Trap your heat in with
Nov 1-14, 2018 t: 01 901 5565, e: info@dublinvoice.ie
Rents near Luas are ₏3,360 higher US Dubs didn’t need to be told this but it costs a whole lot more to live near to the Luas. According to a recent Daft. ie report, renting a property close to a Luas stop costs over ₏3,000 a year more than average Dublin rents. The report found that renters are paying a premium of 15% to live within one kilometre of a Luas line.
Nearly 8,000 properties were VXUYH\HG RYHU WKH ¿UVW QLQH months of this year as part of the research. Spokesperson for Daft.ie Martin Clancy outlines the price GL྾HUHQFHV ³2Q WKH /XDV *UHHQ line the average monthly rent is nearly ₏2,300 and that’s for any SURSHUW\ RQ WKH *UHHQ OLQH DQG that’s a ₏412 monthly premium compared to the Dublin average.
³2Q WKH 5HG OLQH LWœV D OLWWOH ELW cheaper overall even though the most expensive stop is on the 5HG OLQH ³7KH DYHUDJH UHQW RQ WKH 5HG line is ₏2,081 and that’s nearly ₏200 more expensive per month than the average in Dublin which at the moment is ₏1,884.� Speaking on some of the SULFLHU DUHDV 0U &ODQF\ VDLG ³6R WKH PRVW H[SHQVLYH VWRS LV
Unit 5, IDEA House, Killarney Road Business Park, Bray
Spencer Dock which is right in the city centre. ³7KH DYHUDJH UHQW IRU D WZR RU three bedroom property around Spencer Dock is ₏2,793. ³7KHQ ORRNLQJ HOVHZKHUH the most expensive stop on the *UHHQ OLQH LV &KDUOHPRQW DJDLQ SUHWW\ PXFK LQ WKH FLW\ FHQWUH and that’s ₏2,646.� Continued on next page
Future pilot Julie Stanzl at her induction day at Aer Lingus at Dublin Airport. Pic: Jason Clarke More pictures inside
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Funeral of nighclub pioneer Reynolds WELL-known famous faces WXUQHG RXW WR SD\ WKHLU ÂżQDO respects to music promoter John Reynolds at his funeral earlier this month. Over a thousand mourners gathered at the Church of the Sacred Heart in Donnybrook, Dublin, for the funeral of the 52-year-old whose body was found at his apartment in Milltown. The church was full to capacity as Mr Reynolds, nephew of the late Taoiseach Albert Reynolds, took place. Among those in attendance were music promoter Louis Walsh, music promoter Peter Aiken, presenter Marty Whelan, FOXE RZQHU 5REELH )R[ ÂżOP maker Jim Sheridan and editor of Hot Press Niall Stokes. Renowned artist Guggi, Paul Buchanan of Scottish band The Blue Nile as well as TDs Eamon Ryan and Timmy Dooley were also among the mourners. Mr Reynolds was best known for setting up the Electric Picnic music festival and for once owning POD nightclub on Harcourt Street and many other nightspots which revolutionised Dublin nightlife.
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
They’re back Bon Jovi return after six years
Ryan pops into Tiglin
Female teacher (24) held over defilement of teen boy By Jake Maxwell
Luas rents are ₏3000 higher The research analysed average rental prices for two- and threebedroom properties close to each of the 67 Luas stops in the greater Dublin area between July 2017 and June 2018. Tenants living along the Luas Green line were found to pay the highest rent of any properties, with average monthly rents of ₏2,296 – ₏412 more than the Dublin average of ₏1,884. Meanwhile, those living along the Luas Red line pay an average of ₏2,081 a month in rent, ₏197 more expensive than the Dublin average. The Red line also had the most and least expensive Luas stops to live by. At the expensive end of the scale, average rents for two- and three-bedroom properties within 1km of Spencer Dock Luas stop averaged ₏2,793 per month. However, average rents for twoand three-bedroom properties within 1km of Cheeverstown Luas stop – the cheapest to live by – were ₏1,417 per month. On the Luas Green line, Charlemont commanded the highest rents, averaging ₏2,646 per month, while tenants near Laughanstown have the lowest rents, paying ₏1,886 per month.
A FEMALE teacher in a Dublin school has been charged with WKH GH¿OHPHQW RI D WHHQDJH ER\ who was a student in her school at the time. The 24-year-old woman was brought before Swords District Court last month where she was FKDUJHG ZLWK WZR R྾HQFHV XQder Section 3(1) of the Criminal 6H[XDO 2྾HQFHV $FW WKDW on February 1 this year and on February 13 that she had engaged in a sex act with a child under the age of 17. The young teacher appeared before Judge Dermot Dempsey after she was arrested by investigating gardai at Dublin Airport after returning to Ireland on a ÀLJKW Judge Dempsey remanded the teacher on bail and adjourned the case until December 19 when she is due to appear in court again. The judge granted bail with a number of conditions that included that she surrender her passport and not apply for a new document. She must also provide gardai with a phone number to be contactable at all times. Judge Dempsey granted an application for legal aid as the defendant’s solicitor said her client had lost her job.
The judge granted the application and the accused made a cash lodgment of â‚Ź2,000 in court as she was granted bail. The defendant who was a teacher in a Dublin school at WKH WLPH RI WKH DOOHJHG RŕľľHQFH did not speak during the brief hearing. It has been reported that evidence of arrest, charge and caution was given in court by Garda Stephen Hughes. Garda Hughes said: “She was interviewed under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act. Directions to charge were obtained last night.â€? The accused, who cannot be named for legal reasons, made no reply after the charge. Garda Hughes told the court that they had seized the young woman’s mobile phone and that she would have to obtain another phone. She also must not have any contact with the alleged victim or any other witnesses engaged in the case. Garda Hughes asked the court that an order be made under Section 30 of the Sexual 2ŕľľHQFHV $FW WKDW WKHUH ZRXOG be no reporting of the identity of the accused or any details that might identify the victim. He said: “This is due to the naWXUH RI WKH RŕľľHQFH ´
No big switch on THERE will be no ‘switch on event’ for the Christmas lights in Dublin this year. 'XEOLQ 7RZQ KDV FRQÂżUPHG LW would cause too much disruption with fears of overcrowding on the streets. The Christmas lights will still be turned on over the next week RU VR EXW WKHUH ZLOO EH QR Rŕľścial ceremony. They said on their Facebook page: “We’re getting lots of questions about the Christmas lights and if you’re in town you’ve probably noticed them going
up, so here’s a little update from us! The city’s streets will be lit up in full Christmas spirit with our lights on 30 streets turning on in early November. Âł7KHUH LV QR RŕľśFLDO VZLWFK on event this year. In 2017, DublinTown and Dublin City Council teamed up together to create a ‘Procession Of Light’ which lit up the city on Sunday November 19th. There was two processions on either side of the city centre - on the Northside starting at Mary’s Street and on the Southside starting on Grafton Street.
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
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04 | newsinbrief Fire Brigade at Halloween DUBLIN Fire Brigade received almost 200 Halloween-related calls, as units across the city contend with a large number of blazes as a result of Halloween. On what is always one of the busiest days of the year for the IRUFH ¿UH R൶FHUV KDYH EHHQ GHDOLQJ ZLWK ERQ¿UHV DV ZHOO as other Halloween-related and non-Halloween-related incidents. “From 9am to 9.30pm today, Dublin Fire Brigade received ¿UH UHODWHG FDOOV RI ZKLFK 199 were Halloween-related, VXFK DV ERQ¿UHV ´ WKHLU 7ZLWWHU account said.
More German flights Lufthansa will add a third daily service on its Dublin to Munich route next summer. 7KH DGGLWLRQDO GDLO\ ÀLJKW means that Lufthansa’s service between Dublin and Munich will increase from 13 to 19 ÀLJKWV SHU ZHHN UHSUHVHQWLQJ an increase in capacity of over 45% when the summer schedule begins on March 31 next year. Lufthansa has more than doubled services from Dublin to its KXEV LQ )UDQNIXUW DQG 0XQLFK LQ the last four years.
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
Experts predict ‘perfect storm’ in our hospitals
Good golly miss Molly: New tourist attraction opens
By Jake Maxwell
9$8/76 Live, a new €5m visitor attraction has opened in Dublin’s Liberties, creating over 50 jobs and becoming the biggest employer of actors in Ireland. Vaults Live is a live theatrical visitor attraction that is based on 800 years of Irish history. Live performance, special H൵HFWV DQG VWXQQLQJO\ GHVLJQHG sets bring to life six scenes, which include a Cromwellian torture chamber, the crypt RI D 'XEOLQ FKXUFK D 9LNLQJ settlement, Bandon courtroom, medieval apothecary and what was once Europe’s biggest red light district – Monto, in the heart of Dublin city. Characters – real and imagined – include Dracula author Bram 6WRNHU 9LNLQJ ,NHD WKH FRORXUIXO Judge Dolores Fitzroy and Molly Malone (pictured), amongst RWKHUV 7KH VFULSWV IRU HDFK VFHQH ZHUH ¿UVW ZULWWHQ E\ FRPLF writer, the late Fergus Linehan. Award-winning playwright 3HWHU 6KHULGDQ FUHDWHG WKH ¿QDO versions.
1$7,21$/ experts are warnLQJ WKH ³SHUIHFW VWRUP´ LV DSproaching this winter in regards to health care. Hospitals will run out of beds for more than 1,000 emergency patients as the trolley crisis reaches record levels of chaos, senior doctors have warned. 7KH ZRUU\LQJ SUHGLFWLRQ ZLOO see seriously ill and very elderly patients enduring days and hours of misery on trolleys. It is predicted that the toll of 1,000 patients on trolleys will VWULNH GXULQJ WKH SHDN RI ZLQWHU overcrowding. Dr Peadar Gilligan, president of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO), himself an A&E consultant in Dublin’s Beaumont Hospital, warned over-stretched hospitals are facLQJ ³D SHUIHFW VWRUP´ “We will be told in January WKDW LW LV D µÀX FULVLV¶ RU D µZLQWHU crisis’ - it is not. It is a failure of SROLF\ ´ KH VDLG If the numbers of patients waiting for a bed reach 1,000 LW ZLOO EH GRXEOH WKH ¿JXUH RI
495 when former health minister Mary Harney declared it “a QDWLRQDO HPHUJHQF\´ RYHU D GHcade ago. 3DWLHQW VX൵HULQJ HVFDODWHG DV KRVSLWDOV EXFNOHG XQGHU WKH strain of a surge in patients in early January, with nearly 700 patients waiting for a bed as A&Es were jammed. But the crisis that engulfed hospitals in March this year was even worse, when the numbers on trolleys reached an all-time high of 714. Dr Gilligan said he is fearful ZH DUH KHDGLQJ LQWR WKH EOHDNest winter of overcrowding yet DQG WKH +6( KDYH OHIW KRVSLWDOV ill-prepared. “We cannot expect to have a health service which is meeting the demands of the population when we are training doctors to send them abroad. “A sustained campaign of reFUXLWPHQW EDFNHG IXOO\ E\ WKH *RYHUQPHQW LV QHHGHG WR ¿OO existing vacancies and improve VHUYLFHV ´ VDLG 'U *LOOLJDQ ZKRVH XQLRQ LV VWLOO ¿JKWLQJ D 30pc pay gap between new recruits and long-serving doctors.
€20m tech hub plan for ferry site scrapped DEVELOPER Philip Gannon has said he will not revive his plan for a €20m plan to transform the old ferry terminal in Dún Laoghaire into a technology campus. *DQQRQ EDFNHG RXW DIWHU KH failed to obtain a foreshore planning licence necessary for the project to go ahead. 7KH PXOWL PLOOLRQ HXUR SURMect, which was two years in the planning, was set to bring a wealth of companies to the south Dublin suburb as well as hundreds of jobs and a cash injection worth about €6m a year to the local economy. Mr Gannon said Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County &RXQFLO ZKLFK WRRN RZQHUVKLS of the proposed site, a former IHUU\ WHUPLQDO SURYLGHG D ODFN RI ³FRQFUHWH LQIRUPDWLRQ´ RQ
when he would receive the foreshore licence. ³7ZR \HDUV DIWHU WKH IHUU\ WHUminal building was put up for lease, one year after I signed the OHDVH DQG VHYHQ ZHHNV DIWHU , received planning permission, there was still no foreshore liFHQFH LQ SODFH ´ 0U *DQQRQ said. ³7KLV SURMHFW LV SULYDWHO\ funded, so in the absence of any concrete information in relation to the foreshore lease, I feel that I had no choice but to cut my losses and terminate the lease DJUHHPHQW ´ Dun Laoghaire Harbour Company was dissolved on October 3 and ownership transferred from the Department of 7UDQVSRUW 7RXULVP DQG 6SRUW WR the county council. Mr Gannon said he was examining other sites where he could
pursue the project. Aileen Eglington, the president of Dun Laoghaire Rathdown Chamber, questioned if there had been the time for due diligence. ³,W¶V D VKDPH EHFDXVH , WKLQN his vision for Dun Laoghaire and his vision for that building LV LQFUHGLEOH ,¶G OLNH WR WKLQN LW FRXOG KDSSHQ ´ VKH VDLG However, Fine Gael councillor %DUU\ :DUG VDLG KH KDG VSRNHQ to Mr Gannon and the developer had been adamant he would not be returning. ³, DVNHG RQ D QXPEHU RI RFF asions if he would change his PLQG DQG , GRQ¶W WKLQN KH ZLOO ´ said Mr Ward. ³, VSRNH WR WKH FKLHI H[HFXWLYH of the council and the foreshore licence is not an issue, we have a written order that it was grantHG LW MXVW KDVQ¶W EHHQ GUDIWHG ´
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
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06 | news in brief Bono’s son to play New Year gig THE line-up for New Year’s Festival Dublin’s main concert was announced earlier this month, and one of the bands will feature Bono’s son Elijah and his band. Inhaler, a four-piece rock and roll band from Dublin, was formed in 2016 and includes Josh Jenkinson-Tansia, Robert Keating, Ryan McMahon, and Elijah Hewson. Inhaler will be at the 3Countdown Concert alongside headline act Gavin James with special guests Hudson Taylor and Wild Youth on Custom House Quay on New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Festival Dublin is now in its seventh year and the festival will play host to a spectacular line up of Irish music and entertainment, including WKUHH FRXQWGRZQ HYHQWV /L྾H\ Lights Midnight Moment (Matinee), the 3Countdown &RQFHUW DQG WKH /L྾H\ /LJKWV Midnight Moment.
CONTACT US TODAY t: 01 9015565
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
It’s dear old Dublin Capital gets its own version of Monopoly boardgame
By Jake Maxwell IT’S dear old Dublin ... the Capital now has its very own Monopoly game following a revamp of the former Ireland edition. But the city’s plush residential addresses have been replaced by swish tourist spots and shopping centres. In the new version, the most expensive places are given to historic or cultural landmarks including the Molly Malone statue and Temple Bar, while the GPO is most expensive buy on the board. An unusual mix of shopping venues also feature including Dundrum Town Centre and salad bar Freshly Chopped in 6PLWK¿HOG WKH YHQXH IRU WKH game’s launch last month. The previous Ireland edition of the property-buying game focused on Dublin streets with enclaves such as Shrewsbury and Ailesbury Roads occupying the most expensive slots – akin to London’s Mayfair in the original game invented in 1935. But in the new version, the Phoenix Park is now among the
most sought after landing spots – try planting a hotel there – and the exclusive new Nord Anglia school, Ireland’s most expensive, also making an appearance, along with St Columba’s school. According the Dublin Monopoly creators, Winning Moves UK, which is making
sport and shopping spots, with Kilmainham Gaol thrown in for good measure alongside the traditional Jail corner. Dublin Zoo, the airport and the Aviva are there, while players can snap up Arnotts and Brown Thomas but not Dunnes Stores. Temple Bar, Dublin’s hen and stag party HQ, sits on a yellow block with a price of 280 Monopoly dollars, while Croke Park is a good bit cheaper at 140 dollars. In what seems like an absolute bargain, or a slight to the sisterhood, Molly Malone can be had for just 60 dollars, while the Ha’Penny Bridge is for sale at the same modest price. The Community and Chance playing cards are largely Dublin themed too. One card sends players on a shopping spree at Arnotts. Earlier this year, Winning Moves sought submissions from the public as to what should be included in the new Dublin game. A Dublin charity, Heart Children Ireland topped a public poll to be featured in the new game and has a Community Chest space all of its own.
the game under license from Hasbro, the Phoenix Park was originally set for a much lower ranking but its cachet soared over the summer with Pope Francis’s mass and this “propelled� it up the board. It’s priced at 350 Monopoly dollars while the GPO is priced at $400. The Luas also features,
along with traditional tiles such as The Waterworks and The Electric Company but the neighbourhoods are all gone. Rather than dwelling on the capital’s popular suburbs – Rathgar Road, the SCR, Kimmage and Crumlin once featured – the game is themed around tourism, heritage,
Baby dies from cold sore virus
Killer O’Reilly to feature in documentary
THERE are calls for greater awareness after a baby girl died from the cold sore virus in December 2015. The Coroners Court has recorded a verdict of “death due to a healthcare acquired infectionâ€? for 12-day-old Eibhlin Wills. Her parents, John and Louise, have called for neonatal herpes WR EHFRPH D QRWLÂżDEOH GLVHDVH Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane has made the recommendation and will bring it to the attention of the Health Minister. John Wills said: “For the past three years we have had to live with the unspeakable horror of losing our baby girl to an entirely preventable disease. “While it has been extremely painful to go through the details again, we thank Coroner Dr Myra Cullinane for her thorough and professional approach. “The verdict gives us the opportunity to again warn the public, and especially the families of newborns and those caring for them, of the potential danger of the common cold sore virus.â€? They’ve created a website in their daughter’s memory.
By Jake Maxwell THREE of Dublin’s most notorious murders are to be featured in documentaries in the coming weeks. 5DFKHO 2Âś5HLOO\ÂśV KRUULÂżF murder will be revisited as her mother Rose Callaly describes the shocking moment that changed their lives while Inspector Patrick Marry, and former Chief Superintendent Michael Finnegan go through the evidence that drove the case. 7KH VWRU\ ZLOO EH WKH ÂżUVW aired by CBS’s ‘Evidence of Evil’ series which will also explore Farah Swaleh Noor’s killing and the Grangegorman murders. Noor was killed by the so called Scissor Sisters Linda and Charlotte Mulhall in
March 2005. The Grangegorman killings saw Sylvia Shields and Mary Callinan murdered by Mark Nash in March 1997, although Dean Lyons originally claimed that he killed them. Evil husband Joe O’Reilly is still locked up for beating Rachel to death at their home in Naul in 2004. The twisted killer had spent the night before her death in their spare room talking on the phone to his mistress Nikki Pelley. In the aftermath of the sick crime, Joe appeared on The Late Late Show along with Rose as they appealed for information. In 2007, HE was found guilty at the Central Criminal Court of the murder of his wife and sentenced to life in prison.
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
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dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
Curious case of the Casey bounce?
eet the new boss / Same as the old boss’ is a line from ‘ Wo n ’ t Get Fooled A g a i n ’ by The Who. Well, our next president is the same as our old won. No surprises in Michael D’s landslide. Or was there? For me the bounce Peter Casey got to jump from last place to VHFRQG VHFXULQJ D ÂżIWK RI WKH ÂżUVW SUHIHUHQFH YRWHV ZDV D ELJ surprise, and a disturbing one. When he made the comments about the Travelling Community during the campaign I presumed that he’d withdraw. A colleague at the paper WKRXJKW GLŕľľHUHQW VD\LQJ WKDW Casey could well get a Trumplike bounce from his comments, wrong as they were. He called it right. I couldn’t believe it when , VDZ &DVH\ÂśV ÂżQDO YRWH VKDUH The best response I saw to Casey’s comments came from Fianna Fail’s Willie O’Dea, who spoke about the comments being “an attempt to breathe new life into outdated rhetoricâ€?. I couldn’t have agreed more. My working knowledge of
Brian Quigley economics, while by no means up to a professional in the ¿HOGœV VWDQGDUG ZRXOG EH WKDW the poor and marginalised in society need to be looked after. Anything else just doesn’t make sense. We may not always do it right here – as the current housing crisis shows – but I believe our intentions have always been good, even if the policies that are implemented fall well short of making those intentions a reality. To turn on the poor would be to step onto a slippery slope that there would be no coming back from. I believe Casey’s comments were an attempt at populism and I’ve long-since had a bee in my bonnet about populism. Much of what we have seen
Tom Summerville of Uniplumo, grows and supplies poinsettias to order for SuperValu and Centra, with Ana Smith (6) from Portmarnock. Pic: Julien Behal
Santa Coming to Madenhayes November 18 1pm-4.30pm All welcome
here in the populist sphere has been left-wing populism, pointLQJ WKH ÂżQJHU RI EODPH DW EDQNV businessmen, politicians and bureaucrats for all our ills. I always thought it unfair, as it provided easy pickings in the ballot box for those peddling this jargon. Right-wing populism though, like Brexit’s ‘Leave’ campaign or Donald Trump, is another thing. Turning on the immigrants, the elderly, the marginalised and anybody else who you can spin the line about them having an easy ride. We look after these groups here, and so we should. We’ll all get old, and any of us could end up poor through no fault of our own. 2U ÂżQG RXUVHOYHV LQ D IRUHLJQ land if our journey takes us there. We’d expect to be looked after, wouldn’t we? Perhaps I’m exaggerating. I’d certainly give Casey the EHQHÂżW RI WKH GRXEW DQG ZRXOG like to think he regrets his comments. But the vote surge he got was in my view a harnessing of right-wing populism. I’d hate to see that snowball because I’d hate to think where it would lead us.
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
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dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
Brendan O’Carroll, his wife Jenny Gibney and service user Sally Gorey are calling on the public to ‘Have a Laugh for Loneliness’ in aid of ALONE. Pic: Jason Clarke
St. Mary’s were delighted to welcome Senator Joan Freeman to the school where she viewed the new Meditation room, met senior citizens taking part in the Log On Learn Programme and met the Student Council and Senior Prefects.
Liam Walsh and Daniel Fox from St. Colmcille’s JNS Knocklyon at the launch of the Children’s Lives School Longitudinal Study at University College Dublin. Pic: Jason Clarke
Michelle McGlynn and Stacy Groude at the opening night of Shrek the Musical at the Bord Gais Energy Theatre. Pic: Brian McEvoy
Santa with Cathy Costello, and right, Holly Carpenter at the Lidl Deluxe Christmas Preview at Ukiyo in Dublin. Pic: Brian McEvoy
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
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dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
with Justin Ivory
BOOK of the week
Puppy Love Seal pup at Bray Harbour (Photo – John Ivory) THERE can be few bonnier babies in the animal kingdom than Grey Seal pups. With their sleek white coat (or lanugo), big dark eyes and general air of helplessness, they should carry a warning sign – “Prepare to be Cutified�! The Grey Seal (Haliechoerus grypus) is our largest, land breeding carnivore. Breeding takes place from late August to the end of November. In the autumn pregnant females (cows) gather at traditional breeding grounds or rookeries to give birth to their single pup. A pup’s gorgeous, but very conspicuous white coat, would appear to be a strange evolutionary device for a young, vulnerable animal. It is most likely a hangover from the last ice age when seal pups would have been born in a frozen and predominantly white environment. Lack of major natural predators since then has seen the white coat remain. Another predator thwarting technique employed by the cows is the relative synchronisation of the births so the colony is at maximum population size. There’s safety in numbers! The pups are reared on an exclusive diet of milk for approximately 3 weeks. Grey Seal milk has the highest fat content (up to 60%) of any animal. It is not surprising that the pups grow at a phenomenal rate on this incredibly fat rich diet. Putting on up to 2kg per day, by the end of the lactation period they will have trebled their birth weight. At this stage the pups shed their white coats to reveal their grey coats adapted for life in the cold sea. The females then leave the pups to fend for themselves! It is not surprising that mortality rates among pups in that first winter can be up to 60%. With lactation completed, the cows come into season and mate with dominant male before heading back to sea. With a combination of delayed implantation and suspended development of the fertilised egg, the cow ensures that birth will not take place until the following autumn. And so, the cycle will begin again.
TV SHOW of the week
FILM of the week
THE PODGE & RODGE SHOW Mondays 10.40pm RTE 2
HALLOWEEN ROI Rating: - 18
The long siege of Troy, the battles fought over it, and the city’s eventual capitulation and incineration are events which have often been retold since their first recitation by Homer. Seldom, however, will they have been narrated with such close attention to the minute particulars of battle, to its reek and terror and pain, as in this startling account by Daniel Kelly. Kelly looks minutely at every detail of archaic combat, as well as at the lives and feelings shaped by it. His Troy is not only a scene of shining glory, but also a grimy struggle for survival and mastery.
The return of the comedy talk show after almost 10 years away, with co-host Doireann Garrihy joining the two puppets to interrogate celebrity guests. Featuring “celebrity roasting and top notch music acts� in Ballydung Manor the return of this dastardly due is sure to be one of the most hotly-anticipated shows on Irish television this year. Love them or loathe them, they’re back! Performed by Ciaran Morrison and Mick O’Hara they have lost none of their humour and are apparently more vulgar than ever.
Jamie Lee Curtis returns to her iconic role as Laurie Strode, who comes to her final confrontation with Michael Myers, the masked figure who has haunted her since she narrowly escaped his killing spree on Halloween night four decades ago. Serving as creative consultant, master of horror John Carpenter joins forces with writer/director David Gordon Green, writer Danny McBride, and cinema’s leading producer of horror Jason Blum to craft a film inspired by Carpenter’s classic but also carves a new path from the events in the landmark 1978 film.
CONVENTION of the week
EVENT of the week
GIG of the week
ARIES - This week is a 7 Remain forgiving with team miscommunications. Ignore false rumors or gossip. Imagine a project completed. TAURUS - This week is a 7 A controversy could arise at work. Words and actions may seem at cross-purposes. Don’t believe everything you hear; the trolls are out. GEMINI- This week is a 7 Delays could frustrate WUDYHOV WRGD\ &KHFN WUDྜF and road conditions. Study \RXU RSWLRQV 3UR¿W IURP D dreamer’s vision. CANCER- This week is an 8 Others may demand quick action, despite a frustrating roadblock. Monitor budgets, and prepare your moves in advance. LEO- This week is a 7 Misunderstandings spark easily between partners. 3RVWSRQH D ¿QDQFLDO discussion. Stay in communication.
CAST The Academy, Saturday 24th November Tickets 25.00 www.ticketmaster.ie
DUBLIN WIZARD CON Red Cow Moran Hotel, Friday 2nd November Sunday 4th November 2018
Pedigree Britpop legends CAST announce the Greatest Hits Tour is coming to the Academy Dublin. Cast are set to release two new ‘vinyl’ only packages in November 2018 and are hitting the road to celebrate, performing their greatest hits. Originally formed in 1992 from the ashes of two of the most legendary and lauded guitar bands of all time, The La’s and Shack, Cast released four albums, the second Mother Nature Calls also went platinum (three of them top 10), and had ten top 10 singles, before disbanding in 2001.
Everybody get your wands and book a place on the Knight Bus because Ireland’s very own Wizard convention is coming. A chance for Wizarding fans to come together and share their love of the characters, books, movies and stories, in an immersive, intimate, fanfocused convention. Fans of any age are welcome to attend Wizard Con but, just as Harry had to be 11 to attend Hogwarts, the recommended age for attendees is 11 years of age. Some of the programming may not be suitable for attendees under the age of 11.
RUN of the week
PERFORMANCE of the week
HACK ACCESS DUBLIN -HACKATHON Google, Barrow Street, Friday 2nd November Sunday 4th November 2018 The objective of #HackAccessDublin is to make Dublin inclusive to people of all abilities by hacking the access obstacles in our way. Engineers, developers, designers, urban innovators, entrepreneurs and anyone interested in innovation; here’s your opportunity to make an impact on your city! Join us to find innovative solutions to Dublin’s accessibility challenges. Help us create a more diverse, open and engaging environment for everyone. A hackathon brings people with various skills together to find innovative solutions to challenges provided, normally by an external party.
FESTIVAL of the week
VIRGO- This week is an 8 Action speaks louder than words, where health and exercise are concerned. Abandon a preconception. You know what to do. LIBRA- This week is a 6 Love and romance could seem complicated now. Adapt to recent changes. Save important conversations for later. SCORPIO- This week is a 7 Domestic matters take focus. Words can get misconstrued. Show your commitments through your actions. SAGITTARIUS- This week is an 8
Read the contract, HVSHFLDOO\ WKH ÂżQH SULQW before signing. Consider potential impacts. Look for HŕľśFLHQFLHV
CAPRICORN- This week is an 8 .HHS WDNLQJ SUR¿WDEOH actions. Don’t believe everything you hear. Tempers may be short. Stay respectful. DUBLIN RUN IN THE DARK Custom House Quay, Wednesday 7th November www.runinthedark.org
THE NUTCRACKER The Gaiety Theatre, 14th November - 17th November . Tickets: â‚Ź36.00+
DUBLIN BEATLES FESTIVAL The Workman’s Club, Saturday 3rd November www.eventbrite.ie
Every November, as darkness sweeps the globe, thousands of people from over 50 cities will pull on their running shoes and red flashing armbands and hit the streets to Run in the Dark. Join thousands of fellow runners in Dublin to Run in the Dark on the 7th November 2018 and support our ongoing research to find a cure for paralysis in our lifetime. You can choose between running 5km or 10km‌ and if your running shoes are a little dusty, you can even walk the 5km route. The Dublin event will leave from CHQ, Dublin City Centre at 8.00pm.
It’s Christmas Eve. A marvellous party is taking place where the mysterious Uncle Drosselmeyer brings gifts for all the children. When midnight strikes, very strange things start to happen‌ The Christmas tree grows to incredible heights and Clara’s magical Christmas gift, her Nutcracker, leads them into a fairy-tale world. With her heroic Nutcracker at her side, Clara defeats the Mouse King and his army of mice, and they journey to the Land of Snow and the Kingdom of Sweets together.
2pm – WHEN THE BEATLES CAME TO DUBLIN – ₏8. This is a short play about The Beatles coming to Dublin on Thursday, November 7th, 1963, as told from the perspective of Catherine Hansard – the mother of Glen Hansard; 3.00pm – THE BEATLES TABLE QUIZ – ₏40 (FOR A TEAM OF FOUR). This hugely popular table quiz returns to the Workman’s on November 3rd. It will be hosted by Denny and Steve from QUIZTASTIC; 8.00pm – REVOLVER – THE BIG GIG – ₏20 REVOLVER from Scotland are one of the best Beatles tribute bands in the world.
AQUARIUS-This week is a 9 Go for the gold, and avoid stepping on others to get there. Anticipate a disagreement and competition. PISCES- This week is a 6 Slow down to reconsider the best route. Toss out the VXSHUĂ€XRXV 'HYLVH D QHZ direction, and realign plans. Consider actions and words carefully.
dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
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dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
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dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018
Sean Walker
Time running out for O’Neill
reland’s stunning victory over Italy two-and-a-half years ago at the European championships is all but a distant memory now. In the past 12 months Martin O’Neill’s side KDV SOD\HG QLQH ORVW ¿YH drawn three and won just one. 2œ1HLOO KDV HQGXUHG ¿HUFH criticism following Ireland’s bad string of results recently. In the Nations League Ireland have gone winless in their group losing twice to Wales and managing only a mere draw against a Eriksen less Denmark, which has put our chances of (XURSHDQ TXDOL¿FDWLRQ WHWKHUing on a knifes edge. Pressure is reaching boiling point for O’Neill as calls for him to be sacked can be heard all around the country from fans and journalists a like and it’s hard if not irrational to disagree. O’Neill’s stubborn style of football and questionable deciVLRQ PDNLQJ KDYH EHHQ EDྡLQJ at times, in the nations league thus far O’Neill has deployed James McClean one of our best attacking threats as a wing back, placed Cyrus Christie as a
PLG¿HOGHU DQG +DUU\ $UWHU ZKR performs better as an attacking minded player as an uncomfortDEOH GHIHQVLYH PLG¿HOGHU We have not been unlucky losing because of a questionable referring decision or a late winner completely against the run of play, we have been soundly beaten by teams that we should not be losing to. In our 4-1 throbbing to Wales in September we had 32% possession and could only muster XS D PHUH ¿YH VKRWV RQ JRDO compared to Wales’ 68% possession and 18 shots on goal. In our draw against Denmark last month the stats were almost identical, Denmark had 66% possession to our 34% and 15 shots to our three. Even in our most recent game against Wales we managed one more shot on goal against Ryan *LJJVœ RXW¿W EXW ODFNHG SRVVHVsion and we were eventually undone from a marvellous free kick alongside poor positioning in the wall. It was evident in that game that Ireland lacked structure and a meaningful plan of action, a result of Irelands lack
Matthew Ferry (9), Ailsha Wauchope (10), Sam Bates (8) and Joshua Harris (10), Beth Weir (15); Hanna (15) and Vicky Wauchope (13) at the launch of the ‘Tullydonnell Hoard’ exhibition at the National Museum of Ireland - Archaeology. Pic: Julien Behal of preparation in camp and has called question in their method of training, with their lack of drills. O’Neill in an interview before that Wales performance labelled the squad as “technically shortâ€? unable to play a pleasing style of football a stigma which has surrounded the Irish squad for years even though Ireland boasted a more experienced team then Wales on the night. &RQÂżGHQFH LV D PDMRU IDFWRU in a player’s ability to perform
at his highest potential, we have all seen players in the past who have been shadows of their previous selves when self-esteem is lacking. For example Jose Mourinho at Manchester Utd openly criticised his players on numerous occasions for poor performance’s, which in turn had D QHJDWLYH H྾HFW RQ KLV WHDP ZKHQ WKH\ WRRN WR WKH ¿HOG Morale has reached an alltime low and it is clear to see, after the controversy surround-
ing assistant manager Roy KeDQH DQG $UWHU WKH ,ULVK FDPS KDV been labelled as a circus unable to function with the clash of different personalities. The question now is not should Ireland get rid of O’Neil but can they? O’Neill is the fourth best paid manager in Europe, earning an estimated ₏2m a year which puts him level with England’s Gareth Southgate who delivered a world cup VHPL ¿QDO HDUOLHU WKLV VXPPHU Not to mention assistant man-
ager Keane who commands a ₏600k salary, it would cost WKH )$, PLOOLRQV WR SD\ R྾ WKH whole managerial team and EDFNURRP VWD྾ This expense would leave the )$, VWUXJJOLQJ WR DFTXLUH D ZRUthy replacement for O’Neill, a replacement who not only has to be of top quality but who ZRXOG ¿W LQWR WKHLU UHVWULFWLYH ¿QDQFLDO EXGJHW The European championships peak over the horizon and with Ireland partly hosting two games it would be a damn shame if not an embarrassment for us to fail to qualify under the new easier format. We still have a chance of qualifying for the Euro’s through the nations league all be it a slim one, if we were to beat Denmark in our upcoming game and then Denmark were to lose to group leaders Wales we would then tie the Danes in second place leaving it down to JRDO GL྾HUHQFH The more likely possibility, we get drawn as a third seed and potentially face a big team in March of next year, a daunting task for the Irish squad.
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dublinvoice.ie November 1-14, 2018