigned a profile of Fred Rogers, he overcomes his skepticism, learning about kindness, love and forgiveness from America’s most beloved neighbor.


Common Frogs ( Photo Justin Ivory)

LOVE is in the air! With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, we humans will be getting “all loved up”. But this is also the month for amorous amphibians – in particular the Common Frog. Frogs, being cold-blooded (ectothermic), become inactive and hibernate during winter. During February (sometimes in mild years as early as January), Common Frogs (Rana temporaria) begin to emerge from hibernation to hop, skip and jump their frenzied way towards traditional breeding sites of ponds, pools, ditches etc. The males are usually first to arrive and begin a chorus of low croaking to serenade the females. The males literally grab the females as they arrive at the spawning sites (no time for shrinking violets here!). A male will jump on the females back and wrap its front legs around her body, clinging on with specially adapted ‘nuptial pads’ on each of its “thumbs”. A female can attract a whole host of suitors who will all try to jump and cling onto her together, so much so that some females end up drowning from this over-zealous attention.

GIG of the week

SHOW of the week

EVENT of the week

ARIESAvoid domestic controversy and fuss. Follow your heart. Share dreams and ambitions with family. Initiate actions later. Make plans together. TAURUSExpect travel and communication delays. Monitor conditions and focus on short-term objectives. GEMINI)RFXV RQ SUDFWLFDO ¿QDQFLDO priorities. A barrier blocks the way toward a long-term goal. Build and strengthen your house, one brick at a time. CANCERFollow a spontaneous personal passion as long as you don’t neglect responsibilities. Talk about what you love. LEOEnvision and dream. You can see what’s blocking the way to a long-term goal. &RQVLGHU GL൵HUHQW RSWLRQV for navigating around it.

PAT MCMANUS BAND Saturday, February 22, 2020 at 9 PM – 12:30 AM Upstairs at Scraggs Live 13 Tullow Street, Carlow

DIRTY DUSTING Friday 14th February 8pm. Tickets: €25/23 The Visual, Carlow

GREEN FOR MICRO CARLOW Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 8 AM – 9:30 AM Woodford Dolmen Hotel Carlow

The Legendary Pat McManus Band returns to Upstairs at Scraggs Live for a fantastic night of rock and blues. Led by the former Mamas Boys Guitarist and Songwriter, Pat McManus can lay claim to being the last of the truly great Irish guitar heroes, and with his rock-solid rhythm section of Paul Faloon and Marty McDermott, The Pat McManus Band deliver one of the tightest, rocking, blues shows around. Tickets €10

Wild comedy about a trio of 70-something cleaners facing the axe.... instead of taking threats of redundancy lying down, these game girls set up a phone sex service and that’s when the fun begins! These three girls will have you rolling in the aisles as they turn into ‘telephone belles’ - their bosses don’t know about it, their families would never guess and their very willing customers are none the wiser! Be shocked, delighted and amused by the only chat-line girls with dusters, attitude and their very own bus passes!

Carlow Local Enterprise Office, in partnership with 3 Counties Energy Agency (3cea), have identified a need to work with businesses in the region to assist them in transitioning to a Low Carbon Economy. Two speakers from local enterprises in Carlow will be present to speak about what they have done in improving the environmental and cost competitiveness of their business. 3cea will give a presentation on supports available to SMEs and how to access theses supports and grants. Registration and Breakfast for the event starts at 8 am.

TOURNAMENT of the week

WORKSHOP of the week

LAUGH of the week

VIRGOTalk with friends about potential dreams, visions and goals. Wait for better conditions to take action. Coordinate a team solution. LIBRAReview your professional plans for possible alternatives to a blocked route. Edit outbound communications before sending. SCORPIOTalk about where you’d love to go. Plot an adventure with someone you’d love to share it. Speculate, dream and imagine. SAGITTARIUS-

Financial challenges could make a long-term goal seem distant. Don’t give up. Keep taking small steps forward. Contribute what you can.

Frog spawn (Photo Justin Ivory)

While the male is attached, the female starts to lay her eggs which the male simultaneously fertilises. Each egg is covered by jelly which swells and offers some protection to the developing embryo. All these jelly covered eggs stick together to form the familiar masses of frogspawn. Two to three weeks later the tiny tadpoles will emerge. Get out in the next few weeks and you could be treated to a great spectacle! Just remember not to disturb the frogs and that it is illegal to remove frog spawn without a licence. So what are you waiting for – hop to it!

CAPRICORNFocus on the here and now with your partner. Don’t worry about the future. Wait for better conditions to pursue a shared dream. THE MAGIC MEN LIVE AND FULL FRONTAL Friday, February 21, 2020 at 8 PM – 11 PM Meaney’s Bar, Leighlinbridge

ITC RAG TAG 2020 Wednesday, February 19, at 11 AM I.T Carlow Students’ Union

Feb 22 at 10 AM – Feb 23 at 5 PM Talbot Hotel Carlow Portlaoise Road, Carlow

Irelands hottest new male strip troupe are off on tour for 2020 and our first stop is in Co Carlow at Meaneys Bar. Join our hilarious host Miss Charmin and 2 of our Men on stage for 2 hours of frolics, hands on fun and god knows what else!! Group and solo routines included with an eye popping finale!! Tickets are on sale at the venue for €10 or upgrade to €15 and get some VIP Treatment

IT Carlow’s annual RAG week Tag rugby tournament is back and this year we are being sponsored by Morrissey’s! It will take place on Wednesday at 11am. Entering a team of 10 will cost €20 (€2 pp). There must be a minimum of 3 girls/ boys on each team. There are prizes to be won and they will be awarded in Morrisseys at 10pm. Team forms will be available from the sports office or by contacting me here, via the @itc_tag or @ itc_lrugby page on Instagram or email Aisling Brosnan at

Open to members of IPF affiliated clubs. Canon Ireland Prize Draw winner announced on the Sunday. Trade Stands with great show offers! The Irish Photography Podcast will be recording a special podcast from the show! Permajet Ambassador, Michael O’Sullivan FIPF, FRPS will be at the POTY Finals on the Sunday to answer all your printing queries. Sponsored by One Photographic ExploreLight Camera Filters Canon Ireland Barker Photographic Ltd.PermaJet. Full details on the IPF


AQUARIUSNurture your health and wellness. Physical performance could face a barrier. Get enough rest. Take your medicine when needed. PISCESAn obstacle prevents a romantic objective. Don’t get frustrated about longterm dreams. Enjoy simple pleasures with friends. Focus on the here and now.

carlowpeople February 11, 2020

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carlowpeople February 11, 2020

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