Carlow People

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December 11, 2018


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carlowpeople December 11, 2018


December 11, 2018


12,000 COPIES

Netwatch heads for global market Building a giant - ‘and we will do it out of Carlow’ NETWATCH, the international security company with its headquarters in Carlow, is planning for huge expansion. The company, which employs 200 people here, is experiencing massive growth in the American market. Earlier this year it merged with two US companies and a British ÂżUP WR IRUP WKH 1HWZDWFK Group. Within the next six months it hopes to acquire a European company. Âł, FDQ FRQÂżUP ZH DUH LQ D process with a company in continental Europe,â€? Netwatch chief executive David Walsh told a newspaper. “The deal will be done within six months if it is going to be done at all.â€? Mr Walsh declined to name the country but said: “Look at a country like France, for instance. If we were going in there we’d buy a company instead of trying to grow organically.â€?

Mr Walsh also wants the group to increase its presence in Asia, where it has just opened an RŕľśFH LQ +RQJ .RQJ “Until now, we were just doing DG KRF VWXŕľľ ZLWK FOLHQWV DFURVV Europe,â€? he told the Irish Times. “Now we have to do something meaningful in Europe and in $VLD IURP +RQJ .RQJ ´ Mr Walsh rejected any suggestion Netwatch might grow too big for Carlow. “We’re trying to build VRPHWKLQJ OLNH WKH QHZ .HUU\ Group, although we’re in a GLŕľľHUHQW VHFWRU DQG ZH DUH going to do it out of Carlow,â€? he said. “I believe we can. Look what Denis Brosnan did out of Listowel. And when you think about it, Listowel and Carlow are pretty similar. There is no reason why we can’t do it from here.â€? >> Pot luck boom: Page 5

Jack Farrell (6) meets with Ciara Mackey as Maid Marion and Gavin Ryan as Robin Hood from The Helix Panto who dropped into Temple Street Children’s Hospital recently. All proceeds of Robin Hood at The Helix on December 13 will be donated to Temple Street Children’s Hospital, ₏20.00 per ticket from Pic: Leon Farrell/Photocall Ireland . Lots more pictures inside


t: 059 914 1877


By-pass will kill town, says councillor A BY-PASS could “kill Bagenalstownâ€?, a councillor has warned. Carlow County Council is seeking government funds for the road which is an objective of the County Development Plan and the Local Area Plan. The council’s Director of Services Bernie O’Brien said the adjoining lands had been purchased by private developers and “hopefully work can be done in collaboration with themâ€?. “It all boils down to funding,â€? she told a meeting of Bagenalstown Municipal council. Cllr John Murphy (FG) said some business people had H[SUHVVHG FRQFHUQV WKDW D E\ pass would “kill Bagenalstown with less footfall and less peopleâ€?. Cllr Tommy Kinsella (FG) said RQH ÂżOOLQJ VWDWLRQ KDG WROG KLP LW would probably close if the bypass is built and that “we should be careful for what we wish forâ€?. Both Cllr Foley and Cllr Murphy emphasised that they were not necessarily opposed to the road.

carlowpeople December 11, 2018

Mind your own business, Gardaí probe Keith Barry tells bosses mystery of tragic man’s last hours

MAGICIAN Keith Barry had Carlow’s business leaders spellbound when he addressed a networking event. “Believe and you can make D GLŕľľHUHQFH ´ KH WROG WKHP LQ an address on how to Mind Magic Your Business. He spoke of how to tap into the subconscious mind in order to break through barriers and exceed expectations both in

business and personal life. The gathering of more than 150 business people from DFURVV &DUORZ .LOGDUH DQG Kilkenny was hosted by their /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFHV LQ ,7 Carlow. Declan Doyle Vice president for Development and Research at Institute said: “Creating a strong link with business is important to us

in IT Carlow and we are delighted to be able to work in partnership to provide this Ă€DJVKLS HYHQW IRU &DUORZ DQG the surrounding counties. “We in IT Carlow can RŕľľHU HQWHUSULVHV XQLTXH and innovative solutions designed to improve their competitiveness and we would encourage SMEs to engage ZLWK XV ´

GARDAĂ? are trying to piece together the last hours of a Polish man whose body has been found by forestry workers near Portlaoise. Rafal Filipowicz had been living in Carlow town. He left his home in Green Road early this year and was seen at Portlaoise in March . He had been admitted to the Midlands Regional Hospital in the custody of the Irish Prison Service having spent a short period in prison after a court appearance earlier that day. He was discharged from custody while in hospital after a bail bond was posted and it is understood he then discharged himself from the hospital against medical advice. 6WDŕľľ ZHUH H[WUHPHO\ FRQcerned about his physical and psychological wellbeing during his stay in the hospital and did everything they could to prevent him from leaving. Mr Filipowicz (30) had not been seen since leaving the hospital on the morning of March 16. He left, on foot, in the direction of the Applegreen Filling

Station on the Dublin road in Portlaoise. 0U )LOLSRZLF] ZDV RྜFLDOO\ FODVVL¿HG DV D PLVVLQJ SHUVRQ shortly after that and gardaí made several appeals for information on his whereabouts. His remains were found on December 5 in forestry between Portlaoise and Mountmellick. It is believed the body had lain there since March. Gardaí are working on the basis that he began walking when he left the hospital and got lost. Mobile phone records appear to show he walked more than 5 km before getting lost deep in a densely forested area. Garda investigations since his disappearance have revealed evidence of ongoing health and lifestyle issues associated with alcohol. Gardaí do not believe KH VX྾HUHG D YLROHQW GHDWK Mr Filipowicz’s grieving family came to Ireland last week to help identify the body. Two gardaí, from Poland, stationed at Portlaoise Garda station, played an important role in liaising with the man’s family at home and his acquaintances in Ireland.


carlowpeople December 11, 2018




06| news in brief New houses

carlowpeople December 11, 2018


Carlow County Council has tendered a contract for 20 semi-detached houses to be built at Gleann na BearĂş, Bagenalstown.

That was the year that was

Parking petition

efore we disappear down the rabbit hole that will be 2019, the holiday season will be an opportune time to take stock of what 2018 has brought us and taught us. A positive result in the Eighth Amendment referendum and another term for Michael D were some of the headlines; no doubt there were other events that pleased or displeased you on a personal level. In a week that saw Graham Dwyer win the test ruling about the use of his mobile phone data in his murder trial, it’s easy to get cynical about the state of our justice system. Before you do though, just remember that 2018 also saw the truth shine out about Maurice McCabe. In a post-truth society McCabe’s vindication was a key moment for us. With regard to Dwyer, he may well get his conviction overturned or his sentence reduced on foot of this week’s ruling. The system that used evidence

A petition has been raised calling for safer parking in the Green Road area, near IT Carlow. Residents complain that footpaths are blocked with parked cars, forcing children on bikes, parents with buggies and wheelchair users onto the road

More cars

New car registrations in Carlow county rose slightly in the year from January to November, up to 1,545 from 1,540 in the same period last year.

Traveller team

&DUORZœV ¿UVW 7UDYHOOHU football team has been set up in collaboration with the FAI, St Catherine’s Community Services Centre and Carlow Regional Youth Services. Traveller teams from Carlow, Kilkenny, Wexford, Tipperary and Waterford will compete against each other.

Get a move on

Cllr Fintan Phelan has asked Carlow County Council to VHHN DQ HDUOLHU ÂżQLVK RI WKH M7 upgrade. The work, which caused lengthy delays, is due for completition in 2020.


in his trial that shouldn’t have been used has let us down. They should know their jobs better than the people on trial; that’s what they are paid for. If they don’t and trust in the system is eroded than that is not good; the justice system is all that separates any society from anarchy. We end 2018 as we began it, spending an inordinate amount of our time thinking and talking about Brexit. Are we any nearer to some light at the end of the tunnel? No is the short answer. In fact, if anything the waters have been muddied still further. In the words of the opening track on Half Man Half Biscuit’s 2002 album Cammell Laird Social Club, the light at the end of the tunnel is the light of an oncoming train. Who is driving that train is a mystery. Theresa May? Boris? Jacob Rees-Mogg? Jeremy Corbyn? Arlene Foster even, heaven forbid? Events are largely outside our control; all we can do is keep WKH (8 ¿JKWLQJ RXU FRUQHU WR try to steer things in the direc-

Eloise Powell, Pat Shortt and Faye Shortt at the special screening of the film The Belly of the Whale. Pic Brian McEvoy tion we want. We need to have a plan too for whatever eventuality comes to pass. It’s not enough to take the attitude ‘ah sure, it’ll be grand’. I’m reading Roger Daltrey’s autobiography at the moment (an early Christmas present I’m guilty of opening). He talks about growing up in the aftermath of World War Two, and how his parents’ generation didn’t moan about having nothing but instead just got on with the job of rebuilding their country.

The children thought their parents were amazing for doing this. It got me thinking. Will our generation rise to the challenges that face us in 2019 – chief among them climate change – so that future generations will look back and think we were amazing? Climate change is something else that it’s easy to get cynical about. Politicians are too beholden to the chief polluters, so how is anything going to change? This is all true, but you need

to think about the global megatrends that are happening that have the potential to tip the scales in the right direction. The cheaper renewable energy becomes the more big business will use it, with the double benH¿W RI UHGXFLQJ GHPDQG IRU fossil fuels. Likewise the more D྾RUGDEOH HOHFWULF FDUV EHFRPH the less the demand for petrol and diesel cars. The same applies to food production and other spaces. Roger Daltrey’s band The Who were one of the stars of Woodstock, a festival like no other before or since that celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2019. A generation that thought they could change the world for the better had to ultimately admit defeat, but in trying they have made the world a better place rather than a perfect place. This attitude applies to us today just as much; we won’t VROYH RU ¿[ HYHU\WKLQJ EXW WKDW doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try, DQG ZH PLJKW MXVW ¿[ RU LPprove enough things to make it worth our while having tried. - Brian Quigley

bottle County honours New banks, bins medal-winning and public seating athlete Molly SPRINTER Molly Scott was honoured at a civic reception in County Buildings. Molly (right), from Hacketstown, helped win a silver medal for Ireland in the 4x100m relay at the World U20 Championships in Finland. The IT Carlow student was also selected to compete for Ireland in the 4x100m at the European Championships in Berlin. She runs for the St Laurence O’Toole Athletics Club. No Irish team had ever won a medal at that level before. “Competing in the relay, it’s D GLŕľľHUHQW SUHVVXUH ´ VDLG Molly. “It’s the pressure of the whole team. We knew we had medal contention. But so much can go wrong, passing WKH EDWRQ DQ\WKLQJ ´ Molly trains for two hours a day and juggles her time between study, training and competition. “Carlow IT are great WR VXSSRUW PH ´ VKH VDLG “Everything is based there. I

don’t have logistical problems, the track is there and WKH J\P ´ Her law course takes up 15 hours a week which Molly says isn’t as intensive as other courses. She doesn’t have to go too far to be with her coach. “My mother, Deirdre 6FRWW LV P\ FRDFK ´ VKH H[plained. “She ran a bit when she was younger and learned about coaching athletics over WKH ODVW IHZ \HDUV ´ The relay squad was named team of the year in the National Athletics Awards.

CARLOW County Council has upgraded several of the main bottle banks around Carlow town and county. New bins and extra public seating have also been installed in Carlow town. Several new bottle banks have been installed to facilitate those who do not have access to transport. One is located in the public car park in Haymarket, behind the Town Hall. “These free facilities not only encourage recycling, but help reduce the cost of domestic waste collection,â€? said a council statement. The banks are for bottles, not domestic waste. “Unfortunately, not everybody in our community appreciates WKHVH HŕľľRUWV DQG D QHZ ERWWOH bank has fallen foul of dumping already,â€? said the council. The new “big belly binsâ€? RQ 7XOORZ 6WUHHW RŕľľHU JUHDWHU HŕľśFLHQF\ DQG HQHUJ\ VDYLQJ The old bins, however, are unlikely to be relocated. The council says it costs about â‚Ź 1,000 a year to empty HDFK ELQ DQG LW FDQQRW DŕľľRUG WR empty any additional bins.

carlowpeople December 11, 2018


08 | news in brief Homes on the way

There are a total of 189 houses in the pipeline across the county, Carlow councillors have been told; 120 of them are being provided by housing organisations such as TinteĂĄn, Respond, and Tuath. s.

Training needed

Almost 80% of childcare VHUYLFHV LQ &DUORZ VD\ WKHLU VWD྾ need more support and training in child protection, a report for children’s minister, Katherine Zappone, has revealed.

No escape

A vehicle which turned away from a Garda checkpoint in Ballon was pursued and seized after the driver admitted to having no insurance.

Doing the business

Ireland welcomed 13,600 business delegates in October, generating an additional â‚Ź20.8m in economic revenue, according to FĂĄilte Ireland.

Go for Life

The Go for Life National Grant Scheme is to distribute a total of â‚Ź6,900 across 22 groups in Carlow.

Strokes concern

One in four Irish people who VXŕľľHU VWURNHV DUH XQGHU WKH DJH of 65, new research has found.

carlowpeople December 11, 2018

Women forced to the streets by lack Bowmen at the ready for of a refuge ancient New Year ceremony Dunbrody Archers at Hook Head

THE 800-year-old Hook Lighthouse will welcome in the New Year with a Sunrise Tour and Food Experience. Visitors will be welcomed ZLWK EXFNV ¿]] DQG WDNHQ RQ a guided tour of the medieval WRZHU )URP WKH WRS ÀRRU they will get a 360-degree sweeping panorama on the outdoor balcony and take in the views stretching across the South East. )URP WKLV PDJQL¿FHQW

YLVWD YLVLWRUV ZLOO ZDWFK WKH VXQULVH RQ WKH ¿UVW GD\ RI WKH year. Later on New Year’s Day DW SP DQ DJH ROG WUDGLWLRQ takes place on at the lighthouse as the Dunbrody archers take part in a traditional arrow ceremony. The Dunbrody Archers will join the Cathaoirleach of the Municipal District of New 5RVV &OOU -RKQ )OHPLQJ WR participate in the ceremony.

This ancient tradition dates back to events of 1687. The mayor will cast DQ DUURZ LQWR WKH VHD symbolising the port’s authority over the estuary. Members of the public are invited to watch the free historical event at 1 pm. Free afternoon entertainment will DOVR EH RQ R྾HU )RU WLFNHWV WR the Sunrise Tour experience and details on all other events see

100 new jobs on the way for Tullow

A WAREHOUSE development could bring 100 new jobs to Tullow where the company has been granted conditional planning approval for a 33,000 square metre industrial warehouse. Edward Nolan on behalf of Carlow Warehousing Ltd made the application for the development at Tullowbeg. Cllr Will Paton welcomed the planning decision and said the expansion had the “potential to bring 100 new full time jobs to a Tullowâ€?. He referred to the loss of a Kerry Foods factory to Shillelagh “three decades ago because of local (Tullow) objectionsâ€? and said: “The news that Carlow County Council has granted conditional permission to Carlow Warehousing for the new industrial unit is very welcome.â€? “In particular I welcome the potential creation of 100 new jobs for families in Tullow as WKH\ VWUXJJOH WR PDNH ÂżQDQFLDO ends meet,â€? he said. The development will be accessed through the existing entrance and estate roadway extending from the public roadway R725.

THE lack of a women’s refuge in Carlow is a scandal, says homeless campaigner Peter McVerry. “It is scandalous that women and children are often forced to continue living in a violent home because they have nowhere else to go,â€? he writes in a foreword to a report on homelessness in Carlow . The report, commissioned by the Carlow County Development Partnership and written by Dr Brendan 2Âś.HHŕľľH IRXQG WKDW &DUORZ ZRPHQ DQG FKLOGUHQ Ă€HHLQJ YLolent homes have to be accommodated in refuges in Kildare and Dublin, and that “some end up on the streets of Dublinâ€?. The report, Homelessness in Carlow 2018, refers to the vulnerability of women and children who experience domestic violence. “Their vulnerability is compounded by the lack of a women’s refuge in the county,â€? it says. “The absence of a refuge and capacity limitations in the Kilkenny (Amber) refuge, com-

bined with social stigma and helplessness, result in a number of women remaining in violent circumstances or temporarily living with relatives. “Some interviewees stated that Carlow women and chilGUHQ Ă€HHLQJ YLROHQW KRPHV DUH accommodated in refuges in Kildare and Dublin, and that some end up on the streets of Dublin.â€? The report notes strong support a “hubâ€? in Carlow where homeless women and children could stay while seeking help.. Right2Housing Carlow/ Kilkenny has called a vigil on Tuesday, December 11, at 7pm outside the Liberty Tree to acknowledge the thousands of women across Carlow who are survivors of domestic violence. 3HRSOH %HIRUH 3URÂżW ORFDO election candidate, Adrienne Wallace, said: “Nationally there has been huge cuts to the support services women rely on. “On top of this cut to lone parents allowance, wage stagnation and huge childcare bills means that the system is stacked against women and children.â€?

Rise in claims for housing assistance THE number of people receiving housing assistance payments in Carlow county has increased by 119 since the start of the year. That brings to 700 the number of active Housing Assistance Payment tenancies in the county which is “near saturation pointâ€?, councillors have been told. HAP is social housing support for people who have a long-term housing need. The scheme is administered by the local authorities, who pay landlords directly. The county’s Housing 2ŕľśFHU -RVHSKLQH .DYDQDJK told a meeting of the Carlow

Municipal District that they were “near saturation point at the momentâ€?, and were not not really taking on anymore such tenancies. It has also been revealed that more than 900 Carlow households are receiving Working Family Payment. This is a weekly tax-free payment which provides additional income support to employees on low earnings. It is designed to prevent inwork poverty for low paid workers with child dependents DQG WR RŕľľHU D ÂżQDQFLDO LQFHQWLYH to take up employment.

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carlowpeople December 11, 2018


Quarter experience dinner disaster! IT’S like something from a Christmas comedy movie spending hours making the Christmas dinner and then see it all go badly wrong. And according to new research commissioned by safefood, one in four (27%) people have experienced a Christmas cooking disaster. With the festive season upon us safefood has all the tips and

advice to help people have the safest, tastiest Turkey this Christmas. In Ireland, almost a million turkeys are prepared and cooked on Christmas day, but 15% of people have had issues with undercooking (6%) or overcooking (9%) their turkey. The research also showed that forgetting to turn on the oven (7%) or defrost the turkey (4%)

were two of the most common causes of a Christmas Day cooking calamity. Dr. Linda Gordon, Chief Specialist Food Science, safefood commented; “Christmas dinner is one of the most special meals of the year, with turkey often taking centre stage. But it can be an overwhelming experience for some, especially if you haven’t

cooked it before or aren’t used to cooking for big groups. Planning ahead is the best way to stay on top of things in the Christmas kitchen. Last year, over 80,000 people visited the safefood website between Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, with the most popular searches including: how to defrost a turkey; where to store it; cooking times; whether to

VWX൵ LW RU QRW DQG KRZ WR NQRZ when it’s properly cooked.” “We’re here to take the stress out of Christmas for cooks and whatever cooking method, timings or recipes you use, you know your turkey is properly cooked when there’s no pink meat in the thickest part of the breast and thigh, the juices run clear and the meat is piping hot throughout.

“Our website www.safefood. HX LV VWX൵HG ZLWK ORWV RI XVHIXO resources including a turkey cooking-time-calculator, howto videos, lots of tasty Christmas recipes. “And for any last-minute questions on Christmas Day itself, our safefood Chefbot will also be available to answer questions through Facebook messenger”

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carlowpeople December 11, 2018


Slow down a

Help keep death off ou CARLOW County Council has joined gardaĂ­ and the Road Safety Authority in wishing all road users a happy, peaceful and safe Christmas and New Year . “Sadly, statistics for crashes and deaths are heading towards ODVW \HDUÂśV ÂżJXUHV ´ VDLG -RKQ 0F'DUE\ 5RDG 6DIHW\ 2ŕľśFHU for the Council. He advised drivers to slow down and stay below the speed limit and even lower in poor weather. He also advised them to “belt up, know the limits of the safety features of your vehicle and never drink, or take GUXJV DQG GULYH´ Âł'ULYH OLNH D ZLQQHU ´ 0U McDarby urged road users. “It is important to think ahead, plan journeys and take care of your passengers and other road users. There are serious penalties for drivers detected with alcohol and there will be extra enforcePHQW RYHU WKH KROLGD\ ´

“Pedestrians and joggers need Hi Viz vests even in areas with VWUHHW OLJKWV ´ KH VDLG APPEAL: The annual Carlow Lions Club and SVP Christmas food appeal will take place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday 13-15 December and on the same days the following week. “Once again, we are asking the people of Carlow to rise to the challenge and to give to those in need a little someWKLQJ IRU &KULVWPDV ´ VDLG -RKQ 2Âś'RQRYDQ IURP WKH Lions Club. “You will see us at Dunnes Stores, Rath’s Londis, SuperValu and Tesco on the Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the two weekends prior to Christmas collecting non-perishable food.’ CBS students will help the Lions Club with the collection over the two weeks and they will be joined by students from

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carlowpeople December 11, 2018

and stay safe

ur roads this Christmas St Leo’s College, Presentation College, Tyndall College and Gaelcholáiste Cheatharlach for packing the hampers. CONCERT: The Éist Cancer Support Centre Carlow annual Celebration of Christmas Variety Concert 2018 took place on December 5, in the Arboretum Home and Garden Heaven. Guests on the night were country star Derek Ryan, Pat Byrne of the Voice of Ireland, Owen Lynch of the Vocal Academy Choir Newbridge.

Kevin Mann (71) and Gráinne Kenny (81), at the launch of ALONE’s cold weather campaign which is urging members of the public to check in on older people in their community this winter. Pic: Jason Clarke

GIFT CARD: The Love Carlow Gift Card is your key to supporting Carlow this Christmas and into the New Year.The gift card is widely accepted in stores across the county. It can be bought online from, from Payzone Stores and from the County Carlow Chamber.


carlowpeople December 11, 2018

Dogs Trust to suspend rehoming DOGS Trust, Ireland’s largest dog welfare charity, has announced that they will suspend the rehoming of dogs from their centre over the festive period to prevent people rushing out to get a dog for Christmas. Christmas is not a good time to take on a new dog, especially a puppy. It is critical that dogs are provided with basic training and positive socialisation H[SHULHQFHV LQ WKRVH ¿UVW IHZ months to set them up for the best start in life. Many people, often with the very best intentions, are simply unable to provide this at a busy time like Christmas. The last rehoming day will be December 16 and the charity will restart adoptions again on January 5. However the centre in Finglas, Dublin, will remain open to the public during that time, so people can visit all the

dogs looking for homes and then decide whether or not to adopt in the New Year. Dogs Trust has received 2,840 calls and emails from members of the public this year looking to surrender their dog, with 897 of those LQ WKH ¿UVW WKUHH PRQWKV RI the year. January had the highest number of surrender requests totalling 334, which was a 30% increase on the previous year. The top reason given for people looking to give up their dog was that they didn’t have enough time to look after them

anymore. Speaking about the announcement, Executive Director at Dogs Trust, Suzie Carley said: “Each year we are saddened and worried by the number of people looking to relinquish their dog, espeFLDOO\ LQ WKH ¿UVW IHZ PRQWKV after Christmas. “Owning a dog is a longterm commitment so we are urging those thinking of getting a dog to please wait and take due consideration at any time of the year but especially when thinking of getting a dog for Christmas. “Dogs Trust coined the phrase ‘A dog is for life, not just for Christmas®’ 40 years ago this year, and sadly it is still as relevant today as it was then. “We hope that by spreading this message that it will encourage people to wait and consider adding a dog to their family in the New Year instead, when the festivities have died down.”

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Safety message from ESB Networks AT this time of the year, ESB Networks is reminding all electricity customers to never take risks with electricity. When it comes to overhead wires and poles that ESB Networks uses to supply electricity to everyone, remember that electricity wires are always live and extremely dangerous. Never use ESB poles to hang

outdoor Christmas lights. In the home, make sure your own electrical equipment is in good condition. In putting up outdoor Christmas lights and decorations, make sure that \RX ÂżUVW FKHFN WKDW WKHUH DUH QR wires nearby. Electricity is very powerful, that is why you must always keep a safe distance. Make sure

outdoor wiring and equipment is properly rated for outdoor use and plug them into a portable Residual Current Device (RCD) (sometimes called a ‘trip switch’) for extra safety. Storms and strong winds at this time of year cause damage to electricity wires and poles, so always be alert and keep your distance. Remember fallen electricity wires are live

and therefore dangerous to approach. Report any damage by contacting the ESB Networks’ emergency number immediately: phone 1850 372 999/021-2382410 (24 hour/7 days) Here are a few important safety tips from ESB Networks. 1.




equipment, including Christmas lights that are in good condition. 2. Check for frayed wires. 3. Keep decorations away IURP OLJKW ÂżWWLQJV DQG RWKHU sources of heat such as heaters, ÂżUHSODFHV FDQGOHV 6ZLWFK Rŕľľ DOO HOHFWULFDO appliances. 5. Always unwind extension cords completely to avoid overheating.

6. Test your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms to ensure they are working. 7. Check that the Residual Current Device (RCD, sometimes called a ‘trip switch’) works by pushing the test button. 8. Always consult a registered electrical contractor; Information at www.

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18 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Wild Books I HAD two big passions growing up – books and wildlife but best of all was getting gifts at birthdays and Christmas that combined the two – books about wildlife. With all the doom and gloom surrounding us with news about climate change and biodiversity loss what better time to introduce children to the wonders of the natural world on our doorsteps here in Ireland. This Christmas you are spoilt for choice with not just one, but two wonderful new books for children on Irish wildlife by Irish authors and illustrators recently published. One or other (better still both!) would make brilliant gifts. So what have we got? Well up first is:

carlowpeople December 11, 2018

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

FILM of the week

HOROSCOPES ARIES - This week is a 7 Explore and investigate over the next few weeks. Misunderstandings dissolve, with Mercury direct for the next three months.


HORIZON: TEENAGERS VS CANCER RTE 2, Wednesday December 12, 11.30pm

CREED 2 ROI rating: 12 A

Waterford author Aoife Lacey’s first offering is a beautiful and magical tale. The powerhungry Faeries will stop at nothing to steal her. Only a few Elves remain with the power to help her, so must call on the Pixies for their courage, the Woodland Sages for their wisdom and the eccentric vegetarian Vampire Louis for his cunning. Will these unlikely heroes summon the Giants on time and rescue the Chosen Child? Or will the Faeries success and capture her. The future of our world rests in their ability to end the Faeries’ quest for power. Will they succeed in the nick of time?

Sories revealing how young people have dealt with their cancer diagnosis and the treatment process. Chloe, Harry, Liam, Tim and Matt discuss the bespoke ward facilities, specialist nursing and social worker support which is tailored to this age group, with Tim meeting Roger Daltrey during a music therapy session. Magda and Sophie give an insight into the world of drugs development which is giving great benefit to some people. Plus, Nick, Yazz and Roisin reveal the innovative nature of the support that goes into teenage and young adult cancer care.

Life has become a balancing act for Adonis Creed. Between personal obligations and training for his next big fight, hes up against the challenge of his life. Facing an opponent with ties to his family’s past only intensifies his impending battle in the ring. Rocky Balboa is there by his side through it all and, together, Rocky and Adonis will confront their shared legacy, question what’s worth fighting for, and discover that nothing’s more important than family. Creed II goes back to basics to rediscover what made you a champion in the first place, and remembering that, no matter where you go, you can’t escape your history.

TAURUS - This week is an 8 :RUGV DQG WUD൶F ÀRZ PRUH freely, with Mercury direct. Communication, especially about money, comes easier. Articulate feelings with someone you trust.

MARKET of the week

CANCER- This week is an 8 It’s easier to advance professionally, with Mercury direct for three months. Brainstorming gets more productive and creative.

GIG of the week

Dr Hibernica’s Compelling Compendium of Irish Animals Illustrated by Aga Grandowicz Text by Rob Maguire Who knew that for the last seven decades Ireland had its own female version of David Attenborough, the eminent and world renowned zoologist Dr. Hibernica Finch. Well Dr. Finch has finally emerged from the bushes and the long grass and agreed to release some of the pages from her wonderful field notebooks in this exquisite large hardback book. With a great selection of Irish animals representing air, land and sea, each double spread page per animal is accompanied by wonderfully quirky, funny and engaging text, and the most beautiful sketches and artwork. The second book that should go those Christmas lists is:

TV SHOW of the week

FEEL GOOD of the week

GEMINI- This week is a 7 Communication barriers evaporate. Team coordination comes together naturally now that Mercury is direct.

LEO- This week is a 9 Travel and launch new projects, with Mercury GLUHFW 7UD൶F ÀRZV EHWWHU Long-distance connections come together. HERMITAGE GREEN The Tower @ Dinn Rí Carlow December 27. Tickets: €21.41

IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE Sunday 23rd December 4pm Tickets: €8/6

CARLOW CHRISTMAS MARKET Open every Saturday up to 23rd December, 9am - 2pm, Potato Market, Carlow Town.

Hailing from Limerick, Hermitage Green have made a large impact in a short period of time. After having released their first full length album via SONY Ireland and watching it climb the charts with tracks like Quicksand, Not Your Lover, and Save Your Soul, the band toured internationally with sold out gigs across Ireland, the UK, Middle East, Australia and the US. They also spent months in the world renowned Rockfield Studios in Wales where their new recordings share company with the likes of Queen, Robert Plant and many others.

This moving and beautifully told film is a true masterpiece of cinema. A tale of rivalry and despair at thirty, the story finds George Bailey (James Stuart) in turmoil, having been framed by his arch rival, torn between his own desires and aspirations, but struggling to always do the right thing. This inner conflict proves too much for Bailey, who sees suicide as the only option. In classic Hollywood style, Heaven sends a guardian angel to remind him how worthwhile his life has been and to treasure the good times when the going gets tough.

Carlow Farmers Market has proven hugely popular as customers embrace the wide variety of fresh fruit, conventional and organic vegetables, meats, juices and home baking on offer. Hampers of local goods, ready or made to order, speciality foods and a huge array of Christmas baking available. FREE Christmas raffle for two €80 hampers, and four €20 vouchers to spend at the market. Opening hours: 9am - 2pm Information: www. or visit Facebook.

COMEDY of the week

CONCERT of the week

EVENT of the week

VIRGO- This week is an 8 Buy, sell and discuss ¿QDQFLDO WUDQVDFWLRQV Exchange money, invoices and payments freely, with Mercury direct. LIBRA- This week is a 7 Lines of communication clarify, with Mercury direct. Partnership misunderstandings diminish. Send love letters. SCORPIO- This week is a 7 An obstacle is dissolving. Communication buzzes and hums, with Mercury direct for the next three months. Make lucrative deals, bargains and agreements SAGITTARIUS- This week is a 9 Practice your persuasive

arts. Share what you love, especially with Mercury GLUHFW &UHDWLYH H൵RUWV EHDU fruit.

The Great Big Book of Irish Wildlife through the seasons Text by Juanita Brown Illustrated by Barry Reynolds This large format hardback book with gorgeous illustrations bringing the text to life, brings us on a whistle-stop tour of the Irish seasons and some of the fantastic natural phenomena to be witnessed in each of those seasons, from the rutting of deer in autumn to the metamorphosis of tadpoles to frogs in spring.

WOODFORD DOLMEN HOTEL Thursday 13th December 7.30pm. Tickets: €49 – inc 3 course meal Woodford Dolmen Hotel.

SAMARITANS DAY 2018 WITH KCLR PHIL COULTER Visual. T 059 9172400 Various locations, Carlow Tel: 1890 90 9696 / 083 3069696 Saturday 22nd December 8pm

First produced over 20 years ago in Australia, this globetrotting show has sold out in places like Edinburgh Fringe and Sydney Opera House. The show returns to Carlow as part of its 2018 thirteen venue Irish winter tour. Chaos greets audiences as soon as they walk through the door. In this fully immersive experience, the audience become diners in the infamous ‘Faulty’ restaurant, served a 3-course meal by Basil, Sybil and Manuel. Expect lashings of laughter, huge bowls full of spontaneity and as much participation as individual audience members want.

Phil’s long career as a songwriter, producer and recording artiste has been recognised over the years with so many gold discs that the theme is totally appropriate. Very few in the music business can boast of having chart entries in every decade since the sixties. Even fewer can match the range of Phil’s output – from Eurovision winners to folk classics, from tender ballads to sporting anthems, from Luke Kelly to Elvis Presley! His new show, Gold & Silver Days, will feature Phil’s personal favourites as he trawls through his 50 years of creativity.

Samaritans of Kilkenny and Carlow are teaming up with KCLR for a day of action on Tuesday 11 December, 2018. Providing vital support to the region, Samaritans are a 24/7 listening service and need your help to continue their great work through their freephone service – 116-123 – and on the ground in Kilkenny and Carlow. We’re calling on businesses, community groups, clubs, schools and households to take part in Samaritans Day by holding a fundraising and awareness event in aid of the charity.

CAPRICORN- This week is a 7 Family communications that may have seem kinked now ÀRZ IUHHO\ ZLWK 0HUFXU\ direct. Express the future you want to create. AQUARIUS-This week is an 8 &UHDWLYH H൵RUWV WDNH D OHDS forward. It’s easier to learn and express your views now that Mercury is direct. Sign papers, post and publish. PISCES- This week is an 8 Salary talks advance as a barrier dissolves. Confusion diminishes. Banking matters take a turn for the better, with Mercury direct. It’s HDVLHU WR GLVFXVV ¿QDQFHV

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ACE CHIMNEY SWEEP Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email:



Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338 TURF & FIREWOOD


CARLOW CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE Expert in stove chimney cleaning. Also cookers and open fires. Full power sweeping system. Spotless work every time. Call Pat

0872793659 DOG TRAINING


have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class.Any enquiries to


TURF & FIREWOOD Massive quantity of 2017 shed stored seasoned Turf – Firewood

Call 087 7462440


059 914 1877

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FODVVLÀHGV PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council I, Padraig O’Toole intend to apply for planning permission for development at 64 Monacurragh,Blackbog Road, Carlow. The development will consist of alterations and additions to an existing two storey dwelling to include the partial demolition of the existing single storey side extension, construction of a new two storey side extension and all ancillary site works. The planning application may be inspected and/ or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by the planning authority and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council I, John Joe Byrne intend to apply for planning permission for development at Clogrennane, Co. Carlow. The development will consist of a single storey dwelling, single storey garage, waste water treatment system, new domestic entrance and all ancillary site works. The planning application may be inspected and/ or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices,

Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by the planning authority and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council We, Diarmuid Nolan and Niamh Byrne, intend to apply to Carlow County Council for full planning permission for development at Cunaberry, Ballon, Co. Carlow. The development will consist of the construction of a new fully-serviced single-storey dwelling house, detached garage to side of dwelling, installation of a proprietary sewage treatment system and percolation area, new vehicular entrance from public road, and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected and/or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in to the planning authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by the planning authority and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Plan-

ning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council We, Niamh Nolan and Gabriel Paulson, intend to apply to Carlow County Council for full planning permission for development at Cunaberry, Ballon, Co. Carlow. The development will consist of the construction of a new fully-serviced single-storey dwelling house, detached garage to side of dwelling, installation of a proprietary sewage treatment system and percolation area, new vehicular entrance from public road, and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected and/or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in to the planning authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt of the application by the planning authority and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council We, MSD Ireland (Carlow) intend to apply for permission for development at this site MSD Ireland, Dublin Road, Pollerton Little and Oakpark, Carlow. The proposed development consists of a proposed Waste Storage Area (1600m2) in the existing north yard service area which will contain 1 No. small modular office (21.6 m2), 1 No. external staging area covered shed (65 m2), the existing modular Chemstore type waste storage units, compactors, waste

skips, store, and bio store – all relocated from other areas within the existing site, 13 No. new Chemstore type units similar to the existing, and all associated access footpaths, site works, landscaping and site services. The Planning Application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the Planning Authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council We, Jack Donohoe and Suzanne Creagh, are applying for planning permission to construct a part single storey, part two storey detached dwelling house, upgrade existing entrance & gateway, waste water treatment plant and all associated site works at: Craans, (e.d. Ballintemple), Ardattin, Tullow, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the Planning Authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of five weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The Planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant per-

mission. Signed on behalf of applicant by Fallon Kelly & Associates Ltd., tel: 053 9377633, 087 2475707, email: Carlow County Council I, Terence Murphy, am applying to Carlow County Council for Permission to convert existing car port attached to dwellinghouse to living area and erect an extension to rear of such conversion and all associated dwellinghouse alterations and site works at Craan, Clonegall, Co. Carlow. Signed Terence Murphy The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the Planning Authority in making a decision on the application. The planning Authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council We Carol & Derek Brennan are applying to Carlow County Council full planning permission for a 49.5m2 two storey extension to the side of our dwelling together with all associated and ancillary site works @ Greenhills, Brownshill Rd, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic

Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Carol & Derek Brennan Carlow County Council Take notice that I intend to apply to Carlow Co. Co. for permission to convert the existing derelict buildings at Governey Square (former Pharmacy) to four 2 bed apartments; two at ground level and 2 duplex apartments at first and second floor level and all associated site works on lands at Governey Square, Carlow, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed, Paul O’Brien.

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Brian Quigley

Rugby team are top of 2018 table


nother year has come and gone and with it a lot of great sporting m o m e n t s . For many the achievements of our rugby team is at the top of the list. The Six Nations Grand Slam WULXPSK DQG WKH KLVWRULF ¿UVW win on home soil for the national team over the All Blacks are memories that will last a lifetime. Just how good we are at rugby is evident in us winning world team of the year recently, with Johnny Sexton and Joe Schmidt winning the world player and world manager awards. These are incredible achievements for such a small country, and going into World Cup year we have a realistic chance of actually winning the trophy in Japan next autumn. It is even possible we could be the number one ranked team in the world by then. The same sense of achievement and excitement doesn’t apply to our soccer team at the moment, although Mick Mc-

Jacob Stockdale scores against the All Blacks in November Carthy’s re-appointment as national team manager was a huge step in the right direction as we seek to put the gloom and underachievement of the Martin O’Neill and Roy Keane era be-

hind us. This year for me was unfortunately the year when our national soccer team became unwatchable, the ‘3’ on the jersey a symbol of three years of GHFOLQH VLQFH WKH SOD\ R൵ ZLQ

over Bosnia to qualify for Euro 2016. Domestically Dundalk and Cork continue to lead the way and set a high standard for everyone else to aim for.

Hopefully 2019 will see some of the Dublin clubs try to reach that standard as the SSE Airtricity League will be all the better for it. Hopefully too 2018’s surprise

package Waterford will push on even further. Stephen Kenny’s departure from Dundalk (to the Irish U21 role) will certainly give the other clubs a feeling that Dundalk can be knocked R൵ WKHLU SHUFK Katie Taylor’s professional career continues to go from strength to strength. She is now one of the best-known boxers in the world, regardless of gender. Hopefully boxing fans here will get to see her in action in Ireland in 2019. On the amateur boxing front, the worrying row about the status of boxing in the next Olympic Games will hopefully be resolved; in the meantime I hope all our amateur boxers hoping to make that stage will continue their preparations and assume they will be making the trip. The year will have had many other sporting highlights for you as a spectator and / or participant. For me, getting to see IreODQG¶V FULFNHW WHDP ¿QDOO\ SOD\ full Test cricket in Malahide in May against Pakistan was a long-overdue but very welcome spectacle.

Sparkle and Shine with MacDonagh Junction


is the shine to… sparkle! P a r t y s e a s on is well and truly underway with offices parties to family get togethers at every turn. With that in mind, MacDonagh Junction Shopping

Centre, Kilkenny have showcased their favourite festive looks in this stunning partywear shoot ,shot on location at Brogans Barthe perfect party venue! From sparkling sequins from Next to luxe leather vibes

from ONLY as worn by the stunning Zara there’s a style for everyone, all available under one roof at MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre. Not forgetting the boys, Kris cuts a suave figure in a number of stylish looks from

Jack& Jones, River Island AND Next, complimented with stylish eyewear from Byre Eyecare. With over 40 stores to choose from, MacDonagh Junction Shopping Centre have Christmas wrapped up!

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