April 16 - 30, 2019
12,000 COPIES
t: 059 914 1877
carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
April 16 - 30, 2019
12,000 COPIES
GP crisis as number falls in counties CARLOW and Kilkenny have one of the lowest levels in the country of GPs per head of population, according to new research by the Irish Medical Council which looks at the number of doctors who have left the register here in Ireland. The council found that many had gone to practice in the UK, Australia and other jurisdictions. GP numbers were also examined in the report. Kilkenny has one of the lowest ratios with only 0.61 registered GP’s in the county for every 1.000 people – the recommendation is one for 1,000 people Carlow also fails this standard at 0.68 according to the study. In the meantime, Carlow’s Fine Gael TD Pat Deering, has said the Government’s new agreement with the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO) on a major package of GP contractual UHIRUPV ZLOO EHQH¿W &DUORZ patients and make general practice a more attractive career option for doctors. ဎ'HSXW\ 'HHULQJ VDLG ³7KLV agreement is good news for the
people of Carlow and the GPs working here. This agreement will encourage more doctors to go into General Practice and will provide new funding to develop the services they provide. ³,Q UHWXUQ *3V ZLOO DJUHH WR work on much-needed reforms LQFOXGLQJ PRUH FRVW H྾HFWLYH prescribing of medicines, waiting list validation and use of new information and communications technology systems.� Deputy Deering said the agreement would lead to the structured care on a large scale of patients with chronic conditions in a primary care setting. ³7KLV DJUHHPHQW ZLOO VHH GPs engaging strongly with the eHealth agenda which will ensure that patient are placed at the centre of the healthcare delivery system and become empowered participants in the provision and pursuit of their health and wellbeing,� he said. The free GP care scheme for children, which currently applies WR FKLOGUHQ DJHG ¿YH DQG XQGHU is to be extended to all children aged six to12.
Fiona Nolan and Noreen Cullen at Woodford Dolmen Hotel’s Country Music & Dancing Weekend. Image by Rue Photography
t: 059 914 1877
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
Our students to take on the entrepreneurs THERE was a huge turnout at IT Carlow recently when WKH /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFH announced the winning teenage entrepreneurs from Carlow town and Bagenalstown who will represent the county at WKH QDWLRQDO ÂżQDOV RI 6WXGHQW Enterprise Programme. Three teenage entrepreneurs IURP WZR VFKRROV ZLOO Ă€\ WKH Ă€DJ IRU &DUORZ DW WKH ÂżQDOV LQ Croke Park on Friday, May 3rd. $W WKH &DUORZ ÂżQDO DQ estimated 450 teenagers from 10 schools throughout the county took part in the annual programme. ,Q WKH MXQLRU FDWHJRU\ 6DP Ă“ Broin from GaelcholĂĄiste Cheatharlach came out on top with his key-holding product ‘Irish keys’. The entrepreneurial duo of 1LDPK %DPEULFN DQG 6DUDK Baldwin from Presentation
GH OD 6DOOH %DJHQDOVWRZQ DOVR TXDOLÂżHG ZLWK WKHLU HQWU\ Âľ6XSSRUWLQJ KHUÂś 7KH JLUOVÂś project saw them partner with the 20Ă—20 brand, which aims to increase media coverage of women’s sports by 20% before 2020. The inspirational fashion product sees the 20Ă—20 brand incorporated into sportswear for men and women. Congratulating the students, Pauline Hoctor, senior HQWHUSULVH GHYHORSPHQW RŕľśFHU RI WKH /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFH LQ Carlow County Council, said: “We have a very successful student enterprise programme here in Carlow, with over 450 students from ten local schools taking part this year. Our QDWLRQDO ÂżQDOLVWV DUH H[FHOOHQW ambassadors for the programme and we wish them the very best of luck in Croke Park in May. “What our students are
learning from the programme is that with the right supports and encouragement, they can take an idea from the classroom and develop it into a real-life business. The skills they learn along the way, such as business planning, market research, selling and teamwork, will help them become more entrepreneurial throughout their future careers.� Kathleen Holohan, chief H[HFXWLYH RI &DUORZ &RXQW\ Council, said the students had worked hard with the support of their teachers, schools and wider community to create entrepreneurial journeys and looked forward to them UHSUHVHQWLQJ ³&R &DUORZ DV ¿QH H[DPSOHV RI LQGLYLGXDOV ZKR have ambition, innovation and success built into their DNA�. More information on t from
546,630: hospital waiting list is up
A solo performance from SiobhĂĄn Hoy with her own “Steel on Steelâ€? at Carlow Little Theatre Society’s Spring One Acts, Seven Oaks Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Council to consider fines for dirty dogs CARLOW county council’s investigating the possibility of prosecuting people for not carrying bags to clean up after their dogs. The council’s senior engineer, Mr Brian O’Donovan, said there was nowhere else in the country actually doing this but the propkosition is currently being examined by Carlow.
He explained that campaigns don’t seem to impact on the behaviour of DOO GRJ ZDONHUV VR D GL྾HUHQW approach is now needed. It would see bye-laws introduced that would allow the council to issue on-theVSRW ¿QHV ZKHUH GRJ RZQHUV are not being responsible. Dog pwners and pooche lovers beware...
THE number of public patients waiting to see a specialist has climbed to another new high with 546,630 on outpatient lists, a rise of over 4,700 in a month. There are 70,219 patients on waiting lists for surgery, a slight fall from 71,205 in February. Another 22,192 are waiting for a gastrointestinal scope compared to 21,423 in February. 7KH ODWHVW ÂżJXUHV IURP WKH National Treatment Purchase Fund (NTPF) come as hospitals remain under severe pressure from overcrowding. This follows newqs thta uip to 25,000 public patients who have been on a waiting list for surgery for more than VL[ PRQWKV ZLOO EH RŕľľHUHG WKH option to have treatment paid for privately this year under a new plan to reduce the hospital queues. The NTPF, which has â‚Ź69m in top-up cash to spend on buying private slots for public waiting list patients, will donate â‚Ź58m towards making inroads to surgery delays.
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
Asca Juveniles Under 13s continued their league campaign with a win over Mount Leinster Rangers. Tony Brown, Ben Deacon, Matthew Ellis, Tristan Owens, Stephen Bayley and Zach Owens. Front row - Padraig Cantwell, Cian Buckley, Lee Prendergast, Ben Smith, Aaron Myles and Sam Griffith. Image by Rue Photography
â‚Ź10.5m. for LEADER initiatives locally MORE than â‚Ź10.5 million has been approved for LEADER initiatives locally This latest allocation is part of a â‚Ź64 million national package announced by Minister Michael 5LQJ WR EHQHÂżW PRUH WKDQ projects around the country. In Carlow 27 projects have EHHQ DSSURYHG ZLWK DURXQG Âź million euro allocated for them. A total of 62 projects in
.LONHQQ\ ZLOO EHQHÂżW WR WKH WXQH RI Âź PLOOLRQ ZKLOH DQRWKHU applications are being processed worth around half a million between them. One of the local initiatives will VHH DQG D KDOI WKRXVDQG HXUR set aside to help rural Kilkenny communities with little or no access to broadband. Since its launch in 1991, LEADER has provided rural
communities across the European Union with the resources to enable local partners to actively engage and direct the local development of their area, through communityled local development. In Ireland, under the LEADER Programme for 2014-2020, a budget of â‚Ź250 million in grant aid is being provided to support rural communities and local businesses.
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
POs join Garda road show lays down law homless address scheme 7:2 ORFDO SRVW RŕľśFHV DUH among those that have been included in An Post’s new service for homeless people. The Address Point Scheme gives those who are in homeless shelters or emergency accommodation a personal postal address and letter collection service. 7KHUH DUH SRVW RŕľśFHV nationwide where it’s available LQFOXGLQJ SRVW RŕľśFHV LQ %XUU in Street in Carlow and High Street in Kilkenny. A spokesperson for An Post, Anna McHugh, said the service was a very easy one to sign up to that would allow people generate an address for any kind of correspondence whther for business or social engagement “An Post knows onkly roo ZHOO KRZ GLŕľśFXOW LW FDQ EH for individuals and families to arrange medical appointments, correspond with their children’s schools and making job applications if they don’t have permanent accommodation or a regular address,â€? she said.
Law and order: from left, Aisling Reade (Carlow Regional Youth Services); Gda Essmay Mannix (Carlow GardaĂ); Gda Ian Roche (Divisional Drugs Unit); Gda Martin Ging (Carlow Road Policing Unit); Insp. Audrey Dormer (District Inspector); Dan McInerney (Director of Transportation, Carlow County Council); John McDarby (Road Safety Officer, Carlow County Council); Sgt Conor Egan (Community Policing Carlow); JJ Grace (Carlow Regional Youth Services) THE Garda Schools Transition Year Road Show was held recently in the George Bernard Shaw Theatre in conjunction with Carlow County Council. Four Garda speakers delivered two 90 minute hard-hitting presentations to almost 600 students on the theme of ‘Safer Socialising’, incorporating an age appropriate Road Safety presentation.
Sgt Conor Egan, Community Policing; Garda Essmay Mannix, Carlow; Garda Ian Roche, Divisional Drugs Unit; and Garda Martin Ging, Road Policing Unit were the speakers who set out to increase student’s knowledge of the impact of alcohol, drugs and inappropriate road behaviour. They encouraged students to plan their nights out. They used video inserts from
Det. Sgt. Seån O’Meara and Dr David Waldron, St Lukes Hospital, Kilkenny and John Leahy, Drugs Education 2ྜFHU +6( WR H[SODLQ WKH consequences of abuse of alcohol and behavioural change. They explained the consequences on travel and employment opportunities of criminal background checks, showing convictions connected with drink and drugs.
Campaign for more special needs classes A CAMOAIGN focusing on the lack of special classes for children with autism, or ASD units as they’re commonly known, in Carlow town has been launched. Currently only one school in the town is providing these classes. Children from the town have to leave their local area and travel in order to get an education. Campaigner Stephanie Hogan from Open Your Doors – ASD Inclusion, and who is the mother of child with autism said: “It is not good enough that in 2019 parents are struggling everyday to get their children educated within an appropriate setting that meets their needs. Also children are leaving their local communities to get access to classes. Children with autism should have the same rights as any other child when seeking a school place within their own community.� Mainstream classes aren’t always the best setting for a child with Autism. Depending on the needs of the child, a special needs school may be more
suitable to provide the level of support required. Alternatively, some students may be able to attend an Autism Class within a mainstream school which will allow them to integrate into a mainstream school community, participate as far as possible in the curriculum, but with additional supports and resources LQ WKH DUHDV WKH\ ÂżQG GLŕľśFXOW WR cope with. A public meeting will take place on Monday, May 13th, at 7.30pm in the Cathedral Parish Centre. Ms Hogan is encouraging parents to attend this meeting as its vital to get your voices heard. Ms Hogan will be joined by Linda Comerford from the campaign group Enough is Enough: Every Voice Counts which has been very vocal on the lack of support and services for children with special needs. A special class for autism has a 6:1 pupil teacher ratio. The class will operate under the authority of the Board of Management. Two special needs assistants (SNAs) will be allocated to each class.
Think before you pour, says Irish Water WITH Easter coming up, Clean Coasts and Irish Water are reminding the people of Carlow not to pour gravy or fats oils and greases (FOGs) from the Easter roast down the sink as Irish Water reveal that almost 1,500 sewer blockages have been cleared across the country already this year. That’s 125 blockages every single week. FOGs as well as gravy may seem like liquid when poured but once they reach the pipes they cool and can cause blockages in the sewer pipes in homes, businesses, the public sewer network, wastewater treatment plants and ultimately damage the environment. When FOGs combine with wipes and other sanitary items WKDW VKRXOGQœW EH ÀXVKHG GRZQ the toilet, fatbergs can form. There have been almost 1,500
sewer blockages in the public sewer network so far this year caused by FOGs being poured down the sink and wipes and other inappropriate items being ÀXVKHG GRZQ WKH WRLOHW A recent survey revealed that 85% of people living in Ireland dispose of food items down the kitchen sink. The survey revealed that the kitchen sink is often treated as a bin for the disposal of melted fats, oils and greases, gravy and other sauces, milk, leftover IRRG VPRRWKLHV JURXQG FR྾HH mayonnaise, salad dressing, ice-cream and scrapings from plates. The survey was conducted by Behaviour and Attitudes for the Think Before You Pour Campaign and was based on a nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults who were
interviewed at the beginning of December 2018. In order to help tackle this SUREOHP ,ULVK :DWHU LV RŕľľHULQJ IUHH *XQN3RWV WR WKH ÂżUVW people who register on www. . A GunkPot is a reusable silicone container used to collect cooled cooking fats, oils and grease from roasting trays, pans and plates. Once hardened, the contents can be thrown into the correct bin and the GunkPot wiped clean, ready for reuse. A container such as an empty yogurt pot can also be used to help prevent pipe blockages. James O’Toole, Wastewater Engineer, Irish Water said: “Our message is simple. This Easter we want to remind the public not to use their kitchen sink as a bin. Think before you pour.â€?
carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
UK chain opening a new pub in Carlow
news in brief Move to clean up dog owners’ act
Carlow county council is investigating the possibility of prosecuting people for not carrying bags to clean up after their dogs. It would see bye-laws introduced that would allow the council to issue on-the-spot ÂżQHV ZKHUH GRJ RZQHUV DUH QRW being responsible.
Extra charges on way for Airbnb
Local landlords that rent out their properties on Airbnb are to EH KLW ZLWK H[WUD FKDUJHV IURP July. Property owners will need to apply for commercial planning permission if they want to rent our their entire property to tourists. Landlords could then be charged for water services.
Cruelty man loses 3 year jail appeal
A Carlow man whose farm was “strewn with skeletal remains� has lost an appeal against the severity of his three year prison sentence for “shocking� levels of animal cruelty. Mr James Kavanagh (48) pleaded guilty to 30 counts of causing or allowing animal cruelty at his property at 5DKHHQOHLJK 0\VKDOO &R Carlow in April 2015.
James Tobin, Mary Clarke, Gemma and Ber Tobin with Eddie Cullen at Woodford Dolmen Hotel’s Country Music & Dancing Weekend. Image by Rue Photography
Waterways fail in appeal over Barrow Blueway WATERWAYS Ireland have been unsuccessful in their bid to have a decision by Carlow County Council overturned, according to An Bord Pleanåla. The planning department in Carlow’s local authority turned down an application for the multi-use shared leisure track in February of last year. However, Kildare and
Laois County Councils had granted permission for the development. That was subsequently appealed by those involved in the Save the Barrow Track group among others, at the same time that Waterways Ireland was trying to have Carlow’s decision reversed. Those involved from both sides have received a letter last week outlining An Bord
Pleanåla’s ruling, its decision to refuse permission for the development along the Barrow in counties Carlow, Kildare and Laois. However, the Kildare and Laois decision only pertains to the river bank itself – Waterways Ireland have still been given the green light for the new track along the canal section north of Athy in Kildare
Call for urgent move on LPT FOLLOWING the announcement by Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe to undertake further consultation and defer the valuation date, Chambers Ireland has called for a commitment from the Government to review this decision and complete the review of LPT as a priority in advance of Budget 2020. Ian Talbot, CEO of Chambers Ireland said: “LPT is a vital SDUW RI ZLGHQLQJ RXU WD[ EDVH WR reduce our economy’s dependence on the transaction-based WD[DWLRQ ZKLFK FRQWULEXWHG WR the depth of our recession after 2008. Âł,W LV DQ HVVHQWLDO WD[ WKDW SURvides stable Local Government funding and allows Local Authorities to reinvest in their communities. LPT also reduces the over-reliance on business rates which improves our competitiveness and enables growth in jobs and incomes. “If decisions on LPT continue to be deferred, it will become LQFUHDVLQJO\ PRUH GLŕľśFXOW WR make the appropriate changes WR WKLV WD[ ´ KH VDLG
THE UK chain JD Wetherspoon is to open its new pub in Carlow on Wednesday, May 1, with the creation of 65 new jobs. The company has spent just more than â‚Ź3 million developing the outlet, on the site of the former Traders Bar, in Tullow Street. The Wetherspoon pub, which will be called The Tullow Gate, will be managed by Damien McConomy, who previously ZRUNHG DW :HWKHUVSRRQÂśV ÂżUVW pub in Ireland, The Three Tun Tavern, in Blackrock, Co Dublin. The new Carlow pub takes its name from the Tullow Gate, one of the four town gates in the old walls around Carlow, that once stood near to the site of the new pub. The Tullow Gate will be open from 8am until 11.30pm Monday to Thursday and 8am until 12.30am on Friday and Saturday and 8am until 11pm on Sunday. Alcohol will be served from 10.30am Monday to Saturday and from 12.30pm on Sunday. Food will be served throughout the day, from opening until 11pm, every day. The new pub will specialise in real ales, as well as craft and world beers, serving a wide UDQJH RI GLŕľľHUHQW GUDXJKW DOHV as well as bottled beers, including those from local and regional brewers. It will be open for family dining, with children, accompanied by an adult, welcome in
the pub up until 9pm, throughout the week. The pub will be wheelchair accessible and have a specially-adapted accessible and ambulant toilet for people with disabilities. The new-look pub features RQH EDU RQ WKH JURXQG Ă€RRU customer level, with a feature double height backbar. $ ODUJH ÂżUVW Ă€RRU URRI H[ternal terrace, accessed via summer doors through the ÂżUVW Ă€RRU EDU KDV D SDUWLDOO\ covered pergola and retractable sun awning, as well as semi FRYHUHG ERRWK VHDWLQJ ,W RŕľľHUV distance views all over Carlow. Historical photos, details of local history, information relating to events, historical buildings and characters of the area, as well as feature artwork by local artists are all on display. Manager Damien McConomy said: “Myself and my team are looking forward to welcoming customers into the pub and ZH DUH FRQÂżGHQW WKDW LW ZLOO EH a great addition to the Carlow community.â€? The company already runs ÂżYH SXEV LQ WKH 5HSXEOLF RI Ireland; The Three Tun Tavern in Carysfort Avenue, Blackrock, The Forty Foot in The Pavilion &HQWUH 0DULQH 5RDG 'XQ Laoghaire, The Great Wood at Westend Shopping Park, Blanchardstown, The Old Borough in Main Street, Swords, as well as The Linen Weaver in Paul Street, Plaza, Cork.
Fond farewell to Bernie O’Brien 75,%87(6 KDYH EHHQ SDLG to Director of Services at Carlow County Council, Bernie O’Brien, who has this week FRQÂżUPHG KHU UHWLUHPHQW DIWHU 42 years of public service. Paying tribute, Senator Jennifer Murnane O’Connor said: “Bernie resisted moving to other local authorities and therefore gave of her time DQG H[SHUWLVH WR WKH SHRSOH of Carlow.â€? “As a member of Carlow County Council, I worked closely with Bernie
O’brine. Bernie was always very approachable and most helpful. I wish Bernie a very happy and healthy retirement and thank her for her dedication to County Carlow.� Cllr Andrea Dalton also paid tribute to Bernie. She said: “Bernie carried out her many roles within the Council over the years with professionalism and unstinting commitment and dedication. She will be sorely missed. Wishing Bernie a long, healthy and happy retirement.�
carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
Get ready: local elections won’t be long coming
he elections on May 24 won’t be long coming around. That’s the day we vote in the 2019 Local and European polls. Our chance to speak. Our chance to vote out those that are not performing to our satisfaction, vote in those who think will do better, or return those who are doing a decent job. There’s plenty of apathy and anger about politics at a national level, and that’s understandable. How could we be happy with our TDs when the housing crisis isn’t improving, no action is being taken on climate change the public have to endure one HSE crisis after another.
Brian Quigley The only thing I’d give them a pass mark on is their handling of Brexit. Given the issues at national level, it would be understandable if people didn’t want to engage with the local elections as they are seen be many as being of less importance. As for the European
Parliament elections, apathy about these is understandable given that we have so few seats in such a big institution. But now isn’t the time for apathy. Now is the time for engagement. It is up to us to set the agenda for politicians, from the local level upwards. Take the time to talk to any politicians who call to your door but take their agendas and manifestos with a pinch of salt. Give them your agenda and tell them that’s what you want done. Make them listen to you rather than the other way around. We know politicians are good at talking, but a lot of that talk is ‘large doses of spoofology’, to use a Brian Kerr quote. How good are they at listening rather than talking?
Paul Dunne, Richard Doyle, Úna Murphy, Maire Hoban and James Nolan performing Doreena Jennings’ “Cyber Knights” at Carlow Little Theatre Society’s Spring One Acts, Seven Oaks Hotel. Image by Rue Photography Perhaps prospective politicians should be talking to the very young. The recent Schools Strike For Climate day brought out millions of students in thousands of cities in more than 100 countries. Essentially the issue of environmental concern has politicized the very young, which is something we should be hugely impressed by. Yes, make the candidates at
the door converse with your children; if your children aren’t impressed with what they see and hear then perhaps that should be a barometer for us voters. Personally I’d like to see a lot of young candidates succeeding in the local elections. Health Minister Simon Harris is perhaps a bad example of what I mean. He was given too much
too soon and hasn’t lived up to expectation; as well as that he comes as ersatz. More young councillors in general would be a good thing. They are more likely to have empathy with the general public, more likely to have imaginative ideas to tackle our problems and more likely to have the energy, enthusiasm and drive to make a GL൵HUHQFH
carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
ACE CHIMNEY SWEEP Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email: CHIMNEY CLEANING
CARLOW CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE Expert in stove chimney cleaning. Also cookers and open fires. Full power sweeping system. Spotless work every time. Call Pat
0872793659 DOG TRAINING
have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class.Any enquiries to
086-3207287 TURF & FIREWOOD
Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338
FOR SALE Ladybird Rocking Chair for a child €50 t #SJD B #SBD t $MPUIFT t 7BSJPVT 5PZT t 7BSJPVT 1SJDFT Contact any evening except Thursday
Tel: 059 9130792 JOB OPPORTUNITY
EXPERIENCED MEAT PROCESSING OPERATIVES 3FRVJSFE GPS #BMMPO .FBUT #BMMPO $BSMPX 5IF TVDDFTTGVM candidates will work as part of the factory processing team pro ducing meat to fulfil production targets on a daily and weekly basis. Successful candidates will be required to work in all areas of the factory where you will be required to Work on own initiative and as part of a team. .FFU QSPEVDUJPO UBSHFUT 8JMM CF required to work across all areas of the meat processing plant. 1IZTJDBM SPMF JODMVEJOH MJGUJOH standing and manual labour. Further specific role details avail able on enquiry. t 0UIFS %FUBJMT .JOJNVN BOOVBM SFNVOFSBUJPO û Standard working week 40 hours 5SBJOJOH JO &OHMJTI MBOHVBHF TLJMMT DPNQBOZ PQFSBUJOH procedures will be provided. Applications: CVs may be posted to the HR Department, Ballon Meats , Ballon , Carlow .
LIVERPOOL TRAVEL CLUB meeting to be arranged
Full details- call Kevin 086 1565155
NATIONAL LOTTERY GRANTS The HSE has been allocated National Lottery Funding for distribution to community based groups and voluntary organisations, under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme. Groups and organisations involved in providing health and personal social services can apply for once-off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects. For information on how and where to apply, see If you have a query contact the HSELive team on 1850 24 1850 or email Closing Date for Applications is noon on Tuesday, 30th April 2019.
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
FODVVLÀHGV PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council Significant Further Information / Revised Plans have been furnished to Carlow County Council in relation to Pl. Reg. Ref. PL 18/469-Planning permission sought for the construction of 22 no. dwellings in 3 no. separate blocks. Blocks A & C to each consist of 5 no. units comprising of 4 no. 2-storey 3-bed townhouses and 1 no. 2-storey 4-bed townhouse. Block B to consist of 12 no. units in a 3-storey block comprising of 6 no. 3-bed duplex apartments over 6 no. 2-bed apartments. A revised Natura Impact Statement (NIS) will be submitted to the Planning Authority with this application. Provision of a new vehicular access, install sewerage pumping station, site services provision and connections, drainage, access points, open space landscaping, car parking, bin enclosures, boundary treatment works, and all associated and ancillary development works at The Millrace, Burrin Road, Carlow, Co. Carlow. Significant Further Information/ Revised Plans have been furnished to the planning authority in respect of this proposed development and are available for inspection or purchase at the offices of the Planning Authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public hours. A submission or observation in relation to the further information or revised plans may be made in writing to the Planning Authority within the statutory time limit. A submission or observation must be accompanied by the prescribed fee, except in the case of a person or body who has already made a submission or observation. Signed: William Byrne c/o Michael Fitzpatrick Architects MRIAI, Main Street, Butlersbridge, Co. Cavan. Tel: 049 4365800. Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought for the construction of a proposed single storey dwelling, septic tank/treatment plant with asso-
ciated percolation area, enlargement of existing site entrance to existing neighbouring property to accommodate a second site entrance and all associated works at Clonmelsh, Milford, Co. Carlow Signed Trevor and Roisin O’Reilly The planning application may be inspected and/or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow Town, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought for the construction of an uncovered storage facility (approximately 0.85 hectares), ancillary to the existing Keystone Supplies Ltd. development, involving the importation and recovery through deposition of inert waste and material, namely soil and stones, on which is placed crushed rock/gravel engineering fill, graded and compacted to a finished level consistent with the existing adjoining development. Development works also includes the temporary access via an existing agricultural entrance and all associated civil works. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be con-
sidered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Peter Bolger Consulting Ltd, Engineers. Tel 059 9158005 Carlow County Council Planning Permission is sought for the retention of works to provide an internal access between two separate semi-detached dwellings, creating one single dwelling unit and all associated site development works at Ballyknockan, Fenagh, Co. Carlow, on behalf of Joseph Curran. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the Planning Authority during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Peter Bolger Consulting Ltd, Engineers. Tel 059 9158005 Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought for the construction a slatted shed with underground slurry storage tank and for the construction of a silage pit, concrete apron with all associated site development works at Heath, Corries, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow on behalf of Niall Kelly. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions or may refuse to grant permission. Signed Peter Bolger Consulting, Engineers. Tel 059 9158005 Carlow County Council Planning Permission is sought from Carlow County Council by Alan and Sandra McAssey for a two bedroom single storey dwelling, garage, new site entrance, sewage treatment unit/ septic tank & all associated works at Bohermore, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow. Signed: Patterson Bannon Architects (086 0237128) on behalf of Alan & Sandra McAssey. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may
be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Carlow County Council I Marian Teehan am applying for permission for retention of domestic garage / store and all associated site works at No. 1 The Ring, Tinnahinch, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such
THE MIRACLE PRAYER Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never been known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer A.L..
THE MIRACLE PRAYER Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you this special one (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father sees it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never been known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer B.M..
submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Byrne + McCabe Design Ltd, Architecture & Engineering Services. Tel: 059 9725684 Carlow County Council We Anthony and Claire Kirwan intend to apply to Carlow County Council for full planning permission to construct a two storey dwelling house, private garage and associated site works at Castledermot Road, Tullowbeg, Tullow. The planning application may be inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy at the offices of the planning authority Athy Road, Carlow during its public opening hours of 9.30am. to 4.30pm. Monday to Friday (
excluding public holidays ). A submission or observation in relation to the planning application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee of €20 within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Signed: Anthony and Claire Kirwan. MIRACLE PRAYER. Dear heart of Jesus in the past I have asked many favours. This time I ask you the special one (mention favour). Take it dear heart of Jesus and place it within your heart where your father see it. Then in his merciful eyes it will become your own favour not mine. Amen. Say this prayer three times for three days and your favour will be granted. Never been known to fail. Must promise publication of prayer. L.B.
14 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory
April Flowers APRIL SHOWERS.....we’ve certainly had our fair share of them in the last week or so! There is an upside though. All that rain mixed with some sunshine and warmer temperatures leads to lots of April flowers. Our countryside, hedgerows, parks and gardens are bursting into a dazzling kaleidoscope of yellows, whites and purples/ blues, enough to brighten any dark, wet day. With the collapse in pollinators and insects in general, every one of these wildflowers is worth its weight in gold as a food source to our invertebrate populations. Below is a selection of flowers that were on display on a recent short walk near my house. Keep your eye out for these and others in the next week. If you struggle with plant identification then there are good free apps that can identify plants from a photo you take with your phone. Otherwise just take a shot and look it up online or in a good id guide later.
Common Fumitory (Photo Justin Ivory)
carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
ninenottomiss BOOK of the week
TV SHOW of the week
FILM of the week
A BOOK OF BONES by John Connolly
THE GOOD FIGHT RTE 1 Tuesday 23rd April, 9.35pm
HELLBOY General Release: April 2019
The new thrilling instalment of John Connolly’s popular Charlie Parker series. He is our best hope. He is our last hope. On a lonely moor in the northeast of England, the body of a young woman is discovered near the site of a vanished church. In the south, a girl lies buried beneath a Saxon mound. To the southeast, the ruins of a priory hide a human skull. Each is a sacrifice, a summons. And something in the shadows has heard the call. But another is coming: Parker the hunter, the avenger. He will track those who would cast this world into darkness. Parker fears no evil. But evil fears him . . .
Spin-off of ‘The Good Wife’ about a highprofile law firm in Chicago, ‘The Good Fight’ makes a welcome return to our screens. In the first episode, ‘The One About the Recent Troubles’, a storm brews at Reddick, Boseman and Lockhart when revelations of a partner’s past indiscretions come to light. An incident at home pushes Diane to breaking point, Lucca is given a new opportunity and Marissa teaches Maria to toughen up. With Christine Baranski, Cush Jumbo, Rose Leslie, Delroy Lindo.
American superhero film based on the Dark Horse Comics character of the same name. The film is directed by Neil Marshall and stars David Harbour as Hellboy. The film also features Milla Jovovich, Ian McShane, Sasha Lane, and Daniel Dae Kim. It is a reboot of the Hellboy film series and is the third liveaction installment in the film series. The film draws inspiration from Darkness Calls, The Wild Hunt, and The Storm and the Fury. Based on the graphic novels by Mike Mignola, Hellboy, caught between the worlds of the supernatural and human, battles an ancient sorceress bent on revenge.
MUSICAL of the week
EVENT of the week
PLAY of the week
ARIES Someone attractive is saying nice things about you. Good fortune around work, money and romance brightens your outlook. Celebrate together. TAURUS Get into domestic arts and joys. Creative ideas abound. Share some beauty, comfort and relaxation with family and friends. GEMINI Find creative outlets to advance a cause you feel passionate about. Listen to a wider conversation. Edit communications. CANCER Extra income is available. Creative work can pay well. Invest in your business. You can get the resources you need. LEO Get a lucky personal break. You’re attractive and charismatic. Score an achievement, milestone or win.
SISTER ACT Visual, Carlow. April 30th – May 5th @ 7.30pm Tickets: €20
GROMÓR Arboretum Home and Garden Heaven, Leighlinbridge. Month of April. T: 059-9721558
SIVE Visual, Carlow. Saturday 11th May 8.00pm. Tickets: €16/18
Featuring original music, dazzling dance routines and songs inspired by Motown SISTER ACT is the funkiest musical around. The musical follows Deloris Van Cartier, a disco diva whose life takes a surprising turn when she witnesses a murder. In panic, she seeks help from the cops. Under protective custody she is hidden in the one place she won’t be found – a Convent! Disguised as a nun Deloris helps her fellow sisters find their voices as she unexpectedly rediscovers her own. A sparkling tribute to the universal power of friendship, sisterhood and music.
GroMór is an initiative by Garden Centres and Growers across Ireland, in association with Bord Bia, to give clear and useful advice on how to best grow plants, herbs, flowers, fruits, vegetables. We want to encourage people who may have previously found gardening intimidating to get started so visit us and get growing at Arboretum, Home & Garden Heaven! Committed to excellent customer service, high quality products, unbeatable choice and value for money and great gardening solutions for everyone and their garden.
Theatre Group’s production of SIVE brings a contemporary credibility to J B Keane’s timeless tale of young love, materialism, family life, and women’s place in the world. Though set in the sixties, this carefully casted drama demonstrates that these enduring themes and contrasting emotions are as relevant today. Direction by David Corri is faithful to the tragic-comedy elements of the play and employs the rural background of the talented actors to fashion an authentic and memorable production.
TALK of the week
COMEDY of the week
VISIT of the week
VIRGO Find a quiet place to think. Nature inspires you. Consider hopes, wishes and visions. Hidden assets help IXO¿OO D GUHDP LIBRA Answers, solutions, resources and support ÀRZ WKURXJK \RXU VRFLDO channels. Connect for a common cause. SCORPIO All the pieces seem to be coming together in a professional puzzle. Use your skills, talents and tricks. Work your magic. SAGITTARIUS
Stretch your wings, and expand your horizons. Things come together easily. 6WD\ ÀH[LEOH <RXU SDVW ZRUN UHÀHFWV \RX ZHOO
Lesser Celandine (Photo Justin Ivory)
Blackthorn flower (Photo Justin Ivory)
Bugloss (Photo Justin Ivory)
SPRING CLEAN YOUR LIFE Throughout April Carlow Central Library, Tullow Street. Carlow Mental Health Association presents a series ‘Spring Clean Your Life’. On Tuesday April 16th 6-7pm ‘Aging with Confidence’ with Theresa Hennessy; Thursday April 18th 6-7pm ‘Let’s talk addication and families’ with Recovery College South East in partnership with ARDU Substances Misuse Services; Thursday April 25th 6-7pm ‘How to become the best version of yourself’ with Maureen Ryan. No cost or pre-booking involved. More info from or 085 8181353.
DEIRDRE O’KANE: A LINE OF O’KANE Saturday 18th May 8pm Tickets: €21 Don’t miss A Line of O’Kane, Deirdre O’Kane’s hilarious new stand-up show in venues nationwide. Deirdre has really hit her stride; footloose from a glittering turn on Dancing with the Stars and revelling in her return to stand-up, don’t miss Deirdre at her hilarious best in a straight-talking look at twelve frantic months in the life of this tango-tripping, family-minding, telly-making, house-moving, comedy dynamo. “Unique star quality” - The Guardian
O’HARA’S BREWING COMPANY Royal Oak Road, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow, Ireland. Tel : 059 9720509 O’Hara’s Brewery/Carlow Brewing Company is an independent Irish family owned brewery located in the heart of Ireland’s historical malt-growing “Barrow Valley” region. Here we craft brew traditional Irish beers and our own interpretation of international beer styles, including our stouts and ales, wheat beers and lagers, all carrying the brewery founders family name, O’Hara’s. Each beer is crafted using classic brewing methods to create the traditional Irish beers styles that have long since been forgotten by many of the larger breweries.
CAPRICORN Position yourself for ¿QDQFLDO JURZWK 5HYLHZ the data, and keep accounts updated and organized. Discuss priorities with your partner. AQUARIUS Whisper sweet nothings with your partner. Talk about love, dreams and visions. You can realize the possibilities that light you both up. PISCES Accept coaching from someone who sees your blind spots. Get farther than expected toward a health or ¿WQHVV JRDO 3UDFWLFH
carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019
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carlowpeople April 16 - 30, 2019