February 19, 2019
12,000 COPIES
Search for Sports Person of the Year Best of county’s best line out for gala annual event CARLOW’S annual Sports Stars Awards takes place this Friday (February 22) with the great and the good of the county’s sport set to gather at the Woodford Dolmen Hotel for what will be a fantastic night of celebration. “As always, the calibre of award winner this year is very high, with brilliant performances in 2018 honoured alongside the likes of the Setanta award winner Tommy Murphy and Service to Sport award winner Stuart Bayley who have given so much to their respective sports over many years,” said sports editor John Foley of The Nationalist, sponsors of the awards. 7KH ¿QDO VHOHFWLRQ FRYHUV D wide range of sporting talent, including rugby player Ed Byrne who has starred for Leinster on many occasions throughout a year which also saw him
make his debut in the European Champions Cup. Sean Gannon was a driving force in a fantastic year for the Carlow senior footballers while he also tasted victory at local level with Éire Óg. Chris Nolan also stood out for the Carlow senior hurlers and was a leading light as Mount Leinster Rangers retained their Carlow senior crown. Sam Watson is recognised for his stellar performances on the Irish eventing team who won silver medals at the World Equestrian Games in the US last summer. Molly Scott wins the athletics award after a year in which she br ought home a silver medal as a member of the Irish 4x100m relay team at the World U20 Athletics Championships. &RQWLQXHG RQ SDJH ¿YH
PJ and Mary Lawlor at Carlow Farmers’ Hunt Ball 2019, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography. More pictures inside
t: 059 914 1877
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
170 jobs as MSD seeks bigger plant INTERNATIONAL pharmma company MSD has applied for planning permission for a big developmentof its Carlow manufacturing plant. The company, which trades as Merck in the US and Canada, expects to create an additional 170 jobs to the 400-plus already working in Carlow as it grows its capacity for biologics and vaccines at the site. Biologics are drugs manufactured in a living system such as a microorganism, or plant or animal cells The company, which submitted planning applications last week to Carlow County Council expects the new facilities to be in operation in 7KH QHZ IDFLOLW\ ¿UVW
announced in October, will be RQ D JUHHQ ¿HOG VLWH QH[W WR WKH company’s existing plant in Carlowtown. Carlow was the drug giant’s ¿UVW YDFFLQH PDQXIDFWXULQJ site outside the US under an investment back in 2008. Merck is one of the top two players in the fast-growing vaccines market with British group GlaxoSmithKline. It is a market that is expected to grow by up to 50% by 2024. Merck’s success has been built on the HPV vaccine Gardasil and it also sells chickenpox vaccine, Varivax, ZKLFK LV DPRQJ WKH WRS ¿YH vaccines world wide by sales. The company is proposing to build a two-storey production
EXLOGLQJ ZLWK D ÀRRU DUHD RI 8,782sq m (94,000sq ft) and a maximum height of 14.6m (just under 48ft). It will house two production suites ie. a syringe ¿OOLQJ DQG LQVSHFWLRQ VXLWH DQG D YLDO ¿OOLQJ VXLWH The development will also include a large extension to an existing warehouse building and ancillary buildings, including new laboratory facilities. The company is also seeking permission for 190 new carparking spaces. MSD is also developing a new biologics plant in Swords in Co Dublin on the site of its former women’s health unit. That is expected to open in 2021 and will focus on manufacturing Merck’s topselling cancer drug, Keytruda...
State finally says yes St Joseph to funding our Shan NS seeks to build extra class
Happy days: Shantelle Tyan is all smiles with the good news that the State has finally agreed to pay for her medical treatment in America THE Department of Health KDV ¿QDOO\ DJUHHG WR ORRN DW D 7UHDWPHQW $EURDG IXQGLQJ DSSOLFDWLRQ IRU &DUORZ FDQFHU YLFWLP 6KDXQWHOOH 7\QDQ +XQGUHGV RI WKRXVDQGV RI HXUR KDG WR EH IXQGUDLVHG GXULQJ IRU WKH \RXQJ ZRPDQ WR UHFHLYH WUHDWPHQW LQ 7H[DV IRU D UDUH IRUP RI FDQFHU The Government’s 7UHDWPHQW $EURDG 6FKHPH
PLANNING permission is being sought by the Board of Management for a single storey extension at St Joseph’s National School, incorporating one mainstream classroom and a new main entrance lobby. The development will be to the front of existing single storey school building on St Joseph’s Road. There will also be realignment/ setting back of part of the existing roadside boundary wall to provide a bus set down area, provision of a second vehicular access in order to SURYLGH D RQH ZD\ WUD൶F SROLF\ SURYLVLRQ RI ¿YH DGGLWLRQDO FDU parking spaces, together with all associated site works. The council is expected to make a decision on the application by April 2. The application comes at a time when many schools in the South East are allegedly facing a crisis with a lack of places, this particularly in secondary VFKRROV WKLUG FODVV SXSLOV ¿QLVK primary school.
carlowpeople February 19, 2019
Maddy Brennan, Holly Bulger, Rebecca Nevin and Nora McDonald at Carlow Farmers’ Hunt Ball 2019, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Cllr Cassin runs solo in row over SF election strategy COUNCILLOR John Cassin has quit Sinn Fein and will run as an Independent in the May local elections, following a row over candidate selection Sinn FĂŠin HQ was insisting on running two candidates in the new seven-seat Carlow town area, a strategy that Cllr Cassin and Sinn FĂŠin locally had strongly resisted. “It’s a big decision to make
and not something I have taken lightly,â€? Cllr Cassin said. “I told KHDG RŕľśFH WKDW LI WKH\ ZDQWHG a good chance of retaining the Sinn FĂŠin seat in Carlow, they should run one candidate only, but I wasn’t listened to. It’s very disappointing and it’s not the way I wanted it to turn out.â€? Cllr Cassin said he remained positive about his chances of being re-elected come next May
as an Independent. “I suppose there’s always going to be people who will not vote Sinn FĂŠin no matter what you do and also people who will only vote Sinn FĂŠin. It’s always tough to get elected, but you would just hope that the work I’ve put in over the past 1o years counts for something. “The fact is, though, no-one is handed a seat.â€?.
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
Stars line out for sport gala
news in brief New houses set for Bagenalstown A planning application has been lodged for the construction of seven houses in Bagenalstown DW :HVW +RXVH RQ WKH 5R\DO 2DN Road. The applicants are Caroline Ryder and John Gavin. The planning permission involves the demolition of an existing house and outbuildings and the construction of seven houses. They would consist of six semidetached units with four beds (130sqms each) and one semidetached unit with four beds (157sqms).
Up to 15 new jobs at pizza outlet Four Star Pizza will be opening a new store in Top Oil on the Staplestown Road in the coming months. The company expect 10-15 jobs to be created with the opening.
MacDonald guest at flower club talk Carlow Flower Club will welcome acclaimed gardener Frances MacDonald from the beautiful Bay Garden in Camolin on Tuesday, February 26th at 8.00pm in the Woodford 'ROPHQ +RWHO
Continued from front page Amy Skelton, Niamh Lawer and Kate Harris at Carlow Farmers’ Hunt Ball 2019, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Let’s educate together ... THE Presidents of Institute of Technology Carlow and Carlow College, St. Patrick’s have announced the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with the aim of strengthening their existing relationship. &DUORZ WRZQ EHQH¿WV IURP having two higher education institutions and this agreement recognises and strengthens the ongoing partnership between the two institutions and their shared interests. Speaking at the his-
toric signing ceremony, Fr Conn Ă“ Maoldhomhnaigh, President of Carlow College, St Patrick’s said: “With this agreement we seek to build on our shared interests and explore the added value both our Institutions bring to the Higher Education sector. “This will support the continuing enhancement of WKH SURYLVLRQ RI D ÂżUVW FODVV educational experience for our current and prospective students.â€? Dr Patricia Mulcahy,
President of Institute of Technology Carlow said: “This agreement builds upon existing relationships across a range of activities, putting in place a framework that will support the future strategic development of our collaborDWLYH LQLWLDWLYHV IRU WKH EHQHÂżW of our many outstanding students, graduates, faculty, VWDŕľľ DQG VWDNHKROGHUV “We are excited about what we can achieve together,â€? Dr Mulcahy said.
Plough and the stars ... 7+REE generations of a Carlow family will represent their county next September at the All-Ireland Ploughing Championships. The Traceys – Johnny, his son Eamonn who is current AllIreland and World Ploughing Champion and two of Eamonn’s sons, Seån and Steve – will all be at the event in Fenagh. The three generations were selected following excellent performances at the recent Co Carlow championships, which were held at the Fighting Cocks. For Eamonn, the 2019 national event would be an extra-special one to win in his home county, as it would mean his 10th national title in a row and his 14th overall. The champion has won the world title three times. Those selected from among 60 entratnts to represent the coun ty were Eamonn and Johnny Tracey in the senior class; Richard Keegan in the three-furrow class; Seån Tracey in U28; Steve Tracey, U21; James Pender, single-furrow; Liam O’Reilly, hydraulic vintage; and Seamie Murphy, trailer and plough class..
In soccer the individual award goes to Sean Kavanagh who was the captain and domiQDQW ¿JXUH DV +DQRYHU +DUSV ZRQ WKHLU ¿UVW HYHU 1DWLRQDOLVW Premier Division title in the Carlow & District League. There is also an Outstanding Achievement award for the Carlow soccer team who clinched a momentous victory in the Oscar Traynor Cup. The camogie award goes to à ine 1RODQ ZKR ZDV FRQsistently excellent in the Carlow defence throughout the season while she also won a county senior title with Myshall. The ladies football award goes to the Old Leighlin team who enjoyed a fantastic season in which they won the Carlow senior title and followed it up by winning the Leinster club junior crown. Patrick Mullins will take home the horse racing award in UHFRJQLWLRQ RI D ¿QH \HDU LQ WKH saddle which saw him become the most successful amateur jockey in the history of Irish 1DWLRQDO +XQW UDFLQJ The rowing award goes to Jack Keating who carried WKH &DUORZ ÀDJ DW LQWHUQDtional level when he wore the
green vest at the World Junior Championships in August. The showjumping award goes to Jason Foley who won an individual gold and a team bronze with the Irish Youth Team at the European Showjumping Championships in France in July. There are also Outstanding Achievement awards for the Carlow senior hurling team who brought home silverware for winning WKH 1+/ 'LYLVLRQ $ league and the Joe McDonagh Cup in 2018, and the Tullow U16 rugby team who swept all before them to win the All-Ireland title in $SULO D ¿UVW HYHU QDWLRQDO WLWOH for the club. Myshall man Tommy Murphy will surely be a popular winner of the Setanta Award in recognition of his many years of service to Carlow GAA in a variety of roles, most prominently as county PRO. 7KH +DOO RI )DPH DZDUG winner is Ballinabranna, St Fintan’s and Carlow GAA great 3DW 0F1DOO\ Just one award remains to be chosen: the overall Carlow Sports Person of the Year. The winner will be announced on the night of the awards following a public vote. A great night out with the best!
Artist in residency sought for Arts fest CREATE and Carlow Arts Festival invite applications from collaborative artists from ethnic minority backgrounds who are based in Ireland, for a residency award with Carlow Arts Festival. The residency will begin in May, and run to June, to incorporate this interdisciplinary festival which takes place from 4- 9 June 2019*. This residency opportunity, which aims to support an artist from an ethnic minority to develop their collaborative and socially engaged arts SUDFWLFH LV RŕľľHUHG WKURXJK D partnership between Create and Carlow Arts Festival.
The deadline for application is 5pm, March 18. Applications are welcome from artists in all disciplines but particularly those from the Performing Arts, as the UHVLGHQF\ GRHV QRW RŕľľHU VWXGLR space. 7KH DZDUG RŕľľHUV OLYLQJ accommodation for the period of the residency in Carlow and desk space at the Carlow $UWV )HVWLYDO RŕľśFH The award also allows the artist access to all events at the festival, to the other artists included, and access to the delivery and programming team, advice or a combination of these elements, and an appropriate stipend.
carlowpeople February 19, 2019
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
Medal to mark our ‘great war’ TO commemorate the 100th anniversary of the start of the War of Independence, The 'XEOLQ 0LQW 2ŕľśFH SDUW RI the Samlerhuset Group, has launched a commemorative War of Independence Centenary Medal. The medal is available for free to the public. The medal depicts an image of the Garden of Remembrance on one side, and Hibernia, WKH SHUVRQLÂżFDWLRQ RI ,UHODQG on the other. The image of Hibernia is based on original 19th century Irish coinage. The Garden of Remembrance, which is presented as a photographic image on the medal, was selected to feature due to its dedication to the memory of all those who gave their lives in the cause of Irish freedom. Daniel Penney, Managing Director, of the Dublin Mint 2ŕľśFH VDLG Âł:H DUH KRQRXUHG to be commemorating all of those who gave everything WKH\ KDG LQ WKH ÂżJKW IRU Irish freedom. The War of Independence still remains one RI WKH PRVW VLJQLÂżFDQW HYHQWV LQ Irish history. â€? The medal is available at www.
Online help if you want to write a seller
James O’Brien and Sylvia Cole at Carlow Farmers’ Hunt Ball 2019, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Super broadband like a breath of fresh eir in the South East
CARLOW and counties throughout Ireland, including every town in with more than 1,000 premises, that ZLOO EHQHÂżW IURP D PDVVLYH Âż[HG QHWZRUN LQYHVWPHQW programme announced by eir on Monday. The programme will cost PRUH WKDQ KDOI D ELOOLRQ HXUR RYHU ÂżYH \HDUV DQG SDVV DQ additional 1.4 million premises with a FTTH (Fibre To The
LQYHVWHG PRUH WKDQ Ÿ P LQ KLJK VSHHG ¿EUH EURDGEDQG delivering to more than 80% RI SUHPLVHV LQ ,UHODQG RU million homes and businesses. ,W LV SDUW RI D Ÿ EQ LQYHVWPHQW SURJUDPPH ZLWK D Ÿ million investment in eir’s PRELOH QHWZRUN DOUHDG\ underway, which will allow eir to deliver 4G voice and data coverage across more than RI ,UHODQG
ARE you serious about getting published? Are you hiding a masterpiece under your bed? 2U GR \RX VLPSO\ QHHG WR ÂżQG a tribe of writers to share your thoughts with? #Indulgeinwriting founder Sharon Thompson has created an online writing group that is perfect for busy people who may not have time to attend writing courses or events. More importantly, it doesn’t matter where you live, as long as you have an internet connection and an inspirational mindset. Sharon Thompson says: “Having co-founded the online Twitter chat #WritersWise, it made me understand how much help writers need. I live in Donegal so again, I can’t make it to a lot of writing events. This was an idea built on the need for online talks to allow everyone, from all over Ireland to be able to attend and listen to experts from the writing industry.â€? She #Indulgeinwriting writers will build their own writing life, connect with established and establishing writers, have
real, sustained support from those who “get writing�. It is a wonderful community for links and expert advice on writing and getting published. There are three membership levels in #Indulgeinwriting 2019, with a planned calendar of 30+ online, interactive, recorded events with writing experts and free access to supportive, online members’ forums. The three-month and six-month levels are still available. Writers at all stages are welcome to join this innovative writing group. Listen, learn and let yourself write with #Indulgeinwriting. Author of bestsellers, The Abandoned and The Healer, Sharon Thompson co-founded #Writerswise a trending Tweet-chat featuring published guest-hosts. Her monthly #Indulgeinbooks features a list of Irish book releases and she contributes to, and Find out more at www.
Come on girls and step up to engineering ! ENGINEERS Ireland is calling on Girl Guide and Brownie units in Carlow to take the Engineers Week Challenge to become Ireland’s top Guide and Brownie Engineers. During Engineers Week, taking place from March 2nd to 8th, Guides and Brownies are encouraged to work towards gaining the Guide Engineering Badge or Brownie Engineering Badge with their unit and devise an innovative project that could be commercially produced. Each entry submitted before the March 15th deadline will be judged by the Engineers Ireland STEPS Dragons, with the winners crowned ‘Ireland’s Top Guide Engineers’ or ‘Ireland’s Top Brownie Engineers’. The Director General of Engineers Ireland, Ms Caroline Spillane, said: “The
Guide Engineering Badge and Brownie Engineering Badge helps to engage young girls to work through a variety of fun engineering challenges based on creative thinking, curiosity and team-work. “We hope as many units in Carlow will engage in this Engineers Week Challenge and we look forward to crowning Ireland’s Top Guide and Brownie Engineers.� The Chief Commissioner of the Irish Girl Guides, Ms Helen Concannon, said: “As one of the largest girl-only organisations in Ireland, we are delighted to provide more opportunities for our girls to develop their skills in STEM and engage with engineering activities. Ireland’s Top Guide and Brownie Engineers competition will encourage our units to
experience the engineering design process from start to ¿QLVK 7KH NH\ WKLQJ LV QRW WKH competition, but the taking part and the girls creating projects and believing in themselves.� Now its 13th year, Engineers Week is a campaign held to promote engineering as a career and the importance of the profession. The week-long campaign is co-ordinated on a national basis by Engineers Ireland’s STEPS programme and funded under Science Foundation Ireland’s Discover Programme and supported by industry leaders, Intel, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Arup and ESB. To register your unit download free resources and ¿QG RXW PRUH DERXW HYHQWV taking place around the country, visit:
carlowpeople February 19, 2019
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
overthebridgeingraiguecullen Alex, Owen, Cody and Richard Ryan Jrelax in the The Lazy River Café, Graiguecullen. Below, Daniel and Zach O’Reilly. Below right, Jess, Tommy, Fletcher and Robbie Keating in The Lazy River Café. Below left, Brendan and Sinead Nolan. Images by Rue Photography
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
Cherish Childcare Advertorial
CHERISH Childcare & Early Learning Centres are a family run childcare service located in Graiguecullen, Tullow Road and Castledermot. We are dedicated to providing quality holistic care and education to children aged 3 months – 12 years. 2XU TXDOL¿HG VWD൵ SURYLGH WKH highest quality care to each and every child at Cherish. Our curriculum is based
upon the children’s interests, ensuring that their learning is coming from their own emerging interest. We ensure WKDW DOO FKLOGUHQ EHQH¿W IURP this enquiry based curriculum following Aistear’s aims and themes. We participate in the ECCE Scheme, CCSP (Community Childcare Subvention) and CCSP (Universal). Limited places now available, please contact one of our centre’s for more information.
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
I wish Declan Rice all the best
uch has been made about D e c l a n 5LFH ÂżQDOO\ deciding on his international future this week by declaring for England. The bile and vitriol directed his way (up to and including death threats, allegedly) is not good to see and is a complete waste of energy.
I bear no ill will towards Rice (inset). He is English, having been born in London. He is playing in the English Premier League for West Ham United and has a chance to play for his birth country if his remarkable progress continues. England got to the World &XS VHPL ¿QDO ,UHODQG KDG EHcome a shambles under Martin O’Neill and there is no guarantee Mick will be able to pull us out of the nosedive.
Brian Quigley Rice has chosen and I can’t blame him for his choice. He has to do what is best for him. Let him go. Yes he has led us a merry dance and led us up the garden path by playing for us right through underage to senior but he hasn’t broken any rules and the possibility that he might declare for England has always been there. This week we have closure so let’s move on. Mick McCarthy would have loved to have gotten Rice. He probably sees something of his younger self in the centre-back RU GHIHQVLYH PLG¿HOGHU We could have based our side around him going forward. But we have other players to focus on and develop. /HWœV ¿QG WKH QH[W 5LFH DQG
hope that he doesn’t have the complication of a choice of nations to play for. There are other football stories to focus on, aside from Rice. The League of Ireland starts back this week. Gordon Banks passed away, as did Eric Harrison (Class of 92 coach). And then there is Padriag Amond. It has been a long and winding road from Carlow to Newport for Amond, taking in foot-
EDOOLQJ VWRS R྾V DW 6KDPURFN 5RYHUV .LOGDUH &RXQW\ 6OLJR Rovers, Pacos de Ferreira in 3RUWXJDO $FFULQJWRQ 6WDQOH\ Morecambe, Grimsby Town and Hartlepool United, but for anyone who witnessed the amber-jerseyed Amond’s sublime WRS FRUQHU EHQW H྾RUW LQ KLV side’s 2-0 FA Cup fourth round replay over Championship side Middlesbrough on February 5, there can be no doubt that the
journey has been worth it. You didn’t have to be amongst the 6,552 packed into Rodney Parade to see the goal; it was OLYH RQ %7 6SRUW The Ironsides’ prize was another live tie broadcast from 5RGQH\ 3DUDGH LQ WKH ¿IWK round; they hosted the footballing equivalent of the Harlem Globetrotters - Pep Guardiola’s Manchester City – on February 16 at 1730. The biggest of opponents and the biggest of stages for Amond to add further to the 18 goals he has already netted for County this term. Were City be worried? I’d say so. Newport may play in League Two – England’s fourth tier – but they have a track record of upsetting the form book at home in FA Cup ties in recent years; as well as Middlesbrough being sent packing, Leeds United and Leicester City have also returned from Wales having been giant-killed. There could be no bigger giants for Mike Flynn’s men to slay than City but unfortunately the Premier League side ran out 4-1 winners, although Amond scored another goal for Newport which turned out to be a consolation
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
Thousands in line for extra pension payout WE’RE in the money … tens of thousands of pensioners could be in line for an extra payout due an anomaly in the system. The pensioners, who are primarily women, are currently being penalised because they took time out of the workforce at some stage in their career. It is estimated changes that have now been signed into law by Social Protection Minister Regina Doherty will be worth around €35 a week to some pensioners. The issue arose as a result of changes made by the previous government, which saw people who reached pension age on or after September 1, 2012 awarded a reduced
pension if they did not have an average of 20 social protection contributions throughout their working life. Thousands of women who left the workforce before 1994 to care for children were hit, as were others who took a summer job or part-time work for a while. Advocacy groups said those D൵HFWHG KDYH EHHQ ORVLQJ PRUH than €1,500 a year. Under the new regulations, there will be a small windfall for some pensioners who will be entitled to claim arrears dating back to last March. The Department of (PSOR\PHQW $൵DLUV DQG Social Protection is currently examining the pension
payments of approximately 90,000 pensioners. Many of these will now be able to receive the full contributory State pension as a result of a provision that allows for “homecaring periods”. In a statement, the Department VDLG LW ZRXOG LVVXH WKH ¿UVW payments next week, but it would take a number of months to process all of the recipients. “I am delighted to report that all of the necessary legislative and system changes have now been made to allow these reviews to conclude, and I am delighted to sign the necessary regulations to allow the increased payments to start being made shortly,” Ms Doherty said.
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
ACE CHIMNEY SWEEP Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email:
Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338 TURF & FIREWOOD
CARLOW CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE Expert in stove chimney cleaning. Also cookers and open fires. Full power sweeping system. Spotless work every time. Call Pat
0872793659 DOG TRAINING
have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class.Any enquiries to
TURF & FIREWOOD Massive quantity of 2017 shed stored seasoned Turf – Firewood
Call 087 7462440 GRANNY FLAT
ONE BEDROOM GRANNY FLAT FOR RENT In Kilree Street Town Centre Walking distance from Bagenalstown and only 5 mins walk from Train station/ shops Ensuite/ Kitchen and parking, a must see.
To view call 087 7840646
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019
FODVVLÀHGV PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought for alterations to an existing single storey dwelling, including the removal of an extension to the front, revised elevations and roof to same, revised internal layout including removal of 2no. bedrooms and repositioning bathroom etc. and for the construction of a proposed porch to the front and a single storey extension to the rear comprising of an enlarged kitchen/dining room, TV room, 2no. bedrooms (to replace omitted bedrooms to front), study, associated ensuites etc. PLanning is also sought for a proposed domestic garage to the rear of the house (demolishing existing pump house and shed), revisions to entrance and all associated works at Ballyloo, Nurney, Co. Carlow Signed Eoin Townsend The planning application may be inspected and/ or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow Town, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the
059 914 1877
prescribed fee (€20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought from Carlow County Council for the construction of 9 No. two storey three-bedroom town houses and all associated site works at Mill Race, Paupish Lane, Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. Signed: Mark Bannon, PBA architects RIAI 98013 for and on behalf of Ballon Property Holdings U.C.
Carlow County Council ANGLIN CASHMAN architects on behalf of Eileen O’Brien & John Kirwan are applying for planning permission for the erection of a 1. Split level storey & a half detached dwelling house, 2. Domestic garage, 3. Wastewater treatment plant & percolation area, 4.New splayed vehicular entrance & realignment of existing roadside boundaries to improve sight lines, along with all ancillary and associated site work at Coolnasnaughta, Myshall, Co. Carlow. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority,
Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission. ANGLIN CASHMAN architects Ltd, Rocklands, Wexford - 087 2201364
14 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory
Cold Blooded Creatures
Natterjack Toad (Photo Bernard Dupont from Wikicommons) Did you know we only have 3 native species of amphibian here in Ireland – the Common Frog (Rana temporaria), the Smooth Newt (Triturus vulgaris) and the Natterjack Toad (Bufo calamita)? What exactly is an amphibian? The word comes from the Greek Amphibios which in turn is from 2 separate words, amphi meaning ‘both’ and bios meaning ‘life’. So essentially it means double life and refers to the fact that amphibians have an aquatic, gill-breathing larval stage followed by a semiterrestrial, lung-breathing adult stage. Adults can also breathe through their skin. When they are out of the water mucus glands on the skin keeps the adult moist and help absorb dissolved oxygen from the air.
Smooth Newt (Photo Justin Ivory) Amphibians are also ectothermic, or commonly referred to as cold-blooded. Ectothermic animals cannot regulate their body temperature and must derive the heat they require from their surroundings (environment). So what are the differences between frogs, toads and newts? In simple terms a frog’s skin is typically damp and smooth, whereas a toad’s skin is relatively dry and ‘warty’. A newt is a completely different shape, being longer and thinner and superficially similar to a lizard. This is the time of year that all our amphibians lay jellycovered eggs, known as spawn, usually in still, fresh water and often among water plants. The Common Frog lays its spawn in clumps, the Natterjack Toad lays its spawn in long strings and the Smooth Newt wraps each egg in the leaf of an aquatic plant.
carlowpeople February 19, 2019
ninenottomiss BOOK of the week
TV SHOW of the week
FILM of the week
THE ORDER OF THE DAY by Eric Vuillard
HORRIBLE HISTORIES RTE 2, Friday 22nd February 5pm
ESCAPE ROOM General Release: 1 February 2019
‘Eric Vuillard’s gripping novel The Order of the Day tells the story of the pivotal meetings which took place between the European powers in the run-up to World War Two. What emerges is a fascinating and incredibly moving account of failed diplomacy, broken relationships, and the catastrophic momentum which led to conflict. A thoroughly gripping and mesmerising work of black comedy and political disaster suffused with dramatic tension, this novel tells the tragic story of how the actions of a few men brought the world to the brink of war. Winner of the 2017 Prix Goncourt
This TV show carries over the graphic style and much of the content of the Horrible Histories book series. It maintains the irreverent but accurate focus on the dark, gruesome or scatological aspects of Western world history, spanning from the Stone Age to the post-World War II era. The creative team was largely recruited from the mainstream adult UK comedy scene. They took inspiration from such quintessentially British historical-comedy classics as Blackadder and the Monty Python films.
The mythologies of modern horror classics such as Saw, The Cabin in the Woods and Final Destination are merged to create an entertainingly tense experience where six strangers make their way through a maze of deadly puzzles. Escape Room feeds not only on the contestants' specific anxieties but taps into many common phobias, such as fear of heights. It's also ridiculously silly, especially in its conclusion, as it makes its pitch for horror franchise success, offering its viewers an idiotic anagram in a 'shock' twist that you'll probably guess at the outset.
THEATRE of the week
TOUR of the week
FUN IDEA of the week
ARIES Do the groundwork to realize a vision. Strategize and review priorities. Postpone travels, and take care of business behind the scenes. TAURUS Friends help out. Collaborate on the structural and logistical details. Make sure you’ve handled the basics before elaborating. GEMINI Navigate a professional challenge by focusing on organization, discipline and coordinated action. Work completed now can have ORQJ WHUP EHQH¿W CANCER You can get what you need to take a trip. An older person makes an interesting proposition. Don’t overlook what loved ones need. LEO Investments made now can KDYH ORQJ WHUP EHQH¿W Strengthen by reinforcing foundations and supports.
THIS IS THE FUNERAL OF YOUR LIFE Visual. T 059 9172400 Thursday 18th February 8pm
BROWNSHILL DOLMEN Hacketstown Road, Carlow Open 24 hours
BOSCO’S GARDEN AND SNOW WHITE Visual. T 059 9172400 Sunday 24th February 2pm
Leave behind the emails, the bills, the deadlines. The quest for recognition, fame and glory. We are here. Together. Now. Watch us facilitate your funeral in real time, in this live event featuring an actor, a dancer and a mezzo soprano. After an original sell-out run at Project Arts Centre, Dublin, theatre-maker Louise White brings This is the Funeral of Your Life to VISUAL, Carlow. A poignant, funny and heart-warming show about death and the challenges of living. An unexpectedly funny and uplifting play about your own death.
Brownshill Dolmen is a magnificent granite capstone, weighing about 103 tonnes, has excited the interest of historians and antiquarians for centuries. An enormous slab sits on two portal stones which flank a door stone and slopes downwards to the west, where it rests on a low boulder. Visit the Brownshill Dolmen to truly experience a piece of prehistoric Ireland in all its glory. Its date of construction has been estimated at between 4,900 and 5,500 years ago and experts believe religious rites were performed at the site.
Paula Lambert has been travelling the country for the last 40 years. In the early years with her father Eugene and many beloved characters. Bosco is Bosco, not a boy, not a girl, just a Bosco: a cheeky, lovely, funny, slightlycracked, irrepressible, eternal five-year-old who lives in a box and who loves nothing more than to just be Bosco and meet all the boys and girls. After starring on Irish TV for three decades, you’ll see why Bosco remains a firm favourite for each new generation. Enjoy the story of Snow White through this completely interactive live experience.
SHOW of the week
SCREENING of the week EVENT of the week
VIRGO Collaborate with your partner to realize a shared dream. Strengthen infrastructure. Find an inspiration that sings for both of you. LIBRA .HHS \RXU ¿WQHVV JRDOV Disciplined action builds long-term strength and health. Demands for your attention abound. SCORPIO Keep practicing to improve your game. Focus on technique, and learn through repetition. Get coaching from a trusted expert. SAGITTARIUS
Make repairs and renovations. Coordinate with your family for shared priorities. Get creative.
ON TUESDAYS I’M A BUDDHIST THE CHILDREN ACT Visual. T 059 9172400 Visual. T 059 9172400 Saturday 23rd February 8pm Tuesday 5th March 8pm
UNDERSTANDING STUDENT ANXIETY Carlow College, St. Patrick’s College Street Thurday, 21 February 2019. 10am - 1pm
Join best-selling writer and raconteur Michael Harding as he reads from his latest memoir, ruminates on the difference between psychotherapy and religion, and relates the story of his pilgrimage to Skellig Michael, in his ongoing search for meaning. Harding’s latest attempt to find meaning in life is searingly honest, funny and selfdeprecating, a spell-binding and powerful book about the human condition, the narratives we weave around the self, and the ultimate bliss of living in the present moment.”
The talk on Understanding Student Anxiety and Building Resilience in the Learning Environment will be facilitated by Avril Bailey, M Ed. HG Dip P, MHGI. Avril is a fully qualified Human Givens Psychotherapist and a registered member of the Human Givens Institute. As an education and training consultant she has worked with a diverse range of public, private and non-profit organisations in a range of subject areas including personal development, mentoring, community development and leadership. .
“When a court determines any question with respect to the upbringing of a child, the child’s welfare shall be the court’s paramount consideration.” The Children Act. Based on the novel by Ian McEwan this is a compelling and powerful drama telling the story of Fiona Maye an eminent high court judge presiding over ethically complex cases. As the demands of her job cause her marriage to Jack to reach tipping point, Fiona is asked to rule on the case of Adam (, a brilliant young boy who is refusing a lifesaving blood transfusion on religious grounds.
CAPRICORN Capture brilliant ideas as they inspire you. Intellectual discovery provides a thrill. What you uncover now has long-term implications. AQUARIUS Abundance is available. Gather up more than you spend for a positive balance. Make agreements, and sign contracts. PISCES Take ground with a persoal project. What you do now FDQ KDYH ORQJ WHUP EHQH¿W Provide the leadership to take it to a new level.
carlowpeople February 19, 2019
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carlowpeople February 19, 2019