3 minute read

Neowise Comet & Miracle in the Grand Tetons

July 15, 2020

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.


(Psalm 19:1, ESV)

Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, Not one of them is missing.

(Isaiah 40:26, NIV)

The sun was still setting at 10:30 p.m. as we waited for the Neowise Comet to appear over the Grand Tetons. The temperature was dropping by the minute and had fallen down to 38 degrees Fahrenheit, not quite freezing, but cold for a Floridian. I was dressed for the occasion, but my friend was not, so I started our Jeep rental and turned on the heat. We left around 12:30 a.m. to head back to the Heart 6 Ranch, thrilled with what God shared with us that night!

The next morning, as we were leaving the ranch to continue our photo expedition, I turned the key on the Jeep to hear “click-click.” Either the battery or the starter was dead! One of the ranch hands gave us a jump start and told us to let the engine run for at least 30 minutes to re-charge the battery, which we did, and then we drove off to our next hotel in West Yellowstone. All I could think about was how God had protected us the night before. We could have been stuck in the middle of the Tetons all night, in 38 degree temps, without our emergency blankets (still in my suitcase at the ranch), improper clothing, no phone signal, no food, just cameras full of comet photos! Instead, in God’s perfect provision, our car trouble happened at the ranch, where we were safe and sound and had immediate help available! God is so good, all the time! Need further proof? As we drove to West Yellowstone, we made several stops and turned the vehicle off and on each time for photo opportunities. Once we unpacked at our new hotel, we decided to go take sunset photos. Once again, we got a “click-click” from the Jeep. It wouldn’t start. But we were in civilization again! Thanks be to God for His mercy and provision of safe travels!

We decided to call an auto service in the morning, and they arrived from Idaho Falls within two hours of the call. The tow truck driver diagnosed a bad starter, but was able to get the Jeep started. Because all the shops in West Yellowstone had a 5-day wait for repairs, I had to drive the vehicle immediately 125 miles to his repair shop in Idaho Falls.

On the way to Idaho Falls, I felt an ocular migraine coming on, and I instantly pulled into a rest area parking lot that “just happened” to be there. I was talking to my sister from Island Park, Idaho, on my phone headset at the time. She said it was a good thing I stopped right there because I was about to go over Ashton Pass and there would have been nowhere to pull over! Again, God protected me!

After about tem minutes, I continued my drive safely to the repair shop, had both the battery and starter replaced, made it back to my sister’s where she had prepared three nights of dinners-to-go for me, and got back to the hotel – all in the same day! The remainder of our trip was a total success, thanks to God’s total mercy, grace and provision every step of the way!

He not only calls each of the stars by name, but He knows our name as well and was our provider and protector throughout the entire trip and beyond!

Lillian Cucuzza Photographer



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