Kilkenny Today 12 07 2018

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kilkennytoday July 12, 2018









Storm Metal Wall Clock


Open Gears Antique Bronze Clock 51cm








Dublin Clockworks Clock 66cm Brown

Sun Mirrored Wall Clock Champagne 58cm Dia.



May 01 901 July 28, 12, 2015, 2018 t:t:056 7815556/7, 7070 e: e:


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Just how long can the sunshine last? Predictions say another week at least THE ongoing good weather has led to a highly unusual situation – as a growing number of Irish people wondering when the sunshine might end, and saying they would welcome ‘a nice drop’ of rain instead. The outlook is that such folk

in Kilkenny will be waiting another full week before getting their wish, as no rain is forecast before next Monday, July 16. Instead, we’re looking at continued blues skies and high temperatures – in the high twenties until the end of the

week, before cooling a bit to 21 to 22 degrees at the weekend. It is expected to remain warm then in the days after that, but rain is then likely to make a return, in the form of some daily showers between Monday July 16 and Friday July 20.

After that, it will be back to the somewhat cloudy and overcast, but still pleasantly warm (18 to 22 degrees) conditions that we normally associate with an Irish summer. However, the long-term outlook is good for August too. Continued on next page

Clare Curtin and Dara Keane at Brogan’s Bar 4th July Party. Image by Rue Photography. More pix inside

04| news in brief

kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

Katie drops in to see us

St Luke’s say sorry for blunder ST LUKE’S Hospital Kilkenny has been forced to apologise unreservedly to all parents who received letters in relation to cuts to services for paediatric diabetes. These letters were sent ZLWKRXW VLJQ Rŕľľ IURP KRVSLWDO PDQDJHPHQW Âł:H DFNQRZOHGJH this has caused great worry for parents and we regret this greatly,â€? the hospital said in a VWDWHPHQW Âł7KHUH ZLOO EH QR FKDQJHV WR this service. Âł7KHUH KDV EHHQ DQ LQFUHDVH LQ WKH QXPEHUV RI SDWLHQWV XVLQJ our diabetes service and as a UHVXOW D VXEPLVVLRQ KDV EHHQ PDGH IRU H[WUD IXQGLQJ LQ WKH HVWLPDWHV IRU ´

Katie Holmes with Brendan Morrissey and a friend during her visit to Kilkenny Castle

Rugby club gets planning go-ahead

By Jake Maxwell

THERE was good news for Kilkenny Rugby recently after LW UHFHLYHG SODQQLQJ SHUPLVVLRQ IURP .LONHQQ\ &RXQW\ &RXQFLO WR EXLOG DQ H[WHQVLRQ WR H[LVWLQJ GUHVVLQJ URRPV The club also got the goDKHDG WR HUHFW ÀRRG OLJKWLQJ and all associated site GHYHORSPHQW ZRUNV DW LWV grounds at Foulkstown on the :DWHUIRUG 5RDG .LONHQQ\ &LW\

TWO Hollywood actresses separately dropped into Kilkenny recently Katie Holmes and Alicia Silvertstone. Holmes, The Dawson’s Creek favourite, wore an oversized shirt dress and SDLUHG LW ZLWK VOLGH RQ ÀDWV Katie Holmes has been enjoying a low-key visit, in ZKDW LV EHOLHYHG WR EH KHU ¿UVW visit to Ireland. She was pictured getting

Chance of a cure for cancer from drug, says Vicky By Jake Maxwell

a VIP tour of Kilkenny Castle with friends, including Kilkenny millionaire Brendan Morrissey, a tech entrepreneur based in Los Angeles. The actress is never far from the rumour mill and it was recently reported that she had VSOLW ZLWK ER\IULHQG RI ÂżYH years Jamie Foxx, but she quashed the claims via her

spokesperson in a statement in which she denounced the end of their relationship as “100 per cent untrue.� Meanwhile, Silverstone (inset), the lead actress in features like Clueless (1995), Excess Baggage (1997) and Batman and Robin (1997)was in Cleere’s pub on Parliament Street, also with in the company of Morissey.

Just how long can sun last? Coninued from previous page 0HDQZKLOH ,ULVK :DWHU DQG .LONHQQ\ &RXQW\ &RXQFLO DUH FRQWLQXLQJ WR PRQLWRULQJ all water supplies across the county on a daily basis while this unprecedented dry spell continues. 1LJKW WLPH UHVWULFWLRQV KDYH EHHQ LPSRVHG RQ WKH Bennettsbridge public water VXSSO\ IURP SP XQWLO DP This restriction will be reviewed on a daily basis and ERWK ,ULVK :DWHU DQG .LONHQQ\ &RXQW\ &RXQFLO ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR PRQLWRU WKH VFKHPHV FDUHIXOO\ 7KH &ORJK DQG &DVWOHFRPHU Inistioge, Piltown Fiddown DQG .LONHQQ\ &LW\ ZDWHU VXSSOLHV DUH FODVVLÂżHG DV DW ULVN DQG FXVWRPHUV VXSSOLHG IURP WKHVH VFKHPHV DUH DVNHG WR EH HVSHFLDOO\ PLQGIXO RI WKHLU ZDWHU FRQVXPSWLRQ DW WKLV FULWLFDO WLPH The public across the whole county are urged to continue conserving water in every possible way to ensure a continuous supply for all. Meanwhile, a nationwide ban RQ KRVHSLSHV UHPDLQV LQ SODFH The whole island of Ireland faces water restrictions.

9,&.< Phelan has said that the HSE should give out the drug that she is currently taking to everyone who has had a test beFDXVH Âł7KHUH LV D FKDQFH RI D FXUH IURP WKLV GUXJ ´ 7KH PXP RI WZR IURP Mooncoin is also to seek govHUQPHQW IXQGLQJ IRU DQ LQGHpendent advocacy group for the ZRPHQ DQG IDPLOLHV LPSDFWHG by the scandal. Speaking recently, Vicky KDV VDLG WKH +6( KDV ÂłGRZQright ignoredâ€? the failure of WKH &HUYLFDO&KHFN VFUHHQLQJ SURJUDPPH 6D\LQJ WKH V\VWHP KDV IDLOHG Ms Phelan said that the seriousness of the failure of the screenLQJ SURJUDPPH KDV EHHQ GRZQplayed by the HSE. 9LFN\ VDLG ZRPHQ ZLWK FHUvical cancer and other cancers should have access to the drug SHPEUROL]XPDE 6KH VDLG Âł$W WKH PRPHQW LWÂśV WKH +6( PDNLQJ GHFLVLRQV RQ who gets access to this drug based on their cancer type. Âł7KLV GUXJ QHHGV WR EH JLYHQ to people based on the test having been done,â€? she said. Ms Phelan took the PDL1 test, ZKLFK VKRZV KRZ KHU WXPRXU would respond to the drug, and she tested over 75%. 6KH VDLG Âł$ FRXUVH RI FKHPRWKHUDS\ FRVWV DOPRVW WKH VDPH DV WKLV GUXJ &KHPRWKHUDS\

doesn’t cure cervical cancer, we know this. Âł7KHUH LV D FKDQFH RI D FXUH IURP WKLV GUXJ ´ 0HDQZKLOH WKH WHUPLQDOO\ LOO PRWKHU RI WZR ZKR EURXJKW WKH cervical cancer debacle to light is setting up the support group DV WKH *RYHUQPHQW FRPHV XQder pressure to resource independent advocacy services for SDWLHQWV ZKR QHHG DQVZHUV IURP WKH KHDOWK V\VWHP ZKHQ WKLQJV have gone wrong. However, Ms Phelan said this weekend that an independent DGYRFDF\ VHUYLFH ZDV ÂłHVVHQWLDO´ IRU DOO WKRVH KDUPHG E\ WKH health service. Âł7KHUH ZDV QRZKHUH IRU XV WR JR :H KDG WR VHW XS DOO RI WKLV ourselves. The only people who had contact details for all of the ZRPHQ DQG IDPLOLHV DŕľľHFWHG E\ this are the HSE, the very organisation we can’t trust,â€? said Ms Phelan, who is launching the group with Stephen Teap, whose wife Irene died of cervical cancer last year.

Jobless figures By Jake Maxwell THE south-east has the second KLJKHVW XQHPSOR\PHQW UDWH LQ the country according to new &HQWUDO 6WDWLVWLFV 2ŕľśFH ÂżJXUHV 7KH &62ÂśV ODERXU IRUFH VXUYH\ IRU WKH ÂżUVW TXDUWHU of 2018 showed that the south-east region (which LQFOXGHV .LONHQQ\ &DUORZ :DWHUIRUG DQG :H[IRUG KDG DQ XQHPSOR\PHQW UDWH RI SHRSOH 7KH



kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

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kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

Hilda Cavanagh to run again in local elections

news in brief Mobiles ‘replacing physical activity’ A TOTAL of 86% of parents think that mobiles have replaced physical activity and sport in their children’s lives, according to new research commissioned by Kellogg’s GAA CĂşl Camps. The survey of parents in Ireland, which was carried out to better understand children’s involvement in sport, physical activity levels and the barriers to being active, also found that 47% believe their child prefers being on their mobile device over being physically active. Mobile phone ownership has become the norm for children in Ireland with 99% of 13-15 year olds, 63% of 8-12 year olds and QHDUO\ RQH LQ ÂżYH FKLOGUHQ XQGHU the age of eight owning a device, according to the research.

Diesel theft GardaĂ­ are investigating an incident in south Kilkenny after a large quantity of agricultural diesel was stolen from two vehicles. The incident occurred sometime between 5pm on June 26 and 9am the following morning, according to gardaĂ­. GardaĂ­ in Kilmacow Garda Station asking for anyone with information on the theft to contact them on 051-880112.

By Jake Maxwell

‘It brings tears to my eyes’ By Jake Maxwell THE mother of tragic Ciara Lawlor (17), who died at a Kodaline gig two years ago, has revealed that the song the band penned in her honour brings tears to her eyes. July 8 was the second anniversary of Ciara who died after falling ill at her favourite band’s gig in Dublin’s Marlay Park. Her mother Eimear said she “cries buckets� every time she listens to the track Angel.

“It hasn’t been released yet but they gave us a copy and I do listen to it,� Mrs Lawlor said. “It does make me cry, it’s extremely personal. The song is for us. “Even though it’s written for Ciara it’s more or less for the family.� “It’s very personal and the words were written with her dad John and myself in mind. It’s like our journey.� Kodaline attended Ciara’s funeral and sang a heartwrenching version of “High

Hopes� with Ciara’s school choir. The Dublin band found inspiration for the title of the song when they were visiting the Lawlor family last year. They saw a sketch in the family’s home of a young Ciara wearing a T-shirt with an angel on it. Lead singer Steve Garrigan (29) said: “It’s just the story behind it. We didn’t know until after. Our tour manager didn’t tell us when we were on stage. It knocked us back to reality.�

WINNING becomes a habLW DQG WKDWœV PRVW GH¿QLWHO\ the case for Cllr Mary Hilda Cavanagh of Fine Gael who has just announced that she will run again in next year’s local elections. Hilda is Kilkenny’s longest-serving county councillor and has held her seat in north Kilkenny since 1974. She has stood for election and won in every local election since 1974 and if she wins re-election again next \HDU DQG FRPSOHWH D ¿YH \HDU WHUP RI RྜFH VKH ZRXOG RQH the country’s longest-serving councillor. Hilda, who hails from Galmoy, has served previously with the grandparents of some of those she currently with whom she shares the chamber today. She was twice elected Cathaoirleach of Kilkenny County Council (1983-84 and 2004-2005) and twice leas-

Cathaoirleach (1982-1983 and 2013-2014). +LOGD ZDV ÂżUVW HOHFWHG WR Kilkenny County Council while still a college student in 1974 and was twice Chairperson of Kilkenny County Council (1983-84 and 20042005) and twice Vice-Chairperson (1982-1983 and 2013-2014). She is currently a member of the Association of County and City Councils. A teacher by profession (teaching economics, history & mathematics), Mary Hilda left teaching to be a fulltime Councillor in 1988. Mary Hilda has been a member of Co Kilkenny VEC (now Kilkenny and Carlow ETB) for 40 years, chairing the Committee for twenty years. She is a member of the Steering Committee of Education & Training Boards Ireland (ETBI). Mary Hilda is also a member of the Governing Authority of UCD and the Governing Body of WIT.

Cheers! Former Smithwicks home to mega facelift By Jake Maxwell CHEERS ‌ the former Smithwicks Brewery is to get a multimillion facelift that will see it get just under 60,000sq P RI RྜFHV UHWDLO UHVLGHQWLDO educational and civic space. The Abbey Quarter, as it will be known, is set to incorporate the remains of 13th century Franciscan Abbey as its centrepiece and will see the refurbishment of the old Smithwicks brewhouse to provide almost VT P RI JUDGH $ RྜFH space. The wider masterplan for the 10-acre site will include the development of 14 new blocks of mixed-use space as well as the delivery of a new 2.5 acre public plaza and urban park at St Francis Abbey. The Brewhouse will be the ¿UVW EXLOGLQJ WR EH GHYHORSHG DQG ZLOO SURYLGH D UDQJH RI ÀH[LEOH JUDGH $ RྜFH RSWLRQV 7KH building can be let in its entire-

W\ DV WKUHH VHSDUDWH ÀRRUV DYHUaging 1,480 sq m (15,940 sq ft) RU XS WR RྜFH VXLWHV YDU\LQJ in size from 302 sq m (3,250 sq ft) to 480 sq m (5,170 sq ft). The new building is designed to achieve LEED gold standard. Originally the centre of the Smithwicks brewing operation, it is located beside the old abbey and has frontage on to Horse Barrack Lane, which is being completely re-landscaped to provide high-quality public space, all within a few minutes walk from High Street in the centre of Kilkenny City. Elsewhere on the site, the Mayfair, which was originally built as a ballroom is to be reIXUELVKHG DQG ZLOO R྾HU DOPRVW 1,540 sq m (16,576 sq ft) of ÀH[LEOH RྜFH VSDFH DQG IRUP D gateway to the Abbey Quarter. The north side of the building is close to the old city walls which followed the river Breagagh. The renovation works are to be sympathetic to its loca-

tion at the ‘Watergate’ which connected the old city centred on the castle and Irishtown centred on St Canice’s Cathedral. Speaking in advance of WKH RŕľśFLDO ODXQFK RI WKH Abbey Quarter, the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation Heather Humphreys welcomed the provision by the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund (ISIF) of â‚Ź12.3m in deYHORSPHQW ORDQ ÂżQDQFH IRU WKH project. Kilkenny County Council Chief Exec, Colette Byrne, described the development as an “exceptional opportunity for Kilkenny,â€? while Aoife O’Neill of Lisney, agent for the development said the scheme was already attracting businesses looking to provide their employees with “something more than just a place to workâ€?. “This is an exceptional location for companies seeking outstanding global connectivity,â€? Ms O’Neill said.

kilkennytoday July 12, 2018



kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

kilkennytoday July 12, 28, 2018


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kilkennytoday July 12, 2018


kilkennytoday July 12, 2018


Muireann Murphy, Nadine O’Brien, Denise Carroll, Mary McDonald and Niamh Nolan at Brogan’s Bar 4th July Party. Image by Rue Photography

Emma Cleere and Shannon Ray at Brogan’s Bar 4th July Party. Image by Rue Photography

Catherine Diimmler, Brian Mullins and Mark Diimmler at Kilkenny Craft Beer Festival, John Cleere’s Bar. Image by Rue Photography

Tony Comerford and Gerald Costello (Founder Costello’s Brewing Company and Organiser) at Kilkenny Craft Beer Festival, John Cleere’s Bar. Image by Rue Photography

Daniel McDaid and Anne Plagemann at Kilkenny Craft Beer Festival, John Cleere’s Bar. Image by Rue Photography

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kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

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14 | WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Urgent Appeal

kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

ninenottomiss BOOK BOOKof ofthe theweek week

TV TVSHOW SHOWof ofthe theweek week FILM of the week

HOROSCOPES Tern chick killed by a dog (Pic Birdwatch Ireland) THE good folks at Birdwatch Ireland (our largest conservation NGO) have issued an urgent appeal stressing the importance of Keeping Dogs on Leads when visiting beaches this summer especially near colonies of nesting shorebirds particularly after an incident this week The Little Tern chicks down at the Kilcoole have been developing very nicely during this glorious patch of weather we’ve been having. Some of these have reached fledging age and have taken to wandering around the beach. The wanderings of these larger chicks have taken them outside of the protection of the fenced-off area of the beach and into areas where they are vulnerable to attack by predators and dogs and being trampled by humans. Despite the best efforts of the brilliant wardens (part of the annual protection scheme at Kilcoole) to shepherd these youngsters with a wanderlust back into the compound one unfortunate large chick (just days away from fledging) was picked up and killed by a dog off-lead and not under adequate control.

A two-day-old Little Tern chick (Photo Justin Ivory) This was a real shame as the bird in question had survived when a large number of nests were washed away by Storm Hector early in June. So all that time, energy and resources by not just its parents, but by the wardens was wasted needlessly in this case. It is one thing a natural predator taking a chick as they have young families to feed as well....that is part of the natural order. But it is a completely different scenario when a domesticated dog which fulfils no ecological niche takes a chick as in this instance. Ringed Plovers and Oystercatchers also nest on our beaches in the summer so it is not just terns that are vulnerable. Everybody visiting a beach (not just Kilcoole beach) in the coming weeks can do their bit to make sure the birds remain safe and have a successful breeding season by keeping dogs on lead, staying on safe paths and if there is a wardening scheme following on-site instructions.

THE TATTOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ by Heather Morris The incredible story of the Auschwitz-Birkenau tattooist and the woman he loved. Lale Sokolov is well-dressed, a charmer, a ladies’ man. He is also a Jew. On the first transport from Slovakia to Auschwitz in 1942, Lale immediately stands out to his fellow prisoners. In the camp, he is looked up to, looked out for, and put to work in the privileged position of Tätowierer– the tattooist – to mark his fellow prisoners, forever. One of them is a young woman, Gita, who steals his heart at first glance. His life given new purpose, Lale does his best through struggle and suffering to use his position for good.

ACTIVITY of the week

A WILD IRISH YEAR Wednesdays, RTE 1 at 11:45pm


A Wild Irish Year is a captivating four-part series bringing us all across the country from our wild coasts, mountains and woodlands to farms, towns and cities. Across each episode the presenting team, Tara Shine, Rob Gandola and Eoin Warner, guide us through a single season showcasing some of our most spectacular natural events and meeting along the way a diverse range of people whose lives are still deeply connected to the changing seasons.

The First Purge is a 2018 American dystopian action horror film directed by Gerard McMurray and starring Y’Lan Noel, Lex Scott Davis, Joivan Wade, Luna Lauren Velez, Kristen Solis and Marisa Tomei. To push the crime rate below one percent for the rest of the year, the New Founding Fathers of America test a sociological theory that vents aggression for one night in one isolated community. But when the violence of oppressors meets the rage of the others, the contagion will explode from the trial-city borders and spread across the nation.

EXHIBITION of the week

GIG of the week

ARIES - This week is an 8 Your friends are your true wealth. Invest in your relationships by spending WLPH WRJHWKHU *URXS H྾RUWV go far. TAURUS - This week is an 8 A professional spotlight shines in your direction. Take advantage to share what you’re up to. Invite participation. GEMINI- This week is a 7 Explore new possibilities over the next few days. Mix business with pleasure, if you can. Make long-distance connections. CANCER- This week is a 7 +DQGOH ¿QDQFLDO REOLJDWLRQV and rest easier. Anticipate and budget for possible changes. Align on priorities with your partner. LEO- This week is an 8 Listen to what your partner wants. Find ways to be thoughtful, generous and kind with someone you love. Romance is a possibility.

NORDIC WALKING WORKSHOP Wednesday, July 11th Meet at: Parade Tower, Kilkenny Castle 7pm

IN FLUX EXHIBITION LAUNCH Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny Fri 13 Jul, 6.30pm

DONAL CLANCY Watergate Theatre, Upstairs Gallery 12th July 8pm www.

This FREE workshop offers individuals to learn all about Nordic Walking, and is suitable for all age groups. Nordic Walking is a specific technique that delivers a more effective way of walking, burning more calories and using more muscles. This workshop is delivered by Margaret O’Keefe, an experienced, qualified, approachable and motivated Nordic Walking and Fitness Instructor, who will look after you and motivate you all the way!

The exhibition represents the culmination of two years of intensive training in all aspects of ceramics skills and design at DCCoI’s internationally renowned Centre of Excellence in Ceramics which is based in Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny. It showcases the innovation and diversity in ceramic design and technique of some of Ireland’s newest makers establishing their identity in the ceramics sector. In Flux will be officially opened by award-winning contemporary ceramicist, Sara Flynn.

Donal Clancy is regarded as one of Irelands finest guitarists. He is the son of world renowned singer Liam Clancy of The Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem and has since the death of his father focused his attention on the family repertoire of songs that he grew up with, while keeping the Clancy tradition alive with his solo performances. DĂłnal’s latest album ‘On the Lonesome Plain’ features two of his own compositions ‘A Strike for Victory’ commemorating the 1916 Easter Rising and an instrumental piece ‘MĂĄirseĂĄil na Conrach’.

FESTIVAL of the week

SHOW of the week

FUN IDEA of the week

VIRGO- This week is an 8 All the practice you’ve been GRLQJ LV SD\LQJ R྾ 7DNH extra care with your health, ¿WQHVV DQG ZRUN WRGD\ DQG tomorrow. LIBRA- This week is a 7 Relax, and enjoy the company of friends, family and a special someone. You’re especially lucky in love for a few days. SCORPIO- This week is a 7 Consider long-term domestic plans. Where do you envision yourself and your family? Keep a notebook or Pinterest page with ideas SAGITTARIUS- This week is an 8

An answer that you’ve been seeking is within reach. .HHS GLJJLQJ WR ¿QG DQ important clue. Write down what you’re discovering.

KRSP INCLUSIVE SUMMER CAMP Nore Valley Park July 16th to 19th, 10am to 2pm Camping Games, Farm Trails, Team Building, Playground Games and lots more for children ages 5 - 18 Years. â‚Ź45 per child. KRSP is a not for profit organisation. All fees generated are reinvested into the delivery of KRSP programmes and courses. Kindly do not book for a sibling until we have ensured that children with disabilities who wish to avail of the camp are accommodated for first.

KILKENNY OUTDOOR MUSIC FESTIVAL Castlecomer GAA Grounds, 14th July 6-11.30pm Email: Kilkenny Outdoor Music Festival presents The Riptide Movement with very special guests Hothouse Flowers, Oksi Bravo, DJ Welshy. Situated at the Erin’s Own GAA Club Grounds in Castlecomer, Kilkenny. Late Bar. Gates open from 6pm. Tickets available from Ticketmaster, Rollercoaster Records, and local outlets in Castlecomer.

THE TAYMAN, THE TOPCAT & OTHERS Watergate Theatre, Kilkenny, 13th July 8pm www. Enjoy the Stories of Eamon Kelly in a new performance by Jack Healy titled The Tayman, The Topcat & Others. Eamon Kelly was an Irish actor who was born in Kerry in 1914. A regular at the Abbey and Gate theatres in Dublin and was a member of the Radio Eireann Players. In 1966 he was nominated for a Tony award for his portrayal of SB O’Donell in Friel’s Philladelphia Here I Come. Many will remember him as “The SeanachaĂ­â€? telling stories drawn from the Kerry of his childhood.

CAPRICORN- This week is a 9 Direct labors to gathering resources over the next few days. Pull in a fat harvest. Put up provisions IRU WKH ZLQWHU 3URÂżWDEOH opportunities abound. AQUARIUS-This week is an 5 A personal project is taking Rŕľľ 6WUHQJWKHQ VXSSRUW structures like professional assistance and contact management. . PISCES- This week is an 5 Contemplate your next moves without making any. Make preparations, and lay foundations. Meditate and rest in a peaceful spot.

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kilkennytoday July 12, 2018


Turn off the tap and drop the hose!


ith the h o t weather showing n o sign of abating we are having our best summer in decades. There is a downside to the sun though – we are now in a drought situation. Hosepipe EDQV KDYH FRPH LQWR H྾HFW LQ DQ H྾RUW WR FRQVHUYH GZLQGOLQJ supplies and curb overuse. We’re being asked to save water as much as possible. We all need to do our bit. It shouldn’t come to having to report our neighbours for breaking the ban. Everyone needs to step up to the plate and do their civic duty. The more water we can conserve the longer our supplies will last for essential use – drinking, washing and cooking. Saving water now will also speed up a return to normality when rainfall does come. Very hot weather in this country leads to water supplies drying up quite quickly. It has to be pointed out that countries with only a fraction of the water sup-

Brian Quigley ply we get here tend to make it stretch a lot further. Our water infrastructure needs investment but governments are too myopic to commit the funds needed. Perhaps what’s coming at the moment will open their eyes. We have a problem with very cold weather too, as pipes burst and supplies leak away – it’s not so long since The Beast From The East was proof of this. The only happy medium is to have no extremes of weather. What would you prefer – snow and sun and water interruption, or bland and boring middle-ofthe-road weather with a guarantee of an uninterrupted water supply? If the news of impending

Nicole Restelli and Ryan Mulqueen at Brogan’s Bar 4th July Party. Image by Rue Photography water outages and restrictions wasn’t surprising then the stories that emerged recently of a Europe-wide shortage of foodgrade carbon dioxide (CO2) certainly took me by surprise. This is an essential product for packaging beer and cider and is threatening to close microbrewHULHV KHUH DQG DEURDG ZLWK VWD྾ KDYLQJ WR EH ODLG R྾ VKRUW WHUP Actually it’s a problem with

wider implications than beer. The soft drink and food indusWULHV FRXOG EH D྾HFWHG WRR DV they use the product for carbonation and preserving packaged foods. So nothing refreshing to drink, just when you need it most in the scorching weather and with the World Cup on. Hopefully it won’t come to that. The CO2 situation is a strange one. It’s the worst supply situ-

ation to hit the European CO2 business in decades. There’s a lack of clarity as to how long the crisis will last, which isn’t KHOSLQJ $W OHDVW ÂżYH &2 SURducers in Northern Europe are RྡLQH IRU VHDVRQDO PDLQWHnance at the moment. This is because food-grade CO2 comes from ammonia plants that produce fertilizer; but as demand for fertilizer peaks in the winter manufacturers often schedule maintenance in the summer. It reminds me of a situation we had in the pharmaceutical industry in 2009 with acetonitrile supply. Acetonitrile is an ideal solvent for making chemicals, as most reagents are soluble in LW DQG LW LV HDV\ WR HYDSRUDWH Rŕľľ when you want to harvest your product. But supply comes in an indirect way, a bit like the CO2 situation. It’s a by-product from acrylonitrile production, which is used in a lot of industrial resins and plastics – car parts, plastic mouldings and so on. Back in 2009 there was a lot of inventory of these products stacked up so acrylonitrile production slowed or ceased, lead-

LQJ WR WKH NQRFN RQ H྾HFW RI QR acetonitrile for the pharmaceutical industry. There wasn’t quite a black market for acetonitrile back then but the bigger pharmaceutical companies had to pay through the nose to get their hands on what little supply there was so that they could keep manufacture and supply of their medicines on track. We had extra security on our site just to guard the acetonitrile. I’d be worried about a black market developing in CO2 under the present circumstances. Only food-grade CO2 can be used in products people consume. But I’m sure there will be men in white vans pulling up and willing to supply foodgrade CO2 that isn’t actually that. Watch this space. Getting back to water, let’s get conserving it. Watering cans instead of hosepipes for the garden. Short showers instead of baths for ourselves. Leave the car unwashed. Save water any other way you can. It’s a crisis but together we can get through it.

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kilkennytoday July 12, 2018

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.