March 31, 2018 t: 01 901 5565 e: info@wicklowvoice.ie
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Unit 5, Idea House, Killarney Road Business Park, Bray
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
May 28,31, 2015, 01 901 5556/7, March 2018t: wicklowvoice.ie e: info@wicklowvoice.ie t: 01 901 5565 e: info@wicklowvoice.ie
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Florentine work to start ‘by July’ And developers say it will open in November 2019 By Jake Maxwell WORK is set to begin on the Florentine Centre ‘by July’, according to sources close to the project. And developers Oakmount, which is headed by pub and restaurant impresario Paddy McKillen Junior, say it will open almost 18 months later in November 2019. Wicklow County Council and Oakmount exchanged contracts last week which will see the development of the new town centre on the Florentine site just Rŕľľ %UD\ÂśV 0DLQ 6WUHHW The development will include two large retail anchors, eight medium-sized retail stores, several high-quality restaurants, a modern cinema and parking, and will hopefully reinvigorate WKH KHDUW RI %UD\
Despite speculation on social media, it is believed that no anchor tenants have been chosen yet for the retail units. It is believed that retailers Penneys are not interested DQG FODLPV WKDW 'XQQHV 6WRUHV are moving from their current ORFDWLRQV RQ 0DLQ 6WUHHW DQG Quinsboro Road have been denied by sources. “I have no doubt that Oakmount and their extensive retail, hospitality and entertainment H[SHULHQFH LV DQ H[FHOOHQW ÂżW IRU %UD\ DQG ZLOO EUHDWKH QHZ OLIH into the town,â€? Cllr Christopher )R[ &DWKDRLUOHDFK RI %UD\ Municipal District, told the Wicklow Voice. “I want to congratulate all involved and wish this project every success.â€? Continued on next page
One of the marchers is all smiles at the Bray St Patrick’s Day Parade. Pic: Joe Keogh More pictures inside
Unit 5, Idea House, Killarney Road Business Park, Bray
04| NEWS
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
news in brief Kilmacanogue History Society KILMACANOGUE History Society presents a talk held by Frank Kelly, who with almost 50 years experience as a member of The Wicklow Unit of The Irish Red Cross, is very well TXDOL¿HG WR JLYH XV WKH KLVWRU\ RI WKLV HVWHHPHG RUJDQLVDWLRQ LQ this area. He joined the Bray Unit as a \RXQJ &DGHW DQG ODWHU EHFDPH 2& DQG KDV EHHQ WKHLU 7UDLQLQJ 2൶FHU IRU RYHU \HDUV DQG LV &KDLU RI WKH 1DWLRQDO 7UDLQLQJ Committee. He is also a member of Toastmasters International. So come out and hear about the work of our local volunteers who provide essential services in our area on April 3 at 8pm at the Glenview Hotel.
Bray Arts Show The Bray Arts Show at Jim Doyle’s on Bray’s seafront is back. The event that supports and promotes local writers, poets, musicians, dancers, and artists will be taken place on April 3 at 8pm. Some of the artists featured in this year’s Bray Arts Show DUH PXVLFLDQ 6R¿D $UWHDJD and John and Enda Kelly who MXVW UHOHDVHG WKHLU GHEXW VLQJOH %OXH (\HV &U\LQJ LQ WKH 5DLQ Admission is €5/4.
Ash Rescue are top dogs in new scheme Emily Miller of Petmania and Remi le Mahieu of Ash Animal Rescue Centre By Charisma Trant WICKLOW’S Ash Animal Resuce Petmania has been QDPHG DV DQ R൶FLDO SDUWQHU LQ D QHZ VFKHPH WR KHOS UHVFXHG DQLPDOV ¿QG D QHZ home. Petmania has launched WKH FDPSDLJQ WR HQFRXUDJH SRWHQWLDO QHZ SHW SDUHQWV WR µ3DZV IRU 7KRXJKW¶ DQG FRQVLGHU DQLPDO DGRSWLRQ “Petmania and Ash Animal 5HVFXH JR D EDFN D ORQJ ZD\ :H DUH DOZD\V JUDWHIXO IRU
‘July start’ for €24m Florentine Continued from previous page Paddy McKillen Jnr’s Press 8S (QWHUWDLQPHQW JURXS currently employs 1,200 people and runs some of the most wellknown bars and restaurants in 'XEOLQ LQFOXGLQJ 7KH 'HDQ $QJHOLQD¶V 5REHUWD¶V DQG 6WHOOD Theatre. /DVW \HDU LW RSHQHG ¿YH :RZEXUJHUV LQ 5DQHODJK 7KH 6TXDUH 7DOODJKW 3DUQHOO 6WUHHW and Wexford Street. The Press-Up Entertainment JURXS DOVR LQFOXGHV :DJDPDPD UHVWDXUDQWV DORQJ ZLWK WKH (YHUOHLJK *DUGHQ QLJKWFOXE RQ Dublin’s Harcourt Street and the Workman’s Club in Temple Bar, adjacent to the Clarence Hotel, which it also runs. It is estimated the development ZLOO FRVW ¼ P DQG ZLOO EULQJ hundreds of jobs to the town ERWK GXULQJ LWV FRQVWUXFWLRQ DQG when it opens its doors. The development will be built around a new pedestrianised street which will open up from the Main Street and end in a public space. The then Bray Town Council purchased the site in December 2013 for €5m after it was valued DW ¼ P GXULQJ WKH ERRP
Average price of three-bed rises to €268,750 By Charisma Trant THE SULFH RI WKH DYHUDJH WKUHH bed semi in Wicklow rose by 7.5% to €268,750 in the last 12 PRQWKV DFFRUGLQJ WR D QDWLRQal survey carried out by Real Estate Alliance. And after prices increased by 1.9% between September and 'HFHPEHU ORFDO DJHQWV DUH SUHGLFWLQJ WKDW SURSHUW\ YDOues will rise by 9% in the county LQ WKH FRPLQJ \HDU “We will see a steady increase until the middle of next year and WKHQ VHH D VRIWHQLQJ DV QHZ GHvelopments come on to the marNHW LQ 4 ´ VDLG 0DWW )RUNLQ RI REA Forkin in Bray. 7KH 5($ $YHUDJH +RXVH Price Survey concentrates on the actual sale price of Ireland’s typical stock home, the threeEHG VHPL JLYLQJ DQ XS WR GDWH picture of the property market in towns and cities countrywide. 7KH DYHUDJH VHPL GHWDFKHG house nationally now costs ¼ WKH 4 5($ $YHUDJH House Price Survey found – a ULVH RI RQ WKH 4 ¿JXUH RI ¼ 2YHUDOO WKH DYHUDJH house price across the country rose by 11.3% over the past 12 months – compared to 7.7% nationally in 2016. The survey also found that DJHQWV WKURXJKRXW WKH FRXQWU\ expect prices to rise by 7.5% on DYHUDJH LQ WKH QH[W PRQWKV “The heated market that we VDZ WKURXJKRXW PXFK RI has cooled somewhat and we
are now in a period of more cerWDLQW\ ´ VDLG 5($ VSRNHVSHUVRQ Healy Hynes. “A lack of supply is still the main driver of the market, with OLVWLQJV RI VHFRQG KDQG SURSHUties at a low level around the country. ³$Q\WKLQJ WKDW GRHV JR RQ VDOH LV UHDFKLQJ VDOH DJUHHG LQ D VKRUW SHULRG RI WLPH ± ¿YH ZHHNV RQ DYHUDJH DQG IRXU ZHHNV LQ Dublin city. “However, this is not normal LQ D SURSHUO\ IXQFWLRQLQJ PDUNHW ZKHUH WLPH SHULRGV RI HLJKW ZHHNV WR VDOH DJUHHG DUH PRUH FRPPRQ ´ The rate of increase in threebed semi-detached home prices in Dublin slowed to 1.5% in the fourth quarter of the year as buyers look to new homes on the horizon. The commuter counties also UHWXUQHG D UHVWULFWHG JURZWK RI 1.5% in Q4, and 10% overall for WKH \HDU IROORZLQJ D UHODWLYHO\ VWDWLF ZLWK WKH DYHUDJH KRXVH QRZ VHOOLQJ IRU ¼ The lowest increase in Q4 was UHÀHFWHG LQ WKH FRXQWU\¶V FLWLHV outside of Dublin, where the JURXSLQJ RI &RUN /LPHULFN Waterford and Galway reWXUQHG JURZWK ZLWK DYHUDJH SULFHV LQFUHDVLQJ E\ ¼ WR €238,625. 7RZQV WKURXJKRXW WKH UHVW RI the country saw rises of 2.6% in the fourth quarter with the averDJH WKUHH EHG VHPL QRZ FRVWLQJ ¼ XS IURP €130,600 in December 2016.
Tara’s a real legal eagle By Charisma Trant LOCAL law student, Tara &DVH\ KDV ZRQ D SUHVWLJLRXV OHJDO VFKRODUVKLS The Bray woman has been named the Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowships for 2018 and ZLOO EH WUDYHOOLQJ WR WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI :DVKLQJWRQ LQ 6HDWWOH The fellowship is part of the )UHH /HJDO $GYLFH &HQWUHV )/$& ZKLFK KHOSV ,ULVK OHJDO students to spend time in the US OHDUQLQJ DERXW KRZ OHJDO SUDF-
tices and jurisdiction systems operate in the States. “I’m thrilled to be the recipient of this year’s Thomas Addis Emmet Fellowship. I know that WKHUH ZDV VLJQL¿FDQW LQWHUHVW ´ Tara told the Wicklow Voice. “The chance to work in Seattle DQG JHW SUDFWLFDO H[SHULHQFH RI WKH 86 OHJDO V\VWHP LV VRPHWKLQJ ZKLFK UHDOO\ H[FLWHV PH “When I’m there, I’ll be workLQJ RQ SURMHFWV ZKLFK ¿JKW IRU OHJDO ULJKWV DQG MXVWLFH IRU PDUJLQDOLVHG JURXSV ´
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 20188
No time for waste.
It’s more than surplus food, it’s 253,093 meals donated in Co. Wicklow. At Tesco we have no time for waste. And thanks to your help, we now donate surplus food from Tesco stores to 300 good causes across Ireland, each week. That’s nearly 5 million meals to date. We are proud to serve our community, and want to say a sincere thank you to our community partners, our Tesco colleagues, our suppliers, and to all of you for your continued support week in and week out. Suggest a cause at Tesco.ie/NoTimeForWaste
Paddy Cunningham and Ben Browne of Tesco, with Sheila Busher, Hilary Sharpe and PJ Busher from Arklow Community Resource Centre, Co. Wicklow.
06 | news in brief
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Parades Picture Special
Brendan Guildea as St Patrick at the Greystones Parade
Reusable coffee cup launch ON MARCH 28 at 7pm in the Greystones Library, Greystones Tidy Towns will be launching their campaign to encourage UHVLGHQWV WR XVH UHXVDEOH FRŕľľHH cups and reduce the amount of plastic waste they use on a daily basis. Marie McCooey chairperson of Greystones Tidy Towns said: “Greystones Tidy Towns has moved on from just picking up litter and planting plants. We are starting with the the plastic crisis with our campaign to raise awareness about reducing plastic waste in relation to the GLVSRVDEOH FRŕľľHH FXSV
Easter 1943 lecture On March 29 at 11.30am, James Scannell will present a lecture looking at ‘Easter 1943 in Bray, Co. Wicklow’. The event will take place in the Ballywaltrim Library on Boghall Road in Bray, Co. Wicklow. Everyone is welcome and admission is as free. For more information please go online.
One of the Vikings from the Signal Arts entry at the Bray St Patrick’s Day Parade
Abi Breathnach with Titans Swimming Club at Greystones St Patricks Parade
Ardmore Studios saved as investor buys it for â€˜â‚Ź20m’ By Charisma Trant THE future of Ardmore Studios and the hundreds of jobs it support appear to have been secured for the foreseeable future after it was purchased in a deal thought to be worth â‚Ź20m. New owner of Ardmore, Joe Devine, has pledged to invest and expand the iconic studios which have operated in Bray for more than 50 years. Mr Devine, who is a co-founder of investment company Ion Equity, said he was delighted to have struck the deal for the studios where Moone Boy, Braveheart, The Tudors, and the Penny Dreadful have been made. 7KHUH LV ÂłVLJQLÂżFDQW JOREDO demandâ€? for production facilities from the “big screen and increasingly on demand TVâ€? and the gaming industry, he said.
“When coupled with Ireland having one of the more attractive incentive schemes in the world, it makes Ardmore an attractive asset. “We have ambitious plans for the business and believe this heralds a new era for these historic studios,â€? he said. Mr Devine, who is also an investor in Troy’s Limerick operation, has bought the studios through a company, Olcott Entertainment, that was incorporated only last month, speFLÂżFDOO\ WR H[HFXWH WKLV GHDO from Paul McGuinness and Ossie Kilkenny, as well as the Government. However, local TD, Fianna Fail’s Pat Casey, has accused the Government of breaking its promises in relation to the studios. “Since the Government made its ill-judged decision to sell its 32% shareholding in Irelands most iconic Film Studio, there
has been a cloud over the future of the studio,â€? Mr Casey told the Wicklow Voice. “The workers and the businesses that are central to the Film Industry in Wicklow have all reported to me of a sigQLÂżFDQW UHGXFWLRQ LQ XSFRPLQJ productions or even forward planning for productions at Ardmore.â€? Culture Minister Josepha Madigan said the studios would be a boon to Ireland. The company was put up for sale in October 2016 when it was jointly owned by former U2 manager McGuinness and accountant Kilkenny. 0U 'HYLQH FRQÂżUPHG that Olcott plans to retain $UGPRUHÂśV VWDŕľľ DQG WKDW 6L~Q 1t Raghallaigh will remain as chief executive. Enterprise Ireland and a chairperson for TG4, Ms 1t 5DJKDOODLJK ZHOFRPHG WKH sale and branded it as a “very positive developmentâ€?.
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Andrea and Colm Murphy with Sophie, Alexandra, Danny and Lily Murphy at the Newtown Parade
Jim Hind, Robbie Harvey and David Colgan of Bray’s Junior Musicals
Otis Glynn marches with Ardmore Rovers at the Bray St Patrick’s Parade Paul Temple and Carmel Murphy with Bray Community First Responders at the Bray St Patricks Day Parade
Greystones Community First Responders
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Hampstead Round 4-6 Ext. Table Now Only
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Save €1200
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Hampstead Round 4-6 Ext. Table Now Only
€699 Save €450
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Inspire Corner Group
Save €700
Now Only
€699 Save €700
Calia Large Dining Table
EZ LIVING INTERIORS SANDYFORD: The Boulevard, Sandyford, 18, Dublin EZ LIVING INTERIORS LITTLE ISLAND: East Gate Retail Park, Little Island, Cork EZ LIVING INTERIORS NAAS: Globe Retail Park, Naas, Kildare
EZ LIVING INTERIORS WATERFORD: Butlerstown Retail Park, Waterford EZ LIVING INTERIORS POULADUFF ROAD: Southside Estate, Pouladuff Road, Cork EZ LIVING INTERIORS BLARNEY STREET: Blarney St. (City Center), Cork
EZ LIVING INTERIORS NAVAN: Navan Retail Park, Athboy Rd, Navan, Meath EZ LIVING DISTRIBUTION CENTRE: Harbour Point Business Park, Little Island, Cork
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
No winners in Belfast trial
he verdict this week in the Belfast rape trial may have seen the four defendants found not guilty of all charges, but in reality there were no winners. The defendants, the complainant, the police and the justice system have all been under the microscope during the nine-week trial that has been headline news and a topic of public debate all the way through. Now all involved have to try to somehow pick up the pieces of their lives and move on. The trial is over. The jury deliberated on the mountain of evidence presented for nearly four hours before handing down the unanimous not guilty verdicts to Ulster and Ireland rugby player Paddy Jackson (on charges of rape and sexual assault), his teammate Stuart Olding (who was charged with rape), Blane McIlroy (who was charged with exposure) and Rory Harrison (who was charged with perverting the course of justice and withholding information). The verdicts and the legal sys-
Brian Quigley tem must be respected, as must the police and the complainant who put forward their case for a prosecution of the four accused. Does the verdict mean that we now know exactly what happened at the party in Paddy Jackson’s house back in June 2016? No it doesn’t. We have heard the testimony of the accused, the complainant and various witnesses. We have seen the detailed forensic evidence that was presented. Ultimately the jury felt that, put together, it didn’t amount to conclusive proof of guilt. There were two versions of the events, and the lines between the two were blurred. They had a very dif¿FXOW MRE WR GR DQG WKH\ WULHG to navigate through it as best
Kilmac GAA in the Bray St Patricks Day Parade they could. They are not to be faulted. Social media showed once again what a dangerous realm it is. If this – or any – printed newspaper had interfered in the trial process in some of the ways that social media sites did then they would have been sued for defamation and collapsed the trial. For example, the com-
plainant was named on social media sites contrary to her legal entitlement. Stronger control of these sites is needed if they can’t police themselves and respect basic law and order. The complainant in the case was right to report what was, in her opinion, a sexual crime. The police, having weighed up the evidence, were right to pros-
ecute when they felt a crime had been committed. As a society we should have no tolerance of sexual crime. The complainant will need help more than ever now. She felt a crime had been committed. The trial felt there wasn’t enough evidence to agree conclusively. She has a long road ahead to try to rebuild her life, and I hope that
those with the skills at bringing people through the aftermath of such a traumatic process will PDNH WKH GL൵HUHQFH WR KHU On the other side, the defendants were entitled to a fair trial and they got that. The trial saw a very careful examination of the evidence take place. They were acquitted. Jackson and Olding are entitled to try to resume their rugby careers. They are still young men. They worked hard to get to where they did in the professional game. However hard that was, it will be nothing compared to KRZ GL൶FXOW WKHLU WDVN DKHDG LV to try to get back to where they were prior to June 2016. We live our lives as best we can and assume that if we are wronged in any way then those who have wronged us will face due process and be found guilty. Likewise, if we step out of line ourselves and are found guilty we must face the consequences. If we are accused of something we didn’t do then we must trust that we will be found innocent. Ultimately our justice system is DOO ZH KDYH DV D ¿QDO DUELWHU ,W may not be perfect but it is what we must place our trust in.
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
What a way to win the Six Nations title
t didn’t feel like Saint Patrick’s Day in one way. Instead of heading into Dublin to see the parade, I decided I wasn’t moving from the house. I sensed something historic was about to happen and got the rest of the family to buy into watching England versus Ireland from Twickenham on television. Actually we watched the build-up to it, the match itself and the jubilant scenes afterwards – a marathon session. Only our third Grand Slam ever, following on from 1948 and 2009. In the end, even without having seen any parade, it turned out to be a very, very special Saint Patrick’s Day. Eddie Jones came in for much criticism for his ‘scummy Irish’ comments in advance of the game. In fairness to Jones, the comments were made last year and
were taken out of context, but the last laugh was on him anyway. (QJODQG VX൵HUHG WKUHH 6L[ 1DWLRQV GHIHDWV IRU WKH ¿UVW WLPH since 2006, and actually ended WKH VHULHV LQ ¿IWK SODFH DIWHU France picked up a bonus point for only allowing Wales a narrow win. An ignominious end to the campaign for England and Jones. If the ‘scummy Irish’ comments were resurrected to try to initiate some mind games then that ploy failed. Mind games and insults only work if your opponent takes the bait, and Ireland didn’t, preferring instead to stick to rugby and coming up with a brilliant game plan which they executed perfectly. 7KH ¿UVW KDOI VDZ ,UHODQG SOD\ possibly their greatest 40 minutes ever. The tries from Garry Ringrose, CJ Stander and Jacob 6WRFNGDOH ZKR EHFDPH WKH ¿UVW player to score seven tries in a Six Nations series), all convert-
ed (two by Johnny Sexton, one E\ -RH\ &DUEHUU\ H൵HFWLYHO\ put the game beyond England, although they threw everything including the kitchen sink at Ireland in the second period. Conor Murray’s penalty extended the lead and left England out of time and out of ideas, almost a metaphor for how their country is handling Brexit. They certainly didn’t look like a team that had won 14 games on the bounce at Twickenham, and the decision to extend the in-goal areas by two meters came back to bite them when Stockdale used the space for his score. I’m not a very patriotic person but the win had me brimming ZLWK SULGH 7KH H൵RUW WKH SOD\ers put in to achieve what they did was immense. If we as a country can harness that kind of ambition, endeavour and pride then we can achieve anything we want to. The Twickenham win saw us clinch the Triple Crown and
the Grand Slam, not to mention the Millennium Cup (contested annually between England and Ireland as part of the Six Nations), to add to the already won Six Nations championship. Add in the Centenary Quaich win over Scotland and Ireland ¿QLVKHG WKH VHDVRQ ODGHQ ZLWK trophies. No more than they deserved. 7KH SOD\HUV FDPH R൵ WKH SLWFK with their white shorts sporting myriad colours. There was blood and sweat, there was mud and there was a kind of indigo presumably from the extra blue line markings designed to stand out in the snow. Later that evening my son lost KLV ¿UVW EDE\ WRRWK This is a big occasion for any child, but given the day that was in it I told him to make sure to remember the occasion always. A special day made all the more special by an exceptional group of players who did their country proud on Saint Patrick’s Day 2018.
Bray’s Richie Murphy (fourth from left) who is Skills & Kicking Coach with Ireland Rugby, is all smiles holding the Millennium Trophy. Also pictured are, from left, Simon Easterby, Andy Farell and Joe Schmidt holding the Triple Crown, and Greg Feek. In front is the Six Nations trophy. Inset, Jack Conan and Josh Van Der Flier (smaller of the two pictures)
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
‘We have all worked very hard from players to backroom staff over the last eight weeks’ By Jake Maxwell WHAT a fantastic year for Irish Rugby and what a great time for three lads from Wicklow also. Ireland beat England on St Patrick’s Day 24-15 to seal only the third Grand Slam in our history and Bray’s Richie Murphy, Kilmacanogue’s Jack Conan and Wicklow Town’s Josh Van Der Flier (inset) all played a key role in sealing the championship. Richie is a key member of Joe Schmidt’s back URRP WHDP ÂżOOLQJ WKH YLWDO role of Skills and Kicking Coach, while Jack and Josh both lined out for the team during the Six Nations championship. Josh’s tournament was
unfortunately cut short in WKH YHU\ ÂżUVW JDPH DJDLQVW )UDQFH ZKHQ KH ZHQW Rŕľľ injured early in the game. “We are absolutely GHOLJKWHG WR KDYH ZRQ WKH grand slam and to do it LQ 7ZLFNHQKDP ZDV YHU\ special,â€? Richie told the Wicklow Voice. Âł:H KDYH DOO ZRUNHG YHU\ KDUG IURP SOD\HUV WR EDFNURRP VWDŕľľ RYHU WKH ODVW HLJKW ZHHNV DQG LWÂśV YHU\
satisfying to see the lads SHUIRUP VR ZHOO RQ WKH ÂżHOG Âł7KH QHZ JX\V KDYH ÂżWWHG LQ VR ZHOO JLYLQJ XV D JUHDW blend of youth and experience that has been so important in the success. “All 36 players who were part of the squad contributed WR WKH FDXVH HYHQ LI WKH\ didn’t actually take to the ÂżHOG RQ PDWFK GD\ Âł2Q D SHUVRQDO OHYHO , started playing and coaching
Richie with his son Ben who lined out for Ireland Schools versus French Schools last week
well done to Richie Murphy proud Past Pupil! Don’t miss our Annual Dinner later this year - contact us today!
in Presentation College Bray and also spent some years coaching in St Gerard’s and to be here now, it’s been a long journey but a great one.â€? “It’s been a big week for the family, along with winning the Grand Slam, my VRQ %HQ ZKR LV LQ ÂżIWK \HDU in Pres Bray, was selected for the Irish Schools to face France last week, before heading to Wales to take on the host nation along with ,WDO\ DQG 6FRWODQG RYHU WKH next few weeks, so I’m right back in the thick of rugby but this time as an interested supporter!â€? As a result of Saturday’s HŕľľRUWV IURP -RH 6FKPLGWÂśV side, Ireland are no longer last in the Grand Slam tally DPRQJ WKH ROG )LYH 1DWLRQV We are now merely jointbottom in this department alongside the Scots, whose last Slam came in 1990. But this is Ireland’s second in nine year, and third &KDPSLRQVKLS LQ ÂżYH \HDUV which augurs well for the team going forward.
14 | news in brief Exhibit Showroom MERMAID Arts Centre are delighted to host the exhibition Showroom by Liliane Puthod. The exhibition opens at 6pm on April 6 and runs until May 12. In Showroom Liliane Puthod is questioning the temporality of everyday life’s consumption and what she considers the fabrication of desire in relation to objecthood. Subverting the frontiers between multiple and singular objects, she explores how forms problematize the materials from which they are made. It will encourage viewers to reach an alternative way of looking at the ordinary through installation, sculptures and digital works.
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Rise and rise of Boo Bray photographer Christopher George snaps Kim Kardashian
Bealtaine Festival Registration is now open for the Bealtaine Festival, an annual event that celebrates the arts and creativity as we age which is organised by Age & Opportunity, the national representative organisation for older people. If you are with us on celebrating the inspirational journeys of creativity in older generations, then we want to hear from you before registration closes on April 31, to register please visit www.bealtaine.ie.
Christopher ‘Boo’ George with Kim Kardashian and some of the images he took of her. Below, Boo with Victoria beckham from earlier this year By Jake Maxwell THERE seems to be no stopping local photographer Christopher ‘Boo’ George after he made international headlines recently for his shoot of Kim Kardashian. The Bray snapper was chosen to photograph the star for the latest cover of Elle magazine at her home in Los Angeles. Now the social media star has been sharing the pictures far and wide, elevating Boo’s reputation to atmospheric levels around the world. Boo has previously worked with Louis Vuitton and recently shot Victoria Beckham for Spanish Vogue, and Emily Ratajkowski for denim line DL 1961 Denim. Boo’s career began in Wicklow before he went on to study photography in Middlesborough. +H VSHQW KLV ¿QDO \HDU WUDY-
eling around to complete his photography projects, culminatLQJ ZLWK QLQH GD\V RQ D ¿VKLQJ trawler in the North Sea. The photographer won ‘The Shot 2013’, an International Centre of Photography and W magazine-sponsored FRPSHWLWLRQ WR ¿QG WKH next generation of fashion photographers. Since then Boo’s pictures have taken him across the globe
including diamond mines in Zambia, boxing rings in Cuba, safaris in Tanzania, private islands in Brasil, the mountains of Chechnya, the urban sprawl of Hong Kong and the deserts of Australia. Boo’s commercial clients had previously included Emporio Armani, Ralph Lauren, Hermes, Levi’s, Louis Vuitton, Erdem, Calvin Klein, among many others.
20 years of Spring Clean By Jake Maxwell HAPPY birthday to you ... This year marks the 20th year of the National Spring Clean campaign which was founded in 1999. Wicklow County Council has supported the campaign since the beginning and works with An Taisce to ensure participating groups
are well equipped and to collect the bags of litter after cleanup events. National Spring Clean has grown exponentially over the years from a small number of events in each county. In 2017 there were over 5,000 cleanups undertaken involving 500,000 people who collected a massive 2260 tonnes of litter.
Every part of the country EHQH¿WHG LQ ZKDW LV WKH biggest volunteer project in the country. The 2018 campaign is just getting underway and already there are 62 cleanups planned and registered with An Taisce by groups in Wicklow with that number expected to more than double.
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Cancer survivor gets 12 years in jail for gun attack By Jake Maxwell A CANCER survivor has been jailed for 12 years for attempting to murder a local man in front of his wife and children. Eoghan O’Connell tried to shoot the father of three twice as he was was leaving home to go to work shortly after 7am but failed because his cartridges were damp and the shotgun mis¿UHG ERWK WLPHV The victim and his family have since sold their home and left Wicklow all together. The 29-year-old of Dargle Heights in Bray was before the Central Criminal last week after the father of three had pleaded guilty to attempting to murder the man in his driveway at Old Court Park, Bray on April 8, 2016. The court had heard last month that the victim, who is in his late 30s, had been confronted by a masked man brandishing a shot
Eoghan O’Connell gun as he left his wife and family to go to work that morning. Mr Justice Patrick McCarthy noted that O’Connell had discharged the weapon twice, “plainly in an attempt to kill himâ€?. “He struggled with the assailDQW DQG SXOOHG Rŕľľ KLV EDODFODva,â€? he said of the victim. “His 11-year-old son tried to help, using a brushâ€? before the ac-
cused escaped. The judge noted that the victim had known his attacker since childhood. He described as “extremely strongâ€? the evidence, as built by the gardaĂ. “The body of evidence was VLJQLÂżFDQW D UHOHYDQW IDFWRU when considering weight to be attached to a plea of guilty,â€? he said. He noted that O’Connell had 65 previous convictions, including one for rape and two for assault causing harm. He had spent a number of years in prison and the judge described his background as dismal. “It seems he was a member of a gravely dysfunctional family,â€? he said, pointing out that he had witnessed violence at home. The court had previously heard that O’Connell was in remission from testicular cancer, something the judge described as “a wake-up callâ€?.
Irish Kidney Association National Honoray Chairman John Whelan from Bray and his wife Una with President Michael Higgins and Sabina at the Aras on Patricks Day Pic: Arthur Carron
Rachael Davis of Remedy Pilates and Physiotherapy and Clodagh Whelan, lecturer with IT Carlow at the Local Enterprise Office Wicklow’s “Mega Trend Seminar� in the Glenview Hotel. Pic: Joe Keogh
Sam Arslan and Shannon Lambert at the launch in Arklow of a ‘New Toolkit’ to help young people get a healthy amount of sleep
wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Applications are invited from suitably qualiďŹ ed persons to form panels from which vacancies may be ďŹ lled on the following Fire Brigades:
< %!" ! < " # < $ < !! " < " !! < " %
)* )* )* )* )* )*
Candidates should not be more than 55 years of age on the latest date for receipt of applications. Candidates should reside and work within a maximum of 5 minutes distance to the Fire Station as there are strict requirements regarding availability to attend ďŹ re calls. )071)4&6-21 Retainer starting at â&#x201A;Ź7,817 per annum gross plus hourly rates for attendance at ďŹ res. Candidates will be subject to Garda Vetting. Application Forms and further details can be obtained from Enterprise & Corporate Services at 0404 20159 or by emailing recruitment@wicklowcoco.ie and on the Wicklow County Council website www.wicklow.ie ! " " " " ! ! " # ! % " Wicklow County Council reserves the right to shortlist candidates in the manner it deems most appropriate Wicklow County Council Is an Equal Opportunities Employer ",20&5 743,; -4)'624 * !)48-')5 16)434-5) 24324&6) !)48-')5 $-'./29 2716; 271'-/ 2716; 7-/(-1+5 $-'./29 ,21) &: ) 0&-/ 4)'47-60)16 9-'./29'2'2 -)
Bord Oideachais agus OiliĂşna Chill Dara agus Chill MhantĂĄin
Electors are advised to check that they are registered to vote on www.checktheregister.ie to ensure that they have a vote in any referendum/election called during the lifetime of the 2018/2019 Register of Electors in force until 14th February 2019.
Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board invites applications for
If you are not on the Register electors can apply to be included in the Supplement to the Register of Electors which will be published in the event of a Referendum/ Election as follows: RFA2 Form â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Application for Inclusion in the Supplement to the Register of Electors (for electors not already registered or those who will have reached the age of 18 years before the date of any referendum/election). RFA3 Form â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Application for Inclusion in the Supplement to the Register of Electors (Change of Address) (for electors who have changed address since the publication of the Live Register on the 1st February between local electoral areas or to another county). ELECTORS WHO REQUIRE A POSTAL VOTE â&#x20AC;&#x201C; PLEASE NOTE THAT THE CLOSING DATE FOR RECEIPT OF APPLICATIONS WILL BE 2 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF THE POLL IS ANNOUNCED. *** PLEASE NOTE POSTAL VOTES CANNOT BE ISSUED FOR ELECTORS WHO WILL BE ON HOLIDAYS AT THE TIME OF ANY REFERENDUM/ELECTION *** If you have any queries please email franchise@wicklowcoco.ie
POST PRIMARY TEACHING POSTS PRĂ?OMHOIDE ColĂĄiste RĂĄithĂn, BrĂŠ, Co. Chill MhantĂĄin DEPUTY PRINCIPAL St Conlethâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Community College, Newbridge, Co. Kildare 2 POSTS
for School Session 2018/2019 All posts are advertised on www.kwetb.ie. Applications should be made online before the deadline of 12 noon on Thursday, 5th April 2018. Rory Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Toole, Acting Chief Executive.
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
with Justin Ivory
ACTIVITY of the week
FILM of the week
10KM COURSE ALONG THE CLIFF TOPS Greystones to Bray, March 31
Planet Cool!
Run from Greystones Beach to Bray Promenade via the coastal path around Bray Head with endless views of Dublin Bay and no traffic. This is not an ordinary 10km run, this is an evening run against the backdrop of the setting sun. Afterwards we invite you back to the Martello Hotel for refreshments, music and the all-important post-mortem. Time to get off the road and give those
knees a break. The terrain will keep you focused with beaches, sealed paths and rough, uneven trail. This is the perfect goal to work towards on those dark, rainy winter evenings. For more information and how to take part visit www.gaelforceevents.com.
Directed by Garth Davis and set in the Holy Land in the first century C.E., a young woman leaves her small fishing village and traditional family behind to join a radical new social movement. At its head is a charismatic leader, Jesus of Nazareth, who promises that the world is changing. Mary is searching for a new way of living, and an authenticity that is denied her by the rigid
KIDS ACTIVITY of the week LAST Thursday March 15, the worldâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s first permanent visitor centre dedicated to climate change, the Cool Planet Experience (CPE) officially opened its doors at Powerscourt House, Enniskerry. Somewhat ironically it took three attempts for the CPE to finally open its doors to the public as the first two attempts had to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions! The centre in Wicklow is the first of 10 that are planned to open around the globe over the next 3 years.
The Cool Planet Experience at Powerscourt (Pic: Justin Ivory) Being a lifelong wildlife and environmental nut and having spent over 2 decades actively involved at various levels in relation to many aspects of biodiversity, conservation, sustainability and by default global warming and climate change it was with much anticipation I awaited the opening of CPE and hot footed it along to experience the Experience for myself!
Saving planet earth at CPE (Pic: Justin Ivory) What can I say - so enjoyed my visit. This place is Ăźber cool and pushing itself to the head of the vanguard of the sustainability zeitgeist. Like a naughty threesome of Blade Runner, David Attenborough and Erin Brockovich, CPE delivers its message using futuristic methods with a familiar, easy and engaging assurity while not backing down on the hard hitting facts. Do yourselves a favour and visit this place asap! P.S. Vists are via timeslots so advance booking via the CPE website is advisable.
hierarchies of the day. As the notoriety of the group spread and more are drawn to follow Jesusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; inspirational message, Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s spiritual journey places her at the heart of a story that will lead to the capital city of Jerusalem.
PLAY of the week
EASTER EGG HUNTS Greenan Maze, Rathdrum, Co. Wicklow, April 1- 2 www.greenanmaze.com
THE CHANGING ROOM Mermaid Arts Centre, Main Street, Bray, April 5- 6, â&#x201A;Ź10/5 www.memaidartscentre.ie
A fun adventurous and active egg hunt for all the family to participate while exploring nature on a beautiful countryside farm. Greenan Maze are hosting their biggest ever Easter Egg Hunts with Egg-cellent fun for all the family. The Easter Bunny and Cheeky Chicks will be hopping about the mazes and farm,
A new play by the award winning playwright, Chris Bush and Mr. Sandsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; entry in the 2018 National Theatre Connections Festival. Set in and around a swimming pool, The Changing Room follows a group of teens full of excitement, impatience, secrets and uncertainty. Are we
entertaining all the kids. If you are lucky they will help you crack the clues and solve the riddles to get to the middle of the maze where you find the Easter Bunny, and claim your chocolate reward.
teenagers? Are we children? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s about bodies in flux and perspectives shifting. A lyrical piece brimming with powerful words and ensemble movement.
BOOK of the week
MARKET of the week
MACREDDIN VILLAGE FOOD MARKET Macreddin Village, Aughrim, Co. Wicklow, April 1, 12- 5pm
A new book, released to commemorate the first anniversary of the passing of one of Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most iconic politicians, allows the world the opportunity to learn what people both sides of the divide really thought of the former Northern Ireland deputy first minister and ex-IRA commander. To some, McGuinness was a terrorist, a
figure of hate, while to others he was a hero who helped bring about lasting peace in his journey from freedom fighter to respected politician.
Macreddin Village Food Market allows Artisan Food Producers and Farm Food Producers to showcase and sell their products directly to the public and at the same time is Irelands only â&#x20AC;&#x153;no charge to stall holderâ&#x20AC;? market. Market visitors will experience a wide selection of the freshest
TV SHOW of the week
The Hardy Bucks are back again, and life is just rosy as far as Eddie Durkan is concerned. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s happily living rent free in Buzzâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s house what could be better, living with his best mate and having his certified nymphomaniac girlfriend Ciara,coming over to stay a few nights a week? The problem is, as Ciara seeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s it, the place is a dosshole and she wants Eddie to step their relationship up a gear.
and highest quality food stalls, live jazz, a spit roast, organic prosecco, creamy pints from Actons Country Pub plus much more. Fun day out for all!!!
GIG of the week
As in, move out to a place of their own. Meanwhile, the Viper arrives in town driving his latest business â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an ice cream van he is using as a front to peddle hash.
Marcus Prouse will be at the Grand Hotel this March. He has been doing his Garth Brooks show since 1998. A well known Country and Western singer in 2005 he won a country music competition on TG4 called Glor tier. Over the years Marcus has been building a reputation as one of the leading exponents of Garth Brooks music, as well
as looking like the singer he has perfected his style of singing to such a degree that fans of the legendary singer travel far and wide to hear Marcus. For more information go online.
EXHIBITION FAMILY FUN of of the the week week
EASTER CHOCOLATE MAKING SESSIONS The Chocolate Garden of Ireland March 24 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; April 8, 10.15am, â&#x201A;Ź10 www.chocolategarden.ie
FILM STARS DONâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;T DIE IN LIVERPOOL Mermaid Arts Centre, Main Street, Bray, April 2-3 8pm & 2.30pm, â&#x201A;Ź8/6.50/5
Come and make your very own chocolate Easter Egg or Chocolate Bunny, and enjoy an ice cream while your chocolate mould sets. Suitable for age 3+. Accompanying non-mouldmakers may sit with mouldmakers in cafĂŠ/workshop-area.
Gloria Grahame appeared in films alongside Hollywood icons like Humphrey Bogart and Kirk Douglas, and won a best supporting actress Oscar for her performance in 1952â&#x20AC;&#x2122;s The Bad and the Beautiful. Thirty years later Grahame is treading
Enjoy our cafĂŠ and play area while you are here. Our Easter Bunny is on-site only for scheduled workshops which must be prebooked, suitable age 6+).
TAURUS- This week is a 9 Keep showing up. Perform to the best of your abilities. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re earning accolades and valuable reward. Spend within the budget to get what you need. GEMINI- This week is a 9 Allow more time for personal matters over the next few days. Nurture yourself with a new look. Indulge your own passions and enthusiasms. CANCER- This week is a 6 Slow down to consider options. New circumstances could change the game. Look for hidden opportunities. LEO- This week is a 7 Show up for your friends and they do the same for you. Share resources, information and comfort. Teamwork provides especially valuable today and tomorrow.
GARTH BROOKS TRIBUTE The Grand Hotel, Abbey St, Wicklow Town March 31, 9.30pm
HARDY BUCKS RTĂ&#x2030; Two, Thursday 10.35pm
ARIES- This week is an 8 Read, write and edit. Youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re especially good with words today and tomorrow. Express whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s in your heart.
VIRGO- This week is an 8 A professional prize is within reach over the next few days. Forge ahead and go for it! Your team is with you. Create opportunities. LIBRA- This week is an 8 7KH QHZV FRXOG DŕľľHFW \RXU decisions. Study your route and destination. Leave VXŕľśFLHQW WLPH WR PDNH \RXU connections. Explore and investigate. SCORPIO- This week is a 7 Handle paperwork and ÂżQDQFLDO OHJDO RU LQVXUDQFH matters today and tomorrow. Monitor and contribute to shared accounts. SAGITTARIUS- This week is an 8
You and a partner cook up something delicious over the next few days. Compromise and stay receptive to anotherâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s view. CAPRICORN- This week is an 8 (QHUJ\ Ă&#x20AC;RRGV \RXU ZRUN KHDOWK DQG ÂżWQHVV SUDFWLFHV Keep in motion to maintain momentum. AQUARIUS-This week is an 8 Integrate new faces into your circle of family and friends. Spend time with someone attractive.
the boards in a modest theatre production when she collapses in a Lancaster hotel. With her health failing, she reaches out to former lover. Get your ticket now.
PISCES- This week is a 7 Home sucks you into its seductive enchantments. Create an inviting atmosphere.
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Wanderers make woeful start
even games in and things arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t going well for Bray Wanderers in the 2018 SSE Airtricity League Premier Division. One point â&#x20AC;&#x201C; from a surprise scoreless draw on the opening day away to Dundalk â&#x20AC;&#x201C; is all Dave Mackeyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s men have to show and they are rooted to the foot of the table. 'HIHDWV KDYH EHHQ VXŕľľHUHG away to Bohemians, Derry City, Shamrock Rovers and Limerick FC, and at home to Sligo Rovers and St. Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Athletic. The club have also exited the Leinster Senior Cup at the hands of St Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s. The two home defeats in the League were narrow, 2-1 in each case, but two of the away defeats were real hidings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6-0 in Tallaght Stadium against Rovers and 5-1 in the Brandywell against Derry. Thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s no need to panic just yet. Seven games gone means 29 games are left, ample time to turn things around. But the clock is ticking and something needs to happen soon.
Brian Quigley There are mitigating circumstances that explain the clubâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s predicament. Dave Mackey only came in as manager between Christmas and New Year, less than a PRQWK EHIRUH WKH ÂżUVW FRPSHWLWLYH Âż[WXUH WKH /HLQVWHU &XS game against St Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s) and had to assemble a squad in doublequick time. Heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s having to operate on a reduced budget compared to what Harry Kenny had last season. Add in the fact that the club and its supporters are still a bit shell-shocked from last termâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Rŕľľ ÂżHOG HYHQWV DQG LW LV QR ZRQder that they are slow out of the blocks this year. Bray can survive.
Bray Emmets marching in the St Patrickâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Day Parade The club have almost become â&#x20AC;&#x2DC;the team they couldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t relegateâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;, having survived in the WRS Ă&#x20AC;LJKW ORQJHU WKDQ DQ\RQH
Need training to get a job? Employer Based Training at National Learning Network in Bray is a free ďŹ&#x201A;exible course with both in-classroom learning and on-the-job training to give you the real-life skills you need to get and keep a job. If you have had an illness, injury or have a disability and need extra support, this course offers you the personalised support you might need to gain a nationally recognised QQI qualiďŹ cation. This course is funded by the KWETB and eligibility criteria apply. Find out more, contact us at: 01 282 9643 bray@nln.ie | nln.ie facebook.com/NLNWicklow Open days in our centre at Beechwood Close, Boghall Rd., Bray, every Wednesday from 11am-1pm
Free Training Enrolling Now
else except Bohemians and St Patâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s from the current tenants of the top division. Fourteen seasons now in the
Premier Division has given them plenty of experience of ÂżJKWLQJ WR VWD\ WKHUH DQG WKDW will become more and more
important as the season progresses. %XW WKH ÂżJKW QHHGV WR VWDUW soon. Already the club are six points adrift of Sligo Rovers who are second bottom and in WKH UHOHJDWLRQ SOD\ Rŕľľ VSRW Occupying that spot is something Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d take now for Bray, if RŕľľHUHG HYHQ WKRXJK LW PHDQV taking your chances in a playRŕľľ DJDLQVW D WHDP LQ WKH )LUVW Division. Low crowds at the home games arenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t helping. Ironically, the start of the ZKHHOV FRPLQJ Rŕľľ ODVW \HDU was the then Chairman Denis Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor pointing out this fact in July. The stark reality is that Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor was right in this regard. Home support is a vital part RI WKH ÂżQDQFLQJ RI DQ\ VRFcer club, not to mention a vital boost to the players for whom there is nothing more demoralising than empty stands. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s all try to get to as many games as we can â&#x20AC;&#x201C; starting with the home game against Cork City this Friday - and bring family and friends if possible. Letâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s make a bit of noise and try to help the club survive.
Would you like some help in getting a job Advertorial DO you need extra support to JHW D TXDOLÂżFDWLRQ DQG JHW DQG keep a job? If you need support to continue with further training one of National Learning 1HWZRUNÂśV 1/1 WUDLQing centres around the country could be the answer. NLN, the training and education division of Rehab Group, has over 50 years of experience in assisting people to learn the skills they need to build lasting FDUHHUV LQ MREV WKDW UHĂ&#x20AC;HFW WKHLU interests and abilities. NLN are experts at supporting students to reach their educational potential. Whatever your circumstances â&#x20AC;&#x201C; whether you are long-term unemployed, have an illness, have a mental health issue such as anxiety or if you have a disability â&#x20AC;&#x201C; National Learning Network
Students at National Learning during class can help you. As Irelandâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s largest non-governmental education and trainLQJ RUJDQLVDWLRQ 1/1 RŕľľHUV RYHU GLŕľľHUHQW WUDLQLQJ SURgrammes from art and cookery to computer and business skills in centres across the country. So, whatever your interests, we have the training programme for you. :H RŕľľHU WDLORUHG VWXGHQW FHQ-
tres, supported education services. NLN in Wicklow has centres in both Bray and Arklow. 7KH %UD\ FHQWUH RŕľľHUV FRXUVHV in Vocational Skills Foundation, Employer Based Training, IT and Business Admin and Access. In the Arklow centre NLN also run an Access course for all adults with a broad range of support needs and Link a course for people who have had GLŕľśFXOWLHV ZLWK WKHLU PHQWDO health. â&#x20AC;&#x153;At NLN 90pc of people who complete our programmes progress to employment or further education and training. We support students on every step of their journey,â&#x20AC;? said Rehabâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Head of Learning, Cormac Woods. If you would like to know more then go to ww.nln.ie or call 01 282 9643
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018
Fast-track your career into the healthcare profession â&#x20AC;Śwork as a phlebotomist! Advertorial THIS August sees the return of Geopace Training to Dublin with their two day phlebotomy training course. An increasing demand for skilled healthcare professionals has led to a shortage of allied healthcare workers, especially phlebotomists - the skilled healthcare professionals who take your blood. Demand is high within hospitals as well as many clinics and surgeries and RŕľľHUV D JROGHQ RSSRUWXQLW\ IRU that â&#x20AC;&#x153;longed forâ&#x20AC;? career change! If you have good people skills, good manual dexterity and like the idea of working in a busy hospital or clinic, a phlebotomist job may be just the right job for you! Many people enter this profession when they are looking for a career change or a fresh start. Phlebotomists often work part time (mornings) but some do work full time as well as weekends and holidays. Blood samples are usually collected in the mornings and then analysed in the Path Labs in the afternoon.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;We train people from all walks of life and all agesâ&#x20AC;? exSODLQV -HQQLH (DJOHWRQ RŕľśFH manager. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve had shop assistants, receptionists, beauticians and dental nurses, as well DV WHOHVDOHV VWDŕľľ XQHPSOR\HG school leavers and the retiredâ&#x20AC;? says Jennie. Once on the healthcare career ladder ambition often drives people to progress to working in the labs and to other specialised departments. Internal promotion is much easier once you are â&#x20AC;&#x153;on the ladderâ&#x20AC;? and have some experience. Many hundreds of Geopace trainees are now working as phlebotomists and a few have even chosen to work abroad where there is often a shortage
and growing demand for this specialised skill. If you like the idea of a career in healthcare then this may be just the job for you! Training takes place over two full days and culminates in the award of a UK nationally recognised DQG DFFUHGLWHG FHUWLÂżFDWH Âł:H SUDFWLFH RQ DUWLÂżFLDO DUPV´ VD\V Jennie. â&#x20AC;&#x153;And all our students have a lot of fun learning. We get a great deal of satisfaction when we later learn that they are working in their local hospital or GP Surgeryâ&#x20AC;?. If you would like to know more about phlebotomy as a career or to book a place on the August course visit Geopace Trainingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s website at www. geopace.com.
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wicklowvoice.ie March 31, 2018