February 4, 2020
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t: 059 914 1877
Expert in stove chimney cleaning All new power sweeping service Spotless Chimney Spotless work Call Seamus on 087 7794047 Email: CHIMNEY CLEANING
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
FOR SALE Ladybird Rocking Chair for a child €50 5 ,# , 5 &)." 5 ,#)/- )35 ,#)/- ,# Contact any evening except Thursday
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November 19, 2019 February 4, 2020
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Get out and vote: It’s all to play for AS the 2020 General Election campaign comes to the day of reckoning, three major issues are expected to dominate the political battle, with Fine Gael having to defend their stance and performance on the state of the health service and the worstever housing crisis to hit the
country. And then there is the issue of the State pension. Recent weeks have seen record-breaking levels of people on trolleys in hospitals across the country, with Fine Gael forced to answer to the public on the doorsteps during three weeks of campaigning.
While the Government narrowly won the last vote of no FRQÂżGHQFH LQ +RXVLQJ 0LQLVWHU (RJKDQ 0XUSK\ WKH\ KDYH IRXQG LW PRUH GLŕľśFXOW ZKLOH facing voters on the street. Last year the number of homeless people in Ireland reached more than 10,000 for
WKH ÂżUVW WLPH WKRXJK WKH ÂżJXUH dipped somewhat in the months of December and January The Taoiseach Leo Varadkar said he was not worried despite another poll last weekend which showed a downward trend for Fine Gael. Continued on next page
Anita O’Neill and Eva Ionescu all smiles at Carlow Art, Craft & Design Fair, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
Carlow priest named as the new bishop THE parish priest of Newbridge in Co Kildare has been named Bishop of the Diocese of Achonry. The appointment of Father Paul Dempsey, who is from Carlow, as Bishop was announced in the Vatican by Pope Francis. Father Paul told parishoners at a Mass that he is “still not over the shockâ€? RI EHLQJ RŕľľHUHG KLV QHZ role. “I’m sure you can understand how daunting it is to take on the role of bishop in a new diocese,â€? he said. “I’m conscious of my own unworthiness and sinfulness as I take on this role. I ask you to be patient with me as I endeavour to get to know the priests,
people, deacons and religious of the diocese in the coming weeks and months.â€? Archbishop Eamon Martin said Father Paul’s would provide a great foundation for his new role. “Since 2015, Bishopelect Dempsey has been parish priest of Newbridge – one of the largest and most vibrant parishes in the country,â€? he said. He is known as a hardworking and caring pastor who will no doubt be missed greatly by the people, clergy and religious of his native diocese. “The pastoral experience and wisdom he has gained in Kildare & Leighlin will be of KXJH EHQHÂżW WR KLP DV KH WDNHV up the role of shepherd of God’s
people in Achonry.â€? Archbishop Michael Neary also welcomed the news. “I look forward to working with Father Dempsey, and on behalf of the bishops of the Tuam Province, I warmly welcome him and assure him of our help and support as he assumes his new responsibilities,â€? he said. Father Paul will be ordained on Sunday, April 19. “We warmly welcome his appointment and, on behalf of the priests, religious and people of the diocese, I thank him for accepting it,â€? said Father Dermot Meehan, diocesan administrator of the diocese of Achonry. Father Paul Dempsey was born in Carlow town in 1971. +H LV WKH ÂżUVW QDWLYH RI &DUORZ town appointed a Bishop in Ireland in 130 years.
Marie and Mary Connors with Jennifer Donegan at Mike Denver & Guests in Concert, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Local business sees more .ie websites for first time )25 WKH ÂżUVW WLPH ,( domains have overtaken .COM domains as the preferred domain for Irish businesses and consumers. The news has been welcomed by the largest Irish domain registrar, Blacknight, which has accounted for the largest VKDUH RI QHZ ,( UHJLVWUDWLRQV 6WURQJ QXPEHUV IURP WKH ,( Domain Registry Domain 3URÂżOH 5HSRUW ,('5 LQGLFDWH
WKDW ,( LV EHFRPLQJ WKH default domain choice for Irish businesses and those doing business in Ireland. “This gels with our own internal dataâ€?, said Michele 1H\ORQ &(2 RI %ODFNQLJKW “Irish customers now prefer ,( RYHU &20 DQG LWÂśV QR ORQJHU D GLŕľśFXOW VHOO “For years, the focus was DOZD\V RQ &20 EXW QRZ ,( is holding its own against the
Get out and vote: It’s still all to play for Continued from previous page Sinn FÊin has overtaken Fine Gael to become the second most popular party. Fianna Fåil hold onto their lead on 23%, followed by Sinn FÊin 21% with Fine Gael trailing on 19%. The Green Party is down one to 7%, while Labour is up one to 5%. Independents are down two to 12%. The Social Democrats are unchanged at 3%, with Solidarity-PBP down one to 1%. Aontú is on 2% support according to this poll - up one point. Other parties are listed as having 1%. In Carlow-Kilkenny, it’s too close to call in the battle between
Fine Gael’s Pat Derring and Fianna Fail’s Jennifer Murnane, both of whom are Carlow based. Speculation had been growing that both might be elected to the Dail but the resurgence of Sinn Fein could see Kathleen Funchion although Kilkennybased, re-elected. It is understood the latest QDWLRQDO SROO ¿QGLQJV DUH DOVR UHÀHFWHG LQ DQ LQWHUQDO )LQH Gael poll carried out in CarlowKilkenny, which shows Deputy Funchion and fellow sitting TDs John McGuinness (FF) and John Paul Phelan ahead of the pack, with Bobby Aylward (FF), Pat Deering (FG) Jennifer Murnane O’Connor (FF) and the Greens’ Malcolm Noonan slugging it RXW IRU WKH ¿QDO WZR VHDWV
other major domain names WKDQNV WR ,('5œV OLEHUDOLVDWLRQ LQ 8VLQJ D ,( GRPDLQ PDNHV \RX LGHQWL¿DEO\ ,ULVK WR ,UHODQGœV FRQVXPHUV ´ 7KH ,( GRPDLQV QRZ account for 50% of all hosted domains in Ireland, and .COM has shrunk to 33%. In 2019, WKHUH ZHUH QHZ ,( domain registrations, bringing the national registry to over WRWDO UHJLVWHUHG ,(
Council to consider solar farm application A PLANNING application has been lodged in Carlow for the construction of a solar farm development. Wexford Solar Ltd is the applicant and they are seeking a ten year permission for the erection and operation of a solar photovoltaic energy development at Johnstown, Bennekerry, Carlow. The proposed development will consist of the erection and operation of a solar photovoltaic energy development which includes the erection of Âż[HG VRODU SDQHOV RQ JURXQG mounted frames, electrical transformer and inverter units. The application also includes distribution systems operator (DSO) sub-station, customer substation, underground cabling and ducting, storage containers, boundary fencing, security entrance gates, CCTV, internal access road and all associated ancillary activities. A decision is due by the county council on March 25.
carlowpeople February 4, 2020
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
news in brief Woman injured in petrol bomb attack The scene of an arson attack in Carlow is still preserved for D WHFKQLFDO H[DPLQDWLRQ WKLV lunchtime. A woman in her 40s was taken to St Luke’s Hospital, where she is being treated for smoke inhalation after a petrol bomb was thrown through the front window of the house in Kellistown.
Bingo Loco back at Woodford Dolmen
With the February show in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel already sold out Bingo Loco organisers want to give people a chance to beat the crowds for WKHLU QH[W RQH Organisers said: “We will be back in the Woodford Dolmen Hotel on April 3rd to party with you all and tickets are live on the website!�
Deadline looms for Texaco Art at 66
7KH VHDUFK WR ÂżQG WKH \RXQJ DUWLVWV ZKR ZLOO H[FHO LQ WKLV \HDUÂśV 7H[DFR &KLOGUHQÂśV $UW Competition has begun. Last year, three students from Carlow won prizes in the event which is now in its 66th year, the longest running arts sponsorship in Ireland. The closing date for entries is Friday, February 28th with judging to take place in March.
Becky Walsh with Clodagh and Amy Reid at Palatine V Graiguecullen charity GAA football match, commemorating the centenary of the 1919 County Carlow Final Reply, in aid of County Carlow Hospice, Fr Maher Park. Image by Rue Photography
Tara’s big day as top wedding planner ... CARLOW’s Tara Fitzgerald, who set up her business just two years ago, has named Ireland’s Best Wedding Planner. Ms Fitzgerald’s Planned by Tara was crowned Wedding Planner of the Year at the Irish Wedding Awards in the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin. Planned by Tara gained its reputation by providing destination weddings in Malta and has been growing since it was established.
“I was thrilled with the nomination and I could not believe I had won it,� she said. “It is a great honour to receive it.� The nomination was based on votes with the support of clients and suppliers. Once the Fenagh native made the shortlist, she had to submit a portfolio with testimonials, an explanation how she had developed the business and a showcase of her work. Ms Fitzgerald previously
worked for 10 years as a quality specialist in the pharmaceutical industry. “I think I have achieved an awful lot in a short period of time, employing strategies which have allowed me to grow,� she said. Business has been expanding in recent times, with her attracting more clients in the last three months than the previous 12. She hopes to expand her business with a focus on domestic weddings.
40 arrests in local raids on drugs use THE recent Operation Storm in Carlow saw 40 people arrested and 10 cars seized by GardaĂ around the county. As part of the massive operation, there were 40 arrests with 35 people charged, one person was dealt with by the -XYHQLOH /LDLVRQ 2ŕľśFHU ZKLOH two people received adult cautions. ,Q DQRWKHU WZR PDWWHUV ÂżOHV are being prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions. There were 28 warrants H[HFXWHG LQ WRWDO ZLWK RI these bench warrants and three committal warrants. Ten vehicles were seized under Section 41 of the Road 7UDŕľśF $FW IRU QR WD[ QR 1&7 and no insurance. There were 17 drugs searches DQG ZHUH SRVLWLYH ZLWK VL[ people detected for the sale and supply of drugs and four for possession. 2ŕľśFLDOV IURP 5HYHQXH DUH also assisting along with other agencies like the Departments of Agriculture and Social Protection.
Girl (16) forced to visit three different hospitals A CARLOW family were forced to go to three hospitals to get their 16-year-old daughter treatment in an emergency department, according to Councillor John McDonald who raised the issue at a recent meeting of Carlow County Council when he told members DERXW WKH GLŕľśFXOWLHV WKH &DUORZ family had after their daughter became suddenly ill. “They presented to Care Doc with their young daughter and they were advised to go to A&E,â€? he said. Cllr McDonald claimed that the family were told to go to Our Lady’s Hospital for Sick Children in Crumlin because of the girl’s age. The family drove to Crumlin where she was told that because she was two months over the age of 16 that they couldn’t see her. “It was coming up to &KULVWPDV DQG WKH WUDŕľśF ZDV chockablock, so the family went to the nearest hospital, which
was Naas General Hospital. “They advised her that they could not see her because she was not from the area. So they drove to St Luke’s in Kilkenny where she was eventually seen. Âł7KH ÂżUVW SRUW RI FDOO VKRXOG be the welfare of the child. The family were treated appallingly,â€? he said as they drove from hospital to hospital seeking help. Cllr McDonald asked for the council to write to the Minster for Health on the matter and it was agreed by members More than 12,000 patients were forced to wait on trolleys across the country’s hospitals in -DQXDU\ WKH VHFRQG KLJKHVW ÂżJure on record. Meanwhile, according to the trolley count by the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO), some 12,024 patients were waiting on trolleys in January as the bed shortage and D Ă€X RXWEUHDN H[DFHUEDWHG WKH typically busy winter months.
Shapla voted Best Curry in Ireland! SHAPLA, an Indian restaurant on Kennedy Avenue, Carlow has scooped two gongs, including Best Curry in Ireland, at this year’s Just Eat National Food Awards. The popular eatery also won an award for Best Takeaway in Leinster, which was announced at a glittering awards ceremony in Number Twenty Two restaurant, Dublin. “We’re delighted! It’s great for our business, we have very loyal customers,� said Alim Kabir, the owner of Shapla, one of the longest-
established in Carlow town, opening 28 years ago, with Alim taking over in 2012. The awards were developed by the Just Eat company, which hosts a phone app that allows customers to order, pay and arrange delivery of their food from local takeaway restaurants. The nominees and ultimate winners are decided by public ballot, with more than 17,300 votes registered over the past number of weeks. Shortlisted representatives joined Just Eat , when the winners were announced.
CONTACT US TODAY 059 914 1877
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
IRISH employers will need to make their workplaces more “age-friendlyâ€? to accommodate greater numbers of workers aged over 65, according to new research. Latest census data show the over-65s are the fastest growing population segment in Ireland, and this increase in the older population is a trend projected to continue. Moves towards increasing the State pension age and the removal of mandatory retirement PHDQ WKH DJH SURÂżOH RI WKH workforce is likely to increase VLJQLÂżFDQWO\ A study into the implications of longer working lives says employers will need to invest LQ UHGHVLJQLQJ RŕľśFHV RU IDFWRU\ Ă€RRUV WR DOORZ ROGHU ZRUNHUV WR thrive for longer. The report gives the example of a BMW plant in Germany, which noted a decline in productivity at the plant where there was a higher number of older workers. Employers introduced physical changes to reduce wear and tear on workers’ bodies, such as magnifying lenses to reduce eye strain, weight-adapted footwear
Why workplaces must be ‘age-friendly’ for over-65s and special chairs and tables which adapted to each worker’s height. In addition, a physiotherapist developed strength and stretching exercises for the workers. The changes led to a 7% increase in productivity, and lower levels of absenteeism. The study, Living longer,
learning longer – working longer? Implications for new workforce dynamics, by academics at Dublin City UniversiW\ '&8 VD\V ÀH[LEOH HPSOR\ment terms will also be needed WR PDNH ZRUN PRUH ÀH[LEOH WR retain employees as they grow older. This includes more parttime work, job-sharing and
home-working options to allow ROGHU SHRSOH IXOÂżO FDULQJ DQG other roles. The report also highlights the need for more access to lifelong education given the rapid pace of change in the nature of work. “The only certainty is that working life in the future will
UHTXLUH DGDSWDELOLW\ Ă€H[LELOLW\ and the continuous acquisition of new skills,â€?says the report. “While for many individuals this may mean self-employment, for employers (public as well as private) this points to the creation of workplaces where lifelong learning is supported for all employees as
critical.â€? Ireland, however, has a relatively poor track record of adult participation in lifelong learning, with rates of participation below the EU average and declining with age. This, the report says, would EHQHÂżW WKH RYHU V LQ SDUWLFXlar by giving them the necessary education and training to maintain and enhance skills and knowledge to help equip them for longer working. The report also addresses “misconceptionsâ€? about older workers, such as that they are unwilling to engage in education and training. Research indicates that older workers were found to be as likely to succeed in education and training as younger colleagues. It also cites a study which indicates that older workers appear to perform as well as younger colleagues, subject to good health and updated skills. “Evidently a balance needs to be found between, on the one hand, recognising the functional capacities of older workers and, on the other, providing relevant support to ensure optimal performance,â€? says the report.
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
We are failing to plan for the needs of older people
ith every budget and general election campaign, promises to add a ÂżYHU WR WKH pension come in thick and fast. In recent weeks we have also seen a huge conversation shift regarding the increases to the pension age as political parties scramble to come up with solutions to address a gap in a policy which has been there for more than six years. But the current ‘pensions anomaly’ as it is being described is just one example of the many ways we are failing to plan for the needs of older people. We know there are more than 7,000 people on the waiting list for home supports, and the funding that is needed to meet
SeĂĄn Moynihan ALONE CEO the demand. We see the images of older people who are homeless eating their meals from windowsills. We hear there are more people on hospital trolleys than ever before. And importantly, we see the population projections which mean that these issues will impact more and more older people in the years to come. We see these
problems, and we know many RI WKH DQVZHUV EXW VXŕľśFLHQW action is not being taken to address them. The issues raised by the increasing eligibility age for the State Pension must be urgently addressed. But this is not the only issue impacting older people, and politicians would do well to remember it. We need to have a full discussion about the needs of older people, most particularly in the areas of health, KRXVLQJ DQG ÂżQDQFH The fact is we are not putting the measures in place which will appropriately support older people who are most vulnerable. In ALONE we see this every day in our work. In recent months we have worked with someone living in an extremely isolated area who has been on the waiting list for the home support service for
seven years. We have worked with older people with terminal diagnoses who are homeless or living in unstable accommodation. We have worked with people who cut back on their heating and food so that they FDQ DŕľľRUG WUDQVSRUW WR KRVSLWDO appointments. These are the people who are not taken into account as Government policies are drafted and changes are
made, the people who never felt any economic recovery. Older people need more from their representatives than a FRPPLWPHQW WR DGG D ÂżYHU WR the State Pension. We need representatives who will deliver real change for the older people we work with, for those most in need of support. We need the next Government to fund home supports and health services in line with demand, to increase housing delivery targets and deliver housing for older people, to triple lock the State Pension to ensure ROGHU SHRSOH KDYH ÂżQDQFLDO VHcurity, and to appoint a Minister of State exclusively for Older People and Demographic Change who can properly plan for the needs and opportunities of our ageing population. We need the actions outlined in SlĂĄintecare to be implement-
ed without further delay, for further supports for renters to be put in place, and for homelessness exit programmes to be delivered for older people experiencing homelessness. If the next Government does not implement these actions, the most vulnerable older people in our society will continue WR EH OHIW EHKLQG $ ÂżYHU RQ WKH pension here and there is not enough. We must demand more from our representatives. No matter what age we are, we all have a responsibility ahead of the General Election to inform canvassers and candidates that we will consider the needs of older people a priority when we make decisions on Election Day, and to vote with the needs of older people in mind. A vote for older people is not just a vote for older people today, but for all our future selves.
carlowpeople February 4, 2020
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
Tunstall Emergency Response ADVERTORIAL ESTABLISHED in 1994 Tunstall Emergency Response Ltd is Irelands largest dedicated social monitoring alarm center. We help restore independence to you and your loved one providing telecare solutions that support independent living to 35,000 customers throughout Ireland. We are at the forefront of developing and delivering new and cutting-edge solutions which can be tailored to meet
Betty and Billy Watchorn at Mike Denver & Guests in Concert, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography the needs of our customers in the community, residential care and primary care areas. With our technology you can remove the fear of living alone enabling clients to live independently secure in the knowledge that help is always available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
State may have to ‘freeze’ pensions A FUTURE government could be forced into “freezing pensionsâ€? of people working now unless changes are made on the statutory age of retirement, Leo Varadkar has warned. The Taoiseach has accused political opponents of SRWHQWLDOO\ ÂłDXFWLRQLQJ Rŕľľ WKH pensions of the youngâ€? in the “white heatâ€? of an election campaign. Next year’s extension of the State pension age by another year to 67, depriving those who
retire at 65 of the right to their full pension for two years, has become a major election issue. Political parties are promising changes to the phased increase in the pension age introduced in 2014 to reduce the cost of the State’s pension bill, which will rise over the coming decades as the population gets older and the ratio of working-age people to pensioners fall. If re-elected to government, Fine Gael would allow people to retire at the age of 66 on a
Tutty’s Handmade Shoes ADV ERTORIAL ESTABLISHED by George Tutty in Naas, Ireland in 1946, we are committed to SURYLGLQJ WKH ¿QHVW KDQGmade shoes in the world. We have a long family tradition of making every shoe with the exact same care and attention. Combining age old craft with the best of curative advances we pride ourselves in
our devotion to our vocation. Still family owned, the secrets of this specialist craft have been maintained in our shoe making process combined with the very best in contemporary healthcare. From the beginning we have always put the customers QHHGV ÂżUVW KDYLQJ WKHLU H[DFW foot measurements duplicated in a wooden last, so WKH SUHFLVH FRPIRUW DQG ÂżW can always be reproduced.
full State pension, as long as they actually stopped working, he said. But the party would have to “sit downâ€? with trade unions and employers to work out whether any changes be made to a planned pushing out of the pension age to 68 in eight years time. “If reelected to government, WKLV ZLOO EH WKH ÂżUVW OHJLVODWLRQ we put through the new DĂĄil,â€? Mr Varadkar told RTÉ’s Today with Sean O’Rourke. 7KH YHU\ ÂżQHVW WUDGLWLRQDO methods ensures that we can RŕľľHU WUXO\ XQLTXH TXDOLW\ DQG service. In these times of mass production, thankfully you can still have the shoemaker. Over the 60 years handcrafting our footwear we have helped many thousands of people discover shoes that were made just for their feet. People from all walks of life have seen for themselves WKH EHQHÂżWV RI FXVWRP PDGH VKRHV XVLQJ PDQ\ GLŕľľHUHQW materials and styles.
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
House prices in the county to rise by 3% THE price of the average threebed semi in Carlow is expected to rise by 3% in the next 12 months, according to a survey carried out by Real Estate Alliance. Prices in the county were static at â‚Ź171,000 in 2019 – with an increase of time to sell from eight weeks to nine between September and December. The REA Average House Price Survey concentrates on the actual sale price of Ireland’s typical stock home, the threebed semi, giving an up-to-date picture of the second-hand property market in towns and cities countrywide. “We are seeing an emerging trend in the number of people ORRNLQJ WR EX\ RŕľśFHV ZLWK XSstairs accommodation with the
intention of converting them to living accommodation throughout,â€? said Harry Sothern of REA Sothern in Carlow Town. “We have seen that the market is noticeably quieter this year, and with no new stock set for construction in the area, we don’t envisage much change,â€? said John Dawson of REA Dawson in Tullow. Average house prices nationDOO\ IHOO DQQXDOO\ IRU WKH ÂżUVW time since the economic recovery, the Q4 REA Average House Price Index found. The price of a three-bedroomed semi-detached house across the country fell by -0.6% over the past year after a 4.6% annual rise in 2018. The average family home nationally now costs â‚Ź234,704, the
survey found – a drop of -0.1% RQ WKH 4 ¿JXUH RI Ÿ However, drops across the country are far lower than the preceding quarter (-0.4%), inGLFDWLQJ WKDW VRPH FRQ¿GHQFH UHWXUQHG WR WKH PDUNHW LQ WKH ¿nal 13 weeks of the year, with the prospect of a resolution to Brexit uncertainty. Three-bed semi-detached houses in Dublin city registered a fourth consecutive quarter fall (-0.6%) since the end of September and have decreased by -4.3% compared to December 2018. The price of the average threebed semi-detached house in the capital’s postcode districts QRZ VWDQGV DW Ÿ ¹ GRZQ Ÿ IURP Ÿ D \HDU ago.
carlowpeople February 4, 2020
PLANNING NOTICES. Carlow County Council I, Jerry Bolger, intend to apply for permission for development at Kilcarrig, Bagenalstown, Co. Carlow. The development will consist of the erection of 1 no. 660 kw wind turbine (hub height 45.00m), and the construction of a 25.00 sq.m electrical substation, site access road, and all ancillary works, as per development previously granted by An Bord PleanĂĄla on foot of File Ref. No. PL 01.243964 (13/322). The planning permission sought shall be for a period of fifteen years from the date of commissioning of the wind turbine which is an amendment to Condition no. 2 of previous permission PL 01.243964 authorising ten years from the
date of commissioning of the wind turbine. The planning application may be inspected, or purchased at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy, at the offices of the Planning Authority, Civic Offices, Athy Road, Carlow, during its public opening hours. A submission or observation in relation to the application may be made in writing to the planning authority on payment of the prescribed fee, â‚Ź20, within the period of 5 weeks beginning on the date of receipt by the authority of the application, and such submissions or observations will be considered by the planning authority in making a decision on the application. The planning authority may grant permission subject to or without conditions, or may refuse to grant permission.
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14 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory
Vote for Nature, Vote for a Future
carlowpeople February 4, 2020
ninenottomiss BOOK of the week
TV SHOW of the week
FILM of the week
by Jeffery Deaver Plant flowers to attract pollinators like this beautiful Red Admiral butterfly (Photo Justin Ivory)
IN the upcoming election it is of critical importance for this country and the future of life as we know it on this planet that we elect the right people. So, who should we vote for? * XJMM MFBWF JU UP (SFUB 5IVOCFSH BOE (FPSHF .POCJPU UP UFMM ZPV JO UIF CFMPX FYUSBDU GSPN UIFJS brilliant video currently going viral. ‘We are living in the beginning PG B NBTT FYUJODUJPO Our climate is breaking down. To survive we need to stop burning fossil fuels. But this alone will not be enough. Nature is a tool we can use to repair our broken climate. These natural climate solutions could make a massive difference. Right now, we are ignoring them. We spend a 1000 times more on global fossil fuel subsidies than on natural based solutions. Natural climate solutions get just 2% of all the money used on tackling climate breakdown. This is your money. It is your UBYFT BOE ZPVS TBWJOHT Even more crazy right now when we need nature the most we’re destroying it faster than ever.
So, what should we do? What should YOU do? *U T TJNQMF 8F OFFE UP 1SPUFDU Restore and Fund PROTECT Tropical forests are being cut down at the rate of 30 football pitches a minute. Where nature is doing something vital we must protect it.
$PMUFS 4IBX JT BO JUJOFSBUF USBWFMJOH UIF DPVOUSZ helping police solve crimes and private citizens locate missing persons. When he learns of a reward for a missing college student in Silicon Valley, he takes the job. The investigation quickly thrusts him into the dark heart of Silicon Valley and the cut-throat billion-dollar WJEFP HBNJOH JOEVTUSZ o BOE UIFO B TFDPOE kidnapping happens‌and this victim turns up dead. The clues soon point to one video HBNF 5IF /FWFS (BNF JO XIJDI UIF QMBZFS has to survive after being left abandoned. Is a madman bringing that game to life? If so, Shaw has to stop him before he strikes again‌
GIG of the week
FAIR of the week
Released 30 January 2020 From birth to infancy, from adolescence to adulthood, the good-hearted David $PQQFSÜFME JT TVSSPVOEFE CZ LJOEOFTT wickedness, poverty and wealth, as he meets an array of remarkable characters in Victorian &OHMBOE "T %BWJE TFUT PVU UP CF B XSJUFS JO his quest for family, friendship, romance and status, the story of his life is the most seductive UBMF PG BMM 5IF OJOUI ÜMN CBTFE PO %JDLFOT FJHIUI OPWFM 5IF 1FSTPOBM )JTUPSZ PG %BWJE $PQQFSÜFME JT BO JNQSFTTJWF BEEJUJPO UP UIF $7 PG UIF HSFBU *BOOVDDJ XIP CPUI XSPUF BOE directed, it’s a major step up from his previous movie, the more cult-ish The Death of Stalin.
EVENT of the week
It is that simple Protect Restore Fund This can happen everywhere; many people have already begun using natural planet solutions, we need to do it on a massive scale. You can be part of this. Vote for people who defend nature.�
TAURUSFollow the plans you’ve already set. Adapt to FKDQJHV RQ WKH À\ 7XUQ down expensive invitations and favor peaceful privacy. GEMINIA group challenge may seem intimidating. The road ahead is clear. Pick yourself up and step forward. Get team support and provide it. CANCERFocus on a professional puzzle. It may require elbow grease. Work with what you have. Patiently go around an obstacle or barrier. LEOFind another route around a blockage or delay. Settle somewhere with an interesting view. Discover a hidden local treasure.
JENNY GREENE - SCRAGGS WEEK 2020 Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 6 PM – 12 AM Scraggs Alley Carlow
WEDDING FAIR Sunday, February 23, 2020 at 1 PM – 5 PM Woodford Dolmen Hotel Carlow
WHO WANTS TO BE A THOUSANDAIRE Saturday, February 29, 2020 at 8 PM The Lord Bagenal Inn, Leighlinbridge, CARLOW
+FOOZ (SFFOF JT POF PG *SFMBOE T CFMPWFE SBEJP DJs and her night time dance show ‘Electric Disco’ on RTÉ 2FM, has been a mainstay for *SJTI $MVCCFST GPS PWFS B EFDBEF "U GFTUJWBMT +FOOZ T NJYJOH DMBTTJD EBODF IJUT XJUI MJWF B orchestra and guest singers, has proved very popular, reinvigorating classic dance hits and introducing them to a new generation! Now TIF QMBZT BU 4DSBHHT GPS UIF ĂśSTU UJNF EVSJOH UIF MFHFOEBSZ $BSMPX 3"( 8FFL %PPST QN XJUI TVQQPSU GSPN %+ 'VEHF %+ -PMMZ 0OMJOF UJDLFUT &BSMZ #JSE Ăť (FOFSBM "ENJTTJPO Ăť (plus online booking fee).
Our Wedding Fair 2020 will take place on Sunday, February 23rd from 1pm to 5pm. The fair will feature a fashion showcase curated by $BSMPX T PXO TUZMJTU BOE NJMMJOFS 'BJUI "NPOE #SJEBM NFOTXFBS NPUIFST PG UIF CSJEF groom, and occasion wear will all feature. We BMTP IBWF VQ UP FYIJCJUPST UP FYQMPSF GPS all your wedding needs. Our civil ceremony room will be on display as well as out riverside, Killeshin Suite in full wedding reception format. We look forward to meeting you on the day.
#BMMZNVSQIZ $FMUJD XJMM CF IPTUJOH iXIP XBOUT to be a thousandaire�. This is a major fundraiser for the club with up to 70 juvenile players from U8 to U13 and Men and woman’s teams both DPNQFUJOH JO QSFNJFS EJWJTJPOT "MM TVQQPSU XJMM be greatly appreciated as this is the biggest event to date for the club for much needed funds to develop the club and facilities to the CFTU XF DBO " HSFBU OJHIU JT HVBSBOUFFE "MTP money to made for the lucky contestants that get called up.
RETREAT of the week
WORKSHOP of the week
RACE of the week
VIRGOSupport family with D ÂżQDQFLDO FKDQJH RU challenge. You can see the way forward. Pull together to lighten the load. A SRVLWLYH DWWLWXGH SD\V Rŕľľ LIBRACollaborate for shared support with an unexpected circumstance. Old assumptions get challenged. Keep your bargains and promises. SCORPIOResist making impulsive moves, especially with a barrier or obstacle. Prioritize your health. Observe and notice subtle clues. P SAGITTARIUS-
ove inspires and energizes. Find a silver lining below a dark cloud and share it with your sweetheart. Generate optimism and patience.
RESTORE Much of our planet has been damaged, but nature can regenerate and we can help ecosystems bounce back. FUND We need to stop funding things that destroy nature and pay for things that help it.
ARIESTake care of yourself. Adapt to changes patiently. Travel could interfere with personal routines. Include soothing rituals.
NEW ROSS HEAD OF THE RIVER 2020 Saturday, February 15, 2020 at 11 AM – 2 PM St Mullins, Carlow.
THE CONSCIOUS PATH - WEEKEND Feb 7 - Feb 9 ¡ Teach Bhride Holistic Education Centre ¡ Tullow
Our Head of the river is back. This is a unique LN SBDF GSPN 4U .VMMJOT JO $PVOUZ $BSMPX UP /FX 3PTT JO $PVOUZ 8FYGPSE FYQFSJFODJOH the breath-taking views of the River Barrow USBWFMMJOH UISPVHI $PVOUJFT $BSMPX ,JMLFOOZ 8FYGPSE 8IBU B HSFBU XBZ UP QVU ZPVS DSFXT UP UIF VMUJNBUF SPXJOH UFTU (FU ZPVS crews entered for our unique 18km head of the river. Don’t miss out on this great challenge and much needed crew racing. Entries close 7pm Wednesday the 5th February.
Enhance performance in all walks of life. Suitable for performers, artists, entrepreneurs, SME owners, consultants, teachers, sports people, parents and anyone with a demanding MJGFTUZMF t &OIBODF GPDVT NBOBHF TUSFTT t Increase awareness, manage thoughts and FNPUJPOT t (BJO DPOÜEFODF UP GVMÜM ZPVS QPUFOUJBM t 1SBDUJDF UIF CSFBUIF o UIJOL o øPX NPEFM PG TFMG BDUVBMJTBUJPO t $MBSJGZ GBNJMZ BOE CVTJOFTT SFMBUJPOTIJQT t $IPPTF UIF MJGF ZPV want. Residential and non-residential options.
Saturday at 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM Mulvarra House, Bauck, Saint Mullins, Carlow Do you want to learn the keys to a truly balanced lifestyle? Then join organisational psychologist and leadership coach, Liesl Keen, and registered associate nutritionist, Oonagh Trehin. We’ll give you the tools you need to overcome and become more resilient. When you leave us, you will have a clear vision of what your healthy lifestyle looks like and how you can actually achieve it. You will leave with a greater understanding of yourself and your body, and the barriers that are currently holding you back.
CAPRICORNSettle into home comforts. New facts dispel old fears. Domestic chores soothe and satisfy. Cook up something delicious. AQUARIUSObserve and study the news. A barrier blocks progress on a creative project. Consider potential strategies and options. Make requests. PISCESKeep generating income despite a challenge. Spend thoughtfully. Costs vary widely. Don’t dig into savings on a whim. You can get what you need.
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020
carlowinpictures Trophy winner Pamela Horgan with Mackenzie and Hope at Carlow Autograss Annual Prize Giving & Dinner Dance, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
Palatine GAA team ready to kick off the charity football match against Graiguecullen, commemorating the centenary of the 1919 County Carlow Final Reply, in aid of County Carlow Hospice, Fr Maher Park. Image by Rue Photography
Mick and Nikita Farrell at Palatine V Graiguecullen charity GAA football match, commemorating the centenary of the 1919 County Carlow Final Reply, in aid of County Carlow Hospice, Fr Maher Park. Image by Rue Photography
Rachel Maher and Kayleigh Power at Carlow Autograss Annual Prize Giving & Dinner Dance, Woodford Dolmen Hotel. Image by Rue Photography
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carlowpeople February 4, 2020