Carlow People

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June 25, 2019


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carlowpeople June 25, 2019


June 25, 2019


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t: 059 914 1877

College staff reject merger salary offer PLANS to promote Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) to full university status have been set back by a vote at IT Carlow. The two colleges are to merge into a Technological University for the South East but teaching VWDŕľľ DW &DUORZ KDYH UHMHFWHG WKH HPSOR\PHQW WHUPV RŕľľHUHG They voted by 60% against a Memorandum of Understanding setting out the working conditions. The memorandum was overwhelmingly approved E\ WKH WHDFKLQJ VWDŕľľ DW :,7 with 93% voting in favour. The Carlow vote is not expected to sink the plan for a Technological University but it will almost certainly delay SURJUHVV WR XQLYHUVLW\ VWDWXV which cannot be approved until the two ITs have merged. Waterford’s Sinn FĂŠin TD David Cullinane expressed “deep regretâ€? at he Carlow UHMHFWLRQ Âł7KH UHJLRQ QHHGV a university of international standing and one that can drive HFRQRPLF JURZWK ´ KH VDLG

Zara O’Sullivan and TJ Kavanagh at Parkville United AFC’s 41st Anniversary Dinner Dance & Awards Night, Mount Wolseley Hotel. Image by Rue Photography

%XW DQRWKHU 6LQQ )pLQ 7' Kathleen Funchion (Carlow/ .LONHQQ\ VDLG WKH 7HDFKHUV Union of Ireland at Carlow had a valid point. She understood WKH\ ZHUH EHLQJ RŕľľHUHG VKRUWHU leave entitlements than their Waterford counterparts and felt they had an “understandable gripeâ€?. Fianna FĂĄil TD Mary Butler she was optimistic the issues could be resolved. “Getting the memorandum RYHU WKH OLQH ZLWK PDMRULW\ support from the ITs and union involved will now likely take more time and patience than originally anticipated but I’m FRQÂżGHQW ZH ZLOO GR LW ´ VKH said. Fianna FĂĄil Councillor Eamon Quinlan said the Government should change the legislation to allow Waterford to proceed independently. %XW WKH 3UHVLGHQW RI :,7 :LOOLH 'RQQHOO\ VDLG JRLQJ it alone was not an option. IT Carlow management described the result as “disappointingâ€?.


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carlowpeople June 25, 2019

Outpatients facility set for Carlow

A NEW outpatient facility is to open in Carlow in the coming weeks. Waterford UPMC :KLWÂżHOG WKH ODUJHVW SULYDWH hospital in the South East, has also announced the appointment of Michelle Clancy in the newly created role of marketing and communications manager. Ms Clancy will lead media relations and communications DFWLYLWLHV DFURVV 830&ÂśV growing operations in Ireland, LQFOXGLQJ 830& :KLWÂżHOGÂśV 70-bed hospital and the UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre in Waterford city, a new outpatient IDFLOLW\ LQ &DUORZ DQG 830&ÂśV radiotherapy centre in Cork, a MRLQW YHQWXUH ZLWK %RQ 6HFRXUV 7KH :DWHUIRUG QDWLYH EULQJV a wealth of experience to the 830& :KLWÂżHOG WHDP KDYLQJ VSHQW RYHU \HDUV ZRUNLQJ LQ the communications and media sectors.

$ IRUPHU VSHFLDO DGYLVHU to Minister of State John Halligan TD at the Department RI %XVLQHVV (QWHUSULVH DQG ,QQRYDWLRQ VKH ZDV DOVR D senior journalist and arts and entertainment editor at The Munster Express for many years, as well as a regular contributor to numerous regional and national media outlets including WLR FM, RTÉ and The Irish Times. “This is an exciting time for 830& DQG 830& :KLWÂżHOG as we continue to grow as a centre of medical excellence in ,UHODQG RŕľľHULQJ KLJK TXDOLW\ health care close to home - in the South East and beyond,â€? Ms Clancy said. Âł,WÂśV JUHDW WR EH SDUW RI D WHDP FRPPLWWHG WR VHUYLQJ SDWLHQWV DQG LQYHVWLQJ LQ WKH IXWXUH RI the region.â€? Since opening in Waterford in 2006, UPMC

:KLW¿HOG KDV FRQVLVWHQWO\ H[SDQGHG LWV VHUYLFHV DQG KDV DGGHG QHZ VWD྾ PHPEHUV in the last nine months alone, bringing total employment at WKH KRVSLWDO WR RYHU The UPMC Hillman Cancer Centre has administered more than 17,000 cancer treatments WR SXEOLF DQG SULYDWH SDWLHQWV under its long-standing partnership with the HSE. With the new facilities opening in Cork and Carlow in the coming weeks and DGGLWLRQDO QHZ LQYHVWPHQWV LQ LQQRYDWLYH SDWLHQW FHQWULF technologies, UPMC aims to transform the patient experience in Ireland. ³:H DUH GHOLJKWHG WR KDYH D SHUVRQ RI 0LFKHOOHœV H[WHQVLYH experience and professionalism join our team,� says UPMC :KLW¿HOG FKLHI H[HFXWLYH RྜFHU 'DYLG %HLUQH

Mairead Farrell, Fiona and Hannah Murphy, with Audrey McGrath on tuck shop duty at Setanta Ceatharlach Hurling/Camogie Club’s Annual Fun Night, Presentation College. Image by Rue Photography

Oh, Boyle! Punter’s 50c brings home ₏7,576.22! 21( YHU\ OXFN\ &DUORZ SXQWHU is celebrating this week after WKHLU Ÿ HDFK ZD\ /XFN\ romped home ₏7,576.22 the richer with the help of trainer Keith Dalgleish sending out an DFURVV WKH FDUG ¿YH WLPHU LQ WKH UK. The anonymous customer FDOOHG LQWR WKHLU ORFDO %R\OH6SRUWV EHWWLQJ VKRS DQG VHOHFWHG ¿YH horses in Carlisle and one in Catterick for a total stake of Ÿ The 2.15 race at Catterick got

WKLQJV R྾ WR D À\LQJ VWDUW IRU WKH SXQWHU ZLWK )DVKLRQ $GYLFH (14/1) getting the ball rolling for .HLWK 'DOJOHLVKœV ELJ ¿YH WLPHU It was onto Carlisle now with Gometra Ginty (16/1) winning by a short head in the UDFH $ TXLFN ¿UH GRXEOH DW WKH WUDFN was completed half an hour later ZLWK &DXVWLF /RYH UXQQLQJ out a comfortable winner in the KDQGLFDS VSULQW FRQWHVW There was a bit of a wait then XQWLO WKH UDFH EXW &OL྾ %D\

REOLJHG E\ D QHFN LQ D WKULOOLQJ ÂżQLVK SLFN ,FRQLF Code missed out in the 5.00, but jockey Shane Gray then completed an outstanding fourWLPHU DW &DUOLVOH ZLWK %HHFKZRRG -XGH ODQGLQJ WKH ZKLFK FDSSHG Rŕľľ QRW R D JUHDW day for Dalgleish and his team, and for one lucky punter.. They were able to call back up to the desk in their local %R\OH6SRUWV VKRS DQG KDQG RYHU the winning docket in exchange for â‚Ź7,576.22.

Lands may see social housing Karen Jones and Lisa Monaghan at Parkville United AFC’s 41st Anniversary Dinner Dance & Awards Night, Mount Wolseley Hotel. Image by Rue Photography

Carberry appointed chair of engineering MR Michael Carbery, Head of Innovation and Development Programmes with Keenan (Alltech Farming Solutions Ltd ) in Borris, Carlow has been appointed Chair of Engineering the South East. Commenting on his appointment, Mr Carberry said: “It is great to be involved with this industry led initiative. This initiative has great potential to

encourage, engage and support young people in pursuing their career within the engineering industry.� The Burnside Group, *ODQELD %RVWRQ 6FLHQWL¿F Integer, Bausch & Lomb and CDS Architectural Metalwork are some of the indigenous and multinational engineering companies across the South East that have signed up to Engineering South East.

7+( 6WDWHÂśV +RXVLQJ $JHQF\ LV to meeting with Carlow County Council to discuss the future GHYHORSPHQW RI ODQGV ZKLFK WKH agency has in its possession. 0U -LP %DQHKDP IURP WKH Housing Agency was speaking at the Joint Committee on Housing, 3ODQQLQJ DQG /RFDO *RYHUQPHQW this week when he made the remarks. Meanwhile, the price of the DYHUDJH WKUHH EHG VHPL LQ &RXQW\ Carlow rose by 2.7% to â‚Ź171,000 in the past year according to a QDWLRQDO VXUYH\ FDUULHG RXW E\ Real Estate Alliance. &DUORZ SULFHV ZHUH VWDWLF RYHU the past three months, the REA $YHUDJH +RXVH 3ULFH 6XUYH\ found. 7KH 5($ $YHUDJH +RXVH 3ULFH 6XUYH\ FRQFHQWUDWHV RQ WKH DFWXDO VDOH SULFH RI ,UHODQGÂśV W\SLFDO stock home, the three-bed semi, JLYLQJ DQ XS WR GDWH SLFWXUH RI the second-hand property market in towns and cities countrywide to the close of last week. The SULFH RI DQ DYHUDJH WKUHH EHG ZDV VWDWLF WKLV TXDUWHU DW Âź

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carlowpeople June 25, 2019

news in brief Congrats to two Rohingya pupils

Congrats have been sent by to 6R¿DW $ODP ZKR KDV JUDGXDWHG from St Mary’s Academy CBS in Carlow. 6R¿DW WKH FDSWDLQ RI WKH &DUORZ Cricket Club team two, is among three Rohingya youths who sat the Leaving Cert this year. He is among the Rohingya resettled in Ireland from a refugee camp.

Youth workers and summer camps

Carlow Regional Youth Service are currently seeking applicants for afterschool workers. This is a Community Employment position so, if you are interested and eligible then please contact Marie/Lisa on 085 2101494. The service are also still taking registrations for our Summer Camp on July 8th – 12th and caters for children aged from ¿YH WR \HDUV &DOO LQWR +4 Montgomery House, on the Athy Road, or phone 059 9130476 or 086 7712198.

Live music venue

Carlow Town is to get a new OLYH PXVLF YHQXH ZLWK DQ RŕľśFLDO opening to be held in July. The team behind T Street Live, which closed last October over venue issues, have teamed up with Scraggs Alley and are running a new live music venue called ‘Upstairs at Scraggs Live’.

Joanne Clifford, Sharon O’Brien, Kevin Bohanna, Cllr Fintan Phelan and Sinead McAuliffe partaking in Asca GFC Family Table Quiz, Carlow Town Hurling Club. Image by Rue Photography

Worth betting on this local business for iBYE award CARLOW native David Bambrick from Equireel will represent his county in the ÂżQDO RI ,UHODQGÂśV %HVW <RXQJ Entrepreneur. Equireel is an equine media business that focuses on the equesWULDQ VSRUW RI HYHQWLQJ DQG LQ particular the cross country phase. Equireel produces videos IRU GLŕľľHUHQW VWDNHKROGHUV WKURXJKRXW WKH HTXHVWULDQ industry and operate in ,UHODQG WKH 8. )UDQFH Netherlands and Poland. Equireel is run by business

partners and Carlow natives David Bambrick and Michael Nolan. 7KH 5HJLRQDO :LQQHUV RI Âł,UHODQGÂśV %HVW <RXQJ (QWUHSUHQHXUVÂś ZHUH DQnounced at an awards FHUHPRQ\ KRVWHG E\ &DUORZÂśV /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFHV DW 6WHS +RXVH +RWHO %RUULV The winners were chosen IURP ÂżQDOLVWV VKRUWOLVWHG from almost 200 applicants in the competition which was launched earlier this year by WKH /(2ÂśV DV SDUW RI D QDWLRQZLGH VHDUFK WR ÂżQG ,UHODQGÂśV


Boxing’s Chloe is up... and kicking ! YOUNG Chloe Black has been named on the Irish Muay Thai team for the Youth World Championships in Turkey later this year and a fundraising page has been set up to help the Carlow girl meet the cost of participating in the event. A GoFundMe page has been set uup as it says “the cost of participating in these events is very high for all involved�. Chloe recently was not allowed t o box at the championships in the National Stadium on the basis of an Amateur Irish Boxing Association rule which disallows competitors to be involved in any other individual, physical, contact sport. A petition has caaled for the rule to be abolished. Carlow Muay Thai said: “We’re honoured and delighted to announce that Chloe has been selected as part of the Irish Muay Thai Council Team for the Youth World Championships in Antayla Turkey, beginning at the end of September this year, and where she won silver last year out in Thailand.�

Campus STIs rise is ‘untrue’ says IT AN allegation of a rise in sexually transmitted infections at the Institute of Technology, Carlow has been strenuously rejection by the Institute which it has said it is disappointed and surprised by the “untrueâ€? remarks. Wicklow TD Stephen Donnelly claimed in a Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Health that there had been an increase in sexually transmitted infections at IT Carlow. A “health professionalâ€? made the allegation of a rise in STIs at the Institute, a spokesperson for Deputy Donnelly said. However, in a statement on Tuesday evening, IT Carlow said: “Institute of Technology Carlow is disappointed and surprised that Deputy Donnelly, would go on the record based on unsubstantiated and untrue allegations which are damaging to the reputation of the Institute and its 8,500 students. “When Deputy Donnelly’s RŕľśFH ZDV FRQWDFWHG E\ WKH Institute to clarify the source of his assertion, the Institute was told that Deputy Donnelly’s ofÂżFH ZDV FRQWDFWHG E\ DQ LQGLvidual ‘claiming to be a health professional’. “If Deputy Donnelly wished to establish the true facts on this matter, it would be been ap-

propriate to contact Institute of 7HFKQRORJ\ &DUORZ LQ WKH ÂżUVW instance. This did not happen.â€? A spokesperson for Deputy Donnelly said: “Stephen was contacted by someone claiming to be a health professional who alleged there had been a rise in sexually transmitted diseases among IT Carlow students. “Understandably in his role as Fianna FĂĄil Health spokesperson he was suitably conFHUQHG DQG LQ DQ HŕľľRUW WR HVWDElish the validity of these claims he submitted a Parliamentary Question to the Minister for Health. “If any person/group has additional/alternative information he would appreciate if they could supply him with those details also, so he can build up a complete and accurate picture of the situation.â€? However, the Students’ Union President at the Institute, Richard Morrell, hit back. A statement said: “My number one question is where has Deputy Donnelly got his facts from as we’re not aware of any increase above the norm in the Institute.â€? In a written response to Deputy Donnelly, the Minister of State at the Department of Health, Catherine Byrne, said: “As this is a service matter, I have asked the HSE to reply directly to the Deputy.â€?

Use plants to help grow the economy THE harnessing of plants for a better society, economy, and environment� is the theme for this year’s Irish Plant Scientists’ Association Meeting (IPSAM) which will take place at the Institute of Technology Carlow from this Tuesday, June 25 to 27. The meeting is jointly organised by enviroCORE at Institute of Technology Carlow and the Teagasc Crop Science Department in Oak Park. Speaking in advance of the meeting, Co-chair of the

IPSAM organising committee, Dr Susanne Barth from Teagasc, said: “Ireland has a vibrant and wide-ranging community of researchers in the plant sciences including crop science, phytopathology, plant genetics and genomics, developmental biology, ecology, horticulture, forestry and soil science. “This ranges from fundamental through to applied research. Over the three day meeting we will explore how plants can be harnessed for a better society, economy, and environment.�

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Carlow is consulted about new childcare CARLOW Regional Youth Service are being consulted about their concerns over the new National Childcare Scheme ZKLFK ZLOO FRPH LQWR DŕľľHFW LQ August, according toMinister for Children Katherine Zappone 7KH DFW SODQV WR RŕľľHU JUDQWV and subsidies for children to attend creches.Due to new UHJXODWLRQV RQ VWDŕľľ UDWLRV PDQ\ childcare services are reducing the number of places for older children. The new requirements VWDWH WKHUH PXVW EH VWDŕľľ member per 12 children. They say the scheme will close down three after-school services in Carlow and means 99 children will no longer get after-school support. Speaking in DĂĄil, Minister for Children Katherine Zappone said it was important that they do hear from the Carlow service. The NCS will provide ÂżQDQFLDO VXSSRUW IRU SDUHQWV towards the cost of childcare. It will provide a system from which both universal and targeted subsidies can be provided towards the cost of childcare.

Auction of rare CS Lewis docs in Carlow find Niamh and Amy O’Rouke with Ciara Cox at Setanta Ceatharlach Hurling/Camogie Club’s Annual Fun Night, Presentation College. Image by Rue Photography

Let’s raise a glass of Walsh’s to the memory of Ulysses... CARLOW’S Bernard Walsh, of Walsh’s Whiskey, has come to the aid of Sweny’s Pharmacy – one of the most celebrated venues featured in James Joyce’s epic novel, Ulysses. Writers’ Tears premium Irish whiskey in Bagenalstown will provide ¿QDQFLDO DQG RWKHU VXSSRUW WR Sweny’s which is under threat of closure from rising rent. Established in 1999 by husband and wife, Bernard

and Rosemary Walsh, Walsh Whiskey is a leading producer of premium and super-premium, tripledistilled, craft, Irish whiskeys – Writers’ Tears and The Irishman. On Dublin City’s Lincoln Place, Sweny’s features in Chapter Five of Ulysses when the lead character, Leopold Bloom, pays a visit. 6ZLQHœV RྜFLDOO\ FHDVHG operating as a pharmacy in 2009 but since then, thanks

to benevolent volunteers, has become a shrine to Joyce and Ulysses preserved just as it was when the author himself visited it in 1904 – as did Oscar Wilde and Samuel Beckett in their time. Sweny’s is now a registered charity - number CHY 20955 - and operates as a not for SUR¿W RUJDQLVDWLRQ Up to now, Sweny’s do QRW KDYH DQ\ VLJQL¿FDQW sponsorship. Until Bernard Walsh stepped in...

THE Cavan auction house Victor Mee Auctions has been JLYHQ WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR ¿QG the next owners of an exquisite series of draft letters and documents written by CS Lewis that were recovered from Rathvinden House in Leighlinbridge, Carlow, which for many years was the home of Lewis’s stepson Douglas Gresham. Lewis wrote more than 30 books, both popular and scholarly, including The Chronicles of Narnia series, The Screwtape Letters, The Four Loves, Mere Christianity and Surprised by Joy and his connection to the island of Ireland is evident through much of his work. With a growing global audience the high-quality pieces that will feature in the upcoming Decorative Interiors and Garden Sale are helping to further establish Victor Mee Auctions as a leading auction house within Ireland. The Lewis letters are expectHG WR EH RI VLJQL¿FDQW LQWHUHVW

to many scholars and literary lovers from around the world, with the collection listed in two Lots - Lot 213A, estimated to sell from ₏600 - ₏1200 and Lot 213B, estimated to sell from ₏400 - ₏600. The culturally and historiFDOO\ VLJQL¿FDQW GRFXPHQWV ZLOO feature in Victor Mee’s upcoming Decorative Interiors and Garden Sale which will take place this Wednesday, June 26. A Vintage Sale, which will feature a wide range of vintage cars, motorbikes, and vintage signage will also take place on Sunday, June, 30th Put forward by the Graham family, recent sellers of Rathviden House, the Lewis documents have been safely kept since being discovered in 2012. Throughout his lifetime Lewis comprised a vast collection of intimate letters written to friends, family, and fans, spanning from his youth to the weeks before his death at the age of 65 in 1963.

Special school cover of â‚Ź3k is now â‚Ź13,500! A CARLOW Special Needs school has seen its insurance premium “sky-rocketâ€? from â‚Ź3,000 to â‚Ź13,500, according toSenator Jennifer Murnane O’Connor who raised the matter in the Seanad last week Speaking directly to the Minister for Education, Joe McHugh TD, she said: “The insurance premium for Saplings Special School in Carlow had sky-rocketed from â‚Ź3,000 to â‚Ź10,500. Last week, the premium increased again to â‚Ź13,500. “The school has incredible VWDŕľľ D SDVVLRQDWH SULQFLSDO DQG WHUULÂżF SDUHQWV DQG WKH SDULVK and wider community are very supportive. “Each fundraiser, however, dips into the same pot. The annual capitation grant of â‚Ź20,000 to run the school seems incredible when, just last

month, it received an insurance bill of â‚Ź13,500 and a utility bill for one month alone was more than â‚Ź4,000. “The school has no choice but to constantly fundraise to maintain the services it provides so well. It is one thing for parents to feel frustrated that they cannot give the best to their children, but for a principal and VWDŕľľ WR IHHO WKH\ DUH IDFLQJ LQWR a grim future under extreme ÂżQDQFLDO SUHVVXUH LV VLPSO\ VRXO destroying. “Saplings special school caters for children from the age of four to 18. This model RI VFKRRO ZDV ÂżUVW HVWDEOLVKHG by a small group of parents and professionals in the Kildare area because there was a need for the service; it did not exist elsewhere. Âł6DSOLQJV QRZ KDV ÂżYH schools located around the

country providing quality education for pupils with autism and complex needs.� “We need to keep these schools. We cannot lose the likes of Saplings and other schools across the country because of increasing insurance costs. It is just not acceptable,� the senator said. In response, Minister McHugh said: “The increased insurance costs of special schools appear to be due to annual increases in insurance costs generally and, increases in claims. “The Department of Education and Skills is working as a matter of urgency with relevant Departments, including the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, and with the State Claims Agency to seek a resolution to the issue of increased insurance costs in special schools.�

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OAPs miss out on pension top-up THOUSANDS of pensioners will miss out on longanticipated top-ups despite a Government commitment to address an anomaly which left them out of pocket by up to â‚Ź80 a week. More than 90,000 pensioners were promised reviews of their pension in the expectation that their weekly payment would increase. They are being penalised because they took time out of the workforce at some stage in their career, a plight which Finance Minister Paschal Donohoe himself described as “bonkers and unbelievableâ€?. +RZHYHU QHZ ÂżJXUHV UHYHDO that less than half of the pensioners whose cases have been reviewed so far have seen a rise in their weekly pension. The Department of Social Protection has so far reviewed 47,753 cases and just 23,521 pensioners got an increase. More than half, or 24,232, stay on their existing rate. Fianna FĂĄil social protection spokesperson Willie O’Dea said the Government’s approach WR WKH LQMXVWLFH VXŕľľHUHG E\ thousands of mostly female

pensioners was “nonsensicalâ€? and “ridiculousâ€?. The 2012 changes to pension bands led to pensioners losing out on full pensions because they took time out of the workforce to raise families or care for loved ones. 7KLV DŕľľHFWHG WHQV RI WKRXVDQGV of people, many of them women who took time out for childcare or other reasons. Some of these women were subjected to the State’s marriage bar - which was only abolished in 1973. But despite co-operating with the review, thousands will see no increase in their pension rate. There were 47,753 reviews of such cases completed by May 23. Some 23,521 pensioners have received an increase in their rate of weekly pension, but 24,232 have remained on their existing rate. No detailed reasons were provided why so many cases under review fell outside the criteria for a pension increase. The homecaring credit was made available to people who were not making pension contributions for up to 20 years and it was aimed at making it

Mark O’Brien, Alex Clifford, Luke Bramley, Jack O’Brien. Front row - Paudraig Cantwell, Ben Deacon and John Phiry revealing the new Asca Juveniles team strip at Asca GFC Family Table Quiz, Carlow Town Hurling Club. Image by Rue Photography

easier to get full pensions. However, people who had several children may have taken longer than 20 years out of the workforce. Social Protection Minister Regina Doherty said: “We cannot give someone a contribution history that he or she does not have.â€? Ms Doherty had previously promised to right the wrong by introducing homecare credits which would supplement years of pension contributions that were missed. More than 90,000 pensioners were written to by the Department of Social Protection and told their cases were to be reviewed. Many were asked to provide documentation to support claims for pension top-ups that were reviewed by 115 DGGLWLRQDO VWDŕľľ Fianna FĂĄil’s Mr O’Dea said that thousands of pensioners ZKR ZHUH DŕľľHFWHG ZRXOG KDYH expected to have received a lift but were left disappointed. “Given that this system was introduced to rectify discrimination against people who were born after a certain date in 1946, as opposed to

people who were born before that date, does the minister think it is acceptable that just half of the people who fall into the former category have EHQHÂżWHG"´ KH DVNHG He argued the Government should have “simply reversedâ€? the changes to rectify the situation. “They introduced a needlessly over-complicated system to try to rectify a gross injustice and they have RQO\ PDQDJHG WR Âż[ KDOI WKH problem,â€? he said. In the DĂĄil last week, Ms Doherty insisted the system she introduced was “absolutely the fairest way of working out a person’s contributionsâ€?. Pensions are currently calculated using a ‘yearly averaging’ system. This means it is possible for people to start paying PRSI later in their working life and still qualify for the maximum rate. The anomaly arose where people started work, but then took time out. The 2012 system did not take into account a break in a person’s employment if they stopped working to raise a family or to care for a loved one.

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An end to self-service? I’m lovin’ it!


FRIEND, just back from Spain, was complaining about the DIY nature of modern air travel. “The only thing I GLGQÂśW GR ZDV Ă€\ the plane,â€? she moaned. I know what she means. There was a time when arranging D Ă€LJKW PHDQW FDOOLQJ ZLWK D travel agent or an airline’s own ERRNLQJ RŕľśFH DQG WHOOLQJ WKHP where you wanted to go and when. Today I make a booking online and register for a boarding card which I print out or save to my phone. At the airport I swipe the card and receive a baggage tag which I attach to my luggage EHIRUH VHQGLQJ LW Rŕľľ WR , sincerely hope, the same place I am visiting. I swipe the boarding card again to get to departures and, depending on the airport I’m going to, I may swipe my passport to get into the country. And all without human intervention. Suppliers used to operate on the slogan‘the customer is

Michael Wolsey always right’. ‘The customer is always willing’would be more appropriate today. You pay for a service, then provide it yourself. In my mind it started with McDonald’s. It is more than 40 years since the chain opened its ÂżUVW UHVWDXUDQW LQ ,UHODQG , wrote about it for the old Irish Press and met a PR woman who told me McDonald’s was introducing not just a new name but a new concept in dining. Irish customers, she assured me, would soon get used to to eating food from their hands, since neither forks nor plates would be supplied, and to clearing up the leftovers and

Macayla Flynn and Leanne Tumelty at Parkville United AFC’s 41st Anniversary Dinner Dance & Awards Night, Mount Wolseley Hotel. Image by Rue Photography carrying them to a bin. I found it hard to see an advantage in paying McDonald’s for the privilege of performing tasks which other restaurants performed for us. I

doubted if it would catch on. I was wrong. Irish diners embraced it all with gusto and so began an era in which customers do all the work and the service-provider’s main task

is to count the money. . Soon after we started serving ourselves in fast-food restaurants we began paying our way on the buses, and conductors were consigned to history. If you are under 40 you probably won’t remember bus conductors. They were, by and large, a friendly bunch who exchanged pleasantries as they went around the bus selling tickets. If you weren’t sure of the right stop, you could ask them to give you a shout when you got there. The service was dull without them. It was also much slower since passengers were obliged to form a queue and pay on the way in, rather than quickly taking their seats while the bus moved on. Petrol stations then decided their customers would be KDSSLHU ¿OOLQJ WKH WDQNV themselves and supermarkets got in on the do-it-yourself act with checkout desks where you do your own scanning. And then there are the banks - where once you queued to be served by a helpful teller at a

counter. The branch I’m with now has a woman at a reception desk whose job, in theory, is to direct customers to the appropriate service. In practice, her role is to get you back on the street as quickly as possible. If I want to withdraw cash or lodge a cheque, she will point me to an ATM. If I want to transfer money she will suggest I go home and do it online. If I want to check my account she will explain that I can key in the request on my phone. But there is a ray of hope. In recent months this do-ityourself trend has been reversed - and by the same source that began it all. McDonald’s has introduced table service at some of its Irish UHVWDXUDQWV LQFOXGLQJ WKDW ¿UVW Irish base on Dublin’s Grafton Street. It’s not exactly silverservice. You record your order on a touch screen and somebody brings it to your table. Still, it’s a start. Could it be McDonald’s, of all people, who roll back the DIY revolution? I’m lovin’ it.

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LIVERPOOL TRAVEL CLUB meeting to be arranged

Full details- call Kevin 086 1565133

Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338 FOR SALE Ladybird Rocking Chair for a child €50 t #SJD B #SBD t $MPUIFT t 7BSJPVT 5PZT t 7BSJPVT 1SJDFT Contact any evening except Thursday

Tel: 059 9130792

NATIONAL LOTTERY GRANTS The HSE has been allocated National Lottery Funding for distribution to community based groups and voluntary organisations, under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme. Groups and organisations involved in providing health and personal social services can apply for once-off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects. For information on how and where to apply, see If you have a query contact the HSELive team on 1850 24 1850 or email Closing Date for Applications is noon on Tuesday, 30th April 2019.



059 914 1877

Carlow County Council We, William Murphy and Aoife $MFFSF .VSQIZ JOUFOE UP BQQMZ GPS planning permission for the con struction of a two storey residential dwelling, detached garage, pack aged wastewater treatment sys tem and soil polishing filter, bored well and all associated site works at Straboe Lane, Killerig, Co. Carlow. 5IF QMBOOJOH BQQMJDBUJPO NBZ CF inspected or purchased, at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the planning authority during its public opening hours and that a submission or observation in re lation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee within the period of 5 weeks be ginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application. Carlow County Council 1MBOOJOH QFSNJTTJPO GPS SFUFOUJPO is sought for replacement of roof TUSVDUVSF BOE SF TMBUJOH XJUI TBM vaged and original slate, to the Old $BOBM TUPSF B 1SPUFDUFE 4USVDUVSF CW124 (adjoining Goresbridge a protected structure CW6) and for the retention of a unauthorized sliding gate to the rear vehicular access. 1FSNJTTJPO JT TPVHIU GPS B DIBOHF of use of the existing ground floor to original 3 storey section (includ ing raised area to North for Canal .VTFVN BOE $BGF 5IJT VTF JT UIF first phase of a later development of upper floors which for now are being made structurally stable. t %FNPMJUJPO PG FYJTUJOH TJOHMF MFBO UP TUSVDUVSF BOE UPJMFU CMPDL and its replacement with new flat roofed single storey structure for use as kitchen and toilets to new canal Museum Café, area 61sqm.

t 3FGVSCJTINFOU PG FYJTUJOH JOEVT trial shed structures to allow for covered parking bike storage and (occasional community event) t 5IF JOTUBMMBUJPO PG B öSF FTDBQF BD cess and stair from rear barrel vault shed through existing blocked PQFOJOH POUP #BMMZFMMJO 3PBE t 3F GFOFTUSBUJPO PG BMM VQQFS øPPS windows and first floor structural repair of building shell and fire rating, however the use of these floors is not being considered in this phase, and there will be no public access. t (MBTT XBMMFE WJFXJOH EFDL BOE cafe (57sqm) to Canal side. t 1SPWJTJPO PG B OFX XBTUF XBUFS treatment system and tertiary sand filter. t 5IF QSPWJTJPO PG DBS TQBDFT XJUIJO the shed structure. t 5IF SFQBJS PG öSTU BOE TFDPOE floor rooms to residential section including reconstruction of brick partitions and internal stairs. For 5PN 0 /FJMM 0ME $BOBM 4UPSFT #BM lyellen Road, Goresbridge, Co. Carlow 5IF QMBOOJOH BQQMJDBUJPO NBZ CF inspected or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of UIF 1MBOOJOH "VUIPSJUZ $JWJD 0G fices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the pre scribed fee, €20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in mak ing a decision on the application. 5IF QMBOOJOH BVUIPSJUZ NBZ HSBOU permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.

carlowpeople June 25, 2019

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18 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Giants from the Deep

carlowpeople June 25, 2019

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


Lion’s Mane Jellyfish (Photo Kip Evans Wikicommons) IF you go down to the sea today beware of the lions! They won’t eat you, but they could give you a severe sting! We’re talking Lion’s Mane jellyfish. I’m sure you have heard lots of reports in the last two weeks of some bathing areas being temporarily closed due to the presence of these jellyfish. With a main body, also referred to as the umbrella or bell, that reach up to 2m in diameter, Lion’s Mane jellyfish are truly impressive creatures. The bell edge is formed into 8 large lobes and 8 clusters of up to 150 stinging tentacles. These tentacles can be 3m long and give a very severe sting causing blisters and irritation. In some people they induce anaphylactic shock. The oldest tentacles can be dark red in colour. Be warned, even broken fragments of tentacles retain their stinging power! It also has four large arms surrounding the mouth. These are a lot shorter than the tentacles. The Lion’s Mane can vary in colour from red to creamy yellow. Other jellyfish that we get in Irish waters include: Common/Moon Jellyfish – translucent with four lilac, horseshoe shapes visible through the dome. These jellyfish are harmless to humans.

THE LAST WIDOW by Karin Slaughter


TOY STORY 4 Released June 24

From the No.1 bestselling author comes a gripping new crime thriller. The routine of a family shopping trip is shattered when Michelle Spivey is snatched as she leaves the mall with her young daughter. The police search for her, her partner pleads for her release, but in the end...they find nothing. It’s as if she disappeared into thin air. A month later, on a sleepy Sunday afternoon, medical examiner Sara Linton is at lunch with her boyfriend Will Trent, an agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. But the serenity of the summer’s day is broken by the wail of sirens.

Documentary marking the 70th anniversary of the liberation of the concentration camp by Red Army troops. Laurence Rees travels to Jerusalem, Chicago, London, Bavaria, Krakow and Tel Aviv to talk to survivors, their friends and families, who discuss the problems, challenges and triumphs they have experienced since. Among those interviewed are Tadeusz, a doctor who still had to fight persecution by communists in Poland, and Hermann, who went on to become a successful antiques dealer in Bavaria, but still suffers from recurring nightmares.

Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether that’s Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called “Forky” to her room, a road trip adventureensues. The adventurous journey turns into an unexpected reunion as Woody’s slight detour leads him to his long-lost friend Bo Peep. As Woody and Bo discuss the old days, they soon start to realize that they’re worlds apart when it comes to what they want from life as a toy.

CINEMA of the week

CONCERT of the week

PLAY of the week

TAURUSClean, sort and organize for inner peace. Consider dreams, recent and old. Write down intentions. GEMINIDraw upon hidden resources to get farther. Heed the voice of experience. Take action to realize a shared dream. CANCERStudy a secret system to advance your career. Keep your wits about you. You’re learning valuable tricks, and there’s a test. LEOGet out and explore. Expand your options. Discover a new side of something familiar. Investigate fresh terrain.

ALL IS TRUE Visual, Old Dublin Road, Carlow Tuesday 23rd July 8pm

SUMMER COUNTRY SHOW Visual, Old Dublin Road, Carlow, Thursday, July 25 at 8pm and tickets €27.50

WEIGHING IN Visual Carlow, Old Dublin Road, Carlow, Friday 28th June 8pm Tickets: €19/17

Returning to Stratford Upon Avon in 1613 after a fire destroys his beloved Globe Theatre, a devastated William Shakespeare struggles to mend broken relationships with his neglected wife and daughters, and finally come to terms with the death of his son. Having seen his family intermittently during his time working in London they are surprised but not pleased by his return. As Shakespeare is forced to examine his own failings as husband and father the simmering family tensions gradually surface.

Join six of Ireland’s top country music stars for an unmissable “Summer Country Show” at VISUAL. The show will feature the legendary Brendan Shine, Sligo’s Patrick Feeney, Tipperary Country Queen Louise Morrisey, the prince of country John Hogan, the popular Michael Collins and the hilarious Gary Gamble. Each of the stars will perform their biggest hit songs in the company of Ireland’s top backing bands Keltic Storm. This is a show you certainly won’t want to miss!

This play deals with the modern obsession of dieting. Set in the Easi-Slim diet club we meet the highly driven Pam (Isobel Mahon) and the motherly Breda (Rose Henderson). Both attend the weekly clinic for the weigh-in and strike up an unlikely friendship. Pam has reached her target weight and has only signed up to maintain, and brag about the four stone she’s lost. Breda has diligently attended the Easi-Slim meetings but just can’t manage to win the battle of the bulge– until Pam comes along to power-walk her into shape.

EXHIBITION of the week Common Jellyfish (Photo Alexander Vasenin – Wikicommons)

VISIT of the week

GIG of the week

Compass Jellyfish – creamy brown in colour with distinctive brown v-shaped markings on the dome. They can give a nasty sting.

Compass Jellyfish (Photo Jonathan Wilkins – Wikicommons) Barrel Jellyfish - ghostly white and thick and solid. The dome/umbrella can be up to 1m in diameter. They have no tentacles, but prolonged exposure can cause and allergic reaction.

ARIESAn obstacle could obscure a personal dream. You’re getting stronger today and tomorrow. Polish and beautify.

VIRGO'R \RXU ¿QDQFLDO homework. Stay current with paperwork, legal matters and insurance. File and organize accounts. LIBRAFollow through with what you told your partner you would do. Avoid controversy,s and just do it. SCORPIOPractice your physical moves. Try new techniques or twists. Strive for balanced energy and health. Nurture yourself with excellent food, music and rest. SAGITTARIUS-

Provide a stabilizing LQÀXHQFH (QMR\ IXQ activities in good company. Romance develops with half a chance. Add candlelight. CAPRICORNSavor domestic crafts and comforts. Cook up something delicious, and invite family and friends. Others are happy to help.

DEARLY BELOVED Visual Carlow, 1 July - 1 September


SMASH HITS Dinn Ri Carlow - The Tower Saturday 13th July 10.30 Tickets: €12

This year’s open call invited artists to submit work that comments on the trials of our post truth world and the potential of collective energy. Time, labour, love, loss, coping mechanisms, and space for imagining for the future, these are some of the themes that are explored in ARTWORKS 2019. Along with artists selected from open submission, the exhibition also includes a number of important works from the IMMA collection including Pierre Huyghe’s Block Party.

Now a ruin standing on the eastern bank of the River Barrow, Carlow Castle is thought to have been built by William de Marshal (Earl of Pembroke and Lord of Leinster between 1207 and 1213) and is similar in design to Ferns Castle in County Wexford. At one time Carlow was an important and strong military fortress, strategically sited at the confluence of the rivers, and the castle withstood repeated attacks in 1494 and 1641.

Smash Hits! are a unique, entertaining tribute to the golden era of early 90s dance, pop and R‘n’B. This Dublin six-piece is comprised of experienced musicians performing the best of classic 90s tracks from acclaimed artists such as Vanilla Ice, MC Hammer, House of Pain, Take That, Spice Girls, Haddaway, Prodigy and Snap, amongst others. Since bursting onto the club scene in May 2009 the band have sold out shows all over Ireland, performed at Oxegen and Electric Picnic, and gone down a storm.

AQUARIUSWhen pursuing a possibility, WKH ¿UVW WKLQJ \RX PD\ notice is the opposite. You may see everywhere it’s missing. Articulate your message for a powerful presentation. PISCES$SSO\ HQHUJ\ WR SUR¿WDEOH schemes. Not every suggestion works. Choose prudently. Monitor budgets and statistics for best value. The more you complete, the more you gain.

carlowpeople June 25, 2019

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20 |

carlowpeople June 25, 2019

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