August 13, 2019
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019
August 13, 2019
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Brexit nightmare fears for farmers CARLOW farmers fear a ‘nightmare situation’ of a ‘NoDeal’ Brexit, with Carlow IFA chairperson George Collier saying that the county’s beef farmers will be left devastated if it comes to pass, with a weak VWHUOLQJ DOUHDG\ D൵HFWLQJ SULFHV His comments came as Minister for Agriculture Food & the Marine Michael Creed, TD, FRQ¿UPHG WKDW WKH %HHI 3ODQ Movement and Meat Industry Ireland (MII) had accepted his compromise proposals aimed at breaking the ongoing impasse between the two parties. As a result, all protests at meat processing plants and legal proceedings brought by MII are to be suspended until the agreed talks have concluded ZLWK ERWK 0,, DQG WKH %HHI 3ODQ Movement and representatives from the farm organisations, the department and its agencies. The Minister is to appoint an independent chairperson who will preside over an agreed agenda. Some 1,100 of the 1,800
Kara Stringer and Carly Ryan at JJ Connolly Memorial & Family Fun Day, hosted by Parkville AFC, Tullow. Image by Rue Photography
farmers in Carlow have a beef enterprise. “A No-Deal Brexit will be disastrous for us as farmers, especially beef farmers. Over half our beef is going to the UK, so we are already under serious pressure. We will see a total devastation of the beef sector if no deal happens. We’d need huge support from Europe if that were to happen, ” said Mr Collier. “There is huge apprehension. The beef sector is already losing PRQH\ 7KHUH LV D ¿HUFH IHDU DQG depression in the beef industry the way things are going. It’s hard to see it being sustainable.” Mr Collier did not believe the necessary contingencies were in place in case of this nightmare scenario. The beef industry was PDNLQJ H൵RUWV WR GHYHORS RWKHU markets for Irish beef, but this could not be done overnight, “The UK is a very good market and it’s going to take time to replace that. It’s a wellpaying market, whereas others aren’t as much,” he said,
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019
Sucking diesel: Ploughing plans to tackle traffic CARLOW Chamber met members of An Garda SĂochĂĄna to last week discuss concerns raised over the National Ploughing Championships on September 17 to 19. 7KH WUDŕľśF SODQ IRU the ploughing was released, showing details of the various routes that will be in operation during the three days to ensure that WUDŕľśF Ă€RZV smoothly, and focused on reducing any impact on local businesses and communities. 7UDŕľśF DUULYLQJ WR WKH ploughing site will be diverted to a number of routes, all of which are designed to ensure that movement is controlled and that the volumes are evenly dispersed. In most cases the H[LWLQJ WUDŕľśF ZLOO IROORZ WKH
very same route out of the site. Some points to note include: *The N80, Carlow to Bunclody road will be closed along the main section from the junction at the M9 Motorway to Ballon, being used for HPHUJHQF\ WUDŕľśF and designated EXV WUDŕľśF RQO\ No private vehicles will be permitted access to this road, with the exception of some designated ORFDO WUDŕľśF $Q\ queries in relation to access on this road should be made directly to Carlow Garda in advance. *Junction 5 of the M9 at Tinryland will be restricted from 4am until 7pm. During WKLV UHVWULFWHG SHULRG QR WUDŕľśF will be able to exit the motorway DW WKLV H[LW 7UDŕľśF FRPLQJ IURP Carlow, will however be able to
join the motorway. $Q\ WUDŕľśF WKDW WUDYHO RXW WKH N80 from Carlow, heading for the ploughing will be diverted to join either the Blue or Purple Routes as appropriate. *The expectation is that the SHDN WUDŕľśF SHULRGV ZLOO FRYHU approx. 3 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening. *Diversionary routes will be LQ RSHUDWLRQ WR HQVXUH WUDŕľśF travelling Carlow to Bunclody and Bunclody to Carlow etc will be directed around WKH SORXJKLQJ LQ DQ HŕľľRUW WR ensure smooth travel. These diversionary routes will be clearly signposted. Garda are in the process of contacting businesses and private residences along the particular routes and also where potential impacts may be expected. Some meetings have taken place and more are planned soon. Queries can be raised directly with An Garda SĂochĂĄna in Carlow.
Four generations of the Pemberton family with Michelle McMahon, Louise and Bella Tallon, Francesca Keena and Marie Pemberton at SignaCare’s Annual Summer BBQ, Killerig. Image by Rue Photography
Town accessibility app for those with mobility issues INFORMATION about accessibility available to the community is to made available via a new app following an initiative with Carlow Co Council and Irish tech company Access Earth. The initiative is supported by Co Carlow Universal Access Movement (CCUAM) and Carlow Public Participation Network (PPN) to make navigating through the town for people with mobility
impairments an easier and more enjoyable experience. Seven people, including members of PPN, spent a day going throughout Carlow town to see how good or bad public buildings and businesses were in terms of wheelchair or mobility accessibility. They looked for steps, stairs, handrails, ramps and elevators DQG WKHQ QRWHG WKHLU ÂżQGLQJV on the Access Earth app. They visited and rated more than
200 buildings in the town. People with mobility issues may tap into the app and see what buildings are easy to navigate and what are out of bounds. “We see Carlow as pioneers in these types of accessible town initiatives and are excited to continue adding more valuable information to the Access Earth database,� explained Matt McCann, Access Earth Founder and CEO.
Economy report ‘is good news’
Elaine Lucas and Cassy Nolan relaxing at JJ Connolly Memorial & Family Fun Day, hosted by Parkville AFC, Tullow. Image by Rue Photography
Hedge-cutting back on the road again... THE Carlow hedge-cutting debate continued at the July meeting of Tullow Municipal District, with Councillor John Murphy saying: “I live on a road with 66,000 visiting Altamount. There would be a lot of accidents if they [the hedges] weren’t getting cut.� “Give the birds a chance,� said Cllr Will Paton as he said he was concerned over unseasonal cutting which is
banned from May to the end of August. Figures show there were 67,423 visitors to Altamount last year. Cllr John Pender said he disagreed with Cllr Paton on hedge-cutting and told the meeting that vegetation was growing across the road with each side nearly meeting in the middle on many roads in Carlow.
THE Ireland South East: Economy at a Glance report has been welcomed by the County Carlow Chamber, with CEO Brian O’Farrell saying: “The details of the report show some very strong growth for the South East region which is very positive and we know that locally as the economy continues to get stronger further investments and jobs are coming to Carlow.â€? The report shows that employment in the South East grew by 22% between 2012 and 2019 with the region also becoming the 6th fastest growing region in the EU in terms of employment and the seventh fastest in terms of productivity. The region has also seen over â‚Ź700m in investments in the past 12 months, locally in Carlow this includes the expansion of MSD which is bringing an additional 170 new jobs to the site. The investments in the region are driven by a range of factors, including the strong talent pools and the supportive ecosystem that H[LVWV DFURVV WKH ÂżYH FRXQWLHV See
carlowpeople August 13, 2019
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019
news in brief Bringing specs to poor in Calcutta
6WD྾ DW 6SHFVDYHUœV 2SWLFLDQV RQ 3RWDWR 0DUNHW VKRZHG R྾ their kitchen skills when the shop hosted a bake sale recently to celebrate its 15th birthday. The celebration also doubled XS DV D IXQGUDLVHU IRU WZR VWD྾ members who are travelling to Calcutta in India in November. Dolores O’Neill and Dolores Farrell are going to there to work with the Hope Foundation, DORQJVLGH RWKHU VWD྾ PHPEHUV from other branches. They’re bringing ophthalmic equipment so that they can test eyes and dispense glasses to people in need of them in the city’s poorer areas.
Tender sought for community hub
A community hub for the Tullow Road got one step closer with a tender being sought for a designer. Carlow County Council is seeking to appoint a multi-disciplinary team to include architectural and quantity surveying services to provide a detailed concept for the development of a multipurpose community hub.
Cars vandalised
Gardai are investigating a number of instances where car windows were smashed in Graiguecullen and Carlow town in recent weeks
Donald and Sylvia Sullivan with Valerie Chaplin relaxing at SignaCare’s Annual Summer BBQ, Killerig. Image by Rue Photography
Our Roisin wins Mary of Dungloe ROISIN Maher, a 27-yearold construction worker from Carlow town has been crowned queen of this year’s Mary of Dungloe competition. RĂłisĂn impressed the judges at the competition in Donegal and won the coveted title that saw 13 other hopefuls in the running. RĂłisĂn was representing New York, to where she moved four years ago. Although she has a degree in event management from DIT
in Dublin, her move to the US saw her change career. She is now a graduate in construction management and works as a project manager for a New York based company. Roisin is a keen fundraiser and has twice run the New York marathon for charity. RĂłisĂn, who has six siblings, has become an integral part the Irish community in NYC. Two years ago, she was awarded the Irish Echo Community Champions Award.
The Mary of Dungloe competition was screened on TG4 with Daniel O’Donnell as host. The star said was “delighted with RĂłisĂn’s party pieceâ€? on stage, which was a demonstration of brick-laying. A large contingent of supporters from Carlow, including her parents and several of her siblings, were in the audience. RĂłisĂn told the audience that she was “over the moonâ€? when she heard her name being called out as winner of this year’s Mary of Dungloe title.
Cllr says 600 jobs on hold at plant A COUNCILLOR has claimed that the local authority are “holding up 600 jobs for at least another year� at the old meat factory site in Bagenalstown. Cllr Arthur McDonald has asked about the future of the site after the company looking to develop the lands was asked for an impact study at the last minute, before submitting an application for planning permission. Speaking at Bagenalstown Municipal District, Cllr McDonald claimed that the council are “holding up 600 jobs for at least another year�. “Developers are out there talking about 500 to a 1,000 jobs for Bagenalstown,� Cllr Arthur McDonald claimed. “Shouldn’t we be working with them [the developers]?� Director of Services, Dan McInerney, said it was “not appropriate� to talk about individual sites at a Municipal District meeting. He said that he was “aware of pre-planning discussions and that’s the forum for that�.
Chamber to assist firms to go Dutch COUNTY Carlow Chamber and Carlow County Council have announced details of the ‘Chamber Trade Connections Export to The Netherlands’ programme to assist companies in developing new opportunities in The Netherlands as part of a supported trade mission from November 19th to 21st. The purpose of the programme is to provide Carlow companies with the skills and WKH FRQÂżGHQFH WR LGHQWLI\ WDUget and exploit new business opportunities in the Dutch market and to then put them in front of potential customers in The Netherlands. Each company will be provided with pre-trip support, a dedicated export mentor, facilitated meeting and on the ground support for the jourQH\ ဎ&RPSDQLHV KDYH XQWLO September 6th to complete the expression of interest stage from which eight companies will be selected to participate in this highly subsidised programme. Kathleen Holohan, Chief Executive with Carlow County Council said: “We are delighted to be working with Carlow Chamber to provide this support to County Carlow SMEs to develop their export base. “Because of the ongoing uncertainties relating to Brexit
and the potential implications for Irish exporters, it is essential that Irish SMEs and micro enterprises explore new opportunities,â€? Ms Holohan said. Brian O’Farrell, Chief Executive with Carlow Chamber, said: “The Netherlands has consistently been one of the popular export markets for Irish SMEs over the last 10 years and with dozens of Ă€LJKWV IURP 'XEOLQ &RUN DQG Belfast every week, Irish exporters can service the needs of Dutch customers quickly, easily DQG FRVW HŕľľHFWLYHO\ “From our work under the Chamber Trade Connections Programme we believe the Netherlands suits early stage exporters from County Carlow who will see the Dutch market as an excellent place to start to explore business opportunities in mainland Europe,â€? he said. Kieran Comerford, Head of Enterprise with the Local (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFH LQ &DUORZ County Council, said: “We would encourage Carlow companies to participate in this programme. In our experience, exploring European markets not just builds your business network but also exposes you to new opportunities and innovative ways of working.â€? Log onto Carlow Local (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFH
Museum chair will move on heritage COUNCILLOR Fergal Browne has been elected chairman of the County Carlow Museum board until the AGM in December. The Fine Gael councillor is hoping to use his role to VHFXUH D KHULWDJH RŕľśFHU IRU &R Carlow. “I look forward to working with my fellow councillors to argue for the position of heritage RŕľśFHU LQ WKH IRUWKFRPLQJ budget talks and, if successful, this position would be funded by both Carlow County Council
and the Heritage Council,â€? he said. “Carlow is a county very rich in heritage and by having a KHULWDJH RŕľśFHU ZH FRXOG DSSO\ for more funding. If successful, WKH SRVLWLRQ ZRXOG HŕľľHFWLYHO\ pay for itself in the long term,â€? he added. “Carlow County Council is only one of 12 local authorities in the country with a county museum and I look forward to playing my part as chairperson in promoting this wonderful facility.â€?
carlowpeople August 13, 2019
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019
Housing plan sees sewage concerns
SEWAGE issues are causing concern for the future of Grange, according to Councillor John Pender. Speaking at a meeting of the Tullow Municipal District, he said Irish Water had given the g0-ahead to a planning application for houses in Tullow ahead of the anticipated upgrade of the wastewater treatment plant. Cllr Pender said: “There are serious issues with the sewage in Grange. The solution is to hook it up to the system in Tullow.� The upgrade in Tullow is to cater for a population of 9,200 people. Director of Services Michael Brennan said the water utility are “looking to the future�. Upgrade works are scheduled to begin in 2020 but this is subject to planning, land purchase and funding.
MSD’s to hire 270 more in big huge expansion Harry, Millie and Jackie Rothwell, Hazel Moulton, Pearl Hemmingway and Ida Rothwell enjoying family time at SignaCare’s Annual Summer BBQ, Killerig. Image by Rue Photography
Pitch your business idea to win a top package... ARE you an entrepreneur or business owner living in Carlow who deserves a boost to take your business to the next level? Would an investment in technology and advice from top business leaders help \RX WR JURZ \RXU Ă€HGJOLQJ business? If you can answer ‘Yes’, then Samsung Ireland and Image Media are calling on you to enter The Pitch 2019.
Returning for its second year, The Pitch is a nationwide competition which sees one nascent, innovative Irish business walk away with a huge suite of gamechanging technology products from Samsung Ireland. The winner will also receive a multi-platform media package from Image Media, and a social media marketing masterclass from award-winning agency Teneo
Ireland. In total, the prize is worth more than ₏100,000. Last year The Pitch was 100% female focused, but this year’s competition is open to all entrepreneurs over the age of 18. Entrants should be selfmotivated, success-hungry business entrepreneurs who have a proven track record in the development and commercialisation of an innovative business idea within the last two years.
A NEW 13,000-sq-m facility, ¿UVW DQQRXQFHG ODVW 2FWREHU will be constructed on a site adjacent to MSD’s existing Carlow plant and will focus on the production of vaccines and biologics. It is scheduled to commence manufacturing operations in 2022 and will employ an additional VWD྾ DQG FRQWUDFWRU VWD྾ ZKHQ operational. The build phase will also see about 700 tradespeople employed on site. MSD already employs more than 400 people in Co Carlow and is involved in the manufacturing of multiple vaccines and biologics in the MSD product portfolio. The existing site opened in 2008 and was MSD’s ¿UVW YDFFLQHV IDFLOLW\ RXWVLGH RI the US. The planning application details the construction of a new production building consisting of two production suites – a V\ULQJH ¿OOLQJ DQG LQVSHFWLRQ
VXLWH DQG D YLDO ÂżOOLQJ VXLWH Âą supporting clean utilities as well as an expansion of warehouse at the site. Sanat Chattopadhyay, the President of MSD Global Manufacturing Division, said: “Due to increased global demand for MSD’s medicines and vaccines, our company is investLQJ VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ LQ expanding our manufacturing and supply capabilities. “The decision to further invest in Carlow is a real testament to the talent of the current Carlow team and MSD Ireland’s wider employee base.â€? The president said this new investment reinforces MSD’s commitment to Ireland, further strengthening our 50-year strong legacy here. “Ireland has been a gracious and supportive host for MSD for many years, and we anticipate doing business here for many years in the future,â€? he said.
â‚Ź2.5m needed to help youth apprenticeships WITH 274 young people on apprenticeship programmes in Co. Carlow, the National Youth Council of Ireland (NYCI) has called for increased investment in Budget 2020 to support more young people into an apprenticeship and a range of other employment and training measures to reduce long-term youth unemployment. The call was made by NYCI deputy director James Doorley speaking in at the publication last week of the organisation’s pre-budget submission, ‘A Fair Share for Young People and Youth Work’. The NYCI, which represents some 380,000 young people nationwide, is calling for an overall investment of â‚Ź14.9m in education, training and apprenticeships to halve longterm youth unemployment by
the end of 2020. Mr Doorley said: “Census 2016 indicates that our population aged 10 to 24 years will increase to more than one million by 2025, so we need to invest in policies, services and supports to meet the needs of young people today, while preparing for demographic pressures in the coming years. “We welcome job growth in the Irish economy and the consistent trend of reduced youth unemployment. However we are concerned that the youth unemployment rate is still over 10% and that almost 6,000 young people are long-term unemployed (for 12 months or more). We have costed a number of education, training and employment measures which, if implemented, could halve the number long term
unemployed by the end of 2020,â€? said Mr Doorley. Among the measures proposed is an investment of â‚Ź2.5m in an ‘Access to Apprenticeship’ programme. “We welcome the expansion and growth in apprenticeships in the last number of years. The number of apprentices in training in 2019 was 16,000, up from 10,445 in 2016 and driven by a 110% increase in the number of new entrants between 2013 and 2018,â€? said Mr Doorley. “More needs to be done to open up apprenticeships to young women, young people with disabilities, ethnic minorities and young people who are economically and socially disadvantaged and those who have limited formal TXDOLÂżFDWLRQV ´
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019
An action-packed line up Advertorial ‘FOLLOW me up to Carlow’ on August 18 for the county’s one and only Tullow Agricultural Show. We’re delighted to announce that our 71st annual show will KDYH PRUH WR RŕľľHU WKDQ HYHU before. The show has been running since 1946 and like other agricultural shows it has grown and adapted to cater for both the rural and urban visitor alike. During the years the show moved with the times and many new attractions have been added such as this year’s addition of Irish Whip Wrestling, though agriculture remains the backbone of the show. The promotion of quality food, crafts and entertainment feature strongly and the variety of numerous Trade Stands provide a colourful display for prospective customers. As farmers are the primary producers of food, then naturally the Food Pavilion is a must see, full of quality culinary businesses’ that want to promote
and sell their delicious produce. And not to mention cookery demonstrations with celebrity chef Edward Hayden will take place on the day. Tullow Show is a celebration of community spirit and we want to help promote local business and in turn help build
a stronger local economy. In WXUQ ZH RŕľľHU D IUHH VWDQG WR DQ\ new business that has set up in Carlow in the last 12 months. Known for a fantastic family day out, visitors can enjoy attractions such as the dog show, carriage driving and the all-Ireland tug-o-war.
Why not come watch the all,UHODQG KXUOLQJ ¿QDO HQMR\ some live music from the very WDOHQWHG :LOG¿UHRU MLYH WKH GD\ away with Dancing with Declan. As always, we have classes to suit all ages from cattle to sheep, horses and ponies, art, SKRWRJUDSK\ ÀRZHUV IDUP
produce, home and dairy, crafts and many more. So whether you want a fun ÂżOOHG IDPLO\ GD\ RXW RU ZDQW to showcase your products, company, crafts or livestock, join us for what promises to be another unique Tullow Show. Make sure to follow us
on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for all updates! Dogs, pets, horses and pony entries are taken on Show day. There will be cookery demonstrations cocktail making demos and lots of lovely food and beverages to be sampled and available to buy on the day. The horse section proves very popular every year with pony club games taking place at Ring Three from 2pm as well as miniature horse novelty jumping, All Ireland Broodmare DQG )RDO &RPSHWLWLRQ TXDOL¿HU The A.Browne Filly Foal All ,UHODQG &KDPSLRQVKLS TXDOL¿HU and much more. The coveted Edward O’Byrne Memorial Cup will be awarded to the Best Animal in the Cattle section with a Co.Carlow address. All of your favourites will return this year including the pets corner, poultry section, dog show, craft tent and much more. All new businesses in county Carlow who have set up in the last 12 months can avail of a free trade stand at the fair. For the full schedule of events see
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THETULLOWSHOWAUGUST18 THE First Show was held on September 19, 1946, in the Gaelic Park. Tullow. The Show had lapsed in 1913, and was revived by the Young Farmers Club. More than 1200 exhibits, including Livestock, Bloodstock, and Home Exhibits, were presented and judged for the First Show. The day ended with a dance which had an attendance of 500 in the Captain Murphy Memorial Hall. Admission to Dance and supper was ten shillings, and dancing went on until daylight. The show moved from the Gaelic Park to Youngs of Coppenagh in 1955. This new venue allowed more space for the show to expand and we have celebrated our diamond anniversary and continue to move from strength to strength. During the years the Show moved with the times.
Some local children at the launch of this year’s Tullow Show which takeas place on August 18
Many new attractions have been added, though Agriculture still remains high on the agenda. The promotion of quality food, and crafts feature strongly in recent times, and Trade Stands provide a colourful display for prospective customers. The entries have increased to over 3000, and the attendance in the region of 10,000.
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019
A sinking feeling in Titanic town
S a boy growing up in Belfast I would sometimes witness the amazing sight of a shift change at the shipyard. The factory horns would blow and thousands of men would stream from the many gates of WKH +DUODQG DQG :RO྾ FRPSOH[ Half of them would turn left and head to their homes in the narrow streets and terraced houses of east Belfast. The rest would stream over the Queen’s Bridge to other parts of the city. 7KLV KXPDQ WLGH ZRXOG ¿OO WKH entire length and breadth of the bridge and many nearby streets as well. No vehicle could drive against it and only a very foolhardy pedestrian would have attempted to head in the opposite direction. If that was your intention you would just have to wait, for the men of the Yard did not yield to anyone. How many men work in the shipyard, went the old Belfast joke. Reply: about half of them. The true answer at that time
Michael Wolsey
WKH ODWH V DQG HDUO\ 6L[WLHV ZDV WKDW +DUODQG DQG :RO྾ KDG some some 15,000 employees on its books. Although no-one seemed to realise it, the Yard’s best days were already behind it. Fifty years earlier, when it built the Titanic and other huge liners, twice that number had been employed at what was one of the biggest shipyards in the world. The Yard now has 125 workers on its books. As I
Darcy and Jayden Cosgrove loving their face paintings at JJ Connolly Memorial & Family Fun Day , hosted by Parkville AFC, Tullow. Image by Rue Photography write, they are occupying what LV OHIW RI WKH PDVVLYH FRPSOH[ in the faint hope of saving it from total closure. Very few Catholics were among the many thousands
who worked at the Yard down the years. That was not quite as simple or as blatantly sectarian an issue as it seems. Jobs were passed from father to son and, in Belfast’s horrible
UHOLJLRXV GLYLGH GLŕľľHUHQW WUDGHV ZHUH GRPLQDWHG E\ GLŕľľHUHQW persuasions. The docks, for instance, were DQ DOPRVW H[FOXVLYHO\ &DWKROLF domain. Work there was casual, but privileged members of the Irish Transport and General Workers Union could acquire a ‘blue button’ which pretty much guaranteed regular employment. Fathers would pass this on to their sons. The playwright, Martin Lynch, UHFDOOV KRZ KH KDG H[SHFWHG WR follow his father and two older brothers into dock work and ZDV VKRFNHG WR ÂżQG WKDW KLV GD had only served enough time to pass on the button to two of his boys. Despite this setback, Martin was never out of work. “There was enough casual to keep me going,â€? he says. But casual labour at the docks was not as good as permanent employment ZLWK +DUODQG DQG :ROŕľľ Belfast’s best jobs were in the Yard and the many engineering ÂżUPV WKDW VXSSOLHG LW 1HDUO\ all of these jobs went to Protestants. What they saw as their good fortune - and some
as their entitlement - turned out to be a curse. Protestant working class lads were sure of employment and so, when free third-level education opened the door to university, they did not take the opportunity. Working class Catholics, by contrast, seized the chance WR DFTXLUH TXDOL¿FDWLRQV WKDW would allow them to bypass the road-blocks placed in their path by Belfast’s sectarian industrialists. The Protestant workers backed the wrong horse. Even by the time of my childhood, heavy industry was in decline. Now it is all but gone. Their well-paid jobs became poorly paid jobs and for many, like the men of the Yard, no jobs at all. I won’t shed tears for Harland DQG :RO྾ EXW , DP D OLWWOH VRUU\ to see it go. It is part of the history of my home city and, more than that, part of its fabric DQG ¿EUH It helped shape the city’s character and its decidedly dark humour. How many men work in the shipyard? None of them.
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carlowpeople August 13 2019
Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email:
have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class.Any enquiries to
Expert in stove chimney cleaning. Also cookers and open fires. Full power sweeping system. Spotless work every time. Call Pat
LIVERPOOL TRAVEL CLUB All Liverpool homes games are sold out before Christmas Keep an eye on this paper for PHHWLQJ VRRQ ‡ &RQWDFW .HYLQ
Full details- call Kevin 086 1565133
Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338 FOR SALE Ladybird Rocking Chair for a child €50 , # # , !% $ , # !&$ !*$ , # !&$ # $ Contact any evening except Thursday
Tel: 059 9130792
059 914 1877
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019
PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council Planning permission sought for the construction of an industrial unit, connection to existing site services and all associated and ancillary development works at Tullow Industrial Estate, Tullow, Co. Carlow.The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Woodlawn Developments c/o Michael Fitzpatrick Architects MRIAI, Main Street, Butlersbridge, Co. Cavan. Tel: 049 4365800. Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought for the construction of 6no. two storey three bed-
room semi detached dwellings and all associated works at Feltham Hall, Blackbog Road, Carlow town. Signed Glenora Partnership Ltd The planning application may be inspected and/or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow Town, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Carlow County Council We The Fighting Cocks GFC intend applying to the above authority for Permission to Construct a New all Weather Pitch/Astro Turf together with Associated Floodlighting in the South Western Corner of our existing sportsgrounds and all associated works to our existing site located at Kilcoole– Rathoe – Co Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation
in relation to the application may be in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: C Shanahan (Chairman) Carlow County Council We, Bridget Morrissey & Eddie Murphy wish to apply to Carlow County Council for full planning permission for a development at Moanalow, Grangeford, Co. Carlow. The proposal consists of the following; 1. Construction of a detached single storey dwelling and a detached single storey domestic garage. 2. Installation of a wastewater treatment system and a percolation area, to appropriate standards. 3. Construction of a site entrance consisting of walls, piers, entrance gates and hedging. 4. Construction of a driveway, parking areas, footpaths, patio and hard landscaping areas. 5. Landscaping of the site
consisting of grass areas, planting beds, trees, hedging and shrubbery and all associated site works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Bridget Morrissey & Eddie Murphy Carlow County Council I Michelle Bolger intend to apply for full planning permission for the construction of a bungalow style dwelling, domestic garage, connection to public foul sewer, connection to public watermain and all associated site development works at Kilcarrig, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased
at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5
weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission.
18 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory
A Bevy of Ladies
carlowpeople August 13, 2019
ninenottomiss BOOK of the week
TV SHOW of the week
FILM of the week
Painted Lady in Kilcoole Co. Wicklow over the August Bank Holiday (Photo Justin Ivory) IT seems just over a month ago this column was ahead of the game with its piece on the Painted Lady butterfly (Vanessa cardui) was ahead of the game. In the last 2 weeks print and social media here and in the UK has been alive with pieces about the current influx of these migratory butterflies to Ireland. So much so, I hope you will forgive me on doing a follow-up column on the same species again so soon. Since my last column Painted Ladies have been flooding into the country in increasing numbers. This phenomenon in itself is not unusual, but what bis unusual is that this is the third year in a row that there has been a major influx of this species into Ireland and the UK. Based on records going back to the 19th century, major influxes of Painted Ladies tend to take place approximately every 10 years. It now appears this cycle has been disrupted with the 3 years in-a-row occurrence. This years pattern is also unusual in that there has been a several waves of arrivals since the beginning of the year. Typically in an influx year there would be one major wave of arrivals over 2-4 week period typically around late May/early June. This year there was a wave of arrivals in January and February. In fact my own first butterfly of the year this year was a Painted Lady. There was another wave in June/early July and now a third wave in late July/early August. The reasons for the changing migration patterns are still not clear but it is believed that climate change is responsible. Drier and hotter conditions further south are affecting vegetation and food sources for the butterflies, pushing them further north in search of food. The National Biodiversity Data Centre ( would really like you to report all your Painted Lady sightings so that a better picture can be formed of movements and trends.
A worn and battered Painted Lady at Kilmacurragh Gardens Co. Wicklow (Photo Justin Ivory)
by Greta Thunberg
KEEPERS OF THE FLAME RTE 1, Monday, August 19, 9:35pm
PLAYMOBIL THE MOVIE Released August 9, 2019
The history-making, ground-breaking speeches of Greta Thunberg, the young activist who has become the voice of a generation ‘Everything needs to change. And it has to start today’. This book brings you Greta in her own words, for the first time. Collecting her speeches that have made history across Europe, from the UN to mass street protests, No One Is Too Small to Make A Difference is a rallying cry for why we must all wake up and fight to protect the living planet, no matter how powerless we feel. Our future depends upon it.
Documentary about how individuals and families remember, commemorate and forget painful and difficult events, bringing to light the diverse experiences of some of the 85,000 Irish men and women who served during the violent revolutionary period from Easter 1916 to the end of the Civil War in 1921. Emmy Award winner Nuala O’Connor’s feature directorial debut tells the universal story of generations dealing with the consequences of war and civil war of what is remembered and what is forgotten.
Playmobil The Movie is a 2019 Englishlanguage French live-action/computer animated musical adventure comedy film based on the German building toy Playmobil. When her younger brother Charlie disappears into the colourful and animated world of Playmobil, Marla is forced to abandon her organised and structured life to rescue him. Finding herself on an incredible and unpredictable adventure within this new world, Marla begins to see potential she never dreamed of.
CINEMA of the week
SHOW of the week
EVENT of the week
ARIESEducational opportunities present themselves. Good news comes from afar. Stick to practical options that draw your heart’s interest. TAURUS.HHS JHQHUDWLQJ SUR¿WV IRU a shared venture. Review reserves, and make changes as needed. Work together to put away provisions for the future. GEMINICollaboration can spark romance. Discover a ZLQGIDOO SUR¿W RU OXFN\ ZLQ Celebrate together over something delicious. CANCERRegular exercise energizes you. Plot your course, and schedule carefully. Nurture your health with nutrition, meditation and rest. LEOEnjoy games, sports and hobbies. Don’t chase a mirage. Wait for GHYHORSPHQWV )ULHQGV R൵HU a valuable connection.
A PRIVATE WAR Visual, Old Dublin Road, Carlow Tuesday, 20th August, 8pm
THE BIGGEST TOP OF THEM ALL Monday 19th - Sunday 25th August, 2019 Waterside Car Park, Waterford
END OF SUMMER PARTY Duckett’s Grove Walled Gardens T : 59 9131554 Sunday, August 25, 2pm - 6pm
Sharp-minded Marie Colvin (Rosamund Pike) had a fearless approach to capturing human stories in war zones. Widely recognised by the eye patch she insouciantly sported, the result of a grenade attack during an interview with Tamil Tiger rebels, Marie was a striking figure in London culture circles in the 2000s – as much at home with a Martini as she was confronting Muammar Gaddafi shortly before his death. In every scene, Pike fiercely inhabits Colvin – occasionally arrogant, but deeply compassionate and committed.
The Big Top is coming and promises to be something that has never been seen before. Seven nights of top class entertainment with music, magic and mentalism. August 19 features the great Finbar Furey. Other nights will feature Keith Barry, the Happy Mondays, King Kong Company and the Backroad Smokers. Sunday August 25, will see an amazing climax with a 90’s Old Skool revival featuring The Vengaboys, Snap, Robin S, Katrina and the Waves, Ultrabeat, Abbaesque and Spring Break. Full bar and food.
Join us in the wonderfully atmospheric Duckett’s Grove Pleasure Grounds for what promises to be one of the highlights of the summer season here. Featuring a Guided Fairy Trail in the Enchanted Woods, Train Rides on the Duckett’s Grove Express, Bouncy Castles, Face Painting, Pet Farm, Garden Games plus a variety of Street Entertainment, Music Food Stalls and Market Stalls to suit all tastes and much, much more! A great day out for all the family and what better way to say goodbye to summer of 2019.
DANCE of the week
GIG of the week
DISPLAY of the week
VIRGOImprove your home’s beauty and functionality. Domestic projects make a temporary PHVV ZKLOH R൵HULQJ ORQJ term solutions. LIBRACreative projects produce satisfying results. Express and share. Tell a story. Add illustrations. Provide valuable information and resources. SCORPIO%HJLQ D SUR¿WDEOH WZR GD\ phase. A conversation leads to valuable opportunities. You can do more than you thought. SAGITTARIUS-
You’re growing stronger. Keep your feet on the ground. Invest in creative work that you love. Patiently build the infrastructure to realize a personal dream.
CARLOW VINTAGE & CLASSIC CAR DISPLAY August 17 - August 18 Cental Factory, (formerly L’apple) O’Brien Road,
BLOODLINES Visual, Old Dublin Road, Carlow Sunday 25th August 3pm
MACK FLEETWOOD Upstairs At Scraggs, 12 Tullow Street, Carlow Saturday, August 17, Doors 9pm
A great opportunity for all the family to enjoy a marvellous display of vintage and classic cars and tractors from pre-war to the 1980s. As in previous years, there will be an annual parade of cars through Carlow town on the evening of Saturday, August 17th. On Sunday 18th there will be cars from many of the bygone eras, including some pre-war vehicles, as well as motorbikes, scooters and agricultural machinery.
Bloodlines is a performance/installation that centres around a Tibetan Buddhist tradition involving the creation and destruction of mandalas made of coloured sand. It is the creation of a beautiful dance work using memory and personal history. For this particular event Choreographer John Scott will work with a group of Carlow’s Rohingya Community to develop new dance material that will be incorporated into the performance on the day of the event.
After their sell-out shows across Ireland and Europe, Fleetwood Mack Tribute - Mack Fleetwood are coming to Upstairs at Scraggs on Saturday August 17th. They bring you on a magical musical journey from the Peter Green blues era to the multi-platinum selling Anglo/ American band that still tours today. Mack Fleetwood deliver a spellbinding show. Their love of the material and musical prowess shines through in each song.
CAPRICORNPeaceful privacy suits your mood. Rest and recharge. Discover wisdom, forgiveness and compassion in surprising places. AQUARIUSNew team opportunities arrive. Jump in, and throw your weight into it. Tap additional resources. PISCESPrepare for a professional challenge. Go for a big prize. Polish presentations, and pay attention to detail. Start with optimism, and follow up with determination.
carlowpeople August 13, 2019
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carlowpeople August 13, 2019