thechronicle July 2, 2019 t: 0539102441, www.thechronicle.ie
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thechronicle July 2, 2019
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thechronicle July 2, 2019 t: 0539102441, www.thechronicle.ie
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Nolan ban holds as he misses out WEXFORD will be without Aidan Nolan for Sunday’s /HLQVWHU 6+& ¿QDO FODVK ZLWK Kilkenny after the Central Hearings Committee upheld D WZR PDWFK EDQ LPSRVHG RQ the forward for using abusive language towards a referee. 6XEVWLWXWH 1RODQ FRQIURQWHG referee Fergal Horgan after he EOHZ WKH ¿QDO ZKLVWOH LQ WKH VLGHV¶ GUDPDWLF GUDZ WZR ZHHNV DJR DQG ZDV VKRZQ D UHG FDUG 7KH FORFN DW :H[IRUG 3DUN LV EHOLHYHG WR KDYH LQFRUUHFWO\ suggested the referee had not SOD\HG WKH DQQRXQFHG IRXU minutes of additional time. The Half Way House%XQFORG\ PDQ ZLOO DOVR PLVV any Leinster replay or an All,UHODQG VHPL TXDUWHU ¿QDO DV LW LV KLV VHFRQG FDWHJRU\ WKUHH dismissal within 48 weeks. 7KH ¿UVW ZDV ZKHQ KH ZDV VHQW R൵ IRU D SXOO RQ /LPHULFN¶V &LDQ /\QFK GXULQJ ODVW 1RYHPEHU¶V )HQZD\ &ODVVLF DQ D VLGH promotional tournament. Nolan has the right to appeal WKH GHFLVLRQ WR WKH *$$¶V Central Appeals Committee.
6R WR 6XQGD\¶V FODVK $IWHU 'DY\ )LW]JHUDOG¶V ¿UVW JDPH LQ FKDUJH RI WKH :H[IRUG KXUOHUV LQ HDUO\ -DQXDU\ D :DOVK &XS WLH LQ *RUH\ WKDW GUHZ D FRXSOH RI WKRXVDQG SHRSOH he delivered something like a PLVVLRQ VWDWHPHQW +RZHYHU KLV targets were somewhat vague. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s see at the end of two years where I am. If I have made an improvement and we are UHDOO\ XS WKHUH RU WKHUHDERXWV WKHQ ¿QH %XW , GRQ¶W H[SHFW anything in the short term. <RX¶UH QRW MXVW JRLQJ WR Ã&#x20AC;LFN D ZDQG OLNH WKDW ´ KH VDLG DV KH VRXJKW SDWLHQFH The two-year mark has SDVVHG :H[IRUG DUH FRPLQJ to the business end of a third season with the Clare man at the helm and the progress has been evident. %XW ZKDW FRQVWLWXWHV WKLV SHULRG RI :H[IRUG KXUOLQJ DV D VXFFHVV" ,V LW OHDJXH ZLQV RYHU HYHU\ RQH RI WKH 0DF&DUWK\ &XS FRQWHVWDQWV DW VRPH VWDJH" ,V LW PDNLQJ WZR /HLQVWHU ¿QDOV" Ava Kehoe at the Caim Annual Parish BBQ in Caim Church Grounds
Continues on next page
thechronicle July 2, 2019
news in brief
Hardware store ad is racist, says watchdog
9.2% of burglaries in the South East
7KH &HQWUDO 6WDWLVWLFV 2ŕľśFH (CSO) has revealed the recorded crime rates for Ireland during the ÂżUVW TXDUWHU -DQXDU\ Âą 0DUFK of this year. Overall, burglaries DQG UHODWHG RŕľľHQFHV IHOO E\ WR LQFLGHQWV The South-East region DFFRXQWHG IRU RI EXUJODU\ UHODWHG RŕľľHQFHV LQ ,UHODQG GXULQJ WKH VW TXDUWHU RI WKLV year, compared to last year ZKHQ LW DFFRXQWHG IRU RI burglaries nationwide.
Four-wheel jeep for local civil defence
A new four-wheel drive jeep that has the capacity to respond to national emergencies and bad weather events will be added to WKH :H[IRUG &LYLO 'HIHQFH Ă&#x20AC;HHW according to election candidate Verona Murphy. Minister for Defence Paul .HKRH FRQÂżUPHG WKDW WKH Ford Ranger Crewcab would be MRLQLQJ WKH &LYLO 'HIHQFH Ă&#x20AC;HHW soon.
Envoy is hosted
His Excellency Mr Sandeep Kumar Indian Ambassador to Ireland, was honoured with a &LYLF 5HFHSWLRQ DW WKH RŕľśFHV of New Ross Municipal District Council at The Tholsel last Sunday. He was welcomed by by Cathaoirleach John Fleming,
Martin McKeown, Ryan Murphy ,Millie Cloke and Keelan Delaney at St Sennans First Holy Communion
â&#x201A;Ź8m. will see a greener New Ross walkway ... $ 727$/ RI Âź P KDV EHHQ granted to Ferrybank â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New Ross Greenway, a Fine Gael 0LQLVWHU KDV VDLG 0LQLVWHU 0LFKDHO 'Âś$UF\ TD said he was delighted WR FRQÂżUP WKDW )HUU\EDQN â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New Ross Greenway has EHHQ DOORFDWHG Âź P LQ IXQG ing from the Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 3URMHFW ,UHODQG SODQ 7KH PRQH\ ZDV IRU NP and would boost potential to OLQN WR :DWHUIRUG *UHHQZD\
LQ :DWHUIRUG &LW\ â&#x20AC;&#x153;Greenways have been H[WUHPHO\ VXFFHVVIXO LQ JHQHU DWLQJ WRXULVP DURXQG ,UHODQG and so the Ferrybank â&#x20AC;&#x201C; New Ross Greenway is hugely YDOXDEOH WR :H[IRUG ´ KH VDLG Âł3DVW H[SHULHQFH VKRZV that the counties through which our greenways pass EHQHÂżW IURP YLVLWRUV ERRNLQJ accommodation, eating out DQG YLVLWLQJ ORFDO DWWUDFWLRQV $FURVV WKH FRXQWU\ WHQ JUH
A WEXFORD hardware store has had a complaint upheld against it by the Advertising Standards Authority of Ireland (ASAI) after the committee found it â&#x20AC;&#x153;raised concerns of racismâ&#x20AC;?. In total, 13 of 16 advertisements subject to complaints enways have been allocated a were found to have been in WRWDO RI Âź PLOOLRQ breach of the ASAI code on The Minister of State for grounds relating to Misleading 7RXULVP %UHQGDQ *ULŕľśQ Advertising, Health and Beauty, said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The annoucement Nutrition and Children. of this investment will see The Black Friday ad for the ,UHODQG ZLWK D QHWZRUN RI DURXQG NP RI *UHHQZD\V shop in Enniscorthy featured a man dressed in black, with his â&#x20AC;&#x153;This investment is part of 3URMHFW ,UHODQG ZKLFK LV face and hands painted in black, Ă&#x20AC;LFNLQJ KLV WRQJXH DW WKH FDPthe Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s overarch LQJ VWUDWHJ\ WR PDNH ,UHODQG D era before proceeding to explain EHWWHU SODFH IRU DOO LWV SHRSOH ´ ZKDW SURGXFWV ZHUH RŕľľHUHG RQ sale. WKH PLQLVWHU VDLG The video concluded with the PDQ Ă&#x20AC;LFNLQJ KLV WRQJXH DJDLQ The complainant thought that Smythâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Homevalue had run a racist ad and were selling goods using racism. In response to the complaint, Continued from previous page the business owner said they had run the ad in conjunction Or does it simply come down with the world wide Black to silverware franking the Friday event. gains made? They claimed they took in6XQGD\ÂśV /HLQVWHU ÂżQDO KDV spiration from the recent Irish D GHÂżQLQJ IHHO WR LW $ PRPHQW victory over the All Blacks, as RI WUXWK :H[IRUG DUH XQOLNHO\ the shop owner wore a full All WR ZLQ DQ $OO ,UHODQG WLWOH WKLV Black kit in the controversial summer, so this represents video and painted their face and their best chance of attaching something tangible to the last WKUHH \HDUV $QRWKHU $OO ,UHODQG TXDUWHU ÂżQDO LQ 3iLUF 8t &KDRLPK is something this team is XQOLNHO\ WR UHOLVK :H[IRUG KDG DQ XQXVXDO SDWK WR D /HLQVWHU ÂżQDO WKHLU THE Fianna FĂĄil councillor, only win coming against Malcolm Byrne, has indicated &DUORZ ZLWK GUDZV DJDLQVW he wants a party nomination Dublin, Galway and Kilkenny for an upcoming by-election in securing their place, on score Wexford. The by-election has been GLŕľľHUHQFH DIWHU D GUDPDWLF QLJKW RI DFWLRQ LQ WKH ÂżQDO caused by Independent Mick round of the provincial round Wallaceâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s election to the European Parliament election. URELQ But in those games a steely It is one of four by-elections refusal to be beaten has likely to be held this autumn, most of which will pose tough PDQLIHVWHG They were level 13 times choices and local tensions for against Kilkenny, 11 times the parties. Mr Byrne, based in Gorey, against Dublin, but still got VRPHWKLQJ RXW RI ERWK 7KH\ had an impressive run in the ZHUH VL[ GRZQ DJDLQVW *DOZD\ European Parliament election and came back, albeit with for the 12-county Ireland South the wind at their backs, in the constituency. He ran a strong campaign VHFRQG KDOI LQ 6DOWKLOO
Nolan misses out
hands black too. They said that the tongue Ă&#x20AC;LFNLQJ ZDV PHDQW WR UHSUHVHQW actions from the Haka. When it came to their attention that some people found WKH DG RŕľľHQVLYH WKH\ VDLG WKH\ removed it immediately and posted on their Facebook page to clarify that the ad was not inWHQGHG WR FDXVH RŕľľHQFH The advertisers also added that as a family business â&#x20AC;&#x153;believed in respect for all people regardless of gender, nationality, colour, creed, or sexual orientation and they abhorred any action that disregards thatâ&#x20AC;? and while they â&#x20AC;&#x153;rejected the assertion that the video was intended as a racial slurâ&#x20AC;?, they acknowledged the misunderstanding it had caused and vowed to ensure WKH\ DYRLGHG RŕľľHQFH LQ IXWXUH The complaints committee deemed that although the shop KDG QRW PHDQW WR FDXVH RŕľľHQFH the ad did give rise to concerns of racism with the darkening of the manâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s complexion without context. It also said the had not been responsive to the diversity in Irish society and that it had breached Section 3.17, 3.19 (b) and (c). As the ad was removed immediately no other action was needed. The verdict was upheld.
FFâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Maclom Byrne to contest by-election with his Fianna FĂĄil running mate Billy Kelleher winning a seat. Mr Byrne polled a total of 69,000 votes and was eliminated only on the 16th count. He also topped the poll to take a Wexford County Council seat in the Gorey council area. According to sources, his intention to try for a nomination in the by-election will cause tensions in the Wexford area. Wexford town-based Cllr Lisa McDonald has been chosen to stand alongside the Enniscorthy-based sitting TD, James Browne. The party leadership will review candidates based on last monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s elections.
thechronicle July 2, 2019
thechronicle July 2, 2019
Plan â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;see us as leaders on climateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; THE all-Government plan announced by Minister Richard Bruton will make Ireland a leader in tackling climate change head on, a Fine Gael Minister has said. Minister Michael Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Fine Gael is driving unprecedented cross-party collaboration on climate action and the Government is now stepping up the response. The publication of the all of Government climate plan is a ODQGPDUN PRPHQW LQ WKH ÂżJKW against climate breakdown.â&#x20AC;? He said the plan would give Irish people a cleaner, safer and more sustainable future DQG ZLOO EHQHÂżW JHQHUDWLRQV RI people in Wexford. Ultimately this was about securing a better, healthier, more resilient future for the whole country.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;The plan means changing the way we heat our homes, the way we travel and the way we power our country. Currently only 30% of our electricity comes from renewable sources but this plan will see us move to 70% renewable electricity by 2030. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For example, we are establishing a new microgeneration scheme, allowing homeowners to generate their own electricity and sell what they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t use back to the national grid. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will also deliver a new UHWURÂżW SODQ WR UHWURÂżW homes. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This will see large groups of KRXVHV EHLQJ UHWURÂżWWHG E\ WKH same contractor to reduce costs, VPDUW ÂżQDQFH DQG HDV\ SD\ back methods. â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;We will also install 400,000
heat pumps in homes and businesses to replace the existing carbon-intensive heating systems.â&#x20AC;? The plan will also see 950,000 electric vehicles on our roads, deliver a nationwide charging network, an electric vehicle scrappage scheme and legislation to ban the sale of petrol / diesel cars from 2030. The plan also is expanding our network of cycling paths and â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Park and Rideâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; facilities. Said Minister Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy: â&#x20AC;&#x153;The all-Government approach to this plan is crucial. We will establish D V\VWHP RI ÂżYH \HDU FDUERQ budgets and sector targets, with the relevant minister responsible for delivering on the target, with penalties if they are not met. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This plan contains clear goals and measurable targets.â&#x20AC;?
Introducing Lampbot, your very own personal assistant! The robots are coming.... the students and lecturers at WIT behind the ingenius Lampbot (inset)
IMAGINE a world where smart home assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa, or Siri were more than a voice? How about if a home robot gave eye contact or had body language? Internet of things and electronic engineering students at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT) have been busy in the instituteâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Applied Robotics
Lab working on the emerging area of social robotics. Together they have created a â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Lampbotâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, a robotic friend, which uses software to work out how people feel and Googleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s latest chatbot technology to assist where it can. :KDWÂśV GLŕľľHUHQW DERXW this student project is that students have created an assistant that is socially
acceptable in a home environment, by combining the physical build of a robotic arm and Googleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s chatbot technology with a domestic lamp. It not only has all the answers but can also read human emotions and expressions and then respond accordingly with its own body language using its movement, eyes and head dress.
Back to school allowance
Bishop Denis Brennan and Fr Richard Redmond at the latterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Silver Jubilee in St Aidanâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Church Ferns
Price of 3-bed semi rises 2.8% to â&#x201A;Ź185k THE price of the average three-bed semi in County Wexford rose by 2.8% to â&#x201A;Ź185,000 in the past year, according to a national survey carried out by Real Estate Alliance. Wexford prices were static over the past three months, the REA Average House Price Survey found. The survey concentrates on the actual sale price of Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s typical stock home,
the three-bed semi, giving an up-to-date picture of the second-hand property market in towns and cities countrywide to the close of last week. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Stock is still low, but the market is very price sensitive. The supply of new homes is hampering growth in price in the second-hand market,â&#x20AC;? said Robert McCormack of REA McCormack Corish in Wexford Town.
THE Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance will be paid in early July, according to Fine Gael Minister Michael Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy who said he would encourage families who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t receive an automatic payment to apply. The allowance is a onceRŕľľ SD\PHQW WR DVVLVW HOLJLEOH families with extra costs. According to Minister Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy more than 6,000 families received the allowance last year. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The majority of eligible families in Wexford will receive an automatic payment from the week July 8. These families will UHFHLYH ZULWWHQ FRQÂżUPDWLRQ before the end of this month.â&#x20AC;? To qualify, a person must be in receipt of certain social welfare or taking part in training, employment or adult education schemes and their income must not exceed the threshold. People can apply up to September 30th on www. mywelfare.ie or pick up an application from in their Intreo Centre or by texting â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Form BTSCFAâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; followed by your name and address to 51909, or by sending an email to BSCFA@welfare.ie.
thechronicle July 2, 2019
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thechronicle July 2, 2019
Calling all talents for Culture Night !
Waterford Port to handle run of New Ross cargo
CULTURE Night is an annual event that celebrates culture, creativity and the arts. This year it will take place on Friday, September 20th, from 16:00 (4pm). Wexford Culture Night is now looking for artists, performers, community groups, collectives, and venues who would like to participate in Culture Night 2019. The organisers are paying particular attention to the scheduling of Culture Night events to try to avoid overlap which may reduce audiences for all, so we would ask you WR EH Ă&#x20AC;H[LEOH LQ \RXU SURSRVHG event time. New ideas, work in progress and collaborations are especially welcome, and proposals can include but not limited to music , comedy, outdoor performances and installations, literature events, visual art, theatre, dance, ÂżOP WDONV DQG ZRUNVKRSV If you are a group znd would like to register your event, please email the details to wexfordculturenight@gmail. com.
SHIPPING at the Port of New Ross is to be run by Belview Port in Waterford, in a controversial move planned by Wexford County Council, according to the Director of Services for Economic Development, Tony Larkin, who made the announcement DW WKH ÂżUVW PHHWLQJ RI WKH QHZ Wexford County Council. In an update to councillors ahead of the imminent transfer of the port from the state to Wexford County Council, Mr Larkin said: â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;We are taking over the operation of the port. We have been in due diligence for two years.â&#x20AC;? Mr Larkin said he was told earlier that the takeover process has been completed, save for three ministers signing the document which will formally allow the transfer. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The process of having the ministers sign it has now commenced. Immediately upon WUDQVIHU DOO DVVHWV DQG VWDŕľľ ZLOO transfer to us and we will have responsibility as the port authority. We are not in the shipping business. We are in discus-
Elizabeth Whyte, artist Wolfgang Flad, Anya Von Gosseln, Cllr Lisa McDonald, Lis Burns, and Hazel Perciva at the Wexford Meets Wuppertal exhibition
Hanks for the memories says Hollywood legend HOLLYWOOD legend Tom Hanks has hailed the sunny south east as the most â&#x20AC;&#x153;magical and wonderfulâ&#x20AC;? SODFH KH KDV ÂżOPHG LQ The 62-year-old actor spent WZR PRQWKV LQ V ÂżOPLQJ Saving Private Ryan on Curracloe beach and has fond memories of mingling ZLWK WKH ORFDOV The award winning actor UHFDOOHG WKH ÂłPDJQLÂżFHQW´ experience he had shooting the Oscar-winning movie in WKH FRXQW\
+H VDLG ÂżOPLQJ RQ Curracloe beach was an experience he would never forget thanks to the laid back attitude of the locals and the VFHQHU\ 'LUHFWHG E\ 6WHYHQ Spielberg and set during the invasion of Normandy in June 1944, the iconic movie ZRQ ÂżYH $FDGHP\ DZDUGV DQG D *ROGHQ *OREH $ZDUG Speaking to RTĂ&#x2030;â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Stephen Byrne, Hanks remembered,a young Irish boy who made a ELJ LPSUHVVLRQ RQ KLP â&#x20AC;&#x153;This young boy comes up
and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s got his wellington boots on and heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s walking along and walks by and he sees me in the car, and he keeps going but then circles back, so Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m thinking heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s coming to say â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Hello, Mr +DQNVÂś â&#x20AC;&#x153;So I rolled down the window and I said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Hey, how you doing?â&#x20AC;&#x2122; and he said to PH Âľ$UH \RX ZLWK WKH ÂżOP"Âś and I said, â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Yeah, I amâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; and KH VDLG Âľ$K ZHOO ZHOFRPH WR Screenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; [near Curracloe] and KH PRVLHG ULJKW DORQJ ´
sions with the Port of Waterford at Belview about them acting as our agents managing the shipping for a fee.â&#x20AC;? Cllr Michael Whelan expressed reservations about control of the port going to Waterford. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Are there not positives in this and room to develop the port? An obvious concern we had was that maybe shipping would go to Waterford.â&#x20AC;? Chairman Cllr Michael Sheehan said the removal of the oil tanks was a key priority for the town. He asked about the commercial viability of the port, which was once the main importer of wine in Ireland and busier than Dublin port. Mr Larkin said: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We are looking, along with the Port of Waterford, for opportunities to PDNH HŕľśFLHQFLHV ZKHUH WKHUH LV duplication at the minute. The commercial management (of New Ross Port) would be the responsibility of Waterford.â&#x20AC;? He said the possibility of New Ross business growing in any was limited, as the size of vessels using the port was restricted to 4,500 to 5,000 tonnes.
Seanad passes Bill to tackle insurance costs WEXFORD TD and Minister of State at the Department of Finance, Michael Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy TD, welcomed the completion (Report and Final Stages) of the Judicial Council Bill in the Seanad last week and said he was hopeful the Bill could pass all stages of the DĂĄil in the coming weeks to allow it be enacted before the recess. The amendments, introduced at Report Stage by the Government on Thursday, demonstrate the Governmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s continued commitment to addressing the issues being faced by consumers, businesses and voluntary groups in relation to the cost of insurance. The amendments provide for the establishment of a Personal Injuries Guidelines Committee whose sole function will be to develop the relevant personal
injury guidelines for appropriate general damages for various types of personal injuries which will fall to be adopted by the Judicial Council. As part of its function, the committee will be required to review the guidelines at least once every three years and, if necessary, prepare amendments to the guidelines within the same timeframe. This is in line with the recommendations of the cost of Insurance Working Group. Also of note is that the amendments require that the membership of the Personal Injuries Guidelines Committee consist solely of judges. This will bring us in line with jurisdictions such as England and Wales and Northern Ireland. Minister Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy also noted that the amendments provided for the deletion of the functions
of the Personal Injuries Assessment Board which relate to the preparation of the Book of Quantum, as the Guidelines ZLOO HŕľľHFWLYHO\ VXSHUVHGH WKH Book of Quantum. Minister Dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Arcy has stated that: â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bringing the levels of personal injury damages awarded in this country more in line with those awarded in other jurisdictions is the single most essential challenge which must be overcome if there is to be a sustainable reduction in insurance costs . â&#x20AC;&#x153;The amendments agreed by the Seanad on Thursday are an important and vital step forward to address this gap in award levels between Ireland and other jurisdictions, which ZDV LGHQWLÂżHG E\ WKH 3HUVRQDO Injuries Commission, chaired by Justice Nicholas Kearns.â&#x20AC;?
thechronicle July 2, 2019
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thechronicle July 2, 2019
June 29
June 30
Maritime Activities Rescue Village 11 am.to 6 pm Talk to the volunteers and crews from rescue services including RNLI Lifeboats,, Air corps, HSE, Civil Defence, Irish Coast Guard, Gardai and their Water Unit, Wexford Fire Brigade, Wexford MarineWatch, Slaney Search and Rescue, Wexford Harbour Boat and Tennis Club, Slaney Purple Paddlers (Dragon Boats) and Scouts. Try it Dock 12-6pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Come along to the Try it dock at the Cresent on Wexford Quay and try Stand Up Paddleboarding, Sailing, Boating Trips and Raft Racing Maritime Village -11 am to 6 pm Model Village - Visit the largest collection of and aircraft and talk to their makers. See the Stena Pond with driving model boats. See an exhibition by Rosslare Maritime Enthusiasts entitled: -Wexford Coastal ShippingFeaturing photos and models of ships belonging to the Wexford Steamships Company (J.J. 6WDŕľľRUG 6RQV DQG WKH + :LOVRQ 6RQV &RPSDQ\ Blessing of the Boats 11pm All boats welcome to Cresent Steps for annual boat blessing Rowing Rowathon Ferrycarrig Rowing Club will be rowing a Dawn to Dusk Rowathon Search and Rescue Demo 3pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; see Irish Coast Rescue 117 Helicopter, Wexford RNLI Lifeboat and Civil Defence in action as they demonstrate rescue scenarios Childrens Activities and Family Fun Vikings and Norman Activities 11 am.to 6 pm Norman 850: Meet Robert Fitzstephen and enjoy his Stories about living at Carrick the oldest Anglo- Norman
IRUWLÂżFDWLRQ LQ WKH &RXQWU\ .Try on some of his Chainmail and Helmet . Paint your own 1RUPDQ 6KLHOG WDNH LW KRPH with you . Try your hand at Brass Rubbings and bring home your piece . 6KLHOGV Âź HDFK %UDVV Rubbing : â&#x201A;Ź 2 each . (greatly discounted as the shields are usually â&#x201A;Ź 10 and Rubbings â&#x201A;Ź 4 each ) Lego Workshops 12-4pm Join the Bricks 4 Kidz Creativity Team and make your creations Marine Dimensions Workshop 11-6pm Wexford County Councils Environment Section brings Marine Dimensions to Wexford Quay. Interact with a touchpool containing live sea creatures, LQFOXGLQJ VWDUÂżVK VKULPS
anemones, crabs, sea snails and lots more. See an interactive display with sea shells, whale bones and stunning images of Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s marine life. Talk to 4XDOLÂżHG PDULQH ELRORJLVWV and environmental educators to answer all those curious questions! Cherish Project â&#x20AC;&#x201C; archaeology and marine surveying activities 11-6pm A showcase some of the equipment used (UAV and laser scanner) for monitoring coastal change with information on the archaeology of Wexford and shipwrecks/marine surveying. Pottery Workshops 11-6pm Join Mairead from Ballyelland Pottery as you paint your own creations Food Village Food Market 11 am to 6 pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Theres lots of tasty festival food RQ RŕľľHU ZLWK ORFDO :H[IRUG
strawberries, cream and crepes ZRRG ÂżUHG SL]]D VORZ FRRNHG pulled pork, bbq burgers, portugese chargrills, burritos, donuts, snack and more. Main Stage sponsored by Wexford People Stage â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Saturday 29th June 12-2pm Get up and Dance to the Kids Disco with characters 2-2.30pm Watch the talented performers from Superstars dazzle 2.30-3pm South End Sea Shanties sing work songs sung on ships during the age of sail 4.00-5.00pm Danecastle Music group with traditional musicians, playing a variety RI LQVWUXPHQWV VXFK DV ÂżGGOH DFFRUGLRQ Ă&#x20AC;XWH FRQFHUWLQD banjo, piano and drums. 5.00-6.00pm Craobh Loch Garman Comhaltas present Irish dance and music
Maritime Activities Rescue Village 11 am.to 6 pm Talk to the volunteers and crews from rescue services including RNLI Lifeboats,, Air corps, HSE, Civil Defence, Irish Coast Guard, Gardai and their Water Unit, Wexford Fire Brigade, Wexford MarineWatch, Slaney Search and Rescue, Wexford Harbour Boat and Tennis Club, Slaney Purple Paddlers (Dragon Boats) and Scouts. Maritime Village -11 am to 6 pm Model Village - Visit the largest collection of and aircraft and talk to their makers. See the Stena Pond with driving model boats. Exhibition by Rosslare Maritime Enthusiasts entitled. Parade of Sail 12pm A parade by the visintg vessels and all boats welcome Try it Dock 12-6pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Come along to the Try it dock at the Cresent on Wexford Quay and try Stand Up Paddleboarding, Sailing, Boating Trips and Raft Racing Stunt Airshow 3pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Watch this spectacular stunt airshow with gravity-defying, jawdropping students from the Flying Dentist. Childrens Acitivities and Family Fun Vikings and Norman Activities 11 am.to 6 pm Norman 850: Meet Robert Fitzstephen and enjoy his Stories about living at Carrick the oldest Anglo- Norman IRUWLÂżFDWLRQ LQ WKH &RXQWU\ .Try on some of his Chainmail and Helmet . Paint your own 1RUPDQ 6KLHOG WDNH LW KRPH with you . Try your hand at Brass Rubbings and bring home your piece . 6KLHOGV Âź HDFK %UDVV Rubbing : â&#x201A;Ź 2 each . (greatly discounted as the shields are
usually â&#x201A;Ź 10 and Rubbings â&#x201A;Ź 4 each ) Lego Workshops 12-4pm Join the Bricks 4 Kidz Creativity Team and make your creations Marine Dimensions Workshop 11-6pm Wexford County Councils Environment Section brings Marine Dimensions to Wexford Quay. Interact with a touchpool containing live sea creatures, LQFOXGLQJ VWDUÂżVK VKULPS anemones, crabs, sea snails and lots more. See an interactive display with sea shells, whale bones and stunning images of Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s marine life. Talk to 4XDOLÂżHG PDULQH ELRORJLVWV and environmental educators to answer all those curious questions! Cherish Project â&#x20AC;&#x201C; archaeology and marine surveying activities 11-6pm A showcase some of the equipment used (UAV and laser scanner) for monitoring coastal change with information on the archaeology of Wexford and shipwrecks/marine surveying. Pottery Workshops 11-6pm Join Mairead from Ballyelland Pottery as you paint your own creations Food Village Food Market 11 am to 6 pmâ&#x20AC;&#x201C; Theres lots of tasty festival food RQ RŕľľHU ZLWK ORFDO :H[IRUG strawberries, cream and crepes ZRRG ÂżUHG SL]]D VORZ FRRNHG pulled pork, bbq burgers, portugese chargrills, burritos, donuts, snack and more. Main Stage sponsored by Wexford People 12-2pmGet up and Dance to the Kids Disco with characters 2.00-2.30pm South End Sea Shanties sing work songs sung on ships during the age of sail 2.30pm â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 3.30pm HFC Concert Band. Wexfords community music group playing wind music
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THE Bannow and Rathangan Show celebrates its 70th anniversary in Killag, Duncormick, Co. Wexford on July 11. A Fun Day Out For All the Family is guaranteed. The committee leave no stone unturned LQ WKHLU H൵RUWV WR EULQJ \RX D day out to remember. They are continually working to promote and develop the show. The success of the show is testament to the huge volunteer work force who give of their time so freely to work on the day. 7KLV \HDU ZH ZLOO 2൶FLDOO\ open the show at 1pm on the bandstand in the Courtyard. Mr. John Whelan, World Ploughing Champion will do the honours. 7KLV LV YHU\ ¿WWLQJ DV WKH VKRZ developed from the Bannow and Rathangan ploughing matches that started in 1933. Join us for this short ceremony and celebrate with us. The usual show classes for Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Goats will take place. There is a high standard of competition in these classes. 7KH ¿QDO RI WKH 7KUHH <HDU Old All Ireland Championship takes place with horses qualifying from shows around the country. Show jumping starts at 10.00am and continues all day. We have a Dog Show and Sheep Dog Trials also. Entries for the
CELEBRATING 70 YEARS ON JULY 11! dog show are taken on the day. There will be a vintage display ZLWK ¿QH FDUV DQG WUDFWRUV WR view. Carriage Driving starts at 4.30pm, this provides a lovely spectacle. Join us in the vibrant Food Village to sample and buy
delicious food from the locality DQG IXUWKHU D¿HOG 7KH 6HPL Final of the All Ireland Home Cook Championship takes place in this marquee during the day, with contestants competing in the Junior and Adult competitions. Chef Adrian will
oversee these competitions and he also will give some demonstrations of his culinary expertise. He will be joined by Gopal, the talented chef from The Silver Fox Restaurant in Kilmore Quay. The children are well catered
for with free activities on the ¿HOG WKURXJK WKH GD\ ,Q WKH Courtyard at 11am, Mr. Cool will have his puppet show. At 12.30 and 2.15pm Joe Daly, The Magician ( RTE Jnr.) will entertain the children. The Jungle Bus will show their
exotic animals in The Dog Ring at 10.30am where children can interact with these animals. In the Courtyard, Ballyelland pottery will be painting pottery pieces with the children. Craft Central, from New Ross will be doing face painting and glitter rtattoos for the children. Spaces will be limited here so the early bird catches the worm. Musical entertainment will be provided in the courtyard at 11.45 and 1pm by Danescastle 0XVLF *URXS DQG 7RQ\ -H൵HUV The Fashion Show takes place in the Courtyard at 3pm with fashions by Wallaces of Wellingtonbrige. They have a great variety of fashions and cater for many age groups. The day winds down with The Inter Hunt Chase, always worth looking at. There will be over 300 Trade Stands on site with something to suit everyone. Everyone gets the opportunity to mingle among the stands to see what is RQ R൵HU The Bannow and Rathangan Show Society are indebted to our exhibitors, our sponsors and our volunteers, all who contribute to the success of WKH VKRZ ,W KDV D ¿QH WUDGLWLRQ DQG LV QRZ ¿UPO\ HPEHGGHG in the calendar of the South East on the second Thursday in July each year. Long may this
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thechronicle July 2, 2019 YOU are very welcome to the 70th anniversary of our show. The show started in Littlegraigue on the lands of the late John Joe Furlong in Littlegraigue in 1949. In 1972 it found a new home on lands given by The McCutcheon family. From 1974 to 1979 the show was held in Balloughton on the lands of The Scanlon family. Moving to Killag in 1980 gave the show a new lease of life. It is heartening to see the level of community spirit and community involvement, testament to the success of the show. We are very grateful to James and Veronica White for giving us this superb site for the show. This year we are delighted to host both the Junior and Senior All Ireland Home Cook Championship, Semi Final Heat, in The Food Village, alongside Chef Adrian Martin and Gopal Kawender.
Contestants will cook their favourite main course meal. The theme is ‘Creativity with Irish Ingredients’. Best of luck to all who are taking part. A big thank you to our loyal exhibitors and sponsors who support us so readily. You help to make our show so successful and we value your support greatly. We have a wonderful showFDVH RI 7UDGH 6WDQGV RQ WKH ¿HOG today. We appreciate the efforts made by all the businesses who are on site today. We wish them continued success in their ventures. Thank you to our large volunteer work force on the day. Your help is much appreciated, without it we could not function. I also want to thank our hard working committee who work tirelessly to promote and develop the show. Long may that support continue.
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thechronicle July 2, 2019 Driving (Ring 9) 5.30pm Inter Hunt Chase. Events in ‘The Courtyard’
CHAIRPERSON’S WELCOME AND TIMETABLE Today we host our 70th Show without the presence of a loyal committee member, Larry Fanning. Larry had a huge interest in the show. He was a loyal and dedicated committee member who worked diligently to promote the show.
Our motto is ‘A Fun Day Out For All The Family’. We hope we can deliver on this. Check out all the free activities for children on site today. If you enjoy your day, please tell your friends so that they can join us next year.
9.00am Dressage Classes. 9.30am Judging of Pony Classes – Ring No’s. 6 & 8. 9.30am Judging of Riding Horses Ring No’s 4 &5. 10.00am Judging of Pony Classes Ring 7 10.00am Judging of Led Pony Classes – Ring 9 (Galway Crystal Ring). 10.00am Judging of Mares Classes and Led Horses. Rings 1 – 3. 10.00am Arena 1 – Show Jumping. Event 1,2 & 3. 10.30am Arena 2,3 & 4 – Show Jumping. Events 4-22. 10.30am The Jungle Bus (In the Dog Show Ring) 11.00am Working Hunter Horses Ring 5
11.00am Sheep, Poultry & Pets Corner Judging. 11.30am Judging of Young Handlers in Cattle Section 11.30am Cookery, Crafts, Flowers, Photography Judging. 12.00 noon Judging of Cattle and Goats. 12.30pm Sheep Dog Trials. 1.30pm Final of “The €6,000, 3 Year Old Horse All Ireland Championship”, Class 28. Ring 9. 2.00pm Dog Show. 4.00pm Raffle. 4.00pm approx. Parade of Vintage Machinery (after 3 yr. old Horse Final) 4.30pm approx. Carriage
11.00am Puppet Show With Mr. Cool. 11.45am Danescastle Music Group. 12.30pm Joe Daly The Magician (RTE Jnr). 1.00pm Music by Tony Jeffers. 2.15pm Joe Daly The Magician, (RTE Jnr). 3.00pm Fashion Show – with fashions by Wallaces of Wellingtonbridge. 4.00pm To be confirmed. Events in ‘Food Village’ 10.30-11.15am Junior Cook Off with demonstration by Chef Adrian. 11.45-12.30pm Junior Cook Off with demonstration by Gopal Kawender, Silver Fox Restaurant, Kilmore Quay. 12.45pm Results of Junior Cook Off announced. 1.30-2.15pm Senior Cook Off. 3.00-3.45pm Senior Cook Off with demonstration by Chef Adrian. 4.00pm Results of Senior Cook Off announced.
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WELCOME to our 34th Annual Seafood Festival. We WKDQN DOO WKH JURXSV ÂżVKing community, residents and volunteers who have given so much time and energy in providing so many action packed and exciting events. The Stella Maris Centre is celebrating 35 years at the heart of community life. The local Community Development Association continues to use the proceeds from our Seafood Festival to help fund the many developments afoot within our community. We are currently planning more village infrastructural developments including enhanced car parking facilities, the development of a community garden and upgrading of existing facilities. We look
IRUZDUG WR WUDŕľśF PDQDJHPHQW being improved with the planned Link road. We invite you to take a stroll on the access-friendly promenade, visit our Memorial Garden, walk along the beautiful Burrow Trails and sample a delicious platter in The Loft at the Stella Maris Centre. Call to the Centre for more details on our New Walking App. Enjoy the many free events which are a feature of our festival. Look out for the symbol. On behalf of Kilmore Quay Community Development Association clg, thank you and enjoy Festival 2019. Thank you, Festival committee
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wexfordcountycouncilround-up New faces on Wexford County Council THE name tags were an introduction of new entrants to the hallowed chamber of Wexford County Council, a collection of 34 elected representatives from all corners of the county with a mandate to serve their people and communities for the QH[W ÂżYH \HDUV Having survived the canvass and won favour with the electorate, the new recruits now face an even greater challenge as decision makers, and many majority decisions will be unpalatable for those who placed their trust in them. An occupational hazard looms large! Those already in the chamber will have learned how ORFDO JRYHUQPHQW ZRUNV DQG DUH FDSDEOH DQG FRQÂżGHQW DQG patient â&#x20AC;&#x201C; necessary ingredients to become a successful public representative. With a number of outgoing councillors reaching for retirement and not seeking re-election, at least three new faces were guaranteed on the new Council. However, eleven new councillors hesitantly entered the Council Chamber last Friday and looked for their name on a seat they will occupy for the lifetime of the 2019-2024 Wexford County Council. Of the eleven new members, three are in Enniscorthy Municipal District, two in Gorey-Kilmuckridge Municipal District; Two in New Ross Municipal District, and one in the new Municipal District of Rosslare. A further three new councillors have been elected to the Wexford Borough District. Six of the thirty-four councillors are female, an increase of one more than the outgoing Council. So one-third of the newly elected indentured into the membership of Wexford County Council are new to the local government political scene, and that is good, because time stands still for nobody. Codd refuses to join â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Council Pactsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; One newly elected Wexford County Councillor has refused to join any council pacts or voting deals which seek to undermine other council members. Cllr Jim Codd of AontĂş said that such arrangements were undemocratic and stank of the corrupt populist politics that his party was trying to avoid. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I oppose the partisan nature of local council politics and the idea of pacts for power in particular. I understand why many representatives, particularly independents, might feel insecure enough to join a party in the chamber, but WKHVH SDFWV GR QRW EHQHÂżW WKH FRXQW\ DQG RQO\ VXFFHHG LQ stopping an even distribution of Council grants across the county.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I intend to work with any councillor who puts forward SURSRVDOV WKDW EHQHÂżW WKH :H[IRUG SHRSOH , ZLOO EH SXVKLQJ PRWLRQV WKDW , EHOLHYH ZLOO EHQHÂżW UXUDO :H[IRUG and the people of my LEA. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s what I was elected to do. For too long, the villages of South Wexford have been ignored by our local government.â&#x20AC;?
By Dan Walsh
Cathaoirleach: a journey together for all the people IMMEDIATELY following his election as Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council, Cllr Michael Sheehan thanked his proposer and seconder, Cllrs John Fleming and Pip Breen, respectively, and commenced his acceptance speech with a well-known quotation; â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Beowulf, Seamus Heaney makes a keen observation on power. He says; Anyone with gumption and a sharp mind will take the measure of two things: whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s said and whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s done. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So today is our chance to say and the next twelve months is whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to be done. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thanks to those who those unsuccessful in the contestants. Thanks to those Councillors who have served, Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Brien, Murphy and to thank Paddy Kavanagh, Robbie Ireton, Willie Fitzharris, Tony Walsh, Marie Doyle, Mick Roche and Johnny Mythen and of course Keith Doyle. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Congratulations to those QHZ &RXQFLOORUV &OOUV /DŕľľDQ Bardon, Codd, Murphy, Browne, Bell, Devereaux, Kenny, Kelly, Byrne and Owens â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thanks to all the families for WKHLU VDFULÂżFHV DQG WKHLU VXSSRUW and generosity- we couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t do our jobs unless we had your support and willingness to forgo and carry the burdens. Âł$V WRGD\ LV WKH ÂżUVW GD\ RI D new council and it is unique in the sense that it will be a council to lead us into a new decade. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As we build that bridge to the 2020s, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s both an honour and indeed a privilege to start the journey together on behalf of all the people- encapsulating their hopes and their dreams, but more importantly their lives. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And this year will be the year
Outgoing Chairman Keith Doyle handing over the chain of office to incoming Chairman of Wexford County Council Cllr Michael Sheehan of the bridge to the new future. This year will be the completion of the largest economic infrastructure in the State and our history, so we must make best of our assets. The opening of the Enniscorthy Bypass and the New Ross Bypass will set the trajectory of our futures. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t just the opening of a bridge, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the opening of a new era for Wexford. Dublin and Cork are within 90 minutes at most. We need to be ready for the challenges that lay ahead. It starts today. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m very conscious of the fact that there hasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been a Cathaoirleach from the town New Ross in over a generation. Opportunities like this donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come easy, they donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t come often. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That is why to the people of New Ross, I say â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;our time has comeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;- we have one shot to change our destiny. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s make it happen. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Within this term, we will complete the Economic Plan, Tourism Strategy, The /(&3 DQG VLJQ Rŕľľ RQ D QHZ development plan and 2040 Strategy.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;But we need to go further; in this year I would like to see us develop â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Town Themesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; for Enniscorthy and New Ross, and devise a Rural Regeneration Strategy to ensure rural voices are heard and acted upon. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In New Ross we will seek a brand new Enterprise Centre In Barrack Lane incorporating the Fab Lab, the John Street Grain store and start the works on the High Hill. With an extension to Library and replacing the Fire Station, we can reboot the town centre economy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;This will also be the year we need to turn sod on the Advance Factory, the Greenway to Waterford and this is the year we will remove the Oil Tanks from the Quay, giving the River Barrow back to the people. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will look at enhancing sports and recreational amenities for all ages including skatepark. â&#x20AC;&#x153;In Enniscorthy we will open the Business Park and keep moving the town forward the centre of the County, central to our future. â&#x20AC;&#x153;The Trinity Wharf will continue its progress and the
Hatch Lab in Gorey will still be the model of best practice. â&#x20AC;&#x153;As a body, we will keep the work going to ensure we make progress in Housing and Homelessness, in the lobbying for Gas in Ross, Broadband in the County, and making sure Rosslare is a top priority in the shadow of Brexit and that the government delivers on its promise for Waterford Airport. â&#x20AC;&#x153;We will have to embed the new arrangement for the better of all our people. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very reason we are here is to make peoplesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; lives better. â&#x20AC;&#x153;They asked us-they have asked us to work together, of all parties and none- to make their vote their voice. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It is my hope we can rise DERYH RXU GLŕľľHUHQFHV DV Heaney says; â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Behaviour thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s admired-is the path to power among people everywhereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;. That is why I would like to continue the working groups we had from the previous term on Third Level Education, Health and Rosslare Development. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I would also like us within the next term to Make Wexford an Age Friendly County, A Disability Accessible county, to make it a Autism Friendly Council and to engage meaningfully with Comharile na nĂ&#x201C;g. â&#x20AC;&#x153;So we have an ambition agenda, an ambitious county and an expectant people. It starts with them and it will all end with them. â&#x20AC;&#x153;I look forward as Cathaoirleach to meet as many groups through this year to hear their voices, share their dreams and with you to ensure all voices that the limited time we spend in this chamber, is truly a life worth living.â&#x20AC;?
Cllr Sheehan leads a new Council NEW Ross Fianna FĂĄil Cllr Michael Sheehan was elected Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council at the annual general meeting held in County Hall, Wexford, last Friday. 7KLV ZDV WKH ÂżUVW PHHWLQJ of the new 34- member County Council elected at last monthâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s local elections. Cllr Sheehan was proposed by Cllr John Fleming and seconded by Cllr Pip Breen and Cllr Frank Staples was proposed by Cllr Oliver Walsh and seconded by Cllr Anthony Donohoe.
A vote was taken and Cllr Sheehan emerged the clear winner with 19 votes; 8 for Cllr Staples and six members abstained. Cllr Lisa McDonald (Fianna FĂĄil) is the new Leas-Cathaoirleach. She was proposed by Cllr George Lawlor and seconded by Cllr Barbara-Anne Murphy. New member Cllr BridĂn Murphy was proposed by Cllr Kathleen Codd-Nolan and seconded by Cllr John Hegarty. Cllr McDonald waselected and the voting pattern was exactly the same
as that for the position of Cathaoirleach. Cllr Sheehan and Cllr McDonald were both congratulated on their respective achievements, while tributes were paid to the outgoing Cathaoirleach, Keith Doyle, who was unsuccessful in the recent election and gave 25 yearsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; public service. There are 11 new members: Cllrs Cathal Byrne, Aidan Browne, Jackser Owens, Diarmuid Devereux, Donal Kenny, Patrick Barden, BridĂn Murphy, Jim Codd,
Leonard Kelly, Maura Bell DQG *DUU\ /DŕľľDQ Members returned were Cllrs Kathleen Codd-Nolan, Barbara-Anne Murphy, John Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Rourke, Malcolm Byrne, Anthony Donohoe, Joe Sullivan, FionntĂĄn Ă&#x201C; SĂşilleabhĂĄin, Pip Breen, Mary Farrell, Oliver Walsh, Willie Kavanagh, Michael Sheehan, John Fleming, Michael Whelan, Anthony Connick, Ger Carthy, Frank Staples, Lisa McDonald, Jim Moore, George Lawlor, John Hegarty, Tom Forde and Davy Hynes.
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Giants from the Deep
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ninenottomiss BOOK of the week
TV SHOW of the week
FILM of the week
Lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mane Jellyfish (Photo Kip Evans Wikicommons) IF you go down to the sea today beware of the lions! They wonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t eat you, but they could give you a severe sting! Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re talking Lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mane jellyfish. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m sure you have heard lots of reports in the last two weeks of some bathing areas being temporarily closed due to the presence of these jellyfish. With a main body, also referred to as the umbrella or bell, that reach up to 2m in diameter, Lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mane jellyfish are truly impressive creatures. The bell edge is formed into 8 large lobes and 8 clusters of up to 150 stinging tentacles. These tentacles can be 3m long and give a very severe sting causing blisters and irritation. In some people they induce anaphylactic shock. The oldest tentacles can be dark red in colour. Be warned, even broken fragments of tentacles retain their stinging power! It also has four large arms surrounding the mouth. These are a lot shorter than the tentacles. The Lionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Mane can vary in colour from red to creamy yellow. Other jellyfish that we get in Irish waters include: Common/Moon Jellyfish â&#x20AC;&#x201C; translucent with four lilac, horseshoe shapes visible through the dome. These jellyfish are harmless to humans.
Common Jellyfish (Photo Alexander Vasenin â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wikicommons)
THE LAST WIDOW by Karin Slaughter
PIERS MORGANâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;S LIFE STORIES Virgin Media One Thursday July 4 9pm
TOY STORY 4 Released 24th June 2019
From the No.1 bestselling author comes a gripping new crime thriller. The routine of a family shopping trip is shattered when Michelle Spivey is snatched as she leaves the mall with her young daughter. The police search for her, her partner pleads for her release, but in the end...they find nothing. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s as if she disappeared into thin air. A month later, on a sleepy Sunday afternoon, medical examiner Sara Linton is at lunch with her boyfriend Will Trent, an agent with the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. But the serenity of the summerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s day is broken by the wail of sirens
MICHAEL PARKINSON finds himself on the opposite side of the talk show format, as he discusses his life and career with Piers Morgan. The veteran host looks back on his encounters with some of the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s biggest stars, including Fred Astaire and Madonna, as well as what is perhaps his most famous moment, a powerful series of interviews with Muhammad Ali. He also reflects on his roots in a Yorkshire mining village, the death of his father, and his struggle with alcohol and the impact it had on his otherwise successful 60-year marriage
Woody has always been confident about his place in the world and that his priority is taking care of his kid, whether thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Andy or Bonnie. But when Bonnie adds a reluctant new toy called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Forkyâ&#x20AC;? to her room, a road trip adventureensues. The adventurous journey turns into an unexpected reunion as Woodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s slight detour leads him to his long-lost friend Bo Peep. As Woody and Bo discuss the old days, they soon start to realize that theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re worlds apart when it comes to what they want from life as a toy.
COMEDY of the week
THEATRE of the week
GIG of the week
DYLAN MORAN - DR. COSMOS 7th July . National Opera House, Tickets â&#x201A;Ź32
HELLO DELIA MURPHY 5th July Wexford Arts Centre. T : 053 912 3764
PARK LIFE - TRIBUTE TO BLUR July 6. 2019. 9:00 pm Doors Crown Live, Monck Street, Wexford
Dylan Moran has announced a brand new tour, Dr. Cosmos, which takes in the National Opera House in Wexford. Moran will once again offer his unique take on love, politics, misery and the everyday absurdities of life, all served with poetical panache from one of the finest comedians of his generation. Moran has been called the Oscar Wilde of comedy and his famed style - deadpan, witty and crackpot lyricism - promises to be an unmissable journey through his interpretations of the world, swerving cliche to offer a cutting blow to our idiosyncrasies.
Sit back and be enthralled by the songs and story of the iconic Delia Murphy. This is a one-woman show, hosted by Deliaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s niece, author Carmen Cullen. Her first novel: Two Sisters Singing is loosely based on her iconic Aunt Delia. Carmen was Head of English in ColĂĄiste DhĂşlaigh Secondary School in Dublin for more than twenty years and is now a full time writer. She has published four collections of poetry and her book, Class Acts, Drama for the Junior Cert and the Applied Leaving Cert course.
Parklife are Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s premier Blur tribute bandtheir two hour set spans Blurâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 27 year career. From early hits like sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s so high & thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no other way, through the mania of the britpop years of parklife & the great escape, to the lofi art rock reinvention of the late 90s & right up to 2015â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s critically acclaimed comeback, The Magic whip. The band prides itself on attention to detail & recreating the energy and excitement to deliver the ultimate tribute to Blur- and have been recognized by Blur fans as an authentic and brilliant Tribute to one of Britainâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most iconic bands.
DANCE of the week
TRIP of the week
CONCERT of the week
Compass Jellyfish â&#x20AC;&#x201C; creamy brown in colour with distinctive brown v-shaped markings on the dome. They can give a nasty sting.
Compass Jellyfish (Photo Jonathan Wilkins â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Wikicommons) Barrel Jellyfish - ghostly white and thick and solid. The dome/umbrella can be up to 1m in diameter. They have no tentacles, but prolonged exposure can cause and allergic reaction.
MILWAUKEE YOUTH ORCHESTRA 19th July . National Opera House, Tickets â&#x201A;Ź5
JULY DANCE 5th July. Camross Hall
THE STRAND SPECIALS 7th July. The Strand Wexford - Rosslare Strand & Return
Since 1956, Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra (MYSO) has nurtured, challenged and inspired generations of students, profoundly changing lives and community for the better. They offer more than 40 ensemble and enrichment options, ranging from symphony, string orchestras, jazz and steel pan bands, to music theory, composition, and international tours, providing quality musical experiences for a wide range of skill levels. For more information about MYSO and its many programs, please visit www.myso.org.
Camross Hall, celebrating 10 years of social dancing. 10th Anniversary Dance Friday 5th July. Music by the ever-popular Michael Collins. Dance the night away, Lots of prizes to be won, Tea served 9.30 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; midnight Admission â&#x201A;Ź10. Social Dancing first Friday of every month. See you there!
We are delighted to announce the second of The Strand Specials from Wexford to Rosslare Strand & return on Sunday 7th July 2019. Join our famous Sea Breeze steam train for a fun day out to Rosslare Strand. We depart Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hanrahan station at 14:05 in Wexford Town and immediately join the road and pedstrian traffic as we travel down Wexford Quays. Passengers have from 14:20 to 15:50 to explore the seaside village and maybe even take a dip in the Irish Sea! Our return to Wexford is scheduled for 16:10.
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thechronicle July 2, 2019
Boris, Brexit and Bisto nostalgia
HE roll-call of English prime ministers is long and distinguished, stretching back 500 years and more. It takes in my own namesake, the Great &DUGLQDO ZKR ZDV ÂżUVW PLQLVWHU to Henry VIII. It includes the Cromwells, Thomas and Oliver; Robert Walpole; the Pitts, father and son; Gladstone and Disraeli; Churchill and Atlee; Margaret Thatcher. You donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t have to admire these people, or approve of their actions, to recognise that they were leaders of substance, who made England - and, in time, Britain - a power to be reckoned with. It now seems that the name of D EXŕľľRRQ ZLOO EH DGGHG WR WKHLU ranks. Boris Johnson looks like a clown and talks like an exile from the Teletubbies. He leaves his home looking like he has been pulled through D KHGJH DQG VKXྡHV LQWR parliament with his shirt tail hanging from under his jacket. His mind is more changeable
Michael Wolsey than the weather; he has a ferocious temper and conducted a row with his girlfriend so loudly that neighbours called the police. Individually, none of these faults should automatically rule him out as prime minister. Collectively, they suggest a man who is not worthy of the job and who will demean the RŕľśFH Britain, the country that once ruled half the world, has been in decline for many years. Boris Johnson is a symptom of that decline, which has increased in pace since the Brexit vote. The nation that ran a vast
Nuala Kelly and Aisling Roche at the Caim Annual Parish BBQ empire now seems incapable of organizing the proverbial pissup in a brewery. I suppose Boris might be suited to that last role. At least he looks the part. Britain is being brought low by the determination of a slender majority of its electorate (less than 52 per cent) to drag the
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country out of Europe and back to a past that never truly existed - not really the past of empire, but of a strange misty land with cobble stones and seaside piers, warm beer and Hovis, cricket on the green and honey for tea. It is what the great British journalist, AA Gill, called â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;Bisto nostalgiaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, and it is strongest
among the elderly members of the Conservative Party who seem set to give Boris the job regardless of what he says or does. They are readers of the Telegraph, the newspaper for which Mr Johnson writes. They would once have read The Times but that instinctively
conservative organ is too radical for current Tory tastes. Any who did turn to it last Saturday will have found an illuminating feature in its magazine section. It presented 61 quotes and asked readers to guess which ones had bern said by Boris. It turned out he had said them all, except one - and that one was no madder than the others. They were incredibly inconsistent. For instance: â&#x20AC;&#x153;We cannot turn our backs on Europe. We are part of Europe.â&#x20AC;? Or, from a man about to divorce his second wife and who has two children by other women: â&#x20AC;&#x153;I lead a life of blameless domesticity and always have done.â&#x20AC;? If Boris drags down Britain, there is a danger he will take Ireland with it, so I would like to think that his opening quote in the article was an accurate prediction: â&#x20AC;&#x153;My chances of being PM are about as good as WKH FKDQFHV RI ÂżQGLQJ (OYLV RQ Mars, or my being reincarnated as an olive.â&#x20AC;? Sadly, like so much else the man says, that is nonsense.
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thechronicle July 2, 2019