Kilkenny People

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May 28, 2015, t: 01t:901 February 14, 2019 0565556/7, 781 7070 e:

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kilkennytoday February 14, 2019



May 28, 2015, t: 01 t:901 February 14 , 2019 0565556/7, 781 7070 e: e:


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Local man arrested in Spanish murder probe By Kilkenny Today reporter A KILKENNY man is one of the suspects facing charges for the murder of a Dubliner, whose body was found buried beside a Spanish motorway. The man is believed to be a in his late 30s who was a close friend of the victim. Four people have been arrested and remanded in custody in relation to the death of Carl Carr, a 38-year-old man from the north side of Dublin

who moved to Spain ‘s three years ago. Two women, including one from the UK, and one Spanish man, have also been arrested. $ ¿IWK ZRPDQ KDV VLQFH EHHQ released without charge. Mr Carr’s body was found last week buried by the AP-7 motorway between Benijofar and Algorfa, a 20-minute drive north of where he was last seen in September. Local police said they believd Mr Carr was beaten to death by

someone who knew him. Reports at the weekend claimed Mr Carr (38) was murdered over a €200,000 debt to a major drug gang. However, the victim’s mother has claimed he was killed over a “love triangle” dispute. Police found Mr Carr’s body last week after the four suspects were arrested. The Kilkenny native appeared in a Spanish court on Saturday last in connection with Mr Carr’s murder. None of the four

suspects still in custody has yet been charged under Spanish law. This is customary practice in Spain where formal charges are only laid shortly before trial. Their status is that of ‘investigados’, a legal term in Spain literally meaning “under investigation”. Mr Carr’s body was discovered buried beside a motorway between Benijofar and Algorfa, a 20-minute drive from where he was last seen. Continued on next page

Sabrina Bass and Elena Byrne at Tache4Cash in aid of Dunnamaggin LGFC, Set Theatre. Image by Rue Photography. Lots more pictures inside


kilkennytoday February 14, 2019

news in brief New DLF executive’s passion for grass '/) ,UHODQG KDV DSSRLQWHG .LONHQQ\ PDQ (GZDUG 3RZHU DV LWV QHZ 7ULDOV 0DQDJHU 0U 3RZHU ZKR KDV PRUH than 20 years’ experience in the DPHQLW\ JUDVV EXVLQHVV ZLOO EH PDQDJLQJ '/)ÂśV IRUDJH JUDVV and crop trial programme in Faithlegg, Co. Waterford. &RPPHQWLQJ RQ 0U 3RZHUÂśV DSSRLQWPHQW '/) ,UHODQGÂśV general manager Paul Flanagan said: “This is a very unique role that requires a heightened DWWHQWLRQ WR GHWDLO FRXSOHG ZLWK a passion for grass.â€? â€?

Meningitis warning after three deaths

People in Kilkenny and throughout the country have been urged to be vigilant for the symptoms of meningitis after the Health Service Executive (HSE) WRQLJKW FRQÂżUPHG WKUHH SHRSOH have died from the condition in WKH SDVW WKUHH ZHHNV A total of 11 cases of meningococcal meningitis have EHHQ QRWLÂżHG WR WKH +HDOWK Protection Surveillance Centre +36& VLQFH WKH ODVW ZHHN LQ December. Three of those patients died directly due to the infection, UHSRUWV KDYH FRQÂżUPHG

Sinead Fox, Patricia Treacy, Anne-Marie Kavanagh, Sinead Gannon and Valerie Ajap, members of Irish Nurses & Midwives Organisation partaking in the national strike, St Luke’s Hospital. Image by Rue Photography

Do you have what it takes? IRELAND’S Best Young Entrepreneur 2019 competition is on the lookout across Kilkenny and the South East for the next Michael O’Leary, John Rocha or Darina Allen! Young entrepreneurs from across Kilkenny city and county are being urged to enter the prestigious 2019 competition. /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFH (LEO) Kilkenny said it was “delightedâ€? with the positive response it had received since it announced details of the competition last month. And they have urged any

more dynamic, innovative young business people to put their names forward ahead of the March 15 deadline. Hosted by the Local (QWHUSULVH 2ŕľśFHV DURXQG the country, the competition is staged in conjunction with the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Enterprise Ireland and all local authorities. ,Q LWV ÂżIWK \HDU WKH competition is inviting 18-35 year olds who have a business idea, a start-up or an already established business to enter. Shortlisted applicants take part in Business Bootcamps

and compete in the County Final. In Kilkenny, the LEO has an investment fund of ₏50,000 to share between the winners of the Best Business Idea, Best Start-Up and Best Established Business categories. County winners go on to FRPSHWH DW UHJLRQDO ¿QDOV and, if successful, to the QDWLRQDO ¿QDOV DW *RRJOH +4 Applying is simple – and it’s free. It takes around 15 minutes and is done on www. Applicants are then invited to participate in an Enterprise Day hosted by the /RFDO (QWHUSULVH 2ྜFH

Local man held in Spain Continued from previous page 0U &DUUÂśV ERG\ ZDV discovered buried beside a PRWRUZD\ EHWZHHQ %HQLMRIDU DQG $OJRUID D PLQXWH GULYH IURP ZKHUH KH ZDV ODVW VHHQ On Saturday last Mr Carr’s PRWKHU 0DULH FRQÂżUPHG SROLFH had told her the body found by 6SDQLVK SROLFH ZDV WKDW RI KHU son. She insisted his killing KDG QRWKLQJ WR GR ZLWK GUXJV DQG FODLPHG LW ZDV GXH WR D “romantic triangleâ€?, according to a report in the Irish edition of The Sun 0U &DUU ZDV MDLOHG IRU HLJKW years in December 2008 after KH DQG WKUHH RWKHU PHQ ZHUH FDXJKW ZLWK FRFDLQH DQG KHURLQ valued at â‚Ź1.4m in Raheny on 'XEOLQÂśV QRUWK VLGH 3ROLFH VD\ WKH\ EHOLHYH KH ZDV killed the same day after a night RXW EHIRUH KLV ERG\ ZDV GULYHQ WR ZRRGV PLQXWHV QRUWK RI his home and buried alongside EOHDFK XVHG LQ D FOHDQ XS operation to hide the crime.

Extra â‚Ź5m in funding for Abbey Quarter’s new look AN extra â‚Ź4.764,000 million in funding is to be given to Kilkenny’s landmark Abbey Quarter development, minister and local TD John Paul Phelan FRQÂżUPHG ODVW ZHHN The funding is part of the Government’s Project 2040 National Development Fund DQG ZLOO WUDQVIRUP WKH IRUPHU EUHZHU\ VLWH LQ WKH KHDUW RI WKH city. Kilkenny County Council approved the masterplan for the Abbey Creative Quarter back LQ -XO\ 1RZ WKLV IXQGLQJ ZRXOG KHOS WR NLFN VWDUW ZRUNV the minister said. “Today’s announcement of Âź FRQÂżUPV WKDW WKH IXQGLQJ LV QRZ LQ SODFH IRU WKLV transformative site right in the heart of our medieval city,â€? he told reporters. Âł7KLV FULWLFDO FLW\ FHQWUH VLWH LV .LONHQQ\ÂśV IXWXUH ,W ZLOO KRXVH IDPLOLHV ,W ZLOO LQFOXGH city centre parks and leisure VSDFH WKDW ZLOO RSHQ RQWR WKH 5LYHU 1RUH ,W ZLOO EH D KLYH of industry, of innovation, of culture and of education. And LW ZLOO EUHDWKH OLIH LQWR RXU FLW\ RXWVLGH RI RŕľśFH KRXUV

“People have talked about WKLV VLWH IRU ORQJ HQRXJK 1RZ ZH KDYH DFWLRQ ZH KDYH WKH funds. Our ambitions to be a ZRUOG OHDGHU LQ WK OHYHO ,&7 and agricultural research can DQG ZLOO EH UHDOLVHG RQ WKLV site. Today is a landmark day IRU .LONHQQ\ DQG WKH NLFN VWDUW this project needs,â€? the minister said. 7KH ÂżQDQFH ZLOO HQDEOH ZRUNV to start from Q1 of next year. They include infrastructural ZRUNV DW WKH %UHZKRXVH RQ +RUVH %DUUDFN /DQH WKH /LQHDU Park, the Mayfair Public Realm and the Cultural Hub. (QDEOLQJ SURMHFW ZRUNV ZKLFK included lots of street paving, ZRXOG FRQWLQXH LQ WDQGHP 0LQLVWHU 3KHODQ FRQÂżUPHG The vision for the Abbey 4XDUWHU LV WR FUHDWH D YLEUDQW QHZ urban quarter in the heart of the PHGLHYDO FLW\ 7KH QHZ TXDUWHU ZLOO SURYLGH DQ H[FHSWLRQDO business location for companies seeking outstanding global connectivity and the capacity to attract high calibre talent. It is located on the site of the former 6PLWKZLFNÂśV %UHZHU\ RQ WKH banks of the River Nore.

Hogan vies for ‘Brexit farmers’ THE Irish EU Commissioner and former Kilkenny TD Phil +RJDQ LV SXWWLQJ WRJHWKHU D QHZ deal to come to the aid of Irish IDUPHUV LQ WKH HYHQW RI D QR GHDO %UH[LW DFFRUGLQJ WR WKH ZHEVLWH .LONHQQ\ 1RZ. Under the deal, farmers in Kilkenny and throughout the UHVW RI WKH FRXQWU\ ZRXOG EH eligible to avail of hundreds of millions of euros of aid from the (XURSHDQ &RPPLVVLRQ WR RŕľľVHW a collapse in beef and dairy SULFHV DFFRUGLQJ WR ZHHNHQG reports. Mr Hogan and Agriculture Minister Michael Creed met to ÂżQDOLVH GHWDLOV RI WKH VFKHPH DW D UHFHQW PHHWLQJ ZLWK RŕľśFLDOV from the Irish Government

and European Commission in %UXVVHOV The Irish Farmers’ Association (IFA) is calling for â‚Ź20 an animal in compensation for every 5c a kg reduction in EHHI SULFHV ZKLFK ZRXOG FRVW up to â‚Ź4 billion. %HHI IDUPLQJ LV ,UHODQGÂśV PRVW H[SRVHG VHFWRU ZLWK KDOI RXU H[SRUWV JRLQJ WR %ULWDLQ IFA President Joe Healy WUDYHOOHG WR %UXVVHOV IRU WKH meeting and “made a very strong case to EU commissioner Phil +RJDQ WKDW ZH QHHG VXSSRUW´ “As recently as 10 days ago at our Kilkenny IFA dinner, [Hogan] gave strong assurances WKDW WKH (8 ZLOO QRW EH IRXQG ZDQWLQJ ´

kilkennytoday February 14, 2019



kilkennytoday February 14, 2019

One in two of all workers pulls a sickie

news in brief Coming soon... the Tradfest! Kilkenny Tradfest has been going from strength to strength over the last seven years and 2019’s festival promises to be an exciting and innovative festival, full to the brim with concerts, cÊilís , sessions, irish dance, pub gigs and much more! Kilkenny comes alive with traditional music from 15th 18th March, featuring some of the country’s top traditional music performers and R྾HULQJ FRQFHUW JRHUV XQLTXH opportunities to experience live music in some of Kilkenny’s most historic places. Kilkenny Today will be carrying full coverage of the great lineup for this years festival in our next edition.

New houses being built at Piltown Building construction at a south Kilkenny site is expected to deliver 17 new homes by mid 2020. The mixed, social housing is being developed on Piltown’s Main Street. Meantime, rents and house prices will likely rise for a number of years as the supply of new homes won’t start meeting demand before 2023 at the earliest, according to broker Goodbody.

James Fennelly, Grainne Kelly, Ian Comerford and JJ Flynn at Kilkenny Parkrun’s Annual Social Night, Kyteler’s Inn. Image by Rue Photography

Woodstock’s great line-up... WALKERS who like to stroll in Inistioge’s wonderful Woodstock Gardens were warned to expect some disruption as major rehabilitation works got underway from last week. Kilkenny County Council FRQ¿UPHG WKHUH ZRXOG EH disruption to walkers as work progresseed. The necessary signage and notices will be clearly displayed and members of the public are asked to observe the temporary restrictions. The works come after

the local authority secured grant aid under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme (ORIS) for the rehabilitation of existing tracks and trails in Woodstock. During the various phases in the work, there will be some short term disruption to individual tracks and trails which will impede some regular walkers. According to Kilkenny County Council, the objective of the project is “to encourage engagement in outdoor

recreational activitiesâ€?. The council continued: “This development will facilitate the long desired provision of an all-season amenity trail which will reinforce the link between the village and the demesne and allow visitors to explore one of the most scenic heritage sites in Co. Kilkenny, linking the village and upgrading existing paths and trails/tracks throughout the impressive estate with recently enhanced wayÂżQGLQJ DQG LQWHUSUHWDWLRQ ´

MORE than 49% of people in Ireland take at least once bogus sick day from work each year, and more than a third (35%) allow them selves three-days leave for non-existent illnesses. Recruitment Sick Day survey of 400 plus respondents found WKDW KDQJRYHUV ZHUH D VLJQLÂżcant factor in 24% of cases, but that more men than women (37% v 18%) allowed themVHOYHV DQ XQRŕľśFLDO VLFN GD\ as a result of alcohol-induced illness. More women than men (57% versus 37%) called in sick when they felt that they were having a bad week and Joanne Foley of Matrix Recruitment contends that the pressures of work may be a cause for people calling in sick. Âł+DYLQJ D EDG ZHHN PHDQV GLŕľľHUHQW WKLQJV WR GLŕľľHUHQW people but it is generally accepted that we are working longer hours and that the pressures of work are greater now than ever before. “This impacts people in GLŕľľHUHQW ZD\V EXW LWÂśV QRW

unusual to have a bad week because of work pressure and if that’s leading to more sick days, genuine or otherwise, that is not a good sign.� The survey by the Irish UHFUXLWPHQW ¿UP DOVR IRXQG that almost one in four (24%), simply felt they deserved to WDNH D GD\ R྾ $ WRWDO RI RI survey respondents in full-time employment receive at least 20 days holidays, each year. +RZHYHU RI ,UHODQGœV workers say that they do not get VXྜFLHQW WLPH R྾ IURP ZRUN DQG ZRXOG OLNH D VLJQL¿FDQW number of additional days. Almost half (45%) of those surveyed stated that they should UHFHLYH DQ H[WUD ¿YH GD\V 20% would be content with four more and 21% would like three more days of holiday leave, according to the Matrix Recruitment Sick Day survey. Ms Foley said the survey also found that when it comes to either leaving or taking a job, the amount of holiday leave RQ R྾HU LV D IDFWRU RI RI respondents.

Super CU on cards if merger gets go-ahead TWO local credit unions are hoping for a merger that would create one of the country’s largest credit unions if the deal is given the go-ahead by the Central Bank. St Canice’s Credit Union in Kilkenny and Bagenalstown Credit Union in Carlow have passed special resolutions for a merger, in a move that would FUHDWH D ÂłVWURQJHU PRUH HŕľśFLHQW credit union which can provide enhanced loan and saving facilitiesâ€?. A formal application has been lodged with the registrar of credit unions at the Central Bank. Eamonn McArdle, chairman of the board of St Canice’s Credit Union, said: “This combination is an extremely positive move for members of our credit unions. It makes perfect VHQVH QRW RQO\ IURP D ÂżQDQFLDO and member service perspective but also an administrative

one in the current regulatory environment.� St Canice’s is one of the largest credit unions in Ireland, with membership in excess of 57,000, while Bagenalstown, which was founded in 1970, has more than 7,700 members. If approval is granted, the merged entity would have more than 60,000 members and assets of some ₏ 400 million, positioning it as one of the country’s largest. St Raphael’s Garda Credit Union is age the moment considered to be the largest credit union in the country with assets in excess of ₏400 million. The new super credit unionis H[SHFWHG WR KDYH RྜFHV LQ +LJK Street, McDonagh Junction, as well as Dunnamaggin, 'XUURZ DORQJ ZLWK RྜFHV in Ballyragget, Mountrath, and also Rathdowney, *UDLJXHQDPDQDJK DQG ¿QDOO\

in Callan, Bagenalstown and Ballingarry. The merger would allow for a broader range of services to be RŕľľHUHG WR PHPEHUV RI ERWK FUHGit unions, including mortgages, agri loans, debit/ATM cards, online banking and cheaper loans. While St Canice’s currently offers short-term loans under the ‘It Makes Senseâ€? sectoral initiative, Bagenalstown does not. The credit union sector has seen a number of mergers in recent years, some driven by the need to shore up a weaker neighbour, and others to strengthen the entities and broaden the services available to the local community. Last year, three Dublin credit unions – Capital, Francis Street and St Kevin’s – came together to form a new entity with 48,000 members. No timeline on the merger and openings was given.

kilkennytoday February 14, 2019


08| news in brief Campagne for food is all loved up! Kilkenny’s Campagne has been named in an exclusive new list of Ireland’s ‘most romantic restaurants’. Garett Byrne and Brid Hannon’s Michelin-starred restaurant featured in a new ‘Top 30’ list compiled by Irish Independent food writer Katy McGuinness. As Valentine’s Day approaches, McGuinness singled out her favourite eateries “for loved up dining all year round�. And right up there was our own culinary gem Campagne, which received a rave review for its menu and “classy� service.

Learner drive still has a lot to learn A learner driver had his car seized after guard caught him driving unaccompanied with no insurance, tax or NCT. The motorist was stopped by members of the KilkennyCarlow Garda Burglary Response Unit at a checkpoint on Fiddown Bridge last week. They quickly discovered insurance and tax discs displayed on the front windscreen actually belonged to another vehicle. .LONHQQ\ JDUGDL FRQÂżUPHG WKH driver is due to appear in court on motoring charges.

kilkennytoday February 14, 2019

It’s a Garda escort at Billy’s for US visitors A COHORT of American visitors to South Kilkenny were given a taste of true Irish hospitality – and a lesson in local community policing – when they visited Billy’s Tea Rooms and Shop in Ballyhale the other week. The Munson family from South Minneapolis were in the area tracing their Irish roots when they dropped into Billy’s Tearooms for some refreshments. The venue also happened to be hosting ladies and gents from WKH ,QLVWLRJH &RŕľľHH 0RUQLQJ and everyone got on like the SURYHUELDO KRXVH RQ ÂżUH It later transpired that the Inistioge party had been given their very own Garda escort to Ballyhale, much to the amazement of the US visitors. Billy’s Tea Room’s said: “Two local Gardai from Inistioge met WKH &RŕľľHH 0RUQLQJ *URXS DV they left Inistioge and decided to accompany them as their security detail. Thanks for calling and we hope you come

All smiles at Billy’s

back to us again soon.â€? Here is what one visitor had to say via TripAdvisor: “I had a lovely visit to Billy’s Tearooms in Ballyhale, Co.Kilkenny ... I met neighbours from Glenmore and friends galore and Ann Cassin RI 57( ZKR ZDV ÂżOPLQJ RQH and all in Billy’s Tea Rooms

........... what a day ......... it is just so lovely ... the seating, the decor, the food - the whole place is lovely ....... I had lovely home-made soup, a sandwich DQG D FRŕľľHH KXP KXP it is a credit to all involved ...... a lovely experience .......... so there there and experience the

experience ........ I had called in some time ago to wish them well and to wish them all great success and Billy’s Tea Rooms LV DEVROXWHO\ À\LQJ LW DQG the lovely eats were so beauilfully presented .......... well done lads and lassies ..... a mighty success...�

Another TripAdvisor review said: “We passed through Ballyhale after Winterville in Waterford and stopped in for food. Food was Excellent and very well priced for a family of six. It didn’t break the bank but we were all full.â€? Billy’s Tea Rooms opened its doors to the public last July. “The scones in particular were really delicious...â€? The community co-operative shop, which is based on volunteerism, was then RŕľśFLDOO\ ODXQFKHG LQ 6HSWHPEHU 2018. Noreen Murphy was ’among those who worked hard to get to the July deadline – she said back then that the atmosphere was ’great and it was hoped the facility would become a hub for DOO ,W YHU\ GHÂżQLWHO\ ,WDO\ KDV Billy’s Tearooms is open every day of the week with food VHUYHG DV ZHOO DV WHDV FRŕľľHHV and treats. A TV crew from RTE’s Nationwide visited Billy’s Tea Rooms in late January.

Vinyl-ly, Golden Discs is in town

Poet Robert Pinsky for Arts festival THE New Jersey poet Robert Pinsky will be at this year’s Kilkenny Arts Festival. He will be giving a reading from his own work, conducting a workshop with Irish poets, launching a poetry broadsheet and orchestrating a reading of favourite poems by artists at the festival. He will also be leading an audience down into the depths of Dunmore Cave for a session with his translation of Dante’s Inferno. In his 40-year career Pinsky, besides his eight volumes

of poetry from Sadness and Happiness (1975) through the book-length 1979 poem An Explanation of America to Jersey Rain (2000) and Gulf Music (2007), has translated Dante and Czeslaw Milosz, edited numerous anthologies and written several books of literary criticism. He also served three consecutive terms as US poet laureate, from 1997 to 2000. He is poetry editor at the online Slate magazine. The festival is in August.

GOLDEN Discs’ new store in the Market Cross Shopping Centre opened last week. The opening followed the opening of a new outlet for the PXVLF FKDLQ LQ 'XEOLQÂśV /LŕľľH\ Valley the previous week, and another store in Limerick. The openings will create 30 jobs at the company and brings the store count to 19 locations nationwide, in addition to 80 concession stores at Tesco. Chief Executive Stephen )LW]JHUDOG DOVR FRQÂżUPHG plans to open more stores. Sales growth at Golden Discs was being driven by the “vinyl renaissanceâ€?, he said. Vinyl sales represent a core part of Golden Discs’ business and are up 60% year to date. “The vinyl renaissance shows no sign of abating. The major labels are reissuing catalogue albums as well as new releases. “What started as a niche format for hardcore fans is becoming mainstream as music lovers use streaming services for convenience and buy physical product for tangibility,â€? he said..

kilkennytoday February 14, 2019


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kilkennytoday February 14, 2019


Pat Lennon, Stacia O’Carroll, Angela Lalor and Andrew O’Carroll showcasing some of the raffle prizes at Kilkenny Parkrun’s Annual Social Night, Kyteler’s Inn. Image by Rue Photography

Regina and Catherine Moran, Angela Comerford and Inez Sheridan at Tache4Cash in aid of Dunnamaggin LGFC, Set Theatre. Image by Rue Photography

Cathy Hogan, Joe Reidy and Joanna Cunningham at the launch of Sonja Horgan’s Ethereal and Neon art exhibition, Watergate Theatre Gallery. Image by Rue Photography

Fergus and artist Sonja Horgan at the launch of her Ethereal and Neon art exhibition, Watergate Theatre Gallery. Image by Rue Photography

Fadilah Moktar (Head Chef), Rose of Tralee 2018 Kirsten Maher and Don Devan (Manager) at Team Aroi Supporting Teac Tom, where the takings of food sold that evening at Aroi Asian Street Food were being donated to Teac Tom. Image by Rue Photography

kilkennytoday February 14, 2019


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kilkennytoday February 14, 2019

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kilkennytoday February 14, 2019


Neeson was foolish, not racist


iam Neeson has caused a media storm for his recent comments in an interview to promote his new thriller, ‘Cold Pursuit’ that he thought about killing a random black person 40 years ago in revenge for a close friend of his having been allegedly raped by a black man. He said he patrolled the streets for a week armed with a cosh, ready to use it if the opportunity arose. He didn’t, but it’s ironic that if he had his acting career would have been over before it started; with his admission perhaps his career could actually be over now. I don’t think Neeson is a racist. I think he has been incredibly foolish to say what he did, or incredibly ill-advised if it was suggested to him to give the story a run out now, given that ‘Cold Pursuit’ is about a man who seeks retribution after his son was murdered. If it was a publicity stunt then it was a suicidal one. If it wasn’t

Ellmarie Holden, Kilkenny horse trainer, ahead of Red Mills Day Style Event in Gowran Park on 16th February

Brian Quigley then Neeson needs to wake up and realise that it is 2019. We are not sexist, racist, homophobic or xenophobic anymore, thankfully, and we must guard against any comments or signs of a return to such beliefs. I believe Neeson is sincere in his contrition in the wake of his comments; I don’t think he’s just back-pedalling in a cowardly way. In my opinion he is a decent individual. I feel let down by his recent comments, for sure. This is a man who has entertained for decades with his superb acting skills. A man who’s heart has always seemed to be in the right place as a human

too; let’s not forget that back in KH EHFDPH WKH ¿UVW ,ULVK person to be appointed an international Unicef goodwill ambassador for his work with

vulnerable children. Assuming what Neeson is saying about those events 40 years ago is true, my own take on it is that he had (maybe still

has) anger management issues. If his friend had been run over by a drunk driver or fatally injured while being robbed by a drug addict, perhaps he’d have

directed his anger towards a random drunk or drug user. He’d have been wrong to do either, just like he’d have been wrong to attack a random black person. His crime wouldn’t have undone what was allegedly done to his friend. He should have addressed his anger rather than letting it consume him. While I would not defend Neeson for what he said (he must face the consequences to his career and reputation), I would be reluctant to join the masses queueing up to demonize him. , ¿QG WKDW NLQG RI SRSXOLVP D crime in itself. Let the media set XS WKH FRQYHQLHQW KDWH ¿JXUHV for us all to vent at; come on, have a pop, absolve yourself of any bad thoughts you have ever had yourself by projecting them onto Liam Neeson or whoever.

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kilkennytoday February 14, 2019

WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Hog Help

Hedgehog (Photo Wikicommons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic) Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle and her friends are in huge decline and need all the help we can give them. Below are 5 tips to make our gardens more hedgehog friendly and help ease the pressure on these prickly, but sill extremely cute and adorable mammals. 1. Knock, knock – let me in Gardens can be a fantastic habitat and resource for hedgehogs, but unless you have an extremely large one, they are going to need several or many gardens within their territory to provide them with all they need. With a move away over the decades from hedges to hard borders (relax we’re not talking Brexit here!) on our properties such as fencing, walls etc., hedgehogs are finding it very difficult to access our gardens and move between them. Leaving a small gap at the base of fences or gates can make all the difference. 2. Home, sweet home Hedgehogs need somewhere to nest – think of providing some of the following: - Woodpile - Compost Heap - Native hedging/hedgerow - Man-made Hog House 3. Feeding Station Setup a Fox and Cat proof feeding station. Hedgehogs generally will be emerging from hibernation in March and April and will be hungry. Now is a good time to prepare a feeding station. Use a seethrough plastic container (or even better non-plastic equivalent) turned upside down to cover the food with a hedgehog size hole to allow access. Water and dog/cat food are perfect foods to put out for them. There are also specialist foods for hedgehogs available to buy. 4. Go wild and native Plant plenty of native wildflowers and shrubs, fruit trees etc. that will attract lots of invertebrates that hogs love to feed on. 5. Ditch the Pellets In this day and age nobody should be using slug pellets but if you please think again. Hedgehogs love slugs and eating slugs killed by pellets can kill them.

BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


MILKMAN by Anna Burns

ROOM TO IMPROVE RTE 1, Sunday 17th February 9.30 pm

VICE ROI rating: 15A

In this unnamed city, to be interesting is dangerous. Middle sister, our protagonist, is busy attempting to keep her mother from discovering her maybe-boyfriend and to keep everyone in the dark about her encounter with Milkman. But when first brother-in-law sniffs out her struggle, and rumours start to swell, middle sister becomes 'interesting'. The last thing she ever wanted to be. To be interesting is to be noticed and to be noticed is dangerous.Milkman is a tale of gossip and hearsay, silence and deliberate deafness. It is the story of inaction with enormous consequences.

RTÉ One’s Room to Improve, which is now in its tenth season, continues to be popular, with the highest-rating episode last year watched by 703,000 viewers. Host Dermot Bannon aims to improve the living conditions of his clients by designing and adapting their homes without spending excessive sums of money. He favours open-plan interior layouts and spacious rooms and he generally seeks to maximise the penetration of natural light into the plans. He has a keen interest in outdoor space and his designs provide access to these and make the most of any views.

Starring Steve Carell, Christian Bale, and Amy Adams, and directed by Adam McKay. Governor George W Bush of Texas picks Dick Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton Co, to be his Republican running mate in the 2000 presidential election. No stranger to politics, Cheney's impressive rĂŠsumĂŠ includes stints as White House chief of staff, House Minority Whip and defence secretary. When Bush wins by a narrow margin, Cheney begins to use his newfound power to help reshape the country and the world.

CONCERT of the week

FUN IDEA of the week

EXPO of the week

ARIES - It’s a good time to learn a new game. Consider long-term savings and compound interest. Align talk into action with thoughtful coordination. TAURUS - Friends help you make an important connection. Community SDUWLFLSDWLRQ DPSOL¿HV \RXU energy. Coordinate who will do what for a shared cause. GEMINI- A professional vision seems within reach. It’s time to back up talk with action. Team coordination prepares a well-oiled push. Friends and family can help. CANCER- Embark on a trip or exploration. Check reservations and go. Travel with someone whose company you enjoy. Expand your horizons. Seize the day. LEO- Study growth strategies for your shared money. How can you generate rising value? Discuss with your partner.

EDDI READER CAVALIER TOUR Watergate Theatre. Saturday 16th February T : 056 776 1674 E :

POCOCKE GOLF CENTRE Johnswell Road, Kilkenny T : 056 7775644

THE BEAT WEDDING DAY The Hub Kilkenny. Sunday, 25. Feb 2018 T : 056 7789778 E :

From the traditional to the contemporary, Eddi brings joyous life to all forms of song. Her taste in co-writers, writers, songs and players is impeccable and anything with her name on it is guaranteed musical treasure. Whilst the perfection of her technique is widely acknowledged, what sets Reader apart is the depth and quality of the emotional performance; her ability not only to move the listener but to connect her experience to that of her audience. She has effortlessly developed into one of popular music’s most thrilling and affecting performers.

Footgolf is Ireland’s newest and coolest sports games combining two of the worlds most popular sports football and golf. At the Pococke Golf Centre our Footgolf is played on an 18 hole golf course using a football. The rules of the game are the same as Golf. Each hole carries a par and the aim is to get the football into the bigger hole in as few shots as possible. We also offer a 12 hole Golf course with 6 extra allocated holes for a round of 18, this makes the Pococke Golf Centre and ideal place to hold your birthday party, corporate event or stag.

The biggest wedding expo in the South East is back! The Wedding Day takes place on Sunday February 25th at The Hub, Kilkenny. Doors open from 12 noon to 5:00pm. With everything from bouquets to bridesmaids, garters to groomsmen, and all in between, this year’s event will guide you towards crafting the perfect day. Afterall, how can one ensure the perfect wedding day if you haven’t attended our fantastic expo? PLUS, we’ve got a chance for you to win a fabulous honeymoon to Las Vegas on the day thanks to Tully’s Travel!

GIG of the week

WORKSHOP of the week TOUR of the week

THE ARTISANALS John Cleere’s Bar & Theatre. Saturday 16 February 2019

DABBLEDOO KIDS MUSIC WORKSHOP Watergate Theatre. Wednesday 20th February T : 056 776 1674 E :

THE KEILIDH MASTERCLASS TOUR Lyrath Estate, , Kilkenny T : 056 776 0088 Saturday, February 16th 2019

Somewhere on a dusty road at this very moment, a rock n’ roll band is pounding the rock. They’re probably wearing the same clothes they had on yesterday, and reminiscing about last night’s gig. Inspired by a guitar lick that cuts to the bone or a melody that lingers on refrain, this band is following a path forged by countless other musicians who’ve lived and died in bars or ‘made it’ with their posters taped to bedroom walls. This band is The Artisanals! Don’t miss ‘em at John Cleere’s Bar.

Dabbledoo Music makes music more accessible, engaging and fun for all the family, regardless of previous experience or ability. Our resources have been developed to encourage creativity and collaboration through the power of music. We use a system of animated, colour-coded notation that anyone can understand to get everybody making music together in no time! In this workshop you will be provided with instruments and play along to Igor The Octopus (the world’s greatest drummer!),

Join in a fun filled day of makeup demonstrations and chatter at the beautiful Lyrath Hotel. Full face masterclass with Keilidh, offering her top tips and tricks. Programme filled with exclusive discount codes for top makeup brands. Meet and greet with Keilidh at the Lyrath hotel which is unlike anywhere else with grounds spread across Irish countryside, complete with picturesque lakes, historic gardens and emerald woodlands. A beautiful day in a beautiful setting.

VIRGO- Keep an open mind and heart. A collaborative opportunity is worth pursuing. Keep long-term goals in mind. Strengthen your partnership. LIBRA- Dive into physical action with gusto. Practice your routines to grow stronger. Slow down to go RYHU WKH QHZ VWX྾ XQWLO you’re comfortable with the tempo. SCORPIO- You’re especially lucky in love. Talk is cheap; back up your promises with clear action. Impress someone you care about by providing excellence. Get creative. SAGITTARIUS- Energize a domestic project. Long-term improvements are easier than you thought. Get family on board for a positive change. A little elbow grease makes big impact.

CAPRICORN- Take charge without stepping on anyone. Old beliefs get challenged. Don’t forget to do something you promised. Adapt to a surprising development. AQUARIUS- Full speed DKHDG ZLWK D SUR¿WDEOH venture. Your past work speaks well for you. Use the right equipment for the job. Prioritize long-lasting quality. PISCES- Good news comes from far away. A brilliant discovery or headline changes your options. Take bold steps to realize a personal dream. Push ahead.

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kilkennytoday February 14, 2019


€99 4’6 €299 4’6 €399 5’ €299 4’6 €149 4’6 €499 5’ €499 5’


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€149 4’6 €299 4’6 €399 4’6 €249 4’6 €399 6’ €399 6’ €499 3’




056 7722221

Opening Hours: Monday to Saturday 9am-6pm Sunday/Bank Holidays 2pm-6pm Location: Parnell Street, Kilkenny, Eircode R95 Y008


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kilkennytoday February 14, 2019

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