Carlow People

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March 26, 2019


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carlowpeople March 26, 2019


March 26, 2019


12,000 COPIES

Son’s fury as mum’s killer seeks parole A CARLOW teenager who witnessed his mother being murdered when he was just four-years-old has pleaded for the killer to remain behind bars. Heartbroken Jamie Campbell — whose mother Ciara, (22), was murdered by Gordon Molloy, 33, at her home in Co. Carlow on November 12, 2007 — says he is devastated at the killer’s second bid for freedom. Molloy was jailed for life in July 2009 after he was found guilty of stabbing the young woman 27 times — including once in the forehead — in a frenzied attack as her only son looked on. During the attack, Jamie’s mother told her son, now 16, to run to safety. The child hid for ¿YH DQG D KDOI KRXUV EHIRUH KH ZDV ¿QDOO\ UHVFXHG Molloy has never apologised for the gruesome killing. Ciara’s distraught relatives will now have to write to the Irish Prison Service outlining their objections to Molloy’s appeal for release. Speaking on Jamie’s behalf,

Ciara’s mother Paidi Campbell told the Irish edition of the Sun newspaper of her family’s ongoing torment. She said: “Gordon Molloy took a part of Jamie that he can never get back — his mother. He witnessed this monster stab his mother in the forehead before running up the stairs. “He saw his mother struggle with Molloy before seeing him pull her head back by her hair and slit her throat.” i Ciara’s father, Micheal Cunningham, also told of his torment at the Molloy’s parole bid. “The whole thing is just heartbreaking. We cried and cried when we were told he was going for parole. He’s allowed to see our submissions but we can’t see his — it’s just not fair. We are re-living this nightmare again. “Molloy was a grown man and he was just jealous of my wonderful grandson. “Jamie is growing up and it’s just heartbreaking for him not to have his mum in his life.”

Mia Farrell and Sadhbh Coffey representing Gaelscoil Eoghain Uí Thuairisc Ceatharlach during St Patrick’s Day Parade. Image by Rue Photography


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Eight schools learn the art of big business EIGHT schools in Carlow are completing their projects for the Junior Entrepreneur Programme, and arepart of more than 600 schools throughout Ireland who have signed up for the programme which was cofounded by founder and entrepreneur CEO Jerry Kennelly. The free nationwide programme gives pupils aged of 11 and 12 a real insight to the business world, by enabling them to convert their commercial ideas into real business opportunities, complete with management teams, sales and especially the thrill of running a successful DQG SURÂżWDEOH EXVLQHVV The free 14-week programme is led by Jerry Kennelly and supported by successful entrepreneurs across Ireland, including Sam McAuley,

founder, McAuley Chemists, Frank Salmon (CMS Periperals), Peter Cosgrove, (ATA) and John Purdy (Ergo) among others. In the last nine years, 67,000 national school pupils have DOUHDG\ EHQHÂżWHG IURP WKH programme. “All too often entrepreneurship programmes target transition year students at second level, but by then many career decisions and subject choices have already been made. The ideal time to open young minds to the thrill of business is at primary education level, when they are at their most creative and uninhibited in their approach to business ideas and solutionsâ€? said Jerry Kennelly. The JEP programme is aligned with the primary school curriculum with JEP participants developing skills

DQG FRQ¿GHQFH LQ SUHVHQWDWLRQ drawing, technology, research, numeracy as well as problem solving, collaboration and brand awareness. A classroom and teacher kit is provided to schools free, which includes the JEP Teacher’s Guide, posters, D VFKRRO ÀDJ ZRUNERRNV DQG classroom display. In a recent survey, primary school teachers said that the JEP programme supported subjects in the school curriculum ranking maths and science as the key subject supported, with English and literacy skills a very close second. Up to 87% of teachers saw DQ LQFUHDVH LQ FRQ¿GHQFH LQ children participating in JEP in their primary schools, with a further 66% saying participating in the programme improved communication skills and the ability to work as a team.

5 teams tops at Games Fleadh Chloe, Emily, Olivia and Dylan Gahan enjoying the festivities at St Patrick’s Day Parade. Image by Rue Photography

Making clean sweep of it at â‚Ź100,000 ! THE local authority spends over â‚Ź100,000 per annum on hiring and maintaining one mechanical street sweeper for the Bagenalstown Municipal District, according to Carlow Live. In response to a Freedom of Information request by the website, the local authority provided details that there

was one hired mechanical sweeper operating in the Bagenalstown area. It operates in Bagenalstown ÂżYH GD\V D ZHHN DQG DOO villages within the MD area within the month. The annual cost of hire of the sweeper is â‚Ź100,000 and maintenance costs are about â‚Ź10,000 a year.

FIVE teams from Institute of Technology Carlow swept the boards at the recent Games Fleadh hosted at Limerick IT, scooping awards for Best Game, Best Multiplayer Game, Best $UWLÂżFLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH DQG %HVW Gameplay. Games Fleadh is considered the ‘Oscars’ of game design DQG SURJUDPPLQJ DQG WKH ÂżYH teams from IT Carlow outdid WKHPVHOYHV ZLWK DOO ÂżYH DZDUGHG for their entries, including taking WKH WLWOH RI 5RERFRGH $UWLÂżFLDO Intelligence Programming Champions after competing against University of Limerick. Carlow’s team syndicate also ZRQ %HVW $UWLÂżFLDO ,QWHOOLJHQFH by creating an autonomous bot which automatically played their game levels assisting them in designing and testing numerous gameplay environments. The judges selected game title Cyber Punch as the Best Game built using the Carlow team’s custom-developed game engine.

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Carlow Town Community First Responders partaking in St Patrick’s Day Parade. Image by Rue Photography

Get fit and healthy with new waterways route A WALKING programme along the canals and rivers of Carlow, Kildare and Laois has been launched by Waterways Ireland. The aim of the Waterways For Health programme — in conjunction with Get Ireland Walking, and Local Sports Partnerships from Carlow, Kildare and Laois — is to immerse participants into natural waterway environments with

guided support from county walking facilitators from Local Sports Partnerships. “Waterways Ireland has seen a huge increase in the number of recreational and tourist users on and along all our waterways our in recent years,” said Sharon Lavin of Waterways Ireland. “With the provision of our Blueway and Greenway trails, we have now created even more

opportunities for people to try new recreational activities. 7KLV DOVR R൵HUV JUHDWHU KHDOWK and well-being and social opportunities for locals.” For more information on the new Waterways For Health programme, its partners and their services, see GetIrelandWalking. ie and www.SportIreland. LH WR ¿QG \RXU /RFDO 6SRUWV Partnership).

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Chinese students boost to economy ,7 &DUORZ LV VHW WR EHQH¿W IURP new and stronger relationships with Chinese universities, after a delegation from the college signed a new memorandum of understanding with Henan 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ %HLMLQJ DV SDUW of Minister Joe McHugh’s St 3DWULFNœV 'D\ WULS WR &KLQD Chinese students are not new ORFDOO\ ZLWK PDQ\ VWXG\LQJ DW the institute in Carlow in the ODVW \HDUV +RZHYHU WKH ,7œV ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 2ྜFHU 5DFKHO 1L 1HLOO RQ KHU ZD\ ODVW ZHHN to Asia to take part in further WDONV WROG .&/5 1HZV WKH QHZ memorandum would help grow the numbers in future. 7KHUH DUH &KLQHVH VWXGHQWV VWXG\LQJ DW WKH LQVWLWXWH at the moment, with more FRPLQJ WR VWXG\ IRU WKH EUHZLQJ LQGXVWU\ These students would bring D ¿QDQFLDO ZLQGIDOO WR WKH ORFDO HFRQRP\ WKH ,7 RྜFHU VDLG 6WXGHQWV IURP DFURVV FRXQWULHV DUH FXUUHQWO\ VWXG\LQJ on our Honours Degree and Masters programmes at IT Carlow.

How about this chicken and egg success story ... Paul Lyons, Josh Ryan and Annita O’Connor with Carlow Special Olympics Club partaking in St Patrick’s Day Parade. Image by Rue Photography

Six outlets are honoured for their pride in Carlow Town THE inaugural Pride of Carlow Premises Awards have been presented to six enterprises for their pride in Carlow Town’s streets. The awards, the presentation of which too place in the Waterfront Building by Carlow Town Development Forum. were judged by JP Kennedy, Managing Director at TileStyle Limited, Dublin

24 and Chairman of Retail Excellence Ireland, and Carol Smyth, Executive Planner, Dublin City Council Planning Department. They were designed by the Carlow Town Development Forum as part of its schedule of projects for 2019 that aim to increase pride in Carlow as a “place to live, work, play, learn and visit�. The awards were presented

to O’Brien’s from Potato Market, Macs Menswear from Lower Tullow Street/ Castle Street, Red Setter Guesthouse from Dublin Street, Moda from Kennedy Avenue, Neighbourhood Espresso from Barrack Street and Teach Dolmen from Tullow Street Upper. 7KH VFKHPH R྾HUV Ÿ WR the six selected enterprises to upgrade their shop fronts.

AN organic egg producer who supplies Avoca, the Dublin Co-op, Nourish and more SODQV WR VLJQL¿FDQWO\ JURZ KLV Carlow-based enterprise, such LV WKH GHPDQG IRU KLJK TXDOLW\ eggs. Butler’s Organic Eggs was established in 2007 when David %XWOHU WRRN RYHU WKH IDPLO\ farm at Hacketstown. :KDW VWDUWHG R྾ DV D ELUG HQWHUSULVH KDV JURZQ VORZO\ DQG VWUDWHJLFDOO\ RYHU WKH \HDUV LQWR D ELUG RUJDQLF HJJ farm set back from the roadside LQ OXVK JUHHQ ¿HOGV ,WœV ZKHUH OD\LQJ KHQV URDP IUHHO\ VFUDWFK DW WKHLU OHLVXUH across a large open area and IHDVW RQ VSHFLDOO\ SURGXFHG RUganic pellets. :KLOH WKH IDPLO\ IRFXVHG HQWHUSULVH KDV JURZQ VORZO\ RYHU WKH \HDUV 'DYLGœV ZLIH 3DXOD has now given up a permanent, pensionable job to join her husband in the business. ,W PHDQV WKH\ FDQ QRZ SODQ EHWWHU IRU D PRUH IDPLO\ IULHQGO\ IXWXUH DQG GHYHORSLQJ DQ RUJDQLF HJJ OHJDF\ WKH\ FDQ SDVV down to their children, Noel (8)

and Kate (6).. “We’re turning customHUV DZD\ VXFK LV WKH GHPDQG IRU RXU RUJDQLF HJJV ´ 3DXOD explained. Âł:HÂśUH ZRUNLQJ FORVHO\ with Carlow Local Enterprise 2ŕľśFH /(2 DQG WKURXJK WKH Interreg-funded, Ireland-Wales food, drink and life sciences CATALYST programme, I’m working with a consultant on an expansion plan which could SRWHQWLDOO\ GRXEOH WKH VL]H RI our business over a number of \HDUV ´ 6KH VDLG WKHUH ZDV GHÂżQLWHO\ URRP IRU H[SDQVLRQ 7KH\ FRXOG not continue to turn customers DZD\ But welfare was also their SULRULW\ $Q\ H[SDQVLRQ ZRXOG KDYH WR EH GRQH VWUDWHJLFDOO\ DQG FDUHIXOO\ Âł2XU ELUGV DUH KDSS\ ELUGV DQG DQ\ GLVUXSWLRQ RU FKDQJHV could upset them and could also result in a sudden drop in production,â€? she said, Âł2XU PRWWR KDV DOZD\V EHHQ Âľ)UHVK HJJV IURP KDSS\ KHQVÂś and we want to keep it that ZD\ ´

No one should lose home over mortgage crux 3(23/( ZLWK GPRUWJDJH arrears in Carlow who are eligible for the Government’s mortgage to rent scheme should not lose their home, according WR PRUWJDJH GHEW H[SHUW 3DXO Cunningham. Changes to the original VFKHPHÂśV HOLJLELOLW\ FULWHULD ZLOO see up to14,000 home-dwellers in mortgage arrears nationwide TXDOLI\ IRU LQFOXVLRQ XQGHU the scheme, according to Mr Cunningham. Figures from the Central Bank’s long-term mortgage arrears in report show that 404 households in Carlow are in mortgage arrears for more than WZR \HDUV DQG RI WKRVH have been in arrears for at least ÂżYH \HDUV “Thousands of people in VHULRXV DUUHDUV KDYH VXŕľľHUHG

\HDUV RI DQ[LHW\ DQG LVRODWLRQ EXW WKHUH LV D QHZ UHDOLW\ ZKLFK QRZ FRQFHQWUDWHV RQ ÂżQGLQJ D VROXWLRQ LQ DOPRVW HYHU\ FDVH ´ said Mr Cunningham, CEO of Government-sanctioned FRPSDQ\ +RPH )RU /LIH (HFL). “We have encountered widespread distress among KRPHRZQHUV PDQ\ RI ZKRP EHOLHYH WKH\ KDYH IDLOHG WKHLU IDPLOLHV EHFDXVH WKH\ FRXOGQÂśW NHHS XS SD\PHQWV Âł8QIRUWXQDWHO\ PDQ\ FDVHV involve people in extreme VWUHVV VLPSO\ EHFDXVH QR RQH had told them there was another ZD\ RXW RI ZKDW VHHPHG WR EH an impossible malaise. “The Government has recognised that there needs to be a genuine alternative for people who have been unable to

SD\ WKHLU PRUWJDJH IRU DW OHDVW WZR \HDUV DQG WKH PRUWJDJH WR UHQW VFKHPH LV WRWDOO\ IRFXVVHG on keeping families in their homes. “This scheme can deal with \RXU GHEW DQG NHHS \RXU IDPLO\ LQ \RXU KRPH ZLWK WKH SURVSHFW RI EX\LQJ LW EDFN LQ WKH HYHQW RI \RXU FLUFXPVWDQFHV FKDQJLQJ , ÂżUPO\ EHOLHYH WKDW QR RQH ZKR is eligible for mortgage to rent needs to lose their home.â€? Mr Cunningham said that, even if people had been rejected for mortgage to rent three or IRXU \HDUV DJR WKH FKDQJHV WR the scheme since then could PHDQ WKDW WKH\ QRZ EH EDFN LQ WKH HOLJLELOLW\ EUDFNHW (YHU\ VLGH ZDQWHG D VROXWLRQ and the Government had ringIHQFHG ÂżQDQFHV WR FRYHU WKH mortgage to rent scheme.

carlowpeople March 26, 2019

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carlowpeople March 26, 2019

How we’re all getting the buzz for energy

news in brief 1,201 social house repairs requested There were more than 1,200 repair requests lodged by Carlow’s social housing tenants in six months, according to a Housing Report presented to Carlow County Council. Under the report’s ‘housing maintenance’ section repair requests logged from September 1st, 2018 to February 28 of this year came to 1,201.

Army morale low, says Aylward Carlow/Kilkenny TD Bobby Aylward has said that the future of the Defence Forces is in grave danger with pay and retention issues within the Army being completely ignored. He was commenting on a report by the union representing FRPPLVVLRQHG RŕľśFHUV ZKLFK found that 80% of recently LQGXFWHG RŕľśFHUV ZHUH SODQQLQJ to leave early because of a lack of a career path.

22,000 commuting daily to Dublin ! A total of 22,000 commuters leave Carlow, Kilkenny and Wexford every day for Dublin &LW\ DFFRUGLQJ WR ÂżJXUHV released at the weekend by Vodafone Ireland

Karolina, Ola and Eva from Polish Community School (Polska Spoleczna) leading their fellow pupils in St Patrick’s Day Parade. Image by Rue Photography

Asthma database survey CARLOW parents with children under 15 who are asthmatic or those who care for someone with asthma are being asked to complete a survey for the Asthma Society ZKLFK KRSHV WR ¿QG RXW KRZ much asthma costs both the State and asthmatics. The research will also look at how an annual asthma structured review could help VDYH VX྾HUHUV DQG WKH 6WDWH money, while also providing asthma patients with better health outcomes. Sarah O’Connor, CEO

of the Asthma Society of Ireland, said: “This research report is crucial for Ireland. The current statistics on asthma are old and are in dire need of being updated. “We cannot properly plan for a healthcare challenge like asthma if we don’t know the scale of the problem. “If you have children under the age of 15 years of age with asthma, please complete the survey and please encourage any person who has children with asthma to do the same. The results of the survey

will be launched in mid-2019. Research has shown that the introduction of such programmes can lead to improvements in personal DVWKPD FRQWURO ZKLOH RŕľľHUing a potential reduction in healthcare costs. People who undertake the survey, below, are asked to share the survey with family DQG IULHQGV 2Q ÂżQLVKLQJ WKH survey, people will be entered into a draw to win one of two â‚Ź100 One4all vouchers. https://www.surveymonkey. com/r/VTZZXPZ

Traveller appeal new laws on horses A SUBMISSION to draft bylaws for the ‘Control of Horses’ in Carlow. which had been out to public consultation, has been made by members of theTravelling community. One submission received by the local authority asks the council to “progress providing adequate space and stables for horses in Co. Carlowâ€?. The submission objects to the proposed new by-laws and ZLVKHV WR ÂłVWUHVV WKH DŕľľHFW WKLV proposal will have on the health and well-being of the Travelling communityâ€?. It continues: “All Traveller men would like to clearly state their objection to the proposed new by-laws on horse control for Carlow as it does not provide for the cultural needs of the Travelling community and will also negatively impact on the mental health and well=being of the Travelling community.â€? Cllr Fergal Browne raised the submission at this month’s meeting of the County Council and asked if it was possible for the local authority to provide the space and stables being asked for in the submission.

3CEA, formerly CarlowKilkenny Energy Agency, is KRSLQJ WR FUHDWH ,UHODQGÂśV ÂżUVW “near zero emissionsâ€? zone. The 3 Counties Energy Agency (3 CEA) has had one of its busiest years on record and is helping a growing number of home owners, businesses, community groups and organisations as well as local authorities and churches to reduce their energy costs and cut down on harmful carbon emissions. /DWHVW ÂżJXUHV UHOHDVHG ERWK by 3CEA and the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) show that Carlow continues to perform strongly. Growing numbers of home owners taking up energy grants, and availing of the free energy poor home upgrades. Many more are investing in electric cars and upgrading their businesses or community premises. They’re using greater insuODWLRQ PRUH HŕľśFLHQW KHDWLQJ systems, solar power, energy controls, better windows and doors, LED lighting and so much more to cut their energy bills and impact on the environment. It’s an encouraging trend a year on from when the former Carlow- Kilkenny Energy Agency added Wexford to the fold to become 3 CEA. Figures show 3 CEA achieved over â‚Ź8,569,000 in cumulative energy savings since it was set up in 2013. The number of proj-

ects completed in Carlow continues to grow. 7KH ÂżJXUHV VKRZ WKDW HQHUJ\ savings since 2013 in Carlow come to more than â‚Ź210,000 for non-domestic projects and more than â‚Ź1,120,000 for domestic clients, a savings of more than â‚Ź1,341,000 since 2013 with the help of 3 CEA. Among the bigger projects are works at Carlow Fire Station and on public lighting. The Fire Station was built in 2002 and uses large quantities of gas and electricity. 3CEA analysed what was going on and came up with an energy plan. Solar panels were added and the heating system was upgraded at a cost of â‚Ź26,000. Of this, â‚Ź7,800 was grant aided. Energy bills at the station have fallen by â‚Ź4,400 a year. The Senior Engineer with 3CEA, Alexandra Hamilton, said that, as they were a notIRU SURÂżW EXVLQHVV FOLHQWV JRW product-independent advice from an expert team of energy engineers who “ always had their best interests at heartâ€?. She said they were “still astoundedâ€? by the number of people, communities and businesses who did not know about the grant supports readily availDEOH WR KHOS ÂżQDQFH VXFK ZRUNV “We applied for grants totalling â‚Ź2.2 million for our service users last year, saving them approximately â‚Ź0.5 million on their energy bills.â€?

Better deal for all farm workers THE new 2018 Employment is in force and farmers should be aware of the changes and what it means to your employees. The Act provides that: Employers must give HPSOR\HHV ÂżYH FRUH WHUPV RI HPSOR\PHQW ZLWKLQ ÂżYH GD\V RI starting work. The use of zero hours contracts will be restricted, There will be a minimum payment of here times the national minimum wage for people called into work but sent

home without work, A “band of hoursâ€? system will be introduced where an employee’s contract does not UHĂ€HFW DFWXDO KRXUV ZRUNHG There are strong antipenalisation provisions for employees who invoke their rights under this legislation, and National minimum wage rates for younger people have been VLPSOLÂżHG DQG ZLOO EH EDVHG solely on the individual’s age, while trainee rates have been abolished.

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Abby and Emma Pender with Caoimhe Fanning leading Setanta Ceatharlach GAA at St Patrick’s Day Parade. Image by Rue Photography

CARLOW Shopping centre is located within a beautiful refurbished stone building. It has a multi-storey carpark attached for easy access. It’s anchor store is Penneys while other retailers here include Claire’s, Peter Marks, Sam McAuleys, Trax, and Alive & Well. Other stores include: Carlow SPCA, Hale Vaping, Serena ODGLHV FORWKLQJ $྾RUGDEOH Blinds, Planet Auto, and Cups and Cones ice cream. The shopping centre is served by a cafÊ and surrounding restaurants while there is also an Omniplex cinema located adjacent to the entrance also. Carlow Shopping centre is the dominant retail scheme in the Carlow Town centre area, attracting thousands of shoppers every week largely because of a strong line-up of national and local traders and the availability of a highly convenient car park.

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carlowpeople March 26, 2019


gifts * gift cards * ghd eGift cards * click&collect

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carlowpeople March 26, 2019


FAI must give proper answers


ith it being the 50th anniversary of the Woodstock festival this year, I gave my DVD of WKH ¿OP DQ RXWLQJ UHFHQWO\ There’s a scene in it where the LQWHUYLHZHU DVNV D \RXQJ IHVWLval-goer if he advocates mass FKDQJH IRU VRFLHW\ Instead of giving the answer he’s expected to give, the teenager says that he doesn’t want PDVV FKDQJH EHFDXVH µPDVV FKDQJH MXVW OHDGV WR PDVV LQVDQLW\¶ With the FAI in recent times it looks like we have it the oppoVLWH ZD\ DURXQG ZH KDYH PDVV insanity, now we need mass FKDQJH :KHUH GR \RX VWDUW" :LWK TXHVWLRQV WR DQVZHU RYHU KLV ELzarre €100k loan to his employers, John Delaney gets into the escape pod and lands in the new SRVLWLRQ RI H[HFXWLYH YLFH SUHVLGHQW ZLWK D VWRS R൵ PLG ÀLJKW in Gibraltar for one last game), D UROH VHHPLQJO\ FRQMXUHG XS with a wave of the wand as far

Brian Quigley DV WKH SXEOLF DUH FRQFHUQHG 7KH WLWOH LV JUDQG HQRXJK WR recognise Delaney’s former staWXV DV &(2 EXW QRW RQ WKH ERDUG so he won’t have to appear beIRUH WKH 2LUHDFKWDV &RPPLWWHH RQ 6SRUW RQ $SULO ± DOWKRXJK KH KDV VDLG KH ZLOO DSSHDU The new role comes with a salary of €120,000, down from ¼ DV &(2 ZKLFK ZDV LQ addition of €3,000 per month in rent for Grainne Seoige’s forPHU KRPH LQ &R :LFNORZ The phrase jiggery-pokery FRPHV WR PLQG HYHQ WKRXJK , think it’s a cricketing term rathHU WKDQ D VRFFHU RQH 2U KRZ DERXW ULQN\ GLQN RU *8%8 *URWHVTXH 8QEHOLHYable, Bizarre and Unprecedent-




The team that called for DelDQH\¶V KHDG ZRQ WKH PDWFK Those that were content to let KLP VWD\ LQ SODFH XQWLO KH KDG a chance to speak on April 10 ORVW 7KH\ DUH DOO RQ VL[ ¿JXUH money themselves; do they JLYH YDOXH IRU PRQH\" 'HOaney’s head has been delivered and calling for it might have adYDQFHG VRPH FDUHHUV LQ /HLQVWHU +RXVH 7KH\ FDQ NLFN LW DURXQG Kildare Street now; perhaps LI WKH\¶UH JRRG HQRXJK the FAI might even FDOO WKHP XS IRU ,UHODQG I never disliked John Delaney on a SHUVRQDO OHYHO +H¶V VRPHRQH ZLWK D JHQXLQH love of football, in my opinLRQ +H¶V WKH VDPH DJH DV PH DQG KH GLG GR VRPH JRRG VWX൵ *HWting the likes of Trapattoni and 0DUWLQ 2¶1HLOO LQ DV PDQDJers was a brave move after the 6WHYH 6WDXQWRQ WHQXUH (YHQ WKHQ WKRXJK WKH VDODULHV ZHUH SDUW IXQGHG E\ SHRSOH RXWVLGH WKH )$, $K PRQH\ DJDLQ

carlowpeople March 26, 2019

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carlowpeople March 26, 2019

DO YOU HAVE WHAT IT TAKES? We are now recruiting for the Army and Naval Service For further information and to apply log on to

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carlowpeople March 26, 2019


ACE CHIMNEY SWEEP Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email: CHIMNEY CLEANING

CARLOW CHIMNEY CLEANING SERVICE Expert in stove chimney cleaning. Also cookers and open fires. Full power sweeping system. Spotless work every time. Call Pat




have dog obedience and dog agility classes every Saturday in Garyhill, Carlow. All beginners welcome at 2 o’clock €10 per class.Any enquiries to

086-3207287 TURF & FIREWOOD


Also loads of timber available. Call joe on 087 – 7800338


059 914 1877

LIVERPOOL TRAVEL CLUB meeting to be arranged

Full details- call Kevin 086 1565155

NATIONAL LOTTERY GRANTS The HSE has been allocated National Lottery Funding for distribution to community based groups and voluntary organisations, under the Respite Care Grant Scheme and the National Lottery Grant Scheme. Groups and organisations involved in providing health and personal social services can apply for once-off funding of between €500 and €10,000 for suitable projects. For information on how and where to apply, see If you have a query contact the HSELive team on 1850 24 1850 or email Closing Date for Applications is noon on Tuesday, 30th April 2019.


059 914 1877


059 914 1877


059 914 1877

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carlowpeople March 26, 2019

PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council Planning permission is sought for a proposed change of use from existing prayer group centre/ meeting hall and associated works to dwelling house and associated works (including alterations from door ope to window at the side of the building and proposed post and plank/panel fencing to existing boundary wall to front, internal alterations etc) at Gateway Community Church. The Green. Hacketstown, Co. Carlow Signed Niall Byrne on behalf of Gateway Community Church The planning application may be inspected and/or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Carlow County Council, County Buildings, Athy Road, Carlow Town, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made to the authority in writing on payment of the prescribed fee (â‚Ź20) within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application.

Carlow County Council Significant Further Information / Revised Plans Planning Register Reference No. 18/481, I William Gilligan of WJG Consultants wish to apply to the above on behalf of my client Con Murphy for full planning permission for the erection of dwelling house and domestic garage with associated site works and services located at Slate Row, Eagle Hill, Hackestown, Co. Carlow. The further information consists of a revised site layout plan to include sightlines, percolation area details and landscaping proposals. Significant Further Information has been furnished to the planning authority in respect of this proposed development and are available for inspection or purchase at the offices of the Planning Authority, Athy Road, Carlow during its public hours. A submission or observation in relation to the further information or revised plans may be made in writing to the planning authority within the statutory time limit. A submission or observation must be accompanied by the prescribed fee, except in the case of a person or body who has already made a submission or observation. Signed on behalf of the applicant by William Gilligan of WJG Consultants, Tel: 087 2982680


059 914 1877



059 914 1877

THE MIRACLE PRAYER Dear sacred Heart of Jesus In the past I have asked for many favours. This time I ask for a very special one. Take it dear Jesus and place it within your own broken heart, where your Father sees it. Then, in His merciful eyes it will become your favour and not mine. Amen This prayer has worked miracles for the many needy faithful, it is to be said for 3 days and publication of thanksgiving must be promised and done upon receiving the favour. M.S.

18 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Planet Cool!

carlowpeople March 26, 2019

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


THIS TIME last year, the world’s first permanent visitor centre dedicated to climate change, the Cool Planet Experience (CPE) officially opened its doors at Powerscourt House, Enniskerry. Somewhat ironically it took three attempts for the CPE to finally open its doors to the public as the first two attempts had to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions! The centre in Wicklow is the first of 10 that are planned to open around the globe over the next three years.


LOUIS THEROUX’S ALTERED STATES: RTE 2, Wednesday 27 March 9.35pm

Meet Ann Devine, a riddle, wrapped up in a fleece, inside a Skoda Octavia. Now that her youngest has flown the nest, Ann finds herself at a loose end. Until, that is, she is put forward for the Kilsudgeon Tidy Towns Committee. Yet all is not neat and tidy in Kilsudgeon. There are strange sightings of people who aren’t local driving 4x4s with a yellow reg, a man bun requesting kefir in the restaurant and a quad bike at a funeral. What does this have to do with rumours of a brand new television series to rival Game of Thrones? And what will it all mean for Kilsudgeon’s newly proposed town park? A lot, as it happens.

Take my baby: This documentary explores how adoption is a big business in California, meeting agencies, facilitators and lawyers matching babies to parents, often costing as much as $50,000. He meets families that have spent vast sums on children they are unable to conceive, and women preparing to give up their babies, hearing the stories of poverty, addiction and abuse that have inspired their decision. He also discovers how the adoption process is open to abuse, and reflects on what happens when a mother has a postbirth change of heart.

CONCERT of the week

PLAY of the week

US General Release: 22 March 2019 Accompanied by her husband, son and daughter, Adelaide Wilson returns to the beachfront home where she grew up as a child. After spending a tense beach day with their friends, the Tylers (Emmy winner Elisabeth Moss, Tim Heidecker, Cali Sheldon, Noelle Sheldon), Adelaide and her family return to their vacation home. When darkness falls, the Wilsons discover the silhouette of four figures holding hands as they stand in the driveway. Us pits an endearing American family against a terrifying and uncanny opponent: doppelgängers of themselves.

SHOW of the week

ARIES The open road is calling. Where to explore? Try something new. Educational opportunities invite you into another point of view. TAURUS Strategize about the budget with your partner. The next two days are good for ¿QDQFLDO SODQQLQJ 7DNH FDUH QRW WR SURYRNH MHDORXVLHV GEMINI Together, it’s easier to navigate obstacles and barriers. Your perspective is wider. Diversity provides strength. CANCER Your attention is in demand. Increase the pace as much as is safe, guarding your health and energy. Others may ZDQW TXLFN DFWLRQ LEO 5HOD[ DQG HQMR\ WKH scenery. Keep someone special in the foreground. /RYH DQG NLQGQHVV EHDXW\ and goodness abound.

The Cool Planet Experience at Powerscourt (Pic: Justin Ivory) Being a lifelong wildlife and environmental nut and having spent over two decades actively involved at various levels in relation to many aspects of biodiversity, conservation, sustainability and by default global warming and climate change it was with much anticipation I awaited the opening of CPE and hot footed it along to experience the Experience for myself!

THE VOICE WITHIN – A SHOWBAND STORY Visual, Carlow. Friday 29th & Saturday 30th March 8pm. Tickets: ₏22/20

DEREK RYAN Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Saturday 30th March. T : 059 914 2002.

THE HARVEST Visual, Carlow. Saturday 6th April 8pm Tickets: â‚Ź18/16

Derek Ryan continues to his position at the top table of Irish Country Music’s elite with his brand of original material and country classics. His album, ‘The Fire’ spawned the hits ‘Heaven Tonight’, ‘Homeland’ and “Down On Your Uppers’ which will be featured along with his many classics ‘Hold On To Your Hat’, ‘God’s Plan’ and ‘Life Is A River’ during his concert tour. The Carlow man, who is a many times recipient of awards for his performances and song writing, including the Sunday World accolade for ‘Album of the Year’. Join him for a great night of country music and dancing.

Charlotte is back on track, thanks to support from her husband Malcolm and son, Evan. She thinks she’s found another lifeline in her new friend, Shane. But Shane knows more about her idyllic life than she realises. And just how to destroy it. The Harvest is a new thriller from acclaimed playwright, Jane McCarthy, about second chances and second lives. What we do when we have them, and what we might do to take them from others. A sparky tone is set with funny dialogue delivered with smooth timing and delicious awkwardness.

TOUR of the week

SCREENING of the week MUSICAL of the week

A Likely Story Productions are delighted to bring the sell-out, hit show “The Voice Within – A Showband Story� to Carlow. This original play with music, written by company cofounders Carol Gleeson and Helen Spring, had a hugely successful run following its premiere in Naas. Set in Donegal in the ‘60’s golden era of music, the story follows a young man who finds himself at the helm of an up-and-coming showband. With attention from local girls, Tommy struggles with his new found persona both on and off stage. Such memorable hits as “The Hucklebuck� and “From the Candystore� are among many featured.

VIRGO Focus on domestic matters. Clean, sort and organize. Resolve a family issue by listening and avoiding automatic reactions. LIBRA You’re especially brilliant. &UHDWLYH SURMHFWV ÀRZHU Write, broadcast and publish your views. Express your feelings. SCORPIO Conserve resources while generating income. Less is more. Simplify your QHHGV IRU JUHDWHU ¿QDQFLDO freedom. SAGITTARIUS

Advance a creative vision or dream. You’re especially VWURQJ DQG \RX NQRZ ZKDW \RX ZDQW 3XW DQRWKHU FKHFN RQ \RXU EXFNHW OLVW CAPRICORN Fine-tune your domestic environment. Peace and privacy allow for thoughtful consideration of what’s next. 0DNH SODQV DQG RUJDQL]H

Saving planet earth at CPE (Pic: Justin Ivory) What can I say - so enjoyed my visit. This place is Ăźber cool and pushing itself to the head of the vanguard of the sustainability zeitgeist. Like a naughty threesome of Blade Runner, David Attenborough and Erin Brockovich, CPE delivers its message using futuristic methods with a familiar, easy and engaging assurity while not backing down on the hard hitting facts. Do yourselves a favour and visit this place asap! P.S. Vists are via timeslots so advance booking via the CPE website is advisable.

CARLOW TOURS T : 087 6509880.

9 TO 5 Visual, Carlow. Sunday 31st March 4pm Tickets: â‚Ź6 Early Bird before 12.30pm on the day

Carlow Tours is the only tour guiding business in Carlow town specialised in guiding customers on a short notice -1 day or even the same day - away from the beaten tourist track and take in picturesque villages which are not touched by tourism and not mentioned in the usual pocket touring guides. USP: availability, flexibility and personal touch for custom designed tours. Customised tours, day trips and programmes with German and English speaking tour guide for individuals and groups.

Judy (Jane Fonda), Violet (Lily Tomlin) and Doralee (Dolly Parton) couldn’t be more different from each other, but they’ve all got one thing in common — their boss. He yells at Judy on her first day, consistently takes credit for Violet’s ideas and sexually harasses Doralee. Barely getting by, with all taking and no giving, the three women decide to unite and form an inspiring friendship. As relevant today as it was when it was first released, 9 to 5 is a film that celebrates the power of female friendship — it’ll make you want to pour yourself a cup of ambition!

FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES Saturday 30th March. Dinn Rí Carlow Doors: 10.30pm. Followed by 90’s Disco. Over 18 Garth Brooks won Entertainer of the Year at the CMA Awards six times, a first for any artist. He is also the first artist in history to receive 7 Diamond awards for the now seven albums certified by the RIAA at over 10 million album sales each and remains the #1-selling solo artist in U.S. history! So pull on those boots . . . . it’s time to party! This tribute is the ultimate Garth Brooks’ Experience! Featuring a fantastic live 8 piece band that uncannily matches the great man’s country authenticity with an exciting standard of showmanship and stagecraft that are rare in modern country music.

AQUARIUS Stay connected with friends. Participate with community groups and people who share your interests and commitments. PISCES Crazy dreams seem possible. Unexpected circumstances could preempt your VFKHGXOH $GDSW RQ WKH À\ Be prepared for inspection. $Q LQÀXHQWLDO SHUVRQ LV paying attention.

carlowpeople March 26, 2019

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carlowpeople March 26, 2019

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