Wicklow Voice

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November 6-19, 2018 t: 01 901 5565 e: info@wicklowvoice.ie


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Unit 5, Idea House, Killarney Road Business Park, Bray

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018



May 28, 2015, t: 01 901wicklowvoice.ie 5556/7, November 6-19, 2018 e: info@wicklowvoice.ie t: 01 901 5565 e: info@wicklowvoice.ie

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‘Please don’t do this’ Locals urge traders not to take Florentine court action

LOCALS in Bray have urged traders in the town not to take court proceedings which could halt works on the Florentine Shopping Centre. A representative of the Florence Road Traders, who are asking the developer to include a pedestrian entrance to the centre, told a meeting of Bray Municipal District on November 6 that, as a last resort, they would seek a judicial review if a response was not forthcoming within seven-days. “It is not the traders preferred choice, because of the disruption it will cause and the delay in completing this shopping centre,â€? a statement sent to the Wicklow Voice said. “It was extensively explained to the meeting that we are not DERXW FRQĂ€LFW EXW ZH DUH DERXW resolution, and this is in the hands of the council. “They have all our details and we are available to get this resolved as soon as possible. All they have to do is contact us.â€? Many residents and local business owners in the town, while generally sympathetic to the traders’ plight, are concerned the impact a delay would have on the project, which has

Molly O’Keeffe and Niamh Wrafter from Bray’s Claddagh School of Irish Dancing at the South Regional Championships held in Waterford recently. Lots more pictures from around the county inside

already been dragging on for more than 20 years. “I completely understand where they are coming from but another delay would be terrible for the town - we’ve had to live with this huge hole in the middle of the Main Street for too long as it is,â€? one local, who DVNHG QRW WR EH LGHQWLÂżHG WROG the Wicklow Voice. Developers Oakmount estimate that the Florentine Centre, which will include two stores of 3,000m² and 1,000m², eight retail units and three UHVWDXUDQWV DV ZHOO DV D ÂżYH screen multiplex cinema and underground parking, will bring 20,000 extra people into the town every week. “If I was in their situation I would be upset too,â€? a business owner in the town, who wishes to remain anonymous, said to the Wicklow Voice. “But by going down the court route, there is a risk to retail activity in the town overall which is already facing its own challenges.â€? Bray and District Chamber RI &RPPHUFH KDV RŕľľHUHG WR PHGLDWH LQ HŕľľRUW WR UHVROYH WKH situation. Continued on next page:



Unit 5, Idea House, Killarney Road Business Park, Bray

04| NEWS

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018

news in brief Adult learning STAR Awards AONTAS, the National Adult Learning Organisation is seeking nominations from adult learning initiatives in Wicklow for the annual STAR Awards 2019. The Adult Education Survey published by the Central 6WDWLVWLFV 2ŕľśFH LQ $XJXVW found that over half of adults in Ireland (54%) participated in lifelong learning at some point last year. However, barriers remain which prevent adults from accessing education with 46% of respondents in the MidEast Region, which includes :LFNORZ UHSRUWLQJ GLŕľśFXOW\ participating in lifelong learning due to family responsibilities. To nominate an adult learning initiative, please visit: www.adultlearnersfestival. awardsplatform.com before December 7.

Jack’s back Wicklow Labour Party general election candidate has been reelected as Chairperson of the Labour Party at their 70th National Conference. “I was delighted to be reelected by the Labour Party this weekend. I have been a strong advocate of workers rights all of my life and the Labour Party this weekend reendorsed my record in that area,� he said afterwards

Bray Lakers Team and Bray Credit Union’s Bernie Robinson and Michael Fitzpatrick with a cheque for ₏2,000 towards sports equipment after Lakers recent fire

‘Please don’t delay the Florentine’ Continued from previous page “We are committed to ensuring that the Florentine Centre delivers for both consumers and all retailers when complete,â€? Chamber President Pat O Suilleabhain told the Wicklow Voice. “No-one wants to see this project delayed and we are more than happy to mediate between the parties involved LQ DQ HŕľľRUW WR EUHDN WKH LPSDVVH DQG ÂżQG D UHVROXWLRQ that all parties can agree on.â€? 6SHDNLQJ WR WKH Wicklow Voice :LFNORZ &RXQW\

Council and Bray Municipal District Cathaoirleach Pat Vance said: “Any legal challenge to the development at this stage could delay it for months, if not years, and may see it halted all together.â€? In a separate move, the Florence Road Traders have submitted a complaint to the 2ŕľśFH RI WKH 2PEXGVPDQ DJDLQVW :LFNORZ &RXQW\ Council. $Q HPDLO VHQW WR WKH 2ŕľśFH seen by the Wicklow Voice, reads: “A chara, Further to my phone call, I wish to complain about the treatment

we as a group of traders and individuals have receive by RXU ORFDO FRXQFLO :LFNORZ and Bray Municipal District)� before going on to outline their grievances in relation to the planning process. Planning consent had been given for the pedestrian entrance from the centre to the Florence Road but it is believed that a small strip of land owned by a private individual and adjacent to the project is now preventing the developers from putting the entrance in place.

Is it end of the road for N11 delays? By Jake Maxwell THE process to begin the longawaited improvements on the N11 moved a step forward ealier this month after engineers were appointed to advance the plan. The county’s motorists currently face long delays both in the morning and evening where the N11/M11 meets the M50 at Junction 4 all the way b ack to Junction 14 at Coynes Cross. Consultant Engineers Ove Arup and Partners have been appointed by Wicklow County Council and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council to progress the improvement scheme. The project will be subject to various stages of planning, design and approval as well as public consultation. 2QH RI WKH ÂżUVW WDVNV WR EH undertaken is to carry out a Public Information Day and a location and exact date will be advertised in advance of this. “Wicklow County Council and Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council welcome the advancement of this Improvement Scheme,â€? a statement said.

‘Little boy’ Harris hits back at cervical criticism MINISTER for Health Simon Harris has hit back at criticism from former head of the HSE Tony O’Brien who said the Wicklow TD behaved “like a frightened little boyâ€? during the cervical cancer screening controversy. Mr O’Brien said in an interview that Mr Harris was a “weakâ€? Minister who was obsessed with media coverage and who “runs scared of headlinesâ€?. “I would have hoped he’d have been able to show more FRXUDJH LQ WKH IDFH RI D GLŕľśFXOW political and media onslaught,â€? Mr O’Brien added. A spokesperson for Mr Harris said: “The Minister doesn’t believe in engaging in the politics of personalised attacks. “The CervicalCheck situation ZDV D YHU\ GLŕľśFXOW WLPH IRU women in Ireland. “They felt let down. The women were, and are, the Minister’s priority.â€? The spokesperson added that it was Mr O’Brien’s own decision to step down and that “The Minister believes that was the right decision. He wishes him wellâ€?. Other reports claim that there had been a breakdown in trust between Mr Harris and some RI KLV VHQLRU RŕľśFLDOV RYHU KLV handling of the cervical screening controversy and his alleged failure to support civil servants. Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has strongly backed Mr Harris saying that this year the Minster had “led the charge for the

Government on the Eighth Amendment and got the Public Health Alcohol Bill enacted at long last. “Health is a really tough ministry. He’s handling it with ability, empathy and maturity.â€? Meanwhile, the Health Minister has waded into the row over medics’ Christmas leave, saying the Taoiseach was right WR FDOO RQ KRVSLWDO VWDŕľľ WR FDQFHO holidays over the festive period. As the war of words escalated, Mr Harris said Mr Varadkar was “entirely correctâ€?. However, he shifted responsibility for implementing the measure to the HSE, saying: “Hospital management is charged with ensuring this takes placeâ€?. 0U 9DUDGNDU VSHFLÂżFDOO\ UHferred to nurses and hospital consultants, particularly emergency medicine consultants, in his call to curtail leave. Meanwhile, Fianna FĂĄil Health Spokesperson Stephen Donnelly has defended doctors. “Leo Varadkar has incensed doctors and nurses by insinuatLQJ WKDW ZKHQ WKH\ WDNH WLPH Rŕľľ they’re contributing to waiting lists and overcrowding problems,â€? The Wicklow TD told the Wicklow Voice. “Patients are not left lying on trolleys because medics want to spend a few days with their families. Patients are left lying on trolleys because the government fails year after year to plan for completely predictable events.â€?

Calendar launched THE fourth edition of The Wicklow Calendar is out now, just in time for Christmas. The calendar is packed full of stunning pictures of the beautiful landscape of Wicklow which have been donated by 10 local talented photographers. The Calendar will be on sale in retailers across the Garden County and at your local Cancer Support centre now for â‚Ź10

each. All money raised will go straight to the seven Cancer Support Centres in the County and the Wicklow Hospice Foundation. The calendar is available to buy at many locations all across Wicklow, for details of points of sale see www.facebook.com/ wicklowcalendar also available to buy online from East Coast FM www.eastcoast.fm/calendar

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018


06 | news in brief Whitmore: State must buy Luggala THE State must step in and purchase the uplands at Luggala Estate due to it’s importance WR :LFNORZÂśV ÂżOP DQG WRXULVP industry, said Social Democrats General Election candidate Cllr Jennifer Whitmore. “The iconic Luggala Estate is currently on the market following the death of Garech de Brun in March of this year. There have been fears that any future buyer of the estate may prevent public access to the land, and many groups, have called on the Minister for Culture, Josepha Madigan to buy the land and incorporate it into the Wicklow National Park,â€? said Cllr Whitmore.

Doyle: paternity scheme working Minister of State, Andrew Doyle , has said that Wicklow 'DGV DUH FRQWLQXLQJ WR EHQHÂżW from the Government’s paid SDWHUQLW\ EHQHÂżW VFKHPH ZLWK 1506 availing of the scheme in Wicklow so far. Minister Doyle said: “The FXUUHQW UDWH RI 3DWHUQLW\ %HQHÂżW is â‚Ź240 per week. Following Budget 2019, this will increase to â‚Ź245 per week from the week beginning 25 March 2019. Âł7KLV ZLOO DŕľľRUG QHZ 'DGV WKH opportunity to be more involved at the earliest stages of a child’s development.â€?

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018 Bray’s Claddagh School of Irish Dancing celebrated a fantastic South Regional Championships in Waterford recently with 42 dancers from the school attending. The school includes three champion Irish Dancing teachers Bryan Coughlan, Elisa and Jennifer Billington and is based in the Community Centre on the Boghall Road. Prizes won by the school included six 1st places and 24 dancers placing in the top five in their respective age groups. Amongst the winners were Clodagh Warner (U6), Sarah Colleran (U7), Freya Larkin (U10), Katie-Rose O’Bric (U11), Nicole Byrne (U21) and Jennifer Forde (23+). All 42 dancers will go on to compete at the All Ireland’s in May and the World Championships in June. Please contact Elisa on 0868892525 for further information on the school

Claddagh dancers are the reel deal Aoife Wrafter and Zara Miller

Clodagh Warner and Noah Gallagher

Bust and boom: Pizzas’n’Cream goes as food flies ALL good things come to an end ... the pizza lovers people of Bray have gone into a state of mourning after the town’s most well-known pizza joint closed its doors after 33 years. The owners of Pizzas’n’Cream were a little emotional on November 5 after reading the reaction after announcing its closure via their Facebook page. And there were queues out the door on the night as locals lined XS WR JHW D ÂżQDO VOLFH IURP ZKDW is reported to be the country’s oldest pizzeria. Andrew Holmes, Ann Nolan, and Mary Nolan had been running the restaurant on Albert Walk since 1985, but sadly decided to close up shop as business had become more scarce in recent years. Mary said that they were “blown away and overwhelmedâ€? after hundreds of people recalled their memories

of the restaurant. “It’s been emotional reading over what everyone had to say, we never realised we had made so much of a mark on people here,� she said. “We’re blown away and overwhelmed by it, but sadly the business had gone quiet and we had to make the hard decision.� The news comes as Bray goes through a bit of a food boom with more and more restaurants opening or reopening in recent weeks and months, including Lana on Quinsborough Road, Creole Food on Brennan’s Parade, O’Sullivan’s Bar on Castle Street, The Strand Hotel, Mix’d, Grand Foods and Galito on the Main Street. While Noah’s Ark closed recently it is believed it will reopen under new management in the coming weeks. Hundreds had recalled their happy memories of

Pizzas’n’Cream with many exVWDŕľľ WKDQNLQJ WKH RZQHUV IRU WKH great times. One wrote: “So sad to hear the news, I spent some fabulous years working with the most amazing people - friends and memories for life.â€? Another said: “End of an era.....very sad to see P’n’C close its doors. I worked there for a number of years while in school and college. The spot was also a bit of a love nest with many saying they KDG WKHLU ÂżUVW GDWH WKHLU EHWWHU halves there. “Great food and met brilliant people over the years. Scrubbing boards, prepping veg and making dough....serving ‘upstairs’, being on ‘ovens’ and making pizzas, I did it all....and LOVED it. Farewellâ€?. One woman said: “So very sad WR KHDU WKLV , KDG P\ ÂżUVW GDWH with my husband here nearly 20 years ago.â€?

| 07

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018


Why local businesses deserve our support Comment AS we count down the days, hours and minutes to Christmas, we at Wicklow Voice would like to make one appeal before the festivities get into full swing: Shop here at home in Wicklow! Local retailers play a massive part in making Christmas such a special time so they really deserve our support. For every €1 you spend with a local independent business, between 50c-70c circulates back into the locality, while shopping online or out of town sees only 5c trickle back. Local businesses not only keep the economy humming, but they also add to the quality of life in our community in other ways. Seeing local businesses thrive also gives you the feeling that you’re living in a vibrant community, a desirable place to live, work and raise a family.

Local businesses are owned and operated by local people, while even the chain stores are managed and run by people who live in our community. They work here, coach the local sports teams, eat in local restaurants and live just down the street – so when you buy in

local shops, you’re supporting your neighbours. Customer service of the kind you thought had disappeared can still be found in the smallest of local businesses. And while all the indications are that the country is beginning to re-emerge after the

worst recession in living memory, we must remember one thing - we are more than just an economy. ety We are a society e, of vibrant people, ve and we deserve rs’ each others’ support.

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wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018

Ho! Ho! Ho! Ladies Day kicks off the festive cheer IT’S that time of year again Ladies - Ladies Night Greystones 2018 is taking place on Thursday, November 29. From 5pm until 10pm there will be a fantastic buzz around Greystones as local shops and restaurants take part in the fabulous event. There will be a host of fun during the night as well as speFLDO R൵HUV DQG WUHDWV IRU DOO WKH ladies. So grab all your best girl friends and spoil yourselves to an evening of shopping, fun, food and drinks. Shops will remain open until 10pm giving you ample time to browse and take advantage of DOO WKH VSHFLDO R൵HUV After an evening of shopping be sure to get a bite to eat in one of the participating local restaurants - early booking is advised. Check out the Ladies Night Greystones and participating Businesses Facebook pages for more information

Meanwhile, the festive celebrations continue as the businesses of Greystones come together to support the installation of Christmas lights and the festivities around Santa’s arrival. The November 24 lighting ceremony ZLOO NLFN R൵ LQ Burnaby at 4:00pm with Santa arriving at 5:00pm, with special thanks this year to the Greystones Fire Brigade. Greystones 2020 is coordinating the installation and funds collection supported by Wicklow County Council and Greystones Municipal District. Let the Christmas Magic begin in Greystones! The Switch on of Bray’s Christmas Illuminations will take place in the Civic Plaza on

Bray Main Street on Saturday, November 24, with entertainment starting at 4.30pm and the R൶FLDO VZLWFK RQ DW SP Bray Chamber have announced that one lucky child will be chosen to turn on the lights at this year’s show which will be hosted by East Coast FM’s Ryan O’Neill and feature a very special visitor from the North Pole. Santa will be very busy on November 24 as he will also be visiting Wicklow 7RZQ WR R൶FLDOO\ WXUQ RQ WKHLU Christmas lights. Santa will turn on the lights at Fitzwilliam Square at 4.30pm and there will be music provided to keep the gathering thousands entertained while they wait for Santa’s arrival.


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wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018

wicklow people in pictures Ann Camlin from Bray and Sophie Camlin from Kilcoole at the demonstration from local floral designers, Adrienn Eber and Martha O’Kelly of Floral Art Greystones, belwo with Peter Flanagan, at a free demonstration at Flanagan Kerins, Bray Retail Park

Members of Lakers Athletes ahead of their trip to Tayto Park on October 29 courtesy of Go Buses President Michael D Higgins with Klara Ní Chuisín and Oskar Ó Cuisín on Bray Seafront during a recent visit

Dylan Lynch (15) from Rathnew who is battling cancer will receive his National Children of Courage Award at the Share a Dream ball on November 24

“My grand-uncle left a gift in his will that is helping farming communities in Ethiopia to grow potatoes” If you would like to find out more about including a gift to Trócaire in your Will, please get in touch with us on 01 629 3333 or email grace.kelly@trocaire.org

Packie Lee left a gift in his Will to Trócaire. His grandniece Carrie travelled to Ethiopia to see the impact of his gift. Charity Regulatory Authority No. 20009601; Revenue Number CHY 5883

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wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018


Bah humbug: Xmas is too early!


he old joke about Hallowe’en barely being cold in its grave (excuse the pun) before the Christmas decorations, advertisements and marketing drives crank up isn’t really a joke – it’s an established part of our modern-day society. It’s part of a wider aggressive commercial agenda that pushes back-to-school on us before the current school year has even ¿QLVKHG RU LGHDV IRU QH[W year’s summer holidays while the snow is still on the ground. I for one don’t want to think about Christmas yet. My three youngest are in school and I feel like they are only starting to settle into their new classes, get used to their new friends and their new teachers. They have a lot of schooling to do before Christmas, a lot of work to knuckle down to. They don’t need their heads turned by Christmas advertisements. It isn’t right to lull children into a false sense of life just being one long party, where

Brian Quigley you seamlessly jump from summer to Hallowe’en to Christmas without having to put in the hard graft at school or in your other activities in between these milestones. December is time enough to start thinking of Christmas. Watching the Late Late Toy Show with my children is alZD\V P\ RZQ XQRྜFLDO &KULVWmas switch. They can start thinking about what they want for Christmas then. I’ll start looking at how my work schedule is going to pan out and maybe making preliminary arrangements to meet up with friends and colleagues for a Christmas catch-up. If you have too much of some-

Chloe Ryan (7) with Laura Kunkels from Smyths Toys Superstores, and Sarah Joyce, Children’s Medical and Research Foundation (CMRF Crumlin). Smyths Toys have donated the sum of ₏50,000 to help support the vital work of CMRF Crumlin who is dedicated to improving the quality of life for some of Ireland’s sickest children. Pic: Mark Stedman thing you spoil it. A Christmas WKDW NLFNV R྾ DW WKH VWDUW RI 1Rvember is just too much to be able to deliver the Christmas magic when you want it, namely in and around December 25. No, much better to enjoy November as an entity in its own right, where autumn blends into winter and where Christmas is

VWLOO VRPH ZD\ R྾ RQ WKH KRULzon. I’ve still got seven weeks to work until Christmas. Our Christmas parties aren’t until well into December. It will only be around then that I’ll get a chance to get into town for Christmas shopping. It will be a pleasure then to see and feel the Christmas spir-

it, but to think that some shops and businesses have already switched into Christmas mode is just plain wrong in my book. Forgetting about shopping and advertising and all that jazz for a moment, it’s worth remembering that Christmas is special because it falls at the end of the year. It’s the middle of our

winter and the days are at their shortest and coldest. It’s a time to take stock of how the year has gone for you, UHÀHFW ZLWK IDPLO\ RQ WLPHV SDVW and make plans for the coming year. The correct window to do all this is the last week or two in December, not before. In the modern world people are trying to stay as healthy as possible, a task that isn’t easy given our hectic working schedXOHV DQG WKH GLྜFXOW\ RI WU\LQJ WR WDNH VXྜFLHQW H[HUFLVH DQG eat well. Christmas, amongst other things, is a time of excess, where too much is eaten and GUDQN 7KDWœV DOO ¿QH LI LW LV RYHU a short enough window of time, but if it’s over an extended period then it can cause people GLྜFXOW\ When the time is right I’ll be wishing everyone a Happy Christmas from this column. But that time won’t be for a while yet. In the meantime, enjoy your November. Christmas won’t be long coming around but 2018 has a few more stops left before it reaches its inevitable destination!


wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018

WILDLIFE with Justin Ivory

Leave Well Alone

ninenottomiss BOOK of the week

TV SHOW of the week

FILM of the week


Golden carpet of leaves (Photo Justin Ivory) AFTER an awesome autumn of wonderful weather which gave us a magnificent backdrop of trees clothed in a kaleidoscope of reds, yellows and browns and a crunchy carpet of gold underfoot the first rains and winds of winter have arrived carrying with them the last of the leaves to the ground in a wet sodden mess. At this stage many people’s thoughts turn to rakes and leaf blowers to start cleaning up this discarded clothing of nature. Well stop! Sit back down there, make yourself a cuppa and relax while I give you plenty of reasons not to bother with this irksome and energy sapping chore. In a nod to Pink Floyd let the chorus resound – “Hey people, leave those leaves alone!” Leaves are part of the natural ecosystem and a layer of leaves on the ground in autumn and winter where trees grow is natural and normal. Leaves when in a layer or in a pile form their own wildlife habitat and mini ecosystem providing food and shelter for earthworms, snails, slugs, woodlice and many other invertebrates. Frogs, shrews and even hedgehogs can take shelter in leaf layers. Fallen leaves form a natural mulch that help suppress so called weeds and as they decompose add nutrients to the soil. This in turn reduces the need for artificial fertilizers which can be a source of huge environmental damage. The fallen leaf layer contains the eggs, pupae and caterpillars of many species of moth and butterfly. Tidying up leaves will have a negative impact on their numbers and in turn having an impact on birds and other animals who feed on them. Leaf blowers and other machines for tidying up leaves are a source of pollution and lots of leaves end up in plastic bags before going to landfill. So save your back and time and leave the leaves be!

AT ALL COSTS by Davy Fitzgerald

ANNIE: OUT OF THE ASHES Thursday November 8. 9pm Virgin Media Two


Get inside the mind of one of GAA’s most talked-about personalities. Possessed of an unshakeable work ethic and determination to succeed, all-Ireland winning hurler and manager Davy Fitzgerald has established a reputation as one of the finest hurling talents of his generation. However, for a man every bit the perfectionist, victory has come at a cost. His list of honours is matched by a roll call of controversies and arguments. In this raw and surprisingly vulnerable account of his life in hurling, Fitzgerald confronts his legacy, his fiery reputation and the most enduring controversies of his career.

BBC documentary - 30-year-old Annie Price goes on a search for the truth behind her horrific burns three decades after the fire which engulfed her as she lay sleeping in a caravan in Mitcham, London, in 1986. The mixed-race daughter of an Irish Traveller mother has told how she grew up believing her mother set fire to her as a tiny baby because she was born after an out-ofwedlock affair with a black British man. After the fire, the badly burned baby defied all expectations, surviving the incident and was adopted by a white, non-Traveller family.

“Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald” is the second of five all new adventures in J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World™. At the end of the first film, the powerful Dark wizard Gellert Grindelwald (Johnny Depp) was captured by MACUSA (Magical Congress of the United States of America), with the help of Newt Scamander (Eddie Redmayne). But, making good on his threat, Grindelwald escaped custody and has set about gathering followers, most unsuspecting of his true agenda: to raise pure-blood wizards up to rule over all nonmagical beings.

DVD of the week

TOUR of the week

GIG of the week

ARIES - This week is an 8 Balance your work and health for growing strength. Follow your intuition on timing. Jump on a great RSSRUWXQLW\ LI \RX ¿QG RQH TAURUS - This week is a 9 Consider an outrageous request. Someone attractive surprises you. Make time for fun and relaxation over the next few days. GEMINI- This week is an 8 $GDSW ZLWK ÀH[LELOLW\ to unexpected changes. Provide an open ear for a family member who needs to talk. CANCER- This week is an 8 Analyze and consider what needs to change. Listen and learn. Writing and creative projects blossom over the next few days. LEO- This week is a 9 3RWHQWLDO SUR¿W DULVHV WRGD\ and tomorrow. Make sure your savings is secure. Replenish reserves, and don’t overextend.

CELTIC SOUL: VAN MORRISON SONGBOOK November 10 @ 8:00 pm . The Hot Spot, The Harbour, Greystones, Co. Wicklow

THE BROMLEY BOYS www.amazon.co.uk/The Bromley Boys

CHRISTMAS AT RUSSBOROUGH Russborough House, Russborough, Co. Wicklow Bookingfrom www.eventbrite.com

Celtic Soul are a 7-piece band band from Bangor delivering a very fine tribute to Van Morrison with excellent musicianship, authenticity and heart. Receiving critical acclaim from devout Van fans wherever they perform. BBC’s Ralph McLean, a massive Van Morrison fan himself, describes Celtic Soul as ‘a great band’ and ‘a very fine tribute’. With more years than they care to remember playing in blues, folk, trad and jazz bands these musicians have the ingredients to combine and deliver Van’s music in an outstanding show. Doors 8pm. Show at 9pm sharp. *Note: The first 20 tickets are €15!

‘The Bromley Boys’ didn’t make it to the cinema here, for reasons I can’t fathom, so this DVD release starring Brenock O’Connor, Martine McCutcheon and Alan Davies is welcome. The film is based on the book of the same name by Dave Roberts, a football memoir based on his real-life experiences following non-league Bromley FC through their worst-ever season in 1969-70. A funny and poignant and rewarding film for all the family to enjoy together. Highly recommended.

For a unique Christmas experience, see Ireland’s most beautiful house decked out in Yuletide finery . Enjoy mulled wine & mince pies or cookies & hot chocolate after a magical tour of the house at its festive best. Weekdays: On the hour from 12 noon, Twilight Tour 4:00pm Weekends: On the hour from 11.00am, Twilight Tour 4.00pm Booking is necessary for Twilight Tour only, book through eventbrite.ie. Runs from 10th November to 22nd December.

SHOW of the week

PLAY of the week

EVENT of the week

VIRGO- This week is a 9 You’re strong and growing stronger. Maintain physical practices and routines. An unexpected bonus falls into your lap. LIBRA- This week is a 6 Savor peace and quiet for a few days. Make plans and priorities. Complete old projects, and prepare for what’s ahead. SCORPIO- This week is a 9 Team projects go well today and tomorrow. Have fun together. Listen to your loved ones, especially children. SAGITTARIUS- This week is an 8

A professional deadline has your focus through tomorrow. Your work is under review. Push for the best possible outcome.

CAPRICORN- This week is an 8 Explore and investigate a fascination. Study and learn new methods. Keep DQ RSHQ PLQG DQG D ÀH[LEOH schedule. IRELAND’S CALL Thursday November 15. Mermaid Arts Centre, Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow.

UNBROKEN CIRCLE November 10. 8pm. Mermaid Arts Centre, Main Street, Bray, Co. Wicklow.

AN EVENING OF EXTRAORDINARY IDEAS November 17. Whale Theatre Tickets 20.00/ 18.00 www.whaletheatre.ie

Follow the lives and family histories of three young men as they grow up on Dublin’s northside. What shapes them and entices them to a life of crime? Examining issues of class, religion and identity, this is an unflinching exploration of the Irish psyche, bringing our collective guilts, secrets and flaws to the surface. The performance will be followed by a post-show discussion. Developed as part of Show in A Bag, an artist development initiative by Dublin Fringe Festival, Fishamble: The New Play Company and Irish Theatre Institute.

Set in 1970 Galveston, Texas, a family is brought together for the first time in years on the day of it’s patriarch’s funeral. As the day turns into night, the impact of the man on his family, unfolds in surprising ways leaving each member grappling with the truth. It is hilarious and disturbing as it explores how family secrets affect every person in each generation differently. Inspired by a true story, it’s content is not suitable for under 16’s and may offend. Paul Flynn directs Square One Theatre Group.

Featuring performances, talks and discussion - from music to stand-up comedy; dance to neuro-linguistic programming! Curated by Wicklow native, Brian O’ Regan, the event boasts a stellar line-up of performers and speakers including sharp-witted comedian Danny O’ Brien, daring musicians Alex Petcu (percussion) & Lina Andonovska (flute), ground-breaking movement from Rob Heaslip Dance and much more. Brian describes the programme as “a fusion of ideas – all of them extraordinary in their own particular way.

AQUARIUS-This week is an 8 Changes necessitate budget revisions. Strategically plot your moves. Allocate resources to make things happen. PISCES- This week is an 8 Sink into an unexpected harmony with a partner. Romance is a distinct possibility. Discover a fascinating opportunity together. Have faith in your own abilities.

16 | 2018

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19,

WICKLOW is full of fantastic businesses that help to make our towns great. This week, the Wicklow Voice decided to profile some these wonderful businesses. Whetheryou want to update your phone system or get wardrobes made, or something in between, you can find what you need right here. The thing that each of these businesses has in common is that they go above and beyond to ensure that their customers receive the very best

product or service. The county would not be the same without these

businesses so it important to remember to give back and shop local. Support Wicklow businesses and ensure that the county continues to grow and thrive. If you would like to be featured in the next Best Of The Best feature in the Wicklow Voice, the Dublin Voice, Kilkenny Today or Carlow People then contact us today on 01 9015565 or email info@wicklowvoice.ie or info@ dublinvoice.ie

best of the best


QUINSBORO DENTAL BRAY 13 Quinsboro Rd, 01 2745566, www.quinsborodental.ie Welcome to Quinsboro Dental. Our friendly and professional receptionists, Ashling Doyle and Aisling O’Kiersey will greet you with a smile and help with any paperwork. We know going to the dentist is not always fun, so the team will strive to look after you. Dr Cecilia Galli is very experienced, and is assisted by Dolly (hygenist) and Paula (nurse). Using state of the art equipment and painless techniques, we will carry out all your dental work to very high standards. But most importantly we are kind. We care. And we have reasonable prices as we know how difficult it can be to make ends meet. We will painstakingly go over the best oral hygiene routine for you and give you a free oral hygiene kit with your scale and polish, thus ensuring that you are the one managing your teeth and gums and keeping them healthy. We see children as young as two. Medical card and PRSI patients accepted.

PETS PETCARE VETS Unit 1, The Charlesland Centre, Charlesland, Greystones 012870321 Petcare Vets is the newest veterinary clinic in Greystones, opening in the Charlesland Centre July 2017. With our motto Taking Care of Pets, Taking Care of People we aim to provide the highest quality care to pets and their people. With this positive pro active approach to pet health at our centre we have designed our FREE VISIT plans, ensuring your pet has unlimited consults to their dedicated petcare vet from just €19 per month for dogs and cats and €11 per month for rabbits. Why not give us a call on 012870321 to have a chat with Mairead or Alex or why not learn more about us at www.petcarevets.ie or any of our social media outlets: FB petcarevets.ie, Insta @petcarevets, Tw -@ vets_petcare, Pin - Petcare_vets, YouTube Mairead the Petcare Vet You Tube Channel.

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018

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wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19,


Brian Quigley

Bye, bye Bray as Seagulls sink


u n d a l k ’s victory over Cork in the Irish Daily Mail FAI Cup on November 4 brought to an end the 2018 SSE Airtricity League season. Dundalk win the double. Cork are double runners-up. Bray Wanderers and Limerick FC were the relegated sides this season and their presence in 2019’s First Division will give that division a good geographical spread too. Bray really needed to go down and regroup. Fourteen years LQ WKH WRS ÀLJKW ZDV QR PHDQ achievement but the club has lost its way in the last couple of years and needs to start afresh. Having parted company with Harry Kenny at this time last year, the club saw no less than four managers occupy the hot seat in 2018 (Dave Mackey, Graham Kelly, Martin Russell and Gary Cronin) which is exactly the kind of instability that sinks clubs. Waterford FC were the season’s surprise package.

Michael Carruth at the launch of the Malin2Mizen Cycle4CF 2019 in aid of Cystic Fibrosis Ireland which takes place May 9-12 7KHLU ¿UVW FDPSDLJQ EDFN LQ WKH WRS ÀLJKW ¹ DIWHU D GHFDGH GRZQ LQ WKH )LUVW 'LYLVLRQ ¹ couldn’t have gone much better. After being out of the division for so long avoiding relegation

would be the objective for most teams for their maiden season back but the Blues had other LGHDV DQG WKH\ ¿QLVKHG IRXUWK The Blues may have exited this season’s FAI Cup in the

ur o y t a arn


e c a p own

The IT and Business Administration course in NLN Bray is a blended learning course that allows students to combine studying at home with in-classroom learning. This flexible course is ideal for people who might find it difficult to go to a training centre five days a week, but want to get a job or progress onto further education. Courses are funded by the KWETB. If you have had an illness, injury or have a disability or need additional support to learn, then NLN can help. Eligibility criteria apply.

Find out more: 01 282 9643 bray@nln.ie www.nln.ie facebook.com/ NLNWicklow

Free life changing courses

and supported training

TXDUWHU ÂżQDOV EXW XOWLPDWHO\ WKH Cup was kind to Waterford because the Europa League place assigned to it came back to the League (and Waterford) courtesy of both Cork and Dundalk

TXDOLI\LQJ IRU WKH &XS ¿QDO Our representatives in Europe didn’t do too well this year, which was disappointing. Cork and Dundalk have enough experience in Eu-

rope from recent seasons, and HQRXJK ¿QDQFH IURP GRPHVWLF winnings and European money, not to mention sales of players to English clubs, to be making a realistic bid for the Europa League group stages. Unfortunately they weren’t at the races this year. UCD and Finn Harps were promoted from the First Division to next season’s Premier. I was especially delighted to see Ollie Horgan’s Finn Harps bounce back. There will now be three sides LQ WKH WRS ÀLJKW IURP WKH QRUWKwest (Sligo, Derry and Harps) and the local derbies will help them spur each other on. $Q\ OHDJXH EHQH¿WV IURP KDYing a good geographical spread, and the Premier Division for 2019 will certainly have that, even though the number of Dublin clubs will be up by one following UCD’s elevation. So, it’s all over until February. +RZ ZLOO \RX ¿OO WKH VRFFHU void? Don’t feel guilty if the answer us by watching more English football, just so long as you come back out to support our own League in February!

wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018

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wicklowvoice.ie November 6-19, 2018

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